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Assiut Medical Journal. 2014; 38 (2): 93-104
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-160290


Respiratory failure after a planned extubation is reported to be a common event, leading to reintubation and can occur in as many as 3-20% of extubated patients. It is crucial to identify the right time to extubate a patient, since re-intubation after pre-term extubation is associated with an increased risk for nosocomial pneumonia, prolonged intensive care unit [ICU] stay and death, and also accounts for substantially increased costs. This study was planned to assess the effectiveness of non-invasive pressure support ventilation [NIPPV] as a weaning technique in patients who develop respiratory distress after discontinuation of mechanical ventilation and extubation in comparison with conventional weaning through invasive pressure support ventilation. This is a randomized controlled study, sixty patients with either type I or II respiratory failure who developed post extubation respiratory failure were enrolled; they were randomly divided into two groups to receive either NIPPV or invasive pressure support ventilation. The primary outcome measure was the technique outcone; secondary outcome measures were incidence of complications, hemodynamic parameters, arterial blood gas parameters, ventilator parameters and length of ICU stay. Despite a longer time to failure observed with invasive pressure support ventilation, no statistically significant differences were observed in success rate, hemodynamic, and arterial blood gas parameters, although incidence of complications differs greatly according to the technique used. In a heterogonous group of patients; NIPPV is not superior to invasive pressure support ventilation in patients who developed post-extubation respiratory distress after successful weaning

Humans , Male , Female , Ventilation , Life Support Systems/statistics & numerical data , Respiratory Insufficiency/therapy , Comparative Study
Egyptian Journal of Histology [The]. 2007; 30 (1): 131-140
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-82312


Griseofulvin was the first oral anti-fungal drug available for treatment of dermatophytosis. Neurological side effects including neuropathies, confusion, vertigo, eyesight disorders and fatigue may occur due to its use. Twenty adult male albino rats, each weighing 100-150 gm were used to study the toxic effects of griseofulvin administration on the histological structure of cerebellar cortex. They were classified equally into four groups. The first group: was used as a negative control group, the second group: was used as a positive control group, each rat was given 1 mL olive oil orally daily for 12 weeks, the third group: each rat was given griseofulvin orally [dissolved in olive oil in a dose of 2500 mg/kg body weight [1/20 of LD 50]for 6 weeks and the fourth group: each rat was given griseofulvin orally [dissolved in olive oil in a dose of 2500 mg/kg body weight [1/20 of LD 50] for 12 weeks. At the time of sacrifice all the animals were anaesthetized with ether inhalation and their cerebelli were carefully dissected and processed for paraffin sections then stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Weelecks procedure and modified aldehyde thionine technique to study the general structures. Immunohistochemical stain with astroglial marker antibody Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein was also used. In griseofulvin-treated animals of the third group, there was distortion of some Purkinje cells with loss of their dendritic arbirization and they were separated from each other. In treated animals of the fourth group, some Purkinje cells were more distorted and separated by wide spaces. The molecular layer appeared with scattered cells and less abundant nerve fibers in between. Immunohistochemically, tile treated animals of the third group showed Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein positive astrocytes in the molecular and granular layers. In the fourth group, there were Glial Fibrillary Acid Protein more positive astrocytes. The results of the current study revealed that, administration of griseofulvin for a long time induced adverse effects on the histological structure of the cerebellar cortex of adult male albino rats

Male , Animals, Laboratory , Cerebellar Cortex/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Rats , Male , Models, Animal
Zagazig Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. 2006; 4 (1): 25-46
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-81597


