The liver is an organ with a differential value on the market. However, due to its metabolic functions it is susceptible to various types of alterations, including a large rate of disposal by perihepatitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis of perihepatitis by the Federal Inspection Service (FIS), according to histopathological examination and correlate these findings with plasmatic concentrations of AST and GGT. One hundred and fifty four culled sows of the Landrace breed were used. Slaughter was performed by the method of desensitization by electrical stimulation and subsequent exsanguination. Then 5 mL of whole blood was collected to evaluate concentrations of GGT and AST. During evisceration, liver condition was assessed by visual inspection and classified as good or condemned by perihepatitis. Also, fragments of the liver were collected to histopathologic examination. The alterations in the liver parenchyma were classified as degenerative, inflammatory or reparative. The alterations found in liver tissues, considered as perihepatitis by visual inspection, were often due to fibrosis, fatty degeneration or mild hepatitis. The serum concentrations of GGT were high. Moreover, it concentrations were higher in livers with lesions of inflammatory and degenerative nature when compared to livers without injuries (p 0.05).However, the same was not observed for AST concentrations (p>0.05). Concluding, the perihepatitis diagnosis from the FIS showed low specificity and sensitivity, and the enzyme GGT was a good indicator of liver injuries in swine.(AU)
O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólicas, é susceptível a diversos tipos de alterações, destacando-se um grande número de descartes por perihepatite. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do diagnóstico desta alteração pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF), segundo exame histopatológico, e correlacionar estes achados com os níveis plasmáticos de AST e GGT. Foram utilizadas 154 matrizes da raça Landrace de descarte. O abate foi feito com o método de insensibilização por estímulo elétrico e posterior sangria, sendo coletados 5 mL de sangue total, para determinação dos níveis de GGT e AST. Durante a evisceração, foi avaliada a condição do fígado pela inspeção sanitária classificando-o como liberado ou condenado por perihepatite. Fragmentos de fígado foram colhidos, para fins de comparações histopatológicas. Na presença de alteração do parênquima hepático, essa foi classificada em degenerativa, inflamatória ou reparativa. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que as lesões encontradas no tecido hepático, consideradas como perihepatite pela inspeção sanitária, tratavam-se muitas vezes de alterações hepáticas como fibroses, degeneração gordurosa ou hepatites discretas. Os níveis de GGT se apresentaram elevados, sendo exacerbados em lesões de caráter inflamatório e degenerativo, em comparação com animais sem lesão hepática (p<0,05), o que não foi observado para os níveis de AST (p>0,05). Assim, observou-se que o diagnóstico de perihepatite pelo SIF apresentou baixa especificidade e sensibilidade, e que a enzima GGT é um bom indicador de lesões hepáticas em suínos.(AU)
Animais , Hepatite/diagnóstico , Suínos , Enzimas , Hepatopatias/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Inspeção Sanitária , Abate de AnimaisResumo
The objective of this study was to verify probiotics and monensin effects on metabolic parameters in weaning lambs. In the experiment 1, thirty lambs divided in three groups were fed during 6 weeks. The lambs were enrolled in one of the following treatments: GC1: as a control, GB1: Bacillus cereus var. toyoi (1x106 spores/g) and GS1: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106 viable cells/g). In the experiment 2, thirty lambs divided in three groups were fed during 8 weeks. The treatments consisted in GC2: as a control, GM2: monensin (500g/t) and GS2: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106viable cells/g). In both experiments blood samples were collected weekly aiming to measure metabolic parameters as glucose, triacylglycerol (TAG), cholesterol, albumin, urea, aspartate amino transferase (AST), creatinine kinase (CK) and gamma glutamil transferase (GGT). The results from experiment 1 demonstrated that GS1 had greater (P<0.05) concentrations of albumin and urea during the adaptation period. In the post-adaption period the GC1 demonstrated increased (P<0.05) concentrations of cholesterol, albumin and AST activity, in contrast, reduced (P<0.05) concentrations of glucose, urea and CK in comparison to GS1. However, during experiment two throughout the adaptation period the GS2 had greater (P<0.05) concentrations for albumin and urea. The GM2 had greater (P<0.05) concentrations for TAG and lower (P<0.05) for glucose and CK activity. During the post-adaption period the GS2 showed the lowest (P<0.05) concentrations for cholesterol and GGT activity, GC2 had greater (P<0.05) levels of albumin and AST activity as well as lower concentrations for urea. The GM2 had greater levels for GGT activity and lower levels for CK activity. Therefore, it is concluded that protein metabolism in lambs has better performance when Saccharomyces boulardii is added in the ration during the adaptation period.(AU)
