Abstract A new species of Leiosteninae (Opiliones, Agoristenidae) from the Colombian Caribbean, Avima tuttifrutti sp. nov. García & Pastrana-M., is described and illustrated, based on two males from the montante forests of Tierralta (Córdoba department). The new species differs externally from other species of Avima by having one yellow hump on mesotergal area IV and green coloration on dorsal scutum. SEM images of the penis and a map showing its distribution are offered. This species represents the first record of a harvestman from the department of Córdoba and the eighth species of the subfamily recorded from the country.
Abstract A new species of Leiosteninae (Opiliones, Agoristenidae) from the Colombian Caribbean, Avima tuttifrutti sp. nov. García & Pastrana-M., is described and illustrated, based on two males from the montante forests of Tierralta (Córdoba department). The new species differs externally from other species of Avima by having one yellow hump on mesotergal area IV and green coloration on dorsal scutum. SEM images of the penis and a map showing its distribution are offered. This species represents the first record of a harvestman from the department of Córdoba and the eighth species of the subfamily recorded from the country.
Harvestmen are arachnids that play an important role in organic matter breakdown. However, there are many ecosystems in Brazil, including Conservation Units, which lack information about these organisms or are sub-sampled. Even in areas of Atlantic forest, a biome that hosts the greatest diversity and endemic rates of these arthropods in the world. In this perspective, the purpose of this study was to survey the harvestmen fauna in areas of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in the Ilha Grande National Park, Paraná, southern Brazil, from February to November 2019, totaling 15 days and 60 hours, on six islands in the Paraná River. A total of 170 specimens was collected, distributed in five genera, comprising two species and three morphotypes. The low species richness may reflect the isolation of populations imposed by the island effect, however the study expanded the geographic distribution of Parapachyloides uncinatus and Discocyrtus invalidus, for which until then there was no record of occurrence in the Paraná State.
Aracnídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , FlorestasResumo
Harvestmen are arachnids that play an important role in organic matter breakdown. However, there are many ecosystems in Brazil, including Conservation Units, which lack information about these organisms or are sub-sampled. Even in areas of Atlantic forest, a biome that hosts the greatest diversity and endemic rates of these arthropods in the world. In this perspective, the purpose of this study was to survey the harvestmen fauna in areas of Semideciduous Seasonal Forest in the Ilha Grande National Park, Paraná, southern Brazil, from February to November 2019, totaling 15 days and 60 hours, on six islands in the Paraná River. A total of 170 specimens was collected, distributed in five genera, comprising two species and three morphotypes. The low species richness may reflect the isolation of populations imposed by the island effect, however the study expanded the geographic distribution of Parapachyloides uncinatus and Discocyrtus invalidus, for which until then there was no record of occurrence in the Paraná State.(AU)
Aracnídeos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Florestas , FilogeografiaResumo
ABSTRACT Despite the great diversity of small insectivorous mammals and the use of scent gland secretions as a defense mechanism by harvestmen, there is no observation about the effectiveness of scent glands against predators such as small mammals. We report a remarkable harvestman defense mechanism against a small-mammal attack. When a harvestman and a mouse opossum confronted each other inside a cage, the harvestman knocked out the mouse opossum two sequential times before it could attack the harvestman. Although it is a unique observation and there is no information about its frequency in nature, this report stimulates the study of agonistic behavior between small, cryptic species, which are difficult to observe in the field.
RESUMO Apesar da grande diversidade de pequenos mamíferos insetívoros e do uso de secreções odoríferas como mecanismo de defesa por opiliões, não há registros sobre a eficácia das secreções odoríferas contra predadores como os pequenos mamíferos. Relatamos um notável mecanismo de defesa de um opilião contra um ataque de um pequeno mamífero. Quando um opilião e uma cuíca-de-cauda-curta se confrontaram dentro de uma caixa, o opilião nocauteou a cuíca duas vezes consecutivas antes que ela pudesse atacá-lo. Embora seja uma observação única e não haja informações sobre sua frequência na natureza, este registro estimula o estudo do comportamento agonístico entre pequenas espécies crípticas, difíceis de serem observadas em campo.
