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Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536550


(analítico) Se presentan los resultados de una investigación que buscó conocer las maneras como los jóvenes construyen sus ideas e imaginarios sobre el pasado reciente en Colombia. El proyecto fue desarrollado en la ciudad de Manizales y contó con la participación de 24 jóvenes entre los 12 y 18 años de edad. El estudio se desarrolló por medio de cartografías de experiencias que se vinculan al pasado reciente y la reconstrucción de la memoria colectiva. Se encontró que los jóvenes emplean signos que se han utilizado tradicionalmente para representar la paz y la memoria, además, que los procesos dialógicos y creativos favorecen los espacios de reflexión en los cuales se trascienden estos signos y se construyen significados más amplios que a su vez les permiten narrar experiencias de vida.

(analytical) This article presents the results of a research project that sought to understand the ways in which young people construct their ideas and imaginaries about the recent past in Colombia. The research was conducted in the city of Manizales with the participation of 24 young people between 12 and 18 years of age. The research was carried out using cartographies of experiences from the recent past and the reconstruction of collective memory. It was identified that young people use signs that have been traditionally used to represent peace and memory. Dialogue and creative processes generate reflection spaces in which these signs are transcended and broader meanings are constructed, which in turn allow them to narrate their life experiences.

(analítico) Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um projeto de pesquisa que procurou compreender as formas pelas quais os jovens constroem suas idéias e imaginários sobre o passado recente na Colômbia. O projeto foi desenvolvido na cidade de Manizales, com a participação de 24 jovens entre 12 e 18 anos de idade. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de experiências de mapeamento ligadas ao passado recente e à reconstrução da memória coletiva. Constatou-se que os jovens utilizam sinais que tradicionalmente são usados para representar a paz e a memória, e que os processos dialógicos e criativos favorecem espaços de reflexão nos quais esses sinais são transcendidos e significados mais amplos são construídos, o que por sua vez lhes permite narrar experiências de vida.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 42-62, abr. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430586


Resumen Este artículo es parte de una investigación que pretende identificar el impacto que tienen las enfermedades crónicas en el desarrollo de la creatividad, la identidad y la subjetividad de los sujetos que las padecen. El documento presenta la revisión de 50 artículos con resultados de estudios que, en la última década, investigaron sobre la creatividad en relación con la identidad y la subjetividad de niños, niñas, adolescentes y jóvenes que viven con enfermedades crónicas. Desde lo metodológico, se trata de un estudio no probabilístico de tipo intencional, en el cual se abordaron datos bibliométricos construidos a partir de bases de datos especializadas y, posteriormente, se efectuó un análisis interpretativo crítico de estas investigaciones desde una perspectiva cualitativa, para el que se recurrió a la categorización de la información. Los resultados evidencian que el uso del arte como estrategia terapéutica facilita el afrontamiento de la enfermedad; sin embargo, también se evidencian afectaciones relevantes en el sistema familiar y relacional de quienes viven con estas enfermedades. Se concluye que la investigación en este campo se ha dado principalmente desde la medicina y la psicología, pero dejó un campo abierto que puede ser explorado por la investigación social.

Abstract This article presents a state of the art that integrates the review of fifty articles of the results of studies that, in the last decade, investigated creativity in relation to the identity and subjectivity of children, adolescents and young people living with chronic diseases .The document is part of a doctoral research that aims to identify the transformations that creativity undergoes in relation to the development of identity and subjectivity of children living with chronic diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, cancer and diabetes, given that these are the diseases that Sontag (2008) relates as the diseases that cause the greatest social and economic impacts and that modify the life project of people in the long term. From the methodological point of view, bibliometric data constructed from specialized databases such as PubMed, APA, Science Direct, Proquest, Redalyc, Scielo and Scopus were approached; subsequently a critical interpretive analysis of these investigations was carried out from a qualitative perspective. The results show that the use of art as a therapeutic strategy facilitates coping with the disease; however, relevant effects are also evident in the family and relational system of those who live with these diseases. It is also found that a large part of the research, as suggested by Sontag (2008), assumes diseases as an enemy, making use of the language of war, in addition to locating whoever experiences the disease as a battle hero or as a survivor when it is possible to go through the disease in a satisfactory way, however, it is also evident that this position implies a struggle of the subject with himself. Also, some of the authors state that the disease facilitates the recognition of abilities, tastes and skills of which one was not aware before experiencing it. Through these investigations, the understanding of the importance of relationships with peers as a key aspect for the development of self-regulation is broadened, which facilitates self-care practices far from victimization and family overprotection. Creativity has been understood mainly from artistic exercises, art-therapy and the use of some resources such as painting, drawing, music and dance for the approach to the subject who lives with chronic diseases, from the research exercises themselves, but also from an attempt to allow the subject to establish diverse communications with his context and to establish communication bridges with himself and with his new life circumstances. However, this perspective leaves aside the proposal of Lavie, Narayan and Rosaldo (1993), who argue that creativity is the human capacity to respond to daily circumstances in different ways, which allows expanding the field of action of what creative, facilitating that it is linked to the daily lives of the subjects and other ways of displaying creativity are explored, from relationships, from the practices of self-recognition and self-care regarding the same disease.It is also found that chronic diseases are related to metaphors that force the subject who experiences them to assume the role of warrior, war hero or war victim; these postures assume burdens for the subject and, although in some cases they help to assume the disease with a spirit of improvement, they also increase responsibility, guilt and difficulties in cases in which the disease is not overcome.

Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1510751


Introducción: el artículo presenta algunos resultados de una investigación que buscó rescatar y visibilizar las potencias y los recursos de la niñez que se vio afectada por el conflicto armado, preguntando por las maneras en que los niños y las niñas pueden aportar a la construcción de paz desde sus potencialidades y escenarios relacionales, dando prioridad al juego como espacio socializador. Método: la investigación fue de tipo cualitativa y se ubicó desde la hermenéutica crítica comprensiva, empleando estrategias metodológicas como talleres creativos, entrevistas a profundidad y grupos focales. Resultados: algunos de los resultados evidencian que los niños y las niñas aportan a la construcción de paz desde la creatividad, el establecimiento de acuerdo con sus pares y otros agentes, pero, sobre todo, desde el juego como principal escenario en donde despliegan su autonomía y criterio propio para la configuración de sus acuerdos socia-les. Conclusión: se concluye que el juego se convierte en una práctica generativa, donde los niños y las niñas despliegan sus potencialidades y recursos como un aporte a la construcción paz.

Introduction: The article presents some results of a research that sought to rescue and make visible the potencies and resources of children who were affected by the armed conflict, asking about the ways in which children can contribute to peace building from their potentialities and relational scenarios, giving priority to play as a socializing space. Method: The research was qualitative and was based on comprehensive critical hermeneutics, using methodological strategies such as creative workshops, in-depth interviews and focus groups. Results: Some of the results show that children contribute to peace building through creativity, the establishment of agreements with their peers and other agents, but, above all, through play as the main scenario where they deploy their autonomy and own criteria for the configuration of their social agreements. Conclusion: It is concluded that play becomes a generative practice, where children deploy their potential and resources as a contribution to peace building.

Humans , Child , Play and Playthings/psychology , Crime Victims/psychology , Armed Conflicts/psychology
Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 18(1): 214-222, ene.-jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421368


Resumen Este artículo presenta una propuesta metodológica y epistémica para el desarrollo de proyectos de investigación que, desde las ciencias sociales, las ciencias de la salud, las artes y las humanidades involucran a niños, niñas y jóvenes que viven con enfermedades crónicas, o a sus familias y agentes relacionales como pares, agentes educativos, personal médico y comunidad próxima. Se plantea esta propuesta reconociendo la necesidad de generar investigaciones híbridas que comprendan nuevas formas de aproximación a los sujetos y a su realidad. El documento recoge un análisis que permite comprender la importancia del cuidado de la intimidad y el respeto por los lenguajes artísticos, simbólicos y metafóricos de los niños y las niñas, especialmente en contextos de vulnerabilidad en donde la vida adquiere mayor valor y significado. Finalmente, tomando recursos de las ciencias sociales y las artes, se presenta una metodología simbiótica, denominada hermenéutica sensible y creativa, la cual se fundamenta en la hermenéutica y las artes para permitir que quienes viven en situación de enfermedad encuentren recursos propios y resignifiquen su experiencia de vida.

Abstract This article presents a methodological and epistemic proposal for the development of research projects that, from the social sciences, health sciences, arts, and humanities involve children and young people living with chronic diseases, or their families and relational agents, such as peers, educational agents, medical personnel, and the immediate community. This proposal is made by recognizing the need to generate hybrid research projects that include new ways of approaching subjects and their reality. The document contains an analysis that allows us to understand the importance of caring for privacy and respect for the artistic, symbolic, and metaphorical languages of children, especially in vulnerable contexts where life acquires greater value and meaning. Finally, by taking resources from social sciences and arts, a symbiotic methodology is presented, called Sensitive and Creative Narrative Research, which is based on hermeneutics and the arts to allow those living with illness to find their own resources and re-signify their life experience.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 16(2): 943-960, jul.-dic. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978582


