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Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 37(297): e1128, jul.-dez. 2023. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509857


O hambúrguer é um produto cárneo moldado, com maior risco de contaminação microbiana pelo fato de ser preparado com carne moída que apresenta maior superfície de exposição, além de ser muito manipulado e consumido, muitas vezes, mal-passado. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de hambúrgueres industriais comercializados no município do Rio de Janeiro/RJ, bem como, verificar as condições higiênicosanitárias dos locais de comercialização. Foram coletadas 12 amostras de hambúrguer, de oito marcas comerciais, comercializados em três diferentes supermercados. Durante a coleta das amostras foi realizada uma avaliação visual das condições higiênicas da comercialização. Após obtenção, as amostras foram encaminhadas para o Laboratório de Controle Microbiológico de Alimentos da Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB), para realização das análises microbiológicas. De acordo com os resultados das avaliações higiênicosanitárias dos locais onde as amostras de hambúrguer foram obtidas, observou-se 20%, 60% e 20% de não conformidades nos supermercados I, II e III, respectivamente, devido falhas na organização da gôndola, no acondicionamento do produto e/ou no controle da temperatura de comercialização. Resultados em não conformidade com o padrão microbiológico vigente foram observados em 16,67%, 66,67% e 8,33% das amostras para a contagem de Bactérias Heterotróficas Aeróbias Mesófilas, Estafilococos coagulase positiva e E. coli, respectivamente. A presença de Unidades Formadoras de Colônias típicas de Salmonella spp foi verificada em 41,67% das amostras. Os resultados demonstraram que os hambúrgueres comercializados em três supermercados do município do Rio de Janeiro/RJ estavam impróprios para o consumo podendo representar risco à saúde dos consumidores.(AU)

The hamburger is a molded meat product with a greater risk of microbial contamination because it is prepared with ground meat, which has a greater contact surface. In addition, it is very manipulated and often consumed medium rare. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the microbiological quality of industrial hamburgers sold in Rio de Janeiro/RJ and verify the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the commercialization places. Twelve hamburger samples were collected, from eight commercial brands, and sold in three different supermarkets. During the collection of the samples, a visual evaluation of the hygienic conditions of the commercialization was carried out. After obtaining, the samples were sent to the Laboratory of Microbiological Control of Food at Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB), for microbiological analysis. According to the results of the hygienicsanitary evaluations of the places where the hamburger samples were obtained, 20%, 60%, and 20% of non-conformities were observed in supermarkets I, II, and III, respectively. The non-conformities were due to failures in the organization of the shelf, in the packaging of the product, and/or in the control of the commercialization temperature. Results that did not comply with the current microbiological standard were observed in 16.67%, 66.67%, and 8.33% of the samples for the counting of Mesophilic Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacteria, Coagulase Positive Staphylococci, and E. coli, respectively. The presence of typical Colony Forming Units of Salmonella spp was verified in 41.67% of the samples. The results showed that the hamburgers sold in three supermarkets in Rio de Janeiro/RJ were unfit for consumption and could pose a risk to consumers' health.(AU)

Comercialização de Produtos , Produtos da Carne/microbiologia , Brasil , Indústria da Carne , Técnicas Microbiológicas/métodos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(7): e20220229, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404284


ABSTRACT: The improper disposal of pesticide packaging wastes (PPW) has posed serious harm to the environment, including groundwater and soil pollution and even health concerns to the public. To address the environmental concerns and public health issues, there is a need to recycle the pesticides packaging waste (RPPW). Though small farmers in many developing countries have joined the cooperatives to reduce the production costs and increase the product premium, how these cooperatives improve farmers' RPPW behaviors is still sparse. The current study used data collected from 725 apple farmers in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces of China to explore the phenomenon empirically. Recycling decisions and degree are used to portray the farmers' RPPW behaviors. Firstly, the Logit model was used to analyze the effect of joining cooperatives on farmers' recycling decisions. Further, to address the sample selection bias, the present study employed the propensity score matching (PSM) method for empirical analysis concerning the effect of joining cooperatives on farmers' recycling degree. Results showed that joining cooperatives positively and significantly influences farmers' recycling decisions. If farmers join a cooperative, the probability of the recycling decisions and degree will increase by 20.30% and 27.50%, respectively. Moreover, it is also found that some other factors such as education level, environmental and public health risk perception, peer effect, and relationship network also significantly influence farmers' recycling decisions. Moreover, considering the differences in farmers' gender, age, and educational attainment, the study unveiled the heterogeneous effects of joining cooperatives on farmers' RPPW behaviors. The findings revealed that gender and age variables have noticeable masking effects while education level has a typical threshold effect. The overall findings provided insights for policymakers to emphasize the development of agricultural cooperatives, improve the risk and interest linkage mechanism, and build the RPPW system. These implications are also supportive for policymakers in other developing countries.

RESUMO: O descarte inadequado de resíduos de embalagens de pesticidas (PPW) tem causado sérios danos ao meio ambiente, incluindo a poluição das águas subterrâneas e do solo e até mesmo problemas de saúde pública. Para abordar as preocupações ambientais e questões de saúde pública, há a necessidade de reciclar os resíduos de embalagens de pesticidas (RPPW). Embora pequenos agricultores, em muitos países em desenvolvimento, tenham se unido às cooperativas para reduzir os custos de produção e aumentar o prêmio do produto, ainda é escassa a forma como essas cooperativas melhoram os comportamentos de RPPW dos agricultores. O estudo atual usou dados coletados de 725 produtores de maçã nas províncias de Shaanxi e Gansu da China para explorar o fenômeno empiricamente. Decisões e grau de reciclagem são usados para retratar os comportamentos de RPPW dos agricultores. Primeiramente, o modelo Logit foi utilizado para analisar o efeito da adesão às cooperativas nas decisões de reciclagem dos agricultores. Além disso, para abordar o viés de seleção da amostra, o presente estudo empregou o método Propensity Score Matching (PSM) para análise empírica sobre o efeito da associação de cooperativas no grau de reciclagem dos agricultores. Os resultados mostraram que a adesão às cooperativas influencia positiva e significativamente as decisões de reciclagem dos agricultores. Se os agricultores aderirem a uma cooperativa, a probabilidade das decisões de reciclagem aumentará em 20,30%, e o grau de reciclagem aumentará em 27,50%. Além disso, também se constata que alguns outros fatores como nível de escolaridade, percepção de risco ambiental e de saúde pública, efeito de pares e rede de relacionamento também influenciam significativamente as decisões de reciclagem dos agricultores. Além disso, considerando as diferenças de gênero, idade e escolaridade dos agricultores, o estudo também revelou os efeitos heterogêneos da adesão às cooperativas sobre os comportamentos de RPPW dos agricultores. Os resultados revelaram que as variáveis de gênero e idade têm efeitos de mascaramento perceptíveis, enquanto o nível de escolaridade tem um efeito limiar típico. As descobertas gerais fornecem insights para os formuladores de políticas enfatizarem o desenvolvimento de cooperativas agrícolas, melhorar o mecanismo de vinculação de risco e interesse e construir o sistema RPPW. Essas implicações também são favoráveisaos formuladores de políticas em outros países em desenvolvimento.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1920, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443975