A new species of Leiosteninae (Opiliones, Agoristenidae) from the Colombian Caribbean, Avima tuttifruttisp. nov.García & Pastrana-M., is described and illustrated, based on two males from the montante forests of Tierralta (Córdoba department). The new species differs externally from other species of Avima by having one yellow hump on mesotergal area IV and green coloration on dorsal scutum. SEM images of the penis and a map showing its distribution are offered. This species represents the first record of a harvestman from the department of Córdoba and the eighth species of the subfamily recorded from the country.(AU)
Animais , Aracnídeos/classificação , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , FilogeniaResumo
Despite the great diversity of small insectivorous mammals and the use of scent gland secretions as a defense mechanism by harvestmen, there is no observation about the effectiveness of scent glands against predators such as small mammals. We report a remarkable harvestman defense mechanism against a small-mammal attack. When a harvestman and a mouse opossum confronted each other inside a cage, the harvestman knocked out the mouse opossum two sequential times before it could attack the harvestman. Although it is a unique observation and there is no information about its frequency in nature, this report stimulates the study of agonistic behavior between small, cryptic species, which are difficult to observe in the field.(AU)
Apesar da grande diversidade de pequenos mamíferos insetívoros e do uso de secreções odoríferas como mecanismo de defesa por opiliões, não há registros sobre a eficácia das secreções odoríferas contra predadores como os pequenos mamíferos. Relatamos um notável mecanismo de defesa de um opilião contra um ataque de um pequeno mamífero. Quando um opilião e uma cuíca-de-cauda-curta se confrontaram dentro de uma caixa, o opilião nocauteou a cuíca duas vezes consecutivas antes que ela pudesse atacá-lo. Embora seja uma observação única e não haja informações sobre sua frequência na natureza, este registro estimula o estudo do comportamento agonístico entre pequenas espécies crípticas, difíceis de serem observadas em campo.(AU)
Animais , Monodelphis , Aracnídeos , Caça/análise , Caça/métodos , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento de EsquivaResumo
Despite the great diversity of small insectivorous mammals and the use of scent gland secretions as a defense mechanism by harvestmen, there is no observation about the effectiveness of scent glands against predators such as small mammals. We report a remarkable harvestman defense mechanism against a small-mammal attack. When a harvestman and a mouse opossum confronted each other inside a cage, the harvestman knocked out the mouse opossum two sequential times before it could attack the harvestman. Although it is a unique observation and there is no information about its frequency in nature, this report stimulates the study of agonistic behavior between small, cryptic species, which are difficult to observe in the field.
Apesar da grande diversidade de pequenos mamíferos insetívoros e do uso de secreções odoríferas como mecanismo de defesa por opiliões, não há registros sobre a eficácia das secreções odoríferas contra predadores como os pequenos mamíferos. Relatamos um notável mecanismo de defesa de um opilião contra um ataque de um pequeno mamífero. Quando um opilião e uma cuíca-de-cauda-curta se confrontaram dentro de uma caixa, o opilião nocauteou a cuíca duas vezes consecutivas antes que ela pudesse atacá-lo. Embora seja uma observação única e não haja informações sobre sua frequência na natureza, este registro estimula o estudo do comportamento agonístico entre pequenas espécies crípticas, difíceis de serem observadas em campo.
Animais , Aracnídeos , Caça/análise , Caça/métodos , Comportamento Animal , Comportamento de Esquiva , MonodelphisResumo
Arachnida is the largest class among the arthropods, constituting over 60,000 described species (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, palpigrades, pseudoscorpions, solpugids and harvestmen). Many accidents are caused by arachnids, especially spiders and scorpions, while some diseases can be transmitted by mites and ticks. These animals are widely dispersed in urban centers due to the large availability of shelter and food, increasing the incidence of accidents. Several protein and non-protein compounds present in the venom and saliva of these animals are responsible for symptoms observed in envenoming, exhibiting neurotoxic, dermonecrotic and hemorrhagic activities. The phylogenomic analysis from the complementary DNA of single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes shows that these animals share some common protein families known as neurotoxins, defensins, hyaluronidase, antimicrobial peptides, phospholipases and proteinases. This indicates that the venoms from these animals may present components with functional and structural similarities. Therefore, we described in this review the main components present in spider and scorpion venom as well as in tick saliva, since they have similar components. These three arachnids are responsible for many accidents of medical relevance in Brazil. Additionally, this study shows potential biotechnological applications of some components with important biological activities, which may motivate the conducting of further research studies on their action mechanisms.(AU)
Animais , Animais Peçonhentos , Venenos de Escorpião , Venenos de Aranha , Saliva , CarrapatosResumo
Arachnida is the largest class among the arthropods, constituting over 60,000 described species (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, palpigrades, pseudoscorpions, solpugids and harvestmen). Many accidents are caused by arachnids, especially spiders and scorpions, while some diseases can be transmitted by mites and ticks. These animals are widely dispersed in urban centers due to the large availability of shelter and food, increasing the incidence of accidents. Several protein and non-protein compounds present in the venom and saliva of these animals are responsible for symptoms observed in envenoming, exhibiting neurotoxic, dermonecrotic and hemorrhagic activities. The phylogenomic analysis from the complementary DNA of single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes shows that these animals share some common protein families known as neurotoxins, defensins, hyaluronidase, antimicrobial peptides, phospholipases and proteinases. This indicates that the venoms from these animals may present components with functional and structural similarities. Therefore, we described in this review the main components present in spider and scorpion venom as well as in tick saliva, since they have similar components. These three arachnids are responsible for many accidents of medical relevance in Brazil. Additionally, this study shows potential biotechnological applications of some components with important biological activities, which may motivate the conducting of further research studies on their action mechanisms.
