Detrusor hypocontractility (DH) is a disease without a gold standard treatment in traditional medicine. Therefore, there is a need to develop innovative therapies. The present report presents the case of a patient with DH who was transplanted with 2 x 106 adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells twice and achieved significant improvements in their quality of life. The results showed that cell therapy reduced the voiding residue from 1,800 mL to 800 mL, the maximum cystometric capacity from 800 to 550 mL, and bladder compliance from 77 to 36.6 mL/cmH2O. Cell therapy also increased the maximum flow from 3 to 11 mL/s, the detrusor pressure from 08 to 35 cmH2O, the urine volume from 267 to 524 mL and the bladder contractility index (BCI) value from 23 to 90. The International Continence on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form score decreased from 17 to 8. Given the above, it is inferred that the transplantation of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells is an innovative and efficient therapeutic strategy for DH treatment and improves the quality of life of patients affected by this disease.
A Hipocontratilidade Detrusora (HD) é uma doença sem um tratamento padrão-ouro na medicina tradicional. Logo, há a necessidade de desenvolvimento de terapias inovadoras. O presente relato apresenta um caso de paciente com HD transplantado duas vezes com 2 x 106 células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo que obteve melhoras significativas em sua qualidade de vida. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia celular reduziu o resíduo miccional de 1.800mL para 800mL; a Capacidade Cistométrica Máxima de 800 para 550mL; a complacência de 77 para 36,6mL/cmH2O. A terapia celular também aumentou o fluxo máximo de 3 para 11mL/s; a pressão detrusora de 08 para 35cmH2O; o volume urinado de 267 para 524mL e o índice de contratilidade vesical (BCI) de 23 para 90. O score do International Continence on Incontinence Questionare - Short Form passou de 17 para 8. Diante do exposto, infere-se que o transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo é uma estratégia terapêutica inovadora e eficiente para o tratamento da HD e para melhoria da qualidade de vida de pacientes acometidos por essa doença.
Humanos , Células-Tronco , Doenças da Bexiga Urinária/terapia , Tecido Adiposo , Terapia Baseada em Transplante de Células e TecidosResumo
Aedes aegypti is a holometabolous insect, vector of medical importance for arboviral transmission, and has shown the ability to develop chemical larvicides resistance, which are the worldwide used to control mosquitoes' population because of their low cost. Due to the well-known photophobia, a striking characteristic of the behavior of A. aegypti larvae, this study aimed to observe the development of this insect in its larval stage under the action of certain ranges of light radiation and its possible biological effects. For that, the experiments used larvae in L1, observed during seven days under the action of LEDs (light-emitting diode) that emitted light at different wavelengths, with six different colors, one for each experiment. Some were tested with a light-dark interval every 10 minutes and others every two minutes, with three repetitions. At the end, mosquitoes, pupae and larvae were counted and the data submitted to statistical evaluation. The experiment showed a significant difference between the control and the different wavelengths used, when exposed at two-minute intervals. LEDs that emitted blue (λ = 457.9 nm) and white (λ = 448.58 nm) wave frequencies were the most promising for the development of equipment that could act synergistically with other forms of control in order to improve its efficiency.(AU)
Animais , Fototerapia/efeitos adversos , Aedes/fisiologiaResumo
The present work aimed at assessing the possibility of compensatingthe notorious deficiencies of bioflocs in lipids by supplementing the tilapia commercial diet with soybean oil. In the positive control, there was no feeding restriction nor dietary supplementation with soybean oil. In the experimental treatments, the commercial diet was restricted by 25% over the positive control level. In the negative control tanks, there was feeding restriction and the artificial diet had no oil supplementation. In the experimental tanks, soybean oil was mixed dailywith the commercial diet at the levels of 0.6%, 1.2 and 2.4%. Additionally, there were fed-restricted tanks that received a daily supplementation of 1.2% soybean oil mixed withdry molasses, and not withthe commercial diet. In general, only the restriction of the commercial diet affected the water quality. The supplementation of the artificial diet with soybean oil up to 2.4% has not improved the proximate composition of bioflocs, nor thefish growth performance. It wasconcluded that the strategy of supplementing the Nile tilapia juveniles' commercial diet with increasing levels of soybean meal, in BFT tanks submitted to 25%-feeding restriction, was notcapable of avoidingthe fish growth performancedeterioration.(AU)
Animais , Tilápia/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/efeitos adversos , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Óleo de Soja/efeitos adversos , Aquicultura , Pesqueiros , Ração AnimalResumo
Objetivou-se avaliar métodos alternativos de restrição alimentar qualitativa e quantitativa em comparação à técnica convencional de muda forçada em codornas japonesas para o segundo ciclo de produção. O período de muda forçada teve duração de 10 dias e dois períodos de 21 dias de pós-muda. Foram utilizadas 72 codornas japonesas fêmeas, emfinal de produção com 72 semanas deidade. As aves foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e quatro repetições cada, com seiscodornas por repetição. Os tratamentos experimentais foram:T1 aves submetidas a três dias de jejum com posterior fornecimento de ração de postura à vontade por setedias; T2 aves que receberam alimentação controlada (10 g/ave/dia) por 10 dias; T3 aves que receberam farelo de arroz à vontade por 10 dias. Durante todo o experimento todasas aves foram submetidas a iluminação natural com média de 12 horas de luz diária e água a vontade e após os 10 dias de muda foi fornecido ração de postura a vontade. A utilização do T2 (10 g/ave/dia de ração de postura) e de farelo de arroz como alimentoalternativo no programa de muda forçada foi viável. Mesmo a perda de peso sendo abaixo do recomentado, as aves que receberam 10 g de ração ave/dia e farelo de arroz à vontade apresentaram resultados de desempenho e qualidade do ovo pós muda semelhantes àsaves que ficaram em jejum, além de possibilitar melhores condições de bem-estar animal.(AU)
