Blood transfusion is a tool capable of saving lives. Patients undergoing blood transfusion usually present several alterations in the acid-base and electrolyte balance, aggravating the condition of critically ill patients. Some studies have demonstrated haematological alterations in certain species that received whole blood transfusions, however, few studies have evaluated acid base and electrolyte changes in dogs undergoing whole blood haemotherapy. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical, hematological, blood gas and electrolyte changes in anemic dogs after whole blood transfusion. Twenty nine dogs transfused due to anemia were enrolled in the study. Donors blood was collected in a transfusion bag containing citrate phosphate adenine dextrose and stored up to 24 h. Blood collections and evaluations were made before and 24 h after the transfusion. Data distribution normality was tested by the Shapiro Wilk Test. The means of the variables were compared by paired t-test. It was observed an increase in diastolic blood pressure and a reduction in heart rate (P < 0.05). There was a not significant increase in systolic blood pressure, temperature, and a reduction in respiratory rate per minute. Erythrocyte, haemoglobin and haematocrit averages were significantly increased after blood transfusion (P < 0.05). It was observed a reduction in the mean values of pH (P < 0.05), potassium (P > 0.05) and ionized calcium (P > 0.05) and an increase in the mean partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2 ) (P < 0.001), bicarbonate (P > 0.05) and sodium (P < 0.05). The probable cause of anemia was monocytic ehrlichiosis (14/29), visceral leishmaniasis (1/29), babesiosis (1/29), co-infection of Ehrlichia canis and Leishmania infantum (2/29), co-infection of E. canis and Babesia vogeli (1/29). It was not possible to determine the etiology of the anemia in ten dogs. Heart rate significantly reduced after transfusion, probably because of the increase in hematocrit, hemoglobin and erythrocyte values. It may be justified by the displacement of extravascular fluid to the intravascular space. Mean values of systolic blood pressure were slightly elevated before transfusion and remained elevated afterwards, while diastolic and mean arterial pressure increased significantly after transfusion. These changes may be due to the morbid condition and may be influenced by many other factors. Haematocrit, haemoglobin and erythrocyte values increased significantly after transfusion, according to what was observed in other studies. The significant reduction in pH and increase in pCO2 reflects the compensatory mechanism for metabolic acidosis to increase ventilation, leading to pCO2 reduction and changes in pH. The reduction in pH due to the contact of the collected blood with conservative solutions is one of the main changes thar occurs during blood storage. It was described significantly lower pH in dogs' whole blood samples stored for more than 24 h in vacutainer plastic containing CPDA-1. We may assume there was no intense pH reduction in the present study because the bags were stored for up to 24 h. Although not statistically significant, the increase of pO2 mean reflects the improvement of tissue oxygen perfusion. It was observed a significant increase in sodium ions. The mean sodium ion concentration before transfusion was very close to the maximum reference value. Hyperkalaemia was not observed, nor was there significant reduction of potassium ions after transfusion. Several studies report hyperkalaemia and transfusion-associated cardiac arrests in humans, associated with infusion of large volumes of blood. Whole blood transfusion increased erythrogram values and did not negatively affect the electrolyte or acid-base status, representing a safe and useful tool in the intensive care of small animals.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Equilíbrio Hidroeletrolítico , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Reação Transfusional/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Gasometria/veterinária , CãesResumo
