Growth pattern is essential for economically efficient poultry production. In this study, we aimed to describe the growth curve of chickens of the Canela-Preta breed reared in two different rearing systems, considering their different plumage colors. Initially, 204 one-day-old male and female chicks were randomly distributed in confinement and semi-confinement (102 animals in each system) without separation by gender. The animals were individually identified by wing and foot plastic brands and were weighted every seven days. The body weight and age records were used to estimate the growth curves of the following factors using the Richards model: plumage color, gender, and rearing system. The likelihood ratio test was used to verify the equality of parameters and identify nonlinear models to compare the growth patterns of the evaluated groups. The growth pattern of Canela-Preta chickens changed as a function of gender, plumage color, and rearing system. Females with black plumage, black and gold hens, and males with black and white plumage showed greater sensitivity to changes in rearing systems. Within-breed selection strategies for specific colors can improve the use of growth pattern differences, improving production efficiency. Semi-confinement is suitable for rearing Canela-Preta chickens with any plumage color, as these animals meet the free-range poultry niche market requirements.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Plumas/fisiologia , Dinâmica não LinearResumo
This study aimed to perform a strategic diagnosis on a property specialized in breeding, rearing and finishing beef cattle in the southern region of Piauí. It was conducted at Agropecuária Alvorada, located in the countryside, municipality of Bom Jesus, PI, Brazil. The farm develops the full cycle of beef cattle production, which is divided into breeding, rearing and finishing. A SWOT analysis (which stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) was carried out, consisting of an assessment of the property's internal and external environments. To evaluate the internal environment, an interview was held for data collection by means of questionnaires. The evaluation included: breeding management, sanitary management, nutritional management, infrastructure, workforce, technologies used in pasture formation, conservation and recovery, pasture management and zootechnical indices. To analyze the external environment, a group of people (experts) with deep knowledge of the subject addressed during the study was used as source of information. A matrix was generated with all the information from the SWOT analysis, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, culminating with the establishment of strategies to increase the productive efficiency of the cattle raising activity.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos/fisiologia , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Brasil , PastagensResumo
The objective of this study was to describe the growth curve of Brazilian Creole chickens of the Canela-Preta breed raised in two different rearing systems using non-linear growth models. A total of 400 birds were divided into two groups of 200 animals (of both genders), which were kept in confined or semi-confined systems. The confined birds were housed in an experimental masonry shed and the semi-confined animals were housed in another shed with access to pasture from 29 days of age. Birds were individually weighed every seven days during six months for determination of the growth curves of body weight using 10 non-linear models. The parameters of the models were estimated using the Gauss Newton method. The performance of the models was assessed using mean squared error (MSE), coefficient of determination (R2), percentage of convergence, and residual mean absolute deviation (MAD). With the exception of the Inverse Polynomial, all the other models had R2 values close to one. Therefore, the best models were chosen based on the lowest MSE and MAD values, with the Richards model ranking first followed by the Von Bertalanffy model. Gender and rearing system effects significantly influenced (p<0.05) some parameters of the Richards model. In conclusion, the Richards model was the most adequate to describe the growth of Canela-Preta chickens. Gender and rearing system significantly influenced the growth of the birds. The growth rates observed indicated that management strategies can be performed to increase the production efficiency of Canela-Preta chickens.(AU)
Animais , Peso Corporal/fisiologia , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Dinâmica não LinearResumo
This study aims to evaluate the residual effect of different lipid sources in the diet of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica) in the rearing phase on the performance and egg quality in the initial phase of egg-laying. In the first stage, 400 Japanese quails aged 21 days were used, being distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, with five treatments and ten replicates of eight birds/replicate Treatments consisted of basal ration (BR) with 2.5% soybean oil; BR with 2.5% corn oil; BR with 2.5% cottonseed oil; BR with 2.5% sunflower oil; and BR with 2.5% canola oil.At 42 days, maintaining the initial design, all quails received a basal ration with soybean oil, in order to evaluate the residual effect of the previous phase on the performance and egg quality in the initial phase of egg-laying (43 - 84 days). The different lipid sources did not affect the performance of quails in the initial phase of production. For egg quality, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, gravity, and Haugh unit (HU) showed better results in the treatment using sunflower oil. There was a residual effect of the use of lipid sources of vegetable origin in the rearing phase diet of Japanese quails on egg quality traits. Lipid sources from soybean, corn, cottonseed, canola, and sunflower seeds can be used as energy sources in the rearing diet of egg-laying quails for not being harmful to their initial performance. The longevity in egg production of quails fed with different lipid sources in the rearing phase was similar.