The highly selective cyclo- oxygenase II [COX-II] inhibitors could alleviate pain and inflammation and have fewer side effects than conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs]. Herpagophytum Procumbens has been shown to reduce inflammation and pain associated with various types of arthritis. The aim of this work was to perform a comparison between the toxic effects of Rofecoxib and Harpagophytum Procumbens [herpago] on adult male albino rats. This study included 170 adult male albino rats divided into 5 groups. Group I, II and III were used as control groups [-ve control group, Gum acacia group and distilled water group]: each consisted of 30 rats remained for 6 weeks. Group IV [rofecoxib group]: consisted of 40 rats, each rat was gavaged with 1.8 mg rofecoxib/rat [double human therapeutic dose] once daily for 6 weeks. Group V [herpago group]: consisted of 40 rats, each rat was gavaged with 86.4 mg herpago/rat [double human therapeutic dose] once daily for 6 weeks. At the end of six weeks: ten rats from rofecoxib [IV] and herpago [V] groups and fifteen rats from each control group [I, II and III] were used for blood pressure measuring. Another ten rats from groups IV and V and fifteen rats from I, II and Ill were used for biochemical and histopathological studies. The remaining rats of both groups IV and V were left for another 6 weeks without drug administration for follow up. At the end of this period the follow up rats were examined as above. Groups I, II and III showed no abnormal findings without statistically significant difference between them [P>0.05]. In rofecoxib group an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressures [SBP, DBP] were detected with a significant difference when compared with -ve control group [P<0.001], while herpago group showed a decrease in SBP and DBP with a statistically significant difference when compared with the -ve control group [P<0.001]. After 6 weeks of follow up, the SBP and DBP of rofecoxib and herpago groups showed no significant difference when compared with the -ve control group [P>0.05]. After 6 weeks of treatment there were an increase in serum Na+ and K+ levels with a decrease in serum pH and HCO3- with a statistically significant difference in rofecoxib group when compared with the -ve control group [P<0.001]. Herpago group showed no abnormal findings in the above mentioned biochemical, parameters. Six weeks after the discontinuation of rofecoxib administration the Na+ level returned to its control level and gave no significant difference when compared with the -ye control group [P>0.05]. Serum K+, HCO3- and pH levels improved but didn't reach to the control level and gave significant difference when compared with the -ve control group [P<0.05]. Macroscopically, no abnormal findings in the heart gastro- intestinal tract [GIT] were detected in all tested groups. With rofecoxib group, microscopical examination of the cardiac sections showed ischemic changes with atrophy of cardiac muscles. Herpago group showed no histopathological abnormalities on microscopical examination. After 6 weeks of follow up histopathological examination of the heart in rofecoxib group showed disappearance of the ischaemic changes. The cardiac muscles regain its normal thickness and length. Histopathological examination of the stomach and small intestine of rofecoxib group showed different degrees of affection varies from edema of lamina propria and vascular congestion to loss of superficial epithelium [erosion] and peptic ulcer. Herpago group showed no histopathological abnormalities in the GIl. After 6 weeks of follow up in rofecoxib group partial healing of erosions and ulcers occur and the mucosa regained its normal thickness. It could be concluded that rofecoxib is more toxic than herpago and its toxic effects were partially reversible after its discontinuation

Male , Animals, Laboratory , Herbal Medicine , Plants, Medicinal , Plant Extracts/adverse effects , Heart/pathology , Stomach/pathology , Duodenum/pathology , Histology , Microscopy , Antirheumatic Agents , Blood Pressure , Potassium , Sodium , Bicarbonates
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology. 2005; 35 (1): 313-329
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-72331


Praziquantel [PZQ] is widely and effectively used in the control of bilharziasis which constitutes a major endemic health problem in Egypt. However, recent studies recommended that the drug must be re-evaluated because of its potential carcinogenicity and genotoxicity. Mirazid is a new natural anti-schistosomal drug formed of myrrh extract and considered to be a safe drug. This work was conducted to evaluate and compare hepatotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of PZQ und mirazid on adult male albino rats by assessment of serum levels of ALT, AST and bilirubin, histopathological study of the liver and cytogenetic study of bone marrow cells. 100 adult male albino rats were equally divided into 4 groups: group I negative control, group II control rats received distilled water, group III received weekly single oral dose of PZQ [1500 mg/kg] for 6 weeks and group IV received daily oral dose of mirazid [500mg/kg] for 6 weeks. At the end of the study, 10 rats of each group were investigated by assessment of the levels of AST, ALT, and bilirubin. After scarification, liver sections were examined by light microscopy. Another 10 rats of each group were submitted to cytogenetic examination. It was found that praziquantel induced a significant increase in the mean values of AST, ALT and bilirubin with areas of hyaline degeneration, fatty changes, dysplasia and necrosis in the liver sections. It also induced a significant increase in the incidence of chromosomal aberrations as polyploidy, fragment, deletion and ring chromosome as compared with control group. Mirazid induced an insignificant increase in the mean values of AST, ALT and bilirubin with a normal hepatic tissue and an insignificant increase in the incidence of chromosomal aberrations as compared with the control group. On comparing both drugs, praziquantel induced a significant hepatotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects. It was concluded that praziquantel is considered to be a hepatotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic drug. On the other hand, mirazid seemed to be a safe and promising antiparasitic drug, free from hepatotoxic, genotoxic and carcinogenic effects