The objective was to evaluate alternative methods of qualitative and quantitative feed restriction compared to theconventional technique of forced moulting in Japanese quails for the second production cycle. The forced moulting period lasted 10 days and two 21-day post-molt periods. 72 female Japanese quails were used, at the end of production at 72 weeks of age. Thebirds were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications each, with sixquails per replicate. The experimental treatments were: T1 birds submitted to three days of fasting with subsequent provision of layingfeed ad libitum for sevendays; T2 birds that received controlled feeding (10 g/bird/day) for 10 days; T3 birds that received rice bran ad libitum for 10 days. Throughout the experiment, all birds were submitted tonatural lighting with an average of12hours of daily light and water ad libitum and after 10 days of molting, laying feed was provided ad libitum. The use of T2 (10 g/bird/day of laying ration) and ricebran as an alternativefood in the forced molt program was feasible. Even the weight loss being below the recommended, the birds that received 10 g of poultry feed/day and rice bran ad libitum showed similar post-moult performance and egg quality results to birds that were fasted, in addition to enabling better conditions. of animal welfare.(AU)
Animais , Coturnix/metabolismo , Ovos/análise , Farinha/análise , Dietoterapia/métodosResumo
Na rotina veterinária, as lesões nas extremidades dos membros são constantes e representam um desafio especial pelas características anatômicas, susceptibilidade de exposição óssea e limitações de reparos e reconstruções quando comparado a outras regiões do corpo. A osteomielite, decorrente de mordeduras, tem alta prevalência e sua rápida evolução pode levar a medidas drásticas, como a amputação. Neste trabalho, é relatada a utilização da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica como terapia integrativa ao tratamento convencional e a avaliação de seus efeitos durante as 12 sessões realizadas em uma cadela vítima de mordedura, que apresentava necrose e exposição óssea com colonização por Staphylococcus sp e Pasteurella multocida. A avaliação evolutiva do quadro foi elaborada a partir de registro fotográfico da lesão, com escala, a cada três sessões e submetido à análise morfométrica por software analítico. A velocidade da marcha cicatricial revelou que a utilização desta terapia propiciou precocidade e efetiva atuação na cicatrização e no combate à osteomielite, evitando a amputação do restabelecendo as liberdades da paciente, contribuindo ao aprofundamento do emprego da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica na Medicina Veterinária.(AU)
In the veterinary routine, injuries in the extremities of the limbs are constant and represent a special challenge due to the anatomical characteristics, susceptibility of bone exposure and limitations of repairs and reconstructions when compared to other regions of the body. Osteomyelitis resulting from bites is highly prevalent and its rapid evolution can lead to drastic measures such as amputation. This work describes the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy as an integrative therapy to conventional treatment and the evaluation of its effects during the 12 treatments performed in a female dog victim of a bite, that presented evolution to necrosis and bone exposure with colonization by Staphylococcus sp e Pasteurella multocida. The evolutionary assessment of the condition was elaborated from a photographic record of the lesion, with scale, every three treatments and submitted to morphometric analysis by analytical software. The speed of the healing gait demonstrated, that the use of this therapy proved precocity and effective action in healing and in the fight against osteomyelitis, avoiding the amputation of the limb, restoring the patient's freedoms. Thus contributing to the deepening on the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in veterinary medicine.(AU)
Animais , Osteomielite/diagnóstico , Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of diets composed of corn grain silage rehydrated with water and acid whey on the productive performance and feed preference of weaned piglets. We evaluated 120 piglets weaned in the pre-initial phase I for productive performance, and diarrhea, depression, and thinness states using the following diets: control ration with dry corn grain (CR); and corn grain silage rehydrated with water (CGSR+W); water and inoculant (CGSR+WI); and acid whey (CGSR+AW). To determine feed preference, 20 weaned piglets received reference (CR) and test (CGSR+AW) diets in two phases, restricted and free-choice. Analysis of variance, chi-square test, and t-test were applied at 5% of significance. There were no differences (p>0.05) in growth performance among piglets fed the four experimental diets. Severe thinness and depression were recorded among piglets fed CGSR+W and CR (p<0.05). In the restricted phase, consumption of CGSR+AW resulted in higher daily feed intake (DFI) (p<0.05), while piglets in the free-choice phase showed a higher DFI and spent more time consuming CR, with a 56.39% preference (p<0.05). Rehydrated corn grain silage promoted feed acceptability and performance of piglets in the first weeks post-weaning.
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de dietas compostas de silagem de grão de milho reidratado com água e soro de leite no desempenho produtivo e preferência alimentar de leitões desmamados. Foram avaliados 120 leitões desmamados durante a fase pré-inicial I para o desempenho de crescimento, escores de diarreia, depressão e magreza submetidos às dietas: grão de milho seco (CR); silagem de grão de milho reidratado com água (CGSR+W); água e inoculante (CGSR+WI); soro de leite (CGSR+AW). Para avaliar a preferência alimentar, 20 leitões desmamados receberam dieta referência (CR) e dieta teste (CGSR+AW) em duas fases, restrita e livre escolha. Foi aplicado análise de variância, teste de qui-quadrado e t-test à 5% de significância. Não houve diferenças (p>0,05) no desempenho de crescimento entre os leitões alimentados com as quatro dietas experimentais. Leitões alimentados com CGSR+W e CR foram severamente magros e apresentaram escore de depressão (p<0,05). Na fase restrita o CDR foi maior para CGSR+AW (p<0.05), enquanto na fase de livre escolha os leitões mostraram maior CDR e passaram maior tempo consumindo a CR, com preferência de 56,39% (p<0.05). A CGSR promoveu melhor aceitabilidade e desempenho dos leitões nas primeiras semanas pós-desmame.
