Background: Portosystemic shunt (PSS), an alteration commonly found in toy dogs, is caused by an anastomosis between the systemic and portal circulation, interfering with the metabolism of several toxins. It can be of congenital or acquired origin and is classified as intra- or extrahepatic. Clinical signs include the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and urinary system according to the fraction of the shunt. It is diagnosed by several imaging tests and exploratory laparotomy. Therapy involves drug therapy and/or surgical correction of the anomalous vessels. Thus, the aim is to present an unusual case of extrahepatic cPSS originating from the left gastric vein and insertion into the azygos vein. Case: A 2-year-old female toy poodle, spayed, weighing 2.7 kg was treated with a history of recurrent cystitis and neurological signs such as focal seizures, ataxia, tremors, blindness, lethargy, head pressing, and compulsive gait. Complementary tests revealed normochromic microcytic anemia, neutrophilia-induced leukocytosis, monocytosis, and lymphopenia. Biochemical analysis revealed hypoproteinemia due to hypoglobulinemia, an increase in alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase, and a decrease in urea. In the urinalysis, ammonium biurate crystals were detected, and Doppler ultrasound revealed microhepathy and the presence of an anomalous gastrosplenic vein inserted into the azygos vein, a finding compatible with the congenital extrahepatic PSS. Abdominal tomography confirmed vascular deviation with a sinuous path originating from the left gastric and splenic veins, inserting into the azygos vein, measuring approximately 5.95 cm in length. Cranial tomography revealed changes consistent with hepatic encephalopathy. Drug therapy was performed with hydration, liver chow, lactulose, probiotics, metronidazole, S-adenosyl-L-methionine, and ursodeoxycholic acid, and after 15 days, surgery was performed to place a 3.5 mm ameroid constrictor ring for gradual occlusion of the anomalous vessel. The animal recovered well, and a control abdominal ultrasound was repeated 30 days after the procedure, noting that the constrictor had not yet fully occluded the deviation. Doppler imaging revealed a favorable evolution with an increase in the diameter of the portal vein in the hepatopetal direction. The patient was followed-up for a year and had a normal and healthy life. Discussion: Extrahepatic PSS is frequently diagnosed in purebred and toy dogs, commonly occurring between the portal vein and one of its tributaries, with a lower frequency of anomalous vessels between the azygos veins, as in the present report. The patient's age and clinical signs were compatible with the disease, in addition to ammonia biurate crystals and hematological and biochemical alterations. The neurological clinical signs observed were compatible with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to congenital PSS. The imaging examinations facilitated the identification of the extrahepatic vascular anomaly, with the tomography being more accurate and helping in proper surgical planning. Clinical treatment should be performed for presurgical stabilization, and occlusion can be performed by placing cellophane bands or an ameroid constrictor, which is the technique of choice for congenital PSS, as it allows for slow constriction to avoid acute portal hypertension, as in this case, emphasizing that anesthesia in animals with portosystemic shunts must be performed with care.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Veia Ázigos/cirurgia , Derivação Portossistêmica Cirúrgica/veterinária , Ductos Biliares Extra-Hepáticos , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Bovine cutaneous angiomatosis (BCA) is a rare condition characterized by vasoproliferative skin lesions mainly affecting cattle in the northern hemisphere. An eight-month-old Holstein heifer showed two skin easy-bleeding nodules bulging from the epidermis in the forehead and close to the right prescapular region. Skin lesions were within the dermis and had an irregular surface and a soft heterogeneous reddish parenchyma composed of numerous variable-sized arterioles, veins, and capillaries surrounded by abundant collagenous fibrous tissue. Immunohistochemical assays evidenced endothelial cells lining proliferative vascular structure immunolabeled for CD31 and Von Willebrand factor, and vascular smooth muscle cells immunostained for smooth muscle actin. All clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical features observed in the Holstein heifer were hallmarks of BCA. Considering its potential for hereditary spread, BCA must be included in the differential diagnosis of easily bleeding skin nodules that do not respond to routine topical wound treatments to prevent its spread in Brazilian herds.
RESUMO: A angiomatose cutânea bovina (ACB) é uma condição rara caracterizada por lesões vasoproliferativas na pele que afetam principalmente bovinos do hemisfério norte. Uma novilha Holandesa de oito meses de idade apresentou dois nódulos cutâneos protuberantes na epiderme, que apresentavam fácil sangramento localizados na fronte e próximo à região pré-escapular direita. As lesões cutâneas dérmicas tinham uma superfície irregular e um parênquima avermelhado heterogêneo macio composto por numerosas arteríolas, veias e capilares de tamanho variável circundadas por tecido fibroso colagenoso abundante. O exame imuno-histoquímico evidenciou células endoteliais revestindo a estrutura vascular proliferativa imunomarcadas para CD31 e fator de Von Willebrand, e células vasculares de músculo liso imunomarcadas para actina de músculo liso. Todas as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas observadas na novilha Holandesa foram características da ACB. Considerando seu potencial de disseminação hereditária, a ACB deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial dos nódulos cutâneos de fácil sangramento que não respondem aos tratamentos tópicos de rotina para evitar sua disseminação nos rebanhos brasileiros.
