Background: Assessing data from metabolic profile is a complex task depending on individual factors such as breed, age,sex and physiological status and environmental factors such as climate and management. Therefore, reference intervalsproduced in herds from different geographic regions are not always precise in the local reality. The aim of this study isto compile results of values of the most used parameters in the metabolic profile of healthy Holstein cows, grouped bylactation stage, obtained from studies in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, as an effort for the elaboration of regional referenceintervals for dairy cattle in this geographic area.Materials, Methods & Results: The research was defined through the PICO strategy, considering multiparous Holsteincows from scientific studies carried out in Rio Grande do Sul, during the period 1996-2021, in which the nitrogen, glycidic, lipidic, enzymatic or mineral metabolic profile was determined. Google Scholar, Scientific Electronic Library andPubMed were the electronic databases selected for the search, using the following descriptors: profile and metabolicand metabolic profile and dairy or cattle or cow and Brazil and southern or Rio Grande do Sul. Studiesin Portuguese, English and Spanish languages were considered. The references of the articles initially selected were alsoverified, through ResearchGate and Google Scholar, in addition to unpublished data, unfinished studies or data in the socalled gray literature. It was possible to identify a total of 34 publications, which were tabulated to assess the scientificquality and bias risk. Studies were evaluated by a pair of independent reviewers, in order to compare results. Eligibilityconfirmation was given after the complete reading of the articles, evaluating the presence of all the inclusion selectioncriteria, such as adequate population and the intervention made. Examples of exclusion criteria for studies were studies or...
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Glicemia/metabolismo , Metabolismo dos Lipídeos , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Nitrogênio/metabolismo , Padrões de Referência/métodos , BrasilResumo
Os efeitos do trauma cirúrgico no organismo, os quais são amplamente estudados pela medicina humana e veterinária, resultam em uma complexa resposta neuroendócrina e imunológica, desencadeadas para restabelecer a homeostase e preservar a vida. A resposta metabólica ao trauma é caracterizada pelo aumento da secreção de hormônios hipofisários, ativação do sistema nervoso simpático e secreção de citocinas pró-inflamatórias. Essa resposta tem por objetivo manter a perfusão tecidual, controlar a proliferação de microrganismos e mobilizar substratos para garantir a integridade das funções celulares e promover reparação tecidual. Diferentes fatores podem influenciar a intensidade da resposta do organismo ao trauma, incluindo magnitude e duração dos estímulos, enfermidades ou eventos traumáticos pré-existentes, protocolos anestésicos e técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas. Respostas metabólicas exacerbadas ocasionam complicações pós-operatórias, tempo prolongado de recuperação dos pacientes e óbito. Através da identificação dos principais eventos relacionados à resposta metabólica ao trauma cirúrgico, é possível atuar de forma a reduzir os danos associados, melhorando a qualidade e minimizando os riscos do período pós-operatório. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão descrevendo a fisiopatologia e as consequências da resposta metabólica ao trauma cirúrgico, em suas diferentes formas e origens, no período perioperatório.
The effects of surgical trauma on the organism, which are widely studied by human and veterinary medicine, result in a complex neuroendocrine and immune responses triggered to restore homeostasis and preserve life. The metabolic response to trauma is characterized by increased secretion of hypophyseal hormones, activation of the sympathetic nervous system, and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This response aims to maintain tissue perfusion, control the proliferation of microorganisms, and mobilize substrates to ensure the integrity of cellular functions and promote tissue repair. Different factors can influence the intensity of the organism's response to trauma, including magnitude and duration of stimuli, pre-existing infirmities or traumas, anaesthetic protocols, and surgical techniques applied. Exacerbated metabolic responses can cause post-operative complications, prolonged recovery time, and death. By identifying the main events related to the metabolic response to surgical trauma, it is possible to act to reduce the associated damages, improving quality and minimizing the risks of the postoperative period. Thus, the present paper aims to present a review describing the physiopathology and the consequences of the metabolic response to surgical trauma, in its different forms and origins, in the perioperative period.
Humanos , Animais , Complicações Pós-Operatórias/metabolismo , Inflamação/metabolismo , Complicações Intraoperatórias/metabolismo , Metabolismo/fisiologiaResumo
Purpose:To evaluate, in rats, the open field videothermometry in real time while performing left pneumonectomy for early diagnosis of cardiopulmonary changes.Methods:Twelve non-specific pathogen-free Wistar rats were randomly allocated into two groups; pneumectomy group (GP) and sham surgery group (GS). Mean arterial pressure, videothermometry in real time, of the right lung, and histopathological analysis of the remaining lung were evaluated in all animals.Results:Videothermometry in real time allowed identification of temperature variance of right lung after pneumectomy, indicating a significant decrease in temperature during evaluation. There was a statistical difference between M0 and M1, M1 and M2 and M0 and M2 (p<0.004) in GS, and significant difference between M0 and M1, M1 and M2, and M2 and M0 with p<0.0001 in GP.Conclusions:Left pneumonectomy in rats shows initial histopathological changes after 60 minutes of its completion, indicating a possible compensation beginning. The open-field videothermometry in real time proved to be efficient identifying the temperature changes of the remaining lung.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Termometria/métodos , Termometria/veterinária , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Ratos Wistar , Pneumonectomia/veterináriaResumo
O conhecimento do metabolismo dos animais é de suma importância para se obter sucesso em qualquer atividade que envolva rebanhos. Objetivou-se determinar o perfil bioquímico sérico de vacas Jersey clinicamente saudáveis no pré e pós-parto, mantidas em sistema de criação semi-intensivo na região de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Realizou-se o exame clínico e coleta de sangue de 40 vacas da raça Jersey multíparas e lactantes em 15 momentos, entre -150 dias pré-parto até 60 dias pós-parto (DPP). No laboratório, foram analisadas as concentrações séricas de proteínas totais, albumina, globulinas, ureia, creatinina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA), ß-hidroxibutirato (BHBA), triglicerídeos, colesterol, lipoproteínas de alta densidade (HDL), lipoproteínas de muita baixa densidade (VLDL), lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gama-glutamil transferase (GGT), creatina quinase (CK), cálcio, fósforo e magnésio. Dos 40 animais, apenas 21 vacas atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e seus dados foram utilizados. Procedeu-se o teste de Tukey para os dados paramétricos e para os dados não paramétricos realizou-se o teste de Kruskal Wallis na comparação entre os momentos avaliados. Não houve interferência do balanço energético negativo e da hipocalcemia subclínica na ocorrência de doenças uterinas e no desempenho reprodutivo. Concluiu-se que vacas da raça Jersey apresentam perfil bioquímico caracterizado por hiperglobulinemia durante o periparto, além de níveis elevados de triglicérides, entretanto, sem comprometimento da função hepática e desempenho reprodutivo.(AU)
