In this paper a new species of Diphya Nicolet, 1849, D. napo sp. nov. is described based on males and females from Ecuador. The female of Diphya bicolor Vellard, 1926 is described and illustrated for the first time and new records are presented. Oarces ornatus Mello-Leitão, 1935 and Azilia eximia (Mello-Leitão, 1940) are synonymized with D. bicolor, being A. eximia removed from the synonym of Azilia Keyserling, 1881 and being Cardimia Mello-Leitão, 1940 considered synonym of Diphya.(AU)
Neste artigo uma nova espécie de Diphya Nicolet, 1849, D. napo sp. nov. é descrita com base em machos e fêmeas do Equador. A fêmea de Diphya bicolor Vellard, 1926 é descrita e ilustrada pela primeira vez e registros novos são apresentados. Oarces ornatus Mello-Leitão, 1935 e Azilia eximia (Mello-Leitão, 1940) são sinonimizadas com D. bicolor, sendo A. eximia retirada da sinonímia de Azilia Keyserling, 1881 e Cardimia Mello-Leitão, 1940 é considerado sinônimo de Diphya.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Aranhas/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , EquadorResumo
Three new species of Hapigia Guenée, 1854, from Brazil and Ecuador, are described: H. postpallida Becker sp. nov., H. violacea Becker, sp. nov. and H. violetta Becker, sp. nov.(AU)
Mariposas/classificação , Mariposas/genética , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , EquadorResumo
Hippopsis sexlineata, a new species from Ecuador is described. The identity of Hippopsis quadrivittata Breuning, 1940 sensu auctorum is discussed and considered to be Hippopsis fractilinea Bates, 1866.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , EquadorResumo
Four new species are described: Xystochroma luteotarsis sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Callichromatini), from Ecuador; Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Elaphidiini), from Guatemala; Bisaltes (Bisaltes) lateralis sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Apomecynini), from Ecuador; and Nagma hovorei sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Calliini), from Ecuador. A key to species of Xystochroma Schmidt, 1924 is provided and Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. is included in a previous key. Variation in the pubescent pattern of Rosalba strandi (Breuning, 1943) is reported and the species is newly recorded for Paraguay. Chromatic variation in Cyrtinus umbus Martins & Galileo, 2009 (Lamiinae, Cyrtinini) is provided and the species is redescribed based on a dark specimen; a new province record (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) and a new country record (Panama) are included. Chromatic variation and sexual dimorphism in Phaea quadrimaculata Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2021 (Lamiinae, Tetraopini) is reported, and a new Mexican state record (Oaxaca) is provided.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
Cattle raising is a crucial element of production systems in the tropics and subtropics. However, in recent years, global public health security has been threatened by disease emergence. In Orellana Province, livestock is the most important activity to generate economic income. Nevertheless, there is no available data about Animal Health status. With this objective, a study was performed to describe the major Bovine diseases recorded between 2011 to 2019, and the main Risk factors associated. Data on main Bovine diseases were retrieved from the World Animal Health Information System database. Whereas Bovine population data used to calculate the prevalence rates and confidence intervals were obtained from Ecuador's Ministry of Agriculture. By contrast, the Risk factors identified with an epidemiological questionnaire were applied to 300 livestock farmers. As a result, from 2011 to 2019 in Orellana has been confirmed: 90 cases of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (31.58%), Bovine Rabies by hematophagous bats (Desmodus rotundus), 83 cases (29.12%), Bovine viral diarrhea with 43 cases (15.10%), Brucellosis by Brucella abortus 35 cases, which was (12.28%), and 34 cases related to Enzootic bovine leukosis (11.92%). Overall, the prevalence rates ranged from (0.24 to 15.37%). In addition, farm size, presence of forest, herd, and paddock sizes, cutting frequency of forages, and other animal species were involved as Risk factors (OR = 3.15 to 11.75; 95% CI, 0.01 to 0.69). In conclusion, there are animal diseases with reproductive and neurologic symptomology and high-Risk factors implicated in the transmission. Consequently, space-temporal and seroprevalence epidemiological studies should be performed in Orellana.
A criação de gado é um elemento crucial dos sistemas de produção nos trópicos e subtrópicos. No entanto, nos últimos anos, a segurança da saúde pública global tem sido ameaçada pelo surgimento de doenças. Na província de Orellana, a pecuária é a atividade mais importante para gerar renda econômica. Contudo, não há dados disponíveis sobre o estado de saúde animal. Com este objetivo, foi realizado um estudo para descrever as principais doenças dos bovinos registradas entre 2011 e 2019, além dos principais fatores de risco associados. Os dados sobre as principais doenças bovinas foram recuperados do banco de dados do World Animal Health Information System. Os dados da população bovina usados para calcular as taxas de prevalência e os intervalos de confiança foram obtidos do Ministério da Agricultura do Equador. Por outro lado, os fatores de risco identificados com um questionário epidemiológico foram aplicados a 300 criadores de gado. Como resultado, de 2011 a 2019 em Orellana foram confirmados: 90 casos (31,58%) de rinotraqueíte infecciosa bovina, 83 casos (29,12%) de raiva bovina por morcegos hematófagos (Desmodus rotundus), 43 casos (15,10%) de diarreia viral bovina, 35 casos (12,28%) de brucelose por Brucella abortus e 34 casos relacionados à leucose enzoótica bovina (11,92%). No geral, as taxas de prevalência variaram de 0,24 a 15,37%. Além disso, tamanho da fazenda, presença de floresta, tamanho do rebanho e dos piquetes, frequência de corte de forragens e outras espécies animais estiveram envolvidos como fatores de risco (OR = 3,15-11,75; IC 95% 0,01-0,69). Em conclusão, existem doenças animais com sintomatologia reprodutiva e neurológica e fatores de alto risco implicados na transmissão. Portanto, estudos epidemiológicos espaço-temporais e de soroprevalência devem ser realizados em Orellana.
