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An. bras. dermatol ; 92(6): 785-792, Nov.-Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887119


Abstract: Background: Decreasing the time of exposure to the sun and increasing sunscreen use are important actions to prevent skin cancer. Objective: This study aimed to verify the prevalence of exposure to the sun and the use of sunscreen, as well as associated factors among physical education teachers of the basic education network from city of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Methods: A census type study was conducted with physical education teachers of the basic education network from Pelotas. This study assessed the time of exposure to the sun in the workplace for at least 20 min, between 10am and 4pm, and the use of sunscreen during the workday. Results: 188 teachers answered the questionnaire. The prevalence of exposure to the sun between 10:00am and 4:00pm was 89.2% (95% CI of 83.8% -93.3%), while sunscreen use was 63.3% (95% CI of 56.0% -70.2%). However, when the sample was stratified by sex, women reported a higher rate of sunscreen use (78.5% -95% CI of 72.2-84.3) than men (38.9% -95% CI of 31.8-46.2) (p<0.001). Teachers with longer work weeks were at greater risk of exposure to the sun. In addition, women, with normal weight and who worked less hours, were more likely to use sunscreen. Study limitations: Cross-sectional study and lack of information on the proper use and frequency of use of sunscreen. Conclusion: Physical education teachers were highly exposed to solar radiation, and less than two-thirds used sunscreen during the workday. Interventions with this professional group are necessary to reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Physical Education and Training , Sunlight/adverse effects , Sunscreening Agents/therapeutic use , Occupational Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Skin Neoplasms/prevention & control , Time Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Occupational Diseases/prevention & control
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-611241


A melhora da qualidade de vida de uma população pode estar relacionada com o aumento do conhecimento sobre os fatores de risco que conduzem a doenças crônicas. Desta forma o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento dos professores de Educação Física sobre as associações entre quatro fatores comportamentais (sedentarismo, tabagismo, consumo excessivo de álcool e alimentação inadequada) e oito morbidades (diabetes, hipertensão arterial, AIDS, osteoporose, câncer de pulmão, depressão, cirrose hepática e infarto agudo do miocárdio). Foi realizado um estudo observacional, de caráter transversal e cunho censitário, incluindo 188 professores de ambos os sexos, das redes de ensino básico pública e privada da cidade de Pelotas/RS. Para cada fator comportamental, foi gerado um escore de conhecimento, que variava de zero a oito pontos. A maior média deste escore ocorreu para o conhecimento sobre sedentarismo (6,4), seguido por alimentação inadequada (5,9), tabagismo (5,3) e consumo excessivo de álcool (4,5). Podemos concluir que os maiores escores de conhecimento estiveram relacionados com faixas etárias mais baixas, com o local e a jornada de trabalho. Políticas públicas voltadas à saúde e educação são indispensáveis e urgentes para requalificar os docentes e prepará-los para a tarefa de ensinar.

The improvement in population quality of life may be associated to the increase in the awareness about chronic diseases risk factors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate physical education teachers' knowledge about the associations between four behavioral factors (sedentary lifestyle, smoking, abusive alcohol intake, and inadequate eating) and eight diseases (diabetes, hypertension, AIDS, osteoporosis, lung cancer, depression, liver cirrhosis and acute myocardial infarction). A census-based cross-sectional study was carried out including 188 teachers (men and women) from public and private schools from Pelotas/RS. For each behavioral factor, a knowledge score was generated, ranging from zero to eight points. The highest score was observed for sedentary lifestyle (6.4), followed by inadequate eating (5.9), smoking (5.3), and abusive alcohol intake (4.5). Overall, higher knowledge scores were observed among teachers from lower age groups, and workplace and working hours were also associated to the outcome. Governmental strategies in health and education are needed to improve teacher's knowledge enabling professionals to perform their jobs satisfactory.

Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 16(1)jan.-mar. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-600041


Introdução: Estimar o nível de atividade física é importante para o planejamento de intervenções, no entanto há poucos trabalhos que investigam o comportamento de professores neste aspecto. Objetivo: verificar, através de um estudo transversal, o nível de atividade física no lazer dos professores de educação física do ensino básico que atuam na zona urbana da cidade de Pelotas - RS. Método: estudo de caráter censitário, que utilizou o IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnarie) longo para verificação do nível de atividade física no lazer destes profissionais. Resultados: 188 professores responderam o questionário, 61,3% do sexo feminino, 55,4% concluíram pós-graduação e 56,4% foram classificados como ativos no lazer. O nível de atividade física no lazer, na análise ajustada, apresentou associação inversa com tabagismo (p=0,04) e direta com autopercepção de saúde (p=0,001). Conclusão: os professores apresentaram um nível de atividade física no lazer superior aos encontrados na população de Pelotas e não demonstraram os mesmos fatores de risco para inatividade física que a população em geral

Introduction: To estimate the level of physical activity is important for planning interventions, however there are few studies that investigate the teacherïs behavior in this aspect. Objective: the aim of this study was to verify, through a cross-sectional study, the level of physical activity of primary school and high school physical education teachers working in the urban area of the city of Pelotas, southern Brazil. Method: a census study, using the IPAQ long to check the level of physical activity in the leisure of these professionals. Results: 188 teachers answered the questionnaire, 61.3% females, 55.4% completed post graduation studies and 56.4% were classified as active in leisure-time. The level of physical activity during leisure time, in the adjusted analysis, presented inverse association with smoking (p=0.04) and direct with health?s self-perception (p=0.001). Conclusion: The teachers presented a level of leisure time physical activity considered higher than those found in the population of Pelotas and have not shown the same risk factors for physical inactivity when compared with the population in general

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Faculty , Leisure Activities , Physical Education and Training
Pensar prát. (Impr.) ; 13(3)set.-dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-574531


O estudo objetivou avaliar o risco de obesidade e obesidade visceral de soldados do Corpo de Bombeiros de Pelotas – RS e relacionar com o tempo de serviço. O índice de massa corporal (IMC), e o perímetro abdominal (PA) foram coletados de todos os soldados ativos do batalhão. Os sujeitos foram divididos em G1 – soldados com menos de cinco anos de serviço (n=14) e G2 – soldados com mais de cinco anos de serviço (n=33). O grupo G1 apresentou tempo de serviço de 1,9 (±1,3) anos, IMC de 23,6 (±3,7) kg/m2 e PA de 84,2 (±8,5) cm. O grupo G2 teve tempo de serviço de 15,4 (±5,9) anos, IMC de 27,5 (±3,9) Kg/m2 e PA de 97,1 cm (±9,8). Concluiu-se que os bombeiros mais antigos apresentaram maiores indicadores de obesidade, estando mais expostos aos riscos relacionados ao excesso de gordura corporal.

In this study, we aimed at assessing the risk of obesity and visceral obesity in firefighters from Pelotas city and relate it to their service years. The body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were collected from all active firefighters. The subjects were divided into G1 – firefighters with less than five years of service (n=14) and G2 – firefighters with more than five years of service (n=33). The group G1 presented service years of 1.9 (± 1.3), BMI of 23.6 (± 3.7) kg/m2, and WC of 84.2 (± 8.5) cm. The group G2 had service years of 15.4 (± 5.9), BMI 27.5 (± 3.9) kg/m2, and WC of 97.1 (± 9.8) cm. We can say that the older firefighters had higher levels of obesity, being more exposed to risks related to excess body fat.

Humans , Male , Adult , Abdominal Fat , Body Mass Index , Firefighters , Obesity , Overweight