The understanding of animal metabolism is important for the success of livestock activity. The aim of this study was to determine the serum biochemical profile of clinically healthy Jersey cows in pre and postpartum, housed in semi-intensive production system in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Clinical examination and blood collection from 40 multiparous lactating dairy cows, between -150 days prepartum up to 60 days postpartum (DPP) were performed. At the laboratory, serum parameters of total proteins, albumin, globulins, urea, creatinine, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), ß-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), triglycerides, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine kinase (CK), calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were analyzed. To the total of cows (n=40) enrolled, only 21 cows were complied with the inclusion criterias. It was proceeded the Tukey test for parametric data, and to the nonparametric data it was held the Kruskal Wallis test for the comparison between days evaluated. There was no interference of negative energy balance and subclinical hypocalcemia in the occurrence of uterine diseases and reproductive performance. In conclusion, Jersey cows have biochemical profile characterized by hyperglobulinemia during peripartum, and high levels of triglycerides, but without impaired liver function and reproductive performance.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Imunoglobulina M/sangue , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Padrões de Referência , Período Periparto/metabolismo , Triglicerídeos/sangue , Testes Hematológicos/veterináriaResumo
The understanding of animal metabolism is important for the success of livestock activity. The aim of this study was to determine the serum biochemical profile of clinically healthy Jersey cows in pre and postpartum, housed in semi-intensive production system in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Clinical examination and blood collection from 40 multiparous lactating dairy cows, between -150 days prepartum up to 60 days postpartum (DPP) were performed. At the laboratory, serum parameters of total proteins, albumin, globulins, urea, creatinine, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), triglycerides, cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), low density lipoproteins (LDL), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), creatine kinase (CK), calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were analyzed. To the total of cows (n=40) enrolled, only 21 cows were complied with the inclusion criterias. It was proceeded the Tukey test for parametric data, and to the nonparametric data it was held the Kruskal Wallis test for the comparison between days evaluated. There was no interference of negative energy balance and subclinical hypocalcemia in the occurrence of uterine diseases and reproductive performance. In conclusion, Jersey cows have biochemical profile characterized by hyperglobulinemia during peripartum, and high levels of triglycerides, but without impaired liver function and reproductive performance.(AU)
O conhecimento do metabolismo dos animais é de suma importância para se obter sucesso em qualquer atividade que envolva rebanhos. Objetivou-se determinar o perfil bioquímico sérico de vacas Jersey clinicamente saudáveis no pré e pós-parto, mantidas em sistema de criação semi-intensivo na região de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Realizou-se o exame clínico e coleta de sangue de 40 vacas da raça Jersey multíparas e lactantes em 15 momentos, entre -150 dias pré-parto até 60 dias pós-parto (DPP). No laboratório, foram analisadas as concentrações séricas de proteínas totais, albumina, globulinas, ureia, creatinina, ácidos graxos não esterificados (NEFA), Beta-hidroxibutirato (BHBA), triglicerídeos, colesterol, lipoproteínas de alta densidade (HDL), lipoproteínas de muita baixa densidade (VLDL), lipoproteínas de baixa densidade (LDL), aspartato aminotransferase (AST), gama-glutamil transferase (GGT), creatina quinase (CK), cálcio, fósforo e magnésio. Dos 40 animais, apenas 21 vacas atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e seus dados foram utilizados. Procedeu-se o teste de Tukey para os dados paramétricos e para os dados não paramétricos realizou-se o teste de Kruskal Wallis na comparação entre os momentos avaliados. Não houve interferência do balanço energético negativo e da hipocalcemia subclínica na ocorrência de doenças uterinas e no desempenho reprodutivo. Concluiu-se que vacas da raça Jersey apresentam perfil bioquímico caracterizado por hiperglobulinemia durante o periparto, além de níveis elevados de triglicérides, entretanto, sem comprometimento da função hepática e desempenho reprodutivo.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Período Periparto/metabolismo , Padrões de Referência , Triglicerídeos/sangue , Imunoglobulina M/sangue , Imunoglobulina G/sangue , Testes Hematológicos/veterináriaResumo
Regarding the importance of starvation and refeeding and the occurrence of refeeding syndrome in various conditions, the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of refeeding on some parameters of energy metabolism and electrolytes and changes of hepatic tissue in male Wistar rats. Fifty-seven rats were divided into six groups, having 6 to 11 rats. Food was provided ad-libitum until three months and then the first group was considered without starvation (day 0). Other rats were fasted for two weeks. Group 2 was applied to a group immediately after starvation (day 14). Groups 3 to 6 were refed in days 16 till 22, respectively. At the end of each period, blood and tissue samples were taken and histopathological and serum analysis, including serum electrolytes (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium), the energy parameters (glucose, insulin, cortisol) and the liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP) were determined. Insulin decreased by starvation and then showed an increasing trend compared to starvation period, which the highest amount of this parameter was observed eight days post-refeeding. Serum glucose level showed the opposite pattern of insulin. Histopathological examination of the tissue sections revealed clear vacuoles after starvation and refeeding, in which the severity of lesions gradually decreased during refeeding. The cortisol level decreased by starvation and then increased during refeeding. Also, potassium and phosphorus concentrations declined by refeeding and the serum sodium and potassium levels were changed in the relatively opposite manner. The calcium level decreased by starvation and then increased during refeeding. These results could help recognize and remedy the refeeding syndrome.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Eletrólitos/metabolismo , Jejum/metabolismo , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/citologia , Ratos Wistar/metabolismo , Metabolismo/fisiologiaResumo