Animals, Laboratory , Praziquantel/adverse effects , Commiphora/drug effects , Liver Function Tests , Cytogenetic Analysis , Liver , Histology , Chromosome Aberrations , Rats
Assiut Medical Journal. 2005; 29 (2): 45-62
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-69973


This study was carried out in the ICU of Assuit University Hospital. A total of 30 patients who fulfilled the criteria of acute lung injury [AL1] and ARDS with lung injury score of 2.5 were enrolled in the study. The patients were randomly classified into 2 groups namely traditional tidal volume group which was managed with TV of 10- 12 ml/kg, and lower tidal volume group which was managed with TV of 6 ml/kg. The patients were mechanically ventilated using SIMV mode. In the traditional group of patients, the plateau pressure was kept >/= 40 cm H2O, respiratory rate was adjusted to maintain PaCO2 of 35-45 mmHg. PEEP level was >/= 5cmH2O. in the lower tidal volume group, the PaCO2 was allowed to increase [permissive hypercarbia], unless the pH was severely affected 7.2, to allow lowering of the plateau pressure to 25-30 cmH2O. PEEP was used according to the calculation of optimal PEEP. In both groups of patients, the FiO2 was adjusted to maintain PaO2 60 mmHg, and arterial oxygen saturation >/= 90%. Traditional or protective mechanical ventilation was maintained until the patient was extubated or died. The following parameters were studied for 17 days including: hemodynamics [HR. MAP, CVP, MPAP, PCWP, and CI], arterial blood gases and oxygenation parameters [pH, PaCO2, HCO3, PaO2, PvO2, QS/QT, PaO2/Fi02]; lung mechanics [PP, PIP, CST]. The present results demonstrated that the mean value of HR was mildly decreased in the traditional tidal volume group while it was increased in the lower tidal volume group throughout all days of the study. An initial decrease in MAP, which was followed by an increase, was found in the traditional tidal e group. But lower tidal volume group demonstrated a continuous rise in MAP. Both groups of patients demonstrated an increase in CVP, MPAP and PCWP levels in most of investigated days especially in lower tidal volume group. Reasonable values of CI were observed in both groups. The mean value of PaCO2 was found to be increased in the lower tidal volume group in the early period of the study resulting in a lower PH. The greater rise in HCO3 found in later period resulting in methiogation of the increase in pH. In the conventional TV group of patients, the PH, PaCO2 and HCO3 were within its normal limits. The conventional tidal volume group revealed more elevation in PaO2 levels than lower tidal volume group in the earlier period of the study. Later on, the PaO2 levels in the lower tidal volume group were increased to greater levels than traditional tidal volume group. Similar effects were obtained concernbg PaO2/FiO2 levels in both groups. The shunt fraction was mildly improved in both studied groups especially in lower TV group, but still it did not achieve its normal levels. In both groups there was an increase in the levels of the PvO2 during most investigated days of mechanics ventilation Better respiratory mechanics were found in lower tidal volume group The plateau pressure was less, the peak inspiratory pressure was also less, and static compliance was greater in this group as compared with traditional tidal volume group. In conclusion, the consequences of application of this lung protective strategy resulted in modest effects regarding the investigated hemodynamics due to modest increments in PaCO2. Lower tidal volume group of patients demonstrated better oxygenation parameters and better improvement in lung mechanics. Further studies may be needed to investigate the combined use of other ventilatory strategies, for example: prone positioning in addition to the one applied in this work to obtain better results regarding the studied oxygenation