Animais , Silagem , Suínos , Desmame , Zea mays , Dieta/veterinária , Hidratação/veterináriaResumo
Background: Bivalent freeze-dried neurotoxic (FN) antivenom has been the primary treatment since the 1980s for Taiwan cobra (Naja atra) envenomation in Taiwan. However, envenomation-related wound necrosis is a significant problem after cobra snakebites. In the present study, we analyzed the changes in serum venom concentration before and after antivenom administration to discover their clinical implications and the surgical treatment options for wound necrosis. Methods: The patients were divided into limb swelling and wound necrosis groups. The clinical outcome was that swelling started to subside 12 hours after antivenom treatment in the first group. Serum venom concentrations before and after using antivenoms were measured to assess the antivenom's ability to neutralize the circulating cobra venom. The venom levels in wound wet dressing gauzes, blister fluids, and debrided tissues were also investigated to determine their clinical significance. We also observed the evolutional changes of wound necrosis and chose a better wound debridement timing. Results: We prospectively enrolled 15 Taiwan cobra snakebite patients. Males accounted for most of this study population (n = 11, 73%). The wound necrosis group received more antivenom doses than the limb swelling group (4; IQR:2-6 vs 1; IQR:1-2, p = 0.05), and less records of serum venom concentrations changed before/after antivenom use (p = 0.0079). The necrotic wound site may release venom into circulation and cause more severe envenomation symptoms. Antivenom can efficiently diminish limb swelling in cobra bite patients. However, antivenom cannot reduce wound necrosis. Patients with early debridement of wound necrosis had a better limb outcome, while late or without debridement may have long-term hospital stay and distal limb morbidity. Conclusions: Antivenom can efficiently eliminate the circulating cobra venom in limb swelling patients without wound necrosis. Early debridement of the bite site wound and wet dressing management are suggestions for preventing extended tissue necrosis and hospital stay.(AU)
Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes/terapia , Agentes Neurotóxicos/efeitos adversos , Taiwan , Necrose/terapiaResumo
This study aimed to observe the effects of 17 ß-estradiol replacements on the fecal microbiota in spayed cats. Individual samples of fresh feces were collected and stored at -80° C. Sequencing of the V3/V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene was used, and bioinformatic analysis was performed. Firmicutes/Bacteriodetes ratio was lower in the group receiving estrogen replacement compared to the SHAM group (P = 0,005). Jaccard index (P = 0.123) and Yue & Clayton index (P = 0.094) did not reveal alpha and beta diversity differences. The linear discriminant analysis effect size (LefSe) identified Firmicutes and MegasPhaera as the biomarkers for the SHAM group, and Burkholderiales, Betaproteobacteria, Sutterellaceae, Suterella, Proteobacteria, Proteobacteria unclassified and Collinsella for the group receiving estrogen replacement.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi observar os efeitos da reposição de 17 ß-estradiol na microbiota fecal de gatas castradas. Amostras individuais de fezes frescas foram colhidas e armazenadas a -80°C. Foi realizado o sequenciamento das regiões V3/V4 do gene 16S rRNA e a análise bioinformática. A razão Firmicutes/Bacteriodetes foi menor no grupo que recebeu reposição estrogênica em comparação ao grupo SHAM (P = 0,005). O índice de Jaccard (P = 0,123) e o índice de Yue & Clayton (P = 0,094) não revelaram diferenças na alfa e beta diversidade. A análise discriminatória linear de tamanho do efeito (LefSe) identificou Firmicutes e Megasphaera como biomarcadores para o grupo SHAM, e Burkholderiales, Betaproteobacteria, Sutterellaceae, Suterella, Proteobacteria, Proteobacteria não classificada e Collinsella para o grupo que recebeu reposição estrogênica.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Microbioma Gastrointestinal , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Terapia de Reposição de Estrogênios/veterináriaResumo
In a randomized controlled trial, we evaluated the effects of five oral electrolyte solutions (OESS) with different compositions of water, electrolyte, and acid-base balances of diarrheal neonatal calves. Osmotic diarrhea and dehydration were induced with sucrose in milk, spironolactone, and hydrochlorothiazide for 48 h in thirty 10-day old Holstein healthy calves with 43.5 ± 3.80 kg BW who were fed with natural milk. They were allocated to five treatment groups (n=6) based on the administered OES (commercial: OES A, B, C, D; and non-commercial: OES UEL). On the day of treatment, the calves received 6L of OES in two doses apart from milk intakes. Venous blood samples were collected at -48h (start of induction), -24h, Oh (start of the treatment day), 8h, 16h, 24h, 48h, and 72h. TPP, glucose, D-lactate, L-lactate, pH, pCO2, HCO3, BE, Na, K, CI, SID3, SIG, AG, Atot and percentage change in plasma volume (%PV) were measured or calculated and analyzed by two-way repeated measures ANOVA. All the calves developed osmotic diarrhea, mild to moderate dehydration, hyponatremia, relative hyperchloremia, and moderate to severe metabolic acidosis. The tested OESS were well accepted by the calves and effective in reversing dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, and metabolic acidosis. OES D did not completely correct hyponatremia, and SEO B caused transient hyperglycemia. It has been concluded that all the tested OESS are safe and effective for the treatment of diarrhea in calves with moderate degrees of dehydration and metabolic acidosis, which indicates that they have proper compositions for this purpose.