Regarding the importance of starvation and refeeding and the occurrence of refeeding syndrome in various conditions, the present study was conducted to investigate the effects of refeeding on some parameters of energy metabolism and electrolytes and changes of hepatic tissue in male Wistar rats. Fifty-seven rats were divided into six groups, having 6 to 11 rats. Food was provided ad-libitum until three months and then the first group was considered without starvation (day 0). Other rats were fasted for two weeks. Group 2 was applied to a group immediately after starvation (day 14). Groups 3 to 6 were refed in days 16 till 22, respectively. At the end of each period, blood and tissue samples were taken and histopathological and serum analysis, including serum electrolytes (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium), the energy parameters (glucose, insulin, cortisol) and the liver enzymes (ALT, AST, ALP) were determined. Insulin decreased by starvation and then showed an increasing trend compared to starvation period, which the highest amount of this parameter was observed eight days post-refeeding. Serum glucose level showed the opposite pattern of insulin. Histopathological examination of the tissue sections revealed clear vacuoles after starvation and refeeding, in which the severity of lesions gradually decreased during refeeding. The cortisol level decreased by starvation and then increased during refeeding. Also, potassium and phosphorus concentrations declined by refeeding and the serum sodium and potassium levels were changed in the relatively opposite manner. The calcium level decreased by starvation and then increased during refeeding. These results could help recognize and remedy the refeeding syndrome.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Ratos Wistar/metabolismo , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/citologia , Jejum/metabolismo , Eletrólitos/metabolismo , Metabolismo/fisiologiaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between biochemical and hematological profile and the occurrence of pregnancy in Nellore heifers raised on pasture. We evaluated the heifers (56) during 17-month, and carried out nine collections every two months to evaluate age and weight, and determine serum concentrations of total protein, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, albumin, glucose, cholesterol, urea, serum activity of gamma glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelet counts, hematocrit value, hemoglobin and fibrinogen to relate possible changes in hematological and biochemical profile with the occurrence of pregnancy in heifers. Of the 56 heifers evaluated, 66.07% were pregnant with age range from 28.70 ± 2.73 to 30.55 ± 2.80 months and weighing 328.92 ± 32.47 to 386.81 ± 46.56 kg. The animals that gave birth presented higher values of the variables albumin, urea, erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit, and lower values for AST, ALP and GGT. Among the probabilities associated to pregnancy, age, weight and total protein can be highlighted. We concluded that the occurrence of pregnancy in heifers raised on pasture was related to variables total protein, albumina, urea, AST, ALP, and GGT of the biochemical profile, and the variables hematocrit, hemoglobin and leukocyte of the blood profile
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a relação do perfil bioquímico e hematológico com a ocorrência de gestação em novilhas Nelore criadas a pasto. Foram acompanhadas 56 novilhas no período de 17 meses, realizou-se nove colheitas com intervalos de dois meses no qual foram avaliados idade e peso; e quantificado as concentrações séricas de proteína total, magnésio, fósforo, cálcio, albumina, glicose, colesterol, ureia, atividade sérica da gama glutamiltransferase, aspartato aminotransferase e fosfatase alcalina, contagem de hemácias, de leucócitos, de plaquetas, valor de hematócrito, teor de hemoglobina e fibrinogênio para relacionar possíveis alterações no perfil bioquímico e hematológico com a ocorrência da gestação em novilhas. Das 56 novilhas avaliadas, 66,07% ficaram gestantes com intervalo de idade de 28,70 ± 2,73 a 30,55 ± 2,80 meses e peso entre 328,92 ± 32,47 a 386,81 ± 46,56 kg. Os animais que gestaram obtiveram maiores valores para as variáveis albumina, ureia, hemácias, hemoglobina e hematócrito e menores valores para AST, ALP e GGT. Dentre as probabilidades associadas a ocorrência de gestação, pode-se destacar as variáveis idade, peso e proteína total. Conclui-se neste estudo que a ocorrência de gestação em novilhas Nelore criadas a pasto apresentou relação com as variáveis proteína total, alumina, ureia, AST, ALP, GGT do perfil bioquímico e com as variáveis hemácias, hematócrito, hemoglobina e leucócitos do perfil hematológico
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Bovinos/sangue , Puberdade Precoce/diagnóstico , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Homeostase/fisiologia , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Testes Hematológicos/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between biochemical and hematological profile and the occurrence of pregnancy in Nellore heifers raised on pasture. We evaluated the heifers (56) during 17-month, and carried out nine collections every two months to evaluate age and weight, and determine serum concentrations of total protein, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, albumin, glucose, cholesterol, urea, serum activity of gamma glutamyl transferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelet counts, hematocrit value, hemoglobin and fibrinogen to relate possible changes in hematological and biochemical profile with the occurrence of pregnancy in heifers. Of the 56 heifers evaluated, 66.07% were pregnant with age range from 28.70 ± 2.73 to 30.55 ± 2.80 months and weighing 328.92 ± 32.47 to 386.81 ± 46.56 kg. The animals that gave birth presented higher values of the variables albumin, urea, erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit, and lower values for AST, ALP and GGT. Among the probabilities associated to pregnancy, age, weight and total protein can be highlighted. We concluded that the occurrence of pregnancy in heifers raised on pasture was related to variables total protein, albumina, urea, AST, ALP, and GGT of the biochemical profile, and the variables hematocrit, hemoglobin and leukocyte of the blood profile(AU)
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a relação do perfil bioquímico e hematológico com a ocorrência de gestação em novilhas Nelore criadas a pasto. Foram acompanhadas 56 novilhas no período de 17 meses, realizou-se nove colheitas com intervalos de dois meses no qual foram avaliados idade e peso; e quantificado as concentrações séricas de proteína total, magnésio, fósforo, cálcio, albumina, glicose, colesterol, ureia, atividade sérica da gama glutamiltransferase, aspartato aminotransferase e fosfatase alcalina, contagem de hemácias, de leucócitos, de plaquetas, valor de hematócrito, teor de hemoglobina e fibrinogênio para relacionar possíveis alterações no perfil bioquímico e hematológico com a ocorrência da gestação em novilhas. Das 56 novilhas avaliadas, 66,07% ficaram gestantes com intervalo de idade de 28,70 ± 2,73 a 30,55 ± 2,80 meses e peso entre 328,92 ± 32,47 a 386,81 ± 46,56 kg. Os animais que gestaram obtiveram maiores valores para as variáveis albumina, ureia, hemácias, hemoglobina e hematócrito e menores valores para AST, ALP e GGT. Dentre as probabilidades associadas a ocorrência de gestação, pode-se destacar as variáveis idade, peso e proteína total. Conclui-se neste estudo que a ocorrência de gestação em novilhas Nelore criadas a pasto apresentou relação com as variáveis proteína total, alumina, ureia, AST, ALP, GGT do perfil bioquímico e com as variáveis hemácias, hematócrito, hemoglobina e leucócitos do perfil hematológico(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Bovinos/sangue , Bovinos/fisiologia , Puberdade Precoce/diagnóstico , Testes Hematológicos/veterinária , Homeostase/fisiologia , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
