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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(5): e20210894, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1404251


ABSTRACT: Pigs have difficulty in performing heat exchange and; therefore, it is important to consider the environmental factors that impact their productive performance. This study evaluated the effect of thermal comfort and photoperiod on the productive performance of sows during pregnancy and of nursery piglets. Zootechnical data were obtained from a commercial farm. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was used as the parameter to determine comfort or thermal stress of the sow. The parameters of the sows during pregnancy and nursery piglets were analyzed considering the criteria of comfort, stress, and four photoperiods. The correlation between photoperiod and THI was high and positive, which demonstrated the associated effect of these variables. More significant effects were observed under conditions of comfort and shorter photoperiods. In conclusion, thermal comfort and photoperiod influenced the parameters evaluated during pregnancy and in the nursery, and the strong association between THI and photoperiod suggested that environmental control favors productive parameters in commercial farms.

RESUMO: Os suínos são animais que apresentam dificuldade em realizar trocas de calor, por esse motivo é importante considerar os fatores ambientais que impactam seu desempenho produtivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do conforto térmico e do fotoperíodo, sobre o desempenho produtivo das porcas na gestação e leitões na maternidade. Os dados zootécnicos foram obtidos de uma granja comercial. O índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) foi utilizado como parâmetro para o conforto ou o estresse térmico da matriz. Foram analisados os parâmetros das fêmeas no período gestacional e dos leitões na maternidade, considerando os critérios de conforto, estresse e quatro faixas de fotoperíodos. A correlação entre o fotoperíodo e ITU foi alta e positiva, demonstrando efeito associado dessas variáveis. Foram observados mais efeitos significativos em situações de conforto e faixas de menor fotoperíodo. Em conclusão, o conforto térmico e o fotoperíodo influenciaram os parâmetros avaliados na gestação e na maternidade e a alta associação ITU e fotoperíodo sugere que o controle ambiental pode favorecer parâmetros produtivos em granjas comerciais.

Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210189, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436778


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of milking hygiene practices, herd size, water hardness, and temperature-humidity index (THI) on the physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of raw milk, and standard plate count (SPC) in milking machines of dairy farms in the central region of Mexico. Data were collected from fifty-three dairy farms during one year. The evaluated effects included milking hygiene conditions (good, medium, poor), herd size (1-50, 51-100, 101-150, ≥151 heads), water hardness (soft or moderately hard), and THI (comfortable or stressful). The increase in milking hygiene produced greater milk yield (MY) and energy corrected milk (ECM) but lower protein content, and decreased the individual bacterial count (IBC) and somatic cell count (SCC). The MY, ECM, protein content, IBC, and SCC were higher on bigger farms. The use of soft water reduced MY, IBC, and SCC, but improved fat, lactose, total solids (TS), and non-fat solids (NFS). Heat stress negatively affected fat, protein, TS, NFS, acidity, freezing point (FP), SCC, and methylene blue dye reduction test. Poor milking hygiene contributes to higher SPC in milking machine parts. Water hardness and THI did not affect SPC in all milking machine parts. Proper milking hygiene practices, larger herd size, softer water, lower THI, and adequate cleaning and disinfection of the milking machine parts benefits the physicochemical and microbiological quality of the milk.

Características da Água , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor , Leite , Fazendas
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(5): 1-7, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412924


Pigs have difficulty in performing heat exchange and; therefore, it is important to consider the environmental factors that impact their productive performance. This study evaluated the effect of thermal comfort and photoperiod on the productive performance of sows during pregnancy and of nursery piglets. Zootechnical data were obtained from a commercial farm. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was used as the parameter to determine comfort or thermal stress of the sow. The parameters of the sows during pregnancy and nursery piglets were analyzed considering the criteria of comfort, stress, and four photoperiods. The correlation between photoperiod and THI was high and positive, which demonstrated the associated effect of these variables. More significant effects were observed under conditions of comfort and shorter photoperiods. In conclusion, thermal comfort and photoperiod influenced the parameters evaluated during pregnancy and in the nursery, and the strong association between THI and photoperiod suggested that environmental control favors productive parameters in commercial farms.

Os suínos são animais que apresentam dificuldade em realizar trocas de calor, por esse motivo é importante considerar os fatores ambientais que impactam seu desempenho produtivo. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do conforto térmico e do fotoperíodo, sobre o desempenho produtivo das porcas na gestação e leitões na maternidade. Os dados zootécnicos foram obtidos de uma granja comercial. O índice de temperatura e umidade (ITU) foi utilizado como parâmetro para o conforto ou o estresse térmico da matriz. Foram analisados os parâmetros das fêmeas no período gestacional e dos leitões na maternidade, considerando os critérios de conforto, estresse e quatro faixas de fotoperíodos. A correlação entre o fotoperíodo e ITU foi alta e positiva, demonstrando efeito associado dessas variáveis. Foram observados mais efeitos significativos em situações de conforto e faixas de menor fotoperíodo. Em conclusão, o conforto térmico e o fotoperíodo influenciaram os parâmetros avaliados na gestação e na maternidade e a alta associação ITU e fotoperíodo sugere que o controle ambiental pode favorecer parâmetros produtivos em granjas comerciais.

