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Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457655


Background: Productivity and efficiency of beef production systems should be estimated based on cow size, calf growth rate and cow reproduction rate, which are critical factors for the evaluation of production characteristics of beef cattle of different biological types. One of the ways to measure beef cow productivity is based on the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and reproductive efficiency of primiparous beef cows of three different biotypes and two milk production levels, from calving to weaning, in pasture-raised beef systems. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-two primiparous Angus cows were classified according to body weight at calving, as follows: Heavy (431 kg); Medium (388 kg); and Light (348 kg). Cow efficiency as a function of biotype was evaluated at two different moments: calving and weaning, based on the ratio of calf weight to cow weight*100 (in kilograms). Calf production efficiency was determined based on the ratio of calf weaning weight (CWW) to cow pregnancy rate (PR), resulting in the calf production index = kg of weaning calves per cow (CWW*PR/100).  The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial 3 x 2 x 2 design (three biotypes x two calf sexes x two milk production levels). The results were subjected to ANOVA and F-test. The Light and Medium cow groups produced mo

Ci. Rural ; 38(4)2008.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-705497


The objective of this study was to characterize the reproductive performance of two cow categories submitted to estrus induction/synchronization. Forty two suckling and sixty non-suckling, Aberdeen Angus cows classified by uniformity of size and moderate body condition score (CC3 in a 1 to 5 scale), raised under range conditions in Aceguá/RS county, were evaluated between September 2005 and April 2006. The gynecological examination was made by ultrasonography and rectal palpation. Fixed factors analyzed were cow category alocated in one of three groups: cyclical non-suckling (VSC), cows that fail to conceive and remain in the farm until the next breeding season showing cyclical conditions, suckling light anestrus cow (VLAS) and suckling strong anestrus cows (VLAP). The following variables were evaluated: cow prebreeding weight (PPRA), at postbreeding (PPOA), at conception (PC), daily weight gain from breeding season (GMD), estrus induction/synchronization response (RISC) and pregnancy. Cow category showed effect (P 0.0001) on weight performance, where VSC showed better productive performance relate to the VLAS and VLAP groups. The RISC showed an affect for cow category (P 0.0001) in with 85, 45 e 35%, of animals in groups VSC, VLAS and VLAP respectively, responded to the estrus induction/synchronization protocol. The pregnancy rate showed difference (P 0.0001) between VSC and suckling cows, with 96.7, 45.5 e 30.0% in VSC, VLAS and VLAP, respectively. VSC showed better reproductive performance than suckling cows by showing better RISC and pregnancy rates. However, 24% of suckling cows showed superior adaptation, demonstrating a satisfactory productive and reproductive performance in beef cattle range system, with adequate milk yeld for the development of their calves and to conceive again. The indentification of such animals could influence positively the reproductive performance of suckling beef cows.

