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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366215


Tuberculous valvular endocarditis is rare and diagnosis before death is seldom achieved. A case of severe aortic regurgitation due to tuberculous endocarditis in a 56-year-old man is presented. Replacement of the aortic valve in emergency and administration of anti-tuberculuos medication permitted an uneventful recovery. This is a rare case report of successful surgical treatment of tuberculous valvular disorder.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-366032


In our department, we perform CABG operations using arterial grafts as much as possible, and in the present study, we investigated 96 patients who underwent CABG operations using arterial grafts alone during the 4-year period from October 1988 to August 1992. The sex ratio (M/F) was 64/32, and the mean age was 63.2 years. Of those 56 patients underwent bypass surgery for one artery each, using a total of 56 grafts. In 18 cases of bypass surgery for 2 arteries 34 grafts were used for 36 arteries, and in 16 patients who underwent surgery for 3 arteries, 42 grafts were used for 48 arteries. In 6 patients who underwent bypass surgery for 4 arteries, 16 grafts were used for 24 arteries. All 148 arteries harvested from 96 patients were available. Forty-one RITAs were used for 43 arteries, 68 LITAs for 72 arteries and 39 RGEAs for 49 arteries. There were 2 (2.0%) operative deaths. Among 135 grafts for 146 arteries on which arteriography was performed after operation, 133 grafts (98.6%) among 142 arteries (97.3%) were patent. In detail, the patency rate of ITA was 98 of 100 grafts (98.0%) and 102 of 105 arteries (97.1%), that of RGEA was 35 of 35 grafts (100%) and 40 of 41 arteries (97.6%), and therefore, good patency was observed in both ITA and RGEA.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-365993


Cardiac angiosarcoma is a rare disease which occurs most often in young males and has a remarkably unfavorable prognosis. We experienced one male case aged 46 who had an initial symptom of cardiac tamponade due to rupture of the right ventricle. Hemostasis was made under extracorporeal circulation, and the patient was discharged temporarily. However, a large volume of hemoptysis occurred from right B<sub>6</sub> about 1 month after discharge, because of which resection of the right lower lobe was performed. Tumorous cells identical to those in the perforated cardiac region were detected in the resected tissue, and it was diagnosed histopathologically that the cardiac rupture was caused by angiosarcoma, resulting in pulmonary metastasis. Multiple pulmonary metastases were observed in bilateral lung following fields by CT, but administration of CDDP in iv×2 and in 150mg/day cyclophosphamide, the pulmonary metastases disappeared completely on CT on the 45th day. However, the metastases recurred soon thereafter without responding to chemotherapy, and the patient died 5 months after diagnosis of this disease because of exacerbated dyspnea.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-365774


We tried to evaluate the right ventricular function using a modified Swan-Ganz catheter with a rapid responsive thermistor. Twenty-four dogs comprised this series. Twelve were the model of left heart failure (Group A), and the other twelve were the model of right heart failure (Group B) produced by multiple ligation of coronary arteries. Dogs were studied for some of the circulatory indices before and after ligation with left atrial pressure at 10, 15 and 20mmHg in group A, and right atrial pressure at 10, 15 and 20mmHg in group B by volume loading. In group A, when the left atrial pressure was kept constant, right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and right ventricular stroke work index (RVSWI) were decreased significantly after the ligation of coronary arteries. But there was no significant change in the peak right ventricular pressure-right ventricular endsystolic volume index ratio (peak RVP/RVESVI) associated with ligation. In group B, significant changes were observed in RVEF, RVSWI and peak RVP/RVESVI. Thus, it was found that right ventricular contractility in selective left heart failure was not reduced. <i>E</i><sub>max</sub> was considered to be a valuable index of ventricular contractility not affected by preload and afterload of ventricle, but this index is not easily measured clinically. The index peak RVP/RVESVI which is nearly equivalent to <i>E</i><sub>max</sub>, has an advantage in that it can be determined by the thermodilution method widely used in general. We conclude that this index is very useful to us for post-operative care in cardiac surgery.