A 52-year-old pine forest is characterized as an environment with low plant diversity and large accumulation of allelopathic litter with poor nutrient content. Collembola is sensitive to environmental conditions and may have difficulties living in these forests. This study aimed (1) to evaluate the abundance and richness of Collembola in the soil of a 52-year-old pine afforestation with different moisture contents; and (2) to identify the landhopper sampled unintentionally. For sampling, pitfall traps were set up for four days, in areas of a Pinus elliottii afforestation with high and low soil moisture located at the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Collembola specimens were counted and identified to family and genus level. The total abundance of springtails was greater in the low soil moisture area. The genera Desoria and Lepidocyrtus, and specimens of the family Onychiuridae were more abundant in low soil moisture, meanwhile, the genus Ceratophysella was more abundant in the high soil moisture. The landhopper Talitroides sylvaticus was sampled unintentionally by traps set up in the soil with higher moisture and calcium content. Six genera of Collembola and the landhopper T. sylvaticus were identified in soil of a P. elliottii afforestation and their distribution is influenced by soil moisture.(AU)
Pinus/parasitologia , Infestações por Pulgas , Sifonápteros/parasitologia , Umidade do Solo , BiodiversidadeResumo
Bat ectoparasites have a complex natural history narrowly tied to their hosts at ecological, behavioral, and evolutionary scales. As flying and social organisms, bats represent a potential mechanism of dispersal, a source of feeding, and a roost for ectoparasite reproduction. The chiggerflea Hectopsylla pulex (Siphonaptera: Tungidae) is widely distributed across the Neotropics. Females of this ectoparasite have been found in their neosomal form on bats of the family Molossidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae. Here we present the record of infestation of chiggerfleas on the Argentine bat, Eptesicus furinalis (Vespertilionidae) in Colombia, representing the first record of the flea on this species, and providing novel genetic information of this poorly known flea species.(AU)
Animais , Sifonápteros/parasitologia , Quirópteros/parasitologia , EctoparasitosesResumo
Abstract Bat ectoparasites have a complex natural history narrowly tied to their hosts at ecological, behavioral, and evolutionary scales. As flying and social organisms, bats represent a potential mechanism of dispersal, a source of feeding, and a roost for ectoparasite reproduction. The chiggerflea Hectopsylla pulex (Siphonaptera: Tungidae) is widely distributed across the Neotropics. Females of this ectoparasite have been found in their neosomal form on bats of the family Molossidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae. Here we present the record of infestation of chiggerfleas on the Argentine bat, Eptesicus furinalis (Vespertilionidae) in Colombia, representing the first record of the flea on this species, and providing novel genetic information of this poorly known flea species.
Abstract Bat ectoparasites have a complex natural history narrowly tied to their hosts at ecological, behavioral, and evolutionary scales. As flying and social organisms, bats represent a potential mechanism of dispersal, a source of feeding, and a roost for ectoparasite reproduction. The chiggerflea Hectopsylla pulex (Siphonaptera: Tungidae) is widely distributed across the Neotropics. Females of this ectoparasite have been found in their neosomal form on bats of the family Molossidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, and Vespertilionidae. Here we present the record of infestation of chiggerfleas on the Argentine bat, Eptesicus furinalis (Vespertilionidae) in Colombia, representing the first record of the flea on this species, and providing novel genetic information of this poorly known flea species.
ABSTRACT Rural communities rely heavily on chickens to meet their socio-economic needs. However, predators, diseases, and parasites deprive them of nutrients required for sustained growth and development. A cross-sectional survey and key informant interviews were conducted in selected villages of Limpopo Province, South Africa to find out the parasites and predators prevalent in indigenous chickens. Medicinal plants commonly used to control parasites as well as the household heads views on the preservation of indigenous chickens for sustained rural food security were investigated. Qualitative data gathered through interviews was analysed thematically using Atlas Ti version 8.1.4 while the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 25.0 was used to compute descriptive statistics and carry out cross-tabulations of quantitative data. Approximately, 72 % of the respondents reported that predation affected chicks with hens at (67 %) and cocks (63 %) following in that respective order. Snakes such as the king cobra (phakhu phakhu), birds such as the martial eagle (Goni), and wild animals, especially the genet cat (tsimba) were the predominant predators. Among the commonest parasites, fleas [Dermanyssus gallinae (thatha)] and mites [Siphonaptera (magomani)] were predominant. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolour) and aloe (Aloe vera) were the most common medicinal plants that were used to control the parasites. It is, therefore, recommended that farmers and extension officers alike, consider the profile of major predators, parasites, medical plants, and preservation of indigenous knowledge for the sustainability of indigenous chickens and enhanced rural food security.