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito de probióticos e monensina sobre parâmetros metabólicos de cordeiros desmamados. No primeiro experimento foram utilizados 30 cordeiros, alimentados durante 6 semanas, de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos. GC1: Controle (sem aditivo), GB1: Bacillus cereus var. toyoi (1x106 esporos/g) e GS1: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106 células viáveis/g). No segundo experimento foram utilizados 30 cordeiros, alimentados durante 8 semanas divididos em três tratamentos: GC2: Controle (sem aditivo), GM2: Monensina sódica (500g/t) e o GS2: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106 células viáveis/gr). Semanalmente foram coletas amostras de sangue. Em ambos os experimentos foram avaliados: glucose, triacilglicerídeos (TAG), colesterol, albumina, ureia, aspartato amino transferase (AST), creatinina quinase (CK) e gama glutamil transferase (GGT). O GS1 obteve maiores concentrações de albumina e ureia (P<0,01), quando comparado aos demais grupos, no período adaptativo. O GC1 demonstrou maiores concentrações de colesterol, albumina e atividade de AST (P<0,05), e menores de glucose, ureia e atividade de CK (P<0,05), quando comparadas ao GS1, no período pós-adaptativo. No experimento dois durante o período adaptativo o GS2 obteve maiores concentrações de albumina e ureia (P<0,01), quando comparado aos demais. O GM2 obteve maiores concentrações de TAG (P<0,01) e menores de glucose e atividade de CK (P<0,05), quando comparado aos demais, no período adaptativo. O GS2 obteve menores concentrações de colesterol e atividade de GGT (P<0,05), quando comparado com os demais, no período pós-adaptativo. O GC2 obteve maiores concentração de albumina e atividade de AST (P<0,01), e menores de ureia (P<0,05), quando comparados com os demais, no período pós-adaptativo. O GM2 obteve maior atividade de GGT (P<0,05) e menor atividade de CK (P<0,05), quando comparado com os demais, no período pós-adaptativo. .(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/metabolismo , Probióticos/administração & dosagem , Monensin/administração & dosagem , Rúmen , Saccharomyces boulardii , Bacillus cereusResumo
Background: During the transition period negative energy balance (NEB) occurs due to the difference between input and output of nutrients. At this period, these nutrients are directed to milk production and lipolysis is the major mechanism of adaptation. There is an increase of the non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) reduce dry matter intake (DMI). The feed restriction during the prepartum period improve milk production and plasmatic concentration of glucose and insulin through the adaptation of liver enzymes and increased DMI at the postpartum period. The administration of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) also improve milk production on postpartum period and alters lipogenesis and lipolysis through effects on adipose tissue and lipid metabolism. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of feed restriction and injections of rbST on parameters of energetic, protein, enzymatic and mineral metabolism of prepartum dairy heifers. Materials, Methods & Results: Fourty four heifers with BW = 477.2 ± 7.4 kg at the beginning were used. The experimental period ranged from 35 days prepartum to calving. These heifers were divided in four groups with 11 heifers each: bST: fed to allow 100% of the DMI plus rbST injections; RbST: fed to allow 80% of the DMI plus rbST injections; CON: fed to allow 100% of the DMI plus placebo injections and RES: fed to allow 80% of the DMI plus placebo injections. The heifers receive three injections of rbST and placebo 14 days apart in the prepartum period. The diets of group bST and CON was according to 100% of requirements and DMI was calculates using the body weight, BCS, age, period of gestation and growth. The serum glucose, NEFA, calcium and phosphorus concentration were analyzed in blood samples through colorimetry method. Gamma glutamyltransferase and aspartate aminotransferase activity were measured by spectrophotometer. All statistical analyses were made using softweare SAS. Glucose, NEFA, urea, calcium, phosphorus and relashioship C:P, GGT and AST were analyzed through MIXED procedure and the Tukey-Kramer test was applied for comparision means. For the BCS analyzis was applied Kruskal-Wallis test.The BST group had higher plasmatic concentrations of glucose than CON group (P = 0.0011). Similarly urea concentration was lower