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East. Mediterr. health j ; 30(5): 344-349, 2024-05.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-378663


Background:Adequate supply of rehabilitation health workforce is a prerequisite for enhancing access to rehabilitation care. However, there is a lack of comprehensive data regarding the supply of rehabilitation health workers in Saudi Arabia.Aims:To determine the need for, and supply of, rehabilitation workforce, and investigate the relationship between rehabilitation workforce supply and rehabilitation needs in Saudi Arabia.Methodology:This cross-sectional study measured the ratio of physiotherapists and occupational therapists per 1000 population. Data were obtained from the Ministry of Health, family health survey and census data of the General Authority for Statistics and published literature. To assess the need for rehabilitation services, we computed a composite disability index based on 3 variables: count of individuals with physical disabilities, those with chronic diseases, and those aged > 65 years. Determinants of the supply potential were population size, rural population percentage, and physician supply. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and simple linear regression.Results:The ratios of physiotherapists and occupational therapists working at the Ministry of Health facilities were 0.69 and 0.03 per 10 000 population, respectively. Overall rehabilitation health workforce ratio was 0.73 per 10 000. Supply varied across regions, from 0.4 for Riyadh to 2.5 for Al Jouf. Nine regions exceeded the overall ratio. Rehabilitation need index ranged from 0.144 in Najran to 0.212 in Aseer. No significant associations were found between rehabilitation workforce supply on one hand, and need and other potential determinants on the other hand.Conclusion:The rehabilitation workforce supply in Saudi Arabia surpassed the regional and global averages, but was lower than the average for high-income countries. Workforce distribution varied by region across the country and was not related to need. It is important to consider the need for rehabilitation services and context-specific factors when determining the optimal size and distribution of the rehabilitation health workforce in Saudi Arabia.

Sistemas de Saúde , Estudos Transversais , Necessidades e Demandas de Serviços de Saúde , Mão de Obra em Saúde , Terapeutas Ocupacionais , Fisioterapeutas , Reabilitação , Arábia Saudita , Recursos Humanos
East. Mediterr. health j ; 30(5): 327-392, 2024-05.
Artigo em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-377183


Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal is the official health journal published by the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization. It is a forum for the presentation and promotion of new policies and initiatives in health services; and for the exchange of ideas concepts epidemiological data research findings and other information with special reference to the Eastern Mediterranean Region. It addresses all members of the health profession medical and other health educational institutes interested NGOs WHO Collaborating Centres and individuals within and outside the Region

المجلة الصحية لشرق المتوسط هى المجلة الرسمية التى تصدرعن المكتب الاقليمى لشرق المتوسط بمنظمة الصحة العالمية. وهى منبر لتقديم السياسات والمبادرات الجديدة فى الصحة العامة والخدمات الصحية والترويج لها، و لتبادل الاراء و المفاهيم والمعطيات الوبائية ونتائج الابحاث وغير ذلك من المعلومات، و خاصة ما يتعلق منها باقليم شرق المتوسط. وهى موجهة الى كل اعضاء المهن الصحية، والكليات الطبية وسائر المعاهد التعليمية، و كذا المنظمات غير الحكومية المعنية، والمراكز المتعاونة مع منظمة الصحة العالمية والافراد المهتمين بالصحة فى الاقليم و خارجه

La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée Orientale est une revue de santé officielle publiée par le Bureau régional de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé pour la Méditerranée orientale. Elle offre une tribune pour la présentation et la promotion de nouvelles politiques et initiatives dans le domaine de la santé publique et des services de santé ainsi qu’à l’échange d’idées de concepts de données épidémiologiques de résultats de recherches et d’autres informations se rapportant plus particulièrement à la Région de la Méditerranée orientale. Elle s’adresse à tous les professionnels de la santé aux membres des instituts médicaux et autres instituts de formation médico-sanitaire aux ONG Centres collaborateurs de l’OMS et personnes concernés au sein et hors de la Région

Pandemias , Saúde da Mulher , Setor Privado , Mão de Obra em Saúde , Meningite , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal , Escarlatina , Saúde Mental , Saúde Bucal , Hospitalização , COVID-19 , Desnutrição , Emergências , Distinções e Prêmios , Região do Mediterrâneo
Manila; WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific; 2024.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-376704


Regional Framework to Shape a Health Workforce for the Future of the Western Pacific was adopted by Member States at the seventy-fourth session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific in 2023. The framework highlights five strategic areas of action needed: PHC-oriented health workforce policies, increased human resources for health (HRH) stewardship, producing and maintaining quality in HRH, steering the private sector, and managing distribution and productivity in the public sector. It calls on improved HRH data and analytics to accelerate critical health system reforms for the future to achieve Universal Health Coverage and Sustainable Development Goals.

Mão de Obra em Saúde , Regionalização da Saúde
Manila; WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific; 2024.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-376339


The Human Resources for Health Country Profiles: Kingdom of Tonga provides a comprehensive analysis of the health workforce in Tonga based on the latest information available on human resources. The document will serve as a baseline for projections and a guide for framing policies and strategies for the planning, management, development and distribution of the country’s health workforce, including the development of a new National Human Resources for Health Strategic Plan and implementation of Tonga’s Package of Essential Health Services.

