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Int. braz. j. urol ; 49(6): 785-786, Nov.-Dec. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550276


ABSTRACT Introduction: We aim to publish our innovative modified biplanar 0-90 endoscopic guided puncture technique for percutaneous nephrolithotomy in supine recorded with a GoPro® camera for standardization of the technique. It solves drawbacks of the fluoroscopic technique, i.e., in kidneys with complex anatomy, it may be challenging to distinguish calyces as they are often superposed, and it does not allow for all benefits of a combined endoscopic approach (1, 2). Our technique shortens puncture and fluoroscopic time and is easy to teach and reproduce. Methods: A 77-year-old female patient had previous double J insertion due to an obstructing stone in the right distal ureter. She managed to pass the distal stone but remained with the double J and a 20mm stone (1300HU) in the right renal pelvis. The shared decision was for the actual standard of care (3, 4) endoscopic combined intrarenal surgery (ECIRS). The MiniECIRS started with flexible ureteroscopy and a posterior calix which gave direct access to the stone was chosen. The tip of the flexible scope was used to mark point A with the C-arm in the 0-degree position and line B in the 90-degree position. Puncture was fast and the MiniECIRS was uneventful with a single mid-pole access guided by the flexible scope. The surgeon had a Full-HD GoPro® camera mounted on his head, controlled by the surgical staff. All essential surgical steps were recorded. Results: The quality of the recorded movie was graded as excellent, and the camera did not cause any discomfort to the surgeon. Operative and X-Ray time were 120minutes and 2minutes (7.64mGy). Hemoglobin drop was 0.8g/dL. The post-operative day-1 computed tomography scan was stone-free. The patient was discharged 24h after surgery. Kidney stent was left with a string and removed after 5days. The patient remained asymptomatic and metabolic evaluation revealed a calcium oxalate stone, low urinary volume and hypocitraturia which were treated with potassium citrate and hydration. Conclusion: The Modified Biplanar (0-90 degree) Endoscopic-Guided Puncture Technique for Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy joins the reproducibility of the same technique under fluoroscopy with advantages regarding safety and efficiency of ECIRS.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20213040, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365391


ABSTRACT Objective: to develop a training program in minimally invasive surgery, based on simulation and with an emphasis on the acquisition of laparoscopic competences. Methods: this was a prospective, observational study carried out at a university hospital in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, between April 2020 and January 2021. We recruited residents of surgical specialties for structured, progressive training according to instructional principles to promote learning, such as motivation, activation, demonstration, application, and integration. We filmed the skill tests at the program's beginning, middle, and end, which were then anonymously evaluated by a surgical education expert. Individual performances were scored using the global assessment tools "GOALS" and "specific checklist for suture". At the end, all participants received individual feedback and completed a questionnaire to assess the impact of training on the Kirkpatrick model. Results: 43 residents completed the program. The evolution of performances was evident and grew between tests. The average achievements were 29% in the initial test, 43% in the intermediate test, and 88% in the final test, with significant differences between all mean scores, with H=97.59, GL=2, p<0.0001. The program evaluation and learning perceptions were excellent, but only 10.7% of residents felt fully capable of performing unsupervised, low-complexity laparoscopic surgery at the end of training. Conclusions: the training program developed in this study proved to be feasible and promising as a strategy for teaching laparoscopic surgery.

RESUMO Objetivo: desenvolver programa de treinamento em cirurgia minimamente invasiva, baseado em simulação e com ênfase na aquisição de competências laparoscópicas. Métodos: trata-se de estudo prospectivo observacional que foi realizado em hospital universitário de Belo Horizonte, Brasil, entre abril de 2020 e janeiro de 2021. Foram recrutados residentes de clínicas cirúrgicas para treinamento progressivo estruturado de acordo com princípios instrucionais de promoção da aprendizagem, como: motivação, ativação, demonstração, aplicação e integração. Testes de habilidades foram filmados no início, meio e final do programa, e, então, avaliados em anonimato por perito em educação cirúrgica. As performances individuais foram pontuadas por meio das ferramentas de avaliação global "GOALS" e "checklist específico de sutura". Ao final, todos participantes receberam feedbacks individuais e preencheram questionário destinado a avaliar o impacto do treinamento, baseado no modelo de Kirkpatrick. Resultados: 43 residentes concluíram o treinamento. A evolução das performances foi crescente e evidente entre os testes. Os aproveitamentos médios foram: 29% no teste inicial; 43% no teste intermediário; e 88% no teste final, com diferenças significativas entre todas as médias de pontuação, sendo H=97,59; GL=2; p<0,0001. A avaliação do programa e percepções de aprendizagem foram excelentes, mas apenas 10,7% dos residentes sentiram-se totalmente capazes a realizar cirurgia laparoscópica de baixa complexidade sem supervisão ao final do treinamento. Conclusões: o programa de treinamento desenvolvido nesse estudo mostrou-se factível e promissor como estratégia de ensino da cirurgia laparoscópica.