Em um ensaio clínico controlado e aleatório, foram comparados os efeitos de cinco soluções eletrolíticas orais (SEOs) sobre os equilíbrios hídrico, eletrolítico e ácido-base de bezerros neonatos diarreicos. Diarreia osmótica e desidratação foram induzidas com sacarose no leite, espironolactona e hidroclorotiazida, por 48h, em 30 bezerros Holandeses com 10 dias de idade, 43,5 ± 3,8kg de peso, e alimentados com leite natural. Eles foram distribuídos em cinco grupos de tratamento (n=6) de acordo com a SEO administrada (comercial: SEO A, B, C, D; e não comercial: SEO UEL). No dia do tratamento, os bezerros receberam 6L de SEO em duas doses além da ingestão de leite. Amostras de sangue venoso foram coletadas em -48h (início da indução), - 24h, Oh (início do dia de tratamento), 8h, 16h, 24h, 48h e 72h. PPT, glicose, lactatos Le D, pH, pCO2, HCO3, BE, Na, K, CI, SID3, SIG, AG, Atot e variação percentual no volume plasmático (%VP) foram mensurados ou calculados, e analisados por meio de ANOVA de duas vias de medidas repetidas. Todos os bezerros desenvolveram diarreia osmótica, desidratação leve a moderada, hiponatremia, hipercloremia relativa e acidose metabólica moderada a grave. As SEOs testadas foram bem aceitas pelos bezerros e eficazes para a reversão da desidratação, dos desequilíbrios eletrolíticos e da acidose metabólica. A SEO D não corrigiu completamente a hiponatremia, e a SEO B causou hiperglicemia transitória. Conclui-se que todas as SEOs são eficazes para o tratamento da diarreia em bezerros com graus moderados de desidratação e de acidose metabólica, o que indica que possuem composições adequadas para esse fim.
Animais , Bovinos , Acidose/veterinária , Diarreia/terapia , Diarreia/veterinária , Hidratação/veterinária , Hiponatremia/veterinária , Animais Recém-NascidosResumo
Considerando a necessidade de terapias alternativas para a mastite bovina, uma inflamação, normalmente de causa infecciosa, de alta prevalência e de alto impacto econômico nas fazendas leiteiras, avaliou-se a eficácia antimicrobiana, in vivo, de uma formulação intramamária à base de polipirrol (PPy) solúvel, um polímero condutor promissor para aplicações biomédicas, especialmente como potente antibacteriano. Neste ensaio, quartos mamários de vacas holandesas sadias (n = 8) foram inoculados com Staphylococcus aureus e tratados, por via intramamária, com formulação experimental à base de PPy solúvel (5%) e com formulação comercial à base de sulfato de gentamicina. O efeito desses tratamentos foi avaliado com a realização de lactoculturas, da Contagem Bacteriana Total (TBC), da Contagem de Células Somáticas (SCC) e da análise da composição do leite das amostras obtidas de quartos mamários, em sete momentos experimentais. Avaliação hematológica dos animais também foi realizada. A aplicação intramamária de três doses da formulação experimental à base de PPy solúvel resultou em maiores log/mL da TBC e da SCC quando comparadas ao grupo controle positivo e ao grupo que recebeu sulfato de gentamicina. A administração da formulação experimental não induziu alterações na composição do leite e nos parâmetros hematológicos. Alguns fatores farmacocinéticos e farmacodinâmicos do PPy solúvel podem ser atribuídos a ineficácia antimicrobiana da pomada experimental. Outras pesquisas devem ser realizados em prol do desenvolvimento de formulações que permitam a atuação antibacteriana do PPy solúvel no ambiente intramamário de vacas leiteiras.
Given the need for alternative therapies for bovine mastitis, an infectious disease of high prevalence and significant economic impact in dairy farms, this study evaluated the in vivo antimicrobial efficacy of an intramammary formulation based on soluble polypyrrole (PPy), a promising conductive polymer for biomedical applications, especially as an effective antimicrobial agent. In this assay, mammary quarters of healthy Holstein Friesian cows (n = 8) were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus and treated, via the intramammary route, with an experimental formulation based on soluble PPy (5%) and a commercial formulation based on gentamicin sulfate. The effect of these treatments was evaluated based on milk cultures, Total Bacterial Count (TBC), Somatic Cell Count (SCC), and milk composition analysis of mammary quarter samples in seven experimental moments. In addition, hematological evaluations of the animals were also performed. The intramammary application of three levels of the experimental formulation based on soluble PPy resulted in higher log/mL of the TBC and SCC compared to a positive control group and a group that received gentamicin sulfate. The experimental formulation did not induce changes in milk composition or in hematological parameters. Certain factors related to pharmacokinetics, such as the type of carrier used in the formulation and the pharmacodynamics of soluble PPy, may have contributed to the antimicrobial ineffectiveness of the experimental formulation. The results of this study neither define nor decrease the antimicrobial potential of soluble PPy. Further research is required to develop formulations that enable the antibacterial action of soluble PPy in the intramammary environment of dairy cows.