Com o objetivo de caracterizar o desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo de duas categorias de vacas de corte submetidas à indução/sincronização de estro, foram utilizadas 42 vacas em lactação e 60 vacas solteiras da raça Aberdeen Angus, de tamanho similar e condição corporal moderada (CC3, escala de 1 a 5), manejadas exclusivamente em campo nativo, no período de setembro de 2005 a abril de 2006 no município de Aceguá/RS. Para os exames ginecológicos durante o experimento, foi utilizado aparelho de ultra-som e palpação retal. Como fator fixo, foi considerada a categoria das vacas (CATV), considerando-se três grupos, vacas solteiras cíclicas (VSC), ou seja, fêmeas que falham em conceber e permanecem na propriedade até o próximo acasalamento, vacas em lactação em anestro superficial (VLAS) e vacas em lactação em anestro profundo (VLAP). Como variáveis resposta, foram considerados peso das vacas pré-acasalamento (PPRA), pós-acasalamento (PPOA), à concepção (PC), o ganho de peso médio diário durante o acasalamento (GMD), resposta ao protocolo de indução/sincronização de cio (RISC) e gestação. A categoria da vaca demonstrou efeito (P 0,0001) sobre as variáveis de peso, em que as VSC apresentaram um melhor desempenho ponderal do que VLAS e VLAP. A RISC demonstrou ser altamente influenciada (P 0,0001) pela categoria de vaca, em que 85, 45 e 35% das vacas responderam à indução/sincronização de cio nos grupos VSC, VLAS e VLAP, respectivamente. A gestação apresentou diferença (P 0,0001) entre VSC e vacas em lactação, com 96,7, 45,5 e 30,0%, nos respectivos grupos VSC, VLAS e VLAP. Vacas solteiras apresentam um desempenho reprodutivo superior ao de vacas em lactação, evidenciado pela maior resposta ao protocolo de indução/sincronização de estro e índice de gestação. Contudo, 24% das vacas em lactação parecem estar bem adaptadas ao sistema de produção, demonstrando um desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo satisfatório à produção de bovinos de corte, sendo capazes de produzir adequadamente leite para o desenvolvimento dos terneiros, bem como conceber e produzir novamente um terneiro. A identificação desses animais pode influenciar positivamente o desempenho reprodutivo de vacas de corte em lactação.

Ci. Rural ; 35(1)2005.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-704630


Milk production and pospartum performance from 52 multiparous Hereford cows, with the same body condition score (3 in a 1 to 5 scale), pregnant (45) or not pregnant (24), was studied in 69 lactations during two years, 2000 (42) and 2001 (27) under range conditions. Estimates of milk yield were obtained during six intervals (three 21d and three 42d), by the weigh-suckle-weigh technique, from birth to weaning (189d). Effects studied were year, pregnancy, calf sex and sire breed. None of the effects studied affected (P>0.05) milk production parameters: daily milk production, total milk yield, lactation peak and persistency. Body weight at calving was greater (P 0.05) in 2001 (417.49 ± 6.94kg) that in 2000 (353. 97 ± 5.57kg) and was not affected by the other effects. Body weight at conception (99d; 432.10 ± 5.78 and 399,37 ± 7.92kg) and at weaning (189d; 433.30 ± 6.36 and 393.46 ± 8.70kg), were greater (P 0.05) in pregnant cows than in non-pregnant animals, respectively. Sex of calf had a significant effect (P 0.05) on calf birth weight (41.75 ± 1.21kg and 37.6 ± 1.13kg for males and females, respectively). All studied effects affected significantly calf weaning weight (P 0.05) and pregnant cows had heavier calves at weaning (194.22 ± 3.41kg) than non-pregnant cows (177.43 ± 4.67kg). The greatest performance of pregnant beef cows with similar milk yield and body condition score from calving to weaning can be explained by the superior adaptation characteristics of these cows.

A produção de leite e o desempenho pós parto de 52 vacas multíparas Hereford em condição corporal média (3 em escala de 1 a 5), gestantes (45) e não gestantes (24), em condições extensivas, foram estudados, em 69 lactações, durante dois anos (2000 e 2001). A estimativa da produção de leite foi realizada em seis intervalos (3 de 21 d e 3 de 42 d), do nascimento à desmama (189d), por meio da técnica da pesagem do terneiro antes e após a mamada. Os fatores fixos foram ano, prenhez, sexo do terneiro e raça do touro (Hereford e Nelore). A produção de leite diária, do pico de lactação, total e a persistência da lactação, não foram influenciadas pelos fatores estudados (P>0,05). O peso ao parto foi maior (P 0,05) em 2001, (417,49 ± 6,94kg), que em 2000 (353, 97 ± 5,57kg), e não teve efeito (P>0,05) dos demais fatores avaliados. O peso vivo na concepção (99 d média), e à desmama, foi maior nas vacas gestantes (432,10 ± 5,78 e 433,30 ± 6,36kg) que nas não gestantes 399,37 ± 7,92 e 393,46 ± 8,70kg), respectivamente. O sexo dos terneiros teve efeito significativo (P 0,05) sobre peso ao nascer (41,75 ± 1,21 e 37,6 ± 1,13kg, para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente). No peso à desmama, todos os fatores demonstraram efeito (P 0,05) e os terneiros das vacas gestantes (194,22 ± 3,41kg) foram mais pesados que das vazias (177,43 ± 4,67kg). Em vacas de corte com produção de leite e condição corporal similar, do parto à desmama, o melhor desempenho das gestantes, em peso vivo e peso do terneiro à desmama demonstra que, provavelmente, uma melhor adaptação ao sistema tenha sido responsável pela fertilidade pós-parto.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1476412


