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Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(1): 41-50, mar. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431952


La enfermedad relacionada con inmunoglobulina (Ig) G4 es una enfermedad de reciente conocimiento que puede comprometer cualquier órgano teniendo preferencias por ciertas regiones del cuerpo, donde la región de cabeza y cuello es uno de sus principales puntos afectados, pudiendo comprometer tanto la órbita, glándulas salivales, glándulas lagrimales, glándula tiroides, cavidades paranasales, hueso temporal, faringe y laringe. Este último órgano es infrecuentemente comprometido, solo existiendo 12 casos registrados en la literatura antes de la publicación de este escrito. Presentamos un caso de una mujer de 49 años con historia de disnea frente a esfuerzo, diagnosticándose una estenosis subglótica la cual fue manejada quirúrgicamente con una reconstrucción laringotraqueal. En el estudio histopatológico se evidenció histología compatible con enfermedad relacionada con IgG4, por lo que se inició tratamiento médico con corticotera- pia oral por un lapso de 2 meses en conjunto con inmunología. Paciente luego de 4 años de seguimiento, no ha presentado recaídas, manteniendo un lumen subglótico adecuado.

Immunoglobulin (Ig) G4-related disease is a medical condition of recent knowledge that can compromise any organ, having preferences for certain regions of the body, where the head and neck region is one of the main affected points, being able to affect orbit, salivary glands, lacrimal glands, thyroid gland, paranasal cavities, temporal bone, pharynx and larynx. The latter is infrequently compromised, with only 12 cases registered in the literature before the publication of this writing. We present a case of a 49-year-old woman with a history of exertional dyspnea, diagnosed with a sub- glottic stenosis which was managed surgically with laryngotracheal reconstruction. The histopathological study revealed histology compatible with IgG4-related disease, so medical treatment with oral corticosteroid therapy was started for a period of 2 months in conjunction with immunology. After 4 years of follow-up, the patient has not presented relapses, maintaining an adequate subglottic lumen.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/drug therapy , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/diagnostic imaging , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/immunology , Neck/pathology , Neck/diagnostic imaging
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(4): 476-483, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431939


El carcinoma escamoso de cavidad oral corresponde a una de las neoplasias malignas más frecuentes en cabeza y cuello, teniendo una incidencia mundial según GLOBOCAN para el año 2020 de 377.713 casos nuevos. Este cáncer tiene la ventaja potencial de su diagnóstico precoz por su accesibilidad al examen físico, por lo que es importante tener un alto índice de sospecha en pacientes con los factores de riesgo como tabaquismo crónico, consumo de alcohol, consumo de nuez de betel, inmunodeficiencias, entre otros, teniendo una conducta activa con el fin de lograr un diagnóstico precoz. Por otro lado, la etapificación actual incorpora nuevos factores pronósticos, como la profundidad de invasión, con el fin de asignar de mejor forma una clasificación adecuada y con ello, guiar el tratamiento de estos pacientes. Finalmente, se debe procurar un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz con el fin de lograr los mejores resultados oncológicos.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity represents one of the most frequent malignant neoplasms in the head and neck, having an incidence according to GLOBOCAN for the year 2020 of 377,713 new cases. This cancer has the potential advantage of early diagnosis due to its accessibility to physical examination, so it is important to have a high index of suspicion in patients with risk factors such as chronic smoking, alcohol consumption, betel nut consumption, immunodeficiencies, among others, having an active behavior in order to achieve an early diagnosis. On the other hand, the current staging incorporates new prognostic factors, such as depth of invasion, in order to better assign an adequate classification and thus guide the treatment of these patients. Finally, early diagnosis and treatment should be sought in order to achieve the best oncological outcomes.

Humans , Mouth Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/diagnosis , Mouth/pathology , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/epidemiology , Risk Factors
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(1): 127-135, mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389826


Resumen El cáncer de cabeza y cuello es una enfermedad infrecuente, con un manejo tanto médico como quirúrgico complejo. La regionalización o centralización de la atención, definida como la concentración de pacientes con enfermedades complejas, en instituciones que presenten equipos multidisciplinarios con mayor experiencia y altamente funcionales, puede ser una alternativa viable para lograr mejores resultados oncológicos. Actual-mente existe evidencia que avala esta estrategia, dando cuenta de mejores resultados oncológicos en centros con un mayor volumen; que tengan una mayor adherencia a guías clínicas basadas en la evidencia y a indicadores de calidad; y que presenten un equipo multidisciplinario a cargo de la toma de decisiones en estos pacientes. La población de Ontario, Canadá, se enmarca como uno de los ejemplos de esta estrategia, consiguiendo mejorar sus resultados manteniendo un alto nivel de calidad en su manejo. El objetivo del presente artículo de revisión es sistematizar el conocimiento actual en relación con la centralización de la atención en oncología de cabeza y cuello y sus consecuencias en la práctica de la otorrinolaringología-cirugía de cabeza y cuello.

Abstract Head and neck cancer is an infrequent disease, with complex medical and surgical management. The regionalization of care, defined as the concentration of patients with complex diseases, in institutions that present highly experienced and highly functional multidiscipli-nary teams, may be an efficient alternative to achieve better oncological outcomes. Currently, there is evidence that supports this strategy, accounting for better oncological outcomes in institutions with higher volume; that have greater compliance to evidence-based guidelines and quality indicators; and that present a multidisciplinary team in charge of the decision-making process in these patients. The population of Ontario, Canada, is framed as one of the examples of this strategy, managing to improve its results while maintaining a high level of quality in its management. The aim of this review paper is to systematize the current knowledge regarding head and neck regionalization of cancer care and its impact in the practice of otolaryngology-head and neck surgery.

