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Rev. bras. psicanál ; 54(3): 135-152, jul.-set. 2020. ilus
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288928


RESUMO A psicoterapia influencia através de comunicações tanto implícitas quanto explícitas. Ter dois terapeutas apresenta aos casais uma nova relação com a qual os mundos internos dos parceiros podem interagir. Isso oferece uma experiência potencialmente transformadora para a integração de mentes e relacionamentos destruídos. Após uma revisão crítica dos argumentos originalmente oferecidos no Reino Unido para o uso de dois terapeutas em psicoterapia psicanalítica de casais, e incorporando pesquisas que destacam a significância do casal parental para o desenvolvimento da capacidade triangular na primeira infância, os autores - que trabalham como coterapeutas há muitos anos - consideram e ilustram o valor da coterapia como uma forma daquilo que Ogden descreveu como ação interpretativa. A ação interpretativa se relaciona com meios não verbais, pelos quais os terapeutas comunicam o seu entendimento da dinâmica intersubjetiva inconsciente que afeta o processo terapêutico.

ABSTRACT Psychotherapy influences through implicit as well as explicit communications. Having two therapists presents couples with a novel relationship with which the internal worlds of partners can interact. This offers a potentially mutative experience for integrating fractured minds and relationships. Following a critical review of the arguments originally offered in the UK for using two therapists in couple psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and incorporating research that highlights the significance of the parental couple for developing "triangular capacity" in infants, the authors (who have worked as co-therapists for many years) consider and illustrate its value as a form of what Ogden (1994) described as "interpretive action". Interpretive action relates to non-verbal means by which therapists communicate their understanding of unconscious intersubjective dynamics affecting the therapeutic process.

RESUMEN La psicoterapia influye a través de comunicaciones tanto implícitas como explícitas. Tener dos terapeutas ofrece a las parejas una nueva relación con la que sus mundos interiores pueden interactuar. Esto ofrece una experiencia potencialmente transformadora para la interacción de mentes y relaciones en crisis. Tras una revisión crítica de los argumentos originalmente ofrecidos en el Reino Unido para el uso de dos terapeutas en psicoterapia psicoanalítica de parejas, e incorporando investigaciones que destacan la significación de la pareja parental para el desarrollo de la "capacidad triangular" en la primera infancia, los autores - que trabajan como coterapeutas hace años - consideran e ilustran el valor de la coterapia como una forma de lo que Ogden (1994) describió como "acción interpretativa". La acción interpretativa se relaciona con los medios no verbales por los cuales los terapeutas comunican su entendimiento de la dinámica intersubjetiva inconsciente que afecta el proceso terapéutico.

RÉSUMÉ La psychothérapie influence par l'intermédiaire des communications aussi bien implicites qu'explicites. Le fait d'avoir deux thérapeutes offre aux couples une nouvelle relation avec laquelle peuvent interagir les mondes internes des partenaires. Cela procure une expérience potentiellement transformatrice pour l'intégration des cerveaux et les rapports ravagés. Après une révision critique des arguments originalement offerts dans le Royaume Uni concernant l'emploi de deux thérapeutes en psychothérapie psychanalytique de couples, en incorporant des recherches qui mettent en évidence la signification du couple parentale pour le développement de la « capacité triangulaire ¼ dans la petite enfance, les auteurs - qui travaillent comme cothérapeutes depuis plusieurs années - envisagent et illustrent la valeur de la cothérapie en tant qu'une espèce de ce qu'Ogden (1 944) a décrit comme une « action interprétative ¼. L'action interprétative a des rapports avec des moyens non verbaux à l'aide desquels les thérapeutes communiquent sa compréhension de la dynamique intersubjective inconsciente qui atteint le processus thérapeutique.

