The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of ovine brucellosis using Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques, as well as to identify the main risk factors associated with infection in sheep flocks belonging to municipalities in the microregion from Teresina, PI, Brazil. A total of 100 urine and blood samples were collected from sheep aged 6 months or older. The urine samples were submitted to conventional PCR and the blood samples were examined by the AGID technique. Of the 100 blood samples, 17 (17%) were reactive to the AGID test. In conventional PCR of 100 urine samples, six (6%) were positive. Risk factors associated to infection by B. ovis included the rearing system (OR=0.19), feed management (OR=0.05), presence of dystotic births (OR=4.50), miscarriages (OR=3.75) and source of water offered to the animals (OR=0.19). Thus, it was concluded that it is possible to detect the occurrence of animals with ovine brucellosis since PCR is a reliable method to confirm infection. Furthermore, there are risk factors associated to infection by B. ovis in the municipalities studied.
Objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência da brucelose ovina através das técnicas de Imunodifusão em Gel de Ágar (IDGA) e Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR), bem como identificar os principais fatores de risco associados à infecção nos rebanhos ovinos pertencentes a municípios da microrregião de Teresina, PI, Brasil. Foram colhidas 100 amostras de urina e de sangue de ovinos com idade superior ou igual a seis meses. As amostras de urina foram submetidas a PCR convencional e as amostras de sangue à técnica de IDGA. Das 100 amostras de sangue 17 (17%) foram reagentes ao teste de IDGA. Já na PCR convencional das 100 amostras de urina, seis (6%) foram positivas. Ressalta-se que três animais foram positivos em ambos os testes. Como fatores associados à infecção por B. ovis, observou-se o tipo de sistema de criação (OR=0,19), o manejo alimentar (OR=0,05), presença de partos distócicos (OR=4,50), abortamentos (OR=3,75) e a fonte de água fornecida aos animais (OR=0,19). Assim, conclui-se que foi possível detectar a ocorrência de animais com brucelose ovina, uma vez que a PCR é um método confirmatório. Além disso, há fatores de risco associados à infecção por B. ovis nos municípios estudados.
Animais , Brucelose/diagnóstico , Ovinos , Fatores de Risco , Brucella ovis/patogenicidade , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Imunodifusão/veterinária , DiagnósticoResumo
The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of ovine brucellosis using Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques, as well as to identify the main risk factors associated with infection in sheep flocks belonging to municipalities in the microregion from Teresina, PI, Brazil. A total of 100 urine and blood samples were collected from sheep aged 6 months or older. The urine samples were submitted to conventional PCR and the blood samples were examined by the AGID technique. Of the 100 blood samples, 17 (17%) were reactive to the AGID test. In conventional PCR of 100 urine samples, six (6%) were positive. Risk factors associated to infection by B. ovis included the rearing system (OR=0.19), feed management (OR=0.05), presence of dystotic births (OR=4.50), miscarriages (OR=3.75) and source of water offered to the animals (OR=0.19). Thus, it was concluded that it is possible to detect the occurrence of animals with ovine brucellosis since PCR is a reliable method to confirm infection. Furthermore, there are risk factors associated to infection by B. ovis in the municipalities studied.(AU)
Objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência da brucelose ovina através das técnicas de Imunodifusão em Gel de Ágar (IDGA) e Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR), bem como identificar os principais fatores de risco associados à infecção nos rebanhos ovinos pertencentes a municípios da microrregião de Teresina, PI, Brasil. Foram colhidas 100 amostras de urina e de sangue de ovinos com idade superior ou igual a seis meses. As amostras de urina foram submetidas a PCR convencional e as amostras de sangue à técnica de IDGA. Das 100 amostras de sangue 17 (17%) foram reagentes ao teste de IDGA. Já na PCR convencional das 100 amostras de urina, seis (6%) foram positivas. Ressalta-se que três animais foram positivos em ambos os testes. Como fatores associados à infecção por B. ovis, observou-se o tipo de sistema de criação (OR=0,19), o manejo alimentar (OR=0,05), presença de partos distócicos (OR=4,50), abortamentos (OR=3,75) e a fonte de água fornecida aos animais (OR=0,19). Assim, conclui-se que foi possível detectar a ocorrência de animais com brucelose ovina, uma vez que a PCR é um método confirmatório. Além disso, há fatores de risco associados à infecção por B. ovis nos municípios estudados.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/microbiologia , Fatores de Risco , Brucella ovis/patogenicidade , Brucelose/diagnóstico , Brucelose/veterinária , Imunodifusão/métodos , Imunodifusão/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
