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Cienc. tecnol. aliment ; 35(1): 66-73, Jan.-Mar. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-834303


The objective was to determine the glycemic index and glycemic load of tropical fruits and the potential risk for chronic diseases.Nine fruits were investigated: coconut water (for the purpose of this study, coconut water was classified as a “fruit”), guava,tamarind, passion fruit, custard apple, hog plum, cashew, sapodilla, and soursop. The GI and GL were determined accordingto the Food and Agriculture Organization protocol. The GL was calculated taking into consideration intake recommendation guidelines; 77.8% of the fruits had low GI although significant oscillations were observed in some graphs, which may indicate potential risks of disease. Coconut water and custard apple had a moderate GI, and all fruits had low GL. The fruits evaluatedare healthy and can be consumed following the daily recommended amount. However, caution is recommended with fruitscausing early glycemic peak and the fruits with moderated GI (coconut water and custard apple).

Humans , Chronic Disease , Glycemic Index , Glycemic Load , Fruit
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 20(3): 865-874, marc. 2015. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-742255


Pacientes com diabetes mellitus requerem um autocuidado extenso, com tratamentos complexos e comportamentos de saúde adequados, sendo, essas habilidades, fator chave. Frente a tal complexidade surge a importância do letramento funcional em saúde. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar fatores associados ao letramento em saúde e sua relação com controle glicêmico em pacientes diabéticos. Este estudo foi realizado com 82 pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, atendidos em um ambulatório de endocrinologia de um hospital público, de ambos os sexos e com idade entre 19 e 59 anos, que responderam à versão abreviada e traduzida do Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (b-TOFHLA). Valores de glicemia de jejum e hemoglobina glicada foram coletados dos prontuários dos participantes. Foram realizadas correlações, comparações de médias e modelos de regressão linear. O letramento inadequado foi encontrado em 65,9% dos pacientes. Foram fatores associados à pontuação do b-TOFHLA, a idade e os anos de estudos. O letramento global não explicou o controle glicêmico, mas o numeramento apresentou associação com tal controle. Nossos resultados apontam para a necessidade de melhorar o numeramento em saúde dos pacientes para obter seu melhor controle glicêmico, principalmente naqueles com maior idade e menos anos de estudo.

Diabetes mellitus patients must concentrate on self-care, with complex treatments and adequate health behavior in which such habits are a key factor. Due to the complexity of this issue, the importance of literacy in health arises. The goal of the study was to analyze factors associated with literacy in health and its relation with glycemic control in diabetic patients. It involved a study with 82 type 2 diabetic patients of both sexes and aged between 19 and 59 attended in the outpatient endocrinology ward of a public hospital, who filled out an abbreviated and translated version of the Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (b-TOFHLA). Fasting glycaemia values and glycated hemoglobin were collected from the clinical history of the participants. Correlations, mean comparisons and linear regression models were tested. Inadequate literacy in health was encountered in 65.9% of the patients. The issues involved factors associated with the b-TOFHLA point scores were age and years of schooling. Global literacy did not explain the glycemic control, but the level of numeracy presented an association with this control. The results point to the need to improve the numeracy in health of the patients to obtain enhanced glycemic control, mainly in those with more advanced age and less years of schooling.

Histones/metabolism , Nuclear Proteins/genetics , Promoter Regions, Genetic , Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins/genetics , Transcriptional Elongation Factors/genetics , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genetics
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 27(6): 715-723, Nov.-Dec. 2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-733001


Objective: To assess the relationship between the functional health literacy of Unified Heath System users and the understanding of food servings in the pocket version of the Brazilian Food Guide. Methods: Functional health literacy was assessed by the Brief Test of functional health literacy. Two dialogue rounds were conducted with patients with adequate functional health literacy (Group 1) and inadequate functional health literacy (Group 2). The dialogues were recorded and analyzed according to the discourse of the collective subject. Results: Most (58.0%) users had inadequate functional health literacy. Five core areas were identified: understands serving sizes; does not understand serving sizes; serving sizes are confusing; unfamiliar/uncommon foods; small letters. Group 2 had more trouble understanding. Conclusion: Difficulty understanding hinders health promotion. Individuals need to have access to educational materials that are easier to understand and developed taking their functional health literacy into account. .

Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre o letramento funcional em saúde de usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde e o entendimento das porções alimentares do Guia Alimentar Brasileiro, versão bolso. Métodos: Foi avaliado o letramento funcional em saúde com o Brief Test of Functional Health Literacy. Foram realizados dois círculos de diálogos, envolvendo pacientes com letramento adequado (Grupo 1) e insuficiente (Grupo 2). Os diálogos foram gravados e analisados segundo o discurso do sujeito coletivo. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes apresentou letramento funcional em saúde insuficiente (58,0%). Foram identificadas cinco ideias centrais: entende o consumo em porções de alimentos; não entende o consumo em porções de alimentos; porções de alimentos colocadas de forma confusa; alimentos desconhecidos/não comuns; letras pequenas. A compreensão dos integrantes do Grupo 2 foi mais limitada. Conclusão: As dificuldades de entendimento representam um fator de dificuldade na promoção da saúde. Há necessidade de empoderar os indivíduos mediante a disponibilidade de materiais educativos de mais fácil compreensão, em conformidade com seu letramento funcional em saúde. .

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Whole Foods , Comprehension , Food Guide , Unified Health System