Milk production and pospartum performance from 52 multiparous Hereford cows, with the same body condition score (3 in a 1 to 5 scale), pregnant (45) or not pregnant (24), was studied in 69 lactations during two years, 2000 (42) and 2001 (27) under range conditions. Estimates of milk yield were obtained during six intervals (three 21d and three 42d), by the weigh-suckle-weigh technique, from birth to weaning (189d). Effects studied were year, pregnancy, calf sex and sire breed. None of the effects studied affected (P>0.05) milk production parameters: daily milk production, total milk yield, lactation peak and persistency. Body weight at calving was greater (P 0.05) in 2001 (417.49 ± 6.94kg) that in 2000 (353. 97 ± 5.57kg) and was not affected by the other effects. Body weight at conception (99d; 432.10 ± 5.78 and 399,37 ± 7.92kg) and at weaning (189d; 433.30 ± 6.36 and 393.46 ± 8.70kg), were greater (P 0.05) in pregnant cows than in non-pregnant animals, respectively. Sex of calf had a significant effect (P 0.05) on calf birth weight (41.75 ± 1.21kg and 37.6 ± 1.13kg for males and females, respectively). All studied effects affected significantly calf weaning weight (P 0.05) and pregnant cows had heavier calves at weaning (194.22 ± 3.41kg) than non-pregnant cows (177.43 ± 4.67kg). The greatest performance of pregnant beef cows with similar milk yield and body condition score from calving to weaning can be explained by the superior adaptation characteristics of these cows.

A produção de leite e o desempenho pós parto de 52 vacas multíparas Hereford em condição corporal média (3 em escala de 1 a 5), gestantes (45) e não gestantes (24), em condições extensivas, foram estudados, em 69 lactações, durante dois anos (2000 e 2001). A estimativa da produção de leite foi realizada em seis intervalos (3 de 21 d e 3 de 42 d), do nascimento à desmama (189d), por meio da técnica da pesagem do terneiro antes e após a mamada. Os fatores fixos foram ano, prenhez, sexo do terneiro e raça do touro (Hereford e Nelore). A produção de leite diária, do pico de lactação, total e a persistência da lactação, não foram influenciadas pelos fatores estudados (P>0,05). O peso ao parto foi maior (P 0,05) em 2001, (417,49 ± 6,94kg), que em 2000 (353, 97 ± 5,57kg), e não teve efeito (P>0,05) dos demais fatores avaliados. O peso vivo na concepção (99 d média), e à desmama, foi maior nas vacas gestantes (432,10 ± 5,78 e 433,30 ± 6,36kg) que nas não gestantes 399,37 ± 7,92 e 393,46 ± 8,70kg), respectivamente. O sexo dos terneiros teve efeito significativo (P 0,05) sobre peso ao nascer (41,75 ± 1,21 e 37,6 ± 1,13kg, para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente). No peso à desmama, todos os fatores demonstraram efeito (P 0,05) e os terneiros das vacas gestantes (194,22 ± 3,41kg) foram mais pesados que das vazias (177,43 ± 4,67kg). Em vacas de corte com produção de leite e condição corporal similar, do parto à desmama, o melhor desempenho das gestantes, em peso vivo e peso do terneiro à desmama demonstra que, provavelmente, uma melhor adaptação ao sistema tenha sido responsável pela fertilidade pós-parto.

