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Congenital secondary hypothyroidism evidences in a dog
Meirelles, Luana da Silva; Moresco, Maurício Bianchini; Jesus, Luciana de; Carvalho, Guilherme Luiz Carvalho de; Ferreira, Márcio Poletto; Põppl, Álan Gomes.
  • Meirelles, Luana da Silva;
  • Moresco, Maurício Bianchini; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária. Porto Alegre. BR
  • Jesus, Luciana de; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária. Porto Alegre. BR
  • Carvalho, Guilherme Luiz Carvalho de; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Porto Alegre. BR
  • Ferreira, Márcio Poletto; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária. Departamento de Medicina Animal. Porto Alegre. BR
  • Põppl, Álan Gomes; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária. Departamento de Medicina Animal. Porto Alegre. BR
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 45(suppl.1): Pub.217-2017. ilus
Article em En | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457804
Biblioteca responsável: BR68.1
Localização: BR68.1


Deficiency of thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) results in multisystemic disease described as hypothyroidism (HpoT). Secondary HpoT is defined by TSH decreased production and, therefore, thyroid hormones. This condition is rare in dogs, accounting for less than 5% of cases. The objective of this report is to describe evidence of congenital secondary hypothyroidism in a mongrel dog and therapeutic response obtained.Case A 3-year-old neutered male mongrel dog was brought to the veterinarian with a history of overweight without polyphagia, associated with discrete alopecia, poor quality skin and hair coat, lethargy and evident exercise intolerance. Physical examination revealed a body condition score of seven (1 to 9 scale), disqueratosis, pyoderma, ventral cervical alopecia, hair thinning on the posterior surface of the pelvic limbs and nonpalpable thyroid. A body conformation characterized by disproportionate dwarfism was observed. Owners provided a former patient´s X-ray (18 months of age), showing growth plate non-closure in vertebral bodies. Results of a complete blood count (CBC) and serum biochemical profile were within normal limits except for elevated fructosamine (459 µmol/L; reference range 170-338 µmol/L) and total cholesterol (558 mg/dL; reference range 135-270 mg/dL). Analyses of the hormone profile showed decreased levels of canine thyroid-stimulating hormone (cTSH) 0.03 ng/mL (reference range 0.05-0.5 ng/mL), free thyroxine by equilibrium dialysis (fdT4) 0.57 ng/dL (reference range 0.8-3.0 ng/dL), and total thyroxine (tT4) 5.1 ng/mL (reference range 15-30 ng/mL). A distal forelimb X-ray was performed and showed opened epiphyseal growth plates from radius and ulnar bones. The patient was discharged with sodium levothyroxine (20 µg/kg PO q 24 hr) until re-evaluation...