The present study aimed to assess the influence of physiological exposure to erythrocyte indices; the morphometric parameters of the size of erythrocytes, as well as synergistic effects on the erythrocyte spectrum changes in various species being reared in different strip-wasteland conditions. We collected samples from 400 animals from the jugular veins and made 2000 blood smears, sample blood was taken by an expert veterinary doctor and transferred into an EDTA vacutainer. Blood smears were stained through the Pappenheim procedure and slides were photomicrographed under 100x objective. The parameters of morphometry of erythrocytes were largest in cattle after buffalo, sheep, while goats have the lowest one. The influence of age was significant p<0.05. The influence of sex was not significant in Cattle p<0.01, values of a parameter of erythrocytes were higher in young than in adults in sheep, goats, cattle, and buffalo. The size of erythrocytes in males was higher than females in sheep, goat, and buffalo but in cattle values of female erythrocytes were higher than in males. Further, gender, altitude, and age have a profound influence on the morphometric attributes of erythrocytes. It will be helpful in interpreting etiopathogenetic conditions in human beings and other animals.
O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da exposição fisiológica nos índices eritrocitários; os parâmetros morfométricos do tamanho dos eritrócitos, bem como os efeitos sinérgicos sobre as alterações do espectro eritrocitário em várias espécies criadas em diferentes condições de terreno baldio. Coletamos amostras de 400 animais das veias jugulares e fizemos 2.000 esfregaços de sangue, a amostra de sangue foi colhida por um médico veterinário especialista e transferida para um vacutainer de EDTA. Esfregaços de sangue foram corados pelo procedimento de Pappenheim e as lâminas foram fotomicrografadas sob objetiva de 100x. Os parâmetros de morfometria dos eritrócitos foram maiores em bovinos após bubalinos, ovinos, enquanto os caprinos apresentaram os menores. A influência da idade foi significativa p<0,05. A influência do sexo não foi significativa em Bovinos p<0,01, os valores de um parâmetro de eritrócitos foram maiores em jovens do que em adultos em ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e bubalinos. O tamanho dos eritrócitos nos machos foi maior que nas fêmeas em ovinos, caprinos e búfalos, mas em bovinos os valores de eritrócitos femininos foram maiores do que nos machos. Além disso, sexo, altitude e idade têm uma profunda influência nos atributos morfométricos dos eritrócitos. Será útil na interpretação de condições etiopatogenéticas em seres humanos e outros animais.
Animais , Sexo , Eritrócitos , Altitude , Criação de Animais DomésticosResumo
Bovine cutaneous angiomatosis (BCA) is a rare condition characterized by vasoproliferative skin lesions mainly affecting cattle in the northern hemisphere. An eight-month-old Holstein heifer showed two skin easy-bleeding nodules bulging from the epidermis in the forehead and close to the right prescapular region. Skin lesions were within the dermis and had an irregular surface and a soft heterogeneous reddish parenchyma composed of numerous variable-sized arterioles, veins, and capillaries surrounded by abundant collagenous fibrous tissue. Immunohistochemical assays evidenced endothelial cells lining proliferative vascular structure immunolabeled for CD31 and Von Willebrand factor, and vascular smooth muscle cells immunostained for smooth muscle actin. All clinical, pathological, and immunohistochemical features observed in the Holstein heifer were hallmarks of BCA. Considering its potential for hereditary spread, BCA must be included in the differential diagnosis of easily bleeding skin nodules that do not respond to routine topical wound treatments to prevent its spread in Brazilian herds.
A angiomatose cutânea bovina (ACB) é uma condição rara caracterizada por lesões vasoproliferativas na pele que afetam principalmente bovinos do hemisfério norte. Uma novilha Holandesa de oito meses de idade apresentou dois nódulos cutâneos protuberantes na epiderme, que apresentavam fácil sangramento localizados na fronte e próximo à região pré-escapular direita. As lesões cutâneas dérmicas tinham uma superfície irregular e um parênquima avermelhado heterogêneo macio composto por numerosas arteríolas, veias e capilares de tamanho variável circundadas por tecido fibroso colagenoso abundante. O exame imuno-histoquímico evidenciou células endoteliais revestindo a estrutura vascular proliferativa imunomarcadas para CD31 e fator de Von Willebrand, e células vasculares de músculo liso imunomarcadas para actina de músculo liso. Todas as características clínicas, patológicas e imuno-histoquímicas observadas na novilha Holandesa foram características da ACB. Considerando seu potencial de disseminação hereditária, a ACB deve ser incluída no diagnóstico diferencial dos nódulos cutâneos de fácil sangramento que não respondem aos tratamentos tópicos de rotina para evitar sua disseminação nos rebanhos brasileiros.
