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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031399


Collateral vessels in cutaneous regions are the channel of qi, blood and body fluids transmission among the skin and striae and interstices, and is also the path of pathogens invasion. It is believed that the key pathogenesis of polymorphic light eruption (PLE) was toxins damaging to the skin, in which the cutaneous collaterals fail to nourish, insecurity of the muscle surface as the basis of disease, the pathogens offending qi collaterals and heat constraint to toxins as the driving factors, gradually affecting fluid collaterals and dryness-dampness coexist as the middle link, and latent pathogens in blood level and waiting for the opportunity to onset as the final stage. It is proposed that the basic treatment is to resolve toxins and tranquilize collaterals, and the internal and external treatments are combined together. The internal treatment is to resolve toxins, strengthen collaterals, and assist in unblocking the collaterals, and the modified self-prescribed Wuteng Decoction (五藤饮) plus Yigong Powder (异功散) were selected as the basic formulas, which promotes the discharge of toxin pathogens and strengthens the power of the cutaneous collaterals to protect against pathogens. For external treatment, according to the performance of skin lesions, scraping, tapping with medicinal solution, ointment were selected to drive away pathogens and resolve toxins, and soothe the cutaneous collaterals. In the early stage, the skin temperature rose with itching, tingling and no rash, scraping with the self-prescribed Yinhuangcao Clearing Oil (银黄草清解油) could be used to activate blood and regulate qi, relieve heat and resolve toxins; if the lesions showed erythema, pimples, itching, tapping with the self-prescribed Qian'ai Xunxi Formula (千艾熏洗方) could be used to diffuse qi and fluid, unblock the collaterals and clean toxins; if the skin lesions thickened with scales, the self-prescribed Yufu Ointment (愈肤膏) for external application could be used to resolve toxins and activate collaterals, moisten skin and heal up sore.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031427


To summarize the clinical experience of Professor AI Rudi in treating acne with triple Chinese medicinal groups combined with Chinese medicinal mask. It is believed that the pathogenesis and treatment of male and female acne are different. The key mechanism of male acne is the dysfunction of the "lung-spleen and stomach-large intestine" axis, and the method of three jiao differentiation should be used. Clinically, the triple Chinese medicinal group, Rendongteng (Lonicera japonica) - Qishe (Portulaca oleracea) - Shicangpu (Acorus gramineus), can scatter wind to relieve heat, and diffuse and disperse upper jiao; group Baihua Sheshecao (Scleromitrion diffusum) - Baixianpi (Dictamnus dasycarpus) - Tanxiang (Santalum album) can clear heat and drain dampness, and regulate middle jiao; group Huaimi (Styphnolobium japonicum) - Juemingzi (Senna tora) - Baizhu (Atractylodes macrocephala) can tonify and moisten to unblock the lower jiao. The core mechanism of female acne is the imbalance of the function of the "liver and kidney- Tiangui (reproduction-stimulating essence, corresponds with the tenth heavenly stem) - Chong and ren" axis, and the method of staged tratment based on menstrual cycle should be used. Before the menstrual period, group Tusizi (Cuscuta chinensis) - Yujing (Curcuma longa) - Qianghuoyu (Hansenia forbesii) can tonify kidney and relax liver; during the menstrual period, group Chuanxiong (Rhizoma Ligustici Chuangxiong) - Yimucao (Leonurus japonicus)- Cansha (Bombycis Faeces) can invigorate blood and regulate menstrual flow; after the menstrual period, group Huangjing (Polygonatum sibiricum) - Shanyurou (Corni Fructus) - Roucongrong (Cistanche deserticola) can nourish blood, assist yang and boost yin. Meanwhile, we attached importance to the internal and external treatment. Based on the internal administration of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicinal masks were used for external application, commonly used in self-prescribed Xianglian Jinhuang Powder (香连金黄散) combined with Huoxue Powder (活血散) as the prescription for Chinese medicinal mask.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031496