The objective of this study was to verify the occurrence of ovine brucellosis using Agar Gel Immunodiffusion (AGID) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques, as well as to identify the main risk factors associated with infection in sheep flocks belonging to municipalities in the microregion from Teresina, PI, Brazil. A total of 100 urine and blood samples were collected from sheep aged 6 months or older. The urine samples were submitted to conventional PCR and the blood samples were examined by the AGID technique. Of the 100 blood samples, 17 (17%) were reactive to the AGID test. In conventional PCR of 100 urine samples, six (6%) were positive. Risk factors associated to infection by B. ovis included the rearing system (OR=0.19), feed management (OR=0.05), presence of dystotic births (OR=4.50), miscarriages (OR=3.75) and source of water offered to the animals (OR=0.19). Thus, it was concluded that it is possible to detect the occurrence of animals with ovine brucellosis since PCR is a reliable method to confirm infection. Furthermore, there are risk factors associated to infection by B. ovis in the municipalities studied.
Objetivou-se verificar a ocorrência da brucelose ovina através das técnicas de Imunodifusão em Gel de Ágar (IDGA) e Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR), bem como identificar os principais fatores de risco associados à infecção nos rebanhos ovinos pertencentes a municípios da microrregião de Teresina, PI, Brasil. Foram colhidas 100 amostras de urina e de sangue de ovinos com idade superior ou igual a seis meses. As amostras de urina foram submetidas a PCR convencional e as amostras de sangue à técnica de IDGA. Das 100 amostras de sangue 17 (17%) foram reagentes ao teste de IDGA. Já na PCR convencional das 100 amostras de urina, seis (6%) foram positivas. Ressalta-se que três animais foram positivos em ambos os testes. Como fatores associados à infecção por B. ovis, observou-se o tipo de sistema de criação (OR=0,19), o manejo alimentar (OR=0,05), presença de partos distócicos (OR=4,50), abortamentos (OR=3,75) e a fonte de água fornecida aos animais (OR=0,19). Assim, conclui-se que foi possível detectar a ocorrência de animais com brucelose ovina, uma vez que a PCR é um método confirmatório. Além disso, há fatores de risco associados à infecção por B. ovis nos municípios estudados.
Animais , Brucella ovis/patogenicidade , Brucelose/diagnóstico , Brucelose/veterinária , Fatores de Risco , Imunodifusão/métodos , Imunodifusão/veterinária , Ovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Objetivou-se verificar os efeitos, nos parâmetros espermáticos, na integridade mitocondrial, acrossomal e de membrana em células espermáticas, desencadeados pelo uso do Tris (Tris hidroximetil aminometano) suplementado com óleo de Mauritia flexuoxacomo diluente para criopreservação de sêmen caprino. Quatro caprinos clinicamente saudáveis foram utilizados. Os animais eram alimentados diariamente com volumoso (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.), concentrado (ração peletizada com teor de 20% proteína, 300 g/animal/dia) e sal mineral específico para Caprinos (Caprinofós®), à vontade. Dois ensaios foram realizados: I Teste de toxicidade; II Criopreservação do sêmen com concentrações ideais. No teste de toxicidade as concentrações avaliadas foram: 5%, 10%, 15% e 20% de diluente a base de óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa. Após o teste de toxicidade, foi escolhido a concentraçãoque apresentou o melhor resultado (5%). Logo após, foram realizadas mais 32 coletas, que foram diluídas em Tris-gema-glicerol (grupo controle) ou diluente contendo óleo vegetal (Mauritia flexuoxa). As amostras foram criopreservadas com auxílio do aparelho Tk3000®. Após o período mínimo de uma semana as palhetas foram descongeladas em banho-maria a 37 °C por 30 segundos, acondicionadas em microtubos de centrifugação e homogeneizadas para a análise imediata de motilidade, vigor espermático e morfologia. Em seguida, por meio de sondas fluorescentes foram avaliadas a integridade de acrossomo, membrana plasmática (Diacetato de Carboxifluresceína e Iodeto de Propídeo) e função mitocondrial sob microscopia de epifluorescência. Quanto a motilidade e vigor, integridade mitocondrial e acrossomal, o grupo buriti foi inferior ao grupo controle. O Tris suplementado com óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa na concentração de 5% não influenciou significativamente a qualidade espermática, porém, observou-se morfologia e integridade de membrana favoráveis. Dessa forma, sendo uma alternativa para substituição de diluentes a base de produtos de origem animal.
