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Opt Express ; 24(12): 13574-83, 2016 Jun 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27410373


Using a quasinormal mode (QNM) theory for open cavity systems, we present detailed calculations and designs of a photonic crystal nanocavity (PCN) side-coupled to a photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) for on-chip single photon source applications. We investigate various cavity-waveguide geometries using an L3 PCN coupled to a W1 PCW, obtaining the quality factors, effective mode volumes, and single photon Purcell factors of the complete loaded cavity-waveguide system as a function of spatial separation between the two. We also show that the quality factor does not monotonically increase with increasing separation between the PCN and PCW, and we identify a particular hole/defect which acts as the key structural parameter in the cavity-waveguide coupling.

Nature ; 467(7313): 297-300, 2010 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20844531


Reliable preparation, manipulation and measurement protocols are necessary to exploit a physical system as a quantum bit. Spins in optically active quantum dots offer one potential realization and recent demonstrations have shown high-fidelity preparation and ultrafast coherent manipulation. The final challenge-that is, single-shot measurement of the electron spin-has proved to be the most difficult of the three and so far only time-averaged optical measurements have been reported. The main obstacle to optical spin readout in single quantum dots is that the same laser that probes the spin state also flips the spin being measured. Here, by using a gate-controlled quantum dot molecule, we present the ability to measure the spin state of a single electron in real time via the intermittency of quantum dot resonance fluorescence. The quantum dot molecule, unlike its single quantum dot counterpart, allows separate and independent optical transitions for state preparation, manipulation and measurement, avoiding the dilemma of relying on the same transition to address the spin state of an electron.

Nature ; 451(7176): 311-4, 2008 Jan 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18202652


The Fano effect is ubiquitous in the spectroscopy of, for instance, atoms, bulk solids and semiconductor heterostructures. It arises when quantum interference takes place between two competing optical pathways, one connecting the energy ground state and an excited discrete state, the other connecting the ground state with a continuum of energy states. The nature of the interference changes rapidly as a function of energy, giving rise to characteristically asymmetric lineshapes. The Fano effect is particularly important in the interpretation of electronic transport and optical spectra in semiconductors. Whereas Fano's original theory applies to the linear regime at low power, at higher power a laser field strongly admixes the states and the physics becomes rich, leading, for example, to a remarkable interplay of coherent nonlinear transitions. Despite the general importance of Fano physics, this nonlinear regime has received very little attention experimentally, presumably because the classic autoionization processes, the original test-bed of Fano's ideas, occur in an inconvenient spectral region, the deep ultraviolet. Here we report experiments that access the nonlinear Fano regime by using semiconductor quantum dots, which allow both the continuum states to be engineered and the energies to be rescaled to the near infrared. We measure the absorption cross-section of a single quantum dot and discover clear Fano resonances that we can tune with the device design or even in situ with a voltage bias. In parallel, we develop a nonlinear theory applicable to solid-state systems with fast relaxation of carriers. In the nonlinear regime, the visibility of the Fano quantum interferences increases dramatically, affording a sensitive probe of continuum coupling. This could be a unique method to detect weak couplings of a two-level quantum system (qubits), which should ideally be decoupled from all other states.

Nature ; 445(7130): 896-9, 2007 Feb 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17259971


Cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) studies the interaction between a quantum emitter and a single radiation-field mode. When an atom is strongly coupled to a cavity mode, it is possible to realize important quantum information processing tasks, such as controlled coherent coupling and entanglement of distinguishable quantum systems. Realizing these tasks in the solid state is clearly desirable, and coupling semiconductor self-assembled quantum dots to monolithic optical cavities is a promising route to this end. However, validating the efficacy of quantum dots in quantum information applications requires confirmation of the quantum nature of the quantum-dot-cavity system in the strong-coupling regime. Here we find such confirmation by observing quantum correlations in photoluminescence from a photonic crystal nanocavity interacting with one, and only one, quantum dot located precisely at the cavity electric field maximum. When off-resonance, photon emission from the cavity mode and quantum-dot excitons is anticorrelated at the level of single quanta, proving that the mode is driven solely by the quantum dot despite an energy mismatch between cavity and excitons. When tuned to resonance, the exciton and cavity enter the strong-coupling regime of cavity QED and the quantum-dot exciton lifetime reduces by a factor of 145. The generated photon stream becomes antibunched, proving that the strongly coupled exciton/photon system is in the quantum regime. Our observations unequivocally show that quantum information tasks are achievable in solid-state cavity QED.