Animais , Bovinos , Staphylococcus aureus , Terapias Complementares/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos , Mastite Bovina/terapiaResumo
Background: The treatment of glaucoma often requires numerous therapeutic modalities to achieve the desired reduction in intraocular pressure (IOP). Cyclodestructive procedures or ciliary body destruction have been performed using techniques with considerable differences in efficacy and complication rates. Among these methods, cyclocryotherapy is non-invasive and simple for the management of uncontrolled glaucoma in dogs and cats. The objective of this case report is to describe the technique of carbon dioxide cyclocryotherapy to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs and cats with glaucoma. Cases: Nine canine patients and one cat with glaucoma were treated with cyclocryotherapy performed under general anaesthesia. Clinical signs patients included blepharospasm, ocular pain, episcleral congestion and ocular hypertension. The patients showed higher levels of IOP, higher than 30 mmHg. Surgical treatment with general anaesthesia was applied. The pre-anaesthesia protocol included acepromazine 0.05 mg/kg with methadone 0.2 mg/kg, followed by intravenous propofol and maintenance with isoflurane and oxygen. An ophthalmological cryocautery unit was used with carbon dioxide as the cryogenic agent and a retinal cryoprobe of 3.2 mm diameter tip for the procedure. The method used was a double cycle of freezing and thawing for 60 s in each site. The cryoprobe was centred approximately 5 mm posterior to the corneoscleral limbus over the ciliary body. The temperature of each cyclocryotherapy spot was between -60°C and -80°C and each site was maintained in place for 60 s; 4 to 6 spots of the double freeze-thaw cycle were made. This technique did not have any serious complications during or after the application of cryotherapy, but chemosis and hyperaemia of the bulbar conjunctiva developed. Subconjunctival anti-inflammatory steroids were injected to minimise swelling and patient discomfort. Satisfactory results were observed; in all cases, the intraocular pressure decreased, with the usual result being a cosmetic and painless eye. Discussion: Even with recent surgical and medical advances, pain and blindness are still common occurrences in glaucoma in human and veterinary practice. The cyclodestructive procedures included cyclodialysis, cyclodiathermy, cyclocryotherapy, and cyclophotocoagulation. The cryosurgery in veterinary ophthalmology has many indications for the treatment of ocular diseases and is effective at decreasing intraocular pressure in patients with persistent uncontrolled glaucoma. Cyclocryotherapy has been shown to reduce intraocular pressure in dogs, cats, rabbits and humans with normotensive and glaucomatous eyes. The application of a cryoprobe over the ciliary processes results in ablating ciliary tissue so that aqueous humour inflow is reduced to acceptable levels. In the clinical cases evaluated, there was a reduction in intraocular pressure reaching acceptable levels, with the usual result being cosmetic and painless eye. Medical therapy remains the predominant method for treating glaucoma in veterinary patients; therefore, cyclocryotherapy is an effective, simple way to lower IOP and is a reasonable treatment option for glaucoma management. Cyclocryotherapy has shown good results, with a low learning curve and it can also be repeated if necessary.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Glaucoma/terapia , Glaucoma/veterinária , Crioterapia/veterinária , Pressão IntraocularResumo
Background: Although Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is most commonly seen in the epidermis, this malignant neoplasm can manifest in various other tissues. A wide range of factors may be related to the development of SCC in the cornea, with continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation and chronic friction to the ocular surface being the most accepted theories. In addition to surgical procedures, the use of mitomycin C in the topical treatment of corneal SCC has shown good results in therapeutic management. Thus, the objective of the current work is to report the satisfactory response observed in the use of mitomycin C in a case of SCC in the cornea of a dog. Case: A 9-year-old male Pug dog was attended by the Veterinary Ophthalmology and Microsurgery Sector (SOMVET) of the University Veterinary Hospital (HVU) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) with Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) in the cornea of the left eye, which had recurred after a previous surgical intervention. Secretion and discomfort in the left eye were noted during clinical examination. In addition, both eyes presented pigmentary keratitis in the medial corner. Surgical excision of the neoplasm was performed using the surgical technique of anterior lamellar keratectomy. In the immediate postoperative period, topical therapy was started with eye drops based on mitomycin C at 0.02%, for a period of 28 consecutive days. The use of this chemotherapy drug in the topical form was intended to minimize the chances of recurrence of the clinical condition, since the patient is predisposed to this alteration. In addition, supportive therapy was implemented to improve patient comfort, consisting of the use of tobramycin-based eye drops (6 times a day, for 14 days), atropine 1% eye drops (BID, for 3 days), lubricating eye drops based on sodium hyaluronate (3 times a day, for continuous use), and immunomodulatory eye drops based on tacrolimus 0.02% (twice a day, for continuous use). The patient was evaluated 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after surgery, when good results were observed. One year after treatment, the dog was still showing no signs of recurrence of the treated clinical condition. Discussion: It is known that chronic friction on the surface of the cornea predisposes to the diagnosis of corneal SCC. Accordingly, in the clinical examination of the patient in this report, the presence of bilateral pigmentary keratitis was observed, an alteration that leads to a framework of chronic aggression to the cornea. Surgical treatment is recommended to remove the tumor mass in the ocular region. However, in cases of corneal SCC, the literature highlights that recurrence after surgical excision is a common factor. As the patient in this study arrived at the clinic with a history of recurrence, topical therapy with mitomycin C associated with surgical treatment was instituted. This chemotherapy drug has shown encouraging results in the treatment of some neoplasms, especially SCC. Its use in this case supported previous findings, pointing to a satisfactory result in which the patient had no recurrences after one year of follow-up. In addition, the concentration and frequency used of the active ingredient did not lead to adverse effects in the short or medium term.