A pesquisa foi conduzida com objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual de diferentes fontes lipídicas na dieta de codornas japonesas (Coturnix japonica) na fase de recria sob o desempenho e a qualidade de ovos na fase inicial de postura. Na primeira etapa foram utilizadas 400 codornas japonesas com idade de 21 dias, as aves foram distribuídas em tratamentos seguindo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dez repetições, de oito aves, em cinco tratamentos: ração basal (RB) com 2,5% de óleo de soja, RB com 2,5 % de óleo de milho, RB com 2,5% de óleo algodão, RB com 2,5% de óleo de girassol e RB com 2,5% de óleo de canola. Aos 42 dias mantendo o delineamento inicial, todas aves receberam ração basal com óleo de soja, para que fosse avaliado o efeito residual da fase anterior sobre o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos na fase inicial de postura (43 - 84 dias). As diferentes fontes lipídicas não afetaram o desempenho das aves na fase inicial de produção. Para a qualidade dos ovos, os parâmetros de altura, diâmetro e índice de gema, gravidade e UH foram melhores no tratamento com utilização de óleo de girassol. Houve efeito residual da utilização de fontes lipídicas de origem vegetal na dieta em fase de recria de codornas japonesas sobre as características da qualidade dos ovos. As fontes lipídicas oriundas das sementes de soja, milho, algodão, canola e girassol podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes energéticos na dieta de recria de codornas poedeiras por não serem prejudiciais ao desempenho inicial das aves. A longevidade na produção dos ovos das aves alimentadas com diferentes fontes lipídicas na fase de recria foi semelhante.
Animais , Oviposição/fisiologia , Óleos de Plantas/administração & dosagem , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps versus incandescent/tungsten (Inc) bulbs on broiler breeder hens' productive performance during the brooding and rearing periods (25 weeks), as well as the first 15 weeks of production. A total of 46600 one-day-old Arbor Acres Plus breeder chicks were placed in eight enclosed houses and randomly/evenly divided into two groups (four houses for each group): birds raised under yellow LED lighting, and birds raised under orange Inc lighting. Several traits have been studied to determine productive performance, including body weight at different ages, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, uniformity, age and weight at sexual maturity, egg number, egg production rate, egg number per bird, egg weight, and egg mass. According to the findings, using LED lighting instead of Inc lighting during the rearing period resulted in a significant improvement in all studied traits, and this positive effect continued until the production period, yielding excellent results for all studied production traits. LED lighting proved to be an effective source of lighting in broiler breeders' houses.(AU)
Animais , Iluminação/métodos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Overexpression of abnormal behavior among captive primates indicates poor management practices. The type, frequency, and contributing factors of abnormal behaviors vary highly across individual animals in captive settings. This study explored if sex, rearing history, the number of visitors, and type of visitor-monkey interactions affected the behaviors of captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) housed at the Central Zoo in Kathmandu, Nepal. Behavioral observations of six adult rhesus macaques (ages 412 years; two were rescued from the wild, and four were born in the zoo) were conducted using the focal animal sampling method. Observations were collected daily in two conditions (7:0010:00 AM, without visitors present; and 10:00 AM1:00 PM, with visitors present). During the visitor presence condition, instantaneous scan sampling also was implemented every 10 minutes to record the number of visitors and the type of visitor-monkey interaction. Resting, feeding and grooming were the most prevalent activities, and abnormal behavior ranked fifth throughout the observation period. Significant differences were observed in abnormal or stress-related behavior by sex and rearing history: females engaged in abnormal behavior more than the males, and rescued monkeys engaged in more abnormal behavior than the captive born. Abnormal behavior decreased, begging behavior increased as the number of zoo visitors and the extent of visitor-monkey interaction increased. We conclude that captive rhesus macaques respond to zoo visitors as a source of enrichment, and visitors' presence helps decrease abnormal or stress-related behavior levels.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Macaca mulatta , Animais de Zoológico , NepalResumo
This study evaluated the behavior of broiler chickens subjected to thermal stress during different periods of the day and age of birds. A total of 180 one-day-old male broiler chicks were allocated to three chambers. Each chamber contained five boxes, with 12 chicks/box. Birds were assigned to a completely randomized design. The birds were filmed, and the images recorded every minute during the two periods: morning (from 08:00 to 09:00 h) and afternoon (from 17:00 to 18:00 h), at 7, 14, and 35 d of age. The frequency of the behavioral category (water intake, feed intake, resting, exploration, and comfort) was determined. Data were subjected to variance analysis for mixed models with rearing temperatures (cold, usual, and hot) and age of birds (7, 14, and 35 d) as subdivided plot, and periods of the day (morning and afternoon) as sub-subdivided plot. Birds at cold and usual temperatures showed higher feed intake than those at hot temperature in the morning. Birds exposed to cold and usual temperatures explored the environment less frequently at 35 d when compared with 14 d. However, chickens at hot temperature showed decreased exploration according to the increase of age. Birds spent more time feeding during the morning, regardless of age and rearing temperature. Also, during this period of the day, chickens spent most of the time exploring the environment. The frequency of feed intake and exploration decreases with the increase of age. The similarity of behavior between chickens reared at cold and usual temperatures may be due to a change in the thermal comfort zone of the birds. It suggests that the real thermal comfort temperature is between the two temperature ranges studied (cold and usual).
