Background: The crystallization of bodily fluids, primarily saliva, has been the subject of study in many species and is asimple alternative to detect estrus because it demands neither a significant financial investment nor qualified professionalsto execute the examination. Fern pattern crystallization has been described in the cervical and nasal mucus, saliva andtear secretion, and in colostrum. Changes in salivary crystallization during the reproduction cycle are related to differenthormonal concentrations in this period. Thus, the present study has evaluated the patterns of saliva crystallization in sheepsubjected to estrus induction and synchronization protocols.Materials, Methods & Results: The sample consisted of 11 crossbreed Corriedale sheep, which were evaluated during twoexperimental periods (spring and autumn), and that underwent induction and synchronizing estrus protocols. In a randomphase of the estrus cycle (day 0), each sheep was implanted with an intravaginal device (Primer®), impregnated with 0.36g of progesterone for seven days. This device was inserted according to manufacturers instructions of the manufacturerand with the assistance of a specific applicator. On the day of device removal (day 7), the animals received 0.0375 mg ofD-Cloprostenol (Prolise®) and 10 mg of Folltropin® extracted from the swine pituitary (NIH-FSH-P1 of Folltropin-V) byintramuscular administration. The saliva was collected at six points during the experimental periods: day 1 (3 days beforeplacement of the implant); day 4 (day of insertion of the implant); day 9 (5 days after the insertion of the implant); day11 (day of removal of the implant and application of hormones); day 12 (24 h after removal of the implant [presumableestrus]); and day 13 (48 h after removal of the implant). Smears containing 10 µL of saliva were observed under an opticallight microscope...
Feminino , Animais , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Estro , Ovinos , Saliva , Sincronização do EstroResumo
Background: The crystallization of bodily fluids, primarily saliva, has been the subject of study in many species and is asimple alternative to detect estrus because it demands neither a significant financial investment nor qualified professionalsto execute the examination. Fern pattern crystallization has been described in the cervical and nasal mucus, saliva andtear secretion, and in colostrum. Changes in salivary crystallization during the reproduction cycle are related to differenthormonal concentrations in this period. Thus, the present study has evaluated the patterns of saliva crystallization in sheepsubjected to estrus induction and synchronization protocols.Materials, Methods & Results: The sample consisted of 11 crossbreed Corriedale sheep, which were evaluated during twoexperimental periods (spring and autumn), and that underwent induction and synchronizing estrus protocols. In a randomphase of the estrus cycle (day 0), each sheep was implanted with an intravaginal device (Primer®), impregnated with 0.36g of progesterone for seven days. This device was inserted according to manufacturers instructions of the manufacturerand with the assistance of a specific applicator. On the day of device removal (day 7), the animals received 0.0375 mg ofD-Cloprostenol (Prolise®) and 10 mg of Folltropin® extracted from the swine pituitary (NIH-FSH-P1 of Folltropin-V) byintramuscular administration. The saliva was collected at six points during the experimental periods: day 1 (3 days beforeplacement of the implant); day 4 (day of insertion of the implant); day 9 (5 days after the insertion of the implant); day11 (day of removal of the implant and application of hormones); day 12 (24 h after removal of the implant [presumableestrus]); and day 13 (48 h after removal of the implant). Smears containing 10 µL of saliva were observed under an opticallight microscope...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos , Detecção do Estro/métodos , Estro , Sincronização do Estro , SalivaResumo
Background: The pillars of animal production are sanity, genetics and nutrition. Sanitary control of the herd is importantto reduce production costs and maintain health. The Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of RioGrande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre - RS, is the place of greatest casuistry of the state, with 20.000 annualattendances, between small and large animals. In view of this scenario, the present study aimed to determine the frequencyand characterize the ruminants attended at HCV, in order to help in the future, in the construction of control and preventionstrategies of diseases found.Materials, Methods & Results: The documents of ruminant care between January 2007 and May 2018 were searched inthe archives of the Hospital of Veterinary Clinics of UFRGS. Data on species, race, sex, age and diagnosis were collected.Diagnoses were classified as conclusive and inconclusive and the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified accordingto etiology: infectious and parasitic diseases, metabolic and nutritional diseases, reproductive and obstetric diseases, toxicdiseases, traumatic diseases. The prevalence of diseases and characteristics of ruminants attended (species, sex, category)was calculated. During the study period, between January 2007 and May 2018, 341 ruminants were attended, with emphasison sheep (42%), goats (39%) and cattle (18%). In addition, a camel with foreign body obstruction, a sambar deer withfracture of the first thoracic vertebra and a buffalo with ruminal impaction were attended. The care profile was mapped,with predominance of females (57%) and adults (59%). Most of the animals did not present a defined breed, but amongthe breeds stands out Texel, of cutting aptitude...