The number of domestic animals living with human beings is rapidly increasing in parallel with an enhanced risk of transmission of their parasites and the pathogens they might carry. The aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of hematophagous arthropods infesting domestic animals from Northeastern Brazil and to remark the implications of their occurrence on the epidemiology and control of selected veterinary and human diseases. From January 2017 to April 2019, ectoparasites infesting domestic cats, dogs and horses were collected for their respective hosts and identified. Overall, ectoparasites were sampled from 86 domestic animals, living in different anthropic settings. A total of 401 specimens (344 ticks and 57 fleas) were collected from different hosts [i.e., 10 (2.49%), 96 (23.94%) and 295 (73.57%) from cats, dogs and horses, respectively]. Two flea (i.e., Ctenocephalides canis and Ctenocephalides felis) and 5 tick species (i.e., Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma sculptum, Dermacentor nitens, Rhipicephalus microplus and Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) were identified. This study provides data on the ectoparasite fauna infesting domestic animals from Northeastern Brazil. The diagnosis and treatment of these parasites should not be underestimated, considering the role that hematophagous arthropods display as vectors of pathogens of medical and veterinary concern.(AU)
O número de animais domésticos infestados por ectoparasitos vivendo em estreito contato com seres humanos está aumentando, elevando o risco de infecção pelos patógenos transmitidos por vetores. Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar a ocorrência de ectoparasitos infestando animais do nordeste do Brasil e discutir as implicações desse parasitismo na epidemiologia e no controle de doenças de importância médico-veterinária. De janeiro de 2017 a abril de 2019, artrópodes foram coletados de gatos, cães e cavalos, e identificados morfologicamente. Ectoparasitos foram removidos de 86 animais infestados provenientes de áreas urbanas e rurais. Foram identificados 401 espécimes (344 carrapatos e 57 pulgas) coletados de diferentes hospedeiros (10 (2,49%), 96 (23,94%) e 295 (73,57%) de gatos, cães e cavalos, respectivamente. Duas espécies de pulgas (Ctenocephalides canis e Ctenocephalides felis) e cinco espécies de carrapatos (Amblyomma ovale, Amblyomma sculptum, Dermacentornitens, Rhipicephalus microplus e Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) foram identificadas. Este estudo fornece informações sobre a ectofauna de animais domésticos do nordeste do Brasil. Portanto, o diagnóstico e o tratamento desses parasitos não devem ser subestimados, considerando que os artrópodes aqui relatados podem veicular patógenos de importância médico-veterinária.(AU)
Humanos , Animais , Gatos , Cães , Carrapatos , Ectoparasitoses/epidemiologia , Sifonápteros , Cavalos/parasitologia , Brasil , Zoonoses/epidemiologia , Rhipicephalus , Ctenocephalides , Saúde Única , AmblyommaResumo
Laselva cleidae sp. nov., the first species of LaselvaFurth, 2007 found in Brazil is described and illustrated. Species of Laselva are compared with those of DeciplatusLinzmeier & Konstantinov, 2009 and AndersonalticaLinzmeier & Konstantinov, 2012. This is the first species of Laselva recorded to South America.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Brasil , Classificação , SifonápterosResumo