for BST group (P = 0.0099) during prepartum. The NEFA concentration was higher in REST than CON group (P = 0.0015). We did not find difference between groups for BCS, mineral profile and enzymatic profile. Discussion: The feed restriction increased NEFA concentration due to decreased DMI. On the BST group, we observed higher concentrations of glucose when compared with CON group, resembling to the results found by others. In accordance to our results previous studies, no difference concerning urea concentration in prepartum period in cows submitted to feed restriction or mineral profile for cows submitted to feed restriction and bST treatment was found. This strategy will also result in increased lipolysis, causes protein degradation stemmed from muscle tissue in an attempt to maintain the levels of glucose from gluconeogenesis from amino acids. Disagreeing the results described here, others observed higher BCS in cows submitted to ad libitum diet compared with feed restriction cows during prepartum. In this study feed restriction and bST on prepartum period can improve metabolic adaptation, but these two strategies do not act in synergy.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/metabolismo , Hormônio do Crescimento/efeitos adversos , Dietoterapia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The protein supplements can represent up to 50% of the costs in the concentrated fraction of the diet in dairy cows. A possible alternative that meets the requirements regarding protein levels and can reduce the costs are the nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) supplementst. For these reasons, this strategy it is widely used in low milk production systems, where cost of production has a higher impact. In this scenario the use of NPN aims to increase production without altering the economic balance of the system. Recently, a supplement consisting of urea coated with a biodegradable polymer was developed. This system promotes the controlled release of urea that can reach up 36 h after ingestion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding slow release urea formula on the composition and milk production, metabolic parameters and pH of the ruminal fluid of dairy cows. Materials, Methods & Results: This study was conducted over a period of 60 days, using 20 multiparous cows with 90 ± 18 days in milk. The animals were divided into two groups according to the type of NPN: 1) conventional urea (CG) and 2) slow release urea (SRG). Each group was composed of six Holstein cows (average body weight 528.7 ± 51.9 kg) and four Jersey cows (average body weight 389.3 ± 33.3 kg). Cows in the CG received a diet containing 80g of conventional urea/cow/day, and SRG cows were fed a diet containing 88g of slow release urea/cow/day, both diets were kept isocaloric and isonitrogenous between groups. Weekly weighing and sampling was performed for evaluation of milk production, composition, somatic cell count (SCC) and urea levels in milk. Blood samples were taken weekly to measure the levels of γ-glutaryl transferase, urea, and albumin. Biweekly ruminocentese was performed for collection of ruminal fl uid and pH measurement. Among the metabolites examined the only difference between groups was for milk urea, with SRG having higher milk urea than CG cows (P < 0.04). No differences were observed for milk yield corrected to 3.5% fat, milk composition and ruminal pH (P > 0.05). However, a breed effect was observed, with the Jersey cows having the highest milk fat content (P < 0.04; 4.4 ± 0.27% vs 3.6 ± 0.22%), total solids (P < 0.01; 13.22 ± 0.43% vs 11.74 ± 0.35%) and urea (P < 0.002; 52.31 ± 1.43 mg/dL vs. 46.12 ± 1.17 mg/dL) compared to Holstein cows, respectively. Discussion: Milk production was not different between groups supplemented with different sources of NPN, similar to the described by other studies. Previous studies that found differences in milk production were probably due to the with drawal of the true protein fraction of the diet, which allowed the synchronization of the degradation of carbohydrates and nitrogen release by the slow release formula. Serum urea concentration remained within the physiological levels for both groups, demonstrating that the diet was maintained in equilibrium. The enzyme γ-glutaryl transferase did not show any difference between groups, indicating that no systemic damage occurred. The results of this experiment indicate that supplementation with slow release urea at 1.8% of the dry matter intake did not influence the parameters studied, behaving like conventional urea. Thus the slow release urea can be used as an alternative protein source without damage to the metabolism, however for low producing dairy systems, characterized as semi-skilled, no benefits are observed since it has a higher cost.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Rúmen , Ureia/análise , Bovinos/metabolismo , Leite/químicaResumo
