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J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20220323, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421903


Abstract Objectives This is a double-blind, split-mouth, randomized clinical study that aims to evaluate the influence of bulk-fill composite packaging presented in syringes (BSy) and capsules (BCa), and the effect of selective enamel etching (SEE) on the clinical performance of class I and II bulk-fill resin composite restorations after 24 months. Methodology A total of 295 class I or class II restorations were performed on 70 patients. One universal adhesive was applied in all restorations. SEE was used in 148 restorations and self-etching mode (SET) in 147 restorations. After the adhesive application, cavities were restored with Filtek Bulk-fill Posterior Restorative in syringes (BSy), Filtek One Bulk-fill in capsules (BCa), or Filtek Supreme Ultra in syringes with the incremental technique (In). All restorations were evaluated using the FDI criteria after one week and after six, 12, and 24 months. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and Pearson's Chi-square test were used (α=0.05) for statistical analysis. Results After 24 months, 62 patients were evaluated and four restorations were lost due to fracture (one for SEEBSy, two for SEEIn, and one for SETIn). No significant differences in the fracture and retention rate were found between groups (p>0.05). SEE showed significantly fewer marginal adaptation defects than SET (p<0.05). BCa and BSy groups showed fewer marginal discrepancies compared to In (p<0.05). Restorations performed with BCa showed less color mismatch than BSy or In (p<0.05). Conclusion Although all restorations exhibited satisfactory clinical performance after 24 months of clinical service, the clinical behavior of class I and II restorations' improved when performed with a bulk-fill composite in capsules, mainly when associated with a universal adhesive applied with SEE.

Braz. dent. sci ; 25(4): 1-13, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1400962


Objetivo: Este ensaio clínico randomizado, duplo-cego e boca dividida avaliou o desempenho clínico de um novo compósito termoviscoso com pré-aquecimento (PHT) em comparação com uma resina composta sem aquecimento (NHT) em restaurações de lesões cervicais não cariosas (LCNCs) durante um período de 6 meses. Material e Métodos: 120 restaurações foram realizadas em LCNCs com dois materiais restauradores (n = 60). Após a profilaxia, os dentes foram isolados com isolamento de fio retrator/rolos de algodão e um adesivo universal foi aplicado na estratégia de condicionamento seletivo do esmalte. Para o grupo PHT o aquecimento foi realizado a 68°C usando um aquecidor de bancada por 3 min. Por outro lado, para o grupo NHT, nenhum aquecimento foi aplicado. Ambos os materiais restauradores foram colocados no dispensador de cápsulas e inseridos nas LCNCs. Após 6 meses, o desempenho clínico das restaurações foi avaliado de acordo com os critérios FDI. A análise estatística foi realizada com teste Qui-quadrado para todos parâmetros da FDI (α = 0,05). Resultados: Apenas três restaurações no grupo NHT foram perdidas/fraturadas após seis meses de acompanhamento. As taxas de retenção (intervalo confiança 95%) por seis meses foram de 97,5% (88,6% - 99,0%) para o grupo NHT e 100% (93,9% - 100%) para o grupo PHT (p > 0,05). Vinte e duas restaurações (8 para NHT e 14 para PHT) apresentaram pequenos defeitos de adaptação marginal aos seis meses de acompanhamento (p > 0,05). Vinte e seis restaurações apresentaram alguma retenção de biofilme aos seis meses de acompanhamento (11 para NHT e 15 para PHT; p > 0,05). Em relação a todos os outros parâmetros de FDI avaliados, todas as restaurações foram consideradas clinicamente aceitáveis. Conclusão: O desempenho clínico do novo compósito termoviscoso de pré-aquecimento mostrou-se promissor após 6 meses de avaliação clínica quando aplicado em LCNCs.(AU)

Objective: This double-blind, split-mouth randomized clinical trial evaluate the clinical performance of a new preheating (PHT) thermoviscous composite compared to a non-heating (NHT) composite resin in restorations of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) over a period of 6-month. Material and Methods: 120 restorations were performed on NCCLs with two restorative materials (n = 60). After prophylaxis, the teeth were isolated with retraction cord isolation/cotton rolls and one universal adhesive was applied in the selective enamel etching strategy. For the PHT group heating was carried out at 68°C using a heater bench for 3 min. On the other side, for the NHT group, no heating was applied. Both restorative materials were placed in the caps dispenser and inserted in the NCCLs. The restorations were evaluated after 6-month of clinical performance according to the FDI criteria. Statistical analysis was performed with Chi-square test for all FDI parameters (α = 0.05). Results: Three restorations only in the NHT group were lost/fractured after six months follow-up. The retention rates (confidential interval 95%) for six months were 97.5% (88.6% - 99.0%) for the NHT group and 100% (93.9% - 100%) for the PHT group (p > 0.05). Twenty-two restorations (8 for NHT and 14 for PHT) presented small marginal adaptation defects at the six-months follow-up (p > 0.05). Twenty-six restorations were found to have biofilm retention in the six-month recall (11 for NHT and 15 for PHT; p > 0.05). Regarding all others FDI parameters evaluated, all restorations were considered clinically acceptable. Conclusion: The clinical performance of the new preheating thermoviscous was found to be promise after 6-month of clinical evaluation when applied in NCCLs (AU)