Laselva cleidae sp. nov., the first species of LaselvaFurth, 2007 found in Brazil is described and illustrated. Species of Laselva are compared with those of DeciplatusLinzmeier & Konstantinov, 2009 and AndersonalticaLinzmeier & Konstantinov, 2012. This is the first species of Laselva recorded to South America.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Sifonápteros , Classificação , BrasilResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different substrates for larval development of Ctenocephalides felis felis during its biological cycle. Eight hundred eggs of C. felis felis from a flea maintenance colony were used. Different diets were formulated, in which the main substrates were meat flour, powdered milk, sugar, lyophilized bovine blood, tick metabolites and lyophilized egg. The flea eggs were placed in test tubes (10 per tube) and approximately 2 g of the diet to be tested was added to each tube. There were 10 replicates for each substrate. After 28 days, each tube was evaluated individually for the presence of pupae and emerged adults. The following percentages of the larvae completed the cycle to the adult stage: 67% in diets containing tick metabolites; 55%, meat flour; 39%, dehydrated bovine blood; 14%, powdered milk; and less than 1% in diets containing sugar, lyophilized bovine blood, lyophilized egg or wheat bran. It was concluded that among the diets tested, the one constituted by tick metabolites as the substrate was shown to be the most satisfactory for maintaining a laboratory colony of C. felis felis, followed by the one containing meat flour.(AU)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a eficiência de diferentes substratos no desenvolvimento larval de Ctenocephalides felis felis durante seu ciclo biológico. Foram utilizados 800 ovos de C. felis felis, oriundos de colônia de manutenção de pulgas. Diferentes dietas foram formuladas, contendo como substratos principais a farinha de carne, leite em pó, açúcar, sangue bovino liofilizado, metabólitos de carrapato e ovo liofilizado. Foram distribuídos 10 ovos por tubo de ensaio, aos quais foram acrescidos as dietas a serem testadas, realizando-se10 repetições para cada substrato. Após 28 dias, cada tubo foi avaliado individualmente pela presença de pupas e adultos emergidos. Nas dietas que continham metabólitos de carrapato, 67% das larvas completaram o ciclo até a fase adulta; 55% nas que continham farinha de carne; 39% contendo sangue bovino desidratado; 14% com leite em pó, e menos de 1% em dietas contendo açúcar, sangue bovino liofilizado, ovo liofilizado e farelo de trigo. Conclui-se que, entre as dietas testadas, a constituída por metabólitos de carrapato como substrato, mostrou-se a mais satisfatória para a manutenção de colônia laboratorial de C.felis felis, seguida da que continha farinha de carne.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Ctenocephalides/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterinária , BiologiaResumo
Some species of mastiff bats, Molossus Geoffroy, 1805, inhabit human shelters such as houses and barns. Among them, the Pallass mastiff bat, Molossus molossus Pallas, 1766, is the most common species in South America. There are a few studies on this bat in Colombia, mostly on colony size, diet, ectoparasite records, and activity patterns in the Andean and Caribbean regions. Here, we provide information on the prevalence of chiggerfleas, Hectopsylla pulex (Haller, 1880), on M. molossus, along with molecular data on the flea, and its distribution in Colombia. In addition, we describe the size and sex ratio of the infested bat colony, located in the central Andes of Colombia. The bat colony was represented by ca. 45 individuals, of which 33 were captured. The colony had more females (25 individuals) than males (8 individuals). A total of four Pallass mastiff bats had chiggerfleas, H. pulex, most of which were attached to the bats faces and ears. The composition of the colony (sex ratio) and the observed activity times match those reported for other colonies of the species in Colombia. The cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, and the 12S rRNA mitochondrial gene obtained from H. pulex represent the second and first available sequences for the species, respectively. The level of infestation of individuals in the colony was low, similar to that observed in other South American countries, such as Brazil. Finally, the new locality is the seventh confirmed and the highest elevational record of H. pulex in Colombia.
