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Medwave ; 24(1): 2762, 29-02-2024. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532751


INTRODUCCIÓN: Más de 600 mil personas en Chile viven con obesidad mórbida. La incorporación de intervenciones terapéuticas eficaces, seguras y costo-efectivas es crítica para los sistemas de salud y esquemas de aseguramiento. En el año 2022 se incorporaron al arancel de modalidad de libre elección del Fondo Nacional de Salud dos códigos de pago asociado a diagnóstico para cirugía bariátrica: gástrico y manga gástrica. El objetivo fue caracterizar la ejecución del programa de mecanismo de pago tipo pago asociado a diagnóstico de cirugía bariátrica en su primer año de implementación. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo y observacional de abordaje pragmático de la ejecución nacional del pago asociado a diagnóstico en cirugía bariátrica. Se examinaron variables de caracterización sociodemográfica (sexo, tramos etarios y tramos del Fondo nacional de Salud) y caracterización de cirugías según código desagregadas por prestador público o privado, periodo de emisión, gasto unitario, copago, y préstamos médicos, entre marzo y diciembre de 2022. RESULTADOS: Se registraron n = 13 118 cirugías (45,81% versus 54,19% manga), de las cuales n = 2424 (18,48%) emplearon préstamos médicos. Un 85,01% (p = 0,01) de los procedimientos fueron en mujeres; en personas entre 35 y 39 años (20,15%); y 45,12% en beneficiarios del tramo B. El 99,21% de las cirugías se realizó en prestadores privados. Diez de estos concentraron el 50% de la actividad (rango n = 1200 a 426 cirugías anuales; n = 4,8 a 1,7 cirugías por día hábil). El gasto total del programa fue $71 626 948 350 CLP, explicando un 5,04% de la actividad total del Programa nacional de Pago Asociado a Diagnóstico. CONCLUSIONES: La implementación de este bono para cirugía bariátrica benefició a más de 13 mil personas que viven con obesidad, mayormente mujeres, en edades productivas, y con capacidad de compra. Como estrategia de equidad, independientemente de la vía de acceso mediante el bono, será importante cautelar la actividad en la red pública.

INTRODUCTION: More than 600 thousand people in Chile live with morbid obesity. Effective, safe, cost-effective therapeutic interventions are critical for healthcare systems and insurance schemes. In 2022, two bundled payment codes for bariatric surgery (gastric bypass and gastric sleeve) were incorporated into the National Health Fund's free-choice modality fee scheme. The objective was to characterize the execution of this payment mechanism program associated with bariatric surgery diagnosis in its first year of implementation.More than six hundred thousand people in Chile are estimated to live with morbid obesity. Effective, safe, cost-effective therapeutic interventions are critical for health systems and insurance schemes. In 2022, FONASA incorporated two Bariatric Surgery codes into the Free Choice Modality: Gastric Bypass and Sleeve Gastrectomy. Our objective was to characterize the execution of the Bariatric Surgery Bundled Payment Program in its first year of implementation. METHODS: Descriptive and observational study of the pragmatic approach of the national execution of the payment associated with diagnosis in bariatric surgery. We examined sociodemographic variables (sex, age brackets, and National Health Fund tranches) and characterization of surgeries by code broken down by public or private provider, period of issue, unit cost, co-payment, and medical loans between March and December 2022. RESULTS: We recorded n = 13 118 surgeries (45.81% bypass versus 54.19% sleeve), of which n = 2424 (18.48%) used medical loans. A total of 85.01% (p = 0.01) of the procedures were in women, in people between 35 and 39 years of age (20.15%), and 45.12% in beneficiaries of tranche B. Private providers performed a total of 99.21% of the surgeries. Ten accounted for 50% of the activity (range n = 1200 to 426 surgeries per year; n = 4.8 to 1.7 surgeries per working day). Total program expenditure was $71 626 948 350 CLP, accounting for 5.04% of the total activity of the national Diagnosis Associated Payment Program. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of this bariatric surgery voucher benefited more than 13 thousand people living with obesity, mostly women of productive ages and with purchasing capacity. As an equity strategy, regardless of the access route through the voucher, it will be important to safeguard the activity in the public network.

Humans , Male , Female , Obesity, Morbid/surgery , Obesity, Morbid/diagnosis , Gastric Bypass/methods , Laparoscopy , Bariatric Surgery/methods , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Health Expenditures