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas , Resposta ao Choque Térmico , Transtornos de Estresse por CalorResumo
Abstract Biofloc technology is much highlighted these days because of its tremendous effects on aquaculture. Microbes were enriched on cheapest organic carbon source i. e., powdered banana peels and were incorporated in different aquaria rearing grass carp fingerlings under different C/N treatments (10:1, 15:1 and 20:1) and 10% water daily water exchange. The initial growth of fingerlings was recorded. The experiment was settled in triplicates for 60 days and run parallel to control group provided with commercial feed and daily water exchange. Its effect was evaluated by measuring the growth of fingerlings and water parameters of each aquarium. The average % gain in weight and length of fingerlings was obtained significantly highest (28.12 ± 0.30g and 17.29 ± 0.46cm respectively) in aquaria containing pure powdered banana peels with 10% water exchange and C/N ratio was adjusted at 20: 1 (T3) than other treatments and control. Ammonia and other water parameters were also under control in T3 than other experimental and control groups. By all counts, it was concluded that the highest C/N ratio in biofloc system had the potential to increment C. idella growth rate by reducing toxicity and could be used as fish meal substitute.
Resumo A tecnologia Biofloc é muito destacada hoje em dia por causa de seus tremendos efeitos na aquicultura. Os micróbios foram enriquecidos com a fonte de carbono orgânico mais barata, i. e., cascas de banana em pó, e foram incorporadas em diferentes aquários de criação de alevinos de carpa-capim sob diferentes tratamentos C/N (10: 1, 15: 1 e 20: 1) e 10% de troca diária de água. O crescimento inicial dos alevinos foi registrado. O experimento foi resolvido em triplicatas por 60 dias e executado paralelamente ao grupo controle fornecido com ração comercial e troca diária de água. Seu efeito foi avaliado medindo o crescimento dos alevinos e os parâmetros da água de cada aquário. O% de ganho médio em peso e comprimento dos alevinos foi obtido significativamente mais alto (28,12 ± 0,30g e 17,29 ± 0,46 cm respectivamente) em aquários contendo cascas de banana em pó puro com 10% de troca de água e a relação C/N foi ajustada em 20: 1 (T3) do que outros tratamentos e controle. A amônia e outros parâmetros da água também estavam sob controle no T3 mais do que nos outros grupos experimentais e de controle. Por todas as contagens, concluiu-se que a maior razão C/N no sistema de bioflocos tem o potencial de incrementar a taxa de crescimento de C. idella reduzindo a toxicidade e pode ser usada como substituto da farinha de peixe.
