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Rev. cient. odontol ; 8(3): e036, sept.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1253442


La ecografía es una ayuda diagnóstica en el área de la salud que se usa para evaluar el desarrollo intrauterino, observar el comportamiento de lesiones, valorar órganos internos y acompañar procedimientos clínicos específicamente en la medicina, pero en la odontología es un campo en el que apenas se está explorando e incursionando para incluirlo como parte de los métodos diagnósticos de rutina en la consulta clínica. El creciente interés por investigar su uso como método diagnóstico y terapéutico en la odontología se basa en las bondades que tiene y en cómo puede facilitar muchos procesos por tratarse de una ayuda diagnóstica accesible, económica y poco nociva para la salud. En el presente artículo se exponen los diferentes usos que se le da a la ecografía en las diferentes especialidades odontológicas, y se la compara con otros métodos diagnósticos. (AU)

In medicine, ultrasound is especially useful to evaluate intrauterine development, cyst behavior, and internal organs, but the use of ultrasound in dentistry has only recently been explored and used in the daily routine diagnostic methods in clinical dental practice. The growing interest in the use of ultrasound as a diagnostic and therapeutic method in dentistry has led to studies investigating its benefits in relation to accessibility, cost and innocuousness to health. This review describes the current use of ultrasound in different dental specialties and compares it with other diagnostic methods. (AU)

Humans , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Radiography, Dental/methods , Ultrasonography , General Practice, Dental , General Practice, Dental/methods , Review Literature as Topic
Rev. cient. odontol ; 8(3): e039, sept.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1253447


El osteoma es una lesión osteogénica benigna, derivado de hueso compacto o esponjoso. Se caracteriza por ser de crecimiento lento y aparece con más frecuencia entre los 20 y los 50 años de vida, con una prevalencia mayor en hombres con respecto a las mujeres. Clínicamente asintomáticos, los podemos encontrar en la región craneofacial, particularmente en los senos paranasales y la mandíbula, y pueden presentarse de tres formas: central, periférica y extraósea, siendo más comunes los solitarios, a diferencia de los múltiples que están relacionados con el síndrome de Gardner. El tratamiento de los osteomas es quirúrgico cuando causan complicaciones. Los estudios por imágenes, como la radiografía panorámica y la TCHC, son las modalidades de mayor uso para determinar la ubicación, la extensión y las relaciones anatómicas de la lesión. Las características imagenológicas pueden presentarse como una excrecencia ósea de hueso compacto, esponjoso o mixto. El conocimiento de esta lesión nos permitirá tener mejores propuestas diagnósticas. (AU)

Osteomas are benign osteogenic lesions derived from compact or spongy bone. They are characterized by their slow growth and appear more frequently between 20 and 50 years of age, with a higher prevalence in men than in women. These lesions are clinically asymptomatic and can be found in the craniofacial region, particularly in the paranasal sinuses and the mandible, and may have a central, peripheral or extraosseous presentation. Multiple osteomas are related to Gardner's Syndrome. Treatment of osteoma is surgical when complications develop. Imaging studies such as panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography are the modalities most widely used to determine the location, extent, and anatomical relationships of the lesion. Imaging features may present as a bony excretion of compact, spongy, or mixed bone. Adequate knowledge of these lesions allows adequate diagnosis and better treatment planning. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Osteoma , Osteoma/radiotherapy , Radiography, Panoramic , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Jaw/diagnostic imaging , Review Literature as Topic
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 82(2): 397-404, June 2010. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-548420


It is known that hormones influence significantly the prostate tissue. However, we reported that mating induces an increase in androgen receptors, revealing a neural influence on the gland. These data suggested that somatic afferents (scrotal and genitofemoral nerves) and autonomic efferents (pelvic and hypogastric nerves) could regulate the structure of the prostate. Here we assessed the role of these nerves in maintaining the histology of the gland. Hence, afferent or efferent nerves of male rats were transected. Then, the ventral and dorsolateral regions of the prostate were processed for histology. Results showed that afferent transection affects prostate histology. The alveoli area decreased and increased in the ventral and dorsolateral prostate, respectively. The epithelial cell height increased in both regions. Efferent denervation produced dramatic changes in the prostate gland. The tissue lost its configuration, and the epithelium became scattered and almost vanished. Thus, afferent nerves are responsible for spinal processes pertaining to the trophic control of the prostate, activating its autonomic innervation. Hence, our data imply that innervation seems to be synergic with hormones for the healthy maintenance of the prostate. Thus, it is suggested that some prostate pathologies could be due to the failure of the autonomic neural pathways regulating the gland.

Sabe-se que os hormônios influenciam significativamente o tecido prostático. Entretanto, nós demonstramos que o acasalamento induz um aumento nos receptores androgênicos, revelando uma influência neural sobre a glândula. Esses dados sugerem que os aferentes somáticos (nervos escrotal e genito-femural) e os eferentes autonômicos (nervos pélvicos e hipo-gástricos) poderiam regular a estrutura da próstata. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a função destes nervos na manutenção da histologia da glândula. Dessa forma, os nervos aferentes e eferentes de ratos machos foram seccionados As regiões ventral e dorsolateral da próstata foram processadas para histologia. Os resultados mostraram que a transecção aferente afeta a histologia da próstata. A área alveolar diminuiu e aumentou na próstata dorsal e dorsolateral, respectivamente. A altura da célula epitelial aumentou em ambas as regiões. A desenervação eferente produziu alterações dramáticas na glândula prostática. O tecido perdeu a sua configuração e o epitélio tornou-se difuso e quase desapareceu. Assim, os nervos aferentes são responsáveis por processos espinhais que pertencem ao controle trófico da próstata, ativando sua inervação autonômica. Dessa forma, nossos dados sugerem que a inervação parece ser sinérgica com os hormônios para a manutenção saudável da próstata. Assim, sugere-se que algumas patologias prostáticas poderiam ser ocasionadas devido a falhas nas vias neurais autonômicas que regulam esta glândula.

Animals , Male , Rats , Autonomic Denervation , Afferent Pathways/surgery , Efferent Pathways/surgery , Peripheral Nerves/surgery , Prostate/innervation , Prostate/pathology , Rats, Wistar