Animais , Bovinos , Raiva/epidemiologia , Doença das Mucosas por Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/epidemiologia , Brucelose Bovina/epidemiologia , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos/estatística & dados numéricos , Leucose Enzoótica Bovina/epidemiologia , Rinotraqueíte Infecciosa Bovina/epidemiologia , Estudos Transversais , Fatores de Risco , Ecossistema Amazônico , Equador , Criação de Animais Domésticos/estatística & dados numéricosResumo
Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant neoplasm associated with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light and lack of skin pigment in white-coated animals. The disease diagnosis is based on the animal's history, clinical signs and histopathology of the samples collected. The therapeutic alternatives are diverse. Among them, one of the most used is the metronomic chemotherapy which is based on the use of cytostatics drugs, applied in low and frequent doses for a longer period of time. One of the mechanisms of action of this type of therapy is the decrease in angiogenesis. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are simultaneously used to maximize the angiogenic effect. The objective of this study is to report the results of a treatment accomplised with metronomic chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide with meloxicam) in a domestic feline which presented a squamous cell tumor. Case: A 7-year-old female cat, mixed breed, not neutered, weighing 3.5 kg, was assisted at the Veterinary Specialties Teaching Clinic (CEEV) of the Technical University of Machala (UTMACH), presenting bilateral ulcerative lesion in the nasal plane for 5 months. Chronic exposure to sunlight is referred to in the patient's anamnesis. Aspiration cytology performed in the patient revealed an inflammatory process with a predominance of neutrophils and macrophages, and showed absence of neoplastic cells. A treatment based on antibiotics and corticosteroids was adopted. As there were no favorable results, an excisional biopsy procedure was chosen to collect the affected tissues. The result of the histopathological analysis was a level 2 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The initial treatment consisted of surgical removal of the tumor and later the use of metronomic chemotherapy based on Cyclophosphamide, Meloxicam, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and Sucralfate for 5 months was adopted. At the beginning of the second phase of treatment, the patient developed a macula that progressively diminished. Currently, the patient does not have any recurrence of the diagnosed neoplasm. Discussion: The diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma was based on clinical and histopathological findings. The macroscopic lesions were crusted ulcers that do not heal in the nasal plane and auricular pavilion, as reported in the literature. SCC is characterized by the infiltration of squamous cells in the dermal layer of the skin, forming epithelial islands with keratin pearls. The histopathological findings of this case present the same characteristics. The climatic conditions of Ecuador, high temperatures with greater incidence of sunlight, hypopigmented areas of the animal's body and chronic exposure to solar radiation are risk factors present in this case that foster the development of this malignant neoplasm. There are multiple treatments to be introduced in this sort of pathology. In this case, surgical removal of the tumor was adopted, followed by metronomic chemotherapy based on cyclophosphamide at 10 mg/m2 and meloxicam at a 0.05 mg/kg per day for a period of time of five months, obtaining favorable results and absence of recurrence. Despite metronomic chemotherapy being easy to administer, with fewer side effects, which includes a better acceptance of care takers who are reluctant to administer conventional chemotherapy, further studies are still necessary in what concerns certain variables such as age, carcinoma level, appropriate dosages and drugs according to each neoplasm.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Citostáticos/administração & dosagem , Administração Metronômica/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterináriaResumo
Abstract We present a case of Sarcoptes and canine distemper virus (CDV) infection in a white-nosed coati (Nasua narica) that was trapped in the dry tropical forest of Cerro Blanco reserve, located in the coastal region of Ecuador. Sarcoptic mange is a highly contagious and zoonotic disease with worldwide distribution that causes epidemics. Mange is produced by Sarcoptes mites that causes severe epidermal damage. Secondary infections and physiological constrictions without treatment can lead to death of the host. In addition, cooccurrence of canine distemper virus was detected via iiRT-PCR from serum samples. Physical analyses showed that 90% of the skin was affected by severe alopecia due to the sarcoptic mange infection. The presence of mites and histopathological analyses confirmed the diagnosis of infection. This coati was taken to a veterinary clinic and was fed every day, but it died after four days. This is the first report of sarcoptic mange and the first report of CDV in white-nosed coatis in South America. Further studies are needed in this region, to seek out other suspected cases, given the high capacity for disease transmission. Preventive actions to avoid epidemic and zoonotic episodes are needed.
Resumo Apresentamos um caso de Sarcoptes e infecção pelo vírus da cinomose canina (CDV) em um quati-do-nariz-branco (Nasua narica) que ficou preso na floresta tropical seca da reserva de Cerro Blanco, localizada na região costeira do Equador. A sarna sarcóptica é uma doença altamente contagiosa e zoonótica de distribuição mundial que causa epidemias. A sarna é produzida por ácaro do gênero Sarcoptes que causa graves danos epidérmicos. Infecções secundárias e constrições fisiológicas sem tratamento podem levar à morte do organismo. Além disso, a coocorrência do vírus da cinomose canina foi detectada, via iiRT-PCR, a partir de amostras de soro. As análises físicas mostraram que 90% da pele estava afetada por alopecia severa devido à infecção pelo ácaro da sarna sarcóptica. A presença de ácaros e análises histopatológicas confirmaram o diagnóstico de infecção. Esse quati foi levado a uma clínica veterinária e foi alimentado todos os dias, mas morreu após quatro dias. Esse é o primeiro relato de sarna sarcóptica e o primeiro relato de CDV em quatis-de-nariz-branco na América do Sul. São necessários mais estudos nessa região, para buscar outros casos suspeitos, dada a alta capacidade de transmissão da doença. Ações preventivas para evitar episódios epidêmicos e zoonóticos, são necessárias.