Humans , Delivery of Health Care/organization & administration , Hospitals, High-Volume , Head and Neck Neoplasms/therapy , Treatment Outcome
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 81(4): 595-604, dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389817


Resumen La mayoría de los servicios de salud han experimentado un aumento de los costos asociados a la atención de salud lo que ha llevado a adoptar medidas para optimizar la costo-efectividad de los servicios otorgados. Desde esa perspectiva surge la atención de salud basada en el valor. El concepto de "calidad en la atención de salud" se ha definido como el grado en el cual los servicios de salud aumentan la posibilidad de generar ciertos desenlaces en salud a los que se aspira. Los indicadores de calidad de clasifican en indicadores de estructura, de proceso, y de desenlace. Los indicadores de estructura se refieren a las características del sistema de salud o de la institución hospitalaria. Los indicadores de proceso se refieren a los que el proveedor de servicios de salud realiza para el proceso de atención en salud, mientras que los indicadores de desenlace se refieren a los resultados del proceso en el paciente. El objetivo de la presente revisión es proveer un marco conceptual para dar un contexto al concepto de indicadores de calidad en salud y el rol que estos juegan en cirugía oncológica de cabeza y cuello. Se debe aspirar a lograr un mayor cumplimiento de los indicadores de calidad en cirugía oncológica de cabeza y cuello, especialmente en instituciones terciarias de referencia. Aplicar indicadores de calidad en el manejo oncológico en cabeza y cuello permitiría mejorar tanto la percepción y satisfacción del usuario, como también mejorar resultados oncológicos en estos pacientes.

Abstract Most health services have experienced an increase in the costs associated with health care, which has led to the adoption of measures to optimize the cost-effectiveness of the services provided. From this perspective, the concept of value-based health care emerged. The concept of "quality in health care" has been defined as the degree to which health services increase the possibility of generating certain desired health outcomes. Quality indicators are classified into structure, process, and outcome indicators. The structure indicators refer to the characteristics of the health system or the hospital institution. Process indicators refer to those that the health service provider performs for the health care process, while outcome indicators refer to the results of the process in the patient. The objective of this review is to provide a conceptual framework to give a context to the concept of health quality indicators and the role they play in head and neck surgical oncology. The system should aspire to achieve greater compliance with quality indicators in head and neck cancer surgery, especially in referral tertiary institutions. Applying quality indicators in head and neck cancer management would improve both user perception and satisfaction, as well as improve oncological results in these patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Health Care/organization & administration , Quality Indicators, Health Care/organization & administration , Head and Neck Neoplasms/surgery , Cost Efficiency Analysis , Cost-Benefit Analysis
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389787


Resumen El síndrome de apnea e hipoapnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS) es una condición frecuente, que se asocia a importantes consecuencias negativas. El tratamiento inicial suele ser médico, pero en pacientes seleccionados la cirugía tiene excelentes resultados. En los últimos años se ha desarrollado la cirugía robótica transoral para tratar a pacientes con obstrucción anatómicas a nivel retrolingual, hipofaríngeo o supraglótico, mediante amigdalectomía lingual, reducción de base de lengua y/o supraglotoplastía. En pacientes seleccionados, esta técnica ha mostrado iguales o mejores resultados funcionales que las técnicas clásicas, junto con una baja tasa de complicaciones posoperatorias, sin embargo, implica un mayor costo asociado. A pesar de esto último, es una técnica válida y prometedora en el campo del SAHOS.

Abstract Obstructive sleep apnea and hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) is a common condition that is associated with many negative consequences. First line treatment is usually medical management, but surgery is indicated for selected patients with retrolingual, hipopharyngeal or supraglottic obstruction. Transoral robotic surgery has been developed in the last years for the surgical treatment, through tongue base reduction and/or supraglottoplasty. In selected patients, this technique has shown equal or better functional outcomes than conventional techniques, along with a low rate of postoperative complications, however it implies a higher associated cost. Despite the latter, it is a valid and promising technique in the field of OSAHS.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389771


Resumen El carcinoma escamoso de orofaringe (CEOF) ha tenido un aumento en su incidencia en las últimas décadas, explicándose por el aumento sustancial de su tipo relacionado con el virus papiloma humano (VPH). Existen diferencias clínicas y pronósticas entre los dos grupos de CEOF según su relación etiológica con VPH. Por un lado, los relacionados con VPH se presentan en una población más joven, con menos prevalencia de tabaquismo y consumo de alcohol; además de presentar un tamaño pequeño del tumor primario, con un compromiso linfonodal temprano. Además, aquellos relacionados con VPH presentan un mejor pronóstico que su contraparte no relacionada con el virus, presentando en algunos estudios hasta un 58% menos riesgo de muerte independiente de la modalidad de tratamiento. Actualmente, el sistema de clasificación TNM en su 8va edición presenta un sistema diferente de clasificación y etapificación para ambos grupos. A pesar de aquello, a la fecha el tratamiento habitual no difiere entre ambos, lo que ha llevado a la realización de estudios que buscan responder si la deintensificación de la terapia en aquellos grupos relacionados con VPH y con bajo riesgo de metástasis a distancia, mantendría los buenos resultados oncológicos, disminuyendo las complicaciones a corto y largo plazo asociadas al tratamiento. Sin embargo, aún no existe evidencia que avale consistentemente esta práctica. Finalmente, la prevención primaria a través de la vacuna contra VPH es un elemento prometedor, sin embargo, no existe evidencia que confirme su utilidad.