Atenção à Saúde , Mão de Obra em Saúde , Tonga
Copenhagen; Регионална канцеларија на СЗО за Европа; 2024. (WHO/EURO:2024-9307-49079-73188).
em Macedônio | WHO IRIS | ID: who-376935


Оваа студија, спроведена во Северна Македонија, се осврна на бариерите кои не дозволуваат ефективен опфат со здравствени услуги и посочи начини за зајакнување на здравствената правичност и на пристапот до квалитетни здравствени услуги. Ставајќи акцент на руралното население и на граѓаните во малите урбани населби, студијата примени повеќе истражувачки методи од типот на анкети, разговори со клучни чинители и дискусии во рамките на фокус групи. Наодите укажуваат на значителни предизвици како што се недоволниот број здравствени работници, особено во помалите места, несоодветна достапност на лекови и медицински помагала, како и недостиг на модерни медицински технологии. Проблемите во делот на пристапноста на здравствените услуги се поврзани со географски и транспортни бариери, кои особено ги погодуваат руралното население, постарите лица и лицата со хронични болести. Финансиските бариери се исто така значителни, со високи износи што се плаќаат од џеб и недоволна покриеност со здравствено осигурување на одредени демографски групи. Довербата во здравствените работници е, општо земено, висока, но проблемите од типот на дискриминација, недоволно почитување на приватноста и родовите норми негативно влијаат на пристапот до здравствени услуги. Студијата предлага решенија како што се подобрување на управувањето, реформирање на примарната здравствена заштита заради надминување на просторните проблеми и социјалните нееднаквости, обезбедување финансиска заштита, градење квалитетна работна сила во здравството и интегрирање на здравствената правичност во Националната стратегија за развој. Овие пристапи имаат за цел надминување на недостатоците во поглед на покриеноста со здравствени услуги и подобрување на здравјето во целина

Serviços de Saúde , Equidade em Saúde , Saúde da População Rural , Estresse Financeiro , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Mão de Obra em Saúde , República da Macedônia do Norte
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe.; 2024. (WHO/EURO:2024-9299-49071-73163).
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-376097


The Health Labour Market Analysis (HLMA) was undertaken to understand the health workforce situation in Tajikistan to inform the development of a National Health Workforce Action Plan that will contain key policies to improve the availability of health workers to provide quality health care. To guide the analysis, three policy questions were identified through a consultative process led by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and supported by WHO. The questions related to 1) the availability of health workers in primary health care and ways to attract health workers at primary health care level, 2) the situation and quality of postgraduate medical specialty programme and 3) situation and quality of nursing education. The findings and policy considerations emerging out of the analysis were validated by the Technical Working Group on Health Labour Market Analysis under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population, Tajikistan. This analysis is being used by the Ministry of Health in evidence-based planning for retention and recruitment of the primary health care workforce, improvements in medical and nursing education, and higher investments in the health workforce.

Mão de Obra em Saúde , Tadjiquistão , Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros , Educação Inclusiva , Educação Médica
Копенгаген; Всемирная организация здравоохранения. Европейское региональное бюро; 2024. (WHO/EURO:2024-8323-48095-72962).
em Русский | WHO IRIS | ID: who-375963


Во время пандемии COVID-19 руководители, определяющие политику, и широкая общественность признали важный вклад сестринских работников в борьбу с пандемией и непростые условия, в которых им приходилось работать. В результате в Европе и в мире повысилось внимание к стратегической роли сестринских кадров. Высшее сестринское образование способствует обеспечению безопасности пациентов и улучшению результатов для пациентов, групп населения и систем здравоохранения. Расширение сестринских функций определено в качестве одного из эффективных кадровых решений в области здравоохранения, которое позволяет улучшить доступ к медицинским услугам для недостаточно обслуживаемых и проживающих на отдаленных территориях групп населения и решить проблему нехватки персонала в учреждениях первичной медико-санитарной помощи, способствуя тем самым достижению всеобщего охвата услугами здравоохранения. В настоящей технической справке основное внимание уделено изложению механизмов, с помощью которых государства-члены Европейского региона расширяют сестринские функции, и описаны возможные пути содействия процессам реализации соответствующих программ.

Enfermagem , Mão de Obra em Saúde , Atenção à Saúde , Financiamento da Assistência à Saúde , Reforma dos Serviços de Saúde
Copenhagen; World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe; 2024.
em Inglês | WHO IRIS | ID: who-375915


This study, conducted in North Macedonia, explored the barriers to effective health service coverage and identified ways to enhance health equity and access to quality health services. With a focus on rural populations and people in small urban settlements, the study employed a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. The findings revealed significant challenges, such as insufficient health workers, particularly in disadvantaged regions, inadequate availability of medicines and medical devices, and underprovision of modern medical technologies. Accessibility issues included geographic and transport barriers, affecting particularly the rural populace, the elderly, and those with chronic conditions. Financial barriers were also notable, with high out-of-pocket expenses and a lack of health insurance coverage among certain demographics. Trust in healthcare professionals was generally high, yet issues such as discrimination, lack of privacy, and gender norms affected health service access. The study proposes solutions like cross-system governance, reforming primary health care to address spatial and social inequalities, ensuring financial protection, developing a robust health workforce, and integrating health equity into the National Development Strategy. These approaches aim to close health service coverage gaps and enhance overall health outcomes.

Serviços de Saúde , Equidade em Saúde , Saúde da População Rural , Estresse Financeiro , Atenção Primária à Saúde , Mão de Obra em Saúde , República da Macedônia do Norte