The present study was undertaken in order to evaluate the growth performances and meat quality of three indigenous chickens phenotypes reared under extensive conditions in the region of Chlef in Algeria. A week after hatching, 3 random groups of 35 chicks from each phenotype; normal plumage free-range chicken (NPFRC), crested free-range chicken (CFRC) and naked neck free-range chicken (NNFRC) were chosen and reared in free-range conditions for 18 weeks. The highest growth performance was shown by the crested free-range chicken (CFRC). In terms of meat quality, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that crested phenotype (CFRC) showed the best nutritional qualities especially proteins and moisture. The discriminant analysis revealed that CFRC and NNFRC were better in terms of tenderness and overall acceptability. As consequence of these very interesting qualities, these local breeds should be considered for extensive production in order to provide a good quality meat, while assuring their preservation.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/genética , Carne/análise , Fenótipo , Valor NutritivoResumo
ABSTRACT: Glanders is a contagious zoonotic infectious disease characterized by an acute or chronic condition that mainly affects equids and is caused by Burkholderia (B.) mallei. From January 2005 to December 2017, 697 farms with positive cases of this disease were registered in Brazil, with the Northeast region accounting for 61.4% (428/697) of the total number of cases. This study conducted an epidemiological study of B. mallei infections that occurred in farms in the states of Pernambuco, Paraíba, Ceará and Alagoas. For this purpose, investigative questionnaires were applied to six farms where there were outbreaks of glanders and 11 farms where there were no reports of glanders between 2017 and 2021, and statistical analysis of the factors associated with the occurrence of glanders in Northeastern Brazil was performed. Factors such as the purpose of rearing (P = 0.023), lack of information on disease transmission modes (P = 0.034), failure to carry out periodic tests for glanders diagnosis (P = 0,029), no request for glanders tests prior to the purchase of new animals periodic tests for glanders diagnosis (P = 0.029), not requiring a negative test for glanders in the acquisition of animals (P = 0.06), use of extensive breeding systems(P = 0.027), and poor stall hygiene were associated with disease occurrence (P = 0.001). Understanding the factors related to the occurrence of glanders in the Northeast Region of Brazil helps to establish management measures that minimize bacteria transmission, thereby reducing the number of cases in the region and economic losses associated with glanders.
RESUMO: O mormo é uma doença infectocontagiosa, zoonótica, de caráter agudo ou crônico, que acomete principalmente os equídeos, causado por Burkholderia (B.) mallei. De janeiro de 2005 até dezembro de 2017, 697 focos da doença foram registrados no Brasil, sendo que a região Nordeste detém 61,4% (428/697) do total de focos. Objetivou-se realizar um estudo epidemiológico da infecção por Burkholderia mallei em propriedades nos estados de Pernambuco, Paraíba, Ceará e Alagoas. Para tal foi aplicado questionário investigativo em seis fazendas onde houve caso de Mormo e 11 fazendas em que não houve relato entre 2007 e 2011 e realizada análise estatística dos fatores de manejo associados à ocorrência do Mormo no Nordeste do Brasil. Observou-se associação significativa para as seguintes variáveis: objetivo da criação (comércio, esporte e trabalho nas fazendas) (P = 0,023); ausência de informação sobre as formas de transmissão da bactéria (P = 0,034); não realização de exames periódicos para o diagnóstico do mormo (P = 0,029); exigência de exame negativo na compra de equinos (P = 0,06); utilização do sistema de criação extensivo (P = 0,027) e deficiência de higienização das baias (P = 001). Os resultados obtidos devem ser utilizados na implementação de medidas de manejo que minimizem o risco de transmissão da bactéria, reduzindo os casos da doença na região e as perdas econômicas com o mormo.
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Label Rouge chickens raised under an alternative system as a function of age at slaughter. The design was completely randomized with a 5×2 factorial arrangement, with slaughtering at five ages (70, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days) and two sexes. A total of 240 birds (Pescoço Pelado strain) were used, including 120 females and 120 males. Performance, carcass, physicochemical, proximate composition, and muscle fiber traits were evaluated. Rearing time and sex had significant effects on performance-related traits, with better results for males. The interaction between slaughter age and sex had a significant effect on the carcass and physicochemical parameters, which cause different responses in males and females with increasing slaughter age. For the proximate composition and muscle fiber analysis, the interaction between the parameters studied only had a significant effect on ether extract in the breast. The increase in age resulted in chickens with higher live and carcass weight at slaughter but lower performance indices. Females had lower carcass yield and greater deposition of abdominal fat. Females had lower tenderness in the drumstick and males in the breast with increasing slaughter age, and both cuts had more intense color and redness and reduced lightness starting at the slaughter age of 90 days.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de desempenho e as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos Label Rouge criados em sistema alternativo em função do aumento da idade de abate. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois sexos (macho e fêmea) e cinco idades de abate (70, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Foram utilizadas 240 aves (Pescoço Pelado), sendo 120 fêmeas e 120 machos, sendo avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho, carcaça, físico-químicos, composição centesimal e fibra muscular. Com o aumento no tempo de produção houve efeitos dos períodos de produção e sexo em relação a variáveis de desempenho, com melhores resultados para os machos. Para os parâmetros de carcaça e físico-químicos, houve interação entre sexo e idade de abate, revelando comportamento diferenciado para machos e fêmeas com aumento da idade de abate. Para a composição centesimal e análise das fibras musculares, somente para extrato etéreo no peito foi verificado interação entre os fatores estudados. O aumento da idade proporcionou a obtenção de frangos com maiores pesos vivos e de carcaça ao abate com consequente redução dos índices de desempenho, além de menor rendimento de carcaça e maior deposição de gordura abdominal nas fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentam menor maciez na coxa e os machos no peito com aumento da idade de abate e, em ambos os cortes, ocorreu maior intensificação da cor, índice de vermelho e redução do brilho a partir de 90 dias ou em maiores idades de abate.