The objective was to verify the effects, sperm parameters, mitochondrial, acrosomal and membrane integrity in sperm cells, triggered by the use of Tris (Tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane) supplemented with Mauritia flexuoxa oil as a diluent for cryopreservation of goat semen. Four goats clinically healthy were used. The animals were fed daily with bulky (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.), concentrate (pelleted feed with 20% protein content, 300 g / animal / day) and mineral salt Specific for Goats (Caprinofós®), ad libitum. Two tests were carried out: I - Toxicity test; II - Semen cryopreservation with ideal concentrations. In the toxicity test as selected were: 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of Mauritia flexuoxa oil-based diluent. After the toxicity test, the concentration that showed the best result (5%) was chosen. Soon after, a further 32 samples were obtained, which were diluted in Tris-glycerol (control group) or diluent containing vegetable oil (Mauritia flexuoxa). The samples were cryopreserved using the Tk3000® machine. After a minimum of one week, the samples were thawed in a 37 ° C water bath for 30 seconds, packed in centrifugation microtubes and homogenized for immediate analysis of motility, sperm vigor and morphology. Then, by means of fluorescent probes, the integrity of the acrosome, plasma membrane (Carboxyflurescein diacetate and Propidium Iodide) and mitochondrial function under epifluorescence microscopy were evaluated. As for motility and vigor, mitochondrial and acrosomal integrity, the buriti group was inferior to the control group. Tris supplemented with Mauritia flexuoxa oil at a concentration of 5% did not significantly influence sperm quality, however, favorable motility, morphology and membrane integrity were observed. Thus, being an alternative to replace diluents based on products of animal origin.
Animais , Sêmen/microbiologia , Contagem de Espermatozoides/veterinária , Motilidade dos Espermatozoides , Óleos de Plantas/análise , Ruminantes/genética , Criopreservação/métodos , Arecaceae , Análise do Sêmen/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se verificar os efeitos, nos parâmetros espermáticos, na integridade mitocondrial, acrossomal e de membrana em células espermáticas, desencadeados pelo uso do Tris (Tris hidroximetil aminometano) suplementado com óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa como diluente para criopreservação de sêmen caprino. Quatro caprinos clinicamente saudáveis foram utilizados. Os animais eram alimentados diariamente com volumoso (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.), concentrado (ração peletizada com teor de 20% proteína, 300 g/animal/dia) e sal mineral específico para Caprinos (Caprinofós®), à vontade. Dois ensaios foram realizados: I Teste de toxicidade; II Criopreservação do sêmen com concentrações ideais. No teste de toxicidade as concentrações avaliadas foram: 5%, 10%, 15% e 20% de diluente a base de óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa. Após o teste de toxicidade, foi escolhido a concentração que apresentou o melhor resultado (5%). Logo após, foram realizadas mais 32 coletas, que foram diluídas em Tris-gema-glicerol (grupo controle) ou diluente contendo óleo vegetal (Mauritia flexuoxa). As amostras foram criopreservadas com auxílio do aparelho Tk3000®. Após o período mínimo de uma semana as palhetas foram descongeladas em banho-maria a 37 °C por 30 segundos, acondicionadas em microtubos de centrifugação e homogeneizadas para a análise imediata de motilidade, vigor espermático e morfologia. Em seguida, por meio de sondas fluorescentes foram avaliadas a integridade de acrossomo, membrana plasmática (Diacetato de Carboxifluresceína e Iodeto de Propídeo) e função mitocondrial sob microscopia de epifluorescência. Quanto a motilidade e vigor, integridade mitocondrial e acrossomal, o grupo buriti foi inferior ao grupo controle. O Tris suplementado com óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa na concentração de 5% não influenciou significativamente a qualidade espermática, porém, observouse morfologia e integridade de membrana favoráveis. Dessa forma, sendo uma alternativa para substituição de diluentes a base de produtos de origem animal.(AU)