Animais , Bovinos , Suínos , Gravidez , Fotoperíodo
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20220067, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1449865


The present study investigated whether the same temperature-humidity index (THI) values under different conditions of air temperature and relative humidity (RH) would affect the thermoregulatory, nutritional, and behavioral responses of laying hens. One hundred twenty Hy-Line Brown laying hens (60-weeks-old) were divided equally in two environmental chambers: 26 °C with 70% RH (hRH75) and 30 °C with 30% RH (hT75) for 28 days. The two ambient environments (hRH75 and hT75) had an identical THI value of 75, calculated using an empirical formula for laying hens. Neither hRH75 nor hT75 affected rectal and body-surface temperatures and heart and respiratory rates. The concentration of volatile fatty acids in fecal excreta were altered by the thermal treatments. hT75 vs. hRH75 decreased the proportion of acetate and increased the proportion of propionate in fecal samples. hT75 vs. hRH75 lowered the digestibility of dry matter, crude protein, and neutral detergent fiber at 14 days. Thermal treatments did not affect heat stress-associated behavioral responses including feeding, drinking, panting, and wing elevation at any stage. Laying hens exposed to the same THI at different temperatures and RH exhibit equal physiological responses including rectal and body-surface temperatures, heart and respiratory rates, and behavioral responses. Nonetheless, high-temperature treatment (hT75; 30 °C and 30% RH) vs. low temperature treatment (hRH75; 26 °C and 70% RH) affects nutrient digestibility and gut metabolites, suggesting that there are negligible but discernable responses to temperature in the gut physiology.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Temperatura , Nutrientes
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 73559P, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1430190


The objective of this study was to evaluate the seasonal effect of months of the year upon the physiological and productive responses of crossbred dairy cows raised in an Amazonian climate. Twenty lactating cows were evaluated, fed on Brachiaria decumbens pasture, with free access to water and mineral supplementation. Data from climate variables air temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), rainfall (RA) and temperature and humidity index (THI) were recorded dur ing the months of January to April 2019. The physiological data collected were: respiratory rate (RR, mov/min), heart rate (HR, beats/min), rectal temperature (RT, ºC), udder surface temperature (UST, ºC), body surface temperature (BST, ºC), dorsum surface temperature (DST, ºC), front surface temperature (FST, ºC) and rear shin temperature (RST). Milk production (MP) was also measured. There was a significant difference (P<0.05) of RST and RR with values ranging from 34.8 to 35.5°C and 32.0 to 36.2 mov/min, respectively. There were no significant difference (P>0.05) for BST, and the values for MP and THI were 3.8; 3.8; 4.6; 4.1 kg and 77.7; 79.7; 80.6; 80.1, respectively. It was concluded that there was a seasonal effect of the months of the year evaluated on the respiratory rate of animals, however, it did not change the MP and the THI. The Amazon environment is conducive to causing thermal stress in lactating cows raised on pasture, requiring the use of shading to facilitate the ability of these animals to dissipate heat.(AU)

O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos sazonais dos meses do ano sobre as respostas fisiológicas e produtivas de vacas leiteiras mestiças criadas em clima amazônico. Foram avaliadas 20 vacas lactantes, alimentadas com pasto de Brachiaria decumbens, com acesso livre a água e suplementação mineral. Foram registrados dados das variáveis climáticas temperatura do ar (TA), umidade relativa do ar (UR), precipitação pluviométrica (PP) e índice de temperatura e Umidade (ITU) durante os meses de janeiro a abril de 2019. Os dados fisiológicos coletados foram: frequência respiratória (FR, mov/min), frequência cardíaca (FC, bat./min), temperatura retal (TR, ºC), temperatura superficial do úbere (TSU, ºC), temperatura superfície corporal (TSC, ºC), temperatura superficial do dorso (TSD, ºC), temperatura superficial da fronte (TSF, ºC) e temperatura superficial da canela (TSCA, °C). Também foi mensurada a produção de leite (PL, kg). Houve diferença significativa (P<0,05) da TSCA e FR com valores variando de 34,8 a 35,5°C e 32,0 a 36,2 mov/min, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significativa (P>0,05) para TSC e os valores observados para PL e ITU foram 3,8; 3,8; 4,6; 4,1 kg e 77,7; 79,7; 80,6; 80,1, respectivamente. Houve efeito sazonal dos meses avaliados sobre a taxa respiratória dos animais, no entanto, isso não alterou a PL nem o ITU. O ambiente amazônico é propício a causar estresse térmico em vacas lactantes mantidas a pasto, sendo necessário o uso de sombreamento para facilitar a capacidade de dissipação de calor corporal desses animais.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Modalidades Fisiológicas , Estações do Ano , Pastagens , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Brachiaria
Sci. agric ; 80: e20220008, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1410176


The environment is vital to the agricultural sector since it can cause adversities throughout the entire productive chain. This study evaluated the geographical distribution of zebu breeds in Brazil and correlated their occurrence with environmental variables and the human development index. Herds of purebred zebu cattle (Bos indicus) in Brazil were classified as beef, dairy, and dual-purpose breeds, and all breeds were spatialized in the ArcGIS program. Environmental (precipitation, temperature, relative humidity index) and the human development index (HDI) were examined. We conducted regression and logistic analyses. Zebu cattle showed a lower distribution in the Northeastern states compared to other locations, possibly due to harsh weather conditions, namely long periods of high temperatures and lower precipitation, directly affecting local livestock. Beef breeds were evenly spread throughout the country in regions influenced by environmental variables of higher precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), temperature, relative humidity (RH), and temperature humidity index (THI), as well as properties without smallholder farmers and rivers and streams with riparian vegetation. The regions for dual-purpose and dairy breeds were predominantly cultivated with cutting forages (e.g., sugarcane - Saccharum officinarum), with the integration of crops, livestock and/or forestry (i.e., combining different activities in the same area) and areas with a rotational grazing system (i.e., grazing management), indicating a higher occupation in fertile lands. The Gir breed, the only dairy breed evaluated in this study, was seen in establishments with smallholder farmers, characterized by small to medium farms, and in regions at higher altitudes.

