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Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 80(1): 65-71, 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-743837


Se reporta un caso excepcional de tumor de Krukenberg ovárico bilateral asociado a teratoma maduro encontrado en una mujer de 54 años. La ecografía mostró al lado derecho tumor ovárico sólido de 55 mm y al lado izquierdo tumor quístico de 125 mm. Se realizó histerectomía total, salpingooforectomía bilateral, resección del epiplón mayor y muestras peritoneales. Al tercer día postcirugía, la paciente presentó signos de tromboembolismo pulmonar masivo y aunque recibió terapia anticoagulante falleció al quinto día postoperatorio. El estudio histológico mostró infiltración masiva de carcinoma de células en anillo positivas para citoqueratina en ambos ovarios. El ovario derecho mostró la forma sólida clásica del tumor de Krukenberg mientras que el ovario izquierdo correspondió a un quiste dermoide con infiltración tumoral de carcinoma de células en anillo en la pared.

An exceptional case of bilateral Krukenberg tumor of the ovary associated with mature teratoma presented in a 54 years old patient is reported. The ultrasound showed a 55 mm solid right ovarian tumor and a 125 mm left cystic ovarian tumor. Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingoophorectomy was performed including omental resection and peritoneal biopsies. Massive pulmonary embolism was detected in the third day after the surgery. Even anticoagulant therapy was established the patient died in the fifth postoperative day. The histological study revealed massive infiltration of signet ring cell carcinoma with positive expression for cytokeratin in both ovaries. The right ovary showed the classical solid form of the tumor. The left ovary was a dermoid cyst with signet ring cell carcinoma infiltrating the cystic wall.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ovarian Neoplasms/complications , Ovarian Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Teratoma/complications , Teratoma/diagnostic imaging , Krukenberg Tumor/complications , Krukenberg Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Ovarian Neoplasms/surgery , Ovarian Neoplasms/pathology , Teratoma/surgery , Teratoma/pathology , Ultrasonography , Fatal Outcome , Carcinoma, Signet Ring Cell , Krukenberg Tumor/surgery , Krukenberg Tumor/pathology , Hysterectomy
Acta méd. peru ; 30(4): 114-119, oct.-dic. 2013. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-702437


Objetivo: Determinar las posibles interacciones farmacológicas de las hojas de Maytenus macrocarpa, con fármacos estimulantes e inhibitorios de la motilidad intestinal. Métodos: Se utilizaron 110 ratones albinos machos, con pesos medios de 25 g, se empleó el método de Arbos y col, se administró carbón activado al 5

vía oral, dosis de 0.1ml/10g, como marcador intestinal. Los grupos experimentales fueron: control (agua destilada 0,3ml), hojas de chuchuhuasi 1 (500mg/kg), hojas de chuchuhuasi 2 (3000mg/kg), atropina (1,5mg/kg), loperamida (5mg/kg), neostigmina (0,4mg/kg), metoclopramida (10mg/kg), hojas de chuchuhuasi 1 con metoclopramida, hojas de chuchuhuasi 1 con loperamida, hojas de chuchuhuasi 2 con metoclopramida y hojas de chuchuhuasi 2 con loperamida. Para la validación estadística se usó la prueba de Wilconxon, ANOVA y Tukey. Resultados: El porcentaje de recorrido intestinal de carbón activado fue de 27,04, 34,15, 31,66, 25,57, 15,89, 43,30, 33,99, 32,40, 27,90, 49,34 y 25,36 respectivamente, el test de ANOVA de dos colas revelo una p=0,0007. El test de Tukey indico p<0.05 versus el control para neostigmina, loperamida y la interacción chuchuhuasi 3000 mg/kg con metoclopramida, en este último, el test de Wilconxon presento un valor p<0,05. Conclusiones: Se observó interacciones farmacológicas de antagonismo sobre la motilidad intestinal, entre chuchuhuasi y Loperamida y sinergismo entre chuchuhuasi y metoclopramida.

