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Acta Medica Philippina ; : 89-93, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988243


@#In April 2020, the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (DRM) of the University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) transitioned to a telerehabilitation program called ITAWAG, an acronym for Introducing Telerehab As a Way to Access General rehabilitation medicine services. This was in response to the designation of UP-PGH as a COVID-19 referral center and the abrupt closure of all its in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation services. Eleven previous in-patients and out-patients with musculoskeletal and neurologic impairments continued their rehabilitation programs remotely, either through a phone call or video call. Their clinical outcomes and the implementation of the ITAWAG program were monitored to determine the effectiveness of an offsite continuing care program. Using the Clinical Global Impressions-Severity (CGI-S) scale, eight patients had a reduction in the severity of their illness, while the remaining three clients had no change. Feedback surveys showed that most clients and caregivers (68%) and health providers (77%) were satisfied with the program's implementation and its outcome. A frequent complaint was the poor phone reception and internet connection. As threats of a COVID-19 outbreak continue, telerehabilitation gives patients a safe, affordable, and convenient alternative for follow-up and continuity of care in medical rehabilitation. Integrating the ITAWAG program into the initial facility-based rehabilitation management can enhance its value in optimizing functional gains and resolving its shortcomings.

Telerehabilitation , COVID-19 , Continuity of Patient Care
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 94-99, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-988244


@#Coronavirus 19 disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This is a case of a previously healthy 61-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with progressive dyspnea and a confirmed COVID-19 test, who was critically ill with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. The principles of pulmonary rehabilitation were implemented starting from the sixth hospital day (time of referral from the intensive care unit) until he was transferred to a non-COVID ward and discharged. The patient participated in six treatment sessions while admitted, with each session lasting nearly 30 minutes. His Barthel index score improved from 0 (total dependence) to 85/100 (modified independence), with improvements in pulmonary secretions, shortness of breath, rate of perceived exertion, muscle strength, and endurance. He was able to return to work after three months. The application of the principles of pulmonary rehabilitation for critically ill patients with severe COVID-19 helped improve the cardiopulmonary, cognitive, and functional aspects of the patient throughout the course of hospital admission and beyond discharge.

COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units , Rehabilitation
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 12(4): 376-381, dic. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-975760


ABSTRACT: The use of resin sealants has shown partial infiltration of White-Spot Enamel Lesions in vitro (WSEL). The aim of the present study was to perform a morphological evaluation of natural WSEL when infiltrated using a commercially available sealant (Concise, 3M- ESPE). 20 bicuspids extracted for orthodontic reasons from patients ranging 18 to 30 years old, which had WSEL, were used in this study. The patients agreed to donate their teeth by signing a written consent. Every WSEL was assessed microscopically (Stereo Zeiss Axiscop) and then photographed (ProScope HR microscope). Prior to applying the sealant the lesion was etched using phosphoric acid at 37 % (3M-ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA.) for 30 seconds, washed for 40 seconds and then air-dried. The sealant was marked with rhodamine B (1mg/ml) and was applied according to the manufacturer directions. A specimen of approximately 100 mm was obtained for every WSEL by cutting perpendicularly through the lesion (Isomet 1000, Buehler Co.) and grinding (600 grit). The specimens were evaluated using: clear camp, polarized light, and epifluorescence microscopy. Images were taken of each specimen for every microscopic evaluation using a slide film (Kodak Ektachrome film 400 ASA). The images were digitalized by scanning at 1200 dpi resolution (Epson Filmscan 200) and then saved as JPEG and TIFF files. The sealant infiltration into The WSEL was assessed by means of analysis, processing and digital superimposing using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Matrox Inspector 1.07. It was concluded that the sealant infiltrated the whole body zone of the lesion. The depth of penetration of sealants into White Spot Enamel Lesion plays an important role in the control of caries lesion progression.