This study aimed to assess Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (DEA) 1.1 in donor dogs at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil, and review the relevant literature. The blood (60 samples; 1.5 mL volume, each) was collected in separate vacutainer tubes containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and submitted for complete blood count; in addition, the samples were typed by RapidVet® based on agglutination due to specific interaction between DEA 1 antigen at the membrane surface of the erythrocyte and lyophilised murine monoclonal antibody on the test card. DEA1.1 positivity was observed in 81.6% (49 of 60) of test samples, while negative results were obtained in the remaining 18.3% (11 of 60). DEA 1.1 positive samples were comprised of 42.8% of purebred dogs and 38.3% of mixed breed dogs. With regard to sex in the DEA 1.1 positive group, 48.3% were male dogs and 33.3% were female dogs. The blood donor canine population showed high prevalence of DEA 1.1, which confirms that blood typing should be performed prior to blood transfusion in previously sensitised dogs.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência do antígeno eritrocitário DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) 1.1 nos cães doadores de sangue no Hospital Veterinário Universitário em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. O sangue (60 amostras; 1,5mL cada) Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 60 cães em tubo a vácuo contendo ácido etilenodiamino tetra-acético (EDTA) para realização de hemograma; adicionalmente, foi realizada tipagem sanguínea com o kit RapidVet®, que baseia-se na aglutinação devido à interação entre os antígenos DEA 1 do antígeno eritrocitário com os anticorpos monoclonais presentes no cartão. Das amostras testadas, 81,6% (49 de 60) apresentaram positividade para DEA 1.1, enquanto que apenas 18,3%(11 de 60) foram negativas. Os cães com raça definida representaram 42,8% das amostras DEA 1.1, já os cães mestiços representaram 38,3%. Em relação ao sexo dos cães DEA 1.1, foi observada prevalência de 48,3% em machos e 33,3% em fêmeas. Este trabalho demonstrou a alta prevalência do grupo DEA 1.1 na população de cães doadores de sangue, o que ratifica a importância da tipagem sanguínea anteriormente à transfusão sanguínea em cães previamente sensibilizados.
Animais , Cães , Antígenos , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Doadores de Sangue , Doenças do Cão , Tipagem e Reações Cruzadas Sanguíneas/veterinária , Transfusão de Sangue/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to assess Dog Erythrocyte Antigen (DEA) 1.1 in donor dogs at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Brazil, and review the relevant literature. The blood (60 samples; 1.5 mL volume, each) was collected in separate vacutainer tubes containing ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and submitted for complete blood count; in addition, the samples were typed by RapidVet® based on agglutination due to specific interaction between DEA 1 antigen at the membrane surface of the erythrocyte and lyophilised murine monoclonal antibody on the test card. DEA1.1 positivity was observed in 81.6% (49 of 60) of test samples, while negative results were obtained in the remaining 18.3% (11 of 60). DEA 1.1 positive samples were comprised of 42.8% of purebred dogs and 38.3% of mixed breed dogs. With regard to sex in the DEA 1.1 positive group, 48.3% were male dogs and 33.3% were female dogs. The blood donor canine population showed high prevalence of DEA 1.1, which confirms that blood typing should be performed prior to blood transfusion in previously sensitised dogs.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a ocorrência do antígeno eritrocitário DEA (Dog Erythrocyte Antigen) 1.1 nos cães doadores de sangue no Hospital Veterinário Universitário em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. O sangue (60 amostras; 1,5mL cada) Foram coletadas amostras de sangue de 60 cães em tubo a vácuo contendo ácido etilenodiamino tetra-acético (EDTA) para realização de hemograma; adicionalmente, foi realizada tipagem sanguínea com o kit RapidVet®, que baseia-se na aglutinação devido à interação entre os antígenos DEA 1 do antígeno eritrocitário com os anticorpos monoclonais presentes no cartão. Das amostras testadas, 81,6% (49 de 60) apresentaram positividade para DEA 1.1, enquanto que apenas 18,3%(11 de 60) foram negativas. Os cães com raça definida representaram 42,8% das amostras DEA 1.1, já os cães mestiços representaram 38,3%. Em relação ao sexo dos cães DEA 1.1, foi observada prevalência de 48,3% em machos e 33,3% em fêmeas. Este trabalho demonstrou a alta prevalência do grupo DEA 1.1 na população de cães doadores de sangue, o que ratifica a importância da tipagem sanguínea anteriormente à transfusão sanguínea em cães previamente sensibilizados.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Antígenos , Doadores de Sangue , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterinária , Transfusão de Sangue/veterinária , Tipagem e Reações Cruzadas Sanguíneas/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