Abstract Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC) has suffered an increase in its incidence in recent decades, explained by the increase in its type related to the human papilloma virus (HPV). There are clinical and prognostic differences between the two groups of OPSCC according to their etiological relationship with HPV. On the one hand, those related to HPV appear in a younger population, with a lower prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption; in addition to presenting a small size of the primary tumor, with early lymph node involvement. Furthermore, those related to HPV have a better prognosis than their non-virus counterpart, presenting in some studies up to 58% less risk of death, independent of treatment used. Currently, the TNM classification system in its 8th edition presents a different classification for both groups. Despite this, the treatment does not differ between the two, which has led to studies that seek to answer whether the de-escalation of therapy in the group associated to HPV and with a low risk of distant metastasis would maintain the reported good oncological results, reducing early and long-term complications associated with treatment, however, there is still no evidence to support its use. Finally, primary prevention through the HPV vaccine is a promising element, however there is no evidence to confirm its usefulness.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389738


Resumen Introducción: La posturografía es un método de exploración complementario para valorar el grado de desplazamiento del centro de gravedad (COP); no debe usarse de forma aislada al evaluar equilibrio, pero se acepta para seguimiento de la respuesta a tratamiento. Es de baja disponibilidad, por su alto costo comercial. Como alternativa se documenta la plataforma Wii Balance Board (WBB) de Nintendo para registro posturográfico. Objetivo: Describir valores de normalidad en parámetros posturográficos en población chilena sin patología vestibular, usando un registro simple y accesible. Material y Método: Estudio transversal de valores referenciales en herramienta para evaluación del equilibrio. Se registraron valores posturográficos con versión adaptada del Sensory Organization Test (SOT) a adultos sanos. Mediciones con software WBB Sway Program mediante WBB. Se midieron índices somatosensorial, visual y vestibular, y patrones de control postural en ejes anteroposterior y mediolateral durante SOT-adaptado. Resultados: Se obtuvieron valores de velocidad de desplazamiento del COP, área del COP y desviaciones estándar correspondientes para 4 situaciones del SOT-adaptado de 35 sujetos entre 18-65 años, 21 mujeres, 14 hombres. Discusión: WBB permitió evaluar estos parámetros en población sana, como aproximación a determinar rangos de referencia. Esta herramienta de uso rápido y accesible constituye una alternativa útil para determinar patrones de control postural en sujetos sanos. Presentamos valores a utilizar como rango referencial en nuestra población; se sugiere utilizar estos valores como objetivo terapéutico en rehabilitación vestibular en pacientes evaluados en conjunto con otros parámetros clínico-sintomáticos.

Abstract Introduction: Posturography is a complementary method for evaluating the center of pressure (COP) displacement; it should not be used in isolation when assessing balance, but it is accepted for follow-up of the treatment response. Due to its high commercial cost and low availability, we documented the Nintendo Wii Balance Board (WBB) as an alternative for posturography. Aim: To describe the normal range of posturography parameters in the Chilean population without vestibular pathology, using a simple and accessible registry method. Material and Method: Cross-sectional study of referential values in a balance assessment tool. Posturography values were registered using an adapted version of the Sensory Organization Test (SOT) on healthy adults. Measurements with WBB Sway Program software through WBB. With adapted-SOT, somatosensory, visual and vestibular indices, as well as anterior/posterior and mediolateral axes postural control patterns, were measured. Results: Values of displacement velocity of the COP, COP area and corresponding standard deviations were obtained for 4 SOT-adapted situations from 35 subjects between 18-65 years, 21 women, 14 men. Discussion: As an approach to determine referential range values, WBB allowed to evaluate these parameters in healthy population. To determine healthy subjects postural control patterns this quick and accessible tool is a useful alternative. We present referential range values to use in our population; it is suggested to use these values as therapeutic objectives in vestibular rehabilitation in patients evaluated along with other clinical-symptomatic parameters.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389750


Resumen La cirugía reconstructiva de cabeza y cuello es una tarea compleja. Existen varias opciones disponibles para lograr buenos resultados, desde colgajos locales hasta colgajos libres microvascularizados. En este reporte presentamos nuestra experiencia utilizando el colgajo en isla submental para la reconstrucción de defectos de tejido blando de base de cráneo lateral posterior a una resección lateral de hueso temporal secundario a diagnósticos oncológicos otológicos. Se presentan datos demográficos, clínicos, quirúrgicos y resultados de dos pacientes intervenidos durante el primer semestre del año 2020, en los cuales se consiguió un adecuado resultado reconstructivo. Este colgajo es una opción confiable y versátil para reconstrucción en cabeza y cuello.

Abstract Reconstructive head and neck surgery is a complex task. There are several options available to achieve good results, from local flaps to free microvascular flaps. In this article, we present our experience using the submental island flap for soft tissue defect reconstruction of the lateral skull base after a lateral temporal bone resection secondary to otologic cancer. Demographic, clinical, surgical and outcome data of two patients operated on during the first semester of 2020 are presented, in whom a good reconstructive result was achieved. This flap is a reliable and versatile option for head and neck reconstruction.