Glanders is a contagious zoonotic infectious disease characterized by an acute or chronic condition that mainly affects equids and is caused by Burkholderia (B.) mallei. From January 2005 to December 2017, 697 farms with positive cases of this disease were registered in Brazil, with the Northeast region accounting for 61.4% (428/697) of the total number of cases. This study conducted an epidemiological study of B. mallei infections that occurred in farms in the states of Pernambuco, Paraíba, Ceará and Alagoas. For this purpose, investigative questionnaires were applied to six farms where there were outbreaks of glanders and 11 farms where there were no reports of glanders between 2017 and 2021, and statistical analysis of the factors associated with the occurrence of glanders in Northeastern Brazil was performed. Factors such as the purpose of rearing (P = 0.023), lack of information on disease transmission modes (P = 0.034), failure to carry out periodic tests for glanders diagnosis (P = 0,029), no request for glanders tests prior to the purchase of new animals periodic tests for glanders diagnosis (P = 0.029), not requiring a negative test for glanders in the acquisition of animals (P = 0.06), use of extensive breeding systems(P = 0.027), and poor stall hygiene were associated with disease occurrence (P = 0.001). Understanding the factors related to the occurrence of glanders in the Northeast Region of Brazil helps to establish management measures that minimize bacteria transmission, thereby reducing the number of cases in the region and economic losses associated with glanders.
O mormo é uma doença infectocontagiosa, zoonótica, de caráter agudo ou crônico, que acomete principalmente os equídeos, causado por Burkholderia (B.) mallei. De janeiro de 2005 até dezembro de 2017, 697 focos da doença foram registrados no Brasil, sendo que a região Nordeste detém 61,4% (428/697) do total de focos. Objetivou-se realizar um estudo epidemiológico da infecção por Burkholderia mallei em propriedades nos estados de Pernambuco, Paraíba, Ceará e Alagoas. Para tal foi aplicado questionário investigativo em seis fazendas onde houve caso de Mormo e 11 fazendas em que não houve relato entre 2007 e 2011 e realizada análise estatística dos fatores de manejo associados à ocorrência do Mormo no Nordeste do Brasil. Observou-se associação significativa para as seguintes variáveis: objetivo da criação (comércio, esporte e trabalho nas fazendas) (P = 0,023); ausência de informação sobre as formas de transmissão da bactéria (P = 0,034); não realização de exames periódicos para o diagnóstico do mormo (P = 0,029); exigência de exame negativo na compra de equinos (P = 0,06); utilização do sistema de criação extensivo (P = 0,027) e deficiência de higienização das baias (P = 001). Os resultados obtidos devem ser utilizados na implementação de medidas de manejo que minimizem o risco de transmissão da bactéria, reduzindo os casos da doença na região e as perdas econômicas com o mormo.
Animais , Equidae , Burkholderia mallei , MormoResumo
The present study aims to conduct a review on the potential use of insect meal as an alternative protein source in poultry feed, particularly to serve the rearing of free-range chickens. Insects are already part of the diet of birds in their natural habitat, and the availability of low-cost alternative foods with low environmental impact is essential for the development of the activity. The review comprehended studies that used meals consisting of silkworm (Bombyx mori) chrysalis, earthworm (Eisenia foetida), housefly (Musca domestica), black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) and mealworm beetle (Tenebrio molitor) to replace plant-based protein sources. In general, insect meals have a high content of crude protein and ether extract, as well as an essential amino acid profile suitable for poultry feeding. The addition of insect meal in poultry feed normally shows good results as to growth performance and egg production, without causing a negative effect on carcass characteristics, meat sensory quality and egg quality, presenting itself as an alternative protein source with good prospects for replacing plant-based sources in poultry feed.(AU)
Animais , Aves/fisiologia , Melhorador de Farinha , Ração Animal/análise , Biossíntese de Proteínas , Insetos Comestíveis/químicaResumo
This study evaluated the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Label Rouge chickens raised under an alternative system as a function of age at slaughter. The design was completely randomized with a 5×2 factorial arrangement, with slaughtering at five ages (70, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days) and two sexes. A total of 240 birds (Pescoço Pelado strain) were used, including 120 females and 120 males. Performance, carcass, physicochemical, proximate composition, and muscle fiber traits were evaluated. Rearing time and sex had significant effects on performance-related traits, with better results for males. The interaction between slaughter age and sex had a significant effect on the carcass and physicochemical parameters, which cause different responses in males and females with increasing slaughter age. For the proximate composition and muscle fiber analysis, the interaction between the parameters studied only had a significant effect on ether extract in the breast. The increase in age resulted in chickens with higher live and carcass weight at slaughter but lower performance indices. Females had lower carcass yield and greater deposition of abdominal fat. Females had lower tenderness in the drumstick and males in the breast with increasing slaughter age, and both cuts had more intense color and redness and reduced lightness starting at the slaughter age of 90 days.