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Nature ; 627(8005): 783-788, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38538937


Controlling the intensity of emitted light and charge current is the basis of transferring and processing information1. By contrast, robust information storage and magnetic random-access memories are implemented using the spin of the carrier and the associated magnetization in ferromagnets2. The missing link between the respective disciplines of photonics, electronics and spintronics is to modulate the circular polarization of the emitted light, rather than its intensity, by electrically controlled magnetization. Here we demonstrate that this missing link is established at room temperature and zero applied magnetic field in light-emitting diodes2-7, through the transfer of angular momentum between photons, electrons and ferromagnets. With spin-orbit torque8-11, a charge current generates also a spin current to electrically switch the magnetization. This switching determines the spin orientation of injected carriers into semiconductors, in which the transfer of angular momentum from the electron spin to photon controls the circular polarization of the emitted light2. The spin-photon conversion with the nonvolatile control of magnetization opens paths to seamlessly integrate information transfer, processing and storage. Our results provide substantial advances towards electrically controlled ultrafast modulation of circular polarization and spin injection with magnetization dynamics for the next-generation information and communication technology12, including space-light data transfer. The same operating principle in scaled-down structures or using two-dimensional materials will enable transformative opportunities for quantum information processing with spin-controlled single-photon sources, as well as for implementing spin-dependent time-resolved spectroscopies.

Nature ; 608(7924): 687-691, 2022 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36002483


Revealing universal behaviours is a hallmark of statistical physics. Phenomena such as the stochastic growth of crystalline surfaces1 and of interfaces in bacterial colonies2, and spin transport in quantum magnets3-6 all belong to the same universality class, despite the great plurality of physical mechanisms they involve at the microscopic level. More specifically, in all these systems, space-time correlations show power-law scalings characterized by universal critical exponents. This universality stems from a common underlying effective dynamics governed by the nonlinear stochastic Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation7. Recent theoretical works have suggested that this dynamics also emerges in the phase of out-of-equilibrium systems showing macroscopic spontaneous coherence8-17. Here we experimentally demonstrate that the evolution of the phase in a driven-dissipative one-dimensional polariton condensate falls in the KPZ universality class. Our demonstration relies on a direct measurement of KPZ space-time scaling laws18,19, combined with a theoretical analysis that reveals other key signatures of this universality class. Our results highlight fundamental physical differences between out-of-equilibrium condensates and their equilibrium counterparts, and open a paradigm for exploring universal behaviours in driven open quantum systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 132(12): 126901, 2024 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38579217


Despite appealing high-symmetry properties that enable strong spatial confinement and ultrahigh-Q, optical whispering-gallery modes of spherical and circular resonators have been absent from the field of quantum-well exciton polaritons. Here we observe whispering-gallery exciton polaritons in a gallium arsenide microdisk cavity filled with indium gallium arsenide quantum wells, the test bed materials of polaritonics. Strong coupling is evidenced in photoluminescence and resonant spectroscopy accessed through concomitant confocal microscopy and near-field optical techniques. Excitonic and optical resonances are tuned by varying temperature and disk radius, revealing Rabi splittings between 5 and 10 meV. A dedicated analytical quantum model for such circular whispering-gallery polaritons is developed, which reproduces the measured values. At high power, lasing is observed and accompanied by a blueshift of the emission consistent with the regime of polariton lasing. With experimental methods and theory now established, whispering-gallery-mode polaritons in round dielectric resonators appear as a new viable platform toward low loss polaritonics.

Nano Lett ; 22(2): 710-715, 2022 01 26.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35020404


We demonstrate multimode optomechanical sensing of individual nanoparticles with a radius between 75 and 150 nm. A semiconductor optomechanical disk resonator is optically driven and detected under ambient conditions, as nebulized nanoparticles land on it. Multiple mechanical and optical resonant signals of the disk are tracked simultaneously, providing access to several pieces of physical information about the landing analyte in real time. Thanks to a fast camera registering the time and position of landing, these signals can be employed to weight each nanoparticle with precision. Sources of error and deviation are discussed and modeled, indicating a path to evaluate the elasticity of the nanoparticles on top of their mere mass. The device is optimized for the future investigation of biological particles in the high megadalton range, such as large viruses.

Phys Rev Lett ; 126(24): 243901, 2021 Jun 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34213944


In semiconductor nano-optomechanical resonators, several forms of light-matter interaction can enrich the canonical radiation pressure coupling of light and mechanical motion and give rise to new dynamical regimes. Here, we observe an electro-optomechanical modulation instability in a gallium arsenide disk resonator. The regime is evidenced by the concomitant formation of regular and dense combs in the radio-frequency and optical spectrums of the resonator associated with a permanent pulsatory dynamics of the mechanical motion and optical intensity. The mutual coupling between light, mechanical oscillations, carriers, and heat, notably through photothermal interactions, stabilizes an extended mechanical comb in the ultrahigh frequency range that can be controlled optically.