Animais , Escabiose/veterinária , Procyonidae , Vírus da Cinomose Canina , Pele , Equador/epidemiologiaResumo
Xenocona Gilmour, 1960 (Acanthocinini) includes seven species distributed through Central America and northern South America. Here we describe two new species from Ecuador: X. audureaui (differing from other species of the genus by the presence of large dark macula on dorsal surface of the basal â of the elytra combined with the absence of narrow white pubescent lines on other areas of the elytra) and X. uniformis (differing from the other species of the genus by the spiniform outer elytral angle).(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , EquadorResumo
The northeastern slope of the Andes is an area of high diversity of ferns and lycophytes. In this study we assessed the diversity patterns of ferns and lycophytes in ten 250 m x 2 m plots installed at three elevational zones, from 418 to 3447 m.a.s.l., in the Napo province of Ecuador. Floristic diversity was measured using Hill numbers and by partitioning species diversity. Three functional diversity indices were calculated from a set of five leaf traits and weighted by species abundance: functional richness (FRic), evenness (FEve) and divergence (FDiv). To disentangle functional diversity from species richness, the standardized effect size (SES) of each index was also calculated. We recorded 148 species, Polypodiaceae and Dryopteridaceae being the most representative families. Species richness continuously decreased with elevation. Floristic composition was highly heterogeneous among elevation zones, with total species turnover found between 1500 and 2000 m.a.s.l. SES-FDiv and SES-FEve were higher than the null expectation for plots at mid-elevations, suggesting that deterministic mechanisms, such as biotic or abiotic filters, could explain assemblage composition at these sites. However, SES-FEve, SES-FRic and SES-FDiv did not differ from the null expectations at low and high elevation sites, suggesting the predominance of a stochastic process. By combining floristic and functional diversity, we were able to infer the observed community patterns with the resource-use strategies of fern and lycophytes in a mountain area, an approach that can be used to understand how assemblages might react to changing environmental conditions.(AU)
La vertiente noreste de los Andes del Ecuador tiene alta diversidad de helechos y licófitos. En este estudio describimos patrones de diversidad de estos grupos en diez parcelas de 250 m x 2 m instaladas en tres zonas altitudinales, de 418 a 3447 m.s.n.m., en la provincia de Napo, Ecuador. La diversidad se calculó utilizando los números de Hill y particionando la diversidad de especies. Tres índices de diversidad funcional fueron estimados a partir de cinco atributos de las hojas ponderados por la abundancia de las especies: riqueza (FRic), uniformidad (FEve) y divergencia (FDiv). Para separar la diversidad funcional de la riqueza, se calculó el tamaño del efecto estandarizado (SES) de cada índice. Registramos 148 especies, siendo Polypodiaceae y Dryopteridaceae las familias más representativas. La riqueza disminuyó continuamente en el gradiente altitudinal. La composición de la comunidad tuvo un cambio total de especies entre 1500 y 2000 m.s.n.m. En parcelas intermedias, SES-FDiv y SES-FEve registraron valores más altos de lo esperado por el modelo nulo, lo que sugiere que los mecanismos deterministas, como los filtros bióticos y abióticos, podrían explicar el ensamble en estas comunidades. En parcelas de altitudes bajas y altas los tres índices no difirieron del valor nulo, lo que sugiere que predominan procesos estocásticos. Al combinar composición florística y diversidad funcional, pudimos identificar patrones de diversidad y estrategias de uso de recursos de helechos y licófitos. Este enfoque se puede utilizar para comprender cómo el ensamble de las comunidades es afectado por la variación en las condiciones ambientales.(AU)
Polypodiaceae/fisiologia , Dryopteridaceae/fisiologia , Biodiversidade , Biota/fisiologia , Recursos Naturais , EquadorResumo
The family Characidae is the most diverse group of fishes in the Neotropics with challenging systematics. The three genera Carlana, Parastremma, and Rhoadsia, formerly considered the subfamily Rhoadsiinae, are now included in the subfamily Stethaprioninae. Previous phylogenetic analyses did not include all genera of Rhoadsiinae, specifically Parastremma. Here, we estimated the phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of the genera of Rhoadsiinae (the Rhoadsia clade) relative to the most representative genera of the Characidae. We used six molecular markers from the mitochondrial and nuclear genome to estimate the phylogeny and divergence times. We confirmed the monophyly of the Rhoadsia clade. Furthermore, we estimated that the Central American genus Carlana and the western Colombian genus Parastremma diverged approximately 13 Mya (95% HPD 8.3618.11), consistent with the early-closure estimates of the Isthmus of Panama (~15 Mya). The genus Rhoadsia, endemic to Western Ecuador and Northern Peru, was estimated to originate at around 20 Mya (95% HPD 14.3525.43), consistent with the Andean uplift (~20 Mya).(AU)
La familia Characidae es el grupo más diverso de peces en el Neotrópico con una sistemática compleja. Los tres géneros Carlana, Parastremma y Rhoadsia, antes considerados en la subfamilia Rhoadsiinae, ahora se consideran dentro de la subfamilia Stethaprioninae. Los análisis filogenéticos publicados no incluyen todos los géneros de Rhoadsiinae, específicamente Parastremma. Aquí, estimamos las relaciones filogenéticas y los tiempos de divergencia de los géneros de Rhoadsiinae (el clado Rhoadsia) en relación con los géneros más representativos de Characidae. Utilizamos seis marcadores moleculares del genoma mitocondrial y nuclear para estimar la filogenia y el tiempo de divergencia. Confirmamos la monofilia del clado Rhoadsia. Además, estimamos que el género centroamericano Carlana y el género colombiano occidental Parastremma divergieron aproximadamente hace 13 millones de años (95% HPD 8.3618.11), lo que es consistente con recientes estimaciones del cierre del Istmo de Panamá (~15 millones de años). Se estimó que el género Rhoadsia, endémico del oeste de Ecuador y el norte de Perú, se originó hace alrededor de 20 millones de años (95% HPD 14.3525.43), consistente con el levantamiento de los Andes (~20 millones de años).(AU)