The objective was to verify the effects, sperm parameters, mitochondrial, acrosomal and membrane integrity in sperm cells, triggered by the use of Tris (Tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane) supplemented with Mauritia flexuoxa oil as a diluent for cryopreservation of goat semen. Four goats clinically healthy were used. The animals were fed daily with bulky (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.), concentrate (pelleted feed with 20% protein content, 300 g / animal / day) and mineral salt Specific for Goats (Caprinofós®), ad libitum. Two tests were carried out: I - Toxicity test; II - Semen cryopreservation with ideal concentrations. In the toxicity test as selected were: 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of Mauritia flexuoxa oil-based diluent. After the toxicity test, the concentration that showed the best result (5%) was chosen. Soon after, a further 32 samples were obtained, which were diluted in Tris-glycerol (control group) or diluent containing vegetable oil (Mauritia flexuoxa). The samples were cryopreserved using the Tk3000® machine. After a minimum of one week, the samples were thawed in a 37 ° C water bath for 30 seconds, packed in centrifugation microtubes and homogenized for immediate analysis of motility, sperm vigor and morphology. Then, by means of fluorescent probes, the integrity of the acrosome, plasma membrane (Carboxyflurescein diacetate and Propidium Iodide) and mitochondrial function under epifluorescence microscopy were evaluated. As for motility and vigor, mitochondrial and acrosomal integrity, the buriti group was inferior to the control group. Tris supplemented with Mauritia flexuoxa oil at a concentration of 5% did not significantly influence sperm quality, however, favorable motility, morphology and membrane integrity were observed. Thus, being an alternative to replace diluents based on products of animal origin.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Preservação do Sêmen , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Arecaceae/química , CriopreservaçãoResumo
Objetivou-se verificar os efeitos, nos parâmetros espermáticos, na integridade mitocondrial, acrossomal e de membrana em células espermáticas, desencadeados pelo uso do Tris (Tris hidroximetil aminometano) suplementado com óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa como diluente para criopreservação de sêmen caprino. Quatro caprinos clinicamente saudáveis foram utilizados. Os animais eram alimentados diariamente com volumoso (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.), concentrado (ração peletizada com teor de 20% proteína, 300 g/animal/dia) e sal mineral específico para Caprinos (Caprinofós®), à vontade. Dois ensaios foram realizados: I Teste de toxicidade; II Criopreservação do sêmen com concentrações ideais. No teste de toxicidade as concentrações avaliadas foram: 5%, 10%, 15% e 20% de diluente a base de óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa. Após o teste de toxicidade, foi escolhido a concentração que apresentou o melhor resultado (5%). Logo após, foram realizadas mais 32 coletas, que foram diluídas em Tris-gema-glicerol (grupo controle) ou diluente contendo óleo vegetal (Mauritia flexuoxa). As amostras foram criopreservadas com auxílio do aparelho Tk3000®. Após o período mínimo de uma semana as palhetas foram descongeladas em banho-maria a 37 °C por 30 segundos, acondicionadas em microtubos de centrifugação e homogeneizadas para a análise imediata de motilidade, vigor espermático e morfologia. Em seguida, por meio de sondas fluorescentes foram avaliadas a integridade de acrossomo, membrana plasmática (Diacetato de Carboxifluresceína e Iodeto de Propídeo) e função mitocondrial sob microscopia de epifluorescência. Quanto a motilidade e vigor, integridade mitocondrial e acrossomal, o grupo buriti foi inferior ao grupo controle. O Tris suplementado com óleo de Mauritia flexuoxa na concentração de 5% não influenciou significativamente a qualidade espermática, porém, observouse morfologia e integridade de membrana favoráveis. Dessa forma, sendo uma alternativa para substituição de diluentes a base de produtos de origem animal.