Ci. Rural ; 33(6)2003.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-704275


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calving season, genotype and calf sex on the cows weaning individual efficiency ( percentual relationship between cow body weight and calf weaning weight), birth and weaning weight of calves. Forty-eight primiparous Hereford cows with approximate average age of 3 years and grazing only native pastures were used. Sixteen inseminated with one Red Angus bull (Bos taurus) and 32 with Nelore (Bos indicus). Effects studied were calf genotype (GENOT), Bos taurus x Bos taurus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus, calving season (EPOCN) concentrated in the Spring and subdivided into three periods: 1S (September), 2O (October) and 3N (November and December) and calf sex (SEXO). Milk production (PL) was included as co-variable. Ten measurements of milk production obtained by the indirect method, weighing the calf before and after suckling, and eleven measurements of cow and calf weights, were made at 21 day intervals. Effects with significant influence on PN were GENOT and SEXO (P 0.05). P205 was significantly affected by EPOCN, SEXO and PL (P 0.05). EI was significantly affected by EPOCN, SEXO and PL until 147 days (P 0.05). Calf genotype and sex affected their birth weight. Weaning weight and cow efficiency are affected by sex and and calving season, but not by calf genotype.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da época de nascimento, genótipo e sexo do terneiro sobre a eficiência individual das vacas à desmama (relação percentual entre o peso do terneiro à desmama e o peso da vaca), peso ao nascer e peso à desmama dos terneiros. Foram utilizadas 48 vacas da raça Hereford (Bos taurus), com idade de três anos, manejadas sobre campo natural, 16 inseminadas com um touro da raça Red Angus (Bos taurus) e 32 com Nelore (Bos indicus). Os fatores estudados foram genótipo do terneiro (GENOT) - Bos taurus x Bos taurus e Bos taurus x Bos indicus, época de nascimento (EPOCN) subdividida em três períodos - 1S (setembro), 2O (outubro) e 3N (novembro) e sexo do terneiro (SEXO). A produção de leite (PL) foi incluída como co-variável. Foram realizadas dez medidas de produção de leite pelo método indireto pesagem - mamada - pesagem e onze medidas de peso para vacas e terneiros, em intervalos de 21 dias. Os fatores que influenciaram significativamente o PN foram GENOT e SEXO (P 0,05). O P205 sofreu influência significativa da EPOCN, SEXO e PL (P 0,05). A EI foi influenciada significativamente pela EPOCN, SEXO e PL até 147 dias (P 0,05). Concluiu-se que genótipo e sexo dos terneiros influenciam o peso ao nascer. O peso à desmama e a eficiência das vacas são influenciados pelo sexo e época de nascimento, mas não pelo genótipo dos terneiros.

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-733009


Background: Productivity and efficiency of beef production systems should be estimated based on cow size, calf growth rate and cow reproduction rate, which are critical factors for the evaluation of production characteristics of beef cattle of different biological types. One of the ways to measure beef cow productivity is based on the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and reproductive efficiency of primiparous beef cows of three different biotypes and two milk production levels, from calving to weaning, in pasture-raised beef systems. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-two primiparous Angus cows were classified according to body weight at calving, as follows: Heavy (431 kg); Medium (388 kg); and Light (348 kg). Cow efficiency as a function of biotype was evaluated at two different moments: calving and weaning, based on the ratio of calf weight to cow weight*100 (in kilograms). Calf production efficiency was determined based on the ratio of calf weaning weight (CWW) to cow pregnancy rate (PR), resulting in the calf production index = kg of weaning calves per cow (CWW*PR/100).  The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial 3 x 2 x 2 design (three biotypes x two calf sexes x two milk production levels). The results were subjected to ANOVA and F-test. The Light and Medium cow groups produced mo