Neste estudo foi avaliado o perfil metabólico de vacas leiteiras no período de transição durante o verão e o inverno. Foram utilizados 31 animais pluríparos mestiços girolando em cada estação, totalizando 62 vacas. No verão permaneciam em pasto com suplementação de silagem de milho e concentrado. No inverno, a exigência nutricional era suprida apenas com silagem de milho e concentrado. Foram feitas um total de 11 coletas de sangue de cada animal segundo o seguinte protocolo: quatro coletas pré-parto espaçadas semanalmente, no dia do parto e com 2, 5, 10, 15, 21 e 30 dias pós-parto. Foram avaliadas as concentrações de cálcio, fósforo e magnésio. Todos os analitos variaram em função do estatus fisiológico. As concentrações médias de cálcio e magnésio foram maiores no verão do que no inverno. Em ambas as estações, as menores concentrações médias de cálcio ocorreram próximas ao parto, sendo que 75% dos animais no inverno e 35,48% dos animais no verão estavam hipocalcêmicos. Apenas no décimo dia as concentrações de cálcio voltaram aos níveis do pré-parto, demonstrando que esse tempo é necessário para a adaptação da nova condição de lactante. As concentrações de magnésio foram menores no pós-parto do que no pré-parto nas duas estações, demonstrando a necessidade desse mineral para a produção de leite. As concentrações médias de magnésio permaneceram sempre dentro dos valores de referência, porém 19% dos animais aos dois dias pós-parto no inverno e 7% dos animais aos 10 dias pós-parto no verão tinham concentrações inferiores a esses limites. As concentrações de fósforo sofreram grande variação ao longo do peri-parto, porém sempre em níveis elevados, sendo que 49,8% dos animais no inverno e 37,3% no verão tinham níveis de fósforo acima dos valores de referência.(AU)
The metabolic profile of dairy cows in the transition period during summer and winter was evaluated. Were used 31 crossbred Holstein/Gir cows at each season, totaling 62 cows. During summer they remained in pasture with supplementation of corn silage and concentrate and in the winter, corn silage and concentrate was offered to furnish the nutritional requirements. A total of 11 blood samples from each animal were taken according to the following protocol: four collections weekly antepartum, at birth and at 2, 5, 10, 15, 21 and 30 days postpartum. Concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were evaluated. All analytes varied according to the physiological status. The average concentrations of calcium and magnesium were higher in summer than in winter. In both seasons, the lowest mean calcium concentrations occurred near calving, and 75% of the animals in winter and 35.48% of the animals in the summer were hypocalcemic. Only on the tenth day postpartum, the calcium concentrations returned to levels of prepartum, demonstrating that this time is necessary for the adaptation of the new condition of lactating. Magnesium concentrations were lower postpartum than prepartum in both seasons, demonstrating the need for this mineral for the production of milk. The average concentrations of magnesium remained always within the reference values for the species, but 19% of the animals at two days postpartum in winter and 7% of the animals at 10 days postpartum in summer had concentrations below these limits. Phosphorus concentrations suffered large variation along the peri-partum, but always at high levels, with 49.8% of the animals in winter and 37.3% in summer had phosphorus levels above the reference range of the species.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Estações do Ano , Período Periparto , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Deficiência de Magnésio/veterinária , Metabolismo/fisiologia , MeteorologiaResumo
Sheep farming is an important social and economic support for the population living in semi-arid zones. These climatic conditions in these regions - a high radiant heat load, especially - may require adjustments in physiology and behavior of the animal to enable their survival. The increased respiratory rate and rectal temperature, with seeking behavioral patterns reduced grazing time and increased idle time are recurrent in the literature as the main physiological and behavioral responses of sheep grazing in high radiant heat load environments. The presence of shadow, natural or artificial, can encourage and facilitate thermolysis physiological adjustments sheep without harm, predominantly, your metabolism. Thus, the objective of compiling information on the main patterns of behavior, as well as major physiological responses of sheep grazing in semi-arid zones.(AU)
A criação de ovinos representa importante suporte social e econômico para as populações instaladas em zonas semiáridas do globo. A condição climática presente nessas regiões elevada carga térmica radiante, principalmente pode exigir ajustes profundos na fisiologia e no comportamento do animal a fim de possibilitar sua sobrevivência. O aumento da frequência respiratória e da temperatura retal, somado a padrões de comportamento buscando redução do tempo de pastejo e elevações do tempo de ócio são recorrentes na literatura como principais respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais dos ovinos pastejando em ambientes de elevada carga térmica radiante. A presença de sombra, seja natural ou artificial, pode favorecer a termólise e facilitar os ajustes fisiológicos dos ovinos, sem prejudicar, preponderantemente, o seu metabolismo. Dessa forma, objetivou-se compilar informações sobre os principais padrões de comportamento, bem como as principais respostas fisiológicas, de ovinos pastejando em zonas semiáridas.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Temperatura Alta , Taxa Respiratória/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Metabolismo/fisiologiaResumo
Sheep farming is an important social and economic support for the population living in semi-arid zones. These climatic conditions in these regions - a high radiant heat load, especially - may require adjustments in physiology and behavior of the animal to enable their survival. The increased respiratory rate and rectal temperature, with seeking behavioral patterns reduced grazing time and increased idle time are recurrent in the literature as the main physiological and behavioral responses of sheep grazing in high radiant heat load environments. The presence of shadow, natural or artificial, can encourage and facilitate thermolysis physiological adjustments sheep without harm, predominantly, your metabolism. Thus, the objective of compiling information on the main patterns of behavior, as well as major physiological responses of sheep grazing in semi-arid zones.