To summarize Professor AI Rudi's experience in the staged external treatment of eczema by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It is believed that dampness is the key pathological factor of eczema, and the treatment for dampness should be carried out throughout the whole process, with the leading idea of “three-stage treatment, dampness as the root, and treatment according to the symptoms”. The preparation and formulas of the external treatment can be applied according to the pathogenesis and lesion characteristics of each stage. In acute stage with wind-dampness and heat in the skin as the main mechanism, the treatment is to clear heat and astringe, resolve toxins and relieve itching, and the preparation is mostly solution and lotion, and the formula could be Yangzheng Xi Formula (痒症洗方), Jingfang Kushen Decoction (荆防苦参汤), Kuding Erhuang Decoction (苦丁二黄汤), and Xianglian Jinhuang Powder (香连金黄散). In subacute stage with phlegm-dampness and heat as the main mechanism, the treatment is to remove dampness and turbidity, clean up the residual heat; the preparation is mostly ointment, and the formula include Shehuang Ointment (蛇黄软膏), Huanglian Ointment (黄连膏), and Zihuan Diding Ointment (紫花地丁软膏). In chronic stage with phlegm-dampness stagnation as the main mechanism, the treatment is to remove dampness and eliminate phlegm, remove blood stasis and stop itching, and the formula could be Zhiyang soft Ointment (止痒软膏), Runji Ointment (润肌膏), Yufu Ointment (愈肤膏); jojoba oil and olive oil are often used as external moisturiser for daily care.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031520


The membranous tube of sanjiao (三焦) is not only the path of the transport of fluid and qi, but the way of the invasion of pathogenic factors, therefore, it cooperates with the skin mucous membrane physically and influence on each other pathologically. It is believed that the core pathogenesis of chronic urticaria is pathogens intruding sanjiao, membrane collaterals acute spasm, and fluid and qi disturbance, of which defense qi insufficiency and pathogens intruding sanjiao initiates the disease, while struggle between healthy and pathogenic qi and membrane collaterals acute spasm is the intermediate stage, and disturbed fluid, qi and blood movement is the terminal stage. Following the core treatment principle of dredging sanjiao, the internal treatment is to open striae and interstices and dispel pathogens out using self-made Guben Shufeng Decoction(固本疏风汤)modifications, and the external treatment is to dredge and regulate membrane collaterals, move qi and fluid, and treat sanjiao simultaneously, commonly using cutting therapy on Danzhong (RN 17) to move qi and fluid, seal umbilical therapy on Shenque (RN 8) to supplement and nourish ying-wei (营卫), and natural moxibustion on Xuehai (SP 10) to move blood and unblock collaterals.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031544


This article summarized the clinical experience of Professor AI Rudi in staged treatment according to pattern differentiation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). It is believed that SLE is characterized by kidney yin deficiency and heat toxin obstruction as the core disease mechanism. The staged treatment principle is to nourish yin and clear heat, invigorate blood and resolve toxins. In the early stage of heat toxins accumulation, the focus is on treating the branch and strengthen the kidneys as early as possible, recommending self-designed Liangxue Xiaofeng Powder (凉血消风散) with modifications. In the middle stage, there is yin deficiency with internal heat, which requires nourishing kidney yin and eliminating pathogenic factors. The prescription suggested is self-designed Shouwu Dihuang Decoction (首乌地黄汤). In the late stage, there is yin impairment affecting yang, which requires a gradual consolidation of the foundation and harmonization of yin and yang, usually with Zhenwu Decoction (真武汤) and Zishen Tongguan Powder (滋肾通关散) with modifications. At the same time, the treatment emphasizes the integration of Chinese and Western medicine, and use of self-designed Ershen Dihuang Pill (二参地黄丸) after initial remission to consolidate the effect and prevent relapse. External treatment should also be given importance to, and Hongyou Ointment (红油膏) can be used to treat SLE skin lesions, reduce swelling, and relieve pain.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984526