Animais , Diagnóstico Clínico/estatística & dados numéricos , Diagnóstico Clínico/veterinária , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Ruminantes , Brasil , Hospitais VeterináriosResumo
Background: The pillars of animal production are sanity, genetics and nutrition. Sanitary control of the herd is importantto reduce production costs and maintain health. The Veterinary Clinics Hospital (HCV) of the Federal University of RioGrande do Sul (UFRGS), located in Porto Alegre - RS, is the place of greatest casuistry of the state, with 20.000 annualattendances, between small and large animals. In view of this scenario, the present study aimed to determine the frequencyand characterize the ruminants attended at HCV, in order to help in the future, in the construction of control and preventionstrategies of diseases found.Materials, Methods & Results: The documents of ruminant care between January 2007 and May 2018 were searched inthe archives of the Hospital of Veterinary Clinics of UFRGS. Data on species, race, sex, age and diagnosis were collected.Diagnoses were classified as conclusive and inconclusive and the cases with conclusive diagnosis were classified accordingto etiology: infectious and parasitic diseases, metabolic and nutritional diseases, reproductive and obstetric diseases, toxicdiseases, traumatic diseases. The prevalence of diseases and characteristics of ruminants attended (species, sex, category)was calculated. During the study period, between January 2007 and May 2018, 341 ruminants were attended, with emphasison sheep (42%), goats (39%) and cattle (18%). In addition, a camel with foreign body obstruction, a sambar deer withfracture of the first thoracic vertebra and a buffalo with ruminal impaction were attended. The care profile was mapped,with predominance of females (57%) and adults (59%). Most of the animals did not present a defined breed, but amongthe breeds stands out Texel, of cutting aptitude... (AU)
Animais , Ruminantes , Estudos Retrospectivos , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Diagnóstico Clínico/estatística & dados numéricos , Diagnóstico Clínico/veterinária , Hospitais Veterinários , BrasilResumo
The excessive, indiscriminate, and continued use of anthelmintic drugs as control methods favors parasite resistance, and this phenomenon has been reported in Brazil and worldwide. The current status of parasite resistance to anthelmintic drugs in sheep flocks in Rio Grande do Sul was assessed by calculating the EPG count in the stool to estimate the prevalence of resistance to the anthelmintic drugs closantel, levamisole, fenbendazole, monepantel, and moxidectin in seven properties. The animals from each flock were randomly distributed in six groups according to the anthelminthic drug used, as follows: T1, levamisole; T2, fenbendazole; T3, monepantel; T4, moxidectin; T5, closantel; and T6, control. On day zero, fecal samples were collected, and each animal was treated with one anthelminthic drug. Fecal samples were collected again after 14 days to calculate the efficacy of each active principle. Coproculture was performed using a pool of fecal samples from each group on day 0 and 14 to identify the predominant genera and prevalence of helminths. The genera identified in the coprocultures were Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum, and Teladorsagia. All flocks developed resistance to levamisole, fenbendazole, moxidectin, and closantel. Moreover, resistance to monepantel was found in four of the seven farms. These results demonstrate the critical situation of anthelmintic resistance in sheep flocks in Rio Grande do Sul and the need to adopt other integrated control measures in addition to anthelmintic treatment.(AU)