Bol. micol. (Valparaiso En linea) ; 35(2): 2-8, dic. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437200


Determinamos los géneros de hongos anamorfos que contaminan los libros del área de cuarentena y limpieza, dentro del Área Histórica de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE). Realizamos un hisopado aleatorio a una muestra representativa de 50 de estos libros de acuerdo a una Tabla militarizada estándar. También hisopamos como muestra preferencial a 21 libros gravemente contaminados con hongos. Los hisopados tuvieron una superficie de 5x5 cm, friccionando en la pasta, el borde y el interior de estos libros. Las 213 muestras tomadas fueron inoculadas en medio de cultivo Agar Malta. Los medios fueron incubados a una temperatura de 28°C durante 7 días. Realizamos observaciones por microscopía a 40 y 100x además de usar literatura especializada para la identificación hasta el nivel de género de hongos anamorfos. Los géneros más abundantes en este estudio fueron Penicillium (80,2%) y Mucor (8,1%). (AU)

We determined the genera of anamorphic fungi that contaminate the books in the quarantine and cleaning area, within the Historical Area of the Central University of Ecuador (CUE). We performed a random swab on a representative sample of 50 of these books according to a standard militarized Table. We also swabbed as a preferential sample 21 books seriously contaminated with fungi. The swabs had a surface area of 5x5 cm, rubbing on the paste, the edge and the interior of these books. The 213 samples taken were inoculated in Agar Malta culture medium. The media were incubated at a temperature of 28° C for 7 days. We made observations by microscopy at 40 and 100x in addition to using specialized literature for the identification down to the genus level of anamorphic fungi. The most abundant genus in this study were Penicillium(80,2%) and Mucor(8,1%). (AU)

Penicillium/isolation & purification , Mucor/isolation & purification , Penicillium/pathogenicity , Colony Count, Microbial/methods , Mitosporic Fungi/pathogenicity , Ecuador , Libraries, Special
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(5): 1920-1928, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131573


Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento ponderal e a dinâmica dos parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos de cordeiros Pantaneiros submetidos a diferentes manejos de amamentação dos 15 aos 43 dias. Foram separados 30 cordeiros em três diferentes grupos (n=10). Os grupos foram caracterizados conforme o tempo de permanência das ovelhas com suas crias em diferentes sistemas de amamentação: MAM24 - ovelhas e cordeiros 24 horas em conjunto; MAM12 - ovelhas e cordeiros 12 horas em conjunto durante a noite; MAM2x30 - ovelhas e cordeiros 30 minutos de manhã e 30 minutos à tarde em conjunto. As coletas de amostras sanguíneas e as pesagens ocorriam a cada sete dias. Houve aumento significativo no peso com o avanço da idade dos cordeiros nos três manejos, mas os tratamentos não diferiram entre si para o ganho de peso. Houve diferenças entre os três tratamentos para a variável hematológica CHGM e para as variáveis bioquímicas AST, glicose, ureia e proteína total. As variáveis bioquímicas foram influenciadas pela faixa etária dos animais. Os diferentes manejos de amamentação não influenciaram o desenvolvimento ponderal dos cordeiros. Não ocorreram alterações patológicas. Alguns parâmetros hematológicos e bioquímicos podem ser influenciados pelo desenvolvimento etário dos cordeiros.(AU)

This study aimed to evaluate the weight development and the dynamics of hematological and biochemical parameters of Pantaneiro lambs submitted to different breastfeeding management from 15 to 43 days. First, 30 lambs were separated into three different groups (n = 10). The groups were characterized according to the length of stay of ewes with their young in different breastfeeding systems: MAM24 - ewes and lambs 24 hours together. MAM12- Sheep and lambs 12 hours together at night. MAM2x30 - sheep and lambs 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon together. Blood samples were collected and weighed every seven days. Significant increase in weight was observed with the age of the lambs in the three managements, but the treatments did not differ for weight gain. Differences were identified between the three treatments for the hematological variable CHGM and for the biochemical variables AST, glucose, urea and total protein. Correlating the age of the lambs with the biochemical variables, there was variation influenced by the age of the animals. The different management of breastfeeding did not influence the weight development of the lambs. Hematological and biochemical variations did not represent pathological changes. Some hematological and biochemical parameters may be influenced by the age development of lambs.(AU)

Animals , Urea/blood , Blood Glucose/analysis , Sheep/growth & development , Weight Gain , Animals, Suckling/growth & development , Sheep/blood , Hematologic Tests/veterinary
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(4): 1185-1196, July-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1131484


Glomerular proteinuria is characterized by the loss of high-molecular-weight proteins (HMWPs), while tubulointerstitial proteinuria is characterized by the loss of low-molecular-weight proteins (LMWPs). The objective was to assess the molecular weight of urinary proteins (MWUP) in dogs with naturally acquired CKD and determine the proportion of HMWPs and LMWPs according to CKD stage. Twenty-eight dogs with CKD were recruited and divided into 4 groups based on serum creatinine (Cr) levels (group1: Cr<1,4, n=8; group2: 1,45,0, n=5). The control group consisted of 5 healthy dogs. The MWUP was determined by SDS-PAGE. The urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio (UP/C) was used to quantitatively assess proteinuria. The electrophoresis pattern revealed a proportionally greater loss of HMWPthan of LMWP in all groups with CKD and an increased loss of LMWP in group 4 (P<0.05). These results suggest a predominance of glomerular injuries throughout all stages of CKD in these dogs and an increase in tubulointerstitial injury towards the end-stage of the disease. The results of the present study support the recommendation of SDS-PAGE as an effective technique for the qualitative assessment of proteinuria, as well as a method for assessing the severity and location of renal injury.(AU)

