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Acta amaz ; 50(1): 68-79, jan. - mar. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118680


Forest fragmentation has been intense in the eastern Amazon region, which has negatively affected wildlife populations. The speed of deforestation in this region underscores the urgent need to understand the effects of such changes on populations of endemic species, and to implement measures for ecosystem conservation. We analyzed the extent to which fragmented forests are still connected in the Xingu Area of Endemism, in the eastern Brazilian Amazon, and assigned conservation priority to fragments most important for connectivity maintenance. We structurally classified the Xingu landscape using the Morphological Spatial Pattern Analysis and ranked each fragment according to its importance using an Index of Connectivity. Our data revealed important differences in conservation potential across the region. Although most of the study area already receives some degree of protection, future conservation actions should prioritize the connection of habitat fragments to maximize dispersal potential and minimize genetic isolation of biodiversity components. We produced a map of prioritary areas for connectivity maximization. These areas include fragments with large core areas and high-quality fragments that provide connection among habitats which, together, should maintain crucial corridors for gene flow in a biologically-rich region of the Amazon. (AU)

Amazonian Ecosystem , Conservation of Natural Resources , Biodiversity , Spatial Analysis
Acta amaz ; 49(3): 183-192, jul. - set. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1119030


The Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis (Mustelidae) is a semi-aquatic mustelid that exploits a variety of freshwater habitats. To understand the relative influence of human activities and environmental factors affecting its distribution and habitat use, we conducted systematic, seasonal surveys of otter signs along the middle Guamá River, in Pará state in the eastern Brazilian Amazon. We applied generalized additive models to compare distribution of otters along the river with data collected on environmental factors (landcover type derived from satellite imagery, and in situ measurements of physicochemical water characteristics) and anthropogenic factors (fishing gear in the river and human habitation along the river). Most otter signs (indicators of otter habitat use) occurred along the shoreline of the main river channel during the dry season; we observed fewer signs during peak flow, probably because the shoreline and floodplain are flooded, which hid signs and made access to the floodplain difficult. The best-fit model included variables for proportion of forest, presence of fishing gear and boats, bank steepness, and presence of rock formations and sand banks. Otter occurrence was negatively related to forested area and positively related to the presence of fishing gear and boats. Otters are likely attracted to fish trapped in fishing gear because they can easily predate on the trapped fish. (AU)

Otters , Amazonian Ecosystem , Human Activities
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(2): 939-952, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886709


ABSTRACT In the face of climate change threats, governments are drawing attention to policies for mitigating its effects on biodiversity. However, the lack of distribution data makes predictions at species level a difficult task, mainly in regions of higher biodiversity. To overcome this problem, we use native landcover as a surrogate biodiversity, because it can represent specialized habitat for species, and investigate the effects of future climate change on Brazilian biomes. We characterize the climatic niches of native landcover and use ecological niche modeling to predict the potential distribution under current and future climate scenarios. Our results highlight expansion of the distribution of open vegetation and the contraction of closed forests. Drier Brazilian biomes, like Caatinga and Cerrado, are predicted to expand their distributions, being the most resistant to climate change impacts. However, these would also be affected by losses of their closed forest enclaves and their habitat-specific or endemic species. Replacement by open vegetation and overall reductions are a considerable risk for closed forest, threatening Amazon and Atlantic forest biomes. Here, we evidence the impacts of climate change on Brazilian biomes, and draw attention to the necessity for management and attenuation plans to guarantee the future of Brazilian biodiversity.

Acta amaz ; 47(2): 111-122, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-885952


ABSTRACT Natural fragments are an important source of richness for the management and conservation of a local flora. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of fragmentation on the structure and composition of the plant communities of forest fragments (FF) in Alter do Chão, eastern Brazilian Amazonia. The study sample consisted of 25 FF and nine continuous forest (CF) sites. We compared plant density and species richness between site categories by t-tests, analyzed the differences in composition by cluster analysis, and assessed the effect of fragment size and distance to CF on the basal area and diameter of FF assemblages by linear regression. Individual trees and shrubs with DBH ≥1.27 cm were measured in 2x250 m plots. 17,078 individuals were recorded - 75.32% in FF and 24.68% in CF, comprising 475 species, 216 genera and 64 families. Myrtaceae and Fabaceae were the most abundant families in both FF and CF. Average species richness in FF and CF was statistically different. The 20 species with the highest importance values were similar in FF and CF. The average plant diameter was similar in FF and CF, suggesting that both are "mature" forests composed of thin individuals. Average diameter and total basal area showed a negative relationship with distance to CF and fragment area, respectively. Similarity analysis revealed two groups, one composed exclusively of portions of fragmented forest. Fragments and continuous forest differed in species composition, but were similar in structure. Diameter distribution in fragments was similar to that of primary forests.