Animais , Filogeografia , Characidae/genética , Biologia Molecular/métodos , Peru , Equador , Genoma MitocondrialResumo
Background: Macracantorhincosis is a zoonotic disease resulting from inadequate sanitary conditions, which occurs in pigs infected by acanthocephalic helminths called Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. The eggs of these parasites are resistant to cold, high temperatures and can survive up to 3 years in the soil. They are consumed by dung beetles of the Scarabeidae family causing the parasite to evolve into its infective form, the cystacanth. The pig becomes infected after ingestion of either larvae or adult forms of these coleoptera. This work describes a case report of macracantorhincosis found in a pig from the canton of Zaruma located in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. Case: One sow, approximately 24-month-old, weighing 30 kg, presented cachexia, muscle weakness, pale oral and ocular mucosa and a body temperature above 39.4°C. The animal had a bulge on the ventral side of the neck, which evolved causing progressive discomfort to the point that the animal stopped eating. The sow was dewormed for 3 consecutive days. Fifteen days later, the animal had convulsions and muscle tremors, and died some hours after the symptoms started. During necropsy procedure, pale digestive tract membranes and nodules with fibrin were observed in the small intestine (jejunum), which was incised and the presence of parasites adhered to the granulomas detected. Two granulomas for morphological and histological studies and stool samples for coproparasitic test were collected. The collected parasites were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, cross-sections were made and routinely processed for histological studies. The 5 µm thick sections were stained using the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) technique. The parasite's action involves perforation of the intestinal wall though its proboscis causing peritonitis and enteritis. Other conditions in intestinal dissection such as necrotic areas, inflammation of the submucosa and adult parasites adhered to the intestinal mucosa were also observed. The coproparasitic examination was performed using the flotation and sedimentation techniques. The coproparasitic test detected dark colored feces, semi-solid consistency and the presence of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceu eggs. In the histological evaluation of the cross section of the parasite, the presence of circular and longitudinal muscle fibers and lemniscus with their constrictor muscles was observed. Cuticle, hypodermis with tapered fibers and a large number of developing mature eggs were also reported. Discussion: There is no pathognomonic symptomatology about this parasitosis and peritonitis can be generated by intestinal perforations. The findings at necropsy were ulcerations, inflammation in the small intestine and the presence of numerous nodules in the serous layer, where there was penetration of the parasite's proboscis. When fixed to the mucosa, these parasites cause ulcerations, inflammation and necrosis in the wall of the small intestine. The hypodermic layer is thicker than the muscular layer and the presence of leminis with their constricting muscles are typical features of acanthocephalus. It is considered appropriate to carry out epidemiological studies on the prevalence of the parasite Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus at pig farming system in the region, in order to determine the main risk factors. In Ecuador, cases of this disease in humans have not yet been reported, but have already been described in other countries, so the presence of this parasite in family swine farming may be considered a zoonotic-type risk factor.
Animais , Feminino , Suínos/parasitologia , Acantocéfalos/isolamento & purificação , Zoonoses/diagnóstico , EquadorResumo
We present the first report of parasitism by Sarcoptes scabiei (Linnaeus, 1758), in a sechuran fox "Lycalopex sechurae". Sarcoptes scabiei is a mite that produces sarcoptic mange, which can lead to the death of the animal host and can cause epidemic episodes in wildlife communities. The sechuran fox was collected by the environmental police from a citizen who reported the animal. It was sent to a veterinarian specializing in wildlife, "Clinica Mansion Mascota", in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Immediate physical examination showed crusts on its skin, and samples of skin and blood were collected and analyzed. The skin samples were analyzed using a microscope at 40x magnification in the clinic. In addition, skin and blood samples were sent to a private laboratory for further analyses. Both analyses were positive for S. scabiei infection. It is the second report of S. scabiei in a new wildlife species in the Guayas province of Ecuador within less than a year. These events cause concern due the possibility of biological community transmission. Since domestic and feral animals are considered habitual spreaders of this disease, management through ethical procedures such as adoption, medical treatment and neutering campaigns, and awareness-raising projects with empathetic approach are recommended.(AU)