Humans , Male , Female , Respiration, Artificial/methods , Tidal Volume , Blood Gas Analysis , Hemodynamics , Blood Pressure , Heart Rate
Assiut Medical Journal. 2005; 29 (3): 29-42
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-69988


After approval by the local ethics committee and informed consent was obtained from each patient or the patient's relatives a 24 patients who were intubated and receiving mechanical ventilation [SIMV mode] and who fulfilled the criteria of ALI and ARDS with lung injury score /= 60 mmHg and SaO[2] >/= 90%], Bronchoalveolar lavage [BAL] samples were taken at the first, fifth, tenth and seventeenth day of study. Samples were processed immediately for biochechemical studying in order to estimate the: total protein and the albumin content, Interleukin-6 [IL-6 Interleukin-8 [IL-8] and Tumor Necrosis Factor- alpha [TNF- alpha]: by an immunoenzymometric assay. The results of this study revealed that the BAL total proteins, albumin, IL-6, TNF- alpha were generally significantly lowered in the lower tidal volume group than the conventional tidal volume group of patients. Minimal rise in the IL-8 levels was found in lower tidal volume group, but this rise was statistically insignificant. On the contrary the conventional tidal volume group of patients demonstrated progressive significant increase in levels of IL-8. These laboratory findings may denote the presence of more intense inflammatory response initiated by the applied large tidal volume. Large tidal volume ventilatory strategy with its associated high airway pressure, through its effects on the healthy alveoli by over distending them, or through its effects on the inflammatory response by increasing the inflammatory process through the more stretch of the alveolar capillary membrane, it may lead to additional injury to the alveolar capillary membrane. On the contrary the lower tidal volume ventilatory stragegy may either did not add more injury to the alveolar capillary membrane, or it may gave the alveoli the adequate period for spontaneous resolution of the pathological process and so it may did not add more injurious mechanical stretch as indicated by less rise in the investigated cytokines in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. On the basis of these results, high priority should be given to preventing excessive lung stretch during institution of mechanical ventilation, and lower-tidal-volume strategy should be used in patients with acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome

Humans , Male , Female , Interleukin-8/blood , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Interleukin-6/blood , Respiration, Artificial , Immunoenzyme Techniques , Proteins , Albumins , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid , Blood Gas Analysis , Inflammation Mediators
Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty [Girls] [The]. 2003; 24 (1): 421-29
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-64777


The present study was conducted on a group of seldom arteriopathic hyperlipidemic patients to investigate the availability of adhesion molecules measurement [ICAM-1, E-selectin] as well as vWF as markers of endothelial dysfunction, assisting in diagnosis or as indicators of disease progression. This study included 73 hyperlipidemic patients [43 males and 30 females] suffering from arterial occlusive disease. They were subdivided into group I [25 patients with mild hypercholesterolemia, group II [28 patients with severe hypercholesterolemia and group III [20 patients with hypercholesterolemia]. Control group consisted of 20 apparently healthy normolipidemic subjects, age and gender matching. Both patients and controls were subjected to the laboratory investigations [total cholesterol [TC], LDL-C, HDL-C, triglycerides, soluble intracellular adhesion molecule-1 [sICAM-1], soluble endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule [sELAMs-sE-selectin] and von Willebrand factor [vWF]]. The level of sICAM-1, E-selectin and vWF were significantly higher in group with mild or severe hypercholesterolemia while the increase was nonsignificant in hypertriglyceridemia as regards ICAM-1 and E-selectin compared with the control group. The correlation between vWF and TC, LDL-C, sICAM or sE-selectin were significant, while sICAM showed significant correlation with only LDL-C. sE-selectin had no correlation with the lipid profile parameter. These results support the suggestion that vWF could serve as a marker of diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of disease severity, while E-selectin is an indicator of early endothelial cell disturbance. sICAM could be also taken as an evidence of the atherosclerotic process. Hypertriglyceridemia seemed to be noninjurious to the endothelial wall