A proteinúria glomerular é caracterizada pela perda de proteínas de alto peso molecular (PAPM), enquanto a proteinúria tubulointersticial se caracteriza pela perda de proteínas de baixo peso molecular (PBPM). O objetivo do trabalho foi determinar o peso molecular das proteínas urinárias (PMPU) de cães com DRC naturalmente adquirida e a proporção de PAPM e PBPM de acordo com o estágio da DRC. Foram utilizados 28 cães com DRC, divididos em quatro grupos, de acordo com o nível sérico de creatinina (cr) (grupo 1: cr<1,4, n=8; grupo 2: 1,45,0, n=5). O grupo controle era composto por cinco cães saudáveis. O PMPU foi determinado por SDS-PAGE. A relação proteína:creatinina urinária (RPCU) foi utilizada como um método quantitativo de proteinúria. A eletroforese revelou uma perda proporcionalmente maior de PAPM, quando comparada às PBPM, em todos os grupos de DRC, bem como uma perda crescente de PBPM no grupo 4 (P<0,05). Esses resultados sugerem uma predominância de lesão glomerular em todos os estágios de DRC nesses cães e uma progressão crescente na lesão túbulo-intersticial no estágio terminal da doença. Os resultados deste estudo reafirmam a recomendação de que a eletroforese de proteínas urinárias é uma técnica qualitativa efetiva de avaliação da proteinúria, bem como um método que permite avaliar a extensão e a localização da lesão renal.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Proteinuria/diagnosis , Proteinuria/veterinary , Creatinine/analysis , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/veterinary , Electrophoresis/veterinary
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 681-687, May-June, 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128758


An 11-year (2007-2018) survey of epidemiological, clinical and pathological findings of horses with primary gastric rupture (PGR) was conducted. Twenty horses presented PGR, nine (45%) horses were clinically evaluated, eleven (55%) were sent dead, and all animals were necropsied. PGR contributed to a prevalence of 0.31% (9/2,868) of all equid attendances, 1.83% (9/491) of colic cases, and 4.1% (20/487) of all equid necropsies. Highly fermentable feed (n=7), gastric impaction (n=4), and perforating gastric ulcer (n=1) were the main causes of PGR; whilst eight horses presented idiopathic gastric rupture. Clinically evaluated horses were tachycardic, tachypneic, febrile, dehydrated, with increased abdominal tension, abnormal mucous membranes and reduced to absent intestinal borborygmi. Improper dietary management, such as the ingestion of low-quality roughage and highly fermentable feedstuffs were detected as the main factors associated with PGR in Midwestern Brazil. It is important to raise awareness in horse owners about proper feed management to minimize PGR.(AU)

Foi realizado um levantamento de 11 anos (2007-2018) dos achados epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos de equinos com ruptura gástrica primária (RGP). Vinte equinos apresentaram RGP, dos quais nove (45%) foram avaliados clinicamente e 11 (55%) foram enviados mortos, sendo todos os animais necropsiados. A RGP contribuiu com prevalência de 0,31% de todos os atendimentos de equídeos (9/2.868), 1,83% (9/491) dos casos de cólica, e 4,1% (20/487) das necropsias em equídeos. Alimentos altamente fermentáveis (n=7), compactação gástrica (n=4) e perfuração de úlcera gástrica (n=1) foram as principais causas de RGP, enquanto oito equinos tiveram ruptura gástrica idiopática. Os equinos avaliados clinicamente apresentaram-se taquicárdicos, taquipneicos, febris, desidratados, com mucosas anormais, aumento da tensão abdominal e motilidade intestinal reduzida. O manejo inadequado da dieta, como a ingestão de forragens de baixa qualidade e alimentos altamente fermentáveis, foi o principal fator de risco associado à RGP no Centro-Oeste do Brasil. É importante aumentar a conscientização dos proprietários de equinos sobre o manejo alimentar adequado para minimizar a RGP.(AU)

Animals , Stomach Rupture/veterinary , Stomach Ulcer/veterinary , Horses/metabolism , Peritonitis/veterinary , Stomach Diseases/veterinary , Dietary Fiber , Abdomen, Acute/veterinary
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 65-70, Jan.-Feb. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1088922


O presente trabalho relata o caso de aspergilose sistêmica em um cavalo da raça Quarto de Milha. O animal apresentava quadro de emagrecimento progressivo e alopecia. Os parâmetros avaliados durante o exame clínico encontravam-se de acordo com os valores normais para a espécie. No hemograma verificou-se leucocitose por neutrofilia, sem desvio à esquerda, proteínas plasmáticas totais elevadas e aumento do fibrinogênio, indicando um processo inflamatório acompanhado de desidratação. Os exames bioquímicos séricos demonstraram aumento no valor da ureia. Apesar dos exames realizados e da terapia instituída com antibióticos de amplo espectro e suporte nutricional, após 51 dias de internamento o quadro clínico evoluiu para caquexia e decúbito permanente do paciente, o qual foi submetido à eutanásia seguida de necropsia. Com base nos achados nos exames necroscópico e histopatológico, diagnosticou-se infecção sistêmica por Aspergillus sp., acometendo pulmões, fígado, rins, peritônio parietal e encéfalo. Dentre os fatores predisponentes à relatada infecção fúngica sistêmica, destaca-se o status imunológico debilitado do paciente, possivelmente proporcionado por tratamentos prolongados com antibióticos e anti-inflamatórios esteroidais. O presente trabalho relata o primeiro caso descrito de arpergilose sistêmica no Brasil. O diagnóstico definitivo só foi possível após necropsia e histopatologia, visto que os sinais clínicos inespecíficos não foram determinantes para o diagnóstico em vida.(AU)