The objective was to verify the effects, sperm parameters, mitochondrial, acrosomal and membrane integrity in sperm cells, triggered by the use of Tris (Tris hydroxymethyl aminomethane) supplemented with Mauritia flexuoxa oil as a diluent for cryopreservation of goat semen. Four goats clinically healthy were used. The animals were fed daily with bulky (Pennisetum purpureum, Schum.), concentrate (pelleted feed with 20% protein content, 300 g / animal / day) and mineral salt Specific for Goats (Caprinofós®), ad libitum. Two tests were carried out: I - Toxicity test; II - Semen cryopreservation with ideal concentrations. In the toxicity test as selected were: 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of Mauritia flexuoxa oil-based diluent. After the toxicity test, the concentration that showed the best result (5%) was chosen. Soon after, a further 32 samples were obtained, which were diluted in Tris-glycerol (control group) or diluent containing vegetable oil (Mauritia flexuoxa). The samples were cryopreserved using the Tk3000® machine. After a minimum of one week, the samples were thawed in a 37 ° C water bath for 30 seconds, packed in centrifugation microtubes and homogenized for immediate analysis of motility, sperm vigor and morphology. Then, by means of fluorescent probes, the integrity of the acrosome, plasma membrane (Carboxyflurescein diacetate and Propidium Iodide) and mitochondrial function under epifluorescence microscopy were evaluated. As for motility and vigor, mitochondrial and acrosomal integrity, the buriti group was inferior to the control group. Tris supplemented with Mauritia flexuoxa oil at a concentration of 5% did not significantly influence sperm quality, however, favorable motility, morphology and membrane integrity were observed. Thus, being an alternative to replace diluents based on products of animal origin.
Animais , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Preservação do Sêmen , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Arecaceae/química , CriopreservaçãoResumo
Among the diseases that affect the reproductive system of domestic animals, brucellosis in the sheep species is important because it generates significant economic losses to sheep rearing. Thus, it is a threat to the growth and productivity of sheep herds. In the face of this problem, the objective of the present research was to identify the prevalence of ovine brucellosis in herds in municipalities of the Teresina, Piauí, Brazil microregion by using the agar gel immunodiffusion assay (AGID) and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological tests. Fourteen municipalities were included in the research. Blood samples were collected from 521 pubescent animals by puncturing the jugular vein. After collection, the samples were submitted to the serological techniques, AGID and indirect ELISA, to detect anti B. ovis antibody. Of the 521 samples submitted to the AGIDtest, 23 (4.41%) were sera reagent and 498 (95.58%) negative. The indirect ELISA tests, 24 (4.61%) suspect samples and 497 (95.39%) negative samples were obtained, and there were no reagent animals in this test, only suspect. The seroprevalence of ovine brucellosis in the Teresina, Piauí microregion was 4.41%. Thus, it is possible to identify sheep with reagent serology to infection by B. ovis, that is present in municipalities in the state of Piauí, Brazil. Furthermore, AGIDwas shown to be more sensitive in detecting animals that had had contact with the etiological agent of the disease.(AU)
Dentre as enfermidades que acometem o sistema reprodutivo dos animais domésticos, a brucelose na espécie ovina tem se destacado por gerar prejuízos econômicos significativos à ovinocultura. Dessa forma, apresenta-se como uma ameaça ao crescimento e à produtividade dos rebanhos ovinos. Diante de tal problemática, objetivou-se, por meio desta pesquisa, identificar a prevalência de brucelose ovina em rebanhos pertencentes a municípios da microrregião de Teresina, Piauí, por meio dos testes sorológicos, imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) e ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) indireto. Quatorze municípios foram incluídos na pesquisa. Para sua execução, colheram-se, por punção venosa da jugular, amostras sanguíneas de 521 animais púberes. Após colheita, as amostras foram submetidas às técnicas sorológicas, IDGA e ELISA indireto, para a detecção de anticorpos anti-B. ovis. Das 521 amostras submetidas ao teste de IDGA, 23 (4,41%) foram sororreagentes e 498 (95,58%) negativas. Quanto ao teste ELISA indireto, obtiveram-se 24 (4,61%) amostras suspeitas e 497 (95,39%) amostras negativas, não havendo animais reagentes neste teste, apenas suspeitos. A soroprevalência da brucelose ovina na microrregião homogênea de Teresina, Piauí, foi de 4,41%. Assim, foi possível identificar ovinos com sorologia reagente à infecção por B. ovis, presente em municípios do estado do Piauí. Além disso, a IDGA mostrou-se mais sensível em detectar animais que tiveram contato com o agente etiológico da doença.(AU)
