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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-743722


Objective: To analyze the effects of different doses of flurbiprofen and other analgesic drugs on the postoperative analgesia in the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) . Methods: 98 patients with jaw cysts or multiple impact teeth were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into 3 groups by the drug scheme: flurbiprofen 250 mg + 0. 9% NS to 100 ml (group Ⅰ, n =32), sulfentanil 100 μg + azasetron 20 mg + 0. 9% NS to 100 ml (group Ⅱ, n = 34), flurbiprofen 200 mg + sulfentanil 50 μg + azasetron 20 mg + 0. 9% NS to 100 ml (group Ⅲ, n = 32) . Analgesic effects were evaluated at 3 h, 1 d and 2 d after surgery with Wong-Baker expression scale and numeric rating scale (NRS) . Questionnaire survey was also used to evaluate degree of satisfaction on analgesia. Results: Analgesia effective rate of group Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ was 40. 62%, 67. 65% and 68. 75% respectively (P <0. 05) . Degree of satisfaction on analgesia of group Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ was 71. 87%, 58. 82% and 93. 75% respectively (P < 0. 05) .Conclusion: Flurbiprofen combined with sulfentanil has good analgesic effects and low side effects in the maxillofacial surgery of jaw cysts and multiple impact teeth.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486007


Objective:To establish an animal model of bone distraction in the irradiated dog mandible.Methods:1 0 Chinese dogs were used.8 dogs received a unilateral irradiation of 60 Co(Group R)in the mandible with a total dose of 22.8 Gy in four 5.7 Gy frac-tions (biologically equivalent to 50 Gy/25 fractions).The other 2 dogs without irradiation served as the controls(Group C).Bilateral corticotomy was made 3 months after completion of irradiation.After a 1 -week latency period,bone distraction was activated at a rate of 0.5 mm twice daily for 1 0 days,followed by a consolidation phase of 8 weeks.New bone was evaluated by radiographic,histological and single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT)analysis.Results:One dog was excluded from the study due to anaesthetic death in group R.After 8 weeks of consolidation,no difference was found between the percent area of new bone of both groups.New bone was more mature and organized in Group C than that in Group R.SPECT analyses showed that there was active osteogenic activity in Group R.Conclusion:Distraction osteogenesis can be achieved in the irradiated dog mandible.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-538027


Objective: To develop a bio-multi-function impact device for the study of maxillofacial impact injury . Methods: This device, driven by high-pressure nitrogen air, was consisted of impact unit, laser speed-measure meter, trigger unit, operation platform and information record unit. Results: A new type of bio-multi-function impact device was manufactured with the function of the impact and project. The impact velocity is from 3 to 40 m/s and can be adjusted. The muzzle velocity of the projectile can reached from 300 to 1 500 m/s and also can be adjusted according to the demand of the experiments. It can record exactly multi-line biomechanic signals. Conclusion: The device is stable and suitable for the study of impact and projectile injury.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-670504


?Objective: To examine the morphologic changes produced by extranueral injection of methylene blue around rat infraorbital nerve. Methods: Under direct vision, 50 ?l of methylene blue at the concentration of 20 g/L was injected extranuerally into the infraorbital foramen on one side of the maxillar bone of each of 32 rats; physiological saline was used as the control on the contralateral side of each animal. Animals were killed at 3 days, 2, 4, 8 and 14 weeks after the application of methylene blue respectively. The infraorbital nerve specimens were examined by light and electron microscopes. Results:Axolysis and demyelination were found in the outer zone of the nerve bundles, and a few of centrally located axons were damaged in 2 and 3 weeks. 4 weeks later,a few of regenerated fibers were observed. Wallerian degeneration still remained and more regenerated fibers were found in 14 weeks. The sheath of myelinated fibers became twisted, thick and dissolved. The axonal changes characterized by either swelling, shrinking or vacuolization of axoplasm. Lysosome could be seen in the axons. The changes of myelinated fibers were more evident than that of demyelinated fibers. At the later stage, the regularly regenerated fibers with thin sheath could be seen. No change was observed in the Schwann cells. Conclusion: 20 g/L methylene blue can result in the changes of the sheath and axons of nerve fibers