Apresentamos o primeiro relato de infecção por Sarcoptes scabiei (Linnaeus, 1758) em uma raposa-do-deserto-Peruana Lycalopex sechurae. Sarcoptes scabiei é um ácaro que produz sarna sarcóptica, que pode levar à morte do animal hospedeiro e causar episódios epidêmicos em comunidades de vida selvagem. A raposa-do-deserto-Peruana foi recolhida pela polícia ambiental de um cidadão que denunciou o animal. O animal foi enviado para a Clinica Mansion Mascota em Guayaquil, Equador, para ser examinado por um veterinário especializado em vida selvagem. O exame físico imediato mostrou crostas na pele, e amostras de pele e sangue foram coletadas e analisadas. As amostras de pele foram examinadas na clínica usando um microscópio com aumento de 40x. Além disso, amostras de pele e sangue foram enviadas para um laboratório privado para análises posteriores. Ambas as análises foram positivas para infecção por S. scabiei. Este é o segundo relato de S. scabiei em um novo hospedeiro selvagem na província de Guayas, no Equador, em menos de um ano. Isto indica que existe transmissão comunitária biológica. Uma vez que animais domésticos e feroses são considerados disseminadores habituais dessa doença, recomenda-se o manejo por meio de procedimentos éticos, como adoção, tratamento médico e campanhas de castração, e projetos de conscientização com abordagem empática.(AU)
Animais , Sarcoptidae/patogenicidade , Canidae/parasitologia , Infestações por Ácaros/diagnóstico , Animais Selvagens/parasitologiaResumo
Trypanosomosis in sheep is a hemoparasitic disease of worldwide interest due to its effects on the health of animals and the economic impact on producers, is caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma sp. In the present study, the occurrence of Trypanosoma sp. in sheep from the urban-rural area of the canton Salitre was determined, through an applied study with a qualitative descriptive prospective cross-sectional approach, carried out between October 1, 2019, and February 19, 2020. Blood samples were extracted from the jugular vein and analyzed by the blood smear method using the Giemsa and Diff-Quick staining techniques. Previously, in a first study realized between 2018 and 2019, 2 cases (2%) of Trypanosoma sp., 1 case of Babesia sp. (1%), and 4 cases of Anaplasma marginale (4%) were identified, but without the presence of symptoms of the disease. However, in this new research study, of 170 animals sampled from 5 herds and aged between 3 and 8 years, 34 (20%) were positive for Trypanosoma sp., 6 for Babesia sp. (3.52%) and 6 for A. marginale (3.52%) with coinfection between them. In this research, deteriorated clinical aspects and low hematological values were also determined in positive animals; besides of the total of positive cases, 25 presented symptoms of hemoparasitic disease, 3 sheep had abortions and 8 died. The results of this study showed that Trypanosoma sp. could already become an endemic parasitosis in sheep in the country, representing a serious problem of animal health.
A tripanossomose em ovinos é uma doença hemoparasitária de interesse mundial devido a seus efeitos sobre a saúde dos animais e o impacto econômico sobre os produtores, Esta doença é causada pelo protozoário Trypanosoma sp. No presente estudo, foi determinada a ocorrência de Trypanosoma sp. em ovelhas da área urbano-rural do Cantão Salitre, através de um estudo aplicado com uma abordagem transversal descritiva qualitativa prospectiva, realizado entre dia primeiro de outubro de 2019, à 19 de fevereiro de 2020. Amostras de sangue foram extraídas da veia jugular e analisadas pelo método de esfregaço de sangue usando as técnicas de coloração Giemsa e Diff-Quick. Anteriormente, em um primeiro estudo realizado entre 2018 e 2019, dois casos (2%) de Trypanosoma sp., foram identificados um caso de Babesia sp. (1%), e quatro casos de Anaplasma marginale (4%), mas sem a presença de sintomas da doença. Entretanto, neste novo estudo de pesquisa, de 170 animais amostrados de cinco rebanhos e com idades entre três e oito anos, 34 (20%) foram positivos para Trypanosoma sp., seis para Babesia sp. (3,52%) e seis para A. marginale (3,52%) com coinfecção entre eles. Nesta pesquisa, aspectos clínicos deteriorados e baixos valores hematológicos também foram determinados em animais positivos; além do total de casos positivos, 25 apresentaram sintomas de doença hemoparasítica, três ovelhas tiveram abortos e oito morreram. Os resultados deste estudo mostram que o Trypanosoma sp. já poderia se tornar uma parasitose endêmica em ovinos no país, representando um grave problema de saúde animal.
Animais , Feminino , Babesiose/diagnóstico , Tripanossomíase/veterinária , Tripanossomíase/epidemiologia , Ovinos/parasitologia , Anaplasmose/diagnóstico , Equador , Coinfecção/veterináriaResumo
A canine patient, 13-year-old mixed breed male, 24kg, was seen at a private clinic in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. The main reason for consultation was the evaluation of a mass in the right knee and neck that had previously been cytologically diagnosed of neoplastic origin by another team of veterinarians through fine needle puncture and cytology. The contacts were asymptomatic. At the time of the consultation, a detailed exploration and complementary methods were performed that included hematological and urinary exams, mass cytology, serological test, chest radiography and biopsy for further histopathological study. The final diagnosis was a cutaneous granuloma due to microfilariae of Acanthocheilonema spp. and its subsequent surgical and medical treatment with excellent results. The canine heartworm is a cosmopolitan disease caused by nematodes of the genus Dirofilaria, with D. immitis being the best-known species. Less frequently, the species Acanthocheilonema spp., found in this patient, is also reported in Americas, with little knowledge about it. This is the first report of its kind hoping that it will serve as a basis for future studies.