Animais , Animais Peçonhentos , Carrapatos , Saliva , Venenos de Aranha , Venenos de EscorpiãoResumo
Four new sympatric species of Cosmetus Perty, 1833 are described from "Reserva Natural Privada Burbayar, Provinciar Panamá, Panamá" (male holotypes deposited in MIUP). Cosmetus balboa sp. nov. can be distinguished by the combinations of following features: smooth ocularium, larger distal tubercle on pedipalpal femur, coxa I with large ventral tubercle directed upwards, coxa IV with one large dorsoproximal tubercle, two geminate (from base) dorsoapical tubercles with blunt apex. Cosmetus burbayar sp. nov., can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the irregular and discontinuous shape of its yellow spot, extending from lateral anterior to posterior margins and invading prosoma, areas I-III and free tergites. Cosmetus pollera sp. nov. can be distinguished from congeners by two small yellow and two large pairs of spots on prosoma and two other spots on posterior margin of dorsal scutum. Cosmetus tamboritos sp. nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus by the following combinations of characters: having two retrolateral apical tubercles on bulla, one being double size of other; coxa IV lacks patches of a cluster of four tubercles on dorsolateral proximal region and two pointed tubercles fused at their apices; and femur IV with bifid retrolateral apical tubercle. The penis of Cosmetus arietinus (Mello-Leitão, 1940) and C. variolosus Mello-Leitão, 1942 are described for the first time. A table with the main diagnostic features of Cosmetus species is given. We suggest that the spine of area III, sexually dimorphic chelicerae and posterior legs, and pigmentation of dorsal scutum are good diagnosti c features at species level.
Animais , Aracnídeos/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
In this paper, the potential distribution of the Mesopotamian harvestman Discocyrtus dilatatus Sørensen, 1884 is modeled, and the species' bioclimatic profile is described. Models were built with the presence-only methods Maxent and Bioclim, using 85 unique records (of which 49 are new) and 11 non-correlated bioclimatic variables as predictors. Both Maxent and Bioclim supported the Mesopotamian-Yungas disjunct pattern observed in D. dilatatus, and confirmed the hypothesis that the sub-xeric Dry Chaco is an effective barrier for the two portions of the range. Similarly to results of previous studies on other Mesopotamian harvestmen, temperature variables proved more relevant than precipitation variables in the final models. In the combined overall score obtained with Maxent, bc4-temperature seasonality ranked as the most relevant, and only one precipitation variable (bc18-precipitation of warmest quarter, in second place) ranked among the top five. In the Most Limiting Factor analysis, which identifies the relevant variables in a local scale, temperature variables were again more determining than precipitation variables in most of the range. One single variable, bc5-maximal temperature of warmest month, proved critical near the boundaries of the modeled range and the Dry Chaco, suggesting that extremely high temperatures (and not the supposed aridity) are responsible for the 450 km distribution gap.