RESUMEN: El uso de sellantes de resina ha demostrado lograr la infiltración parcial de lesiones de mancha blanca en esmalte in vitro (LMBE). El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una evaluación morfológica de la infiltración a LMBE naturales utilizando un sellante disponible comercialmente (Concise, 3M-ESPE). Se utilizaron en este estudio, 30 bicúspides extraídos por razones de ortodoncia en pacientes que tenían entre 18 a 30 años de edad, y presentaban LMBE. Los pacientes aceptaron donar sus dientes firmando un consentimiento informado. Cada LMBE se evaluó microscópicamente (Stereo Zeiss Axiscop) y luego se fotografió (microscopio ProScope HR). Antes de aplicar el sellante, la lesión se grabó usando ácido fosfórico al 37 % (3M-ESPE, St Paul, MN, EE. UU.) durante 20 segundos, luego se lavó durante 40 segundos y finalmente se secó con aire de jeringa triple. El sellante se marcó con rodamina B (1 mg / ml) y se aplicó siguiendo las instrucciones del fabricante. Se obtuvo una muestra de aproximadamente 100 mm para cada LMBE cortando perpendicularmente a través de la lesión (Isomet 1000, Buehler Co.) y trituración (grano 600). Las muestras se evaluaron usando: campo claro, luz polarizada y microscopía de epifluorescencia. Se tomaron imágenes de cada espécimen para la evaluación microscópica usando una película deslizante (Kodak Ektachrome film 400 ASA). Las imágenes se digitalizaron escaneando a una resolución de 1200 ppp (Epson Filmscan 200) y luego se guardaron como archivos JPEG y TIFF. La infiltración del sellante en las LMBE se evaluaron mediante análisis, procesamiento y superposición digital utilizando Adobe Photoshop 7.0 y Matrox Inspector 1.07. Se concluyó que el sellante infiltró toda la zona del cuerpo de la lesión. La capacidad de penetración en profundidad de los sellantes en Lesiones de Mancha Blanca del Esmalte desempeñan un rol importante en el control de la progresión de las lesiones de caries.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Pit and Fissure Sealants/therapeutic use , Resins, Synthetic , Dental Caries/therapy , Chile , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Informed Consent , Microscopy
Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 33(3): 292-296, jul.-set. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978284


Resumen Introducción: el linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) es una enfermedad maligna que presenta una forma extraganglionar que afecta al tracto gastrointestinal hasta en un 50 % de los casos; el colon es el órgano que con menor frecuencia se ve comprometido por este linfoma. En los pocos casos que presentan afección, el compromiso es principalmente del ciego, por su gran contenido linfoide. Este caso es el de una paciente con compromiso del colon por masa en el ciego. Las biopsias reportan LNH folicular grado II, patrones folicular y difuso, siendo este tipo histológico el de mayor prevalencia y el que ha mostrado los mejores resultados con el manejo con quimioterapia (esquema R-CHOP) sola o en conjunto con radioterapia; también, en ocasiones, con cirugía. La paciente recibió tratamiento con evolución adecuada. La terapia conjunta es la que ha demostrado mayor sobrevida, aunque hay estudios en los que se han reportados buenos resultados con monoterapia, como el caso en cuestión. Caso clínico: mujer de 38 años, en quien se realiza una colonoscopia que muestra una lesión tumoral en el ciego, con patología compatible con LNH tipo B folicular extranodal, confirmado por inmunohistoquímica. Los estudios de extensión imagenológicos confirman la presencia de adenopatías abdominales y torácicas en conglomerados. Oncología inicia el manejo con quimioterapia con protocolo R-CHOP, con buena respuesta. Discusión y conclusiones: el LNH extranodal afecta muy rara vez al colon, razón por la que este caso es reportado. El manejo puede ser multidisciplinario y su pronóstico depende de las características individuales en cada caso.