Os touros compõem uma importante categoria animal nos sistemas de produção ligados à pecuária, sendo responsáveis por uma considerável parcela do melhoramento genético de um rebanho. Porém, poucos estudos relacionados às condições metabólicas desta categoria vêm sendo conduzidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil metabólico de touros em três períodos distintos do ciclo reprodutivo, sendo antes da estação reprodutiva, durante e após a estação reprodutiva. Este experimento foi conduzido em uma propriedade da região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul com 23 touros. Os marcadores bioquímicos utilizados para avaliar o perfil metabólico foram os seguintes: glicose, colesterol, para determinar o perfil energético; albumina, uréia, como marcadores protéicos e a enzima aspartato aminotransferase (AST) como indicador da função hepática. Os resultados demonstraram que houve diferença (p < 0,05) de todos marcadores metabólicos avaliados durante os diferentes períodos do ciclo produtivo, indicando que houve variação na disponibilidade de alimento, possivelmente capaz de gerar perdas produtivas e reprodutivas que podem ser solucionadas com suplementação protéica ou melhoramento do campo nativo. (AU)
Bulls are an important category in cattle production systems, being responsible for a considerable part of genetic improvement in a herd. However, few studies about the metabolic conditions of this category have been done. The objective of this study was to evaluate the metabolic profile of bulls in three different phases of the reproductive cycle, that are, before, during and after the breeding season. This study was conducted with 23 bulls, in a farm in southern Rio Grande do Sul. The biochemical markers used for the evaluations were: glicose and cholesterol, to determine energetic profile; albumin and urea to determine protein profile and enzyme aspartate aminotransferase (AST) as an indicator of liver functionality. There was a difference (p < 0,05) in all metabolic markers evaluated during the different phases of the productive cycle, showing that there was a variation in food availability, which could lead to productive and reproductive losses. This could be improved by protein supplementation and pasture improvement.(AU)
Animais , Adulto , Metabolismo , Biomarcadores/análise , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Bovinos , Ração Animal , Análise de VariânciaResumo
As micotoxicoses são grandes causadoras de perdas produtivas em ruminantes, sendo aflatoxina (AFLA) e zearalenona (ZEA) as principais micotoxinas encontradas em alimentos conservados. Estas micotoxinas apresentam efeito sobre o metabolismo animal, através da ação anabólica de metabólitos da ZEA, bem como pelas lesões hepáticas causadas pela AFLA. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a influência do adsorvente glucomanano modificado sobre parâmetros metabólicos de ovelhas submetidas à dietas contendo AFLA e ZEA. Foram utilizadas 34 fêmeas divididas em 6 grupos (ZEA; ZEA+ADS; AFLA; AFLA+ADS; CONTROLE+ADS; CONTROLE), recebendo 1,0 mg/kg de ZEA, 1,5 mg/kg de AFLA e/ou 2kg/ton de adsorvente. A ZEA diminuiu os níveis séricos de glicose, em relação ao CONTROLE (p<0,05), porém, o adsorvente não influenciou os níveis de glicose, não havendo diferença entre os grupos ZEA e ZEA+ADS. A ZEA aumentou os níveis de AST e GGT em relação ao grupo CONTROLE (p<0,05), sendo que os níveis de AST foram superiores no grupo ZEA (p<0,05), quando comparado ao grupo ZEA+ADS. Ainda, a aflatoxina causou uma redução nos níveis de albumina, em relação aos valores fisiológicos de ovinos. Assim, a partir destes resultados pode-se concluir que a ZEA causou alterações metabólicas em ovinos, bem como o glucomanano modificado foi eficiente em reduzir a possível agressão hepática causada por esta micotoxina, demonstrada pela diminuição nos níveis de AST.(AU)
The micotoxicoses are causing great losses of production in ruminants, being aflatoxin (AFLA) and zearalenone (ZEA) the major mycotoxins found in foods preserved. These mycotoxins have effect on the metabolism animal through the anabolic action of metabolites of the ZEA, and the liver injury caused by AFLA. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the sorbent modified glucomannan on metabolic parameters of sheep submitted to diets containing AFLA and ZEA. Were used 34 females divided into 6 groups (ZEA; ZEA+ADS; AFLA; AFLA+ADS; CONTROL+ADS; CONTROL), receiving 1.0 mg/kg of ZEA, 1.5 mg/kg of AFLA and/or 2kg/ton of sorbent. The ZEA decreased serum levels of glucose, for the CONTROL (p <0.05), however, the sorbent not influence the levels of glucose, with no difference between groups ZEA and ZEA+ADS. The ZEA increased levels of AST and GGT compared to group CONTROL (p <0.05), whereas the levels of AST were higher in the group ZEA (p <0.05) when compared to the group ZEA+ADS. Still, the aflatoxin caused a reduction in the levels of albumin, for physiological values of sheep. Thus, from these results it was concluded that ZEA caused metabolic alterations in sheep, and the modified glucomannan was effective in reducing the possible liver aggression caused by this mycotoxin, shown by the decrease in the levels of AST.