A criação de ovinos representa importante suporte social e econômico para as populações instaladas em zonas semiáridas do globo. A condição climática presente nessas regiões elevada carga térmica radiante, principalmente pode exigir ajustes profundos na fisiologia e no comportamento do animal a fim de possibilitar sua sobrevivência. O aumento da frequência respiratória e da temperatura retal, somado a padrões de comportamento buscando redução do tempo de pastejo e elevações do tempo de ócio são recorrentes na literatura como principais respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais dos ovinos pastejando em ambientes de elevada carga térmica radiante. A presença de sombra, seja natural ou artificial, pode favorecer a termólise e facilitar os ajustes fisiológicos dos ovinos, sem prejudicar, preponderantemente, o seu metabolismo. Dessa forma, objetivou-se compilar informações sobre os principais padrões de comportamento, bem como as principais respostas fisiológicas, de ovinos pastejando em zonas semiáridas.
Animais , Ovinos , Regulação da Temperatura Corporal/fisiologia , Temperatura Alta , Comportamento Animal , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Taxa Respiratória/fisiologiaResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar o perfil metabólico energético, proteico e enzimático de vacas mestiças leiteiras com baixo escore de condição corporal (ECC) no periparto. Foram colhidas amostras sanguíneas uma semana antes do parto, no dia do parto, e aos sete, 14, 21, 28 e 43 dias pós-parto (DPP) de 36 animais, com média de ECC de 2,6±0,5, com eutocia e pós-parto fisiológico e sem tratamentos nesta fase. Analisaram-se as concentrações séricas de proteínas totais, albumina e globulinas para o perfil protéico; AST, ALT, GGT e fosfatase alcalina para o perfil enzimático; ácidos graxos não-esterificados (NEFA), β-hidroxibutirato (BHBA), triglicerídeos, colesterol e lipoproteínas (VLDL, HDL e LDL) para o perfil energético. As vacas apresentaram no pré-parto hipoproteinemia, hipoalbuminemia, hipocolesterolemia e aumento das enzimas GGT e AST. No dia do parto houve lipólise e hipoglobulinemia. Concluiu-se que vacas mestiças leiteiras com baixo ECC apresentam balanço energético negativo, hipoproteinemia com hipoalbuminemia e lesão hepática no periparto, com restabelecimento aos 30 DPP, mas não recuperam sua condição corporal até o final do puerpério.(AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic profile of protein, energy and enzyme in crossbred dairy cows with low body condition score (BCS) in the peripartum period. Blood samples were collected from 36 animals with 2.6±0.5 BCS, eutocia, physiological postpartum and without any treatment, on following days: one week before calving, calving and 7, 14, 21, 28 and 43 days in milk (DIM). It was evaluated serum total protein, albumin and globulins for protein profile; AST, ALT, GGT and alkaline phosphatase for mineral profile; nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), triglycerides, cholesterol and lipoproteins (VLDL, HDL and LDL) for energy profile. Crossbred dairy cows had hypoproteinemia, hypoalbuminemia, hypocholesterolemia and increased that both enzymes AST and GGT at the precalving. There were lipolysis and hypoglobulinemia at parturition. It was concluded that crossbred dairy cows with low BCS have negative energy balance, hypoproteinemia with hypoalbuminemia and hepatic injury in the peripartum. This condition is restored at 30 DIM, but there is no recovery of the body condition by the end of puerperium.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Período Pós-Parto/metabolismo , Período Pós-Parto/fisiologia , Constituição Corporal/fisiologia , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Metabolismo Energético/fisiologia , Parto/metabolismo , Parto/fisiologiaResumo
A fim de estabelecer os valores hematológicos e bioquímicos de ovinos da raça Dorper e avaliar ainfluência do sexo e idade nestas determinações, 72 animais foram distribuídos em três gruposexperimentais de acordo com a faixa etária, sendo o Grupo 1 (G1) composto por animais com até 12meses de idade (n=28), o Grupo 2 (G2) composto por animais de 13 a 36 meses de idade (n=37) e o Grupo3 (G3) por animais de 37 a 60 meses de idade (n=7). Os animais foram distribuídos ainda em outrosdois grupos exprimentais, de acordo com o sexo, sendo o Grupo 4 (G4) composto por fêmeas (n=57) eo grupo 5 (G5) por machos (n=15). Avaliando-se os resultados obtidos para os exames hematológicose bioquímicos verificou-se que os valores médios de hemácias (13,4 ± 2,5x106/mL), hemoglobina (12,6± 1,3 g/dL), volume globular (37,5 ± 3,7%), leucócitos totais (7.116,0 ± 1.967,0/mL) e neutrófilossegmentados (4.168,0 ± 1.501,0/mL) foram maiores nos animais do G1, assim como a ureia, GGT e FA(52,0 ± 17,0 mg/dL, 93,0 ± 19,0 UI / L e 257,0 ± 125,0 UI / L, respectivamente). Comparando-se ossexos, verificou-se que os valores de leucócitos totais (7.576,0 ± 2.082,0/mL), neutrófilos segmentados(4.296,0 ± 1.510,0/mL) e linfócitos (2.428,0 ± 1.084,0/mL) foram maiores nos machos (G5). Os valoresde creatinina (1,3 ± 0,4 mg/dL), proteínas totais séricas (6,3 ± 0,9 g/dL) e globulinas (3,7 ± 1,0 g/dL)foram maiores nas fêmeas (G4). A análise estatística dos resultados encontrados permitiu determinar osvalores de referência para os constituintes hematológicos e bioquímicos de ovinos da raça Dorper, alémde concluir que ocorreram variações nos referidos parâmetros, influenciados pelo sexo e por diferentesfaixas etárias.(AU)