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Ovinos , Prevalência , Brucella ovis/virologia , Brucelose , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Testes Sorológicos , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Animais DomésticosResumo
Among the diseases that affect the reproductive system of domestic animals, brucellosis in the sheep species is important because it generates significant economic losses to sheep rearing. Thus, it is a threat to the growth and productivity of sheep herds. In the face of this problem, the objective of the present research was to identify the prevalence of ovine brucellosis in herds in municipalities of the Teresina, Piauí, Brazil microregion by using the agar gel immunodiffusion assay (AGID) and indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serological tests. Fourteen municipalities were included in the research. Blood samples were collected from 521 pubescent animals by puncturing the jugular vein. After collection, the samples were submitted to the serological techniques, AGID and indirect ELISA, to detect anti B. ovis antibody. Of the 521 samples submitted to the AGIDtest, 23 (4.41%) were sera reagent and 498 (95.58%) negative. The indirect ELISA tests, 24 (4.61%) suspect samples and 497 (95.39%) negative samples were obtained, and there were no reagent animals in this test, only suspect. The seroprevalence of ovine brucellosis in the Teresina, Piauí microregion was 4.41%. Thus, it is possible to identify sheep with reagent serology to infection by B. ovis, that is present in municipalities in the state of Piauí, Brazil. Furthermore, AGIDwas shown to be more sensitive in detecting animals that had had contact with the etiological agent of the disease.(AU)
Dentre as enfermidades que acometem o sistema reprodutivo dos animais domésticos, a brucelose na espécie ovina tem se destacado por gerar prejuízos econômicos significativos à ovinocultura. Dessa forma, apresenta-se como uma ameaça ao crescimento e à produtividade dos rebanhos ovinos. Diante de tal problemática, objetivou-se, por meio desta pesquisa, identificar a prevalência de brucelose ovina em rebanhos pertencentes a municípios da microrregião de Teresina, Piauí, por meio dos testes sorológicos, imunodifusão em gel de ágar (IDGA) e ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) indireto. Quatorze municípios foram incluídos na pesquisa. Para sua execução, colheram-se, por punção venosa da jugular, amostras sanguíneas de 521 animais púberes. Após colheita, as amostras foram submetidas às técnicas sorológicas, IDGA e ELISA indireto, para a detecção de anticorpos anti-B. ovis. Das 521 amostras submetidas ao teste de IDGA, 23 (4,41%) foram sororreagentes e 498 (95,58%) negativas. Quanto ao teste ELISA indireto, obtiveram-se 24 (4,61%) amostras suspeitas e 497 (95,39%) amostras negativas, não havendo animais reagentes neste teste, apenas suspeitos. A soroprevalência da brucelose ovina na microrregião homogênea de Teresina, Piauí, foi de 4,41%. Assim, foi possível identificar ovinos com sorologia reagente à infecção por B. ovis, presente em municípios do estado do Piauí. Além disso, a IDGA mostrou-se mais sensível em detectar animais que tiveram contato com o agente etiológico da doença.(AU)
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Ovinos , Prevalência , Brucella ovis/virologia , Brucelose , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática , Testes Sorológicos , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Animais DomésticosResumo
Which was used sixteen samples of adult goats semen collected using an artificial vagina weresubjected to cryopreservation in order to verify the influence of equilibration time at a temperature of 5 °C onthe freezability of goat semen. Were distributed in the different protocols equilibrium time: 1h equilibration time(G1); 2 h equilibration time (G2); 3h equilibration time (G3).After this process the samples were placed inliquid nitrogen vapor , and maintained for 20 min . The end was made the freezing process in cryogenics tank .Thawing was performed in a water bath at 37°C for 30 seconds. The averages for motility were 19.375 %,16.875 % and 16.250 % respectively for G1, G2 and G3. This study demonstrated effect of equilibration period ,on the viability of goat semen after the process of freeze-thaw, where the group of smaller G1 exposure time wasless deleterious effects.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Criopreservação/métodos , Criopreservação/veterinária , Ruminantes/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo/fisiologiaResumo
