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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973394


Background@#Postpartum readmission rate has been increasing after both caesarean and vaginal delivery. Postpartum diseases, in some cases with infection and anemia, result in hospital readmission. Also it raises the issue associated with maternal hospital’s healthcare quality. There has lack of study focusing on postpartum readmission. So we will study postpartum readmission rate. @*Material and Methods@#112 patients who readmitted in Amgalan maternity hospital in Ulaanbaatar were involved in this study. We used patient’s medical history to determine risk factors resulted in hospital readmission after caesarean and vaginal therapy. @*Results@#The mean age of women delivered by cesarean was 30.2±7.32 and vaginal delivery’s was 28.3±7.21. 34.8 percent of women who readmitted after vaginal delivery had 1-3 readmission days and 56.5 percent was 4-6 days and 8.7 percent was 7-10 days. Readmission day for women delivered by caesarean was 1-3 days in 21.2 percent of these, 4-6 days in 56.1 percent and 7-10 days in 19.7 percent. The mean readmission day of women delivered by vaginal delivery was 4.73±1.61 (mean±SD) and the mean of women delivered by caesarean delivery was 5.54±2.34 (mean±SD). In each category, there had 24.2-28.3 percent cases with lochia. Women who had caesarian delivery were infected their scar with 24(36.3) cases. Renal urinary system infection had in 12(26.0) women delivered by vaginal delivery. @*Conclusion@#58.9 percent of total readmissions cases were caesarean and 41.1 percent was vaginal delivery. Lochia and renal urinary infection had influence in readmission after vaginal delivery. Also both lochia and infected wound impacted on postpartum readmission after caesarian delivery.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973013


Introduction @#The HER2 (Human epidermal receptor 2) proto-oncogene encodes a transmembrane receptor protein involved in the development and progression of the majority of cancers. Prior studies have shown that HER2 oncogene is overexpressed in approximately 15–30% of ovarian carcinomas. However findings regarding the overexpression and prognosis are still conflicting. @*Goal@#To determine the histomorphological structure of ovarian tumor and perform immunohistochemical analysis of HER2 in tumor tissues @*Materials and Methods@#A total of epithelial ovarian cancer paraffin-embedded tissue blocks 11collected. The hematoxylin and eosin stained histopathology slides of each of the cases were reviewed to confirm the original diagnosis, and to assess the histological grade of the neoplasm. Our study was performed on 11 ovarian epithelial cancer tissues obtained at the time of first surgery. The staining procedure for HER2 overexpression was performed using a monoclonal antibody.@*Results@#The positive expression rate of HER2 in this study was 81.8%. Significant association was not found between HER2 expression International Federation of Gynecologists and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage p-values of 0.196, grading 0.642 and histological subtypes. However, there were more cases of advanced-stage disease (III/IV) with HER-2 expression than early-stage EOC (I/II). HER2 positive tumor were grades 1, 2 and 3 respectively. A higher proportion of serous ovarian neoplasm and adenocarcinoma NOS was also observed to be HER2 positive.@*Conclusion@#HER2 expression was observed to increase with advanced stages of cancer and was more commonly seen in serous rather than in adenocarcinoma NOS.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973083


Introduction @#The occurrence of ovarian cancer had a trend of younger in recent years. Due to no obvious clinical symptoms in the early period, most ovarian cancer was found at later period. The main screening methods are transvaginal ultrasonography, serum CA-125 and so on. About 60-70% of ovarian cancer patients are already in phase III-IV or with abdominal metastasis when diagnosed. Therefore, the early diagnosis of ovarian cancer is still in the research, and there is no definite markers, which can be used in clinical. @*Goal@#To determine the immunohistology of ovarian tumor and perform immunohistochemical analysis@*Materials and Methods@#A total of epithelial ovarian cancer paraffin-embedded tissue blocks 30collected. The hematoxylin and eosin stained histopathology slides of each of the cases were reviewed to confirm the original diagnosis, and to assess the histological grade of the neoplasm. Our study was performed on 30 ovarian epithelial cancer tissues obtained at the time of first surgery. The staining procedure for HER2 overexpression was performed using a monoclonal antibody.@*Results@#Analysis histological subtypes of ovarian malignant cancer, 90% of ovarian epithelial ovarian cancer, 6.7% of sex cord-stromal and 3.3% of germ cell tumor. (G1) well differentiated, (G2) moderately differentiated, (G3) poorly differentiated were 23.3%, 40.0% and 36.7% respectively. There is statistically significant direct, medium correlation immunohistochemical examination, the HER2 protein over expression (r=0.38, р=0.022), and HER2 protein 3+ was higher in 66.7 percent were in poorly differentiated.@*Conclusion@#In our study ovarian cancer based on the morphological architecture of tissue stained by H&E histological subtypes of epithelial ovarian cancer (90%). By immunohistochemical 93.3% positive and 6.7% negative ovarian cancer in determine HER2 expression.