Background: Measurement of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) by radioimmunoassay or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been commonly used for early pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants. However, an accurately pregnancy detection depends on test antibody, breed and number of embryos. Only few studies have conducted to detect or predict animals at risk of late embrionic mortality (LEM) and to use hormonal interventions for embryo losses reducing, but this area is still open in sheep. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) administration on Day 4 after artificial insemination on the pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in dairy sheep with different reproductive status in relation to pregnancy and late embrionic mortality detection. Materials, Methods & Results: Sixty-five East Friesian sheep were divided in 2 groups - I (Control group, n = 35) and II (GnRH group, n = 30) and sublected to estrus synchronization and artificial insemination (AI). Group I was not treated and Group II received 50 µg GnRH on Day 4 after AI. PAGs in blood serum were measured by Alertys Ruminant Pregnancy test on Days 4, 12, 20, 25 and 35 after AI and ultrasound pregnancy test was conducted on Days 20, 25, 35 and 60. Reproductive status (non-pregnant, pregnant and animals with LEM) was determined by ultrasound and the results between different groups were compared. The PAGs mean values according to reproductive status and Day after AI were analysed. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the PAGs test for pregnancy diagnosis on Day 35 were calculated. On Day 20 after AI the pregnat sheep (83.3%) in group I tended to be higher than those (77.1%) in group II with decrease of 25.7% and 20% for the same groups on Day 25. On day 25 LEM was recorded in 33.3% and 24% in group I and II, respectively. The ultrasound exams on Day 60 confirmed the results from Day 25 after AI. A total value of non-pegnant, pregnant animals and LEM was 20%, 56.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The mean values of PAGs in animals with the same reproductive status in group I and II no differed statistically between Days 4 and 35 after AI. On Day 25 the PAGs values in LEM groups (0.126 ± 0.072 and 0.179 ± 0.029) were higher than those (0.062 ± 0.038 and 0.083 ± 0.023) in the non-pregnant groups, but no significan difference was deternined. On Day 35 after AI the mean values of PAGs (0.414 ± 0.125 and 0.421 ± 0.121) for the pregnant groups were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those (0.078 ± 0.053 and 0.093 ± 0.034) for the non-pregnant groups. The values of PAGs in LEM groups on Day 25 (0.099 ± 0.062 and 0.113 ± 0.058) were decreased and close to the mean values in non-pregnant sheep. A significant effect of the day after AI on the PAGs values was evidenced in pregnant animals only (control r = 0.97 and GnRH r = 0.98; P < 0.05). The PAGs started to rise rapidly between Days 25 and 35 after AI. On Day 35 the accuracy (98%), the sensitivity (97.3%) and the specificity (100%) of the PAG test for pregnancy diagnosis were similar to the values (100%) for ultrasound method. Discussion: The gonadotropin treatment on Day 4 after AI tended to improve the reproductive performance in the sheep, but no significant effect of GnRH on the PAGs values in the animals with different reproductive status was found. The PAGs profiles in non-pregnant and LEM sheep were close and distinguishing between non-pregnant and LEM ewes on Day 35 was impossible. The PAGs values in pregnant sheep showed significantly (P < 0.05) increase between Days 25 and 35 after AI with higher mean values in pregnant than non-pregnant groups on Day 35 (P < 0.05). Alertys Ruminant Pregnancy test was a reliable for pregnancy detection in sheep on Day 35 after artificial insemination.

Animais , Feminino , Radioimunoensaio , Ovinos/fisiologia , Glicoproteínas/análise , Hormônio Liberador de Gonadotropina/administração & dosagem , Desenvolvimento Embrionário
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220079, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436798


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of microencapsulated carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde on metabolizable energy, feed digestibility, intestinal morphometric analysis, and antioxidant parameters in broilers. A completely randomized design with five treatments and eight replications of eight broilers (Cobb male) was used, and collections were carried out at 20 and 42 days of age. Carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde concentrations (mg/kg) were: 0 (control), 50, 100, 150, and 200. Carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde improved apparent metabolizable energy but did not change protein and ether extract digestibility. Supplementation increased intestinal villus height and villi:crypt ratio; in which 100 mg/kg produced the greatest villus height. Serum uric acid levels were lower in birds receiving supplementation. Improvement in the activity of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione-S-transferase was observed, while lower uric acid, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and reactive oxygen species levels were observed. Microencapsulated carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde improve apparent metabolizable energy and can be administered in broiler feed without risk to the bird's health. These supplements may serve as alternative products to aid the performance of commercial poultry.

Animais , Galinhas , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , Antioxidantes
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1914, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443882