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731874


Background: Productivity and efficiency of beef production systems should be estimated based on cow size, calf growth rate and cow reproduction rate, which are critical factors for the evaluation of production characteristics of beef cattle of different biological types. One of the ways to measure beef cow productivity is based on the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and reproductive efficiency of primiparous beef cows of three different biotypes and two milk production levels, from calving to weaning, in pasture-raised beef systems. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-two primiparous Angus cows were classified according to body weight at calving, as follows: Heavy (431 kg); Medium (388 kg); and Light (348 kg). Cow efficiency as a function of biotype was evaluated at two different moments: calving and weaning, based on the ratio of calf weight to cow weight*100 (in kilograms). Calf production efficiency was determined based on the ratio of calf weaning weight (CWW) to cow pregnancy rate (PR), resulting in the calf production index = kg of weaning calves per cow (CWW*PR/100).  The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial 3 x 2 x 2 design (three biotypes x two calf sexes x two milk production levels). The results were subjected to ANOVA and F-test. The Light and Medium cow groups produced mo

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-731526


Background: Productivity and efficiency of beef production systems should be estimated based on cow size, calf growth rate and cow reproduction rate, which are critical factors for the evaluation of production characteristics of beef cattle of different biological types. One of the ways to measure beef cow productivity is based on the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and reproductive efficiency of primiparous beef cows of three different biotypes and two milk production levels, from calving to weaning, in pasture-raised beef systems. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-two primiparous Angus cows were classified according to body weight at calving, as follows: Heavy (431 kg); Medium (388 kg); and Light (348 kg). Cow efficiency as a function of biotype was evaluated at two different moments: calving and weaning, based on the ratio of calf weight to cow weight*100 (in kilograms). Calf production efficiency was determined based on the ratio of calf weaning weight (CWW) to cow pregnancy rate (PR), resulting in the calf production index = kg of weaning calves per cow (CWW*PR/100).  The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial 3 x 2 x 2 design (three biotypes x two calf sexes x two milk production levels). The results were subjected to ANOVA and F-test. The Light and Medium cow groups produced mo

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730782


Background: Productivity and efficiency of beef production systems should be estimated based on cow size, calf growth rate and cow reproduction rate, which are critical factors for the evaluation of production characteristics of beef cattle of different biological types. One of the ways to measure beef cow productivity is based on the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and reproductive efficiency of primiparous beef cows of three different biotypes and two milk production levels, from calving to weaning, in pasture-raised beef systems. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-two primiparous Angus cows were classified according to body weight at calving, as follows: Heavy (431 kg); Medium (388 kg); and Light (348 kg). Cow efficiency as a function of biotype was evaluated at two different moments: calving and weaning, based on the ratio of calf weight to cow weight*100 (in kilograms). Calf production efficiency was determined based on the ratio of calf weaning weight (CWW) to cow pregnancy rate (PR), resulting in the calf production index = kg of weaning calves per cow (CWW*PR/100).  The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial 3 x 2 x 2 design (three biotypes x two calf sexes x two milk production levels). The results were subjected to ANOVA and F-test. The Light and Medium cow groups produced mo

Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-730119


Background: Productivity and efficiency of beef production systems should be estimated based on cow size, calf growth rate and cow reproduction rate, which are critical factors for the evaluation of production characteristics of beef cattle of different biological types. One of the ways to measure beef cow productivity is based on the ratio of calf weaning weight to cow weight. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance and reproductive efficiency of primiparous beef cows of three different biotypes and two milk production levels, from calving to weaning, in pasture-raised beef systems. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-two primiparous Angus cows were classified according to body weight at calving, as follows: Heavy (431 kg); Medium (388 kg); and Light (348 kg). Cow efficiency as a function of biotype was evaluated at two different moments: calving and weaning, based on the ratio of calf weight to cow weight*100 (in kilograms). Calf production efficiency was determined based on the ratio of calf weaning weight (CWW) to cow pregnancy rate (PR), resulting in the calf production index = kg of weaning calves per cow (CWW*PR/100).  The experimental design was a completely randomized factorial 3 x 2 x 2 design (three biotypes x two calf sexes x two milk production levels). The results were subjected to ANOVA and F-test. The Light and Medium cow groups produced mo