Animais , Bovinos , Pele/lesões , Dermatopatias/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Angiomatose/veterináriaResumo
Abstract Background: Eastern Russell's viper (Daboia siamensis) is one of the most medically significant snakes responsible for the development of acute renal failure. However, variation of the clinical picture and renal pathophysiology following bites by young and adult D. siamensis have not been elucidated. Methods: In this study, we analyzed the venomic profiles of D. siamensis at different maturation stages of juvenile, subadult and adult groups. The same pooled venom from each group was subjected to enzymatic, electrophoretic and proteomic analysis, including sublethal toxicity (0.1 mg/kg iv.) examined on bodily functions by comparing the venom compositional and functional profiles among venom specimens from juvenile, subadult and adult D. siamensis by correlating them with the renal pathophysiology in experimental rabbits. Results: The comparative studies revealed that juvenile venom possessed higher phospholipase A2 , metalloproteinase and serine proteinase levels, while subadult and adult venoms contained more L-amino acid oxidase, phosphodiesterase, the Kunitz-type serine protease inhibitor, disintegrin families and endothelial growth factor. An in vivo study revealed that the adult and subadult venoms caused persistent hypotension and bradycardia, while thrombocytopenia was a more characteristic effect of juvenile venom. All venom age groups showed significant reductions in renal hemodynamics and electrolyte excretions. The juvenile venom caused a higher tubulonephrosis lesion score than adult and subadult venoms. Conclusions: The D. siamensis venom shows an ontogenetic shift in its compositions and activities. Renal function alterations after envenomation depend on either the synergistic actions of different venom components or the disproportionate expression between the concentrations of enzymatic and non-enzymatic proteins in each age venom group. The high proportion of enzymatic toxin proteins in the juvenile venom results in greater nephrotoxicity.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos/fisiologia , Veias Renais/fisiopatologia , Venenos de Víboras/químicaResumo
Bradypus variegatus, the common sloth, belongs to the Bradypodidae family, being considered a biological model to be applied in multidisciplinary research. This study was developed with the aim of being applied to clinical medicine and to the adequate management of the common sloth. Ten sloths were utilized, obtained post-natural death. The animals were fixed and to obtain the results, they were submitted to the dissection technique. For 80% of the animals, the portal vein originated from five tributaries, which were: the resulting vein from the anastomosis of the cardia vein, fundic vein, and the pyloric branches; the mesenteric trunk; the vein formed by the confluence of the stomach body branches and the cranial portion of the cavity of the cardia; the pyloric vein and splenic vein. While in 20% of the animals, the portal vein was comprised of six tributaries, because the fundic vein and cardia vein form two direct anastomoses, arriving at the portal vein two tributary vessels. This pattern differs in number and arrangement of branches when compared to the main domestic species. Therefore, the hepatic portal system is responsible for the drainage of the stomach, spleen, pancreas and intestines.
Bradypus variegatus, a preguiça-comum, pertence à família Bradypodidae, sendo considerada um modelo biológico a ser aplicado em pesquisas multidisciplinares. Este estudo foi desenvolvido a fim de ser aplicado à clínica médica e ao manejo adequado da preguiça-comum. Foram utilizadas 10 preguiças, obtidas após morte natural. Os animais foram fixados e, para a obtenção dos resultados, submeteram-se à técnica de dissecação. Em 80% das observações, a veia porta originou-se a partir de cinco tributárias, são elas: a veia resultante da anastomose da veia cárdia, da veia fúndica e dos ramos pilóricos; o tronco mesentérico; a veia formada a partir da confluência de ramos do corpo estomacal e da porção cranial da cavidade cárdica; a veia pilórica e a veia esplênica. Enquanto em 20% dos animais a veia porta é constituída por seis tributárias, a veia fúndica e a veia cárdica formam duas anastomoses diretas, chegando à veia porta dois vasos tributários. Esse padrão difere em número e em disposição dos ramos, quando comparado ao das principais espécies domésticas. Portanto, o sistema porta hepático é responsável pela drenagem do estômago, do baço, do pâncreas e dos intestinos.