Abstract Introduction: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is a malignant disease that presents in an extranodal form. It affects the gastrointestinal tract in up to 50% of cases with the colon being the least frequently compromised portion. In the few cases in which it is affected, the cecum is most often compromised due to its large lymphoid content. The colon of the patient presented here was compromised by a mass in the cecum. Biopsies showed grade II follicular NHL with follicular and diffuse patterns. This histological type has the highest prevalence and has shown the best results with chemotherapy (R-CHOP scheme) alone and in conjunction with radiation therapy and occasionally with surgery. The patient received treatment followed by adequate evolution. Combination therapy has been shown to result in longer survival times, although there are studies which have reported good results with monotherapy as in this case. Clinical Case: The patient was a 38-year-old woman. A colonoscopy showed a tumor in the cecum. Its pathology was compatible with extra-follicular follicular NHL type B which was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Imaging extension studies confirmed abdominal and thoracic adenopathies in conglomerates. The oncology department treated the patient with a chemotherapy with R-CHOP protocol with a good response. Discussion and conclusions: Since extranodal NHL rarely affects the colons, this case deserved to be reported. Management can be multidisciplinary, but the prognosis depends on individual characteristics in each case.

Humans , Female , Adult , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin , Colon , Survival , Therapeutics , Drug Therapy , Medical Oncology
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183777


Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the complexity of the chromosomal abnormalities in multiple myeloma (MM) cases and to correlate the findings with the previous reported cases. Materials and Methods: Bone marrow samples were obtained from patients with MM and sent for cytogenetic study. The patient's details were logged and the cytogenetic test was performed. The karyotypes were analyzed and interpreted as per the standard guidelines. Results: Of the compiled data of cases from 2013 to 2016, 34 patients were diagnosed with MM. About 15% were below the age of 50, maximum patients were between ages of 61 and 70 years (50%). There were 25 male and 9 female. Twenty-one cases had normal karyotypes and few cases showed structural rearrangements and numerical abnormalities. Conclusions: From the data compiled, only a total of 34 cases were positive for MM, indicating that the disease is quite rare in our population. It has been previously reported that the disease usually occurs in people over the age of 50 years, however, in this study, 5 (15%) were below the age of 50 indicating that MM can affect the age group below 50 years as well. The numerical, structural abnormalities and few clonal abnormalities observed in our study added a few more to the previously reported abnormalities. However, the interesting finding of our study was a case with a combination of clones of hypodiploidy, hyperdiploidy, hypotetraploidy, and hypertetraploidy which was in contrary to the reported literatures, which were only one type of ploidy were observed. Thus, the heterogeneity and complexity of the chromosomal abnormalities in MM and the challenge in staging the disease have been proven in our study.

Biosalud ; 16(2): 119-122, jul.-dic. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-888578


RESUMEN Introducción: La enfermedad diverticular del colon es frecuente en la población general, afectando al 50% de las personas mayores de 50 años, sin embargo, los divertículos ubicados en el recto son excepcionalmente raros. El objetivo de este estudio es informar el caso de un hombre de 67 años con enfermedad diverticular de colon sigmoides y colon transverso, con un divertículo rectal que se diagnosticó durante una colonoscopia ambulatoria. Caso clínico: Hombre de 67 años quien consultó al servicio de gastroenterología por cuadro de diarrea crónica. Se le realizó una colonoscopia y se evidenció un agujero diverticular de 3 cm de diámetro, a 6 cm del margen anal. Se concluyó que la enfermedad diverticular no era la causa de su cuadro diarreico. Discusión: Hay diversas teorías que tratan de explicar la etiología y el porqué de la baja frecuencia de los divertículos rectales, incluyendo los procedimientos quirúrgicos en esta zona; las presentaciones asintomáticas no ameritan cirugía, aunque debe realizarse evaluación periódica de estos pacientes.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Diverticular colon disease is common in the general population affecting 50% of people over the age of 50. However, diverticula located in the rectum are exceptionally rare. This study aims to report the case of a 67 years old man with diverticular disease of the sigmoid colon and transverse colon with a rectal diverticulum diagnosed during an ambulatory colonoscopy. Case report: A 67-year-old man who consulted the gastroenterology service for chronic diarrhea. A colonoscopy was performed, and a 3 cm in diameter diverticular hole was evident, 6 cm from the anal margin. It was concluded that diverticular disease was not the cause of diarrhea. Discussion: There are several theories to explain the etiology and the reason for the low frequency of rectal diverticula, including surgical procedures in this area. Asymptomatic presentations do not need surgery, although periodic evaluation of these patients should be performed.