Temperature , Viscosity , Clinical Trial , Composite Resins
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 30(3): 196-200, jul-sep 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1180916


RESUMEN Los cementos a base de silicato de calcio son materiales bioactivos, que poseen la capacidad de liberar mayor cantidad de iones de calcio e hidroxilo, brindando ciertas ventajas como mayor capacidad antimicrobiana y de remineralización, incrementando la longevidad de los tratamientos pulpares. Theracal LC es un cemento a base de silicato de calcio el cual tiene como ventaja su presentación de fácil aplicación a comparación de otros cementos bioactivos. En el presente reporte de caso, Theracal LC fue utilizado como forro cavitario. Al examen clínico el paciente presentó las piezas 36 y 35 con el diagnóstico dental: caries dental con lesión con cavidad y caries dental con lesión profunda adyacente a restauración, respectivamente y como diagnóstico pulpar: Pulpa sana, en ambas piezas. Se realizaron restauraciones directas con resina compuesta en las piezas 36 y 35, considerando los siguientes pasos: grabado selectivo, sistema adhesivo autocondicionante, cemento protector a base de silicato de calcio y resina compuesta para técnica Bulk.

SUMMARY Calcium silicate-based cements are bioactive materials, which have the capacity to release a greater number of calcium and hydroxyl ions, providing some advantages like an increased antimicrobial and remineralise activity, increasing the pulp treatments longevity. Theracal LC is a calcium silicate-based cement that has as an advantage its easy application, comparing to others bioactive cements. In this case report, Theralcal LC was used as a cavity liner. At clinical examination teeth 36 and 35 exhibited diagnosis of Dental caries; 36 with a cavitated lesion and 35 with a lesion adjacent to a previous restoration; and pulp diagnosis, Sound Pulp, for both tooth pieces. Direct restorations were made with composite resin in tooth pieces 36 and 35, considering the following steps: selective etching, self-etch adhesive system, calcium silicate-based cement and Bulk-fill resin composite.

J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 8(4): 310-315, nov. 5, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145353


Purpose: This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the influence of the manual manipulation of two composite resins: Filtek™ Z350XT (3M ESPE) and Herculite Précis® (Kerr), with latex gloves contaminated with powder, human saliva and alcohol, on the microhardness values. Material and Methods: Manual manipulation was evaluated using latex gloves with powder, latex gloves without powder, latex gloves without powder with saliva, latex gloves without powder with alcohol, and without hand manipulation or contaminants (control). Each resin was manually manipulated for 10 seconds and photoactivated for 20 seconds with a light intensity of 1000mW/cm2 using a VALO ­Ultradent LED light­ cured unit, and then each sample was evaluated on the microhardness Vickers tester Leitz (Wetzlar). The collected data were analyzed using Kruskal ­Wallis and Mann ­ Whitney post-test (p<0.05). Results. Microhardness values showed a significant difference between the evaluated and control groups, showing lower microhardness values in the group of latex glove with powder for Filtek™ Z350XT and the group of latex glove without powder with saliva for Herculite Précis®. Conclusion. The manual manipulation of composite resins decreases their surface microhardness.

Propósito: Este estudio in vitrotuvo como objetivo evaluar la influencia de la manipulación manual de dos resinas compuestas: Filtek ™ Z350XT (3M ESPE) y Herculite Précis® (Kerr), con guantes de látex contaminados con polvo, saliva humana y alcohol, sobre los valores de microdureza. Material y Métodos: La manipulación manual se evaluó utilizando guantes de látex con polvo, guantes de látex sin polvo, guantes de látex sin polvo con saliva, guantes de látex sin polvo con alcohol, y sin manipulación manual o contaminantes (control). Cada resina fue manipulada manualmente durante 10 segundos y fotoactivada durante 20 segundos con unaintensidad de luz de 1000mW/cm2 usando una unidad de fotocuración LED VALO - Ultradent, y luego cada muestra fue evaluada en el tester de microdureza Vickers Leitz (Wetzlar). Los datos recopilados se analizaron utilizando Kruska ­Wallis y post-test Mann­ Whitney (p<0.05). Resultados: Se observó una diferencia significativa en los valores de microdureza entre los grupos evaluados y el grupo control, con valores más bajos de microdureza en el grupo de guantes de látex con polvo para Filtek™ Z350XT y el grupo de guantes de látex sin polvo con saliva para Herculite Précis®. Conclusión. La manipulación manual de resinas compuestas disminuye su microdureza superficial.

Humans , Composite Resins , Dental Materials/adverse effects , Gloves, Surgical , Hardness Tests , Permeability , In Vitro Techniques , Physical Contaminants/adverse effects , Environmental Pollutants/adverse effects , Latex/chemistry