Nat Mater ; 18(3): 213-218, 2019 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30783231


Over the past decade, exciton-polaritons in semiconductor microcavities have revealed themselves as one of the richest realizations of a light-based quantum fluid1, subject to fascinating new physics and potential applications2-6. For instance, in the regime of large two-body interactions, polaritons can be used to manipulate the quantum properties of a light field7-9. In this work, we report on the emergence of quantum correlations in laser light transmitted through a fibre-cavity polariton system. We observe a dispersive shape of the autocorrelation function around the polariton resonance that indicates the onset of this regime. The weak amplitude of these correlations indicates a state that still remains far from a low-photon-number state. Nonetheless, given the underlying physical mechanism7, our work opens up the prospect of eventually using polaritons to turn laser light into single photons.

Fótons , Semicondutores , Luz
Phys Rev Lett ; 125(6): 067403, 2020 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32845682


Multidimensional coherent spectroscopy directly unravels multiply excited states that overlap in a linear spectrum. We report multidimensional coherent optical photocurrent spectroscopy in a semiconductor polariton diode and explore the excitation ladder of cavity polaritons. We measure doubly and triply avoided crossings for pairs and triplets of exciton polaritons, demonstrating the strong coupling between light and dressed doublet and triplet semiconductor excitations. These results demonstrate that multiply excited excitonic states strongly coupled to a microcavity can be described as two coupled quantum-anharmonic ladders.

Nano Lett ; 19(6): 3699-3706, 2019 06 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31026170


The control of quantum coupling between nano-objects is essential to quantum technologies. Confined nanostructures, such as cavities, resonators, or quantum dots, are designed to enhance interactions between electrons, photons, or phonons, giving rise to new properties, on which devices are developed. The nature and strength of these interactions are often measured indirectly on an assembly of dissimilar objects. Here, we adopt an innovative point of view by directly mapping the coupling of single nanostructures using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM and STS). We take advantage of the unique capabilities of STM/STS to map simultaneously the nano-object's morphology and electronic density in order to observe in real space the electronic coupling of pairs of In(Ga)As/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots (QDs), forming quantum dot molecules (QDMs). Differential conductance maps d I/d V ( E, x, y) demonstrate the presence of an effective electronic coupling, leading to bonding and antibonding states, even for dissymmetric QDMs. The experimental results are supported by numerical simulations. The actual geometry of the QDMs is taken into account to determine the strength of the coupling, showing the crucial role of quantum dot size and pair separation for device growth optimization.

Opt Express ; 27(9): 12182, 2019 04 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31052762


An erratum is presented to correct for a typo in the appendix of the original article.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(11): 117402, 2019 Mar 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30951355


We study ultracold dipolar excitons confined in a 10 µm trap of a double GaAs quantum well. Based on the local density approximation, we unveil for the first time the equation of state of excitons. Specifically, in this regime and below a critical temperature of about 1 K, we show that for a local density n∼(2-3)×10^{10} cm^{-2} a coherent quasicondensate phase forms in the inner region of the trap, encircled by a more dilute and normal component in the outer rim. Remarkably, this spatial arrangement correlates directly with the concentration of defects in the exciton density, which is strongly decreased in the quasicondensed region, consistent with a superfluid phase. Thus, our observations point towards a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless crossover for two-dimensional excitons.

Nano Lett ; 17(11): 6667-6675, 2017 11 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29035545


We present an effective method of determining the doping level in n-type III-V semiconductors at the nanoscale. Low-temperature and room-temperature cathodoluminescence (CL) measurements are carried out on single Si-doped GaAs nanowires. The spectral shift to higher energy (Burstein-Moss shift) and the broadening of luminescence spectra are signatures of increased electron densities. They are compared to the CL spectra of calibrated Si-doped GaAs layers, whose doping levels are determined by Hall measurements. We apply the generalized Planck's law to fit the whole spectra, taking into account the electron occupation in the conduction band, the bandgap narrowing, and band tails. The electron Fermi levels are used to determine the free electron concentrations, and we infer nanowire doping of 6 × 1017 to 1 × 1018 cm-3. These results show that cathodoluminescence provides a robust way to probe carrier concentrations in semiconductors with the possibility of mapping spatial inhomogeneities at the nanoscale.

Opt Express ; 25(20): 24639-24649, 2017 Oct 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29041409


Optomechanical systems based on nanophotonics are advancing the field of precision motion measurement, quantum control and nanomechanical sensing. In this context III-V semiconductors offer original assets like the heteroepitaxial growth of optimized metamaterials for photon/phonon interactions. GaAs has already demonstrated high performances in optomechanics but suffers from two photon absorption (TPA) at the telecom wavelength, which can limit the cooperativity. Here, we investigate TPA-free III-V semiconductor materials for optomechanics applications: GaAs lattice-matched In0.5Ga0.5P and Al0.4Ga0.6As. We report on the fabrication and optical characterization of high frequency (500-700 MHz) optomechanical disks made out of these two materials, demonstrating high optical and mechanical Q in ambient conditions. Finally we achieve operating these new devices as laser-sustained optomechanical self-oscillators, and draw a first comparative study with existing GaAs systems.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(12): 127402, 2017 Mar 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28388190


We study spatially indirect excitons of GaAs quantum wells, confined in a 10 µm electrostatic trap. Below a critical temperature of about 1 K, we detect macroscopic spatial coherence and quantized vortices in the weak photoluminescence emitted from the trap. These quantum signatures are restricted to a narrow range of density, in a dilute regime. They manifest the formation of a four-component superfluid, made by a low population of optically bright excitons coherently coupled to a dominant fraction of optically dark excitons.

