The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge of school teachers regarding management of avulsed tooth. The information about the management of avulsed tooth was collected through a specifically designed questionnaire. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed among teachers of five different private schools of Karachi who were dealing with children of 6 to 12 years old. Out of 150 teachers only 100 answered the questionnaire [66%]. Majority [80%] of the teachers knew about the importance of emergency management of tooth avulsions. One third [34%] teachers answered affirmative regarding their experience with tooth avulsions. 26% said that they would replant the avulsed tooth by themselves. More than half [57%] of the teachers, preferred water as the best storage medium than normal saline. Knowledge of school teachers regarding management of avulsed tooth was unsatisfactory. It should be improved by continuous dental educational seminars in schools