Simarouba versicolor belongs to Simaroubaceae family. It is known that this and other species of thegenus have several activities including the antiestrogen and male infertility. In order to verify the ethanol extractof Simarouba versicolor (Sv-EtOH) in isolated uterus of Wistar rats, studies have been conducted with Sv-EtOHon the tonic contractions induced by KCl or oxytocin, recorded by isometric transducers coupled to a system ofdigital acquisition, by characterizing that blocking the uterine contraction induced by oxytocin, it was found thatthere was no significant inhibition of these contractions in the presence of Sv EtOH at concentrations of 500,750, 1000 µg / mL. The Sv-EtOH (81, 243, 500, 750, 1000µg/mL) did not induce a significant relaxation ofcontractions induced by KCl showing an EMAX 49.26 ± 7.32 and did not induce significantly the inducedrelaxation of concentrations with oxytocin EMAX de 18,78±4,91%.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ratos , Ratos Wistar/anatomia & histologia , Ratos Wistar/fisiologia , Simarouba/efeitos adversos , Simarouba/toxicidade , Útero/fisiologiaResumo
The animals were divided into three groups G1, G2, G3. Semen collected was diluted in Tris-yolk baseand packaged in 0.25 ml straws, a dose of 100 x 106 sperm. Semen samples were distributed in differentequilibrium time protocols. The group 1 (1h), group 2 (2 h), group 3 (3 h). Mean values for motility were19.37%, 16.87% and 16.25% respectively for G1, G2 and G3. To analyze (TTR) which consisted of placing asemen , and incubated at 37°C for a period of 120 minutes. The force sperm motility and sperm were evaluatedby TTR in different time: 0, 60, 120, 180 minutes. The indices obtained from motility and sperm vigor wereevaluated by PROC GLM (SAS, 2001) and proceeded to the 5% Tukey test. This study demonstrated effect theequilibration period, on the viability of goat semen after the freeze-thaw process, in which the semen exposed toless cooling time has a higher sperm viability.(AU)
Animais , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , RuminantesResumo
In order to evaluate the recovery rate of local abattoirs oocyte the metropolitan region of Teresina-PI.Ovaries were used 72 36 pubescent sheep without defined breed (SRD) .The collected ovaries were transportedto the laboratory in thermos physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) heated at 35 ° C plus 30 ug / ml sulphategentamicin in a maximum of two (2) hours, the follicular aspiration needle attached syringe was subsequentlyperformed, the aspirated pellet was deposited on heated Petri dishes previously in hot plate to 37 ° C for theidentification and classification of oocitárias structures. 52 were recovered oocyte cumulus cells and the ewerecovery rate was 1.4. Therefore the low recovery rate can be the result of the female body condition, foodsupply, breeding age and age of the animal.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Recuperação de Oócitos/estatística & dados numéricos , Recuperação de Oócitos/veterinária , Ovinos/embriologia , MatadourosResumo
The need for scientific development in goat became larger in order to subsidize farmers withbiotechnology to animal breeding. The advent of frozen semen increased by male progeny, possiblemanipulation and genetic material storage. It seeks to diluents free of animal substances, to ensure food safety inbiological processes. The objective of this research was seminal diluent develop using Mauritia flexuoxa extractas an additive. Obtaining the extract was from dehydrated raw materials, semen collection was performed withartificial vagina and in vitro spermatic evaluation through full force and motility. The extract prepared in TRISdiluent is included at different concentrations. Semen was diluted and evaluated the heat resistance at 37°C. Weevaluated the membrane integrity after 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes of incubation at 37°C. It wasconcluded that significant differences were observed using Mauritia flexuosa extract.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Magnoliopsida/efeitos adversos , Magnoliopsida/química , RuminantesResumo
Which was used sixteen samples of adult goats semen collected using an artificial vagina weresubjected to cryopreservation in order to verify the influence of equilibration time at a temperature of 5 °C onthe freezability of goat semen. Were distributed in the different protocols equilibrium time: 1h equilibration time(G1); 2 h equilibration time (G2); 3h equilibration time (G3).After this process the samples were placed inliquid nitrogen vapor , and maintained for 20 min . The end was made the freezing process in cryogenics tank .Thawing was performed in a water bath at 37°C for 30 seconds. The averages for motility were 19.375 %,16.875 % and 16.250 % respectively for G1, G2 and G3. This study demonstrated effect of equilibration period ,on the viability of goat semen after the process of freeze-thaw, where the group of smaller G1 exposure time wasless deleterious effects.