Objectives: To determine the possible pharmacological interactions from the leaves of Maytenus macrocarpa with inhibitory and stimulating bowel motility drugs. Methods: We used 110 male albino mice with average weight of 25g, Arbos and others method was applied. Activated charcoal was administered at 5

at dose of 0.1ml/10g, as an intestinal marker. The experimental groups included 0.1 ml/10 g of distilled water, leave extract of M. macrocarpa 1 (500mg/kg), leave extract of M. macrocarpa 2 (3000 mg/kg), 1,5mg/kg of atropine, 5mg/kg of loperamide, 0.4mg/kg of neostigmine, 10mg/kg of metoclopramide, leave extract of M. macrocarpa 1 with metoclopramide, leave extract of M. macrocarpa 1 with loperamide, leave extract of M. macrocarpa 2 with metoclopramide and leave extract of M. macrocarpa 2 with loperamide. The statistical validation was based on Wilconxon, ANOVA and Tukey test. Results: The intestinal charcoal run percentage was 27.04, 34.15, 31.66, 25.57, 15.89, 43.30, 33.99, 32.40, 27.9, 49.34 and 25.36 respectively. The ANOVA test result in p= 0.0007. The Tukey test indicated p <0.05 versus the control group for neostigmine, loperamide, and the interaction between leave extract of M. macrocarpa 2 with metoclopramide, for the last the Wilcoxon test result in p <0.05. Conclusions: It was observed antagonism drug interactions on gastrointestinal motility between leaves extract of M. macrocarpa with loperamide and synergism interactions with metoclopramide.

Humans , Drug Interactions , Loperamide , Maytenus , Metoclopramide , Gastrointestinal Motility , Plants, Medicinal , Drug Antagonism , Drug Synergism
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 1(1): 16-27, jun. 2012. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1096348


Para determinar fracción espirada final de sevoflurane al retirar tubo orotraqueal y máscara laríngea sin compli-caciones en pacientes pediátricos, se elaboró estudio obser-vacional de tipo descriptivo y, transversal, seleccionando un total de 40 pacientes de pediatría quirúrgica (Hospital Universitario de Caracas) para cirugías urológicas y her-nioplastias, distribuidos en grupo T (tubo orotraqueal) y grupo M (máscara laríngea). Premedicados con Midazo-lam recibieron anestesia inhalatoria y bloqueo regional. Mantenimiento: O2/aire 50/50. Concluida la cirugía se retiró dispositivo según parámetros hemodinámicos, clí-nicos y ventilatorios. Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos dispositivos para presión arte-rial sistólica y diastólica, tiempo retiro del dispositivo de la vía aérea ­ salida del quirófano (TR) y complicaciones, no para fracción espirada. Se concluyó que para retiro de máscara laríngea y tubo orotraqueal, la fracción espirada final de sevoflurane fue de 0,66 y 0,87 respectivamente, siendo la máscara laríngea el dispositivo más recomenda-do por menor TR y menor número de complicaciones (AU)

To determine end-tidal sevoflurane fraction by removing endotracheal tube and laryngeal mask in pediatric patients without complications was developed observational and descriptive, transversal, selecting a total of 40 surgical pedia-tric patients (Hospital Universitario de Caracas) for surgery hernioplasties urological and distributed in group T (endo-tracheal tube) and group M (laryngeal mask). Premedicated with midazolam received inhalation anesthesia and regional blockade. Maintenance: O2/aire 50/50. Completed surgery withdrew device according to hemodynamic parameters, clinical and ventilator. Significant differences between the two devices for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, while removing the device from the air - out of the operating room (TR), and complications, not fractional exhaled. It was con-cluded that removal of laryngeal mask and endotracheal tube, the end-tidal sevoflurane fraction was 0.66 and 0.87 respectively, and the laryngeal mask device smaller than recommended by TR and fewer complications (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Midazolam/pharmacology , Laryngeal Masks , Sevoflurane/pharmacology , Intubation, Intratracheal/adverse effects , Blood Pressure , Child, Preschool , Laryngismus , Heart Rate
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 10(1): 24-35, jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: lil-663636


La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (NAC) es una causa relevante de morbilidad y mortalidad. Los métodos convencionales fracasan en la detección de Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae y Legionella pneumophila. Estas bacterias pueden generar procesos infecciosos crónicos y no responden a ciertos antibióticos empleados en el tratamiento empírico de la NAC. Nuestro objetivo fue detectar de forma simultánea, mediante métodos moleculares, M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae y L. pneumophila en muestras respiratorias de pacientes con NAC, y describir los gérmenes comunes aislados por métodos microbiológicos convencionales. Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte trasverso realizado en el año 2011, en el que se analizaron 60 muestras respiratorias provenientes de pacientes con NAC atendidos en el INERAM (Instituto de Enfermedades Respiratorias y del Ambiente). Para la PCR múltiple se emplearon primers específicos para genes de los tres microorganismos citados. El protocolo de estudio fue aprobado por los comités científico y ético del IICS y se mantuvieron en estricta confidencialidad los datos personales de los pacientes. La PCR múltiple permitió la amplificación de los genes específicos de estos microorganismos con límites de sensibilidad comprendidos entre 0,05 y 0,001 ng/µL de ADN. M. pneumoniae y C. pneumoniae estuvieron presentes respectivamente en el 18,3% y 1,7% del total de muestras analizadas. No se detectó la presencia de L. pneumophila. Los gérmenes comunes más frecuentemente aislados fueron estreptococos del grupo viridans y Candida spp.La técnica de PCR múltiple permitió detectar M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae y L. pneumophila, siendo el primero de los tres el más frecuentemente detectado en pacientes con NAC