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Mitomicina/uso terapêutico , Doenças da Córnea/veterinária , Ceratoconjuntivite Seca/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Ischemic neuromyopathy is the most common reason for amputation in cats. In veterinary medicine, the use of prosthetic limbs is not widespread; therefore, in most cases total limb amputation is indicated. However, hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is an alternative with several benefits for the treatment of vascular disorders with reperfusion, ischemia, and infection. Therefore, this study aimed to report the positive effects of HBOT on the treatment of ischemic neuromyopathy secondary to arterial thromboembolism on the patient's clinical improvement, and on the preparation of the patient for insertion of an osseointegrated prosthesis. Case: A 6-month-old mixed-breed kitten returned for treatment after undergoing surgery seven days earlier for reduction of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, during which it suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest. The patient presented with acute pelvic limb paralysis with 24-h evolution, absent femoral pulse, plantar cushions and dorsal part of the limbs cold and pale. After supportive therapy and diagnosis of aortic thromboembolism by arterial Doppler, the patient started adjunctive treatment with HBOT from the first day of hospitalization. Sessions took place in an exclusive hyperbaric chamber for animals and lasted 60 min at a pressure of 2.5 absolute atmospheres and 100% oxygen, initially every 12 h. However, during the first 5 days of hospitalization, the distal region of both pelvic limbs began to show tissue devitalization and edema, and hematologic parameters showed changes on the 7th day. The right pelvic limb (RPL) showed more involvement of superficial tissues, extending to the tarsometatarsal joint region. After 8 days of hospitalization, the devitalized tissue was debrided. The RPL had an extensive devitalized area with exposed bone in the phalanges and necrosis in the pads. The left pelvic limb (LPL) suffered minor complications, with involvement of the phalangeal region. After 12 days, with HBOT every 48 h, exuberant granulation tissue was observed. After 17 days, the patient was discharged, and HBOT sessions were performed weekly. Gangrene of the midfoot and lack of proprioception were observed in RPL, while LPL showed bone divulsion of the 1st, 3rd, and 4th phalanges. Because of the poor prognosis for limb viability, the RPL was partially amputated, and a self-threaded intraosseous prosthesis was inserted. Discussion: The cardiorespiratory arrest that occurred during the surgical procedure to reduce the diaphragmatic hernia without thromboprophylaxis may have contributed to the peripheral ischemia. HBOT was proposed for the adjuvant treatment of ischemic injury because it is especially indicated for cases of ischemia-reperfusion injury. The main hematological parameters were evaluated at an average interval of 7 days. While the platelet count and hematocrit increased, the leukocytosis decreased. This demonstrates the benefit of oxygen therapy in the reported patient. The use of HBOT in orthopedic injuries is known to result mainly in stimulation of osteoblasts, promoting osseointegration of the prosthesis. We conclude that the adjuvant treatment with HBOT helped to preserve a large segment of both pelvic limbs, prevent the progression of necrosis, and provide a healthy bed for fixation of an osseointegrated prosthesis in the RPL, resulting in clinical improvement of the patient.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Tromboembolia/terapia , Tromboembolia/veterinária , Prótese Ancorada no Osso/veterinária , Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica/veterináriaResumo
The Helminthological Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute is the biggest in Latin America and it is among the largest collections at worldwide reference level, with around 40,000 sets of specimens and approximately one million individual specimens. It contains helminths parasites of vertebrate and invertebrate animals that form part of the fauna of Brazil and other countries. The samples comprise holotypes, paratypes and representative specimens of Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala, Nematoda and other non-helminth phyla, such as Annelida and Arthropoda. Some of the samples preserved in liquid media were found to have dried out. This made it impossible to analyze these samples morphologically for taxonomic purposes. The aim of this study was to test techniques used for rehydration of the tegument of specimens that had been found to have dried out and present protocols for such techniques. A total of 528 specimens that either no longer were immersed in preservatives or had already dried out were analyzed: 96 digenetic trematodes, 45 cestodes, 22 acanthocephalans, 357 nematodes, four hirudineans and four pentastomid crustaceans. The technique of rehydration using only distilled water on the specimens proved to be efficient for recovering tegument malleability, for all samples analyzed in this present study.(AU)
A Coleção Helmintológica do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz é a maior da América Latina e está entre as maiores coleções de referência mundial, com cerca de 40.000 lotes e, aproximadamente, um milhão de espécimes. Seu acervo reúne helmintos parasitos de animais vertebrados e invertebrados da fauna brasileira e de outros países. Seus exemplares são holótipos, parátipos e espécimes representativos de parasitos, pertencentes aos filos Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala, Nematoda e, ainda alguns espécimes não-helmintos, pertencentes aos filos Annelida e Arthropoda. Parte das amostras preservadas como material líquido foram encontradas dessecadas. Esta condição torna as amostras inviáveis para análise morfológica para propósitos taxonômicos. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi testar técnicas usadas na reidratação do tegumento dos espécimes que se encontram dessecados e apresentar seus protocolos. Foram analisados 528 lotes, cujos espécimes encontravam-se sem conservantes ou já dessecados: 96 trematodeos digenéticos, 45 cestoides, 22 acantocéfalos, 357 nematoides, quatro hirudíneos e quatro crustáceos pentastomídeos. A técnica de reidratação dos espécimes, utilizando-se apenas água destilada, mostrou-se eficiente na recuperação da maleabilidade tegumentar de todas as amostras trabalhadas no presente estudo.(AU)
Animais , Dessecação/métodos , Hidratação/métodos , Vertebrados/parasitologia , Invertebrados/parasitologiaResumo