Animais , Bovinos , Estatística , Gado , Desenvolvimento Humano
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(2): eRBCA-2021-1553, abr. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368495


Heat stress compromises turkey's productivity and increase mortality mainly in the final stages of growth. This study evaluated the effect of perches and its interaction with outdoor access on turkey performance in high environment temperature humidity index (THI). Turkeys were reared in 1.75 × 5 m indoor floor pens and were fed with a standard commercial diet, offered ad libitum according to the productive phase. All poults were housed indoors until 62 d of age. A free-range area for a replicate of 8.75 m2, with natural shadow, was available from 07:00 to 19:00 h. Final density was 10.33 ± 0.22 kg/m2. The treatments were a combination of a factorial arrangement (2 × 2) with or without perches and, with or without access to the outdoors. From 10:00 and 19:00 THI was above critical level of comfort (heat stress). In indoors turkeys, feed intake (FI) decreased, and water intake increased, panting was observed, and had a significantly lower final body weight (BW) and FI than turkeys allowed outdoors (p<0.05). Perch availability decreased final BW and FI (p<0.05). Differences in weight of breast meat, wings, or thighs between treatments were negligible. In conclusion turkeys with outdoor access from 62 d of age had better performance.(AU)

Animais , Perus/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Peso Corporal
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(6): 1119-1126, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416304


This study aimed to evaluate the thermal conditions to which animals are exposed and their effect on the comfort/discomfort of dairy herds in a grazing system in the municipality of Sena Madureira, Acre State, Brazil. Eight farms and a total of 113 lactating crossbred cows were evaluated. Dry-bulb temperature (DBT, °C), relative humidity (RH, %), black globe temperature (BGT, °C), and wind speed (v, km h¹) were measured in January, February, and March (rainy season) to calculate temperature-humidity index (THI), black globe-humidity index (GTWBI), and radiant heat load (RHL). Moreover, the animals were measured for the physiological variables: rectal temperature (RT), heart rate (HR), and respiratory rate (RR). Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed for THI, GTWBI, and RHL. THI reached a mean value of 80 on farm G in January. Farm F had a GTWBI value of 79 in February. RHL reached the highest value (510 W m²). RT and HR showed no differences among the analyzed months. Thus, the environmental conditions in which dairy cows are housed at milking time rarely promoted thermal discomfort, with farm G being the most affected by THI.

Objetivou-se avaliar as condições térmicas a que os animais estão submetidos, seu efeito no conforto/desconforto de rebanhos leiteiros em sistema de pastejo, no município de Sena Madureira-Acre. Foram avaliadas oito propriedades e o total de 113 vacas mestiças em lactação. As medições ocorreram nos meses: janeiro, fevereiro e março (inverno amazônico), mensurando-se: temperatura do bulbo seco (TBS, °C), umidade relativa do ar (UR, %) e temperatura de globo negro (TGN, °C), velocidade do vento (v, km/h) para cálculos dos índices da temperatura e umidade (ITU), índice da temperatura de globo e umidade (ITGU) e carga térmica radiante (CTR), além da temperatura retal (TR), frequência cardíaca (FC), frequência respiratória (FR). Entre as propriedades analisadas, houve diferenças significativas (P<0,05) para ITU, ITGU e CTR. Destaca-se que o ITU na propriedade G, em janeiro, atingiu o valor médio de 80. A propriedade F, em fevereiro, teve valor de 79 para o ITGU. A CTR apresentou carga elevada (510 W.m³). A TR e a FC não apresentaram diferença entre os meses analisados. Concluiu-se que o ambiente ao qual as vacas leiteiras estão alojadas na hora da ordenha encontraram-se poucas vezes em situação de desconforto térmico, sendo a propriedade, a mais afetada pelo ITU.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Tempo (Meteorologia) , Bem-Estar do Animal , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/veterinária , Estações do Ano , Clima Tropical , Brasil
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 23: e71625, 2022. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384503


Environmental thermal comfort provides higher efficiency in the exploitation of dairy farming, as the responses of animals to the environment are decisive in the activity's success. This study aimed to evaluate heat stress in dairy cows in the municipality of Humaitá, located in the south of theAmazonas State (AM), Brazil.Air temperature (TA) and relative humidity (RH) data were used to calculate the temperature humidity index (THI) in the dry (August 2020) and rainy seasons (January 2021). The August data were collected at the automatic weather station belonging to the National Institute of Meteorology. The January data were collected by a Hobo® U23-001 thermo-hygrometer installed at Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida. The hourly and monthly means of the data were calculated and, subsequently, boxplots were plotted. TA and RH were 0.65 °C and 0.64% below the provisional climatological normal (PCN), respectively, for August, while January presented 0.77 °C and 3.61% above the PCN, respectively. THI values ranged from 56.25 (comfortable) to 84.68 (emergency) in August and 74.15 (comfortable) to 84.07 (emergency) in January. The maximum THI was observed in August, as well as the largest range. The results allow inferring that heat stress in dairy cows in the municipality of Humaitá-AM presents a state of alert even for cross-breed animals. Thus, the use of shading in pastures is suggested to minimize the effect of heat stress on the productive performance of the animals.(AU)