Chlamydophila pneumoniae , Legionnaires' Disease , Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Dolor ; 20(56): 12-16, dic. 2010. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-682518


El presente estudio descriptivo da cuenta de resultados en aplicación de intervencionismo para alivio del dolor musculoesquelético en enfermos con diagnóstico de cáncer terminal, pero que se mantienen activos, e ingresados a Unidad de Alivio del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos del Hospital del Salvador en Santiago de Chile, entre los meses de julio del 2010 a marzo del 2011. Los principales diagnósticos causantes de dolor musculoesquelético fueron síndrome miofascial, artrosis y ambos diagnósticos combinados. Las técnicas usadas fueron infiltración de punto gatillo, infiltración intra-articular, o ambas. Los resultados mostraron disminución estadísticamente significativa en la intensidad del dolor en forma global en escala numérica, así como al analizar según tipo de intervención por separado. La media de duración del efecto fue de un mes en el caso de infiltración de puntos gatillo. Este tiempo podría constituir una ventana analgésica en pacientes con sobrevida limitada y controlaría el alza de analgésicos. Cuando el DME está presente, el uso de terapia intervencionista para DME podría ser una herramienta útil en Cuidados Paliativos, pero se requieren mayores estudios con mejor diseño estadístico para poder obtener conclusiones con mayor nivel de seguridad.

This descriptive study gives an account of results of interventionism implementation to the relief of musculoskeletal pain in patients that were diagnosed with terminal cancer; but have retained activity level, which are given they state of health at the Unit Pain Relief And Palliative Care at Hospital del Salvador in Santiago, Chile between the months of July 2010 to March 2011. The main causes of musculoskeletal pain diagnoses were Myofascial pain syndrome, arthritis and both combined conditions. The techniques used were trigger point infiltration, intra-articular joint infiltration or both together. The results showed statistical significant decrease in pain intensity on a numerical scale global, as well as the analysis by the type of separately intervention. The mean duration of effect was about a month in the case of infiltration of trigger points, this time window could be a survival analgesic in patients with limited and control the rise of analgesics. When the DME is present, the use of interventional therapy for DMA could be useful tool in palliative care, but require larger studies with better statistical design in order to draw conclusions with greater security.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Palliative Care , Musculoskeletal Pain/complications , Musculoskeletal Pain/therapy , Neoplasms/complications , Pain Clinics/statistics & numerical data , Pain Measurement , Musculoskeletal Pain/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Time Factors , Neoplasms/therapy , Osteoarthritis/complications , Osteoarthritis/therapy , Treatment Outcome , Myofascial Pain Syndromes/complications , Myofascial Pain Syndromes/therapy
Actual. SIDA ; 18(67): 25-29, mar. 2010. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-566746


La determinación de la carga viral de HIV y la detección del ADN proviral en semen se utilizan en protocolos de fertilización para parejas discordantes (hombre HIV positivo - mujer AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR tm Test versión 1.5 (Roche) en plasma seminal para estimar la carga viral. Se procesaron 31 muestras de plasma seminal, diluidas y sin diluir para evaluar la amplificación del control interno y descartar posibles inhibiciones. Luego se contaminaron 22 muestras con plasma de pacientes HIV positivos para verificar la cuantificación del ARN viral. Finalmente, se procesaron 12 muestras en paralelo por Nuclisens HIV-1 QT (Biomerieux) para descartar potenciales falsos negativos. Concluimos que el sistema evaluado es un método adecuado para cuantificar ARN viral en plasma seminal. No se observó inhibición, ni falsos negativos y los valores de carga viral y el límite de detección no se vieron modificados por la matriz diferente.

Analyses of the HIV load and presence of proviral DNA in sperm samples are used in assisted fertilization protocols for discordant couples (infected man-healthy woman). We evaluated the use of the COBAS Ampliprep/COBAS AMPLICOR HIV-1 MONITOR tm Test versión 1.5 (Roche) for viral load quantification in seminal plasma samples. We first tested 31 sperm samples for amplification of the internal control to discard potential inhibition. Seminal plasmas were analyzed directly and diluted. We then spiked 21 sperm samples with human plasma from HIV-positive patients to confirm that HIV RNA could be amplified. We also compared the results of 12 samples with NASBA (Nuclisens HIV-1 QT, Biomerieux), and confirmed lack of false negative results. We conclude that the new assay is an adequate methodology to analyze HIV load in sperm samples. We did not observed inhibition, neither false negative results and quantification demonstrated equivalent HIV loads.