Background: Canine hypercortisolism (HC) is the most prevalent endocrinopathy in dogs in southern Brazil. The prognosis depends on several factors including the general health status, owners´ commitment, and the development of disease complications and comorbidities occurrence, such as cardiovascular complications including mitral valve disease (MVD), systemic arterial hypertension, and left ventricular hypertrophy. The main objective of the present study was to assess cardiovascular parameters in canine HC, based on investigating survival-related variables. The study also aimed to evaluate the influence of concurrent preclinical (MVD) on dogs` survival and the impact of HC on MVD progression. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 25 dogs with spontaneous HC were enrolled and divided into 2 subgroups accordingly to their echocardiographic findings: group HC (normal echocardiography at first evaluation, n = 16); and group HC + MVD (concurrent presence of stages B1 and B2 MVD diagnosed at the first evaluation, n = 9). The patients were evaluated at diagnosis (T0); 6 months after treatment begging (T1); and after 12 months of treatment (T2). The owners were further contacted by phone or e-mail for 1 more year after T2 regarding survival information. A control group (CG, n = 20) was also evaluated at T0 and T1. At each evaluation, dogs were submitted to a complete clinical evaluation and physical exam, associated with a minimum database (CBC, serum biochemistry, and urine analysis) and cardiovascular evaluation composed of systolic blood pressure determination, electrocardiogram (ECG), and echodopplercardiography. In the HC group, 11/16 dogs underwent the evaluation at T2, while 4/9 dogs from the HC + MVD group and 17/20 dogs from the CG underwent the evaluation at T2. Five dogs (31.25%) from the HC group and 4 dogs (44.44%) from the HC + MVD group died before the end of the follow-up period. In the control group, only 1 dog (5.26%) died before the end of the study. Despite the higher mortality in the HC + MVD group during the follow-up period, there was no significant difference (P = 0.632) in survival when compared with the HC group. The MVD of 4 dogs included in the HC + MVD group was classified as stage B1, while the other 5 dogs were classified as stage B2. Only 1 dog from the CG developed stage B1 MVD in the period studied; however, progression of the MVD stage was documented in 1/4 of dogs in the HC + MVD group and MVD development was documented in 3/11 of dogs from the HC group from T0 to T2. The odds ratio (OR) and respective 95% confidence interval (95%CI) for HC as a risk factor for MVD progression were 4.267 (0.4268 - 42.65; P = 0.342). Exercise intolerance (12/16 dogs) and dyspnea (6/16 dogs) were the cardiorespiratory clinical signs with the highest incidence in the HC group at T0. When compared to the control group, both exercise intolerance (P < 0.001) and dyspnea (P = 0.03) occurrence were significantly higher in the HC group. The age (P = 0.001) and the occurrence of dyspnea (P = 0.036) at diagnosis were significantly higher in dogs with HC that died during the follow-up than those that remained alive. Regarding the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmias verified by ECG, no statistically significant differences were observed among groups. Discussion: The study suggests that systemic hypertension and altered echocardiographic measurements did not interfere with dogs' survival; however, dyspnea was associated with a worse prognosis. Finally, it is possible to conclude that mitral valve degeneration is a common comorbidity in dogs with HC, however, it was not evidenced their interference in the survival of dogs with this endocrine disease or even a role of the HC in the progression of the MVD.

Animais , Cães , Fenômenos Fisiológicos Cardiovasculares , Síndrome de Cushing , Dispneia , Hipertensão/veterinária , Valva Mitral/patologia , Estudos Prospectivos
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 32(2): e013722, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1441359


Leishmaniasis is an anthropozoonosis with vector transmission, and knowledge regarding the occurrence of this parasitosis in sentinels can contribute to infection and disease control measures in humans. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the occurrence of Leishmania exposure and infection in dogs from urban and rural areas in the North Pioneer Mesoregion of the state of Paraná, to evaluate possible risk factors, and to analyze the statistical agreement between the serological techniques that were used. Using a convenience sampling, serum and whole blood samples were collected to perform serological and molecular assays, respectively. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) identified 29/204 (14.2%) and 20/204 (9.8%) seropositive dogs, respectively. Five dogs (2.4%) were seropositive for both serological tests, and four dogs presented high titers in the IFAT. None of the samples tested positive for Leishmania spp. DNA according to polymerase chain reaction analysis. No factors were significantly associated with infection. Leishmania parasites circulate in urban and rural dogs in the North Pioneer Mesoregion of the state of Paraná. Despite the absence of clinical cases, seropositive animals with high antibody titers should serve as a warning to the local population that should be properly informed regarding the prevention.(AU)

A Leishmaniose é uma antropozoonose e sua transmissão ocorre através da picada de flebotomíneos de diferentes gêneros, dependendo da localização geográfica. O conhecimento sobre a ocorrência desta parasitose nos reservatórios pode colaborar com medidas de controle da infecção e doença nos humanos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar a ocorrência da infecção por Leishmania, em cães de áreas urbanas e rurais, na região da mesorregião Norte Pioneiro do Paraná; avaliar possíveis fatores de risco à infecção e analisar a concordância estatística entre as técnicas sorológicas utilizadas. Para tanto, foram colhidas 204 amostras de soro e sangue total de cães escolhidos aleatoriamente de municípios da mesorregião Norte Pioneiro do Paraná para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Leishmania spp., pelo ensaio imunoenzimático (ELISA) e reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI), e para a detecção de DNA de Leishmania spp. pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR). Dos 204 cães testados, 29 (14,2%) e 20 (9,8%) foram soropositivos pelo ELISA e RIFI, respectivamente. Cinco cães (2,4%) foram soropositivos em ambos os testes sorológicos. Não foram observados fatores abióticos e bióticos associados à infecção. A concordância entre as técnicas diagnósticas calculada por Kappa foi de 0,34. Conclui-se que, apesar da baixa ocorrência de positividade para leishmaniose e da ausência de casos sintomáticos, os resultados deste estudo devem ser um alerta para a população local por se tratar de uma importante zoonose e, portanto, medidas de prevenção e controle não devem ser negligenciadas.(AU)

Animais , Leishmaniose/imunologia , Cães/imunologia , Leishmania/imunologia , Brasil , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/métodos
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(1): e017421, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1357156


Abstract The present study aimed to perform an epidemiological and morphological identification of Eimeria infection in sheep in Brazil. Fecal samples from sheep were collected from 20 farms in northern Paraná, Brazil. An epidemiological questionnaire was used to evaluate the risk factors. Fecal samples containing oocysts per gram of feces (OoPG) ≥1000 were subjected to the modified Willis-Mollay method to perform oocyst identification. Sporulated oocysts were observed microscopically for morphological identification. A total of 807 fecal samples were collected. Based on the morphological characteristics of the sporulated oocysts, 10 species of Eimeria were identified, with main species observed: Eimeira ovinoidalis (98.1%), Eimeria crandallis (87.6%), Eimeria parva (79.1%), and Eimeria bakuensis (60.8%). Only 2.6% (7/268) of the sheep were infected with a single species, 4.8% (13/268) contained two different species, and 92.5% (248/268) were infected with three or more species. The analysis of risk factors showed that an intensive rearing, no rotation of pasture, dirt, and slatted floors, and age up to 12 months were associated with infection. This study showed a high prevalence of Eimeria natural infection in sheep from northern Paraná, Brazil. Furthermore, based on the risk factors, good management and hygiene practices must be employed to avoid infection.

Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação epidemiológica e morfométrica da infecção por Eimeria em ovinos no Brasil. Amostras fecais de ovinos foram coletadas em 20 fazendas no sul do Brasil. Um questionário epidemiológico foi utilizado para avaliar os fatores de risco. Amostras fecais, contendo oocistos por grama de fezes (OoPG) ≥1000, foram submetidas ao método de Willis-Mollay modificado para realizar a identificação de oocistos. Oocistos esporulados foram observados microscopicamente para identificação morfológica. Foram coletadas 807 amostras fecais. Com base nas características morfológicas e morfométricas dos oocistos esporulados, foram identificadas 10 espécies de Eimeria, com as principais espécies observadas: Eimeria ovinoidalis (98,1%), Eimeria crandallis (87,6%), Eimeria parva (79,1%) e Eimeria bakuensis (60,8%). Apenas 2,6% (7/268) dos ovinos estavam infectados com uma única espécie, 4,8% (13/268) continham duas espécies diferentes e 92,5% (248/268) estavam infectados com três ou mais espécies. A análise dos fatores de risco mostrou que uma criação intensiva, sem rotação de pasto, terra, piso de ripa e idade até 12 meses foram associadas à infecção. Este estudo mostrou uma alta prevalência de infecção natural por Eimeria em ovinos do norte do Paraná, Brasil. Além disso, com base nos fatores de risco, boas práticas de manejo e higiene devem ser empregadas para evitar infecções.

Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos/epidemiologia , Coccidiose/veterinária , Coccidiose/epidemiologia , Eimeria , Brasil/epidemiologia , Ovinos , Prevalência , Fatores de Risco , Fezes
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e263882, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403833


Vitamin D plays an important role in immune function and inflammation and the physical activity demonstrate relationship near to syntheses of vitamin D, considering to necessary to factors immunologics, environmental and physical. We searched five databases through February 20, 2021. Two reviewers screened the studies, collected data, assessed the risk of bias, and ranked the evidence for each outcome across the studies, independently and in duplicate. The prespecified endpoints of interest were Cardiorespiratory Fitness; Sunlight Exposure; Body Mass Index (BMI). We only included data from peer-reviewed articles in our primary analyses. In our primary analysis, there was a positive trend between serum 25(OH)D <20 ng/ml and body mass index, this result should be interpreted with caution, considering confidence intervals (RR 1.10 95% CI 0.37 to 1.83. We identified 4 high quality evidence that vitamin D levels and high physical activity required a direct relationship considering (four trials with 2,253) ; RR 0. (RR 0.0; 95% CI -0.15 to 0.15) (RR 0.59; 95% CI 0.43 to 0.75. Although the evidence available so far, from observational studies of medium quality, can be seen as showing a trend towards an association between sufficient serum levels of 25(OH)D and physical activity, this relationship has been shown. have a stimulating effect on vitamin D synthesis, the relationship of low body mass index with sufficient vitamin D levels is not based on solid evidence. We await results from ongoing studies to determine this effectiveness.

A vitamina D desempenha um papel importante na função imunológica e na inflamação e a atividade física demonstra relação próxima à síntese de vitamina D, sendo necessária a fatores imunológicos, ambientais e físicos. Pesquisamos cinco bancos de dados até 20 de fevereiro de 2021. Dois revisores examinaram os estudos, coletaram dados, avaliaram o risco de viés e classificaram as evidências para cada resultado nos estudos, de forma independente e em duplicata. Os endpoints de interesse pré-especificados foram aptidão cardiorrespiratória; Exposição à luz solar; Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Incluímos apenas dados de artigos revisados ​​por pares em nossas análises primárias. Em nossa análise primária, houve uma tendência positiva entre 25(OH)D sérico <20 ng/ml e índice de massa corporal., esse resultado deve ser interpretado com cautela, considerando os intervalos de confiança (RR 1,10 IC 95% 0,37 a 1,83. Identificamos 4 evidências de alta qualidade de que níveis de vitamina D e atividade física alta exigiam uma relação direta considerando (quatro ensaios com 2.253) ; RR 0 . (RR 0,0; IC 95% -0,15 a 0,15) (RR 0,59; IC 95% 0,43 a 0,75. Embora as evidências disponíveis até agora, de estudos observacionais de qualidade média, possam ser vistas como uma tendência de associação entre níveis séricos suficientes de 25(OH)D e atividade física, essa relação foi demonstrada. têm um efeito estimulante na síntese de vitamina D, a relação de baixo índice de massa corporal com níveis suficientes de vitamina D não é baseada em evidências sólidas. Aguardamos resultados de estudos em andamento para determinar essa eficácia.

Vitamina D , Exercício Físico , Metanálise
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e242614, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1350297


Vegetables eating raw are a leading source of transmission of infective forms of pathogenic internal parasites among human beings. This research was conducted from April to October, 2017 to assess the parasitic contamination of vegetables sold at main vegetable markets in districts Lower Dir and Peshawar, Pakistan. Eight hundred specimens of different vegetables were purchased and soaked in physiological saline solution, shaken with a mechanical shaker for 20 minutes and processed by sedimentation concentration method. Results revealed that only 19.7% (n=158/800) of the vegetables were found to be contaminated with single or multiple parasite species. Ascaris lumbricoides (the large round worm) 12.3% (n=99/800) was the most commonly detected pathogen and Taenia saginata (the beef tapeworm) 1.62% (n=13/800) was the least frequently detected one. Interestingly, significant p value (p>0.05 at 95%CI) between the number of examined and contaminated for all the variables studied including education status of the vendors, markets location, type of vegetables, means of display, washed before display, washing source of water and market type. The findings of this study evidenced that consumption of raw vegetables possesses great risk of getting parasitic infections in Lower Dir and Peshawar districts, Pakistan. Instructing the sellers and the public about parasitic disease transfer and their hygiene can reduce the infection rate of parasites of human origin.