Animais , Feminino , Sistema Porta/anatomia & histologia , Bichos-Preguiça/anatomia & histologia , Veias/anatomia & histologia , Circulação HepáticaResumo
The holotype of the Neurostigma xanthopterum New, 1980 is here illustrated based on photographs. We also describe and illustrate a previously unknown female individual that is assigned to this species. New records for five localities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, one in the Brazilian state of Acre and another in the Brazilian state of Amapá, are presented. The mouthparts of both sexes are here describe and illustrate. Thirteen types of variation and anomalies in the fore-hindwing veins were found. We found unique patterns in the number and shape of transverse veins in the pterostigma between individuals. We also identified a large variation in the denticles present in the lacinia. Therefore, we suggest these variable characteristics (fore-hindwing veins and lacinia denticles) are not to be used for the diagnosis of species of this genus. A revised diagnosis of N. Xanthopterum is also presented.(AU)
Animais , Processos de Determinação Sexual/fisiologia , Insetos/anatomia & histologia , Insetos/classificação , Brasil , BiodiversidadeResumo
Nasua nasua is a carnivore belonging to the family Procyonidae and is widely distributed throughout South America. The details of its anatomy are fundamental to the application of antomy and understanding of its natural history. This study aimed to measure the average length, width, thickness, and volume of the kidneys; the average length of the renal artery and vein, and to describe the renal and vessel skeletopy in Nasua nasua. For this purpose, 32 kidneys and renal vessels of 16 cadaveric specimens (eight male and eight female) were dissected and measured using a digital caliper. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated between the rostrum-sacral length and the renal and vessel variables. The kidneys had a "bean-shaped" aspect with smooth surfaces and were unipapilate. On average, the N. nasua kidneys measured 30 × 16 × 13 mm, with no significant difference between the sexes. The average right renal artery (1.74 ± 0.67 cm) was longer than the left (1.26 ± 0.43 cm), and the right renal vein (1.22 ± 0.34 cm) was shorter than the left renal vein (1.82 ± 0.46 cm) (p < 0.05). One male animal (6.8%) presented with a double right renal vein as an anatomical variation. Both the right and left kidney cranial poles prevailed at the level of the L2 vertebra, assuming a practically symmetrical position. There was a positive and moderate to high correlation between rostrum-sacral length and renal dimensions and renal vessel lengths. The present data may be useful for interpreting the diagnosis of nephropathies that affect renal dimensions in this species and may contribute to the comparative anatomy of carnivorans.(AU)
Nasua nasua é um carnívoro da família Procyonidae amplamente distribuído pela América do Sul. Detalhes de sua anatomia são fundamentais para a anatomia aplicada e o entendimento de sua história natural. Objetivou-se determinar a média do comprimento, largura, espessura e volume elipsoide dos rins, a média do comprimento das artérias e veias renais e revelar a esqueletopia dos rins e vasos renais em N. nasua. Para este propósito, 32 rins e os vasos renais de 16 espécimes cadavéricos (oito machos e oito fêmeas) foram dissecados e mensurados com um paquímetro digital. Os coeficientes de correlação linear de Pearson foram calculados entre o comprimento rostro-sacral e as variáveis dos rins e seus vasos. Os rins apresentaram formato de "feijão" e superfícies lisas e são unipapilados. Na média, os rins de N. nasua mediram 30x16x13 mm, sem diferença significativa entre antímeros ou sexos. O comprimento médio da artéria renal direita (1,74 ± 0,67 cm) foi maior que o da esquerda (1,26 ± 0,43 cm); o comprimento da veia renal direita (1,22 ± 0,34 cm) foi menor que o da esquerda (1,82 ± 0,46 cm) (p < 0,05). Em um macho (6,8%), foi identificada uma veia renal direita dupla como variação anatômica. Os polos craniais dos rins direito e esquerdo prevaleceram ao nível da vértebra L2, assumindo praticamente uma posição simétrica. Houve uma correlação positiva, moderada a elevada, entre o comprimento rostro-sacral com as dimensões renais e com o comprimento dos vasos renais. Os dados do presente estudo poderão vir a ser aplicados na interpretação do diagnóstico de nefropatias que cursam com alterações nas dimensões renais bem como contribuir no campo da anatomia comparada de carnívoros.(AU)
Animais , Veias Renais , Procyonidae/anatomia & histologia , Rim , Nefropatias , NefrologiaResumo
Purpose: To compare the effect of vein conduit filled with adipose tissue stem cells (ASC) on peripheral nerve injury regeneration. Methods: We analyzed 30 male Wistar rats surgically submitted to a 5-mm gap on the sciatic nerve. Then, the animals were divided into three groups: nerve autografting (AG, n=10), autogenous inverted glycerol-conserved vein (VG, n=10), and autogenous inverted glycerol-conserved vein + ASC (VASCG, n=10). The study endpoints were neuromotor functional analysis, gastrocnemius muscle weight, and sciatic nerve graft histomorphometry analysis. In the histologic analysis, we added a control group (naïve nerve). Results: Regarding functional analysis (Walking tract- score), the findings at week 3 showed a difference between the AG and the VG (-96.6 vs. -59.6, p=0.01, respectively) and between the VG and the inverted vein + VASCG (-59.9 vs. -88.92, p=0.02). At week 12, this study showed a difference between the AG and the VG (-64.8 vs. -47.3, p=0.004, respectively), and also a difference between the VG and the VASCG (-47.3 vs. -57.4, p=0.02, respectively). There was no difference in the histomorphometry analysis (nerve diameter, Schwann cells counting). The gastrocnemius muscles on the intervention side were more atrophic when compared to the gastrocnemius muscles on the control side. Conclusions: Our results suggested better functional recovery in the inverted vein group when compared to control group, and inverted vein + ASC group.