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1476052


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calving season, genotype and calf sex on the cows weaning individual efficiency ( percentual relationship between cow body weight and calf weaning weight), birth and weaning weight of calves. Forty-eight primiparous Hereford cows with approximate average age of 3 years and grazing only native pastures were used. Sixteen inseminated with one Red Angus bull (Bos taurus) and 32 with Nelore (Bos indicus). Effects studied were calf genotype (GENOT), Bos taurus x Bos taurus and Bos taurus x Bos indicus, calving season (EPOCN) concentrated in the Spring and subdivided into three periods: 1S (September), 2O (October) and 3N (November and December) and calf sex (SEXO). Milk production (PL) was included as co-variable. Ten measurements of milk production obtained by the indirect method, weighing the calf before and after suckling, and eleven measurements of cow and calf weights, were made at 21 day intervals. Effects with significant influence on PN were GENOT and SEXO (P 0.05). P205 was significantly affected by EPOCN, SEXO and PL (P 0.05). EI was significantly affected by EPOCN, SEXO and PL until 147 days (P 0.05). Calf genotype and sex affected their birth weight. Weaning weight and cow efficiency are affected by sex and and calving season, but not by calf genotype.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da época de nascimento, genótipo e sexo do terneiro sobre a eficiência individual das vacas à desmama (relação percentual entre o peso do terneiro à desmama e o peso da vaca), peso ao nascer e peso à desmama dos terneiros. Foram utilizadas 48 vacas da raça Hereford (Bos taurus), com idade de três anos, manejadas sobre campo natural, 16 inseminadas com um touro da raça Red Angus (Bos taurus) e 32 com Nelore (Bos indicus). Os fatores estudados foram genótipo do terneiro (GENOT) - Bos taurus x Bos taurus e Bos taurus x Bos indicus, época de nascimento (EPOCN) subdividida em três períodos - 1S (setembro), 2O (outubro) e 3N (novembro) e sexo do terneiro (SEXO). A produção de leite (PL) foi incluída como co-variável. Foram realizadas dez medidas de produção de leite pelo método indireto pesagem - mamada - pesagem e onze medidas de peso para vacas e terneiros, em intervalos de 21 dias. Os fatores que influenciaram significativamente o PN foram GENOT e SEXO (P 0,05). O P205 sofreu influência significativa da EPOCN, SEXO e PL (P 0,05). A EI foi influenciada significativamente pela EPOCN, SEXO e PL até 147 dias (P 0,05). Concluiu-se que genótipo e sexo dos terneiros influenciam o peso ao nascer. O peso à desmama e a eficiência das vacas são influenciados pelo sexo e época de nascimento, mas não pelo genótipo dos terneiros.

Ci. Rural ; 29(1)1999.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-703462


This study has compared meat production among two groups of crossbred lambs Hampshire Down x Corriedale: 13 castrated at 45 days of age and 13 non-castrated (all born in August 1996 and slaughtered when five months old). The flock was raised on natural pasture, under an extensive grazing system, in Aceguá, Bagé, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The characteristics research were meat production, morfology "in vivo" and carcass, living weight components, regional and tissue composition .There is no significant difference between castrate lambs and not castrate lambs. The results showed that there is not advantage in to castrate very young lambs, when the purpose is meat production

O estudo comparou a produção de carne entre 13 cordeiros castrados aos 45 dias e 13 não castrados, procedentes do cruzamento de ovelhas Corriedale com Hampshire Down, nascidos em agosto de 1996 e abatidos aos 5 meses de idade, criados em condições extensivas de pastagem natural, na localidade de Aceguá, município de Bagé-RS. Foram coletados dados de produção de carne, morfologia in vivo e, na carcaça, componentes do peso vivo, composição regional e tecidual. Não se verificou diferença significativa entre cordeiros castrados e não castrados, concluindo-se que não há vantagem, quanto à produção de carne, em castrar os cordeiros muito jovens.