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/análise , Micotoxinas/efeitos adversos , Micotoxinas/análise , Ovinos , Metabolismo , Eficiência , Doenças dos AnimaisResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da somatotropina recombinante bovina (rbST) sobre os marcadores do metabolismoenergético, proteico, mineral e hepático de touros mantidos em semiconfinamento. Foram utilizados 20 touros de raçasAberdeen Angus e Brangus, sendo divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (Placebo e rbST), para que no Placebo fosseadministrado via subcutânea duas doses de NaCl, 0,9% e no rbST fosse administrado o rbST (Lactotropin®). Foram realizadascinco coletas de sangue, com intervalo de 14 dias, para avaliação da concentração de triacilgliceróis e colesterol comomarcadores energéticos, ureia, como indicador proteico, fosfatase alcalina e fósforo como marcadores minerais e asenzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e a gama glutamiltransferase (GGT) como indicadoras da função hepática. Aaplicação de rbST não influenciou os marcadores energéticos, minerais, e proteico, exceto a enzima hepática GGT (P 0,05).Estes resultados indicam que a utilização do rbST em touros não alterou o metabolismo, pois os parâmetros avaliadosmantiveram-se dentro dos padrões considerados fisiológicos para a espécie.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on metabolic markers for energy, protein, mineral and hepatic metabolism of sires kept grazing and receiving concentrate. Twenty sires Aberdeen Angus and Brangus used for this experiment were divided in two groups (Placebo and rbST). The group Placebo received subcutaneous administration of NaCl, 0.9% and rbST receive rbST twice. Five blood collections with 14 days of interval were made for evaluation of triglyceride and cholesterol as energetic metabolism markers, urea, as proteic marker, alkaline phosphatase and phosphorus as minerals markers and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) as indicators of the hepatic function. The rbST did not influence the energetic, mineral and proteic markers, except the hepatic enzyme GGT (P<0,05). These results indicated that the use of rbST in sires did not affect metabolism, therefore evaluated parameters remaining in the physiological range for the specie.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Hormônio do Crescimento/efeitos adversos , Hormônio do Crescimento/análise , Bovinos/anormalidades , Bovinos/metabolismoResumo
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da somatotropina recombinante bovina (rbST) sobre os marcadores do metabolismoenergético, proteico, mineral e hepático de touros mantidos em semiconfinamento. Foram utilizados 20 touros de raçasAberdeen Angus e Brangus, sendo divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos (Placebo e rbST), para que no Placebo fosseadministrado via subcutânea duas doses de NaCl, 0,9% e no rbST fosse administrado o rbST (Lactotropin®). Foram realizadascinco coletas de sangue, com intervalo de 14 dias, para avaliação da concentração de triacilgliceróis e colesterol comomarcadores energéticos, ureia, como indicador proteico, fosfatase alcalina e fósforo como marcadores minerais e asenzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST) e a gama glutamiltransferase (GGT) como indicadoras da função hepática. Aaplicação de rbST não influenciou os marcadores energéticos, minerais, e proteico, exceto a enzima hepática GGT (P 0,05).Estes resultados indicam que a utilização do rbST em touros não alterou o metabolismo, pois os parâmetros avaliadosmantiveram-se dentro dos padrões considerados fisiológicos para a espécie.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) on metabolic markers for energy, protein, mineral and hepatic metabolism of sires kept grazing and receiving concentrate. Twenty sires Aberdeen Angus and Brangus used for this experiment were divided in two groups (Placebo and rbST). The group Placebo received subcutaneous administration of NaCl, 0.9% and rbST receive rbST twice. Five blood collections with 14 days of interval were made for evaluation of triglyceride and cholesterol as energetic metabolism markers, urea, as proteic marker, alkaline phosphatase and phosphorus as minerals markers and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) as indicators of the hepatic function. The rbST did not influence the energetic, mineral and proteic markers, except the hepatic enzyme GGT (P<0,05). These results indicated that the use of rbST in sires did not affect metabolism, therefore evaluated parameters remaining in the physiological range for the specie.