Phys Rev Lett ; 118(23): 233602, 2017 Jun 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28644642


We investigate the temperature dependence of photon coherence properties through two-photon interference (TPI) measurements from a single quantum dot (QD) under resonant excitation. We show that the loss of indistinguishability is related only to the electron-phonon coupling and is not affected by spectral diffusion. Through these measurements and a complementary microscopic theory, we identify two independent separate decoherence processes, both of which are associated with phonons. Below 10 K, we find that the relaxation of the vibrational lattice is the dominant contribution to the loss of TPI visibility. This process is non-Markovian in nature and corresponds to real phonon transitions resulting in a broad phonon sideband in the QD emission spectra. Above 10 K, virtual phonon transitions to higher lying excited states in the QD become the dominant dephasing mechanism, this leads to a broadening of the zero phonon line, and a corresponding rapid decay in the visibility. The microscopic theory we develop provides analytic expressions for the dephasing rates for both virtual phonon scattering and non-Markovian lattice relaxation.

Nature ; 466(7303): 217-20, 2010 Jul 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20613838


A source of triggered entangled photon pairs is a key component in quantum information science; it is needed to implement functions such as linear quantum computation, entanglement swapping and quantum teleportation. Generation of polarization entangled photon pairs can be obtained through parametric conversion in nonlinear optical media or by making use of the radiative decay of two electron-hole pairs trapped in a semiconductor quantum dot. Today, these sources operate at a very low rate, below 0.01 photon pairs per excitation pulse, which strongly limits their applications. For systems based on parametric conversion, this low rate is intrinsically due to the Poissonian statistics of the source. Conversely, a quantum dot can emit a single pair of entangled photons with a probability near unity but suffers from a naturally very low extraction efficiency. Here we show that this drawback can be overcome by coupling an optical cavity in the form of a 'photonic molecule' to a single quantum dot. Two coupled identical pillars-the photonic molecule-were etched in a semiconductor planar microcavity, using an optical lithography method that ensures a deterministic coupling to the biexciton and exciton energy states of a pre-selected quantum dot. The Purcell effect ensures that most entangled photon pairs are emitted into two cavity modes, while improving the indistinguishability of the two optical recombination paths. A polarization entangled photon pair rate of 0.12 per excitation pulse (with a concurrence of 0.34) is collected in the first lens. Our results open the way towards the fabrication of solid state triggered sources of entangled photon pairs, with an overall (creation and collection) efficiency of 80%.

Nano Lett ; 15(10): 6290-4, 2015 Oct 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26325603


Bright single photon sources have recently been obtained by inserting solid-state emitters in microcavities. Accelerating the spontaneous emission via the Purcell effect allows both high brightness and increased operation frequency. However, achieving Purcell enhancement is technologically demanding because the emitter resonance must match the cavity resonance. Here, we show that this spectral matching requirement is strongly lifted by the phononic environment of the emitter. We study a single InGaAs quantum dot coupled to a micropillar cavity. The phonon assisted emission, which hardly represents a few percent of the dot emission at a given frequency in the absence of cavity, can become the main emission channel by use of the Purcell effect. A phonon-tuned single photon source with a brightness greater than 50% is demonstrated over a detuning range covering 10 cavity line widths (0.8 nm). The same concepts applied to defects in diamonds pave the way toward ultrabright single photon sources operating at room temperature.

Opt Express ; 23(15): 19656-72, 2015 Jul 27.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26367623


Whispering gallery modes in GaAs disk resonators reach half a million of optical quality factor. These high Qs remain still well below the ultimate design limit set by bending losses. Here we investigate the origin of residual optical dissipation in these devices. A Transmission Electron Microscope analysis is combined with an improved Volume Current Method to precisely quantify optical scattering losses by roughness and waviness of the structures, and gauge their importance relative to intrinsic material and radiation losses. The analysis also provides a qualitative description of the surface reconstruction layer, whose optical absorption is then revealed by comparing spectroscopy experiments in air and in different liquids. Other linear and nonlinear optical loss channels in the disks are evaluated likewise. Routes are given to further improve the performances of these miniature GaAs cavities.

Opt Lett ; 39(2): 307-10, 2014 Jan 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24562133


We experimentally demonstrate that two-photon pumping of "dark" excitons in quantum wells embedded in semiconductor microcavities can result in exciton-polariton injection and photon lasing. In the case of a semiconductor micropillar pumped at half of the exciton frequency, we observe a clear threshold behavior, characteristic of the vertical cavity surface emitting laser transition. These results are interpreted in terms of stimulated emission of terahertz photons, which allows for conversion of "dark" excitons into exciton-polaritons.

Lasers , Fótons , Semicondutores , Luminescência , Fatores de Tempo