This paper reports the case of systemic aspergillosis on a Quarter Horse. The animal had progressive weight loss and alopecia. The parameters evaluated during the clinical examination were in agreement with the normal values for the species. The hemogram showed neutrophilic leukocytosis, without left-sided, elevated total plasma proteins and an increase in fibrinogen, indicating an inflammatory process accompanied by dehydration. Serum biochemical tests showed an increase in the value of urea. Despite the performed tests and established therapy with broad spectrum antibiotics and nutritional support, after 51 days of hospitalization the clinical condition evolved into cachexia and permanent decubitus of the patient which underwent to euthanasia and necropsy. From the findings of necropsy and histopathology, systemic infection was diagnosed by Aspergillus sp., affecting the lungs, liver, kidneys, parietal peritoneum and encephalon. Among the factors predisposing to the reported systemic fungal infection, the patient's weakened immune status is highlighted, possibly due to prolonged antibiotic and steroidal anti-inflammatory treatments. This paper reports the first case described of systemic aspergillosis in Brazil. Definitive diagnosis was only possible after necropsy and histopathology, since nonspecific clinical signs were not determinant for the diagnosis in life.(AU)

Animals , Aspergillosis/veterinary , Immunosuppression Therapy/veterinary , Horses , Autopsy/veterinary
Biol. Res ; 53: 26, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124211


BACKGROUND: There Is an emerging field to put Into practice new strategies for developing molecules with antimicrobial properties. In this line, several metals and metalloids are currently being used for these purposes, although their cellular effect(s) or target(s) in a particular organism are still unknown. Here we aimed to investigate and analyze Au3+ toxicity through a combination of biochemical and molecular approaches. RESULTS: We found that Au3+ triggers a major oxidative unbalance in Escherichia coli, characterized by decreased intracellular thiol levels, increased superoxide concentration, as well as by an augmented production of the antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase and catalase. Because ROS production is, in some cases, associated with metal reduction and the concomitant generation of gold-containing nanostructures (AuNS), this possibility was evaluated in vivo and in vitro. CONCLUSIONS: Au3+ is toxic for E. coli because it triggers an unbalance of the bacterium's oxidative status. This was demonstrated by using oxidative stress dyes and antioxidant chemicals as well as gene reporters, RSH concentrations and AuNS generation.

Oxidation-Reduction/drug effects , Oxidative Stress/drug effects , Escherichia coli/drug effects , Metal Nanoparticles/toxicity , Gold/toxicity
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 13(4): 166-169, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1123623


Introducción: En Chile en las últimas décadas ha aumentado la población de personas mayores de 65 años. La tirotoxicosis en este grupo está asociada a complicaciones como fibrilación auricular (FA), insuficiencia cardiaca (ICC), osteoporosis y aumento de la mortalidad. En algunos casos puede presentarse con síntomas no específicos, cuadro conocido como hipertiroidismo apático. Objetivos: Evaluar las características clínicas de la tirotoxicosis en personas mayores. Método: Serie de casos retrospectiva. Se analizaron fichas clínicas de pacientes mayores de 65 años con el diagnóstico de tirotoxicosis controlados en nuestro centro entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2018. Resultados: En el periodo estudiado 54 pacientes fueron diagnosticados de tirotoxicosis. Se excluyen 4 por datos incompletos. El 80% corresponden a mujeres. La mediana de edad fue 71 años (rango 65-94), sin diferencias por género (p=0,61). La etiología más frecuente fue enfermedad de Graves (EG) en 64%, seguido por bocio multinodular hiperfuncionante en 20%, adenoma tóxico en 10% y asociada a fármacos en 6%. De los pacientes con EG, 28% presentó orbitopatía distiroidea (OD) clínicamente evidente. Un 30% se diagnosticó en contexto de baja de peso, deterioro cognitivo o patología cardiovascular, sin presentar síntomas clásicos de hipertiroidismo. Un 16% presentó FA, 14% ICC y 6% fractura osteoporótica. El 28% fue diagnosticado durante una hospitalización o requirió ser hospitalizado durante los meses siguientes. Los mayores de 75 años presentan una mayor probabilidad de hipertiroidismo apático (OR 5,1, IC95% 1,15-22,7 p=0,01). Además, las complicaciones aumentan en mayores de 75 años, encontrándose en este grupo todos los casos de FA. Conclusiones: La etiología más común de tirotoxicosis fue la EG, a diferencia de lo reportado en otras poblaciones. Un número importante de pacientes debutó sin síntomas clásicos de hipertiroidismo, principalmente mayores de 75 años, por lo que se debe tener una alta sospecha en este grupo etario.