Foi atendido, em uma clínica particular, na cidade de Guaiaquil, Equador, um paciente canino, sem raça definida, de 13 anos de idade, macho, não castrado, de 24kg. O motivo da consulta foi a avaliação de uma massa em região de articulação de joelho direito e de pescoço, que havia sido previamente diagnosticada como de origem neoplásica por outra equipe de médicos veterinários, mediante punção por agulha fina e citologia. Os contactantes eram assintomáticos. No momento da consulta, realizaram-se detalhadas avaliações clínica e complementar, que incluíram exames hematológicos, urinálise, citologia da massa, teste sorológico, radiografia torácica e biopsia para posterior estudo histopatológico. O diagnóstico final foi granuloma cutâneo por microfilária de Acanthocheilonema spp., para o qual os tratamentos clínico e cirúrgico apresentaram excelentes resultados. A dirofilariose é uma enfermidade cosmopolita causada por nematódeos do gênero Dirofilaria, sendo a espécie D. immitis a mais conhecida. Em menor frequência, a espécie Acanthocheilonema spp. encontrada neste paciente é também relatada na América, existindo pouco conhecimento a seu respeito. Este é o primeiro relato de caso sobre este tema e espera-se que sirva como base para futuros estudos.
Animais , Cães , Dirofilariose/cirurgia , Dirofilariose/diagnóstico , Dirofilariose/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Cão/parasitologia , Acanthocheilonema/isolamento & purificação , Granuloma/etiologia , Equador , MicrofiláriasResumo
Automeris liberia Cramer are found in South America, with documented sightings in Ecuador, Peru, some regions of Mexico and, more recently, the Brazilian Amazon. These moths cause damage to several plant species. We designed an experiment to study the biology and morphometry of A. liberia in the laboratory and provide information for the management of the pest in oil palm cultivation in the Brazilian Amazon. Caterpillars for rearing were collected from commercial areas of oil palm cultivation, where they cause defoliation of the plant. They were fed a natural diet of oil palm leaves of the Tenera variety and observed from second generation onwards. Sex, behavior, posture, mass, body length, wingspan, body diameter, sex ratio, average growth ratio, and antenna were quantified. The embryonic stage lasted 14 days, followed by seven larval instar stages over 36 days. The pupal stage lasted 21 days. Adults had a longevity of 4.5 and 6 days and a total biological cycle of 78.5 and 80 days, for males and females, respectively. The growth ratio was 1.49. The antennae showed sexual dimorphism, with bipectinate morphology in males and filiform in females. In the adult stage, morphological variables were evaluated (body length, thoracic diameter, wingspan, forewing length, forewing height, hindwing length, hindwing height, antenna length, number of antennomeres, and body mass), and they showed significant differences between males and females (Newman-Keuls test, P < 0.05).(AU)
A espécie Automeris liberia Cramer tem ocorrência na América do Sul, com registro no Equador, Peru, algumas regiões no México e, mais recentemente, na Amazônia brasileira, causando danos a várias espécies de plantas. Objetivou-se estudar pioneiramente a biologia e a morfometria de A. liberia em laboratório, visando subsidiar informações para o manejo da praga na cultura da palma de óleo, na Amazônia brasileira. A criação, foi oriunda de lagartas coletadas em áreas comerciais de palma de óleo, onde as quais estavam causando desfolhamentos. Foram alimentadas com dieta natural a base de folhas de palma de óleo da var. Tenera. As observações foram iniciadas a partir da segunda geração. Foram avaliados sexagem, comportamento, posturas, massa, comprimento, envergadura, diâmetro do corpo, razão sexual, razão da média de crescimento e antena. O estágio embrionário durou 14 dias e o larval apresentou sete instares em 36 dias. O estágio pupal foi de 21 dias. Os adultos apresentaram longevidade de 4,5 e 6 dias e ciclo biológico total de 78,5 e 80 dias, para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. A razão de crescimento foi de 1,49. As antenas apresentaram dimorfismo sexual, sendo do macho tipo bipectinada e da fêmea filiforme. Na fase adulta foram avaliadas variáveis morfológicas (comprimento do corpo, diâmetro do tórax, envergadura, comprimento da asa anterior, altura da asa anterior, comprimento da asa posterior, altura da asa posterior, comprimento da antena, número de antenômeros e massa corpórea) entre machos e fêmeas, as quais apresentaram diferença estatística pelo teste Newman-Keuls (P < 0,05).(AU)
Produtos Biológicos , Óleos , Lepidópteros/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: The Choloepus didactylus is characterized by having 2 fingers on the forelimbs and 3 on the hind limbs, being found more frequently in northern South America, in countries such as Venezuela, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. In Brazil, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has threatened the survival of C. didactylus. In addition, these animals can be affected by several diseases, being those of the musculoskeletal system with limited reports. Thus, the present report aimed to describe the treatment and evolution of an open fracture of the femur in a free-living Choloepus didactylus, which after rehabilitation was released back to the wild. Case: A free-living female two-toed sloth (Choloepus didactylus), weighing 7.0 kg, was found in Manaus city and referred to the Wild Animal Treatment Center (CETAS - IBAMA-AM) located in Amazonas, Brazil, after initial treatment and osteosynthesis in a private clinic (CVMinasPet). According to history, the animal had suffered electrocution 30 days ago and, as a result, had an extensive wound that resulted in the exposure of the knee joint, distal fracture of the femur, and areas of necrosis in the right pelvic limb. After cleansing of the area and removal of necrotic tissues, the fracture was stabilized with the cross-pinning technique (2 Steinmann pins). Then, the stifle joint was stabilized with external skeletal fixation (Type 1b, unilateral biplanar). The external fixator and cross-pins were removed 2 months after the surgical procedure, being observed bone healing. Next, the animal underwent physical rehabilitation for 30 days. After the rehabilitation period, a microchip and a radio collar were applied, and the sloth was released back to the wild. Discussion: Electrocution has been one of the causes of wildlife rescue, with consequences varying depending on the degree of the burn. Generally, the burn is most severe at the entry and exit sites. Since suspensory quadrupedal locomotion requires that sloths have specialized hands and feet to connect with the supports, probably the animal of the current report touched the right pelvic limb on a high-tension pole. The cross-pinning technique combined with the external fixator was used because the animal had an exposed Salter-Harris type I fracture with soft tissue loss. The younger the animal presents physeal fractures, the greater is the chance of developing growth abnormalities due to growth plate closure caused by fracture type or immobilization method. Since the sloth was a free-living animal, the age was unknown. However, pelvic limb length discrepancy was not observed after removing the implants. Culture and antimicrobial susceptibility test were not done and may be considered a limitation of this report. However, the application of ceftriaxone was adequate to control the infection, since the animal did not show signs of infection or draining sinus tracts. Ceftriaxone is a third-generation antibiotic that can be used in chronic osteomyelitis. In addition, the animal in the present report showed good adaptation to captive conditions that contributed to the clinical management. The longevity of the sloth in captivity can reach more than 30 years, but the goal is always to return the animal to nature after the treatment. Surgical treatment of the fracture and physical therapy after implant removal allowed this action in the current report, confirmed by monitoring with the radio collar.