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de desempenho e as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos Label Rouge criados em sistema alternativo em função do aumento da idade de abate. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois sexos (macho e fêmea) e cinco idades de abate (70, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Foram utilizadas 240 aves (Pescoço Pelado), sendo 120 fêmeas e 120 machos, sendo avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho, carcaça, físico-químicos, composição centesimal e fibra muscular. Com o aumento no tempo de produção houve efeitos dos períodos de produção e sexo em relação a variáveis de desempenho, com melhores resultados para os machos. Para os parâmetros de carcaça e físico-químicos, houve interação entre sexo e idade de abate, revelando comportamento diferenciado para machos e fêmeas com aumento da idade de abate. Para a composição centesimal e análise das fibras musculares, somente para extrato etéreo no peito foi verificado interação entre os fatores estudados. O aumento da idade proporcionou a obtenção de frangos com maiores pesos vivos e de carcaça ao abate com consequente redução dos índices de desempenho, além de menor rendimento de carcaça e maior deposição de gordura abdominal nas fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentam menor maciez na coxa e os machos no peito com aumento da idade de abate e, em ambos os cortes, ocorreu maior intensificação da cor, índice de vermelho e redução do brilho a partir de 90 dias ou em maiores idades de abate.
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Abate de Animais , Carne/análiseResumo
A criação de bezerras é uma das atividades mais complexas em uma propriedade leiteira. Desde o nascimento, o desempenho máximo deve ser priorizado, pois o sucesso no aleitamento leva ao aumento do peso vivo ao desmame e à futura produção de leite. Existem diferentes formas de fornecer leite aos bezerros, e uma delas é o aleitamento artificial, onde os animais recebem a dieta líquida em baldes, mamadeiras ou recipientes semelhantes. Neste tipo de aleitamento, diferentes fontes de dieta líquida podem ser utilizadas como o leite integral, os sucedâneos lácteos e o leite não comercializável ou leite de descarte. Independentemente do método de aleitamento, a quantidade de leite a ser oferecida deverá atender às exigências do animal para melhor desempenho futuro. A presente revisão de literatura avaliou as diferentes fontes de dieta líquida empregadas no aleitamento artificial de bezerras e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento ponderal desses animais na fase de cria.(AU)
Raising calves is one of the most complex activities on a dairy farm. From birth, maximum performance should be prioritized, since successful breastfeeding leads to an increase in live weight at weaning and the future milk production. There are different ways for providing milk to calves, one of them is artificial feeding, where animals are fed the liquid diet in buckets, bottles, or similar. In this type of breastfeeding, there are several sources of liquid diet that could be applied as whole milk, dairy substitutes, and non-marketable milk or waste milk. Regardless of the breastfeeding method, the amount of milk to be offered must meet the requirements of the animal, for the best future performance. This literature review evaluated different sources of liquid diet in artificial feeding and its impact on the weight development of dairy calves in this rearing phase.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Apoio NutricionalResumo
Biofloc technology is much highlighted these days because of its tremendous effects on aquaculture. Microbes were enriched on cheapest organic carbon source i. e., powdered banana peels and were incorporated in different aquaria rearing grass carp fingerlings under different C/N treatments (10:1, 15:1 and 20:1) and 10% water daily water exchange. The initial growth of fingerlings was recorded. The experiment was settled in triplicates for 60 days and run parallel to control group provided with commercial feed and daily water exchange. Its effect was evaluated by measuring the growth of fingerlings and water parameters of each aquarium. The average % gain in weight and length of fingerlings was obtained significantly highest (28.12 ± 0.30g and 17.29 ± 0.46cm respectively) in aquaria containing pure powdered banana peels with 10% water exchange and C/N ratio was adjusted at 20: 1 (T3) than other treatments and control. Ammonia and other water parameters were also under control in T3 than other experimental and control groups. By all counts, it was concluded that the highest C/N ratio in biofloc system had the potential to increment C. idella growth rate by reducing toxicity and could be used as fish meal substitute.