In order to establish hematological and biochemical Dorper sheep values and evaluate the influence ofsex and age in these determinations, 72 animals were assigned to three experimental groups accordingto age: Group 1 (G1) consisting of animals up to 12 months of age (n=28), Group 2 (G2) composed ofanimals from 13 to 36 months (n=37) and Group 3 (G3) for animals from 37 to 60 months (n=7). Theanimals were still divided in another two groups according to gender: Group 4 (G4) females (n=57)and Group 5 (G5) males (n=15). Evaluating the results obtained for hematological and biochemicalexaminations it was found that the mean values of RBC (13.4 ± 2.5x106/mL), hemoglobin (12.6 ±1.3 g/dL), packed cell volume (37.5 ± 3.7%), total leukocytes (7116.0 ± 1967.0/mL) and segmentedneutrophils (4168.0 ± 1501.0/mL) were higher in the animals of G1, as well as urea, GGT and ALP (52.0 ± 17.0 mg/dL, 93.0 ± 19.0 IU/L, 257.0 ± 125.0 IU/L, respectively). Comparing the gender, itwas found that the values of total leukocytes (7576.0 ± 2082.0/mL), segmented neutrophils (4296.0 ±1510.0/mL) and lymphocytes (2428.0 ± 1084.0/mL) were greater in males (G5). The values of creatinine(1.3 ± 0.4 mg/dL), serum total protein (6.3 ± 0.9 g/dL) and globulins (3.7 ± 1.0 g/dL) were higher infemales (G4). Statistical analysis of the results allowed to determine reference values for hematologicaland biochemical constituents of Dorper sheep breed, and concluded that there were variations in theseparameters influenced by gender and different age groups.(AU)
Animais , Hematologia/métodos , Fatores Etários , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Ovinos/classificação , SexoResumo
Investigou-se o efeito da ordem de parto (OP) e da perda de peso durante a lactação no desempenho reprodutivo de 666 matrizes suínas. Foram formadas três classes de OP (OP1, OP2 e OP3-5) e duas classes de percentual de perda de peso (≤1% e >1%) durante a lactação. Foram avaliados: taxa de parto, intervalo desmame-estro (IDE) e tamanho da leitegada subsequente. Houve interação de OP versus perda de peso na taxa de parto das fêmeas (P<0,05). As fêmeas OP1 e OP2 tiveram maior chance (P<0,05) de não parir na classe >1% de perda de peso. A maior perda de peso não foi um fator de risco para não parir na condição OP3-5 (P>0,05). Não houve interação de OP versus perda de peso (P>0,05) para IDE e total de leitões nascidos. Fêmeas OP1 apresentaram IDE mais longo e menor tamanho da leitegada no parto subsequente (P<0,05) do que fêmeas OP2 e OP3-5. As perdas corporais na lactação não influenciaram o IDE (P>0,05), mas reduziram o tamanho da leitegada subsequente (P<0,05). Conclui-se que maior perda de peso na lactação resulta em aumento de falhas reprodutivas nas fêmeas mais jovens e reduz o tamanho da leitegada subsequente em todas as OP.(AU)
The effect of parity (PO) and weight loss during lactation on the subsequent reproductive performance of 666 sows was investigated. Sows were allocated into three PO classes (PO1, PO2 and PO3-5) and into two classes of weight loss percentage (≤1% and >1%) during lactation. Farrowing rate, weaning to estrus interval (WEI) and total born at next farrow were evaluated. There was an interaction effect between PO and weight loss on the farrowing rate (P<0.05). PO1 and PO2 females had more chance (P<0.05) of failure to farrow when weight loss was higher than 1%. However, the higher weight loss was not a risk factor to low farrowing rate in PO3-5 females (P>0.05). There was no interaction between PO and weight loss (P>0.05) on WEI and subsequent total born. PO1 females showed longer WEI and lower litter size on subsequent farrowing compared to PO2 and PO3-5 females. Weight loss did not affect WEI (P>0.05), but it decreased subsequent litter size (P<0.05). High weight loss during lactation results an increase in reproductive failures in young females and decreases subsequent litter size in all parity orders.(AU)
Animais , Parto/fisiologia , Reprodução/fisiologia , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Lactação , Suínos/classificaçãoResumo
Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o metabolismo energético, proteico e mineral de ovelhas Santa Inês hígidas e com mastite subclínica acompanhadas durante o final da gestação e na lactação. Foram acompanhadas ovelhas submetidas ao mesmo sistema de criação semi-intensivo. Os animais foram avaliados conforme os momentos a seguir: 10 dias que precedeu o parto (dap) e 15 dias pós parto (dpp), 30 dpp, 60 dpp e 90 dpp. Os metabólitos sanguíneos foram avaliados a partir do momento que antecedeu ao parto e os metabólitos no soro lácteo nos momentos subsequentes. Após exame clínico e bacteriológico foi realizada a triagem das ovelhas acompanhadas neste estudo, sendo 12 hígidas e 18 com mastite subclínica. Durante a lactação, mantendo os mesmos critérios de triagem, foram selecionadas 11 glândulas mamárias sadias e 20 infectadas, das quais foi colhido o leite para obtenção do soro lácteo. Foram mensurados no soro sanguíneo os metabólitos do perfil energético (ácidos graxos não esterificados (AGNEs), β-hidroxibutirato (BHB), frutosamina, colesterol e triglicérides), do perfil proteico (proteína total, albumina, uréia e creatinina) e do perfil mineral (ferro, cobre, zinco, magnésio, cálcio total, cálcio ionizado, sódio e potássio). No soro lácteo foram mensurados os íons cálcio, sódio e potássio, bem como os AGNEs e o BHB. A bioquímica sanguínea revelou haver influência (P<0,05) do período do periparto e da lactação sobre as concentrações sanguíneas dos AGNEs, BHB, colesterol, albumina, uréia, cálcio ionizado e no soro lácteo sobre o íon potássio. As ovelhas portadoras de mastite subclínica apresentaram valores sanguíneos superiores (P<0,05) de colesterol, albumina e cobre e no soro lácteo teores superiores do íon sódio e dos AGNEs e inferiores do íon potássio. O bom escore corporal das ovelhas observado durante o estudo aliado aos achados bioquímicos permitiu concluir ter ocorrido maior requerimento energético no primeiro mês da lactação, porém não o suficiente para desencadear qualquer transtorno metabólico e o aparecimento de um quadro de cetonemia, sendo estas discretas alterações mais expressivas nas ovelhas com mastite subclínica.(AU)