Humans , Male , Female , Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 , von Willebrand Factor , Cholesterol , Lipoproteins, HDL , Triglycerides , Lipoproteins, LDL , Endothelium, Vascular , Risk Factors , Arteriosclerosis
Egyptian Journal of Urology. 2003; 10 (1): 14-18
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-61812


To evaluate tubularized incised plate urethroplasty [TIPU] in management of distal and midpenile hypospadias. Thirty-two boys [mean age 5.4 years] underwent tubularized incised plate urethroplasty.Twenty-five boys had distal and seven had mid-penile hypospadias. The operation -involved incision of the urethral plate, which was, then tubularized [Snodgrass procedu re]. The neourethra was then covered with a deepithelialized pedicled dartos flap from the inner prepuce before glans and skin closure. With a mean follow-up of 10 months [range 3-14], there were seven complications. Four patients developed a fistula, spontaneous closure occurred in two cases by regular dilatation while the remaining two cases required surgical closure. Two patients had meatal stenosis and responded to meatal dilatation and one patient had complete breakdown of the neourethra. The cosmetic appearance in the other patients is that of a normal slit-like terminal meatus. Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty is considered to be a successful technique for correction of distal and midpenile hypospadias with few complications and superior cosmetic results

Humans , Male , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Urethra , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Egyptian Journal of Urology. 2003; 10 (1): 19-22
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-61813


To determine whether the tubularized incised plate urethroplasty [Snodgrass] or the perimeatal-based flap [Mathieu] is the more appropriate treatment of distal hypospadias in terms of complication rate, operative time duration and cosmesis of the meatus. Between January 1999 and May 2000, 60 children having primary distal hypospadias were randomized in two equal groups. Thirty patients underwent tubularized incised plate urethroplasty [Snodgrass] and thirty underwent a penmeatal-based flap [Mathieu]. The operative time duration, cosmesis of the meatus as well as the complication rate of both techniques are determined. The mean duration of surgery was significantly lower for Snodgrass procedure than for Mathieu repair [90 vs. 130min, P < 0.05]. Four children undergoing Mathieu repair had complications [13%] compared with only one in the Snodgrass Group [3.3%]. The resultant meatus was slit-like in patients undergoing Snodgrass whereas those with Mathieu had a rounded or horizontal meatus. The overall complication rate was lower and the surgery was significantly quicker with the Snodgrass, which also had a better cosmetic outcome. The Snodgrass procedure could be recommended as a primary treatment for distal hypospadias

Humans , Male , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Urethra/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Surgical Flaps , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Pan Arab Journal of Orthopaedic and Trauma [The]. 2002; 6 (2): 189-197
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-60589


Patients with total knee arthroplasty following patellectomy have been reported to experience pain and instability. The results of sixteen consecutive primary total knee replacements, performed an average of eleven years [range, four to twenty seven years] after a patellectomy in sixteen patients, were reviewed prospectively. The average duration of follow up after the arthroplasty was 5.7 years [range, three to eight years]. The average age of the patients at the time of the arthroplasty was 66.9 years [range, 53-79 years]. There were four men and twelve women. In all patients of this study the posterior cruciate ligament was sacrificed and a posterior stabilized prosthesis was used. All patients were evaluated according to the rating system of the Knee Society. Differences between the preoperative and postoperative [last evaluation] scores were assessed with the student's t-test and chi-square test. The mean overall Knee Society clinical score was improved from 69.1 points preoperatively to 166.2 points at the last follow up evaluation. This improvement was highly significant [p<0.001]. On the basis of the evaluation of the small series included in this study, we believe that total knee arthroplasty using a posterior stabilized prosthesis may represent a safer and more predictably stable choice in patients who have had a previous patellectomy

Humans , Male , Female , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Treatment Outcome , Follow-Up Studies
Zagazig University Medical Journal. 2002; : 234-59
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-61181