J. psicanal ; 48(88): 111-120, dez. 2015.
مقالة ي البرتغالية | LILACS | ID: lil-765836


Ao trabalhar-se com grupos, é muito frequente trabalhar-se em grupo. O conceito de intertransferência de René Kaës constitui uma rara contribuição para entendermos psicanaliticamente o trabalho em equipe interpretante. Neste artigo, apresentamos os conceitos de "intertransferência" e "análise da intertransferência" (ait), contrastando os diferentes textos do autor sobre o assunto entre 1976 e 2004. O conceito de 'intertransferência' aborda a especificidade da problemática da contratransferência quando trabalhamos em equipe. A AIT pressupõe o trabalho da equipe interpretante de associar suas experiências uns com os outros, com suas instituições de pertencimento e com o grupo atendido. Identificamos e comentamos algumas diferenças entre os textos analisados...

When one works with groups, working in a group (of analysts) is something that happens very frequently. René Kaës's concept of intertransference constitutes a rare contribution to our psychoanalytic understanding of working in a interpreting team. In this article, we present the concepts of inter-transference and inter-transferential analysis (ita) by comparing different works about this subject that were written by that author from 1976 to 2004. The concept of inter-transference approaches the specificity of the problematic of countertransference that is observed when we work in a team. The ita implies a work of the interpreting team in associating their experiences with each other, with their institutions of belonging, and with the attended group. We identify and comment some differences among the examined papers...

Trabajar con grupos muy frecuentemente es trabajar en grupo. El concepto de intertransferencia de René Kaës constituye una rara contribución para pensar psicoanalíticamente el trabajo en equipo interpretante. En este artículo, presentaremos los conceptos de intertransferencia y análisis de la intertransferencia (ait) realizando un contraste entre los diferentes textos escritos por el autor entre 1972 y 2004. El concepto de intertransferencia aborda la especificidad de la problemática de la contratransferencia cuando trabajamos en equipo. El AIT presupone el trabajo del equipo interpretante de asociar sobre sus experiencias unos con otros, con sus instituciones de pertenencia y con el grupo atendido. Identificamos y comentamos algunas diferencias entre los textos analizados...

Humans , Psychotherapy, Group , Transference, Psychology
مقالة ي الانجليزية | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629348


Background: Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) have an important role in the detoxification of electrophiles, such as some anticancer drugs. Compounds with phenolic and/or α,b-unsaturated carbonyl group have been known as GSTs inhibitor in vitro. Cefadroxil in vitro decreased GST-Pi activity but not GSTs in rat kidney cytosol. GST inhibitor in a specific organ and of a specific class is needed for safety in cancer chemotherapy. The study aims to observe the effect of cefadroxil on GSTs in vivo in rat kidney cytosol and then compare it to those seen for liver, lung, and spleen in vivo. Methods: Cefadroxil was given twice a day by forcefeeding for five days. Rat kidney cytosol was then prepared and its protein concentration was determined. Cytosolic total GST, GST-Mu and GST-Pi activities were monitored by a continuous spectrophotometric method using the following substrates: 1-chloro, 2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) (non-specific substrate), 1,2-dichloro-4-nitrobenzene (DCNB) for GST-Mu, and ethacrynic acid (EA) for GST-Pi. Results: The data showed that cefadroxil significantly increased the activity of GSTs, GST-Mu, and GSTPi in rat kidney cytosol (8.75%, 47.81%, and 6.67% respectively). Conclusion: Cefadroxil did not inhibit GSTs, GST-Mu, and GST-Pi in rat kidney in vivo indicating that it does not inhibit chemotherapy detoxification by GSTs, GSTMu, and GST-Pi in normal kidney cells.

Pensam. psicol ; 10(1): 63-75, ene.-jun. 2012.
مقالة ي الأسبانية | LILACS | ID: lil-708948