A tecnologia Biofloc é muito destacada hoje em dia por causa de seus tremendos efeitos na aquicultura. Os micróbios foram enriquecidos com a fonte de carbono orgânico mais barata, i. e., cascas de banana em pó, e foram incorporadas em diferentes aquários de criação de alevinos de carpa-capim sob diferentes tratamentos C/N (10: 1, 15: 1 e 20: 1) e 10% de troca diária de água. O crescimento inicial dos alevinos foi registrado. O experimento foi resolvido em triplicatas por 60 dias e executado paralelamente ao grupo controle fornecido com ração comercial e troca diária de água. Seu efeito foi avaliado medindo o crescimento dos alevinos e os parâmetros da água de cada aquário. O% de ganho médio em peso e comprimento dos alevinos foi obtido significativamente mais alto (28,12 ± 0,30g e 17,29 ± 0,46 cm respectivamente) em aquários contendo cascas de banana em pó puro com 10% de troca de água e a relação C/N foi ajustada em 20: 1 (T3) do que outros tratamentos e controle. A amônia e outros parâmetros da água também estavam sob controle no T3 mais do que nos outros grupos experimentais e de controle. Por todas as contagens, concluiu-se que a maior razão C/N no sistema de bioflocos tem o potencial de incrementar a taxa de crescimento de C. idella reduzindo a toxicidade e pode ser usada como substituto da farinha de peixe.
Animais , Aquicultura/métodos , Carpas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Various problems may arise during the road transportation of one-day-old broiler chickens from hatcheries to rearing houses. In this study, the transportation vehicles of a private company operating in the Bursa Region were physically examined, and the climate parameters of the trailer were observed. During these observations the exposure of animals to heat stress was measured, and the loss of life during transportation was revealed. Thirteen data logger values were placed in the trailer and their readings were recorded. While the highest heat stress is in the summer and the heat stress is the highest in the front and middle parts of the trailer, the least are in the first row and the last row in vehicles that use natural ventilation in the summer and mechanical air conditioning in the winter.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Meios de Transporte/métodos , Ventilação/métodos , Transtornos de Estresse por Calor/diagnóstico , Modelos ClimáticosResumo
Pyrrhulina brevis is an endemic fish from the Amazon basin that is valued in the ornamental fish market. In larviculture, fish are very sensitive to stressors and have a high mortality rate. Salinized water may provide more energy to overcome stress and feeding frequency is an important strategy to improve productive performance. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the best feeding frequency and the best level of water salinization for larval development of P. brevis. A total of 360 post-larvae of P. brevis (5.26 ± 1.65 mg, 5.57 ± 0.68 mm) were randomly distributed in 36 aquariums (1 L) in a 3x4 factorial scheme, to evaluate three concentrations of salt in water (0, 1 and 2 g L-1) and four feeding frequencies (once, twice, three and four times a day). We offered 150 Artemia nauplii per day and per post-larvae during 15 days. The fish kept at 1 g L-1 salinized water, and those fed 3 and 4 times a day presented significantly greater final length and weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate for length and weight. An interaction between salinized water and feeding frequency was observed for survival rate. We conclude that, during the initial rearing phase of P. brevis, feeding frequency of three times a day and salinized water at 1 g L-1 is recommended.(AU)
Pyrrhulina brevis é um peixe endêmico da bacia amazônica que apresenta bons valores no mercado de peixes ornamentais. Na larvicultura, os peixes são muito sensíveis aos estressores e apresentam alta taxa de mortalidade. A água salinizada pode fornecer mais energia para superar o estresse e a frequência alimentar é uma estratégia importante para melhorar o desempenho produtivo. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a melhor frequência alimentar e o melhor nível de salinização da água para o desenvolvimento larval de P. brevis. Um total de 360 pós-larvas de P. brevis (5,26 ± 1,65 mg, 5,57 ± 0,68 mm) foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em 36 aquários (1 L) em esquema fatorial 3x4, para avaliar três concentrações de sal na água (0, 1 e 2 g L-1) e quatro frequências de alimentação (uma, duas, três e quatro vezes ao dia). Foram oferecidas 150 náuplios de Artemia por dia e por pós-larva, durante 15 dias. Os peixes mantidos com 1 g L-1 de água salinizada e os alimentados 3 e 4 vezes ao dia apresentaram comprimento e peso finais, ganho de peso e taxa de crescimento específico para comprimento e peso significativamente maiores. Uma interação entre água salinizada e frequência alimentar foi observada para a taxa de sobrevivência. Concluímos que, durante a fase inicial de criação de P. brevis, recomenda-se uma frequência alimentar de três vezes ao dia e água salinizada a 1 g L-1.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Alimentar , Characidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Águas Salinas , Valor NutritivoResumo