The study aimed to evaluate the energy, protein and mineral metabolism in Santa Inês ewes, healthy and with subclinical mastitis, followed up during late gestation and lactation periods. Ewes subjected to the same semi-intensive nursing system were followed up. The animals were evaluated according to the following stages: 10 days before parturition (dbp) and 15 days postpartum (dpp), 30 dpp, 60 dpp, and 90 dpp. Blood metabolites were evaluated starting from the stage previous to parturition and whey metabolites were evaluated in the subsequent stages. A screening of the ewes followed up in this study (12 healthy and 18 with subclinical mastitis) was performed after a clinical and bacteriological examination. During lactation, maintaining the same screening criteria, 11 healthy and 20 infected mammary glands were selected; the milk for whey extraction was collected from these glands. Energy profile metabolites (non-esterified fatty acids [NEFAs], β-hydroxybutyrate [BHB], fructosamine, cholesterol and triglycerides), protein profile (total protein, albumin, urea and creatinine) and mineral profile (iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, total calcium, ionized calcium, sodium, and potassium) were measured in the blood serum. Calcium, sodium and potassium ions, as well as NEFAs and BHB were measured in the whey. Blood biochemistry revealed an influence (P<0.05) of the peripartum and lactation periods on the blood concentrations of NEFAs, BHB, cholesterol, albumin, urea, ionized calcium. An analysis of the whey also revealed an influence on the potassium ion. Ewes with subclinical mastitis showed higher (P<0.05) blood levels of cholesterol, albumin and copper; higher sodium ion concentrations and NEFAs, and lower potassium ion in whey. Good physical score of ewes observed during this study, combined with the biochemical findings, allowed us to conclude that there was a larger energy requirement in the first month of lactation; however, this requirement was not enough to trigger any metabolic disorder or the emergence of ketonemia, and these discrete changes were more apparent in ewes with subclinical mastitis.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Ovinos/metabolismo , Metabolismo/imunologia , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , Mastite/veterinária , Metabolismo/fisiologiaResumo
Avaliou-se o perfil metabólico de 40 ovinos Santa Inês, inteiros, com peso vivo médio inicial de 17±1,7kg,, submetidos à restrição alimentar seguida de realimentação em confinamento, distribuídos em quatro tratamentos: 0, 20, 40 e 60% de restrição alimentar. Dois ensaios foram desenvolvidos, um referente à restrição e outro à realimentação. Para tanto, foi utilizado delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso, com quatro tratamentos e 10 repetições, e distribuído em fatorial cruzado 4x3. Observou-se na fase de restrição que os níveis de fósforo foram mais altos nos animais sob restrição alimentar; o mesmo ocorrendo na fase final para as concentrações de proteínas totais (PT), albumina (Alb) e colesterol total. A gama-glutamiltransferase (GGT) decresceu de forma linear com o aumento da restrição. No segundo ensaio, verificou-se que as concentrações de PT, Alb, globulina, colesterol total, lipoproteína de alta densidade, GGT e magnésio (Mg) apresentaram diferença (P<0,05) entre os períodos de coleta. Já na restrição prévia, observou-se comportamento linear decrescente para GGT e interação tratamento versus período de coleta para a concentração de cálcio. Os níveis de restrição alimentar afetaram o metabolismo proteico e não interferiram no metabolismo energético, e a realimentação resultou em alteração no metabolismo proteico, energético e mineral.(AU)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the metabolic profile of 40 Santa Inês sheep, whole, with average weight of 17±1,7kg, submitted to food restriction followed by refeeding in confinement, distributed in four treatments: 0, 20, 40 and 60% restriction food. Two tests were developed, one for restriction and one for refeeding. In this experiment a completely randomized design was used, with four treatments and 10 repetitions, distributed in a factorial 4x3 crossover. In the constraint phase it was observed that phosphorus levels were higher in animals under food restriction, this also occurred in the final stage for of total protein (TP), albumin (Alb) and total cholesterol concentrations. The gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) decreased linearly with increasing restriction. On the second trial it was found that concentrations of PT, Alb, globulin, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, GGT and Mg were similar (P<0,05) between collection periods. In the previous restriction, a decreasing linear behavior and interaction treatment for GGT versus collection period for the concentration of calcium was observed. The levels of food restriction affect protein metabolism and did not interfere with energy metabolism, and feedback resulted in changes in protein, energy and mineral metabolism.(AU)
Animais , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Ovinos/metabolismo , Confinamento Controlado , Enzimas , Minerais na DietaResumo
During early postpartum, high-producing dairy cows undergo a period of extensive tissue catabolism because of negative nutrien t balance. Homeorrhetic controls assure that nutrients are partitioned to favor lactation at the same time that homeostasis secures survival. However, unrestrained metabolic disturbances often lead to diseases which, in turn, dramatically decrease both productive and reproductive performance. Negative nutrient balance ha s been associated with compromised immune and reproductive functions in dairy cows. Low circulating concentrations of glucose and insulin associated with elevated concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and ketone bodies postpartum have disruptive and detrimental effects on the oocyte, granulosa and immune cells. Negative nutrient balance is associated with changes in the pattern of ovarian follicle growth which can indirectly affect oocyte quality. Some of this disruption seems to be the result of endocrine and biochemical changes that alter the micro- environment of the growing and maturing oocyte. In addition, cows under negative nutrient balance have extended periods of anovulation. Postpartum anestrus, as well as infertility, is magnified by losses of body condition during the early postpartum period. The underlying mechanism for resumption of ovulatory cycles seems to be associated with metabolic signals and regulatory hormones primarily insulin and insulin- like growth factor (IGF)-1, which link nutritional status with gonadotropin secretion, recoupling of the growth hormone-IGF system, and follicle maturation and