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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 41: e43447, 20190000. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460858


Thousands of people living in semi-arid regions face problems of drought and loss of water quality. In addition, high incidence of acute diarrheal diseases related to water consumption has been responsible for a high number of deaths and high economic costs for human health. Many of the diseases can be caused by the presence of enterobacteria in reservoirs that serve for multiple purposes. This study aimed to confirm the presence of potentially harmful bacteria, which was highlighted in other articles, and to reveal non-identified genera by culture-dependent methods and pyrosequencing. Twenty-three genera of the Enterobacteriaceae family were detected, with emphasis on Escherichia genus and confirmation of the presence of species such as Salmonella enterica and Enterobacter cloacae. The abundance of heterotrophic prokaryotes and the physical and chemical data show an expected average for this type of environment due to the numbers historically presented in previous articles. The unprecedented detection of the presence of some potentially pathogenic species can alert and raise awareness of the populations that use stored water in the semi-arid regions. Consequently, as a result of the peculiar characteristics of reservoirs under this climate influence, there is a cosmopolitanism of enterobacteria that may be related to the alarming numbers of infections from Waterborne Diseases.

Enterobacteriaceae/chemistry , Water Pollution/analysis , Water Pollution/legislation & jurisprudence , Water/analysis
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 34(4): 399-406, Oct.-Dec. 2012. mapas, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-859685


The semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte State, in northeast Brazil exhibits specific physical-climatic aspects: the climate is very hot, with mean annual rainfall of 550 mm, characterized by periodic drought and uneven distribution of rains. Due to these features, is important to study and preserve its water bodies. The purpose of this paper was to characterize and investigate bacterioplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and their seasonal variations in a reservoir located in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte State, in 2008. To this aim, four samplings were carried out in the rainy season and three in the dry season to determine the biotic and abiotic variables. Bacterial densities in the reservoirs ranged from 8.98 x 106 to 1.62 x 10 7 bac mL-1, while total biomass varied between 207 and 262 µgCL-1. The nanoflagellates showed a variation between 1,777 and 8,229 org mL-1 in density, and between 3.0 and 9.6 µgCL-1 in biomass. Statistical analyses presented non- standard results for both biological and physical-chemical variables throughout the study year, revealing the complexity of the reservoir with respect to the mechanisms controlling the microbial populations analyzed.

O semiárido norterriograndense apresenta aspectos físico-climáticos bastante específicos: o clima é muito quente, com média pluviométrica de 550 mm ano-1, caracterizado pelo regimento de escassez e desigual distribuição de chuvas. Por isso se torna imprescindível conhecer e preservar os seus corpos d'água. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização e o conhecimento sobre as comunidades bacterioplanctônica e de nanoflagelados heterotróficos e suas variações sazonais em um reservatório localizado na região semiárida do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, durante o ano de 2008. Para isto, foram realizadas quatro coletas de amostras para verificar as variáveis bióticas e abióticas no período chuvoso e três no período seco. As densidades bacterianas nos reservatórios estudados variaram de 8,98 x 106 e 1,62 x 107 bac mL- 1, enquanto que as biomassas totais variaram de 207 a 262 µgCL-1. Os nanoflagelados apresentaram variação de 1.777 e 8.229 org mL- 1 na sua densidade e de 3,0 a 9,6 µgCL-1 na sua biomassa. As análises estatísticas apresentaram resultados não-padronizados tanto para as variáveis biológicas como para as físico-químicas no decorrer do ano de estudo, revelando a complexidade do reservatório no que se refere aos mecanismos controladores das populações microbianas analisadas.

Animals , Parasitology , Dams , Aquatic Microorganisms
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 34(4): 399-406, Oct.-Dec. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460739


The semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte State, in northeast Brazil exhibits specific physical-climatic aspects: the climate is very hot, with mean annual rainfall of 550 mm, characterized by periodic drought and uneven distribution of rains. Due to these features, is important to study and preserve its water bodies. The purpose of this paper was to characterize and investigate bacterioplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and their seasonal variations in a reservoir located in the semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte State, in 2008. To this aim, four samplings were carried out in the rainy season and three in the dry season to determine the biotic and abiotic variables. Bacterial densities in the reservoirs ranged from 8.98 x 106 to 1.62 x 107 bac mL-1, while total biomass varied between 207 and 262 gCL-1. The nanoflagellates showed a variation between 1,777 and 8,229 org mL-1 in density, and between 3.0 and 9.6 gCL-1 in biomass. Statistical analyses presented non-standard results for both biological and physical-chemical variables throughout the study year, revealing the complexity of the reservoir with respect to the mechanisms controlling the microbial populations analyzed.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 51(1): 203-212, Jan.-Feb. 2008. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-482070


The temporal and spatial fluctuations of Bacterioplankton in a fluvial-lagunar system of a tropical region (Pitimbu River and Jiqui Lake, RN) were studied during the dry and the rainy periods. The bacterial abundance varied from 2.67 to 5.1 Cells10(7)mL-1 and did not show a typical temporal variation, presenting only small oscillations between the rainy and the dry periods. The bacterial biomass varied from 123 µgC L-1 to 269 µgC L-1 in the sampling sites and the average cellular volume varied from 0.12 to 0.54µm³, showing a predominance of the rods. The temperature showed a positive correlation with the cellular volume of the rods (R=0.55; p=0.02) and vibrio (R=0.53; p=0.03). Significant spatial differences of biomass (Mann Whitney: p=0.01) and cellular volume of the morphotypes (Mann Whitney: p=0.003) were found between the sampling sites. The strong positive correlations of the water temperature and oxygen with bacterioplankton showed a probable high bacterial activity in this system.

A variação temporal e espacial do bacterioplâncton em um sistema fluvial-lagunar de região tropical foi estudada em períodos seco e chuvoso. As médias da abundância bacteriana variaram de 2,67 a 5,1 x 10(7) e não exibiram uma variação temporal marcante, tendo apresentado apenas pequenas oscilações entre os períodos chuvoso e seco. A biomassa bacteriana variou de 123 µg C L-1 a 269 µg C L-1 entre os locais de coleta e o volume celular médio de 0,12µm³ a 0,54µm³, ocorrendo predominância de bacilos. A temperatura mostrou correlação positiva com o volume celular de bacilos (R=0,55; p=0,02) e de vibriões (R=0,53; p=0,03). Foram encontradas diferenças espaciais significativas de biomassa (Mann Whitney: p=0,01) e volume celular dos morfotipos (Mann Whitney: p= 0,003), entre os locais de coleta. As fortes correlações positivas da temperatura da água e do oxigênio, com o bacterioplâncton, são sugestivas de uma provavelmente elevada atividade bacteriana nesse sistema.

In. Anon. Anais do Seminário Ciência e Desenvolvimento Sustentável. Säo Paulo, IEA-USP, 1997. p.190-3.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-198746


Apresenta os resultados da implementaçäo de um projeto-piloto de educaçäo ambiental nas Usinas Pedreira e Piratininga da Eletropaulo, que demonstram o alcance da educaçäo ambiental na organizaçäo empresarial e sua contribuiçäo para a gestäo ambiental e o desenvolvimento sustentável do planeta

Environmental Health Education , Capacity Building , Environmental Management , Power Plants , Sustainable Development