Humans , Male , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , DNA , Fertilization/immunology , HIV , Guidelines as Topic/methods , Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , Semen/immunology , Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques/methods , Viral Load
Rev. méd. Chile ; 135(12): 1551-1557, dic. 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-477985


Background: Wheat flour in Chile is fortified with folie acid and pregnant women are also supplemented with the vitamin, but the population level of knowledge or awareness about this vitamin and its use by pregnant women is unknown. Aim: To assess the level of knowledge that postpartum women from Santiago de Chile have about folie acid. Material and methods: A questionnaire about folie acid and its efects on the prevention of neural tube defects was developed adapting questionnaires designed abroad. It was applied by medical students to puerperal women, hospitalized in public hospitals. Results: The questionnaire was applied to 342 women aged 26 ± 7 years. Sixty one percent were housewives and 55 percent completed high school education. Forty seven percent of these women had heard about folie acid, 9.6 percent knew that it was able to prevent congenital defects and only one received an adequate supplementation during pregnancy. Women aged 25 to 34 years and those with an adequate medical care during pregnancy had a significantly better knowledge about folie acid and its role in the prevention of congenital anormalies. The more commom means to receive information about folie acid were midwifes (34 percent), mass media (28 percent) and doctors (20 percent). Two hundred eleven women (62 percent) agreed to take folie acid in a future gestation and 58 percent preferred to do so using fortified foods. Conclusions: Post partum women from Santiago have a poor knowledge about the relevance of folie acid supplementation.

Adult , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Folic Acid/administration & dosage , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Health Promotion , Health Surveys , Neural Tube Defects/prevention & control , Awareness , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 27(1): 79-84, ener.-mar. 2007. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-533805


El quiste de colédoco consiste en la dilatación quística de la vía biliar intrahepática o extrahepática. Según la teoría mas aceptada, es causado por una anormalidad de la unión biliopancreática. Sus complicaciones más importantes son colangiocarcinoma, litiasis biliar, y pancreatitis, y su terapia es la resección quirúrgica. Sólo 20 por ciento a 30 por ciento de los casos se diagnostican en la vida adulta. Se reportan dos casos de quiste de colédoco en pacientes femeninas adultas, una de ellas al final de la gestación, y la otra puérpera. El diagnóstico de quiste de colédoco en la gestación y puerperio es un evento inusual que tiene consideraciones propias en cuanto a presentación y manejo.

A choledochal cyst is a cystic dilation of the intrahepatic or extrahepatic biliary tract. According to the most accepted theory, it is caused by an anomalous pancreatobiliary junction. The most important complications are cholangiocarcinoma, lithiasis, andpancreatitis. Current therapy is surgical resection. Only 20 per cent to 30 per cent of cases are diagnosed in adult life. Two cases of choledocal cysts are reported in female adult patients, one of them in late pregnancy and the other in puerperium. Diagnosis of choledochal cyst in pregnancy and puerperium is an uncommon event, entailing particular considerations regarding symptoms and treatment.

Humans , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Postpartum Period , Choledochal Cyst/classification , Choledochal Cyst/complications , Choledochal Cyst/etiology , Radiography, Abdominal
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 18(1): 11-18, 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-530285


Introduction: intake of Folic Acid (FA) before conception and during early pregnancy reduces the incidence of neural tube defects (NTD). In Chile the management of the pregnant adolescent women is a relevant public health problem. So, the aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge and intake of FA in a sample of adolescent and older parturient. Methods: a survey was conducted in one group of teenagers (group A) and another group of older puerperal (group B) corresponding to four public maternities of Santiago. Results: finally, 79 teenagers and 263 older women were surveyed. Both groups showed a poor knowledge about the benefit of intake of FA during this period. Regarding the control before pregnancy, we found an attendance of 10.1 percent in the group A and 24.7 percent in the group B, whereas only 5.1 percent of the group A and 1.9 percent of the group B had an intake of FA according to the medical recommendation. Conclusion: our patients have scanty information about the benefits of the periconceptional intake of FA. It seems necessary to design new methods and tools in order to increase the use of the FA in women of childbearing age, especially in the groups at risk for NTD.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Pregnancy , Folic Acid/administration & dosage , Folic Acid/metabolism , Congenital Abnormalities/prevention & control , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy in Adolescence/physiology , Pregnancy/statistics & numerical data , Prenatal Nutrition
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 33(3): 279-85, Mar. 2000. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-255046