Humans , General Surgery/education , Laparoscopy/education , Simulation Training , Internship and Residency , Prospective Studies , Clinical Competence , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/education , Curriculum
Int. braz. j. urol ; 46(5): 796-802, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134226


ABSTRACT Purpose: To develop and validate a new test of specific technical skills required for microsurgical varicocelectomy. Materials and Methods: An electronic questionnaire was sent to 558 members of the Brazilian Society of Urology for the validation of the task-specific checklist (TSC) for assessment of microsurgical varicocelectomy. Participants who had experience in this procedure were selected as judges. For construct validation, 12 participants including attending urologists and urological residents in training were recruited for voluntary participation. We formed a group of three experts and a group of nine novices, who had to perform the steps of microsurgical varicocelectomy on a simulation model using human placenta. Each participant was filmed and two blinded raters would then evaluate their performance using the TSC of microsurgical varicocelectomy. Results: 14 judges were recruited. The assessment tool was reformulated, according to the judges suggestions and had the content validity achieved. The final version of the TSC was comprised of the task-specific score, a series of 4 items scored in a binary fashion designed for microscopic sub-inguinal varicocelectomy. The differences between the performance of participants with different levels of experience reflected the construct validity. The reliability between the raters was high. The mean time required to complete the training of microsurgical varicocelectomy in simulation model was significantly shorter for experts compared to novices (201 vs. 496 seconds, p=0.01). Conclusions: This preliminary study suggests that the task-specific checklist of microsurgical varicocelectomy is reliable and valid in assessing microsurgical skills.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Checklist , Microsurgery , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Clinical Competence
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 66(3): 328-333, Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136190


SUMMARY BACKGROUND The aim of this study was to perform a cross-cultural adaptation of the Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (OSATS) tool into Brazilian Portuguese and to determine its reproducibility and validity in Brasil. METHODS A Brazilian Portuguese version of OSATS was created through a process of translation, back-translation, expert panel evaluation, pilot testing, and then its validation. For the construct and the concurrent validities, twelve participants were divided into a group of six experts and six novices, who had to perform tasks on a simulation model using human placentas. Each participant was filmed, and two blinded raters would then evaluate their performance using the traditional subjective method and then the Brazilian Portuguese version of OSATS. RESULTS The Brazilian Portuguese version of OSATS had the face, content, construct, and concurrent validities achieved. The average experts' score and standard deviations were 34 and 0.894, respectively, for Judge 1 and 34.33 and 0.816 for Judge 2. In the case of novices, it was 13.33 and 2.388 for Judge 1 and 13.33 and 3.204 for Judge 2. The concordance between the judges was evident, with the Correlation Coefficient (Pearson) of 0.9944 with CI 95% between 0.9797 and 0.9985, with p < 10-10, evidencing the excellent reproducibility of the instrument. CONCLUSION This preliminary study suggests that the Brazilian Portuguese version of OSATS can reliably and validly assess surgical skills in Brasil.

RESUMO OBJETIVOS Objetivou-se com este trabalho adaptar transculturalmente o instrumento Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (Osats) para o português-brasileiro e validá-lo no Brasil. MÉTODOS Uma versão em português-brasileiro do Osats foi criada por meio de um processo de tradução, retrotradução, versão consensual por um comitê de especialistas e pré-teste, seguido da etapa de validação. Para validades de constructo e concorrente, foram recrutados 12 participantes da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, divididos em um grupo de seis especialistas e um grupo de seis novatos, que tiveram de realizar tarefas em modelos de simulação utilizando placentas humanas. Cada participante foi filmado em anonimato e dois examinadores avaliaram os seus desempenhos usando o método tradicional subjetivo e depois a versão em português-brasileiro do Osats. RESULTADOS A versão em português-brasileiro do Osats alcançou as validades de face, de conteúdo, de constructo e concorrente. A média e o desvio padrão das pontuações atribuídas aos especialistas foram, respectivamente, 34 e 0,894, para o Juiz 1 e 34,33 e 0,816 para o Juiz 2. No caso dos novatos, foram 13,33 e 2,338 para o Juiz 1 e 13,33 e 3,204 para o Juiz 2. O Coeficiente de Correlação (de Pearson) entre os dois juízes foi de 0,9944 com IC 95% entre 0,9797 e 0,9985, com p<10-10, evidenciando a excelente reprodutibilidade do instrumento. CONCLUSÃO A versão em português-brasileiro do Osats manteve-se equivalente ao instrumento original e foi validada. Assim, pode ser usada para avaliar a performance operatória dos residentes em cirurgia no Brasil.