Masculino , Animais , Comportamento Reprodutivo/fisiologia , Criopreservação/métodos , Criopreservação/veterinária , Ruminantes/fisiologiaResumo
The animals were divided into three groups G1, G2, G3. Semen collected was diluted in Tris-yolk baseand packaged in 0.25 ml straws, a dose of 100 x 106 sperm. Semen samples were distributed in differentequilibrium time protocols. The group 1 (1h), group 2 (2 h), group 3 (3 h). Mean values for motility were19.37%, 16.87% and 16.25% respectively for G1, G2 and G3. To analyze (TTR) which consisted of placing asemen , and incubated at 37°C for a period of 120 minutes. The force sperm motility and sperm were evaluatedby TTR in different time: 0, 60, 120, 180 minutes. The indices obtained from motility and sperm vigor wereevaluated by PROC GLM (SAS, 2001) and proceeded to the 5% Tukey test. This study demonstrated effect theequilibration period, on the viability of goat semen after the freeze-thaw process, in which the semen exposed toless cooling time has a higher sperm viability.
Animais , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , RuminantesResumo
The need for scientific development in goat became larger in order to subsidize farmers withbiotechnology to animal breeding. The advent of frozen semen increased by male progeny, possiblemanipulation and genetic material storage. It seeks to diluents free of animal substances, to ensure food safety inbiological processes. The objective of this research was seminal diluent develop using Mauritia flexuoxa extractas an additive. Obtaining the extract was from dehydrated raw materials, semen collection was performed withartificial vagina and in vitro spermatic evaluation through full force and motility. The extract prepared in TRISdiluent is included at different concentrations. Semen was diluted and evaluated the heat resistance at 37°C. Weevaluated the membrane integrity after 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes of incubation at 37°C. It wasconcluded that significant differences were observed using Mauritia flexuosa extract.
Masculino , Animais , Análise do Sêmen/veterinária , Magnoliopsida/efeitos adversos , Magnoliopsida/química , RuminantesResumo
In order to evaluate the recovery rate of local abattoirs oocyte the metropolitan region of Teresina-PI.Ovaries were used 72 36 pubescent sheep without defined breed (SRD) .The collected ovaries were transportedto the laboratory in thermos physiological saline (0.9% NaCl) heated at 35 ° C plus 30 ug / ml sulphategentamicin in a maximum of two (2) hours, the follicular aspiration needle attached syringe was subsequentlyperformed, the aspirated pellet was deposited on heated Petri dishes previously in hot plate to 37 ° C for theidentification and classification of oocitárias structures. 52 were recovered oocyte cumulus cells and the ewerecovery rate was 1.4. Therefore the low recovery rate can be the result of the female body condition, foodsupply, breeding age and age of the animal.
Feminino , Animais , Ovinos/embriologia , Recuperação de Oócitos/estatística & dados numéricos , Recuperação de Oócitos/veterinária , MatadourosResumo
Simarouba versicolor belongs to Simaroubaceae family. It is known that this and other species of thegenus have several activities including the antiestrogen and male infertility. In order to verify the ethanol extractof Simarouba versicolor (Sv-EtOH) in isolated uterus of Wistar rats, studies have been conducted with Sv-EtOHon the tonic contractions induced by KCl or oxytocin, recorded by isometric transducers coupled to a system ofdigital acquisition, by characterizing that blocking the uterine contraction induced by oxytocin, it was found thatthere was no significant inhibition of these contractions in the presence of Sv EtOH at concentrations of 500,750, 1000 µg / mL. The Sv-EtOH (81, 243, 500, 750, 1000µg/mL) did not induce a significant relaxation ofcontractions induced by KCl showing an EMAX 49.26 ± 7.32 and did not induce significantly the inducedrelaxation of concentrations with oxytocin EMAX de 18,78±4,91%.