Phys Rev Lett ; 108(10): 107401, 2012 Mar 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22463453


We probe local charge fluctuations in a semiconductor via laser spectroscopy on a nearby self-assembled quantum dot. We demonstrate that the quantum dot is sensitive to changes in the local environment at the single-charge level. By controlling the charge state of localized defects, we are able to infer the distance of the defects from the quantum dot with ±5 nm resolution. The results identify and quantify the main source of charge noise in the commonly used optical field-effect devices.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(16): 166802, 2011 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22107415


We propose and demonstrate an all-optical approach to single-electron sensing using the optical transitions of a semiconductor quantum dot. The measured electric-field sensitivity of 5 (V/m)/√Hz corresponds to detecting a single electron located 5 µm from the quantum dot-nearly 10 times greater than the diffraction limited spot size of the excitation laser-in 1 s. The quantum-dot-based electrometer is more sensitive than other devices operating at a temperature of 4.2 K or higher and further offers suppressed backaction on the measured system.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(5): 056804, 2007 Aug 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17930778


We present measurements of the buildup and decay of nuclear spin polarization in a single semiconductor quantum dot. Our experiment shows that we polarize the nuclei in a few milliseconds, while their decay dynamics depends drastically on external parameters. We show that a single electron can very efficiently depolarize nuclear spins in milliseconds whereas in the absence of the electron the nuclear spin lifetime is on the scale of seconds. This lifetime is further enhanced by 1-2 orders of magnitude by quenching the nonsecular nuclear dipole-dipole interactions with a magnetic field of 1 mT.

Phys Rev Lett ; 103(8): 087406, 2009 Aug 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19792764


We report the observation of all-optically tunable Raman fluorescence from a single quantum dot. The Raman photons are produced in an optically driven Lambda system defined by subjecting the single electron charged quantum dot to a magnetic field in Voigt geometry. Detuning the driving laser from resonance, we tune the frequency of the Raman photons by about 2.5 GHz. The number of scattered photons and the linewidth of the Raman photons are investigated as a function of detuning. The study presented here could form the basis of a new technique for investigating spin-bath interactions in the solid state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(3): 036808, 2007 Jan 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17358715


We present new understanding of excitonic fine structure in close-to-symmetric InAs/GaAs and InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots. We demonstrate excellent agreement between spectroscopy and many-body pseudopotential theory in the energy splittings, selection rules and polarizations of the optical emissions from doubly charged excitons. We discover a marked difference between the fine structure of the doubly negatively and doubly positively charged excitons. The features in the doubly charged emission spectra are shown to arise mainly from the lack of inversion symmetry in the underlying crystal lattice.

Nano Lett ; 7(9): 2892-6, 2007 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17691853


Through the utilization of index-matched GaAs immersion lens techniques, we demonstrate a record extinction (12%) of a far-field focused laser beam by a single InAs/GaAs quantum dot. This contrast level enables us to report for the first time resonant laser transmission spectroscopy on a single InAs/GaAs quantum dot without the need for phase-sensitive lock-in detection.

Arsenicais/química , Arsenicais/efeitos da radiação , Gálio/química , Gálio/efeitos da radiação , Índio/química , Índio/efeitos da radiação , Lasers , Nanotecnologia/métodos , Pontos Quânticos , Teste de Materiais
Phys Rev Lett ; 96(16): 167403, 2006 Apr 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16712275


We demonstrate dynamical nuclear-spin polarization in the absence of an external magnetic field by resonant circularly polarized optical excitation of a single electron or hole charged quantum dot. Optical pumping of the electron spin induces an effective inhomogeneous magnetic (Knight) field that determines the direction along which nuclear spins could polarize and enables nuclear-spin cooling by suppressing depolarization induced by nuclear dipole-dipole interactions. Our experiments constitute a first step towards a quantum measurement of the Overhauser field.

Phys Rev Lett ; 96(12): 127404, 2006 Mar 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16605958


We demonstrate that very few (2-4) quantum dots as a gain medium are sufficient to realize a photonic-crystal laser based on a high-quality nanocavity. Photon correlation measurements show a transition from a thermal to a coherent light state proving that lasing action occurs at ultralow thresholds. Observation of lasing is unexpected since the cavity mode is in general not resonant with the discrete quantum dot states and emission at those frequencies is suppressed. In this situation, the quasicontinuous quantum dot states become crucial since they provide an energy-transfer channel into the lasing mode, effectively leading to a self-tuned resonance for the gain medium.