O conforto térmico ambiental proporciona uma maior eficiência na exploração da pecuária leiteira, pois as respostas do animal ao ambiente são determinantes no sucesso da atividade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estresse térmico em vacas leiteiras no município de Humaitá, localizado no sul do estado do Amazonas (AM), Brasil. Foram utilizados dados de temperatura do ar (TA) e umidade relativa do ar (UR) para cálculo do Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITU) na estação seca (agosto de 2020) e na estação chuvosa (janeiro de 2021). Para o mês de agosto os dados foram coletados na estação meteorológica automática pertencente ao Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia. Em janeiro os dados foram coletados com o Termo-higrômetro (Hobo®, modelo U23-001) instalado na Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida. As médias horárias e mensais dos dados foram feitas e, posteriormente, plotados gráficos boxplots. Os dados coletados para os meses do estudo apresentaram a TAe UR para o mês de agosto 0,65ºC e 0,64% abaixo da Normal Climatológica Provisória (NCP), respectivamente. Por outro lado, janeiro apresentou 0,77ºC e 3,61% acima da NCP, respectivamente. Os ITUs variaram entre 56,25 (confortável) e 84,68 (emergência), em agosto e de 74,15 (confortável) a 84,07 (emergência) em janeiro. O máximo ITU foi observado em agosto, bem como a maior amplitude. Baseados nos resultados encontrados pode-se aferir que o estresse térmico em vacas leiteiras no município de Humaitá-AM apresenta estado de alerta, mesmo para animais de raças cruzadas. Assim, sugere-se o uso de sombreamento nas pastagens para minimizar o efeito do estresse térmico no desempenho produtivo destes animais.(AU)

Animais , Temperatura , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Meio Ambiente , Ecossistema Amazônico
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 10(3): 2223, Jul. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1399771


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physiological adaptability of pregnant doe Kacang goats in a dryland area of Indonesia. Thirty pregnant doe Kacang goats aged 2-3 years were observed. The rearing system was semiintensive without giving concentrated feeds. Local grasses and legumes such as Leucaena leucocephala leaves, Gliricidia sepium leaves, Sesbania grandiflora leaves, and drinking water were offered ad libitum. Experimental data such as respiration rate, rectal temperature, adaptability coefficient, heart rate, and heat tolerance coefficient, were collected during 2-3 months of gestation. The mean and standard deviation were calculated using a descriptive analysis method. The average humidity in the morning and afternoon and the ambient temperature in the middle of the day were outside the normal range. The THI value indicates that the experimental animals are under medium heat stress. The average values of HTC, AC, RT, HR, and RR were still typical for goats. In conclusion, although the average ambient temperature at midday and humidity in the morning and afternoon were outside of the normal range, they did not cause any effects on feed and water intake, health, and fetus growth and development of pregnant doe Kacang goats. This happened because the Kacang goat is a local breed that can adapt well to extreme environments. Therefore, pregnant doe Kacang goats in Malaka District can be allowed to graze in the paddock throughout the day and housed at night.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Cabras/fisiologia , Zona Árida , Termotolerância , Umidade , Secas , Indonésia
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-10, 2022. ilus, graf
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416907


O coelho é uma das espécies mais sensíveis às condições do meio que vivem, sendo a temperatura e umidade os fatores que mais têm influência no seu ambiente. O objetivo com este trabalho foi avaliar a tosquia como alternativa para melhorar o conforto térmico e o desempenho produtivo de coelhos criados de forma intensiva em uma região de clima semiárido. Foram utilizados 26 coelhos mestiços, sadios e em fase de engorda, sendo divididos em gaiolas individuais em dois grupos: treze animais submetidos a tosquia (G1) e treze sem tosquia (G2). O conforto térmico foi avaliado todos os dias pelo cálculo de Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (ITH) e pela análise e comparação dos parâmetros: frequência respiratória (FR), temperatura retal (TR) e temperaturasuperficial (TS). A temperatura e umidade do ambiente foram verificadas em todos os dias do experimento, às 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 e 18:00 horas, com um termo-higrômetro. O desempenho dos animais foi avaliado pela pesagem nos dias 0, 10, 20 e 30 do experimento. Como resultado, a FR e TS apresentaram diferença estatística (P<0,05), o grupo dos animais tosquiados apresentou média inferior de FR (221,6 ± 15,4) em relação aos não tosquiados (240,2 ± 26,1). Em relação à TS, houve menores temperaturas nos animais tosquiados (33,8°C ± 0,3) quando comparados com os não tosquiados (35,0°C ± 0,2). Quanto à TR, ficou próximo de 39,5 ºC, inferindo assim que os mecanismos de regulação térmica interno dos animais conseguiram manter a homeotermia desejada. O ganho de peso obteve média de 771,4 gramas no grupo dos animais tosquiados, e 705,2 gramas no grupo dos não tosquiados. Em relação à TR e desempenho dos animais, não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (P > 0,05). De acordo com os dados obtidos, conclui-se que atosquia pode ser um meio de melhorar o conforto térmico de coelhos.(AU)