Animais , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/lesões , Fraturas Expostas/cirurgia , Fraturas Expostas/terapia , Queimaduras por Corrente Elétrica/veterinária , Técnicas de Exercício e de Movimento/veterináriaResumo
Kajikia audax, Thunnus albacares, Katsuwonus pelamis, and Auxis spp. occupy high and middle-level trophic positions in the food web. They represent important sources for fisheries in Ecuador. Despite their ecological and economic importance, studies on pelagic species in Ecuador are scarce. This study uses stable isotope analysis to assess the trophic ecology of these species, and to determine the contribution of prey to the predator tissue. Isotope data was used to test the hypothesis that medium-sized pelagic fish species have higher δ15N values than those of the prey they consumed, and that there is no overlap between their δ13C and δ15N values. Results showed higher δ15N values for K. audax, followed by T. albacares, Auxis spp. and K. pelamis, which indicates that the highest position in this food web is occupied by K. audax. The stable isotope Bayesian ellipses demonstrated that on a long time-scale, these species do not compete for food sources. Moreover, δ15N values were different between species and they decreased with a decrease in predator size.(AU)
Kajikia audax, Thunnus albacares, Katsuwonus pelamis e Auxis spp. ocupam posições tróficas intermedias e/ou elevadas nas cadeias alimentares. Estas espécies representam um importante recurso pesqueiro no Ecuador. Apesar da sua importância económica e ecológica, estudos nestas espécies pelágicas no Ecuador são raras. Este estudo usa isótopos estáveis para avaliar o seu nível trófico de modo a determinar a contribuição das suas presas para os tecidos destes predadores. Dados dos isótopos foram usados para testar a hipótese de que estas espécies de peixes pelágicos possuem valores mais elevados de δ15N do que daqueles das presas consumidas, e que não existe uma sobreposição entre os valores de δ13C e δ15N. Resultados mostram que valores mais elevados de δ15N para K. audax, seguidos por T. albacares, Auxis spp. e K. pelamis, indicam que a posição mais elevada na cadeia alimentar é ocupada por K. audax. Elipses Bayesianas de isótopos estáveis demonstram que, a uma escala de longo-termo, estas espécies de peixes não competem pelos recursos. Adicionalmente, os valores de δ15N são diferentes entre espécies de peixe estudadas e estes valores decrescem com a diminuição do tamanho do predador.(AU)
Animais , Cadeia Alimentar , Ecologia , Isótopos , PerciformesResumo
Kajikia audax, Thunnus albacares, Katsuwonus pelamis, and Auxis spp. occupy high and middle-level trophic positions in the food web. They represent important sources for fisheries in Ecuador. Despite their ecological and economic importance, studies on pelagic species in Ecuador are scarce. This study uses stable isotope analysis to assess the trophic ecology of these species, and to determine the contribution of prey to the predator tissue. Isotope data was used to test the hypothesis that medium-sized pelagic fish species have higher δ15N values than those of the prey they consumed, and that there is no overlap between their δ13C and δ15N values. Results showed higher δ15N values for K. audax, followed by T. albacares, Auxis spp. and K. pelamis, which indicates that the highest position in this food web is occupied by K. audax. The stable isotope Bayesian ellipses demonstrated that on a long time-scale, these species do not compete for food sources. Moreover, δ15N values were different between species and they decreased with a decrease in predator size.(AU)
Kajikia audax, Thunnus albacares, Katsuwonus pelamis e Auxis spp. ocupam posições tróficas intermedias e/ou elevadas nas cadeias alimentares. Estas espécies representam um importante recurso pesqueiro no Ecuador. Apesar da sua importância económica e ecológica, estudos nestas espécies pelágicas no Ecuador são raras. Este estudo usa isótopos estáveis para avaliar o seu nível trófico de modo a determinar a contribuição das suas presas para os tecidos destes predadores. Dados dos isótopos foram usados para testar a hipótese de que estas espécies de peixes pelágicos possuem valores mais elevados de δ15N do que daqueles das presas consumidas, e que não existe uma sobreposição entre os valores de δ13C e δ15N. Resultados mostram que valores mais elevados de δ15N para K. audax, seguidos por T. albacares, Auxis spp. e K. pelamis, indicam que a posição mais elevada na cadeia alimentar é ocupada por K. audax. Elipses Bayesianas de isótopos estáveis demonstram que, a uma escala de longo-termo, estas espécies de peixes não competem pelos recursos. Adicionalmente, os valores de δ15N são diferentes entre espécies de peixe estudadas e estes valores decrescem com a diminuição do tamanho do predador.(AU)
Animais , Cadeia Alimentar , Ecologia , Isótopos , PerciformesResumo