Animais , Ratos , Regeneração , Nervo Isquiático , Ratos Wistar , MicrocirurgiaResumo
Background: The species Dasyprocta prymnolopha is a wild rodent with a geographic distribution that extends from Mexico to South America, including Brazil. Agouti has been the subject of morphophysiological research, but data on the cardiovascular system remains limited. Therefore, the objective was to describe the macroscopic and microscopic morphology, including the study of the cardiac and coronary system syntopy of the species D. prymnolopha. Materials, Methods & Results: Twelve Dasyprocta primnolopha adults were used, 6 males and 6 females. Topographic analysis of the heart was evaluated in situ, with subsequent measurement, anatomovascular description and macroscopic study of cardiac and coronary vascularization. A microscopic investigation and identification of structural cardiac aspects were also carried out in adult agoutis, the biological samples of the heart were submitted to histological techniques and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin and Masson's Trichrome. The heart is located between the end of the 2nd and the beginning of the 5th intercostal space, with the apex reaching the 6th space. It presents the presence of 2 ligaments: phrenopericardium and sternopericardium. The right atrioventricular valve is composed of 2 cusps, the parietal and the septal, with variations within the same species for 3 cusps. Projections that interconnect the papillary muscles with each other were observed. In the left ventricle there are variations in the number of papillary muscles (range 2 to 4). In the region of the aortic valve, 5 ostia were observed in the left aortic sinus in all animals. The coronary circulation has a predominantly left distribution. Histologically, the heart consists of 3 main layers: endocardium, myocardium, and epicardium. The cusp valves of the atrioventricular openings are composed of endocardial folds that contain a central plate of dense connective tissue, and inserted in this cardiac musculature was observed the cardiac skeleton, with its fibrous ring consisting of collagen and elastic fibers that surrounds the atrioventricular opening. Discussion: Cardiac assessment in wild animals is challenging, as in-depth knowledge of the morphology of the cardiovascular system is required for the use of diagnostic tools. In this first anatomical study of the heart, this organ presents syntopy with those of other rodents, but the topography may vary in individuals of the same species, which may be related to the accentuated vertebral curve. The phrenopericardial and sternopericardial ligaments were observed in this research, although there are no reports in other species of Dasyprocta sp. The arrangement of the arteries has, as a particularity, the larger left atrium in relation to the heart/atrium size ratio when compared to other domestic species, covering the left coronary sinus until it reaches the left atrial surface. In the agouti, it was observed that the vascularization is left, with the left coronary artery giving rise to both the paraconal and subsinuous interventricular branch, a fact found in animals such as ruminants, dogs. In the histological observations of the present study, the heart was similar to that of other mammals. Our data reveal morphological characteristics similar to those of other mammals, but with very expressive characteristics that differ even within the species. It is important to generate new information to elucidate cardiac and coronary diagnostic analyses, which can be extended to different species.
Animais , Sistema Cardiovascular/anatomia & histologia , Vasos Coronários/anatomia & histologia , Dasyproctidae/anatomia & histologia , Amarelo de Eosina-(YS) , Técnicas de Imagem Cardíaca/veterináriaResumo
Physalis is an herbaceous species native to the Andes region. Currently, it is cultivated in various Brazilian states due to the economic interest of growers for this new fruit. Physalis plants grown in the field showed symptoms of shoot proliferation, leaf malformation, and chlorosis. Since these symptoms are commonly induced by phytoplasmas, this study investigated to confirm the presence of these prokaryotes in symptomatic plants. After DNA extraction from symptomatic and asymptomatic plants, phytoplasmas were found in all affected plants through the nested PCR. Examination by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using appropriately prepared segments of leaf veins allowed the visualization of typical pleomorphic cells of phytoplasmas in the phloem of symptomatic plants. The computer-simulated RFLP patterns and the phylogenetic analysis allowed identifying the detected phytoplasmas as a 'Candidatus Phytoplasma fraxini'-related strain belonging to the 16SrVII-B subgroup. Moreover, physalis was identified as an additional host species for phytoplasmas in the 16SrVII group, expanding the current knowledge on the host range of phytoplasmas in this group.
Physalis/microbiologia , Floema/microbiologia , Doenças por Fitoplasmas/genética , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Microscopia Eletrônica de TransmissãoResumo
ABSTRACT The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, has caused significant damage to vineyards in the valley of the São Francisco River in Brazil. Neoseiulus idaeus Denmark & Muma is one of the most abundant species of predatory mites on vines in this region. This study evaluated the population growth rates of T. urticae on leaves of two grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars (Italia and Superior Seedless) and jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.] and, also, to estimate the predation rates of the pest mite by N. idaeus on leaves of both grape cultivars and jack bean. A higher oviposition rate of T. urticae was observed on Superior Seedless than on Italia grape leaves; however, there was no significant difference in the instantaneous growth rates of T. urticae for these grape cultivars. For Superior Seedless, the spider mite egg viability was significantly lower than on Italia grape, indicating a resistance factor in this grape cultivar. The phytoseiid N. idaeus preyed higher number of T. urticae females on Superior Seedless leaves than on Italia grape and jack bean leaves for the densities of 10 and 20 pest mites per leaf arena (9 cm2). Evaluations of leaf trichomes in both grape cultivars indicated the occurrence of longer trichomes on the basal portion of the main veins of Superior Seedless leaves. The presence of these longer trichomes may be associated with the better performance of N. idaeus on Superior Seedless leaves.