Canine babesiosis is a common haemoparasitosis in Brazil. Caused by parasites of the genus Babesia, it is transmitted by ixodid ticks and affects domestic and wild canids. The objective of this study was to verify the prevalence of Babesia species (spp.) using molecular methods in dogs living in urban and rural areas of Cuiabá, Mato Grosso State, Brazil, and to identify the main factors associated with infection. A total of 407 samples from 407 dogs were evaluated using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, among which Babesia species (spp.) was amplified in 10 (2.5%). Although, no statistical association was found among the variables studied (p>0.05), greater positivity was observed in dogs<1 year of age, male sex, those with free access to the street, and the presence of ticks. PCR samples positive for Babesia spp. were submitted to sequencing and compared in GenBank and exhibited a high degree of similarity with Babesia vogeli sequences.(AU)
Babesiose canina é uma hemoparasitose comum no Brasil. Causada por parasitos do gênero Babesia, é transmitida por carrapatos ixodídeos e acomete canídeos domésticos e silvestres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a prevalência molecular da infecção por Babesia spp. em cães residentes em áreas urbanas e rurais do município de Cuiabá, estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, e relacionar os principais fatores associados à infecção. Para a pesquisa foram avaliados 407 cães usando a PCR. Das 407 amostras analisadas, 10 (2,5%) amplificaram DNA de Babesia spp. Não foi observada associação estatística entre as variáveis pesquisadas (p>0,05), porém observou-se maior positividade em cães com idade inferior a um ano, machos, com livre acesso à rua e com a presença de carrapatos. Amostras positivas nas PCRs para Babesia spp. foram submetidas a sequenciamento e comparadas no GenBank, mostrando alto grau de similaridade com as sequências de B. vogeli.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Babesia/isolamento & purificação , Babesiose/epidemiologia , Babesiose/etiologia , Brasil , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Blood typing is critical to avoid adverse reactions to transfusions. Felines have three blood-types: A, B, and AB and have natural alloantibodies the opposite blood type, in addition to the Mik type described recently. The presence of alloantibodies is important in the selection of blood donors in order to minimize the occurrence of transfusion reactions, and blood typing is essential in this context. This study aimed to identify blood types and perform a haematological analysis of feline blood donor candidates. Sixty clinically healthy felines of different races, weighing more than four kilograms, and ranging from one to eight years old, were evaluated. After clinical evaluation, blood samples were collected for hemogram and blood typing with the LabTest A+B® immunochromatographic test. All cats had a haematocrit level within normal range (mean: 34.12%), six (10%) presented with leucocytosis and 24 (40%) with thrombocytopenia, reinforcing the importance of haematological monitoring of blood donor animals. Regarding blood typing, all domestic felines selected as blood donors had type A blood. This is the first study on frequencies of feline blood types performed in the region.(AU)
A tipagem sanguínea é fundamental para evitar reações adversas a transfusões. Os felinos possuem três tipos sanguíneos, A, B e AB, onde o felino apresenta a presença de aloanticorpos naturais contra o tipo sanguíneo que não possui, além do tipo Mik descrito recentemente. A presença de aloanticorpos é importante no que se refere à seleção de doadores de sangue com vista a minimizar ocorrência de reações transfusionais, sendo, primordial a realização de tipagem sanguínea nesta espécie. O estudo objetivou identificar os tipos sanguíneos e a análise hematológica de felinos candidatos doadores de sangue. Foram avaliados 60 felinos, de diferentes raças, peso superior a quatro quilogramas, faixa etária de um a oito anos e clinicamente saudáveis. Após avaliação clínica amostras sanguíneas foram coletadas para hemograma e tipagem sanguínea com o teste imunocromatográfico LabTest A+B®. Todos os felinos apresentaram nível de hematócrito dentro da normalidade (média 34,12%), seis (10%) apresentaram leucocitose e 24 (40%) trombocitopenia, reforçando a importância de acompanhamento hematológico de animais doadores de sangue. Quanto à tipagem sanguínea, todos os felinos domésticos selecionados como doadores de sangue apresentaram tipo sanguíneo A, sendo este o primeiro estudo sobre as frequências dos tipos sanguíneos felino realizado na região.(AU)