ovulation. Feeding diets th at promote increases in plasma glucose and insulin may improve the metabolic and endocrine status of cows in early lactation. Furthermore, fertility in postpartum cows is also determined by uterine health. Reductions in circulating concentrations of Ca and antioxidant vitamins around parturition are also linked with impaired immune competence and result in greater risk of uterine diseases that impair reproduction. Specific nutrients and dietary ingredients have been implicated to affect reproduction in cattle. Excess intake of dietary protein has been suggested as detrimental to fertility, although feeding excess of dietary protein can no longer be justified. Addition of moderate amounts of supplemental fat to the diet improves caloric intake, modulates prostaglandin F2 secretion by the uterus, affects ovarian dynamics, enhances luteal function and embryo quality, and has moderate positive effects on fertility. More specifically, some fatty acids might impact fertilization rate and embryo quality in dairy cows. On the contrary, some dietary ingredients, such as gossypol, when ingested in large quantities decrease fertility of dairy cows because of its negative effects on embryo quality and pregnancy maintenance.
Animais , Dieta , Homeostase/fisiologia , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Oócitos/citologia , Bovinos/classificação , Ciências da Nutrição AnimalResumo
During early postpartum, high-producing dairy cows undergo a period of extensive tissue catabolism because of negative nutrien t balance. Homeorrhetic controls assure that nutrients are partitioned to favor lactation at the same time that homeostasis secures survival. However, unrestrained metabolic disturbances often lead to diseases which, in turn, dramatically decrease both productive and reproductive performance. Negative nutrient balance ha s been associated with compromised immune and reproductive functions in dairy cows. Low circulating concentrations of glucose and insulin associated with elevated concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids and ketone bodies postpartum have disruptive and detrimental effects on the oocyte, granulosa and immune cells. Negative nutrient balance is associated with changes in the pattern of ovarian follicle growth which can indirectly affect oocyte quality. Some of this disruption seems to be the result of endocrine and biochemical changes that alter the micro- environment of the growing and maturing oocyte. In addition, cows under negative nutrient balance have extended periods of anovulation. Postpartum anestrus, as well as infertility, is magnified by losses of body condition during the early postpartum period. The underlying mechanism for resumption of ovulatory cycles seems to be associated with metabolic signals and regulatory hormones primarily insulin and insulin- like growth factor (IGF)-1, which link nutritional status with gonadotropin secretion, recoupling of the growth hormone-IGF system, and follicle maturation and ovulation. Feeding diets th at promote increases in plasma glucose and insulin may improve the metabolic and endocrine status of cows in early lactation. Furthermore, fertility in postpartum cows is also determined by uterine health. Reductions in circulating concentrations of Ca and antioxidant vitamins around parturition are also linked with impaired immune competence and result in greater risk of uterine diseases that impair reproduction. Specific nutrients and dietary ingredients have been implicated to affect reproduction in cattle. Excess intake of dietary protein has been suggested as detrimental to fertility, although feeding excess of dietary protein can no longer be justified. Addition of moderate amounts of supplemental fat to the diet improves caloric intake, modulates prostaglandin F2 secretion by the uterus, affects ovarian dynamics, enhances luteal function and embryo quality, and has moderate positive effects on fertility. More specifically, some fatty acids might impact fertilization rate and embryo quality in dairy cows. On the contrary, some dietary ingredients, such as gossypol, when ingested in large quantities decrease fertility of dairy cows because of its negative effects on embryo quality and pregnancy maintenance.(AU)
Animais , Metabolismo/fisiologia , Homeostase/fisiologia , Oócitos/citologia , Dieta , Bovinos/classificação , Ciências da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Brazil must comply with international quality standards and animal welfare requirements in order to maintain its position as world's largest exporter of poultry meat. With the scenario of global climate change there is the forecast of occurrence of extreme events with characteristics of both excess cold and heat for several regions of the country. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using images of infrared thermography to evaluate the loss of sensible heat in young broilers fed different dietary energy levels. Twenty birds were reared in a house with appropriate brooding using infrared lamps. Birds were distributed in a completely randomized experimental into two treatments: T1 (control diet with 2950 kcal ME/kg-1), and T2 (high-energy diet with 3950 kcal ME/kg-1). Infrared thermographic images of the birds were recorded for four consecutive days. One bird was randomly chosen per treatment, and had special images taken and analyzed. Average surface temperature of the body area was calculated using the surface temperature recorded at 100 spots (50 at the front and 50 at the lateral side of the bird's body). Mean surface temperature of the flock was calculated recording 100 spots on the group of birds. Total radiant heat loss was calculated based on the average data of surface temperature. The results indicated that the young broilers fed the high-energy diet presented a metabolic energy loss equivalent to 0.64 kcal h-1, while the birds fed with the control diet lost 2.18 kcal h-1. This finding confirms that oil supplementation to the diet reduces bird heat loss. The infrared camera was able to record young broilers' surface temperature variation when birds were fed diets with different energy contents(AU)