Animais , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Quirópteros/parasitologia , ColômbiaResumo
Some species of mastiff bats, Molossus Geoffroy, 1805, inhabit human shelters such as houses and barns. Among them, the Pallass mastiff bat, Molossus molossus Pallas, 1766, is the most common species in South America. There are a few studies on this bat in Colombia, mostly on colony size, diet, ectoparasite records, and activity patterns in the Andean and Caribbean regions. Here, we provide information on the prevalence of chiggerfleas, Hectopsylla pulex (Haller, 1880), on M. molossus, along with molecular data on the flea, and its distribution in Colombia. In addition, we describe the size and sex ratio of the infested bat colony, located in the central Andes of Colombia. The bat colony was represented by ca. 45 individuals, of which 33 were captured. The colony had more females (25 individuals) than males (8 individuals). A total of four Pallass mastiff bats had chiggerfleas, H. pulex, most of which were attached to the bats faces and ears. The composition of the colony (sex ratio) and the observed activity times match those reported for other colonies of the species in Colombia. The cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, and the 12S rRNA mitochondrial gene obtained from H. pulex represent the second and first available sequences for the species, respectively. The level of infestation of individuals in the colony was low, similar to that observed in other South American countries, such as Brazil. Finally, the new locality is the seventh confirmed and the highest elevational record of H. pulex in Colombia.(AU)
Animais , Quirópteros/parasitologia , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , ColômbiaResumo
Adult fleas are haematophagous insects that act as infesting agents or as vectors of pathogens. Their hosts are endothermic animals, essentially rodents. The flea fauna of Mato Grosso do Sul State represents 15,9% (10/63) of the Brazilians fauna, being little known when compared with other states in number of species or genera. Considering the species that might occur in geographical continuity of states, countries and/or biomes, as well as those not yet known or cosmopolitans, a most expressive richness is estimated. One species is endemic in the state.(AU)
As pulgas são insetos hematófagos na fase adulta e que atuam como agentes infestantes ou como vetores de patógenos. Seus hospedeiros são animais endotérmicos, essencialmente mamíferos e, predominantemente roedores. A sifonapterofauna do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul representa 15,9% (10/63) da brasileira, sendo muito pouco conhecida quando comparada com outros estados em número de espécies ou gêneros. Considerando as espécies que poderiam ocorrer em continuidade geográfica de estados, países e/ou biomas, as ainda não conhecidas ou cosmopolitas, uma riqueza mais expressiva é estimada. Uma espécie é endêmica no estado.(AU)
Animais , Sifonápteros , Grupos de População Animal , BrasilResumo
Adult fleas are haematophagous insects that act as infesting agents or as vectors of pathogens. Their hosts are endothermic animals, essentially rodents. The flea fauna of Mato Grosso do Sul State represents 15,9% (10/63) of the Brazilians fauna, being little known when compared with other states in number of species or genera. Considering the species that might occur in geographical continuity of states, countries and/or biomes, as well as those not yet known or cosmopolitans, a most expressive richness is estimated. One species is endemic in the state.
As pulgas são insetos hematófagos na fase adulta e que atuam como agentes infestantes ou como vetores de patógenos. Seus hospedeiros são animais endotérmicos, essencialmente mamíferos e, predominantemente roedores. A sifonapterofauna do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul representa 15,9% (10/63) da brasileira, sendo muito pouco conhecida quando comparada com outros estados em número de espécies ou gêneros. Considerando as espécies que poderiam ocorrer em continuidade geográfica de estados, países e/ou biomas, as ainda não conhecidas ou cosmopolitas, uma riqueza mais expressiva é estimada. Uma espécie é endêmica no estado.
Animais , Brasil , Grupos de População Animal , SifonápterosResumo
ABSTRACT Adult fleas are haematophagous insects that act as infesting agents or as vectors of pathogens. Their hosts are endothermic animals, essentially rodents. The flea fauna of Mato Grosso do Sul State represents 15,9% (10/63) of the Brazilians fauna, being little known when compared with other states in number of species or genera. Considering the species that might occur in geographical continuity of states, countries and/or biomes, as well as those not yet known or cosmopolitans, a most expressive richness is estimated. One species is endemic in the state.
RESUMO As pulgas são insetos hematófagos na fase adulta e que atuam como agentes infestantes ou como vetores de patógenos. Seus hospedeiros são animais endotérmicos, essencialmente mamíferos e, predominantemente roedores. A sifonapterofauna do estado do Mato Grosso do Sul representa 15,9% (10/63) da brasileira, sendo muito pouco conhecida quando comparada com outros estados em número de espécies ou gêneros. Considerando as espécies que poderiam ocorrer em continuidade geográfica de estados, países e/ou biomas, as ainda não conhecidas ou cosmopolitas, uma riqueza mais expressiva é estimada. Uma espécie é endêmica no estado.