Ci. Rural ; 27(3)1997.
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-703280


Sixteen carcasses of Holstein steers raised in feed lot from six to twenty four months, where used to test measurements of the carcass, trought simple linear regression equation, as predictors of hinquarter cuts weight. The independent variables were conformation, carcass length, leg length while the dependent variables were weight of hindquarter cuts. From the results obtained, one may conclude that conformation was a good predictor only for eye round; the carcass length was a good predictor for knuckie, stripling and eye round; leg length only estimated rump cover weight.

Foram utilizadas 16 carcaças de novilhos Holandês, criados em confinamento, dos 6 aos 24 meses de idade, com o objetivo de testar medidas realizadas na carcaça como estimadores do peso dos cortes do serrote. Utilizaram-se equações de regressão linear simples. As variáveis independentes foram: conformação, comprimento da carcaça e comprimento da perna e as dependentes foram: o peso dos cortes do serrote. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a conformação, estimou com precisão o peso do tatu. O comprimento de carcaça mostrou ser bom estimador do patinho, do contrafilé e do tatu. O comprimento de perna, foi responsável apenas pela estimativa do peso da picanha. Os resultados permitem concluir que a conformação, o comprimento da carcaça e da perna, isoladamente, não devem ser utilizados para estimar o peso dos cortes do serrote.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1475025


Sixteen carcasses of Holstein steers raised in feed lot from six to twenty four months, where used to test measurements of the carcass, trought simple linear regression equation, as predictors of hinquarter cuts weight. The independent variables were conformation, carcass length, leg length while the dependent variables were weight of hindquarter cuts. From the results obtained, one may conclude that conformation was a good predictor only for eye round; the carcass length was a good predictor for knuckie, stripling and eye round; leg length only estimated rump cover weight.

Foram utilizadas 16 carcaças de novilhos Holandês, criados em confinamento, dos 6 aos 24 meses de idade, com o objetivo de testar medidas realizadas na carcaça como estimadores do peso dos cortes do serrote. Utilizaram-se equações de regressão linear simples. As variáveis independentes foram: conformação, comprimento da carcaça e comprimento da perna e as dependentes foram: o peso dos cortes do serrote. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a conformação, estimou com precisão o peso do tatu. O comprimento de carcaça mostrou ser bom estimador do patinho, do contrafilé e do tatu. O comprimento de perna, foi responsável apenas pela estimativa do peso da picanha. Os resultados permitem concluir que a conformação, o comprimento da carcaça e da perna, isoladamente, não devem ser utilizados para estimar o peso dos cortes do serrote.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1475213


This study has compared meat production among two groups of crossbred lambs Hampshire Down x Corriedale: 13 castrated at 45 days of age and 13 non-castrated (all born in August 1996 and slaughtered when five months old). The flock was raised on natural pasture, under an extensive grazing system, in Aceguá, Bagé, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The characteristics research were meat production, morfology "in vivo" and carcass, living weight components, regional and tissue composition .There is no significant difference between castrate lambs and not castrate lambs. The results showed that there is not advantage in to castrate very young lambs, when the purpose is meat production

O estudo comparou a produção de carne entre 13 cordeiros castrados aos 45 dias e 13 não castrados, procedentes do cruzamento de ovelhas Corriedale com Hampshire Down, nascidos em agosto de 1996 e abatidos aos 5 meses de idade, criados em condições extensivas de pastagem natural, na localidade de Aceguá, município de Bagé-RS. Foram coletados dados de produção de carne, morfologia in vivo e, na carcaça, componentes do peso vivo, composição regional e tecidual. Não se verificou diferença significativa entre cordeiros castrados e não castrados, concluindo-se que não há vantagem, quanto à produção de carne, em castrar os cordeiros muito jovens.