Os vegetais crus são a principal fonte de transmissão de formas infecciosas de parasitas internos patogênicos entre os seres humanos. Esta pesquisa foi realizada de abril a outubro de 2017 para avaliar a contaminação parasitária de vegetais vendidos nos principais mercados de vegetais nos distritos de Lower Dir e Peshawar, Paquistão. Oitocentos exemplares de diferentes vegetais foram adquiridos e embebidos em solução salina fisiológica, agitados em agitador mecânico por 20 minutos e processados pelo método de concentração por sedimentação. Os resultados revelaram que apenas 19,7% (n = 158/800) das hortaliças estavam contaminadas com uma ou várias espécies de parasitas. Ascaris lumbricoides (o verme redondo grande) 12,3% (n = 99/800) foi o patógeno mais comumente detectado e Taenia saginata (a tênia da carne) 1,62% (n = 13/800) foi o menos freqüentemente detectado. Curiosamente, valor de p significativo (p> 0,05 em IC de 95%) entre o número de examinados e contaminados para todas as variáveis estudadas incluindo escolaridade dos vendedores, localização dos mercados, tipo de vegetais, meios de exposição, lavado antes da exposição, fonte de lavagem de água e tipo de mercado. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que o consumo de vegetais crus possui grande risco de contrair infecções parasitárias nos distritos de Lower Dir e Peshawar, no Paquistão. Instruir os vendedores e o público sobre a transferência de doenças parasitárias e sua higiene pode reduzir a taxa de infecção de parasitas de origem humana.

Humanos , Animais , Parasitos , Verduras/parasitologia , Contaminação de Alimentos/análise , Nematoides , Paquistão , Saúde Pública , Parasitologia de Alimentos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub.1851-2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458526


Background: Orthopedic implants are commonly used for different types of surgical procedures to gain optimal functionand to provide stability to both bones and tendon structures. When inserting these implants, the characteristics of the material are important for surgical success, and the ideal implant must be biocompatible and nonallergenic. However, whenmolding an implant to the bone structure, its resistance can change significantly. Implants can be temporary or permanentin the body, and metal possesses properties that make it acceptable for bone repair. In biomedical implants, 2 types aremost common, commercially pure (CP)-Ti and Ti-6A1-4V. They both provide stable fixation and low risk of loosening.Implants made with the same material and composition can perform differently if the material has been altered by processing techniques for different scenarios. Stress, strain and elastic modulus are the primary metrics used in the description ofimplant materials. They can be calculated based on mechanical tests of specimens with defined geometry, most commonlytensile, bending and torsional tests. In order to better evaluate those changes, we compared the mechanical characteristicsof titanium bone plates, before and after they were molded to the bone, to verify and quantify the loss of stiffness andresistance after molding the plate.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was prospective. Orthopedic implant made of commercially pure titanium (CPTi) were divided into 2 groups, one group without plate molding and the other with plate molding to a dog femora bone.Thirty-six plates of different sizes (5.0, 6.5, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0- and 11.0-mm diameter) were divided into 6 groups containing6 plates of each size and submitted to the 4-point flexion test of resistance, using a piece of dog femur (weights of 5, 10,15, 20 and 25 kg) as the bone in which the...

Animais , Cães , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Titânio/análise , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 50: Pub. 1851, Jan. 19, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765215


Background: Orthopedic implants are commonly used for different types of surgical procedures to gain optimal functionand to provide stability to both bones and tendon structures. When inserting these implants, the characteristics of the material are important for surgical success, and the ideal implant must be biocompatible and nonallergenic. However, whenmolding an implant to the bone structure, its resistance can change significantly. Implants can be temporary or permanentin the body, and metal possesses properties that make it acceptable for bone repair. In biomedical implants, 2 types aremost common, commercially pure (CP)-Ti and Ti-6A1-4V. They both provide stable fixation and low risk of loosening.Implants made with the same material and composition can perform differently if the material has been altered by processing techniques for different scenarios. Stress, strain and elastic modulus are the primary metrics used in the description ofimplant materials. They can be calculated based on mechanical tests of specimens with defined geometry, most commonlytensile, bending and torsional tests. In order to better evaluate those changes, we compared the mechanical characteristicsof titanium bone plates, before and after they were molded to the bone, to verify and quantify the loss of stiffness andresistance after molding the plate.Materials, Methods & Results: The study was prospective. Orthopedic implant made of commercially pure titanium (CPTi) were divided into 2 groups, one group without plate molding and the other with plate molding to a dog femora bone.Thirty-six plates of different sizes (5.0, 6.5, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0- and 11.0-mm diameter) were divided into 6 groups containing6 plates of each size and submitted to the 4-point flexion test of resistance, using a piece of dog femur (weights of 5, 10,15, 20 and 25 kg) as the bone in which the...(AU)

Animais , Cães , Titânio/análise , Placas Ósseas/veterinária , Materiais Biocompatíveis , Fraturas do Fêmur/cirurgia , Fraturas do Fêmur/veterinária , Próteses e Implantes/veterinária
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 29(4): 185-188, out./dez. 2022. il.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427126


We conducted aseroepidemiological study on the occurrence of anti-Sarcocystisspp. and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in dogs from family farming properties in the municipality of Ji-Paraná, Rondônia.Blood samples were collected from apparently healthy dogs between September 2012 and November 2013. In total, 181 blood serum samples were analyzed using an indirect immunofluorescence assay, among which 57 (31.49%) and 20 (11.04%) were positive for anti-T. gondii and anti-Sarcocystis spp., respectively. Statistical analyses showed that the type of food fed to the dogs was associated with the occurrence of anti-Sarcocystisspp. antibodies. In contrast, age and access to bovine carcasses were the risk factors for anti-T. gondii.The high occurrence of seropositive dogs for Sarcocystis spp. and T. gondii evidences the wide distribution of these agents in the studied area, possibly due to human and animal exposure to these protozoan species. In addition, anti-T. gondii antibodies were directly proportional to dog age. The increase in the number of positive animals with age was statistically significant. Furthermore, high antibody titers (up to 800) against Sarcocystis spp. in dogs suggest the possibility of recent exposure, in addition to environmental contamination by oocysts/sporocysts eliminated by the feces of these animals.

Conduzimos um estudo soroepidemiológico sobre a ocorrência de anticorpos anti- Sarcocystis spp. e anti-Toxoplasma gondiiem cães de propriedades de agricultura familiar no município de Ji-Paraná, Rondônia. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de cães aparentemente saudáveis, entre setembro de 2012 e novembro de 2013. Ao todo, foram analisados 181 soros sanguíneos por meio do ensaio de imunofluorescência indireta, sendo positivas 57 (31,49%) e 20 (11,04%) amostras para anticorpos anti-T. gondii e anti-Sarcocystis spp., respectivamente. As análises estatísticas demonstraram que o tipo de alimentação fornecida aos cães esteve associado à ocorrência de anticorpos anti-Sarcocystis spp. Em contraste a idade e o acesso à carcaça bovina foram fatores de risco para a presença de anticorpos anti-T. gondii. A alta ocorrência de cães soropositivos para Sarcocystis spp. e T. gondii evidencia a ampla distribuição desses agentes na área estudada, possivelmente devido à exposição humana e animal a essas espécies de protozoários. Além disso, o resultado dos anticorpos anti-T. gondii relacionados a idade do cão mostraram diferença estatística, com aumento significativo no número de animais positivos com a idade. Além disso, altos títulos de anticorpos (até 800) contra Sarcocystis spp. em cães sugerem a possibilidade de exposição recente, além da contaminação ambiental por oocistos/esporocistos eliminados pelas fezes desses animais.