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 32(3): 269-273, 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900703


Resumen Se presenta el caso clínico de una apendicitis atípica diagnosticada durante una colonoscopia en un paciente masculino de 85 años, en estudio por síndrome anémico y hospitalizado por un cuadro de infección neumónica en la Clínica Versalles de Manizales (Caldas). Durante la exploración del ciego, se observa un orificio apendicular prominente, con salida de material purulento hacia la luz del colon. La apendicitis atípica es un cuadro que puede presentarse en ancianos y, en ocasiones, se diagnostica durante una colonoscopia. El manejo de estos pacientes es poco claro y suele ser determinado por el médico tratante.

Abstract We present a case of atypical appendicitis diagnosed during a colonoscopy in a 85 year old male patient under study for anemic syndrome while hospitalized because of pneumonia at Clínica Versalles in Manizales, Caldas, Colombia. During the exploration of the cecum, a prominent appendicular orifice discharge purulent material into the lumen of the colon was found. Atypical appendicitis can occur in the elderly and is sometimes diagnosed during a colonoscopy. The management of these patients is unclear and is usually determined by the treating physician.

Appendicitis , Colonoscopy , Endoscopy
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-708825


Desde hace una década están disponibles en el mercado nacional, tanto bebidas como otros productos energéticos. Su popularidad ha ido en aumento, sin embargo su consumo no está exento de riesgos. La cafeína es el ingrediente activo principal de estas bebidas y el consumo excesivo puede llegar a causar alteraciones en la salud general. Mucha gente las bebe a diario sin estar consciente del daño potencial que puede significar para su salud y sus dientes, especialmente en el caso de niños y adolescentes. En Chile, la acidez de estas bebidas es desconocida. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el pH de las bebidas energéticas presentes en el mercado chileno, estableciendo su potencial erosivo sobre los dientes. Metodología: La muestra quedó formada por 8 diferentes bebidas energéticas disponibles en Chile. El pH fue evaluado con un pHmetro calibrado (microprocessor pH to put AOKTON, pH/Ion 510) a 4°C y 17°C. Los resultados obtenidos fueron registrados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: El rango de pH osciló entre 2.57 (Kem Xtreme) y 3.30 (Red Bull). El promedio fue 2.88 a 4°C y 2.89 a 17°C. Conclusiones: Todas las muestras estudiadas tuvieron pH ácido, haciendo de ellas bebidas potencialmente erosivas para los dientes. Los valores de pH fueron menores a 4°C que a 17°C, pero sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p>0.05).

For a decade, energy drinks and other energy products have been available in the national market, and their popularity has increased. The consumption is not risk free, though. Caffeine is the main active ingredient in these drinks and an excessive consumption may be dangerous for general health. Many people drink them daily without being aware of the potential risk they pose on their health and teeth, especially on children and adolescents. Currently, the acidity of those beverages is unknown in Chile. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the pH of energy drinks, and correlate it with their erosive potential on teeth. Methodology: 8 different energy drinks available in Chile constituted the sample. pH was measured with a calibrated digital pHmeter (microprocessor pH to put AOKTON, pH / Ion 510) at 4°C and 17°C. The results obtained were registered and statistically analyzed. Results: pH values ranged from 2.57 (Kem Xtreme) to 3.30 (Red Bull) the mean pH was 2.88 and 2.89, at 4°C and 17°C respectively. Conclusions: All of the beverages showed low pH, which makes them potentially erosive for hard dental tissue. The pH values were lower at 4°C than at 17°C, but without statistical significance (p>0.05).