Uso excessivo, indiscriminado e continuado de anti-helmínticos como métodos de controle favorece o desenvolvimento de isolados de parasitos resistentes, fenômeno relatado no Brasil e no mundo. Com o objetivo de verificar a atual situação da resistência anti-helmíntica em rebanhos ovinos no Rio Grande do Sul, foram realizados testes de redução da contagem de OPG nas fezes (TRCOF), a fim de estimar a prevalência de resistência parasitária em sete propriedades utilizando os seguintes anti-helmínticos: closantel, levamisol, fenbendazol, monepantel e moxidectina. Em cada rebanho os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente, respeitando a homogeneidade de categorias, em seis grupos, T1 - levamisol, T2 - fenbendazol, T3 - monepantel, T4 - moxidectina, T5 - closantel e T6 - controle. No dia zero foram coletadas amostras de fezes e os animais foram tratados, após 14 dias foi feita nova coleta de fezes para calcular a eficácia de cada princípio ativo. A coprocultura foi realizada através de um pool de fezes de cada grupo no dia 0 e 14 para identificação dos principais gêneros e as suas prevalências. Os gêneros de helmintos identificados nas coproculturas realizadas foram: Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum e Teladorsagia. Em todos os rebanhos foi diagnosticada resistência ao levamisol, febendazol, moxidectina e closantel, e, em quatro das sete propriedades foi encontrada resistência ao monepantel. Alerta-se para a situação crítica da resistência anti-helmíntica nos rebanhos gaúchos e a necessidade de se adotarem outras medidas de controle integrado além do tratamento exclusivo com anti-helmíntico.(AU)
Animais , Tolerância a Medicamentos , Ovinos/parasitologia , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , NematoidesResumo
Cryoprotectant solutions are used to protect the sperm from alterations caused by the low temperature in the cryopreservation process. We evaluated the quality of Colossoma macropomum semen after freezing, using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as a cryoprotectant, combined with two extender solutions (T1 - Solution 1: Glucose 90.0 g/L, Sodium Citrate 6.0 g/L, EDTA 1.5 g/L, Sodium Bicarbonate 1.5 g/L, Potassium Chloride 0.8 g/L, Gentamycin Sulphate 0.2 g/L, and T2 - Solution 2: Glucose 90.0 g/L, ACP(r)-104 10.0 g/L). Motility rate and motility time did not differ between T1 and T2 and were lower than fresh semen. The number of normal sperm was significantly different in treatments T1 (15.1%) and T2 (21.9%), and both showed a reduction in the percentage of normal sperm compared to fresh semen (57.4%). The values found for the rates of fertilization and hatching, mitochondrial functionality and sperm DNA, did not differ between the treatments (T1 and T2). Regarding membrane integrity, there was a higher percentage of spermatozoa with intact membranes in T1 (53.4%) than T2 (43.7%). The extender solutions, combined with 10% DMSO, maintained the sperm DNA intact in almost all the C. macropomumsperm cells, however there was a loss in their functionality.(AU)
As soluções crioprotetoras são utilizadas para proteger os espermatozoides das alterações causadas por baixas temperaturas durante o processo de criopreservação. Avaliamos a qualidade do sêmen de Colossoma macropomumapós o congelamento, utilizando dimetilsulfóxido (DMSO) como crioprotetor, combinado com duas soluções diluidoras (T1 - Solução 1: Glicose 90,0 g/L, Citrato de Sódio 6,0 g/L, EDTA 1,5 g/L, Bicarbonato de Sódio 1,5 g/L, Cloreto de Potássio 0,8 g/L, Sulfato de Gentamicina 0,2 g/L, e T2 - Solução 2: Glicose 90,0 g/L, ACP(r)-104 10,0 g/L). A taxa de motilidade (%) e o tempo de motilidade (s) não diferiram entre T1 e T2, porém foram mais baixos do que no sêmen fresco. O número de espermatozoides normais foi significativamente diferente nos tratamentos T1 (15,1%) e T2 (21,9%), e ambos mostraram uma redução na porcentagem de espermatozoides normais, comparado ao sêmen fresco (57,4%). Os valores encontrados para as taxas de fertilização e eclosão, funcionalidade mitocondrial e DNA do esperma, não diferiram entre os tratamentos (T1 e T2). Para a integridade da membrana, houve uma porcentagem mais elevada de espermatozóides com a membrana intacta em T1 (53,4%) do que T2 (43,7%). As soluções diluentes combinadas com DMSO a 10% preservaram o DNA espermático intacto em quase todas as células do sêmen de C. macropomum, mas houve perda na funcionalidade dos mesmos.(AU)
Animais , Preservação do Sêmen , Preservação do Sêmen/veterinária , Peixes/embriologia , Peixes/genética , Crioprotetores/históriaResumo