The prevalence of trypanosomiasis in sheep is of worldwide concern. It is a hemoparasitic disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma (T) spp., andthe biological cycle of transmission involves susceptible hosts and certain hematophagous flies, such as Tabanids and Stomoxys. The objective of this study was to determine the presence of Trypanosomasp. in sheep (Ovisaries). Through an applied, descriptive-prospective-cross-sectional qualitative study conducted between October 1, 2018, and January 29, 2019, blood samples extracted from the jugular vein were analyzed by the blood smear method using 2 Romanowsky staining techniques (Giemsa and Diff-Quick). Animals studied were between ages of 3 and 10 years, coming from 3 farms in the city of Colimes (Ecuador). Of 100 sampled and processed animals, 2 (2%) were positive for Trypanosoma sp., constituting the first report of this hemoparasite in sheep in Ecuador, and 1 case of Babesia spp. (1%) and 4 cases of Anaplasma marginale (4%) were also identified. However, none of these cases presented symptomatology of any hemotropic-parasitic disease. Subsequently, the positive animals were dewormed.The presence of these parasites wasconfirmedat the study site and,thus, could become a serious animal health problem.(AU)
A tripanossomíase em ovelhas é uma hemoparasitose globalmente prevalente causada pelo protozoário chamado Trypanosoma (T) sp. O ciclo de vida de transmissão envolve hospedeiros suscetíveis e alguns dípteros hematófagos como Tabanids e Stomoxys. O objetivo destetrabalho foi determinar a presença de Trypanosoma sp. em ovelhas (Ovisaries). Através de um estudo aplicado, com abordagem qualitativa, do tipo descritivo prospectivo-transversal, realizado entre o dia primeiro de outubro de 2018 e 29 de janeiro de 2019, foram analisadas amostras de sangue extraídas da veía jugular pelo método do esfregaço de sangue, utilizando duas técnicas de coloração Romanowski (Giensa e Diff-Quick). Os animais estudados tinham entre três e dez anos de idade, de três fazendas no municipio de Colimes (Equador). Dos 100 animais amostrados e processados, dois casos (2%) foram positivos para Trypanosoma sp., constituindo o primeiro relato deste hemoparasita em ovelhas no Equador. Além disso, um caso de Babesia sp. (1%) e quatro casos de Anaplasma marginale (4%); entretanto, em nenhum desses casos houve sintomas de qualquer doença hemotropicoparasitária. Animais positivos foram posteriormente desparasitados. A presença desses parasitas foi confirmada no local do estudo e, portanto, pode se tornar um sério problema de saúde animal.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Trypanosoma/patogenicidade , Trypanosoma/parasitologiaResumo
ABSTRACT The reproductive biology of thresher shark species of the Ecuadorian Pacific was analysed based on 1236 specimens of Alopias pelagicus (711 females and 525 males) and 354 of A. superciliosus (164 females and 190 males) landed in Playita Mía, from January to December of 2019. The length of A. pelagicus females ranged between 67.2 and 184 cm PCL (precaudal length) and the males between 69.0 and 178.4 cm PCL, A. superciliosus registered a minimum and maximum size of 76.0 and 202.2 cm PCL for females and 94.0 and 204.8 cm PCL for males. The most frequently captured size class for A. pelagicus was 147.2157.2 cm PCL and for A. superciliosus was 156.0-166.0 cm PCL. The sex ratio (F:M) for A. pelagicus and A. superciliosus was 1.35F:1M and 0.86F:1M respectively. For A. pelagicus males the inflection point of the clasper length adjustment, was 134.2 cm PCL and size at first sexual maturity (L 50 ) was estimated at 136.0 cm PCL. For A. superciliosus males the inflection point of the clasper length adjustment, was 136.8 cm PCL, and the first sexual maturity (L 50 ) was estimated at 138.7 cm PCL.
RESUMO A biologia reprodutiva de espécies de tubarão debulhador do Pacífico Equador foi analisada com base em 1236 exemplares de Alopias pelagicus (711 fêmeas e 525 machos) e 354 de A. superciliosus (164 fêmeas e 190 machos) desembarcados em Playita Mía, entre janeiro e dezembro de 2019. O comprimento das fêmeas de A. pelagicus variou entre 67,2 e 184 cm PCL (comprimento pré-corte) e os machos entre 69,0 e 178,4 cm PCL, A. superciliosus registrou um tamanho mínimo e máximo de 76,0 e 202,2 cm PCL para as fêmeas e 94,0 e 204,8 cm PCL para machos. A classe de tamanho mais frequentemente capturada para A. pelagicus foi 147,2157,2 cm PCL e para A. superciliosus foi 156,0-166,0 cm PCL. A proporção sexual (F:M) para A. pelagicus e A. superciliosus foi de 1,35F:1M e 0,86F:1M, respectivamente. Para machos de A. pelagicus, o ponto de inflexão do ajuste do comprimento do grampo foi de 134,2 cm PCL e o tamanho na primeira maturidade sexual (L 50 ) foi estimado em 136,0 cm PCL. Para machos de A. superciliosus o ponto de inflexão do ajuste do comprimento do grampo foi de 136,8 cm PCL, e a primeira maturidade sexual (L 50 ) foi estimada em 138,7 cm PCL.