A criação de bezerras é uma das fases mais importantes na bovinocultura leiteira e um manejo profilático em ambientes físicos de alojamento é crucial para evitar acidentes que possam comprometer a vida produtiva dos animais futuramente. O bezerreiro tropical é um dos alojamentos mais comuns utilizados no Nordeste brasileiro em grandes criações, possivelmente devido ao baixo custo. Diante disso, objetivou-se nesse trabalho relatar um acidente provocado por tropeço em fio extensor de superfície do bezerreiro tropical, no qual ocasionou um traumatismo tibial em uma bezerra Girolando de dois meses de idade. O atendimento ocorreu no Hospital Veterinário de Grandes Animais do Centro Universitário Inta (Uninta) em Sobral/CE e o animal foi proveniente de uma fazenda de alta produção leiteira da cidade de Umirim/CE. O exame clínico revelou que a região afetada foi próxima ao jarrete. O exame radiográfico constatou fratura na região epifisária da tíbia proximal. Após avaliação pela equipe clínica e cirúrgica, o paciente foi encaminhado para cirurgia de correção, mas antes foi estabelecida imobilização e bandagens para manter o membro afetado imóvel até a realização do procedimento cirúrgico. O tratamento clínico medicamentoso pós-cirúrgico foi conduzido, além de foram instituídos cuidados diários de limpeza do ferimento cirúrgico com antisséptico local. Após a realização da cirurgia de correção da fratura, estando o paciente estabilizado, este mesmo animal recebeu alta médica 17 dias depois da internação. Desta forma, o bezerreiro tropical está passando por mudanças estruturais e de manejo para evitar mais traumas provocados pelo tropeço, enroscamento e quedas das bezerras.
Calf rearing is one of the most important stages in dairy cattle and, prophylactic management in physical accommodation environments is crucial to avoid accidents that could compromise the productive life of these animals in the future. The tropical calf is one of the most common housings used in the Brazilian Northeast in large creations, possibly due to the low cost. This study aimed to report an accident caused by tripping over surface extender wire of the tropical calf, which caused a tibial trauma in a 2-months-old Girolando heifer. The attendance took place at the Veterinary Hospital for Large Animals of the Inta University Center (Uninta) in Sobral/Ce and the animal came from a high-production dairy farm in the city of Umirim/Ce. The clinical examination revealed that the affected region was close to the knuckle. The radiographic examination showed a fracture in the epiphyseal region of the proximal tibia. After evaluation by the clinical and surgical team, the patient was referred for corrective surgery, but before that, immobilization and bandages were established to keep the affected limb immobile until the surgical procedure was performed. The post-surgical medical treatment was conducted, in addition to the daily care of cleaning the surgical wound with local antiseptic. After the surgery, to correct the fracture with the patient stabilized, the hospital discharge occurred 17 days after hospitalization. Thus, the tropical calf, is undergoing structural and management changes to avoid further trauma caused by stumbling, tangling, and falling.
Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Acidentes por Quedas , Doenças dos Bovinos , AlojamentoResumo
This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding lupin kernel and faba bean as an alternative to soybean meal on the growth performance, blood profiles, relative organ weight, and hepatic fatty acid composition of broiler chicks. A total of 525, 1-day-old Ross 308 male chicks were randomly assigned into five groups with seven replicates. The treatments consisted of five experimental diets; corn-soybean meal without lupin or faba bean (as control), diets with lupin 5% or 10%, and diets with faba bean 5% or 10%. The body weight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG) were not significantly different among the groups during starter period. However, BW and ADG of chicks fed diets with 10% lupin and faba bean were significantly higher than those of 5% lupin and faba bean during grower period (p<0.01). The feed conversion ratio was significantly lower in the group fed diets with 10% lupin and faba bean than the control during total rearing periods (p<0.001). There were no significant differences in blood profiles among the groups. As for the hepatic fatty acid composition, the levels of total polyunsaturated fatty acids and total ω6 in chicks fed lupin and faba bean were significantly higher than the control. It was suggested that dietary lupin and faba bean could enhance the incorporation of the beneficial fatty acids into liver fraction. In conclusion, supplementation of lupin and faba bean up to 10% can be used as an alternative to soybean meal in broiler diets.(AU)