This study aimed to identify the species of fleas and ticks of Cerdocyon thous from the state of Pernambuco. Animals (n = 20) were examined, with 30% (6/20) ectoparasitized. Fleas (n = 16) and ticks (n = 17) parasitizing free-living crab-eating fox and captive in state of Pernambuco were collected. The fleas were identified as: Pulex irritans and Ctenocephalides felis; and the ticks were: Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato and Amblyomma ovale. The presence of ectoparasites of domestic animals parasitizing C. thous, suggests a close contact of this species to the peridomicile. Furthermore, this is the first report of the occurrence of A. ovale in C. thous in northeastern Brazil.(AU)
Objetivou-se identificar as espécies de pulgas e carrapatos de Cerdocyon thous provenientes do estado Pernambuco. Foram examinados 20 animais, estando 30% (6/20) ectoparasitados. Foram coletadas 16 pulgas e 17 carrapatos em cachorros-do-mato de vida livre e de cativeiro no estado de Pernambuco. As pulgas foram identificadas como: Pulex irritans e Ctenocephalides felis; e os carrapatos foram: Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato e Amblyomma ovale. A presença de ectoparasitos de animais domésticos parasitando C. thous, sugere a aproximação de indivíduos desta espécie ao peridomicílio. Além disso, este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência de A. ovale em C. thous no nordeste brasileiro.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Ctenocephalides/parasitologia , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/parasitologia , Animais Selvagens/parasitologia , Sifonápteros/parasitologia , Carrapatos/parasitologiaResumo
This study aimed to identify the species of fleas and ticks of Cerdocyon thous from the state of Pernambuco. Animals (n = 20) were examined, with 30% (6/20) ectoparasitized. Fleas (n = 16) and ticks (n = 17) parasitizing free-living crab-eating fox and captive in state of Pernambuco were collected. The fleas were identified as: Pulex irritans and Ctenocephalides felis; and the ticks were: Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato and Amblyomma ovale. The presence of ectoparasites of domestic animals parasitizing C. thous, suggests a close contact of this species to the peridomicile. Furthermore, this is the first report of the occurrence of A. ovalein C. thous in northeastern Brazil.(AU)
Objetivou-se identificar as espécies de pulgas e carrapatos de Cerdocyon thous provenientes do estado Pernambuco. Foram examinados 20 animais, estando 30% (6/20) ectoparasitados. Foram coletadas 16 pulgas e 17 carrapatos em cachorros-do-mato de vida livre e de cativeiro no estado de Pernambuco. As pulgas foram identificadas como: Pulex irritans e Ctenocephalides felis; e os carrapatos foram: Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato e Amblyomma ovale. A presença de ectoparasitos de animais domésticos parasitando C. thous, sugere a aproximação de indivíduos desta espécie ao peridomicílio. Além disso, este é o primeiro relato da ocorrência de A. ovaleem C. thous no nordeste brasileiro.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Rhipicephalus sanguineus/parasitologia , Ctenocephalides/parasitologia , Ectoparasitoses/veterinária , Carrapatos/parasitologia , Sifonápteros/parasitologia , Animais Selvagens/parasitologiaResumo
The occurrence of the black rat, Rattus rattus , in major Brazilian cities has increased in the recent years. To evaluate if the efforts of public rodent control have been reaching the species in the city of São Paulo, a survey was conducted in flooding areas using live trapping before and after implementation of the control program. Captures were carried out from 2009 to 2011, and animals were evaluated for their risk of zoonosis transmission. The number of R. rattus captured after control did not differ from the number of animals captured before the control program in the Spring/Summer season, but, in the Autumn/Winter season, effective control was observed. Low infestations ofCtenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera) and Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina) were observed, and antibodies againstLeptospira spp. were detected in just 1 of 65 serum samples. Ten out of 18 serum samples were sororeactive forVaccinia virus, suggesting contact between R. rattus and the pathogen Calodium hepaticum (= Capillaria hepaticum) (Nematoda) was found in the liver of 73.4% of captured R. rattus. In conclusion, R. rattus may not be effectively controlled by the rodent Control Program in the city of São Paulo, and represents a threat to human health, justifying permanent environmental management and educational programs.