Energy Drinks/analysis , Energy Drinks/adverse effects , Tooth Erosion/chemically induced , Chile , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Rev. paul. pediatr ; 31(1): 124-128, mar. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-671669


OBJETIVO: Buscou-se demonstrar ser possível diagnosticar a fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva na atenção primária à saúde. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente de dez anos que, desde os quatro anos, mostrava rigidez progressiva nas articulações e na coluna vertebral, além de ossificações de partes moles, muitas vezes associadas a traumatismos. Havia desvio de hálux valgo dos primeiros artelhos de ambos os pés, presente desde o nascimento. Por meio de radiografias, demonstrou-se a presença de ossificações heterotópicas. COMENTÁRIOS: É possível realizar o diagnóstico desta doença com recursos disponíveis em atenção primária à saúde, uma vez que se baseia fundamentalmente em critérios clínicos. Atualmente, não existe cura para a doença, mas é possível limitar o desenvolvimento de novas calcificações, assim como mitigar a dor causada pelos recrudescimentos da doença, melhorando a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Para isso, são utilizadas altas doses de corticoides e anti-inflamatórios não esteroides, disponíveis nos níveis primários de atenção.

OBJECTIVE: To show that it is possible to diagnose fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in the primary health care. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 10-year-old female patient that has developed, since the age of 4, progressive stiffness of the joints and spine and ossification of soft tissues, often associated with trauma. The hallux valgus deviation of both toes was present from birth. X-ray showed the presence of heterotopic ossification. COMMENTS: This disease is likely to be diagnosed with the resources available in primary health care, since it is based on clinical findings. Currently, there is no cure for this disease, but high doses of corticosteroids and the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are available in the primary care level, may limit the development of new calcifications and mitigate the pain, improving the quality of life of these patients.

OBJETIVO: Se buscó demostrar que es posible diagnosticar la Fibrodisplasia Osificante Progresiva (FOP) desde la atención primaria de Salud. DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CASO: Se describe el caso de una paciente de 10 años que desde los 4 años, desarrolla rigidez progresiva en las articulaciones y en la columna vertebral, además de osificaciones de partes blandas, muchas veces asociada con traumatismos; un rasgo importante fue la desviación en Hallux Valgus de los primeros dedos de ambos pies, presente desde su nacimiento; por medio de radiografías se demostró la presencia de osificaciones heterotópicas. COMENTARIOS: el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad es factible de realizarse con recursos disponibles en la Atención Primaria de Salud ya que se basa fundamentalmente en criterios clínicos. Actualmente no existe cura para esta enfermedad, pero es posible limitar el desarrollo de nuevas calcificaciones, y así como mitigar el dolor que causan las reagudizaciones de la enfermedad, mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes, utilizando para ello altas dosis de corticoides y antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, disponibles en el primer nivel de atención.

Child , Female , Humans , Myositis Ossificans/diagnosis , Primary Health Care
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627536


Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio transversal fue evaluar el estado de salud oral y cuantificar la prevalencia de caries dental, pérdida de dientes y necesidad de tratamiento en la población adulta de etnia Mapuche-Huilliche que habita la Isla Huapi. Método: Se examinó una muestra representativa de 64 habitantes adultos de la Isla Huapi, constituida por 31 hombres y 33 mujeres de entre 25 a 82 años de edad, que tenían a lo menos un apellido de origen Mapuche-Huilliche. Todos los individuos, previa firma de un consentimiento informado, fueron examinados por un solo dentista calibrado durante el mes de agosto 2009. Los datos fueron registrados en una ficha diseñada especialmente y analizados estadísticamente usando los test T de Student y ANOVA. Resultados: El promedio del índice COPD de la muestra fue 14.59. Todos los individuos tenían historia de caries. De los que conservaban dientes, el 71.43 por ciento tenían caries sin tratar, con un promedio de 1.25. El 98.43 por ciento de los individuos de la muestra presentaban algún grado de desdentamiento, el 12.5 por ciento eran edéntulos. El 100 por ciento de la población necesitaba atención odontológica, ya fuera para operatoria o prótesis. Conclusiones: Esta población presenta un gran daño en cuanto a su salud oral, especialmente debido a pérdida de dientes. La magnitud del daño e importancia del entorno social como determinante en la generación de éste, obliga a enfrentar el problema y buscar soluciones desarrollando y aplicando programas gubernamentales de promoción y atención en salud oral a toda la población.