The rabbit is one of the most sensitive species to the conditions of the environment in which they live, with temperature and humidity being the factors that most influence their environment. The objective of this work was to evaluate shearing as an alternative to improve the thermal comfort and productive performance of rabbits raised intensively in a region with a semi-arid climate. Twenty-six mixed, healthy and fattening stage rabbits were used and divided into individual cages into two groups: thirteen animals submitted to shearing (G1) and thirteen without shearing (G2). Thermal comfort was evaluated every day by calculating the Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) and by analyzing and comparing the parameters: respiratory rate (RR), rectal temperature (RT) and superficial temperature (ST). The temperature and humidity of the environment were checked every day of the experiment, at 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00 hours, with a thermo-hygrometer. The performance of the animals was evaluated by weighingon 0, 10, 20 and 30 days of the experiment. As a result, the RR and ST showed a statistical difference (P<0.05), the group of sheared animals had a lower mean of RR (221.6 ± 15.4) in relation to the no sheared animals (240.2 ± 26.1). Regarding the ST, there were lower temperatures in the sheared animals (33.8°C ± 0.3) when compared to the no sheared animals (35.0°C ± 0.2). As for the RT was close to 39.5 ºC, inferring that the thermal regulation mechanisms of the animals managed to maintain the desired homeothermia. Weight gain averaged 771.4 grams in the sheared group, and 705.2 grams in the no sheared group. Regarding the RT and performance of the animals, no statistical differences were observed (P>0.05). According to the data obtained, it is concluded that shearing can improve the thermal comfort of rabbits.(AU)

El conejo es una de las especies más sensibles a las condiciones del medio en el que vive, siendo la temperatura y la humedad los factores que más influyen en su entorno. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la esquila como alternativapara mejorar el confort térmico y el desempeño productivo de conejos criados de forma intensiva en una región de clima semiárido. Se utilizaron 26 conejos mestizos, sanos y en fase de engorde, divididos en jaulas individuales en dos grupos: trece animalessometidos a esquila (G1) y trece sin esquila (G2). El confort térmico se evaluó diariamente mediante el cálculo del Índice de Temperatura y Humedad (ITH) y mediante el análisis y comparación de los parámetros: frecuencia respiratória (FR), temperatura rectal (TR) y temperatura superficial (TS). La temperatura y humedad del ambiente se verificado todos los días del experimento, a las 6:00, 9:00, 12:00, 15:00 y 18:00 horas, con un termohigrómetro. El rendimiento de los animales se evaluó mediante pesaje los días 0, 10, 20 y 30 del experimento. Como resultado, el FR y el TS mostraron diferencia estadística (P<0,05), el grupo de animales esquilados tuvo una media de FR más baja (221,6 ± 15,4) en relación a los animales no esquilados (240,2 ± 26,1). En cuanto a la TS, hubo temperaturas más bajas en los animales esquilados (33,8 °C ± 0,3) en comparación con los animales no esquilados (35,0 °C ± 0,2). En cuanto a la TR, fue cercana a los 39,5 ºC, infiriendo que los mecanismos internos de regulación térmica de los animales lograron mantener la homeotermia deseada. El aumento de peso promedió 771,4 gramos en el grupo esquilado y 705,2 gramos en el grupo no esquilado. En cuanto al TR y rendimiento de los animales, no se observaron diferencias estadísticas (P > 0,05). De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos, se concluye que las esquila puede ser un medio para mejorar el confort térmico de los conejos.(AU)

Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Pelo Animal/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 2140, out. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438399


Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus cattle subspecies present different capabilities in coping with situations of elevated temperatures, the latter being more tolerant to heat stress. Thus, some breeding programs crossed these subspecies to produce a high producing yet heat-tolerant breed (Girolando). Nineteen Holstein (H100) and 19 Girolando cows [(½ Holstein × Gir (H50) and ¾ Holstein × Gir (H75)] with similar milk production were used in a six-day experiment to evaluate the consequences of heat stress due to shade deprivation on their physiological, blood and milk traits. Cows were exposed to a non-shaded environment between morning (06:00h; GMT -3:00) and evening milking (14:30h; GMT -3:00) with access to water ad libitum. Procedures were conducted before morning and evening milkings. Physiological parameters related to mechanisms of heat dissipation were measured, as well as the milk composition. Blood traits were evaluated. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated. Statistical procedures included analysis of variance, correlation, and principal factors. THI was elevated during the trial and negatively impacted physiological, milk, and blood parameters in H100, H75, and H50. Alterations in physiology, milk stability, milk composition, and blood traits were more pronounced in H100. Holstein cows presented changes in physiological parameters in a more pronounced manner and in some milk and blood traits related to the reduced capability of this breed in dealing with elevated THI. The similarity in milk production levels excludes this parameter as a justification for differences in heat tolerance, with genetic composition being the main reason for these results.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Leite/fisiologia , Termotolerância/fisiologia , Temperatura
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1344689