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative/standards , Translations , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Surveys and Questionnaires , Clinical Competence , Surgical Procedures, Operative/education , Brazil , Education, Medical, Graduate/standards , Internship and Residency
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 44(4): e178, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144055


Resumo: Introdução: Como os profissionais da área médica terão que lidar com a questão da morte, este trabalho teve como objetivos identificar os sentimentos dos estudantes de Medicina e dos médicos residentes do Brasil ante o morrer e a morte, e compreender como eles vivenciam a própria formação durante a graduação e a especialização para esse enfrentamento. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura feita com base na metodologia PRISMA. A revisão foi conduzida entre agosto e dezembro de 2019 com os descritores "estudantes de medicina", "medical students", "morte" e "death", pesquisados na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS). Resultados: Dos 372 artigos identificados na busca, 18 estudos publicados atendiam a todos os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos. Quanto à análise dos artigos em relação aos sentimentos dos estudantes de Medicina e dos médicos residentes perante situações de morte, percebeu-se que a maioria dos estudos relatou experiências negativas, como medo, insegurança, tristeza, raiva e culpa. Apesar de ainda serem incipientes as disciplinas e estratégias institucionalizadas, parece que, com o decorrer do curso e da prática profissional, os sentimentos negativos são amenizados, porque se vivenciam com mais frequência contextos de terminalidade e morte, oportunizando, assim, o aprendizado por meio da observação e postura perante essas situações práticas, visto que a morte e suas interfaces fazem parte do cotidiano médico. Conclusões: Os estudantes de Medicina e os médicos residentes do Brasil apresentam desconforto e dificuldade em lidar com os processos de morte e do morrer. Para modificar esse cenário de despreparo, é consenso entre eles a necessidade de incluir disciplinas teórico-práticas de Tanatologia, Cuidados Paliativos e Psicologia Médica no currículo das faculdades de Medicina e reformular o conteúdo delas de forma a abordar mais profundamente o processo de morte no contexto prático.

Abstract: Introduction: Most professionals in the medical field will have to deal with the issue of death. This paper aims to describe the feelings of Brazilian medical students and resident doctors regarding end of life and death, as well as to understand how they experience their undergraduate training and specialization in dealing with this process. Method: This is a systematic literature review based on the PRISMA methodology, conducted between August and December 2019 with the descriptors "medical students" and "death," in both English and Portuguese, in papers indexed in the Virtual Health Library (VHL). Results: 372 papers were identified in the search; 18 were published studies that met all the established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Analysis of the articles concerning the feelings of medical students and resident doctors facing situations involving death revealed that most studies reported negative experiences, such as fear, insecurity, sadness, anger, and guilt. Despite the subjects and institutionalized strategies still being relatively new, it would seem that as their training and professional practice progress, the young doctors' negative feelings are attenuated as they experience end-of-life and death situations more frequently, thus learning through observation and posture in these practical situations, seeing as death and dealing with it is part of everyday medical work. Conclusions: Medical students and medical residents in Brazil experience discomfort and difficulty in dealing with the processes of death and dying. To improve their preparedness in this respect, there is a consensus among them about the need to include the theoretical/practical disciplines of Thanatology, Palliative Care and medical psychology in the medical curriculum and to reformulate the content in order to approach the subject of death in a more practical context.

ACM arq. catarin. med ; 41(1)jan.-mar. 2012. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-664904


