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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126983


The influence of imrnunisation schedule and age of Russell's viper toxoid on antibody response in immunised rabbits and monkeys was studied. Rabbits were immunised subcutaneously with the toxoid at 0,4 and 8 weeks. For subsequent boosting at 6 wk intervals from 24 to 56 wks, fresh toxoid was used in one group (n=3) and the same batch of aged toxoid in another (n=3). lmmunisation of monkeys was carried out up to 40 wks using the latter schedule. Antibody levels peaked at 6-8 wks after the 3rd injection and fell to low level at 24 wks after the first injection. Subsequent boosting at 6 wk intervals from 24 wks onwards resulted in increase in antibody level reaching peak at 12 wk after the 1st booster injection and sustained at its peak throughout the course of immunisation. Antibody response observed in the monkeys was similar to that of the rabbits, however a lower level of antibody was observed. The patterns of antibody response observed following use of both toxoids were comparable. Feasibility and cost effectiveness of boosting at 6 wks intervals in prophylactic active immunisation of farmers at risk with Russell's viper toxoid need to be studied.

Immunization , Immunotoxins , Antivenins , Daboia , Myanmar
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126886


The anthelminthic property of Myanmar pineapple (Ananas sativa L.) juice was investigated by using both in vitro and in vivo test models on Ascaris suum. In the in vitro test model, the pineapple juice, at a concentration of 40-80 mg/ml was found to produce immobilization of the worms leading to death within a 2 day period. In the in vivo test model using pigs, the pineapple fruit, doses as low as 10 g ingested food were found to purge Ascaris suum within 16 hrs of ingestion. The lethal effect was assumed to be due to cuticle digestive effect of bromelain, which is present in an average of 0.29 mg percent in pineapple.

Anthelmintics , Ascariasis , Fruit , Plants, Medicinal
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126884


Three Traditional Medicine Formulations which are widely used by local people were investigated for antibacterial activity using 14 species of bacteria. The bacteria include one specie each of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Streptococcus pyogenes and Vibrio cholerae; two species each of Proteus, Salmonella and Staphylococcus and 4 species of Shigellae. The formulations were Ah-bein-nyin, Heleikdasonna and Nandwin-nganzay which contain herbs and chemicals and have been used as antipyretic or in the treatment of urinary disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and cardiovascular disorders. Fifty per cent alcoholic extract of these drugs were found to possess some antibacterial activity on certain bacteria. Moreover, extracts from 7 plants namely, Saxifraga ligulata (Wall) (Nat-hsay-gamone), Capparis sepiaria (Sugaut-net), Holoptelea integrifolia (Pyauk-seik), Zizyphus oenoplia (Baung-bet), Hygrophila spinosa (Su-padaung), Mitrahyna perviflora (Htain-they) and unidentified sp. (Thetyin-kadoe) were also tested on the above bacteria. It was observed that Saxifraga ligulata, Capparis sepiaria and Zizyphus oenoplia showed antibacterial activity on some bacteria.

Medicine, Traditional , Formulary , Plant Extracts , Bacteria
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-127037


TAW-KYET-THUN, an indigenious Myanmar medicine plant whose bulb is being claimed by the country-folks to be effective in purging intestinal roundworms, was identified to be Urginea indica Kunth. Phytochemically, it consists of steroidal and flavonoid glycosides. On the in vitro test model of Asxaris suum the 50 per cent alcoholic bulb extract indicated its anthelminthic efficacy by significantly immobilizing the parasite within 4-6 hours, with respect to both the frequency and the magnitude of motility of the worm; however, an initial stimulatory action on the parasite was observed, a situation which is undesirable. Acute toxicity of the bulb extract tested on mice showed the LD 50s to be 52(41-66) mg/kg when administered intraperitoneally, and 680 (555-833) mg/kg, orally.

Plants, Medicinal , Anthelmintics , Plants, Medicinal , Pharmacognosy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126866


Differentt parts and different extracts of twenty-six plants were tested against fourteen pathogenic bacteria for general screening. Out of these, thireen plants showed an inhibitory activity against at least one test-bacteria, though there was a variation regarding the size of zones of inhibition. The thirteen plants showing zones of inhibition were Artemisia vulgaris, Brucea sumatrana, Coptis teeta, Yin-bya (unindentified yet), Euphorbia hirta, Hiptage madablota, Lawsonia alba, Myristica fragrans, Pithecolobium dulce, Pterocarpus santalinus, Quisqualis indica, Stephenia hernandifolia, and Symplocos santalinus, Quisqualis indica, Stephenia hernandifolia, and Symplocos paniculata. The antimicrobial spectrum and bacteriostatic or bactericidal effect of the plants were also determined.

Plant Extracts , Plants, Medicinal , In Vitro Techniques , Pharmacognosy
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126630


The variation in glycolytic lactate production by resting polymorphonuclear leucocytes of guinea pig has been investigated under varied conditions. An important finding in this work indicated that the number of times an exudate is induced in animals contribute to an appreciable change in the rate of aerobic glycolysis. Also, the age of the animals and their intracellular ascorbic acid status showed a significant effect on rate of lactate production by these cells. The nature of anticoagulant used in cell suspension preparation has been found to have a pronounced effect on lactate production. The rate of aerobic glycolysis by resting polymorphonuclear cells and the possible sources of H ions in glycolytic glucose metabolism are discussed.

Neutrophils , Metabolism
Union Burma J Life Sci ; 1971; 4(1): 167-171
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-126713


50 per cent water-alcohol soluble extract of Plantago major Linn, from Rangoon, Kalaw and Taunggyi was tested for hypotensive action on anaesthetized normotensive dogs. Early trials with the water-alcohol soluble extract in a dose of 125 mg/kg given intravenously was found to produce a fall in arterial blood pressure of 20-40 mm Hg. Further fractionation of the extract was carried out and screened for hypotensivity activity. The fraction designated F -7 produced a fall in the arterial blood pressure which was sustained up to 1 hr.

Hypotension , Plantago , Plants, Medicinal