Background: Thrombophlebitis represents the main disease of the cardiovascular system of horses, its occurrence is strongly associated with the use of inappropriate materials and techniques. Its clinical presentation varies according to the degree of vessel obstruction and the appearance of complications, in the diagnosis it is essential to assess the extent of damage and the severity of the case. Establishing appropriate treatments, it should be noted that these are mostly clinical, reserving surgical interventions for severe cases, so the aim of the study is report a case of hemorrhagic septic thrombophlebitis treated by partial phlebectomy of the left jugular vein. Case: A 9-year-old male castrated equine, with no defined racial pattern, weighing 345 kg, used in the practice of vaquejada was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos (PB). During the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal presented colic a month ago, it was treated, recovered and since then, it started presenting an area with increase in volume in the neck region that ruptured the day before the HV attendance, where blood and pus came from. On physical exam, slight edema was noted in the left masseteric region, a volume rise involving the middle and cranial third of the neck with firm consistency in the left jugular sulcus, sensitivity to palpation and little drainage of purulent bloody secretion was observed. Additionally, tachycardia, tachypnea and intestinal hypomotility were found. In turn, in the ultrasound exam, a hypoechoic structure was seen, causing partial obstruction of the vessel, proximal to the fistulated region and total obstruction distal to it. With this information, antibiotic therapy was prescribed, a warm compress followed by the use of anti-inflammatory gel every 8 h. By choice of the owner, the animal returned to the farm, in the next day returned to the Veterinary Hospital, due to...
Masculino , Animais , Cavalos , Flebotomia/veterinária , Tromboflebite/veterinária , Trombose/veterinária , Veias Jugulares , Sistema Cardiovascular/patologiaResumo
The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, has caused significant damage to vineyards in the valley of the São Francisco River in Brazil. Neoseiulus idaeus Denmark & Muma is one of the most abundant species of predatory mites on vines in this region. This study evaluated the population growth rates of T. urticae on leaves of two grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivars ('Italia' and 'Superior Seedless') and jack bean [Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC.] and, also, to estimate the predation rates of the pest mite by N. idaeus on leaves of both grape cultivars and jack bean. A higher oviposition rate of T. urticae was observed on 'Superior Seedless' than on 'Italia' grape leaves; however, there was no significant difference in the instantaneous growth rates of T. urticae for these grape cultivars. For 'Superior Seedless', the spider mite egg viability was significantly lower than on 'Italia' grape, indicating a resistance factor in this grape cultivar. The phytoseiid N. idaeus preyed higher number of T. urticae females on 'Superior Seedless' leaves than on 'Italia' grape and jack bean leaves for the densities of 10 and 20 pest mites per leaf arena (9 cm2). Evaluations of leaf trichomes in both grape cultivars indicated the occurrence of longer trichomes on the basal portion of the main veins of 'Superior Seedless' leaves. The presence of these longer trichomes may be associated with the better performance of N. idaeus on 'Superior Seedless' leaves.
Controle de Ácaros e Carrapatos , Vitis , Oviposição , Comportamento Predatório , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Infestações por ÁcarosResumo
Leptospira spp. and Brucella abortus are bacterial pathogens that can infect humans and animals. The present study aimed to detect anti-Leptospira and anti-B. abortus antibodies and verified the presence of factors associated with seropositivity in cats. One hundred and eighty serum samples were collected from domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) from the urban area of the municipality of Araguaína-Tocantins by phlebocentesis of the cephalic and jugular veins. The samples were subjected to detection of anti-Leptospira and anti-B.abortus antibodies, respectively, by microscopic seroagglutination and buffered acidified antigen testing, followed by confirmation by the 2-mercaptoethanol test and slow seroagglutination in tubes. Data from the epidemiological questionnaire (the age, sex, origin, breed, and presence of clinical signs) were analyzed using Epi Info® software with seropositivity data found to search for associated factors using the chi-square test. In the present study, the prevalence of Leptospira spp. was 5.56% (10/180). However, no sample was reactive to B. abortus. None of the studied variables were associated with seropositivity for the pathogens evaluated. Therefore, there is contact between Leptospira spp. and the feline population of the municipality, indicating the possibility of the circulation of pathogenic serovars and that the presence of anti-Leptospira antibodies does not depend on the variables analyzed.