Little is known regarding the seasonal semen production of Lacaune rams in southern Brazil. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate semen quality and production of Lacaune rams maintained in Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Semen was collected using an artificial vagina, from 12 rams (1 to 4 years of age), kept under intensive conditions. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the semen and scrotal circumference of each ram were recorded, from the winter of 2002 to the spring of 2003. Seasonal variations were recorded in almost all the monitored semen characteristics and in scrotal circumference. Sperm concentration was the only semen characteristic evaluated that did not show seasonal variation. Sperm volume varied between 1.1 ± 0.4 mL (winter of 2002) and 1.5 ± 0.4 mL (autumn of 2003). Total number of sperm per ejaculate varied between 4.0 ± 3.3x109 (winter of 2002) and 5.7 ± 3.3x109 (summer of 2003). For scrotal circumference records, in 2002 significant differences between seasons were observed. Significant differences were also found in accordance with the age of rams (P < 0.05) in the winter of 2002. Results showed improvement in motility, concentration and volume of the sperm during summer and autumn when compared to spring and winter. So, in this region of Brazil summer and autumn are the more indicated seasons to maximize the utilization of Lacaune rams for reproductive practices. Further studies must be done to evaluate Lacaune semen freezability in these seasons of the year.(AU)
Existem poucos dados sobre a produção de sêmen da raça Lacaune, no sul do país. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi o de avaliar a produção e a qualidade do sêmen de carneiros desta raça, criados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Foram utilizados 12 carneiros, de idades entre 1-4 anos, criados em condições intensivas. O sêmen foi colhido por vagina artificial e foram avaliadas as características quantitativas e qualitativas e a circunferência escrotal, do inverno de 2002 até a primavera de 2003. Com exceção da concentração espermática, foram observadas variações estacionais em todas as características estudadas. O volume variou de 1.1 ± 0.4 mL, no inverno de 2002, a 1.5 ± 0.4 mL no outono de 2003. O número total de espermatozóides por ejaculado variou de 4.0 ± 3.3x109 (inverno de 2002) a 5.7 ± 3.3x109 (verão de 2003). Observou-se variação estacional significativa (P < 0,05) na circunferência escrotal em 2002, bem como variação significativa entre as idades dos animais, no inverno do mesmo ano. Os valores médios da produção espermática observados no verão e o outono foram superiores aos obtidos no inverno e primavera. O verão e outono foram considerados as estações mais indicadas para a utilização de machos da raça Lacaune em programas reprodutivos, no RS. Mais estudos devem ser conduzidos, para a verificação de efeitos estacionais sobre o congelamento do sêmen.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/classificação , Sêmen/citologia , Reprodução/fisiologia , Biometria/instrumentaçãoResumo
The excessive, indiscriminate, and continued use of anthelmintic drugs as control methods favors parasite resistance, and this phenomenon has been reported in Brazil and worldwide. The current status of parasite resistance to anthelmintic drugs in sheep flocks in Rio Grande do Sul was assessed by calculating the EPG count in the stool to estimate the prevalence of resistance to the anthelmintic drugs closantel, levamisole, fenbendazole, monepantel, and moxidectin in seven properties. The animals from each flock were randomly distributed in six groups according to the anthelminthic drug used, as follows: T1, levamisole; T2, fenbendazole; T3, monepantel; T4, moxidectin; T5, closantel; and T6, control. On day zero, fecal samples were collected, and each animal was treated with one anthelminthic drug. Fecal samples were collected again after 14 days to calculate the efficacy of each active principle. Coproculture was performed using a pool of fecal samples from each group on day 0 and 14 to identify the predominant genera and prevalence of helminths. The genera identified in the coprocultures were Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum, and Teladorsagia. All flocks developed resistance to levamisole, fenbendazole, moxidectin, and closantel. Moreover, resistance to monepantel was found in four of the seven farms. These results demonstrate the critical situation of anthelmintic resistance in sheep flocks in Rio Grande do Sul and the need to adopt other integrated control measures in addition to anthelmintic treatment.