Introduction: Hyperthyroidism in the elderly can produce severe complications such as atrial fibrillation (AF), heart failure (CHF) and osteoporosis. In the elderly, thyrotoxicosis may have only nonspecific symptoms, known as apathetic hyperthyroidism. Objective: To evaluate the clinical characteristics of thyrotoxicosis in the elderly. Methods: Retrospective case series. We reviewed clinical records of patients with thyrotoxicosis older than 65 years, between January 2012 and March 2019. Results: During this period, 54 patients were diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis. Four patients were excluded due to incomplete data. 80% were women. The average age was 73 years (range 65-94), without age difference between gender (p=0,61). The most frequent etiology was Graves' disease in 64%. Hyperfunctioning multinodular goiter was confirmed in 20%, toxic adenoma in 10% and drug-associated in 6%. Twenty eight percent of Graves' disease patients had dysthyroid orbitopathy. Thirty percent presented as apathetic hyperthyroidism. Sixteen percent of the patients presented AF, 14% CHF, and 6% osteoporotic fracture. Twenty-eight percent were diagnosed during hospitalization or required hospitalization in the following months. Those older than 75 years had a greater probability of presenting apathetic hyperthyroidism (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.15- 22.7 p=0.01). Complications increase in this age group, with all cases of AF. Conclusions: The most common etiology of thyrotoxicosis in this group was GD. This differs from other populations. A significant number of patients presented without classic symptoms of hyperthyroidism, especially in people older than 75 years. Special attention should be paid to atypical symptoms of hyperthyroidism in this group.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Thyrotoxicosis/epidemiology , Thyrotoxicosis/complications , Thyrotoxicosis/diagnosis , Thyrotoxicosis/etiology , Adenoma , Graves Disease , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Age Distribution , Hospitals, University/statistics & numerical data , Hyperthyroidism/epidemiology
Enferm. univ ; 16(4): 374-389, oct.-dic. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1114728


Resumen Introducción: El Proceso de Atención de Enfermería (PAE) como guía para el cuidado, se aplica desde que inicia la formación académica. Comprender el significado que tiene para estudiantes del último curso permite visualizar la importancia y dificultades que se presentan en su aplicación, para proponer estrategias que fortalezcan la calidad educativa. Objetivo: Comprender el significado del PAE que tienen los estudiantes del último curso de Enfermería. Método: Estudio con enfoque cualitativo. Referencial teórico y metodológico fue el Interaccionismo Simbólico y la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos. Muestra por saturación teórica. Colecta de datos con entrevistas semiestructuradas en 17 estudiantes del 10° ciclo de una universidad privada de Lima Este. Análisis de datos basado en la codificación de Strauss y Corbin posibilitó la identificación de categorías y subcategorías, y el fenómeno central. Resultados: Emergieron cinco categorías: 1) Cuidado enfermero utilizando el PAE desde el inicio de su formación (Condición causal); 2) Satisfacción o insatisfacción al dar cuidado con el PAE (Contexto); 3) PAE como herramienta de investigación en formación profesional (Condiciones Intervinientes); 4) Dificultades en la aplicación del PAE en el cotidiano de los profesionales (Estrategias de Acción/ Interacción) y 5) Mejora de la práctica al dar cuidado con PAE (Consecuencias). Conclusiones: El fenómeno central es el PAE, instrumento que guía el cuidado de enfermería para brindar a las personas atención integral y con fundamento en evidencia científica; a partir de la experiencia profesional con una proyección positiva al campo laboral, no exenta de limitaciones en su aplicación en el campo hospitalario.

Abstract Introduction: The Nursing Process (NP) as the guide to care is encouraged from the beginning of the academic formation; and understanding the meaning which this process has to senior nursing students can yield a more precise visualization of the difficulties regarding its application and, consequently, the possibility to promote strategies aimed at strengthening the related quality of education. Objective: To understand the meaning which NA has to senior nursing students. Method: This is a study with a qualitative focus. The theoretical and methodological references were the Symbolic Interactionism and the Data Grounded Theory. The sample was formed until theoretical saturation was reached. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews on 17 nursing students in the 10th cycle of a private university in Lima Este. Based on the Strauss and Corbin coding, the data analysis yielded the categories, subcategories, and main phenomenon. Results: Five categories emerged: 1) The care using the NP from the beginning of the formation (Causal condition); Satisfaction or insatisfaction while providing care through the NP (Context); NP as a research tool in the professional formation (Intervening conditions); 4) Difficulties while using the NP in the day-to-day activities of the professionals (Action / Interaction strategies); and 5) Improvements in the practice as the result of using the NP (Consequences). Conclusions: The central phenomenon is the NP which guides the nursing care in the provision of integral attention based on scientific and wide in scope projection.

Resumo Introdução: O Processo de Atenção de Enfermagem (PAE) como guia para o cuidado, aplica-se desde que inicia a formação académica. Compreender o significado que tem para estudantes do último curso permite visualizar a importância e dificuldades que se apresentam em sua aplicação, para propor estratégias que fortaleçam a qualidade educativa. Objetivo: Compreender o significado do PAE que têm os estudantes do último curso de Enfermagem. Método: Estudo com enfoque qualitativo. O referencial teórico e metodológico foi o Interacionismo Simbólico e a Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Amostra obtida por saturação teórica. Coleta de dados com entrevistas semiestruturadas em 17 estudantes do 10° ciclo de uma universidade privada do leste de Lima. A análise de dados baseada em codificação de Strauss e Corbin, possibilitou a identificação de categorias e subcategorias, e o fenómeno central. Resultados: Emergiram cinco categorias: 1) Cuidado enfermeiro utilizando o PAE desde o início de sua formação (Condição causal); 2) Satisfação ou insatisfação para dar cuidado com o PAE (Contexto); 3) PAE como ferramenta de pesquisa em formação profissional (Condições Interventoras); 4) Dificuldades na aplicação do PAE no cotidiano dos profissionais (Estratégias de Ação/ Interação) e 5) Melhora da prática para dar cuidado com PAE (Consequências). Conclusões: O fenómeno central é o PAE, instrumento que guia o cuidado de enfermagem para proporcionar às pessoas atenção integral e com fundamento na evidência científica; a partir da experiência profissional com uma projeção positiva no campo laboral, não isenta de limitações em sua aplicação no campo hospitalar.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 79(3): 271-278, set. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058697