RESUMO Fragmentos naturais constituem importante fonte de recursos para o manejo e conservação da flora local. Este trabalho avaliou o efeito da fragmentação sobre a estrutura e a composição das comunidades de plantas de fragmentos florestais (FF), em Alter do Chão, na Amazônia oriental brasileira. Foram amostrados 25 sítios em FF e nove em floresta contínua (CF). Analisamos a diferença na densidade de plantas e na riqueza de espécies entre FF e CF por teste-t, e na composição por análise de agrupamento. Utilizou-se regressão linear para avaliar o efeito do tamanho dos fragmentos e distância à CF sobre a área basal e diâmetro. Os indivíduos com DAP ≥1,27 cm foram medidos em parcelas de 2x250 m. Foram registrados 17.078 indivíduos, 75,32% nos FF e 24,68% na CF, distribuídos em 475 espécies, 216 gêneros e 64 famílias. As famílias Myrtaceae e Fabaceae foram as mais abundantes em ambos FF e CF. A riqueza média diferiu significativamente entre FF e CF. As 20 espécies com maior valor de importância foram semelhantes nos FF e CF. O diâmetro médio nos FF e CF foi semelhante, sugerindo tratar-se em ambos casos de florestas "maduras" compostas por indivíduos finos. O diâmetro médio e a área basal total mostraram relação negativa com a distância à CF e área dos fragmentos, respectivamente. A análise de similaridade revelou dois grupos, um deles composto exclusivamente por fragmentos. Composicionalmente, os fragmentos diferiram da floresta contínua, sendo estruturalmente semelhantes entre si, evidenciando distribuição diamétrica semelhante à das florestas primárias.

Cluster Analysis
Ciênc. rural ; 47(4): e20150895, 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839789


ABSTRACT: Euxylophora paraensis Huber - Rutaceae, popularly known as yellow heart, is a species with a low-density population that has suffered intense exploitation in recent decades. This has led to its inclusion in the IBAMA list of endangered species. This study aimed to evaluate the existence of growth rings and their annuity in five trees of Euxylophora paraensis through the x-ray microdensitometry technique, as well as to compare them using the classical method. Application feasibility of this technique can be deepened through future, broader dendroecological studies, which may better elucidate the understanding of the species population dynamics and promote more sustainable uses. Wood disks were collected from the base of five 29-year-old trees from a planting site in the Curua-Una Experimental Station, located in Prainha, Pará State, Brazil. Samples were polished and sanded for the x-ray microdensitometric analysis. Values of minimum, average, and maximum density (0.581, 0.84, and 1.077gcm-3, respectively) were obtained. There was a significant difference in density between the studied trees. Growth rings boundaries, through densitometric pith-bark profile are demarcated by fibrous zones, with density variation between the early wood and late wood. This study concludes that the growth rings of the studied species are distinct and annual, validating the technique used.

RESUMO: Euxylophora paraensis Huber - Rutaceae, popularmente conhecida como pau amarelo, é uma espécie com baixa densidade populacional e que sofreu intensa exploração nas últimas décadas. Isso levou à sua inclusão na lista do IBAMA de espécies ameaçadas de extinção. O presente estudo objetiva avaliar a existência e anuidade dos anéis de crescimento de cinco árvores de Euxylophora paraensis, por meio da técnica de microdensitometria de Raio-x, e comparar com o uso do método clássico. A viabilidade da aplicação dessa técnica poderá ser aprofundada por meio de futuros estudos dendroecológicos mais amplos, que poderão melhor elucidar a compreensão da dinâmica populacional da espécie e promover usos mais sustentáveis. Coletou-se discos do lenho da base de cinco árvores, provenientes de plantio, na Estação experimental de Curua-Una, em Prainha - PA, com então 29 anos de idade. As amostras foram plainadas e polidas, visando a análise microdensitometrica de raios x. Foram obtidos valores de densidade mínimos, médios e máximos (respectivamente 0,581, 0,84 e 1,077gcm-3). Houve diferença significativa na densidade entre as árvores estudadas. Verificou-se, por meio do perfil densitométrico no sentido medula-casca, limites dos anéis de crescimento por zonas fibrosas, com variação da densidade entre o lenho inicial e tardio. Verifica-se que os anéis de crescimento da espécie estudada são distintos e anuais, validando a técnica utilizada.

Biota neotrop. (Online, Ed. port.) ; 11(3): 99-105, jul.-set. 2011. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-610562


A abundância e a diversidade de espécies, bem como a relação com a estrutura da floresta foram investigadas no Distrito Florestal Sustentável (DFS) da rodovia BR-163. Foram estabelecidas 40 parcelas de 0,04 ha (20 × 20 m) em uma mata prístina no Parque Nacional (PARNA) da Amazônia e 40 parcelas semelhantes em uma área submetida à exploração madeireira na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. Em cada parcela, as árvores com DAP ≥ 10 cm foram medidas e as palmeiras adultas identificadas e contadas. Foi verificado que, apesar da floresta explorada da FLONA do Tapajós ser estruturalmente mais aberta que a mata do PARNA, apresenta menor quantidade e menor diversidade de espécies, provavelmente devido às limitações da dispersão de frutos e sementes e pela recente exploração madeireira. Conclui-se que, o potencial de exploração das palmeiras em matas nativas de terra firme da região é limitado pela escassez natural das espécies de maior potencial econômico, contudo, poderia ser ampliado com o plantio de espécies economicamente úteis.

The abundance and diversity of palm species, as well as its relationship with forest structure were investigated in two study areas in the Sustainable Forest District of the BR-163 road. As such, forty parcels of 0.04 ha (20 × 20 m) were established in a pristine forest in the Amazonia National Park, and another forty parcels in a area submitted to timber logging in the Tapajos National Forest. In each parcel, all the trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm were measured and the adult palms were identified and counted. We verified that although the exploited forest of the Tapajos National Forest is structurally more open than the forest in the national park, it still has a quantity and diversity of palms inferior to the national park, probably due to the dispersal limitation of palms and the relatively recent logging activities. We concluded that exploitation potential of palms in native forests of the region is extremely limited by the natural scarcity of palms in native forests of economic potential, but could be amplified with the deliberate planting of useful species, with benefits for the natural dynamics of the forest.