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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(2): e20180922, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055869


ABSTRACT: Sincoraea mucugensis (Wand. & A.A. Conc.) LOUZADA & WAND, an endangered bromeliad, is confined to the central region of the Chapada Diamantina, in the municipality of Mucugê, Brazil. From various researches, it is evident that for the propagation of this species, the in vitro technique is a feasible option. However, due to the low multiplication rates reported in various papers, this study aimed to establish a micropropagation protocol of direct organogenesis for S. mucugensis. First, the inoculation of the stem explants was done in MS ½ culture medium which contained different levels of BAP (0.00; 6.66; 8.88; 11.10; 13.20 µM) and NAA (0.00; 2.60; 5.20 µM). These shoots were then subjected to a couple of distinct rooting periods (of 30- and 60-day duration) using activated charcoal; finally, these microplants were transferred to a greenhouse for acclimatization, and covered with transparent plastic cups, as a water loss prevention test method. All the data were submitted to the analysis of variance (ANOVA), and the means were subjected to regression analysis or compared using the Tukey test. The findings revealed that the S. mucugensis stem explants raised in the NAA-rich medium (6.42 to 7.43 shoots/explants) showed high multiplication rates; the shoot rooting was done for 30 days using activated charcoal with the medium. Acclimatization, which was performed by directly exposing the microplants to the ex vitro environment, showed 95% survival rate.

RESUMO: Sincoraea mucugensis (Wand. & A.A. Conc.) LOUZADA & WAND é uma bromélia vulnerável de ocorrência restrita ao município de Mucugê, Chapada Diamantina. Estudos indicam que a cultura de tecidos é uma alternativa viável para a propagação in vitro desta espécie. Contudo, em função das baixas taxas de multiplicação obtidas em estudos anteriores, objetivou-se estabelecer um protocolo de micropropagação via organogênese direta para S. mucugensis. Explantes caulinares foram inoculados em meio de cultura MS ½ contendo diferentes concentrações de BAP (0,00; 6,66; 8,88; 11,10; 13,20 µM) e ANA (0,00; 2,60; 5,20 µM). Os brotos obtidos foram submetidos a diferentes períodos de enraizamento (30 e 60 dias) com carvão ativado; posteriormente as microplantas foram aclimatizadas em casa de vegetação, testando-se o efeito da cobertura com copos plásticos transparentes como estratégias contra perda de água. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e as médias analisadas por regressão ou comparadas pelo Teste de Tukey. Os resultados demonstram que altas taxas de multiplicação de S. mucugensis são geradas a partir de explantes caulinares cultivados em meio contendo ANA (6,42 a 7,43 brotos/explantes); o enraizamento dos brotos é realizado por 30 dias em meio com carvão ativado e a aclimatização é feita com exposição direta das microplantas ao ambiente ex vitro com 95% de sobrevivência.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e54187, fev. 2020. graf, ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460947


Amburana cearensisis an arboreal legume of the Fabaceaefamily,with high phytotherapic and medicinal potential due the presence of secondary metabolites. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 4-amino-2,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid (picloram) on the in vitroinduction of callogenesis of A. cearensisand analyze the biochemical and phytochemical potential of these calluses. For callus induction, leaf and cotyledon segments were used as explants, which were inoculated in woody plant medium (WPM) supplemented with different concentrations of 2,4-D (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 μM) or picloram (0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80 μM). The callus growth curve was estimated based on fresh weight, measured at 7-day intervals until 28 days after inoculation. The calluses were analyzed by biochemical tests to quantify the reducing sugars and total proteins. Phytochemical screening and high-performance liquid chromatography were performed to establish the phytochemical profile of extracts from calluses. The concentrations of 21.94 μMand 26.46 μMof 2,4-Dinduced the greatest formation of compact and friable calluses from the leaf and cotyledon segments, respectively. The growth curve had two distinct phases(lag and exponential) for both types of calluses evaluated. The maximum levels of reducing sugars and total proteins in the calluses from leaf and cotyledon segments were obtained on the day of inoculation and after 28 days of cultivation, respectively. The results of the phytochemical analysis identified the presence of coumarin in all the extracts evaluated, this secondary metabolite has high pharmacological potential.

Phytochemicals , Fabaceae/genetics , Fabaceae/chemistry , Biochemical Phenomena , Plants, Medicinal
Ciênc. rural ; 46(6): 991-995, June 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-779846


ABSTRACT: The goal of the present study was to evaluate the germination, initial growth, and in vitro co-cultivation of Comanthera curralensis Moldenke, a "sempre viva" native of the Chapada Diamantina state of Bahia. Full strength (MS) and half-strength MS (MS1/2) growth media supplemented with two different sucrose concentrations (15 and 30g L-1) were tested for germination and initial plant growth. Three different plant densities were tested by in vitro culture (8, 10 and 12 plants per container). MS1/2 medium with 15g L-1 sucrose resulted in a higher percentage of germination and plant growth for the in vitro establishment of C. curralensis. The use of 12 plants per container is indicated for cost reduction in C. curralensis in vitro production.

RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a germinação, o crescimento inicial e o co-cultivo in vitro de Comanthera curralensis Moldenke, uma "sempre viva" nativa da Chapada Diamantina-BA. Para germinação e crescimento inicial, foram testados os meios de cultura MS completo e MS1/2 suplementados com duas concentrações de sacarose (15 e 30gL-1); no cultivo in vitro, foram testadas três quantidades de plantas por recipiente (8,10 e 12). A utilização do meio MS1/2 com 15gL-1 de sacarose proporcionou maiores porcentagem de germinação crescimento das plantas no estabelecimento in vitro de C. curralensis , e o uso de 12 plantas por recipiente é indicado para a redução de custos na produção in vitro da espécie.