Um lobo-guará (Chrysocyon brachyurus) macho com 15 anos de idade apresentou dificuldade ao se levantar e deitar, relutância ao caminhar e aspecto arqueado da coluna vertebral. Após contenção química, o paciente foi examinado e submetido a exames radiográficos e colheita de material biológico para análises laboratoriais. Os resultados dos exames apontaram um animal saudável, porém visualizaram-se espondiloses em coluna vertebral na região cervical e torácica. Foi iniciado protocolo para controle de dor, inflamação e uso de regenerador articular, a fim de estabilizar o quadro do paciente. Novo manejo foi agendado para implante de filamentos de ouro em pontos de acupuntura. Após essa terapia, o paciente foi acompanhado pela equipe veterinária, e alguns dias após o tratamento houve melhora do quadro clínico o animal deixou de apresentar dificuldade para caminhar, deitar, levantar e ficar em estação. O paciente retornou ao recinto, dividindo o local com a fêmea, e até o momento está assintomático.(AU)
A 15-year-old male maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus) showed difficulty getting up and lying down, reluctance to walk and an arched aspect of the spine. After chemical containment, the patient underwent physical examination and was submitted to radiographic examens and collection of biological material for laboratory analysis. The test results indicated a healthy animal, but spondylosis was seen in the cervical and thoracic spine. A protocol was started to pain control, inflammation, and use of condroprotective to stabilize the patient's condition. A new management was scheduled for the implantation of gold filaments in acupuncture points. After this therapy, the patient was followed up by the veterinary team, and days after the treatment, there was an improvement in the clinical condition- the animal had no more difficulty walking, lying down, getting up and standing still. The patient returned to the enclosure, sharing the place with the female, and so far, the clinical signs presented are absent and/or reduced.(AU)
Un aguará guazú (Chrysocyon brachyurus) macho de 15 años mostró dificultad para levantarse y acostarse, renuencia a caminar y un aspecto arqueado de la columna vertebral. Después de la contención química, el paciente fue examinado y sometido a exámenes radiográficos y recolección de material biológico para análisis de laboratorio. Los resultados de la prueba indicaron un animal sano, pero se observó espondilosis en la columna cervical y torácica. Se inició protocolo de control del dolor, inflamación y uso de protectores articulares, con el fin de estabilizar el estado del paciente. Con el objetivo de brindar una mejor calidad de vida, ya que se trata de un animal salvaje, incapaz de realizar ordinariamente terapias invasivas, se implantaron filamentos de oro en puntos de acupuntura. Posteriormente a esta terapia, el paciente fue acompañado por el equipo veterinario, y dias después del tratamiento hubo una mejoría en el estado clínico - el animal no tuvo dificultad para caminar, acostarse, levantarse y estar de pie. El paciente regresó al recinto, compartiendo el lugar con una hembra, y hasta el momento los signos clínicos anteriormente presentados están ausentes y/o reducidos.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Canidae , Espondilose/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo desta nota é caracterizar o grau de inserção da Agroecologia nos currículos dos cursos de graduação em Zootecnia ofertados nas instituições deensino superior públicas do Brasil, aferindo assim, a presença bem como a ausência de disciplinas em suas matrizes curriculares. Das 74 instituições brasileiras que ofertam cursos de graduação em Zootecnia, apenas 24 contém a Agroecologia em seus currículos. A oferta de disciplinas de Agroecologia e afins estão presentes em 16 unidades da federação, em todas as regiões do país.(AU)
The purpose of this noteis to characterize the degree of inclusion of Agroecology in the curricula of undergraduate courses in Zootechnics offered in public institutions of higher education in Brazil, thus assessing the presence as well as the absence of disciplines in their curricular matrices. Of the 74 Brazilian institutions that offer undergraduate courses in Zootechnics, only 24 have Agroecology in their curricula. The offer of Agroecology and related disciplines is present in 16 states, in all regions of the country.(AU)
Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária/organização & administração , Currículo , Agricultura Sustentável , Brasil , Saúde Holística/educaçãoResumo
Ninety days study was conducted in hapas installed in earthen ponds. Fish of an average initial weight (220g) were evenly distributed in triplicate groups within fifteen hapas. Five experimental diets labeled as T1 (25% CP and NRC recommended amino acid level) as control diet, T2 (with 2% low protein and 5% amino acid supplementation), T3 (with 2% low protein and 10% amino acid supplementation), T4 (with 4% low protein and 10% amino acid supplementation) and T5 (with 4% low protein and 20% amino acid supplementation) were prepared. Fish were fed with @3% of their body weight twice a day at 10.00 & 16:00 hour. Significantly higher percent weight gain (420.18 ± 66.84a) and specific growth rate (13499.33±1273.54a) along with improved feed conversion ratio (1.29 ± 0.09b) and hundred percent survivals were recorded during the trial. Furthermore proximate analysis of meat showed significant improvement in the crude protein level (81.77 ± 0.19a) served with diet containing 20% limiting amino acids mixture. Therefore, limiting amino acids can be a source of cost effective feed and use safely in L. rohita diet.
O estudo de 90 dias foi realizado em hapas instalados em tanques de terra. Peixes com peso inicial médio (220 g) foram distribuídos uniformemente em grupos triplicados em 15 hapas. Cinco dietas experimentais rotuladas como T1 (25% de CP e NRC recomendado nível de aminoácidos) como dieta controle, T2 (com 2% de proteína baixa e 5% de suplementação de aminoácidos), T3 (com 2% de proteína baixa e 10% de suplementação de aminoácidos), T4 (com 4% de baixa proteína e 10% de suplementação de aminoácidos) e T5 (com 4% de baixa proteína e 20% de suplementação de aminoácidos) foram preparadas. Os peixes foram alimentados com 3% do seu peso corporal duas vezes por dia às 10h00 e 16h00. Ganho de peso significativamente maior (420,18 ± 66,84a) e taxa de crescimento específico (13499,33 ± 1273,54a) juntamente com taxa de conversão alimentar melhorada (1, 29 ± 0,09b) e sobrevivência de cem por cento foram registrados durante o ensaio. Além disso, a análise aproximada da carne mostrou melhora significativa no nível de proteína bruta (81,77 ± 0,19a) servida com dieta contendo 20% de mistura de aminoácidos limitantes. Portanto, a limitação de aminoácidos pode ser uma fonte de alimentação econômica e usada com segurança na dieta de L. rohita.