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Bovinos/metabolismo , Hormônio do Crescimento/análise , Hormônio do Crescimento/efeitos adversosResumo
Desequilíbrios entre os nutrientes que ingressam no organismo animal, sua biotransformação e a eliminação das substâncias resultantes podem ocasionar alterações no metabolismo animal. A conseqüência direta dessa condição é a ocorrência das doenças metabó¬licas, também conhecidas como doenças da produção. Muitos desses desequilíbrios podem provocar doenças subclínicas que são de difícil percepção, limitando a produção de um modo persistente, provocando uma diminuição da produção, ocasionando perdas na rentabilidade do produtor e ainda possíveis alterações na composição e qualidade do leite. Os transtornos metabólicos podem ser detectados pelo estudo dos perfis bioquímicos no sangue. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parâmetros do perfil metabólico e do leite em diferentes categorias de vacas leiteiras da raça Jersey em rebanhos do sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram utilizadas 59 vacas da raça Jersey de diferentes propriedades da região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, as fêmeas foram divididas em três grupos: o primeiro de vacas (L1) 7 a 80 dias de lactação, o segundo (L2) com vacas de 81 a 270 dias de lactação e o terceiro (vacas secas) com vacas de 45 a 10 dias pré¬parto. Amostras de sangue e leite foram coletadas e encaminhadas aos laboratórios da Univer¬sidade Federal de Pelotas/Brasil, onde foram mensurados os seguintes parâmetros: no sangue, glicose, uréia, albumina e aspartato transaminase (AST) e no leite, proteína verdadeira, lactose e gordura. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças nos parâmetros metabólicos na glicose, uréia e gama glutamil transferase (GGT), entre os grupos L1 e vacas secas, enquanto para os compo¬nentes do leite a diferença foi observada entre a gordura e a proteína verdadeira, sendo mais alta no grupo L2...
Instability between the nutrients in animal organism, their biotransformation and final substances elimination can cause changes in the animal metabolism. The consequence of this condition are metabolical diseases, known also as production diseases. Several of these imbalances can cause subclinical diseases, that are difficult to perception, limiting the production of a persistent manner, causing a decline in production, which causes losses in the profitability of the producer and possible changes in the composition and quality of milk. The metabolic disorders can be detected by the study of biochemical profiles in the blood. The objective of this study was evaluating parameters of metabolic profile and milk in different categories of dairy herds in the Jersey breed in the southern of Rio Grande do Sul. Fifty nine Jersey cows were used from different properties of the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, the females were divided into three groups: the first of cows (L1) with 7 to 80 days of lactation, the second (L2) with cows of 81 to 270 days of lactation and the third (dry cow) with cows from 45 to 10 days prepartum. Samples of blood and milk were collected and forwarded to the laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas / Brazil, where the following parameters were measured: blood, glucose, urea, albumin and aspartate transaminase (AST) and in the milk true protein, lactose and fat. The results showed differences in metabolic parameters in glucose, urea and gama glutamil transferase (GGT), between groups L1 and dry cows, while the components of milk for the difference was observed between fat and the true protein, being highest in the group L2. None of the animals showed amendments that confirmed metabolic disease, even subclinical, but the differences were observed between the different productive periods, coming to confirm the various metabolic and nutritional needs for each productive stage of the animals
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos/metabolismoResumo
Desequilíbrios entre os nutrientes que ingressam no organismo animal, sua biotransformação e a eliminação das substâncias resultantes podem ocasionar alterações no metabolismo animal. A conseqüência direta dessa condição é a ocorrência das doenças metabó¬licas, também conhecidas como doenças da produção. Muitos desses desequilíbrios podem provocar doenças subclínicas que são de difícil percepção, limitando a produção de um modo persistente, provocando uma diminuição da produção, ocasionando perdas na rentabilidade do produtor e ainda possíveis alterações na composição e qualidade do leite. Os transtornos metabólicos podem ser detectados pelo estudo dos perfis bioquímicos no sangue. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parâmetros do perfil metabólico e do leite em diferentes categorias de vacas leiteiras da raça Jersey em rebanhos do sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram utilizadas 59 vacas da raça Jersey de diferentes propriedades da região sul do Rio Grande do Sul, as fêmeas foram divididas em três grupos: o primeiro de vacas (L1) 7 a 80 dias de lactação, o segundo (L2) com vacas de 81 a 270 dias de lactação e o terceiro (vacas secas) com vacas de 45 a 10 dias pré¬parto. Amostras de sangue e leite foram coletadas e encaminhadas aos laboratórios da Univer¬sidade Federal de Pelotas/Brasil, onde foram mensurados os seguintes parâmetros: no sangue, glicose, uréia, albumina e aspartato transaminase (AST) e no leite, proteína verdadeira, lactose e gordura. Os resultados demonstraram diferenças nos parâmetros metabólicos na glicose, uréia e gama glutamil transferase (GGT), entre os grupos L1 e vacas secas, enquanto para os compo¬nentes do leite a diferença foi observada entre a gordura e a proteína verdadeira, sendo mais alta no grupo L2...(AU)