A ocorrência do rato de telhado, Rattus rattus , nas grandes cidades brasileiras aumentou nos últimos anos. A fim de investigar se os esforços do controle público de roedores têm atingido essa espécie, foi conduzido um levantamento em áreas com risco de inundação na cidade de São Paulo, com armadilhas para captura viva dos roedores, antes e depois do controle público. O estudo foi realizado entre 2009 e 2011, e os animais capturados foram estudados para identificar seu risco como transmissores de zoonoses. O número de R. rattus capturados após o controle não diferiu entre o número de animais capturados antes do programa de controle, no período de primavera/verão, mas, no período de outono/inverno, foi observada efetividade do controle. Foram registradas infestações baixas deCtenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera) e Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina). Anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foram detectados em apenas 1 das 65 amostras de soro. Dez entre 18 amostras de soro foram sororeativas para o vírusVaccinia , sugerindo o contato entre R. rattus e o patógeno Calodium hepaticum (Nematoda) foi encontrado no fígado de 73,4% dos R. rattus capturados. Concluiu-se que R. rattus pode não ser controlado pelas ações propostas pelo Programa de Controle de Roedores na cidade de São Paulo e representa uma ameaça para a saúde humana, justificando permanentes programas de gestão ambiental e programas educacionais.
Animais , Controle de Roedores , Leptospira , Ratos , Sifonápteros , Ácaros e Carrapatos , ZoonosesResumo
The occurrence of the black rat, Rattus rattus , in major Brazilian cities has increased in the recent years. To evaluate if the efforts of public rodent control have been reaching the species in the city of São Paulo, a survey was conducted in flooding areas using live trapping before and after implementation of the control program. Captures were carried out from 2009 to 2011, and animals were evaluated for their risk of zoonosis transmission. The number of R. rattus captured after control did not differ from the number of animals captured before the control program in the Spring/Summer season, but, in the Autumn/Winter season, effective control was observed. Low infestations of Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera) and Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina) were observed, and antibodies against Leptospira spp. were detected in just 1 of 65 serum samples. Ten out of 18 serum samples were sororeactive for Vaccinia virus, suggesting contact between R. rattus and the pathogen Calodium hepaticum (= Capillaria hepaticum ) (Nematoda) was found in the liver of 73.4% of captured R. rattus. In conclusion, R. rattus may not be effectively controlled by the rodent Control Program in the city of São Paulo, and represents a threat to human health, justifying permanent environmental management and educational programs.(AU)
A ocorrência do rato de telhado, Rattus rattus , nas grandes cidades brasileiras aumentou nos últimos anos. A fim de investigar se os esforços do controle público de roedores têm atingido essa espécie, foi conduzido um levantamento em áreas com risco de inundação na cidade de São Paulo, com armadilhas para captura viva dos roedores, antes e depois do controle público. O estudo foi realizado entre 2009 e 2011, e os animais capturados foram estudados para identificar seu risco como transmissores de zoonoses. O número de R. rattus capturados após o controle não diferiu entre o número de animais capturados antes do programa de controle, no período de primavera/verão, mas, no período de outono/inverno, foi observada efetividade do controle. Foram registradas infestações baixas de Ctenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera) e Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina). Anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foram detectados em apenas 1 das 65 amostras de soro. Dez entre 18 amostras de soro foram sororeativas para o vírus Vaccinia , sugerindo o contato entre R. rattus e o patógeno Calodium hepaticum (Nematoda) foi encontrado no fígado de 73,4% dos R. rattus capturados. Concluiu-se que R. rattus pode não ser controlado pelas ações propostas pelo Programa de Controle de Roedores na cidade de São Paulo e representa uma ameaça para a saúde humana, justificando permanentes programas de gestão ambiental e programas educacionais.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Controle de Roedores , Sifonápteros , Ácaros e Carrapatos , Leptospira , ZoonosesResumo
