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Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 48(3): 192-199, jun. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-642208


O presente trabalho objetivou estudar o quadro sintomatológico, algumas variáveis bioquímicas e a resposta ao tratamento com cálcio de bovinos com hipocalcemia induzida experimentalmente. Foram utilizadas 12 novilhas distribuídas nos grupos controle (n = 5) e tratado (n = 7). Foi infundida solução de EDTA a 5% até o animal apresentar sinais clínicos de hipocalcemia, quando então era iniciado o tratamento com solução contendo cálcio, fósforo, magnésio e glicose, na dose de 1 mL/kg/PV, em 30 minutos, enquanto que o grupo controle recebia apenas solução fisiológica na mesma dose. Exame clínico e coleta de amostras sanguíneas foram realizados nos tempos T0 (basal), T1 (Fase I, caracterizada por tremores musculares), T2 (ao final da infusão com EDTA), T3 (ao final do tratamento) e T4 (24 horas após o término do experimento). Todas as novilhas mostraram diminuição temporária da concentração de cálcio total e livre, fósforo, e apresentaram quadro clássico de hipocalcemia. A taquicardia, a hipofonese e a atonia ruminal desapareceram no decorrer do tratamento, sendo observado aumento no cálcio livre e total e fósforo. O medicamento usado no tratamento dos animais foi eficaz na recuperação do quadro clínico de hipocalcemia dentro de 30 minutos, promovendo retorno das principais variáveis do perfil bioquímico aos valores basais

The present work aims to study the clinical picture, biochemical profile and treatment response in cattle with induced hypocalcaemia. Were utilized 12 heifers randomly distributed in treated (n = 7) and control (n = 5) groups. The induction model was carried on by continuous EDTA infusion into jugular vein until the animals present clinical signs of hypocalcaemia. After that, the treated group received a calcium (Ca) solution enriched with phosphorus, magnesium and glucose with a dose of 1 mL/kg/BW in 30 minutes, meanwhile, the control group was treated with the same dose of physiologic solution. Clinical examination were performed and blood samples were obtained in times T0 (basal time), T1 (beginning of hypocalcaemia); T2 (end of EDTA infusion); T3 (end of treatment) and T4 (24 hours after the induction). All the heifers present temporary blood calcium and phosphorus reduction and demonstrated classical clinical picture of hypocalcaemia. The treated group present full clinical recovery and blood calcium and phosphorus increase. Most evident clinical signs were increasing heart beat, hypophonesis and rumenal atony. Those symptoms were reversed after calcium treatment. The solution used for treatment was efficient on clinical recovery within thirty minutes, promoting the return to basal levels of the most of biochemical's variables

Animals , Female , Cattle , Abnormalities, Drug-Induced , Edetic Acid/adverse effects , Hypocalcemia/chemically induced , Cattle