2-Nitropropane [2-NP] is an important industrial solvent and a component of cigarette smoke. It is mutagenic in bacteria and carcinogenic in rats.The liver is the target organ in 2-NP -treated rats. This study was conducted on 480 adult male and female albino rats to evaluate the genotoxic and hepatotoxic effects of 2-NP and to evaluate the protective role of alpha -tocophero L. The rats were divided into 8 groups equally. The 1[st] group: was used as a negative control group to measure the basic parameters; the 2[nd]. Group [positive control group]: Each rat was given 2 C.C. distilled water twice weekly by gavage for 12 weeks; the 3[rd] group: Each rat was given 2 C.C. corn oil daily by gavage for 13 weeks; the 4[th] group: Each rat was given; 2 C.C. corn oil containing alpha-tocopherol 100 mg/kg daily by gavage for 13 weeks; the 5[th] group: Each rat was given 2 C.C. distilled water containing 1/10 of the LD50 of 2-NP [50 mg/kg] twice weekly by gavage for 12 week.; the 6[th] group: Each rat was given alpha-tocopherol [100mg/kg] daily for 13 weeks and 2-NP [50 mg/kg] [started one week after the begining. of alpha-tocopherol] twice weekly by gavage for 12 weeks; the 7[th]. group: Each rat was given 2 C.C. distilled water containing 1/5 of the LD50 of 2-NP [l00mglkg] twice weekly by gavage for 12 weeks and the 8[th],. group: Each rat was given alpha-tocopherol [100mg/kg] daily for 13 weeks and 2-NP [I00 mg/kg] [started one week after the begining of alpha-tocopherol] twice weekly by gavage for 12 weeks. Every 4 weeks, 10 rats from each group were used for studying their chromosomal pattern and another 10 rats were used for histopathological and electron microscopical examination of the liver .Regarding cytogenetic study, 2-NP groups showed a significant increase in chromosomal aberrations when compared with the control group throughout the period of the study.The effect of 2-NP showed a progression that was time dependent but was not dose dependent. The frequencies of chromosomal aberrations induced in 2-NP + alpha-tocopherol groups were less than that induced in 2-NP groups indicating that, alpha-tocopherol has a partial protective effect against 2-NP genotoxicity. Regarding histopathological and electron microscopy study, 2-NP [50 mg/kg] group and [2-NP [50mg/kg] + alpha.-tocopherol] group showed mild toxic hepatitis allover the period of the study, meaning that alpha- tocopherol was not effective against toxic hepatitis induced by 2-NP [50mg/kg]. While in 2-NP [100mglkg] group, hepatic lesions started as mild dysplesia then hepatocellular carcinoma developed by the end of the study. In [2-NP [l00mg/kg] + alpha- tocopherol] group,hepatic histopathological and electron microscopical results of this group were improved when compared with 2-NP[l00mg/kg] group, meaning that alpha-tocopherol was partially effective in protection against hepatic carcinogenicity induced by 2-NP[100mg/kg]. It can be concluded that, 2-NP is genotoxic and hepatotoxic in albino rats and alpha-tocopherol has a partial protective effect against these toxicities

Animals, Laboratory , Antioxidants , Protective Agents , Tocopherols , Microscopy, Electron , Chromosome Aberrations , Histology , Rats
Alexandria Medical Journal [The]. 2001; 43 (2): 577-595
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-56158


The diagnostic value of serum prostate specific antigen [PSA] is limited by its lack of specificity. Measurement of the free to total PSA ratio [f/t PSA] and determination of PSA density [PSAD] has been used to improve the diagnostic accuracy of PSA. A total of 122 patients above the age of 50 years with a total serum PSA ranging between 4.1 - 10.0 ng/ml were screened for prostate cancer detection. All patients were subjected to total and free serum PSA concentrations with calculation of the f/t PSA ratio, digital rectal examination [DRE], transrectal ultrasound [TRUS], determination of PSAD and TURS- guided prostatic biopsy. Prostate cancer was diagnosed in 38 patients [31.15%] while benign prostatic hyperplasia [BPH] was confirmed in 84 patients [68.85%]. Mean f/t PSA ratio was significantly lower in patients with prostate cancer compared to those wih BPH [12.89 versus 23.18, p = 0.001]. At f/t PSA cutoff point of

Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms , Mass Screening , Prostatic Hyperplasia , Sensitivity and Specificity
New Egyptian Journal of Medicine [The]. 2001; 24 (2): 67-72
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-57805


The chromosomes of the dromedarius camels coming from Sudan, Ethiopia as well as Morocco and raised in Egypt from the one humped type [Camelus dromedarius] had been studied using peripheral blood lymphocyte culture. It was found that diploid chromosome number was 74 with a karyotype consisting of 62 acrocentric, 8 metacentric and 2 submetacentric autosomes. The X chromosome was the largest metacentric, while the Y chromosome was the smallest metacentric chromosome. The fundamental number [NF] was 86. The C-and G-banding patterns were similar to the previously reported for other types of camels either one or two humped camels. Different types of numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities were studied and gaps and breaks were observed with a low frequency. Neither translocations nor any other types of chromosomal rearrangement were noticed in G-banded metaphases

Animals , Karyotyping , Chromosome Aberrations , Cytogenetic Analysis
Zagazig University Medical Journal. 2001; (Special Issue-Nov.): 8-21
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-58640


Since polychlorinated biphenyls [PCBs] are among the most persistant and abundant chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants that create a potential health hazard for human beings and animals, it was the aim of the present study to shed light on the effects of PCBs on some important immune factors in workers and experimental animals and evaluate the effects of PCBs on the level of thyroid hormones that may alter the neurodevelopmental process in human. The level of immunoglobulins [IgG and IgM] were detected in the sera of workers exposed to PCBs in their blood and also the level of IgG and IgM were detected in the sera of albino rats after exposure to PCBs with detection of IgE that bind to specific cell surface receptors on tissue mast cells. Serum IgG and IgM level were estimated by an Enzyme Linked immuno Sorbant Assay [ELISA]. Rats were sacrificed to study mast cell degranulation .The level of thyroid hormones: Triiodothyronine [T3], Thyroxine [T4] and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone [TSH] were detected on workeres and experimental animals as an indicator for thyrotoxicity of PCBs. The results had shown a significant decrease in IgG and IgM with increased degranulation of mast cells as an indicator of immunotoxicity and decrease in thyroid hormones levels as an indicator of thyrotoxicity

Humans , Male , Animals, Laboratory , Immunotoxins , Immunoglobulin G , Thyroxine , Immunoglobulin M , Triiodothyronine , Rats
Zagazig University Medical Journal. 2000; 6 (3): 27-56
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-144685


Ten adults [three months old] male albino rats weighing 250-300gm were used in this study aiming to get insight on the histological alterations in the testes of chronically lead exposed adult rats in an attempt to clarify the mechanism of action of lead on the male reproductive system. The animals were divided into two equal groups, a control group and an experimental one. Animals of the first group were injected intraperitoneally by an equivalent doses of normal saline. Animals of the second group were injected intraperitoneally by lead acetate at a dose of 8mg/kg body weight/day, 5days/week for five successive weeks. At the time of sacrifice, the animals were anaesthetized with ether inhalation and their testes were carefully dissected and processed for light and electron microscope examination. Light microscope examination of the testes of lead treated rats revealed the presence of irregularities in the outlines of the affected seminiferous tubules, disorganization and sloughing of their germinal epithelium into their luminae. Also, there was arrest of spermatogenesis in most of the affected tubules. Electron microscope examination of the testes of the lead treated rats showed that some of spermatogonia appeared with large vacuoles and distorted nuclei. The nuclei of primary spermatocytes showed loss of their membranes and fragmentation of their chromatin. The spermatids had few mitochondria, large lysosomes and degenerated nuclei. While Sertoli cell cytoplasm contained large vacuoles and distorted mitochondria. Also, there was disruption of tight junction between their lateral processes. The midpieces of the sperms revealed markedly affected axonemes and both fibrous and mitochondrial sheathes. The cytoplasm of Leydig cells contained many vacuoles, few lipid droplets and their nuclei had much peripheral heterochromatin. From this study, it could be concluded that lead has a harmful effect on the male reproductive system through a direct influence on the histological structure of the testis