Objectives: The aim of this cross- sectional study was to assess oral health status and quantify prevalence of dental caries, teeth loss and treatment needs in an ethnic group of Mapuche-Huilliche adult population in Isla Huapi. Method: A representative sample of 64 adult inhabitants of Isla Huapi was selected. 31 men and 33 women aged 25 to 82 years of age who had at least one Mapuche-Huilliche surname, after signing an informed consent, individuals were examined by a calibrated examiner during August 2009. Data were recorded and analyzed statistically using T Student and ANOVA tests. Results: The DMFT index average of the sample was 14.59. All individuals had caries experience. Untreated caries were found in a 71.43 percent of individuals retaining teeth, with an average of 1.25 each. 98.43 percent of the individuals had some degree of edentulism, 12.5 percent were edentulous. 100 percent of the population needed either restorative or prosthetic dental care. Conclusions: This population has a high degree of damage in their oral health, especially due to teeth loss, which could be explained by their limited access to preventive and restorative dental care. The extent of the damage and the importance of the social environment as a determiner in the generation of it, will mean addressing the problem and seeking solutions by developing and implementing government programs for the promotion and oral health care to the entire population.

Aged , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Indians, South American , Needs Assessment , Tooth Loss/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Dental Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Chile/ethnology , DMF Index , Dentists/supply & distribution , Prevalence , Dental Prosthesis/statistics & numerical data
Acta odontol. venez ; 48(4)2010. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-682921


La unión adhesiva es requisito básico para retener y sellar las restauraciones de resina compuesta. Determinar la influencia de la dirección de los túbulos dentinarios en la resistencia al cizallamiento de 2 sistemas adhesivos y determinar tipo de fractura. 40 terceros molares humanos sanos, fueron divididos a la mitad, montados en acrílico y desgastados con papel de lija, bajo agua para exponer los túbulos dentinarios transversalmente (especímenes #1 al #40) y longitudinalmente (especímenes del #41 al #80). Se separaron en 4 grupos, tratados con: Grupo A (especímenes #1 al #20): adhesivo de dos etapas, One Coat Bond® (Coltene®), Grupo B (especímenes #21 al #40): adhesivo autograbante, Adper® Prompt® (3M® ESPE®), Grupo C (especímenes #41 al #60): One Coat Bond® y Grupo D (especímenes #61 al #80): Adper® Prompt®. Sobre los adhesivos se construyeron cilindros de resina restauradora Filtek® Supreme (3M® ESPE®). Los especímenes fueron sometidos a pruebas de cizallamiento en una máquina de ensayos universal Instrom®. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente por medio del test t de Student. Resultados: Grupo A: 16,9 Mpa (± 8,8), Grupo B: 20,2 Mpa (± 9,12), Grupo C: 14,2 Mpa (± 7,4) y Grupo D: 11,9 Mpa (± 6,11). La dirección de los túbulos dentinarios afecta directamente los valores de resistencia al cizallamiento sólo en el adhesivo autograbante (p=0,002). El adhesivo de dos tiempos mostró valores similares en ambas direcciones de los túbulos (p=0,297). Al MEB la fractura mixta fue la observada con mayor frecuencia (60%)

The adhesion is a basic requirement to seal and retain the resin based composite restorations. To determine the influence of the dentin tubules orientations in shear bond strength (SBS) of 2 adhesive systems and to determine the type of fracture. Method: 80 specimens were obtained from 40 healthy human third molars, they were mounted in acrylic molds and polished under tap water - SiC paper 400 grit - to expose the dentin tubules cross section (specimen #1 - #40) and lengthwise of them (#41 - #80). Four groups were formed and treated with: Group A (specimens #1- #20): One Coat Bond® (Coltene®) a two step adhesive; Group B (specimens #21 - #40): Adper® Prompt® (3M® ESPE®) a self-etch adhesive; Group C (specimens #41 - #60): One Coat Bond® and Group D (specimens #61 - #80): Adper® Prompt®. After the adhesive procedures, a composite cylinder, Filtek® Supreme (3M® ESPE®) was built for SBS test, that was carried out in an Instrom® Universal Testing Machine. The Bond Strength data were analyzed with t-test. Group A: 16.9 Mpa (±8,8), Group B: 20.2 Mpa (±9, 12), Group C: 14.2 Mpa (±7, 4) and Group D: 11.9 Mpa (±6, 11). It was concluded that dentin tubules orientation affects the SBS only in the self-etch adhesive (p=0.002). Two step adhesive showed similar SBS in both tubule orientations (p=0.297). Observation by SEM showed the mix fracture was the most frequent (60%)