Instability between the nutrients in animal organism, their biotransformation and final substances elimination can cause changes in the animal metabolism. The consequence of this condition are metabolical diseases, known also as production diseases. Several of these imbalances can cause subclinical diseases, that are difficult to perception, limiting the production of a persistent manner, causing a decline in production, which causes losses in the profitability of the producer and possible changes in the composition and quality of milk. The metabolic disorders can be detected by the study of biochemical profiles in the blood. The objective of this study was evaluating parameters of metabolic profile and milk in different categories of dairy herds in the Jersey breed in the southern of Rio Grande do Sul. Fifty nine Jersey cows were used from different properties of the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul, the females were divided into three groups: the first of cows (L1) with 7 to 80 days of lactation, the second (L2) with cows of 81 to 270 days of lactation and the third (dry cow) with cows from 45 to 10 days prepartum. Samples of blood and milk were collected and forwarded to the laboratory of the Federal University of Pelotas / Brazil, where the following parameters were measured: blood, glucose, urea, albumin and aspartate transaminase (AST) and in the milk true protein, lactose and fat. The results showed differences in metabolic parameters in glucose, urea and gama glutamil transferase (GGT), between groups L1 and dry cows, while the components of milk for the difference was observed between fat and the true protein, being highest in the group L2. None of the animals showed amendments that confirmed metabolic disease, even subclinical, but the differences were observed between the different productive periods, coming to confirm the various metabolic and nutritional needs for each productive stage of the animals(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/metabolismoResumo
The liver is an organ with a differential value on the market. However, due to its metabolic functions it is susceptible to various types of alterations, including a large rate of disposal by perihepatitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnosis of perihepatitis by the Federal Inspection Service (FIS), according to histopathological examination and correlate these findings with plasmatic concentrations of AST and GGT. One hundred and fifty four culled sows of the Landrace breed were used. Slaughter was performed by the method of desensitization by electrical stimulation and subsequent exsanguination. Then 5 mL of whole blood was collected to evaluate concentrations of GGT and AST. During evisceration, liver condition was assessed by visual inspection and classified as good or condemned by perihepatitis. Also, fragments of the liver were collected to histopathologic examination. The alterations in the liver parenchyma were classified as degenerative, inflammatory or reparative. The alterations found in liver tissues, considered as perihepatitis by visual inspection, were often due to fibrosis, fatty degeneration or mild hepatitis. The serum concentrations of GGT were high. Moreover, it concentrations were higher in livers with lesions of inflammatory and degenerative nature when compared to livers without injuries (p 0.05).However, the same was not observed for AST concentrations (p>0.05). Concluding, the perihepatitis diagnosis from the FIS showed low specificity and sensitivity, and the enzyme GGT was a good indicator of liver injuries in swine.
O fígado é um órgão de valor comercial diferenciado, porém, em virtude das suas funções metabólicas, é susceptível a diversos tipos de alterações, destacando-se um grande número de descartes por perihepatite. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a sensibilidade e especificidade do diagnóstico desta alteração pelo Serviço de Inspeção Federal (SIF), segundo exame histopatológico, e correlacionar estes achados com os níveis plasmáticos de AST e GGT. Foram utilizadas 154 matrizes da raça Landrace de descarte. O abate foi feito com o método de insensibilização por estímulo elétrico e posterior sangria, sendo coletados 5 mL de sangue total, para determinação dos níveis de GGT e AST. Durante a evisceração, foi avaliada a condição do fígado pela inspeção sanitária classificando-o como liberado ou condenado por perihepatite. Fragmentos de fígado foram colhidos, para fins de comparações histopatológicas. Na presença de alteração do parênquima hepático, essa foi classificada em degenerativa, inflamatória ou reparativa. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que as lesões encontradas no tecido hepático, consideradas como perihepatite pela inspeção sanitária, tratavam-se muitas vezes de alterações hepáticas como fibroses, degeneração gordurosa ou hepatites discretas. Os níveis de GGT se apresentaram elevados, sendo exacerbados em lesões de caráter inflamatório e degenerativo, em comparação com animais sem lesão hepática (p0,05). Assim, observou-se que o diagnóstico de perihepatite pelo SIF apresentou baixa especificidade e sensibilidade, e que a enzima GGT é um bom indicador de lesões hepáticas em suínos.