Animais , Cães , Toxoplasma , Zoonoses/transmissão , Estudos Soroepidemiológicos , Toxoplasmose Animal/transmissão , Sarcocystis , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/veterinária , Oocistos , Cães/parasitologia , Anticorpos/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 826, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401639


Background: The Brazilian tapir (Tapirus terrestris), considered the largest land mammal in South America, is a vulnerable species in terms of its degree of conservation. In captivity, its health is evaluated through behavioral and physical observation and laboratory exams, and in some cases, chemical restraint, to reduce stress. Dissociative anesthetics and sedatives are used for the sedation of these animals, and few studies have reported the use of dexmedetomidine and its effects when associated with other drugs in chemical containment protocols; therefore, this work reports its use, in conjunction with ketamine and midazolam, in a young Brazilian tapir. Case: A male Brazilian tapir, male, weighing 89 kg, 1 and a half year old, housed at CETAS in Rio Branco, Acre, was chemically restrained with dexmedetomidine (7 µg/kg), ketamine (1.5 mg/kg), and midazolam (0.2 mg/kg) for venous blood collection, oral and rectal mucosal swabs, and microchipping. The protocol was administered intramuscularly to the right triceps brachii, after physical restraint. After 5 min of application, the animal assumed sternal recumbency and presented reflux. After 15 min, the patient was placed in the right lateral decubitus position. During collection, heart rate (48 ± 10 bpm), respiratory frequency (29 ± 1 mpm), rectal temperature (38.1 ± 0.18°C), oxyhemoglobin saturation (97 ± 1%), and electrocardiographic tracing were recorded. The tapir showed deep sedation, immobility, good muscle relaxation, discreet medial palpebral reflex, and bilateral rotation of the eyeball. After 40 min of protocol administration, sedative reversal was performed intramuscularly with 14 µg/kg atipamezole. Five min after administration, the tapir showed signs of mild sedation. After 10 min, he assumed the quadrupedal position, remained in this position for 8 min, and gently resumed the sternal decubitus. After only 20 min, he resumed the quadrupedal position, with mild ataxia and good muscular and conscious tone. After 50 min, the patient was discharged from anesthesia. Discussion: Domestic horses are phylogenetically close to tapirs, so the choice of drugs and doses of the protocol used was based on their use in horses, and on studies carried out with tapirs as well. Despite being docile and passive, the tapir was not conditioned and did not allow the manipulation and collection of samples collaboratively; therefore, it was chemically contained. The physical restraint performed did not generate satisfactory immobilization of the tapir, resulting in agitation and stress and causing the needle to break. The reflux presented by the tapir minutes after sedation and at recovery was induced by dexmedetomidine, and only the undigested banana pieces were offered to the animal. Reflux plus stress from extensive fasting and suboptimal physical restraint was responsible for the change in the tapir's eating behavior, with possible stress gastritis 24 h after chemical restraint. Only one study reported the use of dexmedetomidine in tapirs, associated with continuous infusions of ketamine, midazolam and guaiacol glyceryl ether for moderate to long-term field procedures. Sedative reversal of dexmedetomidine by atipamezole reduced the recovery time and the risk of death from cardiorespiratory depression. The anesthetic combination used was effective, promoting immobility, muscle relaxation, and stability of the physical parameters evaluated, with rapid and gentle induction and an adequate level of sedation for the objective, good sedative reversal, and anesthetic recovery.

Animais , Masculino , Perissodáctilos/fisiologia , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/análise , Animais Selvagens/fisiologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e07096, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394497


Oral diseases are limiting to health, welfare, and conservation practices, especially in the case of endangered animals. In this retrospective study, a survey on oral health-related conditions noted in the clinical records for 261 deer comprised in an ex situ population of the Marsh Deer Conservation Center (CCCP) over 30 years (1990-2020) was carried out. Of these, 49 (18.77%) marsh deer (31 females - 63.27% and 18 males - 36.73%) had clinical oral affections; the affected deer's mean age was 8.9 years. Logistic regression analysis was performed, and the variable age was significantly associated with the presence of dental affections. Thus, with a change in the age category, a deer had eight times the chance of manifesting oral affections; therefore, age can be considered a risk factor for the manifestation of oral affections in the species. Increased facial volume (65.3%), accumulation of food in the mouth (36.7%), tooth loss (22.4%), fistulas (22.4%), mucosal or palatal lesions (22.4%), tooth wear (20.4%), and tooth root exposure (18.3%) were the most frequently recorded lesions. The relatively high occurrence of oral affections in Blastocerus dichotomus reiterates the importance of oral health care when deer are kept in human care.

As doenças bucais são limitantes para as práticas de saúde, bem-estar e conservação, especialmente no caso de animais ameaçados de extinção. Neste estudo retrospectivo, realizou-se um levantamento sobre condições relacionadas à saúde bucal observadas nos registros clínicos de 261 cervídeos que compunham uma população ex situ do Centro de Conservação do Cervo-do-Pantanal durante um período de 30 anos (1990-2020). Destes, 49 (18,77%) cervos-do-pantanal (31 fêmeas (63,27%) e 18 machos (36,73%)) apresentavam afecções clínicas bucais; e a idade média dos cervídeos afetados foi de 8,9 anos. Realizou-se a análise de regressão logística e a variável idade mostrou associação significativa com a presença de afecções dentárias. Assim, com a mudança de categoria de idade, um cervídeo teve oito vezes mais chances de manifestar afecções bucais; portanto, a idade pode ser considerada como fator de risco para manifestação de afecções bucais na espécie. Aumento de volume facial (65,3%), acúmulo de alimentos na boca (36,7%), perda dentária (22,4%), fístulas (22,4%), lesões nas mucosas ou palatinas (22,4%), desgaste dentário (20,4%) e exposição de raiz (18,3%) foram as lesões mais registradas. A ocorrência relativamente alta de afecções bucais em Blastocerus dichotomus reitera a importância dos cuidados com a saúde bucal quando os cervídeos são mantidos sob cuidados humanos.