Objetivo: Relatar um caso de esquistossomose mansonide vesícula seminal, com cirurgia de vesiculectomiavideolaparoscópica transperitoneal. Relato de caso: Paciente66 anos, masculino, natural de Teófilo Otoni (nortede Minas Gerais), com queixa inicial de hemospermia.Sem outras queixas. PSA: 4,2 ng/dl. História de ressecçãotransuretral de próstata em 2004, com anátomo--patológico descrevendo hiperplasia prostática benigna.Alterações em ultrasson transretal e em ressonância nuclearmagnética de pelve: U.S.T.R.: massa de localizaçãoextraprostática, com volume de 96cm3 . Próstata de 19g e com sinais sugestivos de prostatite crônica. R.N.M.pelve: Imagem medindo 8,4 x 8,5 x 7,7 cm, localizada natopografia das vesículas seminais, sugerindo neoplasia.Submetido Vesiculectomia Seminal por videolaparoscopiatransperitoneal. Anátomo-patológico (AP) e imuno--histoquímica: Hiperplasia fibromuscular associada àesquistossomose mansoni (ovos com espícula lateral),sem evidências de malignidade. Considerações finais:O achado de esquistossomose de próstata e vesículaseminal no Brasil é raro. Em nossa revisão, não encontramosnenhum relato de esquistossomose mansoniisolada de vesícula seminal, com tratamento através decirurgia videolaparoscópica.

Objective: Report a case of seminal vesicle of schistosomiasiswith laparoscopic surgery transperitoneal vesiculecomia.Case report: pacient 66 years old, male, he wasborn in Teófilo Otoni (northen Minas Gerais), with initialcomplaint of hemospermia. PSA: 4,2ng/dl. History of transurethralresection of the prostate in 2004, the pathologicalexamination is describing benign prostatic hyperplasia.Alteration in pelvis transrectal ultrasound and resonancemagnetic imaging (MRI): hypoechoic heterogeneous mass,extraprostatic location, with a volume of 96 cm3. Prostate19g and signs suggestive of chronic prostatitis. MRI pelvis:image with signal intensity and heterogeneous uptakeof contrast, measuring 8,4 x 8,5 x 7,7 cm, located in thetopography of the seminal vesicles, image is suggestingmalignancy. Submitted by video laparoscopic transperitonealvesiculectomia seminal. Pathological and immunohistochemistry:fibromuscular hyperplasia associated withschistosomiasis mansoni (eggs with lateral spike), withoutevidence of malignancy. Conclusion: The find of schistosomiasisof the prostate and seminal vesicles in Brazil is rare.In our review, we found no report of schistosoma mansoniisolated from seminal vesicle treated by video laparoscopicsurgery. After surgical treatment, use of praziquantelwas prescribed 50mg/kg in two divided doses.

Appl. cancer res ; 32(1): 30-31, 2012.
Article in English | LILACS, Inca | ID: lil-661574


Synchronous cancers are defined as malignant tumors that present either simultaneously or within a six-month period of identification of the original tumor. We report an unusual case of triple primary neoplasia synchronously originating in the prostate, kidney and sigmoid colon in a 63-year-old male. Multiple primary cancers are rare, yet it is believed that the incidence of this is rising and thus making an early diagnosis and administering prompt treatment is important.

Humans , Kidney Neoplasms , Prostatic Neoplasms , Colonic Neoplasms
Rev. para. med ; 25(1)jan.-mar. 2011. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-609170


Objetivo: descrição de um caso de paciente jovem, que sofreu um trauma testicular durantetreinamento em aula de arte marcial, com discussão das principais causas, diagnóstico etratamento. Relato de caso: paciente de 16 anos, com trauma testicular devido a um chute,evoluindo com dor e posterior abordagem cirúrgica. Considerações finais: a anamnese e examefísico, com exames de imagem quando necessários, são as melhores armas para um diagnósticocorreto e precoce para o trauma testicular, indicando o melhor tratamento a ser feito.

Objective: Description of a case report of a young patient whosuffered a testicular injury during training in martial arts class, with discussion of themain causes, diagnosis and treatment. Case report: Patient aged 16 years, withtesticular trauma due to a kick, there was pain and posterior surgical approach.Final considerations: A good anamnesis and physical examination, with imagingstudies when necessary, they are the best weapons for a correct and earlydiagnosis for testicular trauma, indicating the best treatment to be done

Appl. cancer res ; 31(4): 151-152, 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, Inca | ID: lil-655871


We report a rare case of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder metastasizing to bilateral adrenal glands without other metastasis. A 73-year-old male underwent radical cystoprostatectomy due to bladder cancer in 2006. Two years later, a CT scan showed a bilateral solitary adrenal tumor. Bilateral retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy revealed metastatic transitional cell carcinoma. The patient has been doing well without evidence of recurrence, being supported by adrenocortical steroids. Although laparoscopic resection for malignant adrenal tumors is still controversial, we consider that retroperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy may be an optional treatment for metastatic adrenal tumors, provided no other sites of metastasis exist.

Humans , Adrenalectomy , Urinary Bladder , General Surgery , Laparoscopy , Neoplasm Metastasis