Buffaloes are one of the important farm animals in the south of Iraq and play an essential economical role mainly acting as dairy, meat, and draft animals. This study intended to diagnose buffalo mycotic eye infections in Thi-Qar province/Iraq. Some 250 buffaloes in the herd of 3,700 animals suffered from eye infections from December 2017 to November 2018. Eye swabs were collected from each infected eye of the affected buffaloes of both sexes before treatment. The animals were in different age groups. All samples were transferred to the laboratory in transfer media, and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose (SDA) agar with and without 0.05 g/mL and 0.4 g/mL chloramphenicol and cycloheximide, respectively. Later, the agars were incubated at 25oC and 37oC. The total percentage of eye infection was (6.75%), constituting (49.2%) mycotic infections. The predominant clinical manifestations that appeared on the infected buffaloes were eye inflammation represented by congestion, lacrimation, the opacity of cornea and edema, and reduced productivity of the infected animals. Different fungal isolates were identified from the samples including Aspergillus fumigates, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Candida spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhodotorula spp., Mucor spp. and Rhizopus spp. Calves buffaloes below one-year-old were more prone to mycotic infection than one-year-old or more. Additionally, male buffaloes were more susceptible to infection than females. In conclusion, this study isolated various types of fungus from the inflamed eyes of buffaloes. Fungal eye infection and the potential risk factors for fungal keratitis in buffaloes were also investigated. The study also approved the rapid diagnosis of fungi by direct microscopic detection and culture. The author recommends future studies including large numbers of the buffalo herd in Iraq to determine the epidemiology of this condition in the country.(AU)

Os búfalos são um dos animais de fazenda mais importantes no sul do Iraque e desempenham um papel econômico essencial, atuando principalmente na produção de leite, carne e como animal de tração. Este estudo objetivou diagnosticar infecções oculares micóticas em búfalos na província de Thi-Qar, Iraque. 250 búfalos no rebanho de um total de 3700 animais apresentaram infecção ocular durante o período compreendido entre dezembro de 2017 e novembro de 2018. Os esfregaços oculares foram colhidos dos olhos infectados dos búfalos afetados de ambos os sexos antes do tratamento. Os animais estavam em diferentes faixas etárias. Todas as amostras foram transferidas para o laboratório por meio de transferência e cultivadas em Ágar Sabouraud e Dextrose (SDA) com e sem 0,05 g/mL e 0,4 g/mL de cloranfenicol e cicloheximida, respectivamente. Posteriormente, os ágares foram incubados a 25ºC e 37ºC. A porcentagem total de infecção ocular foi de 6,75%, representando 49,2% de infecção micótica. As manifestações clínicas predominantes nos búfalos infectados foram inflamação ocular com congestão, lacrimejamento, opacidade da córnea e edema. Os animais acometidos também apresentaram redução de produtividade. Diferentes isolados de fungos foram identificados a partir das amostras, incluindo Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Candida spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhodotorula spp., Mucour spp. e Rizopus spp. Búfalos com menos de um ano de idade foram mais propensos a infecções micóticas do que com um ano ou mais. Além disso, os búfalos machos foram mais suscetíveis a infecção do que as fêmeas. Em conclusão, este estudo registrou o isolamento de vários tipos de fungos em olhos inflamados de búfalos. Além disso, a infecção ocular por fungos e os fatores de risco potenciais para ceratite fúngica em búfalos também foram observados. O estudo também aprovou o diagnóstico rápido de fungos por detecção microscópica direta e cultura. O autor recomenda outro estudo futuro, incluindo um grande número de rebanhos de búfalos no Iraque para determinar a epidemiologia desta condição no país.(AU)

Animais , Aspergillus flavus , Búfalos/anatomia & histologia , Infecções Oculares Fúngicas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 2137, out. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438398


This study aimed to assess the impact of climatic variability on the growth performance of the Fogera cattle at Metekel Ranch. About 15-years of meteorological data were collected from National Meteorological Agency. Then, the heat stress (HS) condition of the ranch location was calculated by the temperature-humidity index (THI). Moreover, all animals born and calves that were weaned from 2005 to 2019 were included in this study. Seasons and years of birth were fitted as predictors, while growth parameters were fitted as response variables. Data were analyzed by least-squares means analysis of variance using R software version 3.5.2 program. Moreover, a multiple linear regression model was also used. The trends in BW and WW of calves were significantly decreasing along the study period. The result also indicated that the relative humidity and ambient temperature regression coefficient was negative for BW and WW. The Pearson correlation coefficient also indicated there was a negative relationship between growth parameters and climatic variables. When THI increases from 67 to 72, the BW and WW of the calves were decreased by 3.5 and 25 kg, respectively. However, the optimum THI for higher BW and WW was less than or equal to 67. The lower BW and WW of calves observed in this study is due to the cumulative effect of the climate conditions of the study area and herd management practices. Therefore, in any improvement to be made in the ranch, environmental factors should be considered along with necessary amelioration activities.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Mudança Climática , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia , Gado/fisiologia , Estações do Ano , Desmame , Etiópia
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 58: e180221, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764812