Animals, Laboratory , Testis/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron , Rats , Reproduction
Egyptian Journal of Physiological Sciences. 1995; 19 (1-2): 17-30
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-107946


There are three environmental seasons in Zambia; namely the rainy, [December-March], cold [April-July] and the hot [August-November] seasons. Out of 898 abnormal cow genitalia, the highest percentage of abnormalities [42.80%] was found in the rain season, which may be due to bad management during calving and breeding. The lowest percentage was observed during the hot [27.49%]; while during the cold season, the incidence was moderate [29.71%]. The abnormalities of the uterine tract and multiple disorders [more than one abnormality in a genital tract] were encountered in the same order of seasons, while ovarian malformations were higher in the cold [21.14%] than in the dry [18.09%] and the wet [14.46%] seasons. In bulls more genital abnormalities were observed in the cold season [42.11% of 107 abnormal bulls] than the either during the rain [32.73%] or the hot [25.26%] seasons. Testicular pathological lesions were higher [14.02%] than the other genital tract abnormalities and their highest percentage was encountered during the rain season [42.86%]. Steers had more abnormalities during the rain season [47.50% of 80 genitalia examined], while values of 40.00% and 12.50% were obtained during the cold and hot seasons, respectively

Genitalia/abnormalities , Cattle , Seasons , Environment
Egyptian Journal of Physiological Sciences. 1995; 19 (1-2): 31-46
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-107947


The genitalia of three indigenous breeds of cattle in Zambia [347 Angoni, 428 Barotse and 767 Tonga] reared under the traditional system of management were compared to four pure exotic commercial breeds [175 Afrikander, 275 Boran, 414 Friesian and 145 Sussex] and their crosses [625] to study the sector and breed variations in reproductive abnormalities. The traditional sector had higher values of genital abnormalities [64.30% of cows and 46.73% of bulls] than the commercial herds [54.50% of cows and 28.33% of bulls]. Breed variations of genital malformations were discussed. Hypoplastic ovaries and testes had higher incidence in traditional [2.85% and 4.93% of bulls] than the commercial cattle [1.15% of cows and 0.20% of bulls], respectively. Inactive ovaries are higher in the former [13.58%] than in the latter [7.42%], on the other hand, cystic ovaries are lower in the traditional sector [1.61%] than the commercial one [4.05%]. Four cases of developmental abnormalities of Mullerian ducts were reported in traditional cows and two in the Friesian breed. Prolapse of preputial opening of Boran bulls was reported as a single abnormality [17.70%], which may be due to inbreeding in the imported Kenyan breed for its long triangular preputial sheath. Poor reproductive care was pronounced in Zambian cattle particularly in the traditional sector

Cattle , Genitalia/abnormalities
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences [AJVS]. 1995; 11 (2): 25-33
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-36115


Coccidiosis exerts adverse effects on productive and reproductive performance of Barki sheep, especially during the period of puberty at about six months of age. Metabolic profile tests such as hematocrit value, hemoglobin content, total RBCs count showed a statistically significant decrease, whereas an increase was observed in WBCs and their differential count, total bilirubin, glucose, ALP, SGOT and SGPT. Macro- and microelements such as calcium, inorganic phosphorus, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc were also decreased. The results are discussed with regard to the age of six months. Medication with Baycox [Bayer] corrected all detrimental effects of coccidiosis except for zinc deficiency

Sheep Diseases/parasitology , Minerals/analysis , Trace Elements/analysis , Clinical Enzyme Tests/veterinary
Alexandria Journal of Veterinary Sciences [AJVS]. 1995; 11 (2): 53-57
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-36118


A total of 21 male Barki lambs was used to investigate the changes in blood serum vitamins A and E as well as testosterone hormone in control and experimentally coccidiosis-infested animals. Biochemical changes of vitamins A and E and radioimmunological assay of testosterone hormone showed a drop in their levels, but not a statistical level. After drenching Baycox to all animals, the concentration of vitamins A and E and of testosterone improved up to 21 days

Coccidiosis/blood , Vitamin A/blood , Vitamin E/blood , Testosterone/blood , Sheep Diseases/parasitology