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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-631292


Background of research work: Background of our research work is that requirement arises to study structure of medicine and medical products which included in tender documents prepared by cus- tomer, as well as evaluate and conclude procurement and supply operation of customer and supplier. Material and methodology of research work: In the research, Central hospitals and medical cent ers in 9 provinces including Tuv, Arkhangai, Zavkhan, Bayan-Ulgii, Khuvsgul, Darkhan-Uul, Dorno- govi, Bulgan, Uvs, tender documents of years between 2013 and 2014 were studied by retrospective and mathematic statistics methodology. Conclusion: Number of package to purchase medicine, medical products, reagent diagnosing de- vice, disinfection substance, blood and blood products and oxygen of hospitals included are different and it shows that index of III phases hospital is greatly high. Typology of medicine of hospitals included in tender package by ATC category, A,B,C,J, and N cat- egories’ medicines are greatly high. Keywords: state property, local property, purchase, medicine, and medical products

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975950


Background of research work: Background of our research work is that requirement arises to study structure of medicine and medical products which included in tender documents prepared by cus- tomer, as well as evaluate and conclude procurement and supply operation of customer and supplier. Material and methodology of research work: In the research, Central hospitals and medical cent ers in 9 provinces including Tuv, Arkhangai, Zavkhan, Bayan-Ulgii, Khuvsgul, Darkhan-Uul, Dorno- govi, Bulgan, Uvs, tender documents of years between 2013 and 2014 were studied by retrospective and mathematic statistics methodology. Conclusion: Number of package to purchase medicine, medical products, reagent diagnosing de- vice, disinfection substance, blood and blood products and oxygen of hospitals included are different and it shows that index of III phases hospital is greatly high. Typology of medicine of hospitals included in tender package by ATC category, A,B,C,J, and N cat- egories’ medicines are greatly high.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003356


Эрхэм хүндэт мэргэжил нэгт та бүхэндээ дэлхийн болон Монголын эмзүйн хөгжлийн түүх, хөгжлийн цаашдын чиг хандлагын талаар мэдээлэл өгөх зорилгоор энэхүү он дарааллын хэлхээсийг толилуулж байна. Энд бүх зүйлийг багтааж амжихгүй учраас хамгийн онцлог, гол зүйлүүдийг оруулсан болно. Дараагийн дугаарт Монголын эмзүйн хөгжлийн талаар болон дэлхийн эмзүйн шинжлэх ухааны чиг хандлагын талаар цуврал лекцээ гаргана.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003364



Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003343


Introduction: Competitiveness is inseparable linked to the quality of teaching in higher education. Therefore, the higher education institutions in many countries around the world to improve international competitiveness in education and special programs to strengthen and develop and implement a successful education policy. Between 1992 and 2012, the number of higher education institutions has increased rapidly in Mongolia. At this time seventeen institutions of higher education increased to 74, and 72 percent has private universities. By 2012, the total number of students increased to 175128, of which 88.7% are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree. In health science, 17575 medical students, of which 16169 are enrolled bachelor’s degree. When we discuss about educational service issues, It is important to consider enrollment, teaching and alumni. To determine the applicant’s quality, it is measured mainly by the university of enrollment examination score of high school, which is measuring the school’s reputation and quality. In recent years, the number of universities or institutes are increased, the number of secondary school graduates were decreased, According to government policy, the strategy is expected to reduce the number of private and state universities or institutes. It shows that it is necessary to study the competitiveness of “Monos” institutes. The purpose of this study is analyzing the student’s learning quality who is studying in “Monos” institute and determining between their general enrollment examination scores and grade point average (GPA) relationship. Materials and Methods: In this survey, included 2010 - 2014 academic year general enrollment examination score and GPA of students learning pharmacist specialty in bachelor degree, used these documents performed mathematical statistical methods using Microsoft excel and SPSS-16 software. Result: It shows a comparison GPA and general enrollment examination score of “Monos” institute’s students which is including from second year’s to fifth year’s. The students GPA and general enrollment examination score has a correlation as measured by the Pearson correlation coefficient which means statistically significant dependence. Second year student’s correlation of GPA and general enrollment examination score (r = 0.3, p = 0.01), junior’s (r = 0.3, p = 0.02), fourth year students (r = 0.3, p = 0.09), senior’s (r = 0.3, p = 0.01). Conclusion: 1. The sophomore to senior year students GPA and the relationship between the general enrollment examinations has been considered Pearson correlation coefficients are statistically significant correlations, directly related to. 2. When we compare a general enrollment examination score, students who have above 500 points are possessing 69% for senior’s, fourth year students are possessing 70%, junior’s 89% and second year students are possessing 97%. In summary, applicants quality have improved in recent years, and so high general enrollment exam scored students must be accepted by Universities and Institutes . 3. To compare between second year student’s GPA to senior student‘s, starting to require professional basic lessons in the second year’s, student’s GPA is decreased. Key word: Studying quality, GPA, General enrollment examination