Animais , Aracnídeos , Distribuição Animal , Efeitos do Clima , ArgentinaResumo
Four new sympatric species of Cosmetus Perty, 1833 are described from "Reserva Natural Privada Burbayar, Provinciar Panamá, Panamá" (male holotypes deposited in MIUP). Cosmetus balboa sp. nov. can be distinguished by the combinations of following features: smooth ocularium, larger distal tubercle on pedipalpal femur, coxa I with large ventral tubercle directed upwards, coxa IV with one large dorsoproximal tubercle, two geminate (from base) dorsoapical tubercles with blunt apex. Cosmetus burbayar sp. nov., can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the irregular and discontinuous shape of its yellow spot, extending from lateral anterior to posterior margins and invading prosoma, areas I-III and free tergites. Cosmetus pollera sp. nov. can be distinguished from congeners by two small yellow and two large pairs of spots on prosoma and two other spots on posterior margin of dorsal scutum. Cosmetus tamboritos sp. nov. is distinguished from other species of the genus by the following combinations of characters: having two retrolateral apical tubercles on bulla, one being double size of other; coxa IV lacks patches of a cluster of four tubercles on dorsolateral proximal region and two pointed tubercles fused at their apices; and femur IV with bifid retrolateral apical tubercle. The penis of Cosmetus arietinus (Mello-Leitão, 1940) and C. variolosus Mello-Leitão, 1942 are described for the first time. A table with the main diagnostic features of Cosmetus species is given. We suggest that the spine of area III, sexually dimorphic chelicerae and posterior legs, and pigmentation of dorsal scutum are good diagnosti c features at species level.(AU)
Animais , Aracnídeos/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
In this paper, the potential distribution of the Mesopotamian harvestman Discocyrtus dilatatus Sørensen, 1884 is modeled, and the species' bioclimatic profile is described. Models were built with the presence-only methods Maxent and Bioclim, using 85 unique records (of which 49 are new) and 11 non-correlated bioclimatic variables as predictors. Both Maxent and Bioclim supported the Mesopotamian-Yungas disjunct pattern observed in D. dilatatus, and confirmed the hypothesis that the sub-xeric Dry Chaco is an effective barrier for the two portions of the range. Similarly to results of previous studies on other Mesopotamian harvestmen, temperature variables proved more relevant than precipitation variables in the final models. In the combined overall score obtained with Maxent, bc4-temperature seasonality ranked as the most relevant, and only one precipitation variable (bc18-precipitation of warmest quarter, in second place) ranked among the top five. In the Most Limiting Factor analysis, which identifies the relevant variables in a local scale, temperature variables were again more determining than precipitation variables in most of the range. One single variable, bc5-maximal temperature of warmest month, proved critical near the boundaries of the modeled range and the Dry Chaco, suggesting that extremely high temperatures (and not the supposed aridity) are responsible for the 450 km distribution gap.(AU)
Animais , Aracnídeos , Distribuição Animal , Efeitos do Clima , ArgentinaResumo
A taxonomic review of the genus Neopachylus Roewer, 1913 together with keys to the species for both males and females are presented. Gephyropachylus marginatus Mello-Leitão, 1931 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Neopachylus serrinha Soares & Soares, 1947, and Huralvius incertus Mello-Leitão, 1935 is considered a synonym of Neopachylus nebulosus (Mello-Leitão, 1936). This genus is restricted to southern Brazil, occurring in states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul(AU)
Uma revisão taxonômica de Neopachylus Roewer 1913, juntamente com chaves para determinação de espécies com base em machos e fêmeas, são apresentadas. Duas espécies, ambas descritas por fêmeas, foram sinonimizadas: Gephyropachylus marginatus Mello-Leitão, 1931, considerado como sinônimo-júnior de Neopachylus serrinha Soares & Soares, 1947; e Huralvius incertus Mello-Leitão, 1935, considerado como sinônimo-júnior de Neopachylus nebulosus (Mello-Leitão, 1936). O gênero está restrito ao sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul)(AU)
Animais , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Aracnídeos/classificação , ClassificaçãoResumo
A taxonomic review of the genus Neopachylus Roewer, 1913 together with keys to the species for both males and females are presented. Gephyropachylus marginatus Mello-Leitão, 1931 is considered a junior subjective synonym of Neopachylus serrinha Soares & Soares, 1947, and Huralvius incertus Mello-Leitão, 1935 is considered a synonym of Neopachylus nebulosus (Mello-Leitão, 1936). This genus is restricted to southern Brazil, occurring in states of Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul
Uma revisão taxonômica de Neopachylus Roewer 1913, juntamente com chaves para determinação de espécies com base em machos e fêmeas, são apresentadas. Duas espécies, ambas descritas por fêmeas, foram sinonimizadas: Gephyropachylus marginatus Mello-Leitão, 1931, considerado como sinônimo-júnior de Neopachylus serrinha Soares & Soares, 1947; e Huralvius incertus Mello-Leitão, 1935, considerado como sinônimo-júnior de Neopachylus nebulosus (Mello-Leitão, 1936). O gênero está restrito ao sul do Brasil (Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul)
Animais , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Aracnídeos/classificação , ClassificaçãoResumo
Arachnida is the largest class among the arthropods, constituting over 60,000 described species (spiders, mites, ticks, scorpions, palpigrades, pseudoscorpions, solpugids and harvestmen). Many accidents are caused by arachnids, especially spiders and scorpions, while some diseases can be transmitted by mites and ticks. These animals are widely dispersed in urban centers due to the large availability of shelter and food, increasing the incidence of accidents. Several protein and non-protein compounds present in the venom and saliva of these animals are responsible for symptoms observed in envenoming, exhibiting neurotoxic, dermonecrotic and hemorrhagic activities. The phylogenomic analysis from the complementary DNA of single-copy nuclear protein-coding genes shows that these animals share some common protein families known as neurotoxins, defensins, hyaluronidase, antimicrobial peptides, phospholipases and proteinases. This indicates that the venoms from these animals may present components with functional and structural similarities. Therefore, we described in this review the main components present in spider and scorpion venom as well as in tick saliva, since they have similar components. These three arachnids are responsible for many accidents of medical relevance in Brazil. Additionally, this study shows potential biotechnological applications of some components with important biological activities, which may motivate the conducting of further research studies on their action mechanisms.(AU)
Venenos de Escorpião , Escorpiões , Venenos de Aranha , Aranhas , Carrapatos , Produtos BiológicosResumo
We add three new species to the formerly monotypic Amazonian Hutamaia, Hutamaia maceta sp. nov. , Hutamaia plei sp. nov. and Hutamaia trompsonica sp. nov. and compare them with the type species, Hutamaia caramaschii Soares & Soares, 1977. Hutamaia was known only from two localities: Humaitá, Amazonas, Brazil (type locality of the type species), and Madre de Dios, Peru. Herein we record species from the following additional localities, all in Brazil: Coari, Codajás, Juruá, Jutaí, Manacapuru, Tefé (state of Amazonas) and Gurupá (state of Pará), indicating that the genus has a widespread distribution in the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon. Hutamaia is newly diagnosed by having yellowish granules on dorsal scutum, armature of coxa IV of males, metatarsi with yellow rings, ventral plate of penis trapezoid with V-shaped cleft, bearing two pairs of longitudinal rows of setae, and glans without dorsal or ventral processes. The genus is likely closely related to Licornus Roewer, 1932, from which it differs by the shape of the ventral plate of the penis and lack of dorsal process of glans.
Animais , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Aracnídeos/classificação , Biodiversidade , Distribuição AnimalResumo
Parampheres Roewer, 1913 is a relatively common genus of South American harvestmen. This genus is easily diagnosed by the remarkable yellow patches on the prosoma. Nonetheless, species determination within this group is challenging due the convoluted taxonomic history of the group and lack of a recent revision. In this study we revise Parampheres and describe a new species, Parampheres tenebris sp. nov., from Parque Nacional da Serra Geral, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished from the other species of the genus by having dorsal scutum dark, and apophysis of coxa IV of male elongated. Furthermore, we propose the following new synonymies: Callampheres boliviensis Roewer, 1913, Pertyana ronae Mello-Leitão, 1927 and Parampheres tibialis Roewer, 1917 with Parampheres pectinatus Roewer, 1913. Parampheres now includes four species distributed from southern Brazil to adjacent areas in Argentina and Uruguay. In addition, we present a phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphological characters that supports the transfer of Parampheres from Gonyleptinae to Caelopyginae.
Animais , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Aracnídeos/classificação , Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , BrasilResumo
We describe Avima anitas sp. nov. based on material collected in the Brazilian state of Roraima, representing the first record of Agoristenidae in the State. The new species differs externally from other species of Avima by presenting one proximal tubercle on the mesal face of the male cheliceral segment II and a pair of dark spots partially covering mesotergal area III-IV. The genital differs from other species by the ventral small setae of the ventral plate, which are trifid instead of uniramous or bifid.