Uso excessivo, indiscriminado e continuado de anti-helmínticos como métodos de controle favorece o desenvolvimento de isolados de parasitos resistentes, fenômeno relatado no Brasil e no mundo. Com o objetivo de verificar a atual situação da resistência anti-helmíntica em rebanhos ovinos no Rio Grande do Sul, foram realizados testes de redução da contagem de OPG nas fezes (TRCOF), a fim de estimar a prevalência de resistência parasitária em sete propriedades utilizando os seguintes anti-helmínticos: closantel, levamisol, fenbendazol, monepantel e moxidectina. Em cada rebanho os animais foram distribuídos aleatoriamente, respeitando a homogeneidade de categorias, em seis grupos, T1 - levamisol, T2 - fenbendazol, T3 - monepantel, T4 - moxidectina, T5 - closantel e T6 - controle. No dia zero foram coletadas amostras de fezes e os animais foram tratados, após 14 dias foi feita nova coleta de fezes para calcular a eficácia de cada princípio ativo. A coprocultura foi realizada através de um pool de fezes de cada grupo no dia 0 e 14 para identificação dos principais gêneros e as suas prevalências. Os gêneros de helmintos identificados nas coproculturas realizadas foram: Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus, Oesophagostomum e Teladorsagia. Em todos os rebanhos foi diagnosticada resistência ao levamisol, febendazol, moxidectina e closantel, e, em quatro das sete propriedades foi encontrada resistência ao monepantel. Alerta-se para a situação crítica da resistência anti-helmíntica nos rebanhos gaúchos e a necessidade de se adotarem outras medidas de controle integrado além do tratamento exclusivo com anti-helmíntico.
Animais , Anti-Helmínticos/uso terapêutico , Ovinos/parasitologia , Tolerância a Medicamentos , NematoidesResumo
Two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was performed in seminal plasma of seven Bos taurus taurus and seven Bos taurus indicus bulls with high semen freezability, from an artificial insemination center. In a 8% polyacrylamide gels, three bands of 195, 66 and 55 kDa, present in 100% of the samples in both sub-species, were analyzed by their optical densities. In Bos taurus samples, the opticals densities of 55 kDa band, imunoidentified as osteopontin were superior (p < 0.05) than Bos indicus samples. The 66 kDa band was imunoidentified as albumin. In the Bos taurus samples, the bands did not show any variation among the bull samples, but in the Bos indicus, the albumin optical densities showed significant variation among samples.
As proteínas do plasma seminal de 14 reprodutores (7 Bos taurus taurus e 7 Bos taurus indicus), foram analisadas por eletroforese bidimensional, em géis de poliacrilamida a 8%, corados por Comassie Blue. Três bandas protéicas, presentes em 100% das amostras de plasma seminal, foram quantificadas de acordo com a densidade óptica exibida: 195 kDa, pI 6,5-7,5 ; 66 kDa, pI 5,4 e 55 kDa, pI 4,5. As amostras de plasma seminal provenientes de taurinos apresentaram densidades ópticas significativamente superiores (p < 0,05) às dos zebuínos na banda