The occurrence of the black rat, Rattus rattus , in major Brazilian cities has increased in the recent years. To evaluate if the efforts of public rodent control have been reaching the species in the city of São Paulo, a survey was conducted in flooding areas using live trapping before and after implementation of the control program. Captures were carried out from 2009 to 2011, and animals were evaluated for their risk of zoonosis transmission. The number of R. rattus captured after control did not differ from the number of animals captured before the control program in the Spring/Summer season, but, in the Autumn/Winter season, effective control was observed. Low infestations ofCtenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera) and Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina) were observed, and antibodies againstLeptospira spp. were detected in just 1 of 65 serum samples. Ten out of 18 serum samples were sororeactive forVaccinia virus, suggesting contact between R. rattus and the pathogen Calodium hepaticum (= Capillaria hepaticum) (Nematoda) was found in the liver of 73.4% of captured R. rattus. In conclusion, R. rattus may not be effectively controlled by the rodent Control Program in the city of São Paulo, and represents a threat to human health, justifying permanent environmental management and educational programs.(AU)
A ocorrência do rato de telhado, Rattus rattus , nas grandes cidades brasileiras aumentou nos últimos anos. A fim de investigar se os esforços do controle público de roedores têm atingido essa espécie, foi conduzido um levantamento em áreas com risco de inundação na cidade de São Paulo, com armadilhas para captura viva dos roedores, antes e depois do controle público. O estudo foi realizado entre 2009 e 2011, e os animais capturados foram estudados para identificar seu risco como transmissores de zoonoses. O número de R. rattus capturados após o controle não diferiu entre o número de animais capturados antes do programa de controle, no período de primavera/verão, mas, no período de outono/inverno, foi observada efetividade do controle. Foram registradas infestações baixas deCtenocephalides felis (Siphonaptera) e Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina). Anticorpos contra Leptospira spp. foram detectados em apenas 1 das 65 amostras de soro. Dez entre 18 amostras de soro foram sororeativas para o vírusVaccinia , sugerindo o contato entre R. rattus e o patógeno Calodium hepaticum (Nematoda) foi encontrado no fígado de 73,4% dos R. rattus capturados. Concluiu-se que R. rattus pode não ser controlado pelas ações propostas pelo Programa de Controle de Roedores na cidade de São Paulo e representa uma ameaça para a saúde humana, justificando permanentes programas de gestão ambiental e programas educacionais.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Leptospira , Sifonápteros , Controle de Roedores , Ácaros e Carrapatos , ZoonosesResumo
Abstract The Siphonaptera are parasitic insects of endothermic animals and Ctenocephalides felis and Pulex irritans are important parasites of dogs. This study evaluated the effect of hair coat length and time of year on the population size of C. felis and P. irritans in naturally infested dogs. Fleas were collected from 14 dogs on a monthly basis for a year (February 2015 to January 2016) at a rural property in Bagé, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The dogs were divided into two groups based on hair coat length: short coat (coat length 5.0 cm, n= 7) and long coat (coat length > 5.0 cm, n= 7). In total, 2057 fleas were collected, 1541 of which were C. felis (74.91%) and 516 were P. irritans (25.08%). The number of C. felis and P. irritans individuals was significantly affected by hair coat length and time of year. The variation in flea numbers over the study months was higher in long-coated than in short-coated dogs for the two flea species and flea numbers increased with increasing mean monthly temperatures. The results provide a better understanding of behavioral aspects of flea communities in dogs and may help develop control strategies targeting these parasites.(AU)
Resumo Sifonápteros são insetos parasitos de animais endotérmicos e Ctenocephalides felis e Pulex irritans são importantes parasitos dos cães. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência da altura da pelagem de cães sobre as espécies de pulgas em diferentes meses do ano. Foram coletadas mensalmente, durante um ano, 10 a 15 pulgas em 14 cães de uma propriedade rural no município de Bagé, RS, Brasil. Os cães foram divididos em dois grupos: pelo curto e pelo longo, com 07 cães em cada grupo, com altura da pelagem inferior e superior a 5 cm, respectivamente. Coletou-se 2.057 pulgas, 1.541 (74,91%) C. felis e 516 (25,08%) P. irritans. O número de indivíduos de C. felis e de P. irritans foi influenciado significativamente, pelo comprimento do pelo dos animais e pelos diferentes meses do ano. Houve maior variação do número de indivíduos das duas espécies, durante os meses, em cães de pelos longos e a curva de aumento populacional acompanhou o aumento das temperaturas médias mensais. Os resultados são importantes para o melhor conhecimento de aspectos comportamentais de comunidades de pulgas em cães e para o planejamento de estratégias de controle desses parasitos.(AU)