Resumen (analítico): En este artículo visibilizamos algunos resultados de una investigación con la que buscamos conocer las concepciones que tienen los niños y las niñas de los departamentos de Caldas y Cauca, sobre la paz en un contexto de posconflicto en Colombia. Adoptamos una metodología cualitativa, con orientación hermenéutica comprensiva, mediante un estudio de caso y el análisis categorial de narrativas y productos gráficos y escritos de los sujetos participantes. Desarrollamos la investigación con 30 niños y niñas de la ciudad de Manizales y 30 niños y niñas de zonas rurales de Popayán, encontrando que los niños y niñas del campo piensan que los Acuerdos de Paz generarán desarrollo para sus comunidades y les garantizarán que los grupos armados no volverán a hacer daño; mientras que los niños y niñas en territorios urbanos expresan inicialmente cierta predisposición y miedo al pensar que puedan llegar a sus barrios personas desmovilizadas de los grupos armados; sin embargo, también muestran su disposición para acoger a estas personas y enseñarles nuevas maneras de construir paz.

Abstract (analytical): This article highlights the results of a study that sought to identify the conceptions that the children of Caldas and Cauca have of peace in the post-conflict context in Colombia. The research used a qualitative methodology with comprehensive hermeneutical orientation based on a case study and the categorical analysis of narratives and graphic images and written texts produced the participants. The research was carried out with 30 children in the city of Manizales and 30 children in rural areas in Popayán. The study identified that rural children believe that the Peace Agreement will generate development for their communities and means that armed groups will not harm their communities again. Children in urban areas initially expressed certain attitudes and fear in thinking that demobilized persons from armed groups could live their communities, they also showed willingness to welcome these people and teach them new ways to build peace.

Resumo (analítico): Este artigo mostra alguns resultados de uma pesquisa concluída que buscou conhecer as concepções que meninos e meninas de Caldas e Cauca têm sobre a paz em um contexto pós-conflito na Colômbia. A pesquisa possui uma metodologia qualitativa com orientação hermenêutica abrangente, através de um estudo de caso e análise categórica de narrativas e produtos gráficos e escritos dos participantes. A pesquisa foi realizada com 30 crianças da cidade de Manizales e 30 crianças das áreas rurais de Popayán. Constatando que as crianças rurais acreditam que os Acordos de paz gerarão desenvolvimento para suas comunidades e permitirão ter certeza de que os grupos armados não prejudicarão novamente suas comunidades; enquanto meninos e meninas nas áreas urbanas inicialmente expressavam certa predisposição e medo ao pensar que pessoas desmobilizadas de grupos armados podiam chegar às suas comunidades, mas também mostraram vontade de receber essas pessoas e ensinar-lhes novas formas de construir a paz.

Violence , Child
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(1): 175-192, ene. 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-836170


Este artículo visibiliza algunos resultados de una investigación que busca desnaturalizar la violencia como elemento constitutivo de la subjetividad de niñas y niños provenientes de contextos de conflicto armado y reconocer las capacidades que hay en ellas y ellos y en sus relaciones más significativas para aportar a procesos de construcción de paz, democracia y reconciliación. Se toman recursos del construccionismo social y las narrativas generativas. La investigación cuenta con una metodología cualitativa con orientación hermenéutica y crítica, mediante un análisis categorial de narrativas. Este documento se centra en los potenciales del desarrollo humano para construir paz que despliegan niñas y niños en contextos de conflicto armado, haciendo especial énfasis en el potencial creativo para la transformación de conflictos, encontrando que las niñas, los niños y sus familias logran construir paz por medio de la creatividad y el afecto para encontrar futuros posibles.

This article presents some of the results of a study that seeks todenaturalize violence as a fundamental element of the subjectivity of girls and boys in contexts of armedconflict. The study recognizes the capabilities of children and their socializing agents to contribute toprocesses of peace-building, democracy and reconciliation by making use of the resources of social constructionism and generative narratives. The research has a qualitative methodology that draws onhermeneutics and critical guidance using the categorical analysis of narratives. This article focuses on the potential of human development for peace-building that children use in situations of armedconflict, and specifically focuses on the creative potential for conflict transformation. The study foundthat the children and their families contribute to peace-building processes by using their creativityand affection to find possible futures.

Este artigo visibiliza alguns dos resultados de uma investigação que busca desnaturalizar a violência como elemento constitutivo da subjetividade de meninas e meninos provenientes de contextos de conflito armado e, reconhecer as capacidades que há neles em suas relações mais significativas para aportar processos de construção de paz, democracia e reconciliação,tomando recursos do construcionismo social e as narrativas generativas. A investigação conta comum a análise categorial de narrativas. Este documento centra-se nos potenciais do desenvolvimento humano para a construção de paz que empregam meninas e meninos para a transformação de conflitos encontrando que meninas, meninos e suas famílias logram construir paz por meio da criatividade e o efeito para encontrar futuros possíveis.

Humans , Creativity , Warfare