Leptospira spp. e Brucella abortus são patógenos bacterianos que podem infectar humanos e animais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar anticorpos anti-Leptospira e anti-B.abortus e verificar a presença de fatores associados com a soropositividade em gatos. Foram coletadas 180 amostras de soro de gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus) da zona urbana do município de Araguaína-Tocantins por flebocentese das veias cefálica e jugular. As amostras foram submetidas à detecção de anticorpos anti-Leptospira e anti-B. abortus, respectivamente, por soroaglutinação microscópica e teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado, seguido de confirmação pelo teste de 2-mercaptoetanol e soroaglutinação lenta em tubos. Os dados do questionário epidemiológico (idade, sexo, procedência, raça e presença de sinais clínicos) foram analisados no software Epi Info® com os dados de soropositividade encontrados para pesquisa de fatores associados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No presente estudo, a prevalência de Leptospira spp. foi de 5,56% (10/180). No entanto, nenhuma amostra foi reativa para B. abortus. Nenhuma das variáveis estudadas foi associada com a soropositividade para os patógenos avaliados. Portanto, há contato entre Leptospiraspp. e a população felina do município, indicando a possibilidade de circulação de sorovares patogênicos e que a presença de anticorpos anti-Leptospira independe das variáveis analisadas.
Animais , Gatos , Brucelose/veterinária , Gatos/imunologia , Leptospira , Anticorpos Antibacterianos , Brucella , Estudos SoroepidemiológicosResumo
Leptospira spp. and Brucella abortus are bacterial pathogens that can infect humans and animals. The present study aimed to detect anti-Leptospira and anti-B. abortus antibodies and verified the presence of factors associated with seropositivity in cats. One hundred and eighty serum samples were collected from domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) from the urban area of the municipality of Araguaína-Tocantins by phlebocentesis of the cephalic and jugular veins. The samples were subjected to detection of anti-Leptospira and anti-B.abortus antibodies, respectively, by microscopic seroagglutination and buffered acidified antigen testing, followed by confirmation by the 2-mercaptoethanol test and slow seroagglutination in tubes. Data from the epidemiological questionnaire (the age, sex, origin, breed, and presence of clinical signs) were analyzed using Epi Info® software with seropositivity data found to search for associated factors using the chi-square test. In the present study, the prevalence of Leptospira spp. was 5.56% (10/180). However, no sample was reactive to B. abortus. None of the studied variables were associated with seropositivity for the pathogens evaluated. Therefore, there is contact between Leptospira spp. and the feline population of the municipality, indicating the possibility of the circulation of pathogenic serovars and that the presence of anti-Leptospira antibodies does not depend on the variables analyzed.(AU)
Leptospira spp. e Brucella abortus são patógenos bacterianos que podem infectar humanos e animais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo detectar anticorpos anti-Leptospira e anti-B.abortus e verificar a presença de fatores associados com a soropositividade em gatos. Foram coletadas 180 amostras de soro de gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus) da zona urbana do município de Araguaína-Tocantins por flebocentese das veias cefálica e jugular. As amostras foram submetidas à detecção de anticorpos anti-Leptospira e anti-B. abortus, respectivamente, por soroaglutinação microscópica e teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado, seguido de confirmação pelo teste de 2-mercaptoetanol e soroaglutinação lenta em tubos. Os dados do questionário epidemiológico (idade, sexo, procedência, raça e presença de sinais clínicos) foram analisados no software Epi Info® com os dados de soropositividade encontrados para pesquisa de fatores associados pelo teste do qui-quadrado. No presente estudo, a prevalência de Leptospira spp. foi de 5,56% (10/180). No entanto, nenhuma amostra foi reativa para B. abortus. Nenhuma das variáveis estudadas foi associada com a soropositividade para os patógenos avaliados. Portanto, há contato entre Leptospiraspp. e a população felina do município, indicando a possibilidade de circulação de sorovares patogênicos e que a presença de anticorpos anti-Leptospira independe das variáveis analisadas.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Anticorpos/análise , Leptospira/imunologia , Brucella abortus/imunologia , Gatos/microbiologia , Leptospirose/diagnóstico , Brucelose/diagnósticoResumo
Background: The most frequent hepatic circulatory abnormality in dogs is the portosystemic shunt, characterized by an atypical deviation of the hepatic blood flow, that causes the blood that should be drained by the liver through the portal vein to be diverted to another systemic vein, as a result of the presence of the anomalous vessel. This diversion leads to reduced hepatic blood flow and, consequently, organ dysfunction, along with the accumulation of many toxins in the circulation, for instance, ammonia and short-chain fatty acids. The main objective of this paper is to Report the clinical case of a canine female diagnosed with an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt and submitted to surgical treatment using an ameroid constrictor ring in the obstruction of the anomalous vessel. Case: A canine Shih-Tzu, at the age of 1 year and 8 months, was brought to the Veterinary Hospital presenting a history of emesis and smaller body structure than other animals from the same litter. The animal had been diagnosed with portosystemic shunt at age 1 month, by means of complementary biochemistry, ultrasonography and computed tomography examinations. The latter identified the anomalous vessel, which originated from the left gastric vein and was inserted into the azygos vein in the portohepatic region. During the surgical intervention, after median pre-retro-umbilical celiotomy, a calibrous vessel was identified, coming out of the junction of two splenic veins and a gastric vein that penetrated the diaphragm and connected to the azygos vein in the thorax before flowing into the vena cava