Animais , Cyprinidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cyprinidae/metabolismo , Dieta com Restrição de Proteínas/veterinária , Dietoterapia/veterináriaResumo
Ninety days study was conducted in hapas installed in earthen ponds. Fish of an average initial weight (220g) were evenly distributed in triplicate groups within fifteen hapas. Five experimental diets labeled as T1 (25% CP and NRC recommended amino acid level) as control diet, T2 (with 2% low protein and 5% amino acid supplementation), T3 (with 2% low protein and 10% amino acid supplementation), T4 (with 4% low protein and 10% amino acid supplementation) and T5 (with 4% low protein and 20% amino acid supplementation) were prepared. Fish were fed with @3% of their body weight twice a day at 10.00 & 16:00 hour. Significantly higher percent weight gain (420.18 ± 66.84a) and specific growth rate (13499.33±1273.54a) along with improved feed conversion ratio (1.29 ± 0.09b) and hundred percent survivals were recorded during the trial. Furthermore proximate analysis of meat showed significant improvement in the crude protein level (81.77 ± 0.19a) served with diet containing 20% limiting amino acids mixture. Therefore, limiting amino acids can be a source of cost effective feed and use safely in L. rohita diet.(AU)
O estudo de 90 dias foi realizado em hapas instalados em tanques de terra. Peixes com peso inicial médio (220 g) foram distribuídos uniformemente em grupos triplicados em 15 hapas. Cinco dietas experimentais rotuladas como T1 (25% de CP e NRC recomendado nível de aminoácidos) como dieta controle, T2 (com 2% de proteína baixa e 5% de suplementação de aminoácidos), T3 (com 2% de proteína baixa e 10% de suplementação de aminoácidos), T4 (com 4% de baixa proteína e 10% de suplementação de aminoácidos) e T5 (com 4% de baixa proteína e 20% de suplementação de aminoácidos) foram preparadas. Os peixes foram alimentados com 3% do seu peso corporal duas vezes por dia às 10h00 e 16h00. Ganho de peso significativamente maior (420,18 ± 66,84a) e taxa de crescimento específico (13499,33 ± 1273,54a) juntamente com taxa de conversão alimentar melhorada (1, 29 ± 0,09b) e sobrevivência de cem por cento foram registrados durante o ensaio. Além disso, a análise aproximada da carne mostrou melhora significativa no nível de proteína bruta (81,77 ± 0,19a) servida com dieta contendo 20% de mistura de aminoácidos limitantes. Portanto, a limitação de aminoácidos pode ser uma fonte de alimentação econômica e usada com segurança na dieta de L. rohita.(AU)
Animais , Cyprinidae/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Cyprinidae/metabolismo , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Dieta com Restrição de Proteínas/veterináriaResumo
A resistência aos antimicrobianos representa uma ameaça sanitária global crescente, que deve ser abordada com urgência na saúde pública, na produção animal, agrícola e no meio ambiente. Essa circunstância põe em risco a eficiência do tratamento e diminui a eficácia contra infecções causadas pelos mais diversos agentes etiológicos, resultando em enfermidades mais prolongadas afetando diretamente os índices de fertilidade. Dessa forma, o objetivo dessa revisão foi abordar diferentes formas terapêuticas para sub/infertilidade em equinos, com o intuito de minimizar os problemas acarretados pelo uso indiscriminado de fármacos, relatando novas terapias alternativas, tais como ozonioterapia, plasma rico em plaquetas, uso de prostaglandina E1 e imunomoduladores na tentativa de solucionar velhos problemas.(AU)
Antimicrobial resistance represents a growing global health threat that must be urgently addressed in public health, animal production, agriculture and the environment. This circumstance jeopardizes the efficiency of the treatment and decreases the effectiveness against infections caused by the most diverse etiological agents, resulting in more prolonged illnesses, directly affecting fertility rates. Thus, the objective of this review was to address different therapeutic forms for sub/infertility in horses, with the aim of minimizing the problems caused by the indiscriminate use of drugs, reporting new alternative therapies, such as ozone therapy, platelet-rich plasma, use of prostaglandin E1 and immunomodulators in an attempt to solve old problems.(AU)
Animais , Usos Terapêuticos , Cavalos/imunologia , Anti-Infecciosos/uso terapêutico , Misoprostol , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Imunomodulação , Ozonioterapia , Fitoterapia/tendênciasResumo
The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has contributed to the emergence of multiresistant bacteria. Faced with this, the search for antibiotics from plants has proven to be a promising alternative. The objective of this work was to isolate and identify Staphylococcus sp. resistant to methicillin of the ocular surface of dogs with ophthalmopathies and to evaluate its susceptibility to alcoholic extract of the bark and hexane extract of the pulp of Caryocar brasiliense. Biological material was collected from the ocular surface of 21 dogs presenting ophthalmopathies. We isolated 64 S. pseudintermedius, among these, 4 isolates were identified as methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP). The alcoholic extract of C. brasiliense peel was able to inhibit the bacterial growth of MRSP isolates at a concentration of 2.2%. Thus, the extract from the C. brasiliense peel has antimicrobial potential and represents an alternative in the control of MRSP.
O uso indiscriminado de antibióticos tem contribuído para o surgimento de bactérias multirresistentes. Diante disso, a busca por antibióticos a partir de plantas tem se mostrado uma alternativa promissora. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar e identificar Staphylococcus sp. resistente à meticilina da superfície ocular de cães com oftalmopatias e avaliar sua susceptibilidade ao extrato alcoólico da casca e ao extrato hexânico da polpa de Caryocar brasiliense. O material biológico foi coletado da superficie ocular de 21 cães com oftalmopatia. Isolaram-se 64 S. pseudintermedius; entre esses, quatro isolados foram identificados como S. pseudintermedius resistente à meticilina (MRSP). O extrato alcoólico da casca de C. brasiliense foi capaz de inibir o crescimento bacteriano dos isolados de MRSP na concentração de 2,2%. Dessa forma, o extrato da casca de C. brasiliense possui potencial antimicrobiano e representa uma alternativa no controle de MRSP.