Humans , Dental Cements/analysis , Dental Cements/therapeutic use , Molar , Composite Resins/analysis , Composite Resins/therapeutic use , Shear Strength , Dentistry
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 21(1)ene.-jun. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-489507


En Cuba no existen serpientes venenosas, por tanto los médicos no están familiarizados con el tratamiento de las mordeduras de este animal. No obstante, a pesar de no constituir un problema de salud nacional, se ha considerado la necesidad de abordar este tema, teniendo en cuenta el carácter solidario de nuestra medicina, que ha extendido su ayuda por todo el planeta. Se realizó una minuciosa revisión del tema teniendo en cuenta variables como: distribución geográfica de serpientes venenosas, especies peligrosas, cantidad y modo de identificación, comportamiento del reptil, comportamiento humano frente al reptil, cuadro clínico de la mordedura, complicaciones y tratamiento profiláctico y curativo. Se ofrecen conclusiones relacionadas con la importancia del estudio.

There are no venomous snakes in Cuba, so the physicians are not familiar with the treatment of snake bites. In spite of the fact that this is not a national health problem, it deems necessary to address this topic, taking into account the solidarity character of our medicine that has extended its assistance to the whole planet. A detailed literature review was made on this topic based on variables such as geographical distribution of venomous snakes, dangerous species, number, way of identification, snake behaviour, human behaviour to face the reptile, clinical picture of the bite, complications and prophylactic and curing treatment. Conclusions are provided in relation to the importance of this study.

À Cuba, les serpents venimeux n'existent pas, c'est pourquoi les médecins ne sont pas familiarisés avec le traitement des morsures de ces animaux. Bien qu'il ne soit pas un problème de santé nationale, il est nécessaire d'aborder ce question, tenant compte du caractère solidaire de notre médecine dans le monde entier. Une revue minutieuse de ce sujet a été réalisée tenant compte des variables telles que: distribution géographique des serpents venimeux, spécimens dangereux, nombre et mode d'identification, comportement du reptile, comportement humain devant le reptile, signes cliniques de la morsure, complications et traitement prophylactique et curatif. Des conclusions par rapport à l'importance de l'étude sont présentées.

Humans , Animals , Snake Bites/complications , Snake Bites/diagnosis , Snake Bites/mortality
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 21(1): 3-16, ene.-jun. 1992. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-124222


Se estudiaron 160 heridos de guerra con lesiones de tórax, abdomen y pelvis, que ocurrieron en la zona de Cuaando-Cubango (Angola) durante el período de enero a junio de 1988. Se analizan los diferentes factores que inciden sobre el herido de guerra: tipo de lesión, tiempo de traumatismo, agente causal, tratamiento impuesto (sujeto a las condiciones de la guerra) y evolución. De ellos, 58 presentaban herida de tórax y 102 de abdomen y pelvis, representando el segundo orden de heridos atendidos en el Destacamento Médico Independiente. Los traumatismos abiertos conformaron el mayor número, 80,6 %. En los heridos de tórax la pleurotomía mínima constituyó el proceder definitivo en casi todos los casos. En las lesiones abdominales, la cirugía intestinal fue la más empleada. En general, las complicaciones estuvieron relacionadas con los plazos de evacuación que de forma directa incidieron sobre los tiempos de traumatismos. Los traumatismos abiertos presentaron la mayor mortalidad, 11,2

Humans , Abdominal Injuries , Thoracic Injuries , Warfare
Ciudad de la Habana; s.n; 1987. 116 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-182534