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Circulação Hepática , Veia Esplênica/anormalidades , Veia Ázigos/anormalidades , Falência Hepática/veterináriaResumo
Background: The most frequent hepatic circulatory abnormality in dogs is the portosystemic shunt, characterized by an atypical deviation of the hepatic blood flow, that causes the blood that should be drained by the liver through the portal vein to be diverted to another systemic vein, as a result of the presence of the anomalous vessel. This diversion leads to reduced hepatic blood flow and, consequently, organ dysfunction, along with the accumulation of many toxins in the circulation, for instance, ammonia and short-chain fatty acids. The main objective of this paper is to Report the clinical case of a canine female diagnosed with an extrahepatic portosystemic shunt and submitted to surgical treatment using an ameroid constrictor ring in the obstruction of the anomalous vessel. Case: A canine Shih-Tzu, at the age of 1 year and 8 months, was brought to the Veterinary Hospital presenting a history of emesis and smaller body structure than other animals from the same litter. The animal had been diagnosed with portosystemic shunt at age 1 month, by means of complementary biochemistry, ultrasonography and computed tomography examinations. The latter identified the anomalous vessel, which originated from the left gastric vein and was inserted into the azygos vein in the portohepatic region. During the surgical intervention, after median pre-retro-umbilical celiotomy, a calibrous vessel was identified, coming out of the junction of two splenic veins and a gastric vein that penetrated the diaphragm and connected to the azygos vein in the thorax before flowing into the vena cava (AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Circulação Hepática , Veia Esplênica/anormalidades , Veia Ázigos/anormalidades , Falência Hepática/veterináriaResumo
Background: The abdominal lipomas are benign tumors of hyperplastic growth that originate from mesenteric adiposetissue, most commonly in the small intestine. Pedunculated lipoma strangulation occurs when the pedicle wraps aroundan intestinal loop and its mesentery, obstructing the intestinal lumen and blood supply of the affected segment. The aim ofthe present study is to report a case of a Criollo mare presenting a strangulating obstruction of the jejunum and ileum bya pedunculated lipoma, focusing the discussion in the causes and epidemiology of this alteration.Case: A 24-year-old Criollo mare with a body condition score 8 out of 9 was referred to the Veterinary Clinical Hospitalof the Federal University of Pelotas (HCV-UFPel) presenting acute abdominal pain. At the hospital, the mare was presenting mild signs of abdominal discomfort. At the initial clinical exam, the mare had an increased heart and respiratory rates,normal body temperature, hyperemic mucous membranes, capillary refil time of 3 s and absent gut sounds in all fourquadrants during auscultation. Mild dehydration was present, increased fibrinogen and serum lactate. Rectal palpationrevealed distention of the small intestine by gas, during abdominal ultrassonography the small intestinal wall thicknesswas increased Peritoneal lactate was 11 mmol/L and protein was 6 mg/dL. Due to the clinical findings during the exam, anexploratory celiotomy was performed. Necrosis of the final third of jejunum and the entire extension of ileum was found.Examining the compromised intestinal portion, it was observed a linear structure strangulating two segments of the smallintestine. Taking into account the extensive area of irreversible necrosis and the advanced age of the patient, euthanasiawas performed. The mare was then referred for necropsy and findings confirmed...
Feminino , Animais , Cavalos , Lipoma/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/complicações , Obstrução Intestinal/veterinária , Veias Mesentéricas/patologia , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/veterinária , Transtornos do Metabolismo dos Lipídeos/veterináriaResumo
Background: The abdominal lipomas are benign tumors of hyperplastic growth that originate from mesenteric adiposetissue, most commonly in the small intestine. Pedunculated lipoma strangulation occurs when the pedicle wraps aroundan intestinal loop and its mesentery, obstructing the intestinal lumen and blood supply of the affected segment. The aim ofthe present study is to report a case of a Criollo mare presenting a strangulating obstruction of the jejunum and ileum bya pedunculated lipoma, focusing the discussion in the causes and epidemiology of this alteration.Case: A 24-year-old Criollo mare with a body condition score 8 out of 9 was referred to the Veterinary Clinical Hospitalof the Federal University of Pelotas (HCV-UFPel) presenting acute abdominal pain. At the hospital, the mare was presenting mild signs of abdominal discomfort. At the initial clinical exam, the mare had an increased heart and respiratory rates,normal body temperature, hyperemic mucous membranes, capillary refil time of 3 s and absent gut sounds in all fourquadrants during auscultation. Mild dehydration was present, increased fibrinogen and serum lactate. Rectal palpationrevealed distention of the small intestine by gas, during abdominal ultrassonography the small intestinal wall thicknesswas increased Peritoneal lactate was 11 mmol/L and protein was 6 mg/dL. Due to the clinical findings during the exam, anexploratory celiotomy was performed. Necrosis of the final third of jejunum and the entire extension of ileum was found.Examining the compromised intestinal portion, it was observed a linear structure strangulating two segments of the smallintestine. Taking into account the extensive area of irreversible necrosis and the advanced age of the patient, euthanasiawas performed. The mare was then referred for necropsy and findings confirmed...(AU)