RESUMEN Introducción: La estenosis subglótica adquirida es una causa importante de estridor persistente después de una intubación endotraqueal. El diagnóstico y manejo tempranos pueden llevar a procedimientos menos invasivos con altas tasas de éxito. Si las lesiones agudas posintubación evolucionan hacia una estenosis, las dilataciones endoscópicas usando instrumentos romos o balones podrían lograr restablecer un lumen adecuado. Los balones son efectivos, pero caros y obstruyen la vía respiratoria al momento de la dilatación. Objetivo: Presentar nuestra experiencia con la dilatación progresiva de estenosis subglótica adquirida posintubación utilizando tubos endotraqueales. Material y método: Revisión retrospectiva de las dilataciones realizadas como tratamiento primario en estenosis subglótica pediátrica adquirida. Resultados: Se incluyeron 16 pacientes con estenosis de grados I a III, con una edad promedio de 2 años y 4 meses. El tiempo promedio de intubación fue de 6,6 días. El número de procedimientos promedio fue de 2, con un rango de 1 a 6. El éxito clínico se logró en todos los pacientes, con resolución de los síntomas respiratorios y evitando la traqueostomía. No hubo complicaciones ni mortalidad asociadas. Conclusión: En esta cohorte, la dilatación subglótica con tubos endotraqueales fue eficaz y segura. Estos están ampliamente disponibles y permiten ventilar al paciente mientras se realiza el procedimiento.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Acquired post-intubation subglottic stenosis is one of the most important complications causing persistent stridor after endotracheal intubation. Early diagnosis and management can lead to less-invasive procedures with high success rates. If the acute post-intubation injuries progress into a stenosis, endoscopic dilatations can be attempted to reestablish an adequate lumen. These can be performed using blunt instrument or balloons. Balloons are effective but expensive, and obstruct the airway while dilatating. Aim: Present our experience with progressive blunt dilatation of acquired post-intubation subglottic stenosis using endotracheal tubes. Material and method: Retrospective chart review of dilatations performed as the primary treatment in early acquired pediatric subglottic stenosis. Results: 16 patients with grades I to III stenosis were included. Average age was 2 years 4 months, and average intubation time was 6.6 days. The number of procedures ranged between 1 and 6, with a mean of 2. Clinical success was achieved in all patients, with resolution of respiratory symptoms and avoidance of tracheostomy. There were no complications or mortality. Conclusion: In this cohort, subglottic dilatation using endotracheal tubes was effective and safe. Endotracheal tubes are easily available and allow to ventilate the patient while performing the procedure.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Tracheal Stenosis/therapy , Laryngostenosis/therapy , Intubation, Intratracheal/methods , Time Factors , Tracheal Stenosis/pathology , Severity of Illness Index , Laryngostenosis/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Dilatation
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1007373


Los conductos en forma de C son una variación anatómica habitualmente encontrada en los segundos molares mandibulares con raíces fusionadas, presentan una morfología transversal que describe un arco de 180º o más y un solo orificio acintado. El presente caso clínico describe el tratamiento endodóntico con equipos de última generación de un segundo molar mandibular con conducto en forma de C tipo IV y bifurcación a nivel apical de un paciente de sexo masculino que presenta dolor a la percusión, palpación y que al examen con tomografía computarizada Cone Beam (CBCT) se confirma la variación anatómica de la pieza 47. El diagnóstico fue: tratamiento previamente iniciado asociado a periodontitis apical sintomática. Se realizó el retratamiento de conductos empleando el preflaring previo a la técnica de preparación biomecánica con el Sistema Reciproc ® R25, medicación intraconducto con hidróxido de calcio por 7 días, irrigación pasiva con solución de hipoclorito de sodio y técnica de obturación de onda continúa de calor Beefill 2 en 1 sellando herméticamente el tercio apical. El control fue transcurrido tres años y se evidenció el éxito del tratamiento y su bilateralidad anatómica. Es impor- tante hacer uso de la tecnología durante el diagnóstico y tratamiento para acrecentar la probabilidad de éxito a largo plazo

The C-shaped root canal system is an anatomical variation usually found in second mandibular molar with fused roots, present a transverse morphology that describes an arc of 180º or more, with a single taped hole orifice. The present clinical case describes the endodontic treatment with last generation equipments of a mandibular molar with C- shaped type IV and fork at apical level in a male patient that has pain to percussion, palpation and the topographic Cone Beam Tomography (CBCT) examination confirms the anatomical variation of the tooth code 47. The diagnosis was previously initiated treatment with symptomatic apical periodontitis. The retreatment of the canals using the preflaring before using the Reciproc ® System R25, for the biomechanical prepa- ration technique, calcium hydroxide root canal medication was prescribed for 7 days, sodium hypochlorite as passive irrigation with and continuous heat wave obturation technique beefill 2 in 1 hermetically sealing in apical zone. The control after three years shows the success of technology during the diagnosis and treatment in orden to increase the probability of long term success.