Animais , Doenças Periodontais/veterinária , Doenças Dentárias/veterinária , Cervos , Brasil , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 716, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363927


Background: Otitis is a frequent condition in dogs, with a multifactorial etiology covering primary causes, predisposing and perpetuating factors. It is characterized by an inflammatory process of structures that make up the auditory system, with prevalence data ranging from 15 to 20%, which can occur in any age group and without sex predisposition. According to the location, it can be classified as uni or bilateral, affecting the outer, middle and / or inner ear, the latter two being associated with neurological changes such as vestibulopathy, facial nerve paresis and Horner's syndrome. The morbidity and mortality of otitis media and internal may increase with delay in diagnosis, resulting in delay in the correct treatment, and the extension to brainstem is described in felines and considered rare in dogs. The present study aims to report an atypical case of otitis media and internal, with extension to the brain parenchyma in a brachycephalic dog. Case: A 3-year-old bitch French Bulldog was seen, weighing 12 kg, with a history of vomiting, apathy, nystagmus, ataxia and acute evolution hemiparesis. As a result of adoption, it was not known about the animal's morbid past. On special physical and clinical examination, depressed mental status, changes in postural reactions, nostril stenosis with unilateral mucopurulent nasal discharge, corneal ulcer, palpebral and labial ptosis, absence of eyelid reflex and spontaneous strabismus were observed, all of these findings observed on the left side of the face. No signs of otitis external to otoscopy were found. The clinical signs found characterize left facial nerve paresis and peripheral and central vestibulopathy. Otitis media / internal and meningoencephalitis were suspected. Hemogram, serum biochemistry (glucose, urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase, total proteins, albumin, globulin, alkaline phosphatase, gamma glutamyltransferase, phosphorus, total bilirubin, cholesterol and total calcium), urinalysis, rapid tests for erlichiosis, anaplasms , borreliosis, heartworm, distemper and leishmaniasis, CSF analysis, neurological panel performed by PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) that tested the animal for Bartonellosis, Lyme Disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), Blastomyces dermatitidis, Cryptococcus sp., Virus West Nile, Distemper, Toxoplasmosis, Neosporose and Coccidioides sp. using conjunctival swab, whole blood, urine and CSF samples. The samples were negative for all of these tests. As an image exam, brain magnetic resonance was performed. In the latter, otitis media and left internal was observed with extension of the lesion to the brain parenchyma. CSF analysis showed cytological changes compatible with a non-suppurative inflammatory process, mild pleocytosis with predominantly mononuclear leukocyte infiltrate. As a form of treatment, antibiotic therapy and total ablation of the auditory canal with lateral bulectomy were performed, showing good results with reduced clinical symptoms. Discussion: It is concluded that although the diagnosis of otitis media and internal with extension to brainstem is more common in cats, it should be included as a differential for central vestibular disorders in dogs, and that the diagnosis together with early and effective treatment are important, since that the evolution of the infection to the central nervous system represents a risk to the patient.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tronco Encefálico/patologia , Vestibulopatia Bilateral/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterinária , Otite Média/veterinária , Labirintite/veterinária
Hig. aliment ; 35(293): e1074, jul.-dez. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417624


Devido ao risco da pandemia COVID 19, foram adotadas estratégias para reduzir as taxas de contágio das populações e tentar evitar crise no sistema de saúde. A categoria de bares e restaurantes busca adequar-se a essas estratégias, mantendo a qualidade e higiene de seus serviços para colaboradores e cliente. Neste trabalho o objetivo foi realizar o levantamento e análise sobre as ações direcionadas à prevenção da transmissão da COVID 19 em serviços de alimentação. A metodologia adoada foi a revisão bibliográfica por meio de dados disponíveis em bases de dados científicos como: Scielo, PubMed e Órgãos do Governo, nos últimos 43 anos. O período de busca se deu entre dezembro de 2020 e fevereiro de 2021 e resultou em 28 artigos. O Governo de São Paulo determinou fases de acordo com o avanço da pandemia e cada uma delas apresenta restrições para bares e restaurantes, além disso, outros autores desenvolveram orientações para que eles pudessem seguir o padrão das boas práticas de higiene nos serviços de alimentação. Concluiu-se que há necessidade de manter a qualidade higiênico sanitária em serviços de gastronomia de São Paulo, também é importante que os clientes sejam ouvidos e que funcionários tenham treinamentos para evitar a contaminação da COVID 19 e manter as pessoas sadias.(AU)

Due to the risk of the COVID 19 pandemic, strategies were adopted to reduce the contagion rates of populations and try to avoid a crisis in the health system. The category of bars and restaurants seeks to adapt to these strategies, maintaining the quality and hygiene of its services for employees and customers. In this work, the objective was to carry out a survey and analysis of actions aimed at preventing the transmission of COVID 19 in food services. The adopted methodology was a bibliographic review using data available in scientific databases such as: Scielo, PubMed and Government Agencies, in the last 43 years. The search period took place between December 2020 and February 2021 and resulted in 28 articles. The Government of São Paulo determined phases according to the progress of the pandemic and each one of them presents restrictions for bars and restaurants, in addition, other authors developed guidelines so that they could follow the standard of good hygiene practices in food services. It was concluded that there is a need to maintain the hygienic and sanitary quality in gastronomy services in São Paulo, it is also important that customers are heard and that employees have training to avoid contamination of COVID 19 and keep people healthy.(AU)

Restaurantes/organização & administração , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa/prevenção & controle , Brasil , COVID-19
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(1): eRBCA-2019-1196, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27479