The morphology of the rat lung was studied by light microscopy in different situations: after surgical and pharmacological castration and after administration of testosterone to the castrated rat to determine if the androgen is required to maintain the normal morphology of the lung. We also determined the effect of flutamide on the phospholipid composition of both the surfactant and microsomes of the lung. Rats were separated into five groups: I - control non-castrated rats, II - castrated rats sacrificed 21 days after castration, III - castrated rats that received testosterone daily from day 2 to day 21 after castration, IV - castrated rats that received testosterone from day 15 to day 21 after castration, and V - control rats injected with flutamide for 7 days. The amount of different phospholipids in the surfactant and microsomes of the lung was measured in group I and V rats. At the light microscopy level, the surgical and pharmacological castration provoked alterations in the morphology of the lung, similar to that observed in human lung emphysema. The compositions of surfactant and microsomes of the lung were similar to those previously reported by us for the surgically castrated rats. These results indicate that androgens are necessary for the normal morphology as well as for some metabolic aspects of the lung.

Animals , Male , Rats , Androgen Antagonists/pharmacology , Flutamide/pharmacology , Gonadal Steroid Hormones/pharmacology , Lung/cytology , Microsomes/drug effects , Orchiectomy , Pulmonary Surfactants/drug effects , Testosterone/pharmacology , Lung/metabolism , Microsomes/chemistry , Orchiectomy/adverse effects , Phospholipids/analysis , Pulmonary Surfactants/chemistry , Rats, Wistar
Rev. méd. Chile ; 127(11): 1339-44, nov. 1999. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-257992


Background: in 1992, a consensus conference defined the terms systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock. Since then, numerous reports have validated the prognostic usefulness of these operative definitions. Aim: to evaluate if sepsis severity criteria, as defined by the Consensus Conference, can be applied to noninfectious SIRS. Patients and methods: five hundred eighteen patients admitted to 5 intensive care units (ICU) from 4 hospitals were prospectively evaluated during a 3 months period. Patients that met at least one severity criteria were included. SIRS etiology, organ dysfunction and evolution were recorded in each patient. Results: One hundred two patients were included: 79 with sepsis (group I) and 23 with noninfectious SIRS (group II). ICU and hospital mortality were comparable (43 and 48 percent in sepsis compared to 43 and 51 percent in non infectious SIRS). The most common sources of sepsis were pneumonia and peritonitis. Group II patients had a wide variety of diseases. ICU stay, APACHE score and number of organs with dysfunction were not different among groups. Only the incidence of renal dysfunction was higher in the septic group. Conclusions: The Consensus sepsis severity criteria can be applied to noninfectious SIRS, defining a population subset with similar high mortality and organ dysfunction incidence, although with greatly heterogeneous etiologies

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Sepsis/diagnosis , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/diagnosis , Peritonitis/complications , Sepsis/etiology , Gram-Negative Bacteria/pathogenicity , Intensive Care Units , Clinical Evolution , Pneumonia/complications , Prognosis , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/etiology
Biol. Res ; 25(1): 27-30, 1992.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-228640


This study was designed to determine if the quantity of lipids in the diet fed to pregnant rats would affect the deposition of fat in the fetal lung. Wistar rats were fed with two different diets during pregnancy: Standard Diet (StD; 4.000 cal/g) and High Fat Carbohydrate Free Diet (HFCFD; 6.000 cal/g). The rats consumed daily the same amount of calories from these different diets. The concentrations of triglycerides (TG), phospholipids (PL), total, esterified and free cholesterol (TC, EC and FC, respectively) were determined in serum and lung from pregnant rats as well as from their 19 day old fetuses. In the serum of rats fed with HFCFD, the cholesterol concentration increased in relation to that of rats fed with StD. In pregnant rat lung, the PL concentrations decreased and the TC, EC and FC concentrations increased with HFCFD in relation to StD. The triglycerides were not modified in any case. The lipidic composition of the sera and fetal lung were not changed by the two diets consumed by pregnant rats. This may be a biological protective mechanism to assure an adequate synthesis of alveolar surfactant

Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Diet , Lipids/metabolism , Lung/metabolism , Pregnancy, Animal/physiology , Cholesterol Esters/metabolism , Cholesterol/metabolism , Energy Intake , Fetus , Lipids/analysis , Lung/embryology , Phospholipids/metabolism , Proteins/metabolism , Rats, Wistar , Triglycerides/metabolism