Animais , Enzimas , Hepatite/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias/diagnóstico , Hepatopatias/veterinária , Suínos , Abate de Animais , Inspeção SanitáriaResumo
The objective of this study was to verify probiotics and monensin effects on metabolic parameters in weaning lambs. In the experiment 1, thirty lambs divided in three groups were fed during 6 weeks. The lambs were enrolled in one of the following treatments: GC1: as a control, GB1: Bacillus cereus var. toyoi (1x106 spores/g) and GS1: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106 viable cells/g). In the experiment 2, thirty lambs divided in three groups were fed during 8 weeks. The treatments consisted in GC2: as a control, GM2: monensin (500g/t) and GS2: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106viable cells/g). In both experiments blood samples were collected weekly aiming to measure metabolic parameters as glucose, triacylglycerol (TAG), cholesterol, albumin, urea, aspartate amino transferase (AST), creatinine kinase (CK) and gamma glutamil transferase (GGT). The results from experiment 1 demonstrated that GS1 had greater (P<0.05) concentrations of albumin and urea during the adaptation period. In the post-adaption period the GC1 demonstrated increased (P<0.05) concentrations of cholesterol, albumin and AST activity, in contrast, reduced (P<0.05) concentrations of glucose, urea and CK in comparison to GS1. However, during experiment two throughout the adaptation period the GS2 had greater (P<0.05) concentrations for albumin and urea. The GM2 had greater (P<0.05) concentrations for TAG and lower (P<0.05) for glucose and CK activity. During the post-adaption period the GS2 showed the lowest (P<0.05) concentrations for cholesterol and GGT activity, GC2 had greater (P<0.05) levels of albumin and AST activity as well as lower concentrations for urea. The GM2 had greater levels for GGT activity and lower levels for CK activity. Therefore, it is concluded that protein metabolism in lambs has better performance when Saccharomyces boulardii is added in the ration during the adaptation period.
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar o efeito de probióticos e monensina sobre parâmetros metabólicos de cordeiros desmamados. No primeiro experimento foram utilizados 30 cordeiros, alimentados durante 6 semanas, de acordo com os seguintes tratamentos. GC1: Controle (sem aditivo), GB1: Bacillus cereus var. toyoi (1x106 esporos/g) e GS1: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106 células viáveis/g). No segundo experimento foram utilizados 30 cordeiros, alimentados durante 8 semanas divididos em três tratamentos: GC2: Controle (sem aditivo), GM2: Monensina sódica (500g/t) e o GS2: Saccharomyces boulardii (1x106 células viáveis/gr). Semanalmente foram coletas amostras de sangue. Em ambos os experimentos foram avaliados: glucose, triacilglicerídeos (TAG), colesterol, albumina, ureia, aspartato amino transferase (AST), creatinina quinase (CK) e gama glutamil transferase (GGT). O GS1 obteve maiores concentrações de albumina e ureia (P<0,01), quando comparado aos demais grupos, no período adaptativo. O GC1 demonstrou maiores concentrações de colesterol, albumina e atividade de AST (P<0,05), e menores de glucose, ureia e atividade de CK (P<0,05), quando comparadas ao GS1, no período pós-adaptativo. No experimento dois durante o período adaptativo o GS2 obteve maiores concentrações de albumina e ureia (P<0,01), quando comparado aos demais. O GM2 obteve maiores concentrações de TAG (P<0,01) e menores de glucose e atividade de CK (P<0,05), quando comparado aos demais, no período adaptativo. O GS2 obteve menores concentrações de colesterol e atividade de GGT (P<0,05), quando comparado com os demais, no período pós-adaptativo. O GC2 obteve maiores concentração de albumina e atividade de AST (P<0,01), e menores de ureia (P<0,05), quando comparados com os demais, no período pós-adaptativo. O GM2 obteve maior atividade de GGT (P<0,05) e menor atividade de CK (P<0,05), quando comparado com os demais, no período pós-adaptativo. .