The present study investigated the frequency, level of contamination and serotyping of Salmonella strains isolated from broiler flocks in different processing sites and the fulfillment of a Performance Objective (PO) in frozen chicken breasts, as a risk assessment to measure the efficacy of prevention and control programs applied to reduce the risk of Salmonella spp. in raw poultry meat that contribute to reach food safety and public health goals. From 1,800 samples of cloacal swabs, carcasses before and after immersion chilling and frozen breasts derived from 20 broiler flocks slaughtered at two processing plants located in the mid-west and southern regions of Brazil, 278 samples were positive for Salmonella spp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) automated BAX System (DUPONT QUALICOM, USA), and 118 were enumerated by miniaturized most probable number technique. 122 Salmonella spp. strains were serotyped at the National Reference Laboratory of Cholera and Enteric Diseases of Oswaldo Cruz Institute Foundation (FIOCRUZ), showing a dominance of Salmonella Minnesota in every processing steps of the slaughterhouse located in the Brazilian mid-west region. Only 1 lot failed to reach the expected result for the Performance Objective (PO), using a maximum of 10% positivity acceptance for Salmonella spp. in frozen chicken breasts. Qualitative and quantitative results combined may be considered an effective tool to evaluate the effect of prevention and control programs for Salmonella spp. on the safety of the final product.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/microbiologia , Infecções por Salmonella , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(1): eRBCA, 2020. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490750


The present study investigated the frequency, level of contamination and serotyping of Salmonella strains isolated from broiler flocks in different processing sites and the fulfillment of a Performance Objective (PO) in frozen chicken breasts, as a risk assessment to measure the efficacy of prevention and control programs applied to reduce the risk of Salmonella spp. in raw poultry meat that contribute to reach food safety and public health goals. From 1,800 samples of cloacal swabs, carcasses before and after immersion chilling and frozen breasts derived from 20 broiler flocks slaughtered at two processing plants located in the mid-west and southern regions of Brazil, 278 samples were positive for Salmonella spp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) automated BAX System (DUPONT QUALICOM, USA), and 118 were enumerated by miniaturized most probable number technique. 122 Salmonella spp. strains were serotyped at the National Reference Laboratory of Cholera and Enteric Diseases of Oswaldo Cruz Institute Foundation (FIOCRUZ), showing a dominance of Salmonella Minnesota in every processing steps of the slaughterhouse located in the Brazilian mid-west region. Only 1 lot failed to reach the expected result for the Performance Objective (PO), using a maximum of 10% positivity acceptance for Salmonella spp. in frozen chicken breasts. Qualitative and quantitative results combined may be considered an effective tool to evaluate the effect of prevention and control programs for Salmonella spp. on the safety of the final product.

Animais , Desenvolvimento Tecnológico/análise , Galinhas/microbiologia , Infecções por Salmonella
Hig. aliment ; 34(291): 32-39, jul-.dez. 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30495


O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de saladas de frutas comercializadas em Pouso Alegre - MG, verificando se estas atendem aos padrões microbiológicos para enumeração de coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes estabelecidos pela RDC Nº 12 de 2001. As amostras pertenciam a vinte estabelecimentos comerciais diferentes e foram adquiridas no período de agosto a setembro de 2019 no comércio local. As amostras foram diluídas 1/10, 1/100 e 1/1000. Uma alíquota de 1 mL de cada diluição foi inoculada pela técnica pour plate utilizando o meio Agar Vermelho Violeta Bile. As placas foram incubadas em temperatura de 35ºC por 24-48 horas e após esse período as colônias, quando presentes, foram contadas e identificadas. Das 20 amostras analisadas em nenhuma houve crescimento de coliforme termotolerantes sendo este resultado satisfatório, porém, em 75% das amostras houve presença de coliformes totais. Apesar de em todas as amostras encontrarem-se dentro dos padrões microbiológicos vigentes para coliformes termotolerantes, os elevados valores encontrados de coliformes totais evidenciam que o produto pode fornecer risco ao consumidor.(AU)

The present study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of fruit salads sold in Pouso Alegre - MG, verifying if they meet the microbiological standards for enumeration of total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms established by RDC No. 12 of 2001.The samples belonged to twenty different commercial establishments and were acquired from August to September 2019 in local trade. The samples were diluted 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000. A 1 mL aliquot of each dilution was inoculated using the pour plate technique using Agar Red Violet Bile. The plates were incubated at a temperature of 35ºC for 24- 48 hours and after this period the colonies when present, were counted and identified. Of the 20 samples analyzed in none, there was growth of thermotolerant coliform, this result being satisfactory, however, in 75% of the samples there was the presence of total coliforms. Although in all samples they are within the current microbiological standards for thermotolerant coliforms, the high values found for total coliforms show that the product can provide risk to the consumer.(AU)

Técnicas Microbiológicas , Frutas/microbiologia , Manipulação de Alimentos , Colimetria
Hig. aliment ; 34(291): 32-39, Julho/Dezembro 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482554


O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade microbiológica de saladas de frutas comercializadas em Pouso Alegre - MG, verificando se estas atendem aos padrões microbiológicos para enumeração de coliformes totais e coliformes termotolerantes estabelecidos pela RDC Nº 12 de 2001. As amostras pertenciam a vinte estabelecimentos comerciais diferentes e foram adquiridas no período de agosto a setembro de 2019 no comércio local. As amostras foram diluídas 1/10, 1/100 e 1/1000. Uma alíquota de 1 mL de cada diluição foi inoculada pela técnica pour plate utilizando o meio Agar Vermelho Violeta Bile. As placas foram incubadas em temperatura de 35ºC por 24-48 horas e após esse período as colônias, quando presentes, foram contadas e identificadas. Das 20 amostras analisadas em nenhuma houve crescimento de coliforme termotolerantes sendo este resultado satisfatório, porém, em 75% das amostras houve presença de coliformes totais. Apesar de em todas as amostras encontrarem-se dentro dos padrões microbiológicos vigentes para coliformes termotolerantes, os elevados valores encontrados de coliformes totais evidenciam que o produto pode fornecer risco ao consumidor.

The present study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality of fruit salads sold in Pouso Alegre - MG, verifying if they meet the microbiological standards for enumeration of total coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms established by RDC No. 12 of 2001.The samples belonged to twenty different commercial establishments and were acquired from August to September 2019 in local trade. The samples were diluted 1/10, 1/100 and 1/1000. A 1 mL aliquot of each dilution was inoculated using the pour plate technique using Agar Red Violet Bile. The plates were incubated at a temperature of 35ºC for 24- 48 hours and after this period the colonies when present, were counted and identified. Of the 20 samples analyzed in none, there was growth of thermotolerant coliform, this result being satisfactory, however, in 75% of the samples there was the presence of total coliforms. Although in all samples they are within the current microbiological standards for thermotolerant coliforms, the high values found for total coliforms show that the product can provide risk to the consumer.

Colimetria , Frutas/microbiologia , Manipulação de Alimentos , Técnicas Microbiológicas