Buffaloes are one of the important farm animals in the south of Iraq and play an essential economical role mainly acting as dairy, meat, and draft animals. This study intended to diagnose buffalo mycotic eye infections in Thi-Qar province/Iraq. Some 250 buffaloes in the herd of 3,700 animals suffered from eye infections from December 2017 to November 2018. Eye swabs were collected from each infected eye of the affected buffaloes of both sexes before treatment. The animals were in different age groups. All samples were transferred to the laboratory in transfer media, and cultured on Sabouraud dextrose (SDA) agar with and without 0.05 g/mL and 0.4 g/mL chloramphenicol and cycloheximide, respectively. Later, the agars were incubated at 25oC and 37oC. The total percentage of eye infection was (6.75%), constituting (49.2%) mycotic infections. The predominant clinical manifestations that appeared on the infected buffaloes were eye inflammation represented by congestion, lacrimation, the opacity of cornea and edema, and reduced productivity of the infected animals. Different fungal isolates were identified from the samples including Aspergillus fumigates, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Candida spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhodotorula spp., Mucor spp. and Rhizopus spp. Calves buffaloes below one-year-old were more prone to mycotic infection than one-year-old or more. Additionally, male buffaloes were more susceptible to infection than females. In conclusion, this study isolated various types of fungus from the inflamed eyes of buffaloes. Fungal eye infection and the potential risk factors for fungal keratitis in buffaloes were also investigated. The study also approved the rapid diagnosis of fungi by direct microscopic detection and culture. The author recommends future studies including large numbers of the buffalo herd in Iraq to determine the epidemiology of this condition in the country.(AU)

Os búfalos são um dos animais de fazenda mais importantes no sul do Iraque e desempenham um papel econômico essencial, atuando principalmente na produção de leite, carne e como animal de tração. Este estudo objetivou diagnosticar infecções oculares micóticas em búfalos na província de Thi-Qar, Iraque. 250 búfalos no rebanho de um total de 3700 animais apresentaram infecção ocular durante o período compreendido entre dezembro de 2017 e novembro de 2018. Os esfregaços oculares foram colhidos dos olhos infectados dos búfalos afetados de ambos os sexos antes do tratamento. Os animais estavam em diferentes faixas etárias. Todas as amostras foram transferidas para o laboratório por meio de transferência e cultivadas em Ágar Sabouraud e Dextrose (SDA) com e sem 0,05 g/mL e 0,4 g/mL de cloranfenicol e cicloheximida, respectivamente. Posteriormente, os ágares foram incubados a 25ºC e 37ºC. A porcentagem total de infecção ocular foi de 6,75%, representando 49,2% de infecção micótica. As manifestações clínicas predominantes nos búfalos infectados foram inflamação ocular com congestão, lacrimejamento, opacidade da córnea e edema. Os animais acometidos também apresentaram redução de produtividade. Diferentes isolados de fungos foram identificados a partir das amostras, incluindo Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Penicillium spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Candida spp., Cladosporium spp., Rhodotorula spp., Mucour spp. e Rizopus spp. Búfalos com menos de um ano de idade foram mais propensos a infecções micóticas do que com um ano ou mais. Além disso, os búfalos machos foram mais suscetíveis a infecção do que as fêmeas. Em conclusão, este estudo registrou o isolamento de vários tipos de fungos em olhos inflamados de búfalos. Além disso, a infecção ocular por fungos e os fatores de risco potenciais para ceratite fúngica em búfalos também foram observados. O estudo também aprovou o diagnóstico rápido de fungos por detecção microscópica direta e cultura. O autor recomenda outro estudo futuro, incluindo um grande número de rebanhos de búfalos no Iraque para determinar a epidemiologia desta condição no país.(AU)

Animais , Aspergillus flavus , Búfalos/anatomia & histologia , Infecções Oculares Fúngicas
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 1-8, out. 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484371


Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus cattle subspecies present different capabilities in coping with situations of elevated temperatures, the latter being more tolerant to heat stress. Thus, some breeding programs crossed these subspecies to produce a high producing yet heat-tolerant breed (Girolando). Nineteen Holstein (H100) and 19 Girolando cows [(½ Holstein × Gir (H50) and ¾ Holstein × Gir (H75)] with similar milk production were used in a six-day experiment to evaluate the consequences of heat stress due to shade deprivation on their physiological, blood and milk traits. Cows were exposed to a non-shaded environment between morning (06:00h; GMT -3:00) and evening milking (14:30h; GMT -3:00) with access to water ad libitum. Procedures were conducted before morning and evening milkings. Physiological parameters related to mechanisms of heat dissipation were measured, as well as the milk composition. Blood traits were evaluated. The temperature-humidity index (THI) was calculated. Statistical procedures included analysis of variance, correlation, and principal factors. THI was elevated during the trial and negatively impacted physiological, milk, and blood parameters in H100, H75, and H50. Alterations in physiology, milk stability, milk composition, and blood traits were more pronounced in H100. Holstein cows presented changes in physiological parameters in a more pronounced manner and in some milk and blood traits related to the reduced capability of this breed in dealing with elevated THI. The similarity in milk production levels excludes this parameter as a justification for differences in heat tolerance, with genetic composition being the main reason for these results.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Bovinos/sangue , Leite , Temperatura Alta/efeitos adversos
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 1-10, out. 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484370


