Maxillary squamous cell carcinoma with retrobulbar metastasis in dog / Carcinoma de células escamosas maxilar com metástase retrobulbar em cão
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.)
; 43(supl): 1-5, Aug. 14, 2015. ilus
em Pt
| ID: biblio-1457386
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Localização: BR68.1
The squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is the second most common cancer in the oral epithelium of dogs and rarely involves the retrobulbar area. The diagnosis is confirmed with cytological and histopathological exam. Faced with the unusual occurrence of retrobulbar tumors in dogs, we report a case of SCC in the left maxilla, with ipsilateral retrobulbar metastasis, and also highlight clinical aspects of the neoplasia, exams, early diagnosis and therapeutic possibilities.Case A male dog, 17 years old, with a history of visual loss, enlargement of left eye and prostration after 25 days of a dental treatment. The patient had exophthalmia of the left eye with mild lateral deviation, meibomitis, lagophthalmos, moderate conjunctival hyperemia and episcleral congestion, protrusion of the third eyelid, epiphora, moderate purulent discharge, paracentral corneal degeneration, absence of pupillary reflex to light (direct and consensual) and presence of immature cataract. The Schirmer test and intraocular pressure were normal, as well as complete blood count and biochemical profile. Due to the testy temperament of the animal, the intraoral examination was limited to two-thirds of the jaw in the first appointment. Ocular vitreous ultrasound was performed showing moderate amount of membranous and punctate echoes, as well as medium-high reflectivity were present in all meridians...RESUMO
O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) é considerado a segunda neoplasia oral não odontogênica, maligna, mais frequente em cães [6] e raramente acomete a região retrobulbar nesta espécie [3,11]. Neoplasias retrobulbares têm representatividade de 4% quando comparadas as de outras estruturas oculares [2] e em 74% das vezes, representam metástases [8].Diante da ocorrência incomum de neoplasias na região retrobulbar em cães, objetivou-se relatar o caso de CCE na maxila esquerda, com metástase retrobulbar ipsilateral, não obstante, ressaltar importantes aspectos da neoplasia que auxiliem no rápido diagnóstico e na escolha terapêutica...
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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.)
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