Objetivo. El estudio es del tipo investigación-intervención bajo la modalidad terapeuta-coterapeuta,orientado a entrenar a los/as estudiantes, en atención a familias y parejas. Método. Se utilizó la metodología cualitativa acción participante, en la vertiente llamada experiencial. Participaron en el estudio dos profesionales, psicólogas clínicas y 6 estudiantes de pregrado de Psicología de últimos semestres. Resultados. Se recogieron las experiencias vividas mediante la fundamentación e implementación de un modelo piloto de entrenamiento a estudiantes de Psicología en atención a familias y parejas para que pudiera ser sistematizado por la Universidad. Conclusión. La implementación del modelo de atención terapeuta-coterapeuta permitió ampliar la mirada y pasar de una atención individual (intrapsíquica) a una atención familiar, grupal o de parejas (interpersonal). Se demostró cómo la co-construcción del conocimiento deriva del trabajo en grupo y cómo emerge la necesidad de implementar otros modelos de entrenamiento terapéutico a estudiantes de pregrado en Psicología para afrontar eficazmente su práctica clínica profesional.

Objective. The purpose of this study was to design a therapist - co-therapist training model, and to introduce undergraduate Psychology students to the practice of family and couples therapy and to broaden their perspective and reasoning from an individual to a relational reading of psychosocial processes. The study followed a research/intervention model. Method. The methodology was clinical and action-oriented, following an experiential approach. Two therapists coordinated the training workshops with 6 senior Psychology students. Initially a collaborative seminar was formed to study and discuss the theoretical concepts of family and couples therapy and to explore and analyze the participants' own genealogy and family tree structure. Gradually, the group became a clinical team and therapist - co-therapist pairs started diagnostic and intervention procedures. Results. Experiences through the implementation of a pilot model for introducing and training Psychology students to work with families and couples were gathered, so that these could be systematized by the program. Data from therapy sessions and staff meetings were recorded and analyzed through qualitative procedures. Conclusion. As a product of the implementation of this pilot model, the perspective of the undergraduate Psychology students was broadened from an individual (intrapsychic) focus to a group (interpersonal), family, or couples focus. The findings demonstrate how the co-construction of knowledge is derived from group work, and the need to implement other training models for the training of students in psychological reasoning for professional practice.

Escopo. O estudo foi feito usando o desenho de pesquisa- intervenção, com o que procura-se treinar estudantes de Psicologia em atenção a famílias e casais com o modelo terapeuta- coterapeuta. Metodologia. Dois profissionais, psicólogas clínicas e seis estudantes de licenciatura de Psicologia de últimos semestres participaram no estudo. Os dados foram coletados com a metodologia qualitativa ação participante, na vertente chamada experiencial. Resultados. Foram coletadas as experiências vividas mediante a fundamentação e implementação de um modelo piloto de treinamento a estudantes de Psicologia em atenção a famílias e casais para puder ser sistematizado pela universidade. Conclusão. A implementação do modelo de atenção terapeuta-coterapeuta permitiu ampliar a mirada e passar de uma atenção individual (intrapsíquica) a uma atenção familiar, grupal, o de casais (interpessoal). Foi demostrado como a co- construção do conhecimento deriva do trabalho em grupo e da qual emerge a necessidade de implementar outros modelos de treinamento terapêutico a estudantes de licenciatura em Psicologia, para afrontar eficazmente sua prática clínica profissional.

Humans , Countertransference , Psychology , Family , Object Attachment
مقالة ي صينى | WPRIM | ID: wpr-412731


Objective To discuss the feasibility of Monte Carlo N-particle transport code(MCNP)simulated calculation.Methods The calculation in water phantom was contrasted with the practical measurements and the reported values using the percent depth dose(PDD)curve and normal peak scatter factor.Results There Was no significant difference between calculated and measured results in the 10 cm×10 cm field(t=-0.41,P>0.05),however,there were significant differences in the 5 cm×5 cm field(t=7.2,P<0.05)and in the 12 cm×12 cm field(t=-4.6,P<0.05).There was no significant difierence between the calculated results and the reported values(t=-1.91,P>0.05).In the same radiation field,the PDD decreased as the depth increased,but increased as the size of the radiation field increased at the same depth.PDD and normal peak scatter factor were both important parameters for calculation of prescribed dose.Conclusions It is possible to establish a set of accurate and comprehensive percent depth doses and normal peak scatter factor parameters so as to provide the basis of clinical use, quality assurance and quality control for radiotherapy.

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