This paper summarized the clinical experience of AI Rudi in the treatment facial hormone-dependent dermatitis with the method of clearing heat and protecting yin. It is believed that the key pathogenesis is the heat toxin accumulation, yin depletion and collaterals obstruction. The clinical treatment should focus on “heat exuberance” and “yin depletion”. It is advocated that “half treatment is from heat and half from yin” is the general principle, and the treatment is staged. In the acute phase, the treatment is half from cooling blood and dispersing wind to dispel heat pathogen, and half from protecting fluid and moisturizing skin to strengthen yin; and the modified Liangxue Xiaofeng Powder (凉血消风散) could be used. In the chronic phase, half treatment is from clearing residual toxin to eliminate heat pathogen, and half from nourishing yin and unblocking collaterals to strengthen yin, for which Xuanmai Ganju Decoction and Erzhi Pills (玄麦甘桔汤合二至丸) can be used and modified according to the symptoms. At the same time, we should pay attention to the simultaneous internal and external treatment, and emphasize the importance of daily protection in the treatment of the disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987105


@#This paper summarized the clinical experience of AI Rudi in the treatment facial hormone-dependent dermatitis with the method of clearing heat and protecting yin. It is believed that the key pathogenesis is the heat toxin accumulation, yin depletion and collaterals obstruction. The clinical treatment should focus on “heat exuberance” and “yin depletion”. It is advocated that “half treatment is from heat and half from yin” is the general principle, and the treatment is staged. In the acute phase, the treatment is half from cooling blood and dispersing wind to dispel heat pathogen, and half from protecting fluid and moisturizing skin to strengthen yin; and the modified Liangxue Xiaofeng Powder (凉血消风散) could be used. In the chronic phase, half treatment is from clearing residual toxin to eliminate heat pathogen, and half from nourishing yin and unblocking collaterals to strengthen yin, for which Xuanmai Ganju Decoction and Erzhi Pills (玄麦甘桔汤合二至丸) can be used and modified according to the symptoms. At the same time, we should pay attention to the simultaneous internal and external treatment, and emphasize the importance of daily protection in the treatment of the disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019674


Chronic Urticaria(CU)is a common skin disease involving autoimmunity and allergies,which brings a heavy burden to patients and society.The theory of traditional Chinese medicine"the Lung is combined with the Large Intestine,and the symptoms of large intestine can be reflected from the skin"has long shown that there is a close physiological and pathological relationship between the function of the Large Intestine and the skin.With the modern advancement of the"gut-skin axis"theory,the correlation between gut microbiome and CU has gradually become an emerging focus of research.Adjusting the imbalance of gut microbiome would be a new trend in the clinical treatment of CU.Acupuncture has a beneficial effect of regulating the gut microbiome,and the definite curative effect on CU.Therefore,this article summarized the research progress between the gut microbiome and CU in recent years,in order to discuss the feasibility of acupuncture to treat CU by regulating the gut microbiome,and provide a new idea for the mechanism research of acupuncture in the treatment of CU from the perspective of"treating skin from intestine".

Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 110-114, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-335191


Objective To evaluate the association between birth weight and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) across two generations in Chinese females.Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 10 324 blood-related females in Shanghai from November 2012 to January 2013.A structured questionnaire was used to collect data about demographic information,birth weight,lifestyle factors and diagnosis of T2DM.Path analysis was performed to estimate the matemal effect of birth weight and diabetes status on their offspring,and mediation analysis was conducted to test whether birth weight mediates the association between maternal and daughters' diabetes status.Results A positive association was observed between maternal and daughters' birth weight.One kg increase in maternal birth weight was associated with an average of 0.335 (95%CI:0.307-0.363) kg elevated birth weight in female offspring.Maternal diabetes status was also related with an average of 0.066 (95% CI:0.025-0.107) kg increase in birth weight and tripled risk of subsequent T2DM (OR=3.173,95%CI:1.946-5.174) in female offspring.In all subjects aged ≥20 years,no significant relationship was observed between birth weight and risk of T2DM subsequently after adjusting for age.Offspring' s birth weight,as a mediator of maternal and daughters' diabetes status,explained 2.8% of their association.Conclusion Maternal birth weight and diabetes status may influence their female offspring' s birth weight and subsequent risk of T2DM.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446978


Factors in uterus may be important in the aetiology of type 2 diabetes.Malnutrition during early life can affect insulin secretion and result in insulin resistance,and such effects are markedly exaggerated when facing over-nutrition in later life.This paper gives a review about the population evidence and epigenetic mechanism in the generational susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.