This study aimed to assess the impact of climatic variability on the growth performance of the Fogera cattle at Metekel cattle breeding and multiplication ranch. About 15-years of meteorological data were collected from National Meteorological Agency. Then, the heat stress (HS) condition of the ranch location was calculated by the temperature humidity index (THI). Moreover, all animals born and calves that were weaned from 2005 to 2019 were included in this study. Seasons and years of birth were fitted as predictors, while growth parameters were fitted as response variables. Data were analyzed by least-squares means analysis of variance using R software version 3.5.2 program. Moreover, a multiple linear regression model was also used. The trends in birth weight (BW) and weaning weight (WW) of calves were significantly decreasing along the study period. The result also indicated that the relative humidity and ambient temperature regression coefficient was negative for BW and WW. The Pearson correlation coefficient also indicated there was a negative relationship between growth parameters and climatic variables. When THI increases from 67 to 72, the BW and WW of the calves were decreased by 3.5 and 25 kg, respectively. However, the optimum THI for higher BW and WW was less than or equal to 67. The lower BW and WW of calves observed in this study is due to the cumulative effect of the climate conditions of the study area and herd management practices. Therefore, in any improvement to be made in the ranch, environmental factors should be considered along with necessary amelioration activities.

Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bovinos/fisiologia , Efeitos do Clima/análise , Mudança Climática/estatística & dados numéricos , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/fisiologia
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol ; 9(4): 2132, out. 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1438384


The present study aimed to analyze large volumes of tympanic temperature (TT) data to identify its use as a physiological indicator of climatic conditions and its relationship with milk production in grazing cows under tropical lowland conditions. Three dairy farms and 21 multiparous early lactation cows were included in the study. Seven animals were equipped with tympanic temperature wireless sensors within each farm, and permanent information was collected hourly for 22 days on average. Ambient temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), precipitation (PP), and THI information were obtained from meteorological stations located close to each farm. Statistical analyses included Spearman correlations and random coefficient regression models (P < 0.05). TT presented moderate and significant correlations with AT (0.35 to 0.49), SR (0.25 to 0.32), THI (0.35 to 0.49), and RH (-0.35 to -0.49). Climatic variables like AT, PP, SR, and WS were the most contributing factors to TT prediction (R2 =0.42 to 0.86). Grazing dairy cows in tropical scenarios accumulate heat during the day and dissipate it at nighttime, although higher producing animals deal with more problems to reach thermal homeostasis. Correlations between TT and daily milk production varied according to animal yield; however, higher TT values were related to the most productive cows. The effect of TT on milk production prediction was not conclusive among farms, possibly by animal management or others characteristics of the systems. TT determination through remote sensors allows a reliable diagnosis of the physiological temperature response to climatic conditions.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Rampa do Tímpano/fisiologia , Temperatura Corporal/efeitos da radiação , Bovinos/fisiologia , Processos Climáticos , Pastagens
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(02): 1-8, Apr. 2021. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763909


Sheep and goat production takes place under unsuitable climate conditions, where animals are more susceptible to high temperatures. The objectives of this study were to determine, i) whether sexual behavior of photo-stimulated bucks varies through 24 h/day in March and April and, ii) whether the environmental temperature and the relative humidity affect their expression. Six bucks were submitted to artificial long days (16 h light and 8 h darkness per day/2.5 months). Bucks were exposed to ovariectomized females once a week during the non-breeding period and sexual behavior was recorded for 15 min at 2 h intervals along 24 h/day. The environmental temperature, relative humidity, temperature-humidity index (THI), and body temperature were recorded in each behavior test. Plasma testosterone, sexual behavior, environmental temperature, relative humidity, and body temperature were analyzed using Generalized Estimation Equations. Plasma testosterone showed a significant difference over the experimental period (P < 0.001). The highest frequency of nudging and anogenital sniffing was at 08:00 h (P < 0.001); flehmen and penis unsheathed were variable (P < 0.001). The highest environmental temperature and the lowest relative humidity were registered from 14:00 to 18:00 h (P < 0.001). The highest body temperature was at 18:00 h and the lowest was at 06:00 h (P < 0.001). The highest THI >77 was recorded at 16:00 h. In conclusion, photo-stimulated bucks showed a variation of sexual behavior through 24 h/day exposed to ovariectomized females, and these sexual activities were affected by the high environmental temperature and the low relative humidity throughout the study.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Ruminantes/metabolismo , Comportamento Sexual Animal/efeitos da radiação , Aclimatação/efeitos da radiação
J. Anim. Behav. Biometeorol. ; 09(03): 1-8, July 2021. tab, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33516


Comfort index and environmental variables are indicators of thermal stress conditions inside a livestock facility.The environmental conditions of ten different constructive typologies of swine-production facilities with natural ventilation were characterized in a tropical country (Antioquia, Colombia). Temperature and humidity index (THI), enthalpy (H), animal surface temperature (ST), light intensity, and noise level were measured and computed for each typology, which were located at heights above sea levels between 8:00-23:00. Data was analyzed as a function of each typology, geographical altitude, and time of the day. It was employed descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, and contour maps to analyze the data. It was found that more than 80% of the typologies presented moderate or critical stress conditions associated with the construction typology, not suitable THI and light intensity values, especially in warm and mild-mild climates. Showing high special variability inside the facilities. New typological designs and bioclimatic conditioning for swine facilities need to be studied to be implemented in these climatic conditions.(AU)

Animais , Suínos/metabolismo , Suínos/fisiologia , Resposta ao Choque Térmico/efeitos da radiação