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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974995


Introduction@#Kidney disease is common in our country due to the four seasons and harsh climate. This article is discussed about the kidney health, causes, pathology and kidney on the relationship of other organs in traditional medicine.@*Methods@#The study was processed using analysis and synthesis methods.@*Results@#</br>1. The root nature of the five vital organs are included in the yang character organs which hot nature qualities in five elements. However, some of the five vital organs will be under the influence of that place, as they will be located in the place of the “badgan”, in the place of the “mkhris”, and in the place of the “rlung”. </br>2. Kidney disease is usually caused by falling from a height, hit and injured, lifting heavy things, jogging and twisting your back uncomfortably, sit for a long time in a damp place, water events excess, eating too sweets that are heavy and cold qualities. In medical practice, kidney disease is accompanied by heart disease and liver disease.@*Conclusion@#In according to traditional medicine main theory, kidneys are a solid vital organ that generates heat and warms the lower body because of the high blood flow through its, on the other hand they are cold character which are in the place of the “rlung”. The kidneys are functionally closely related to other organs therefore, to get sick the effects of disease on other organs.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-974343


Introduction@#Cancer continues to be one of the world’s major health issues, with Mongolia continues to lead Asia in esophageal (100’000: 17.1) and gastric cancer incidence (100’000: 41.0). In the previous decade, 8,137 new cases of gastric cancer were reported in Mongolia. According to TNM staging, eight out of every ten people are diagnosed late, recognizing the need to improve people’s knowledge, attitudes, and practices.@*Methods@#The survey was carried out using a questionnaire. A total of 320 participants between 17- 80 ages from the aimags of Uvs, Khovd, and Zavkhan were chosen at random for the survey, and data was collected through social media. SPSS (v28.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) software was used for statistical analysis.@*Results@#The survey included 110, 106, and 104 participants from the aimags of Uvs, Zavkhan, and Khovd. A total of 320 participants, with 20.9% (67) and 79.1% (253) being male and female respectively. The average age was 35.56±9.15 years. The participants’ mean knowledges, attitudes and practices scores were 7.54±2.7, 9.6±2.2, and 3.82±1.1 respectively in the first survey. Following the advocacy campaign, the mean knowledge, attitude, and practice scores increased to 9.3±2.7, 10.1±2.2, and 4.00±1.2, respectively.@*Conclusion@#The attitudes and practices of the participants were related to their level of knowledge. It is critical to increase health education and advocacy efforts in order to develop the appropriate attitudes and behaviors to reduce cancer-related deaths.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-975700


Introduction: It is significant to translate medical texts having a beginning source of Ayurveda and identifyMongolian doctors, maaramba’s works and books on prescription as well as treatment methods that meetour culture, living condition and climate. Especially, we should clarify the new ideas includes innovatedtheories, which became paradigm not only Traditional Mongolian Medicine but also in Tibetan Medicine.Thus, it has become important to introduce and use in the training for students and practitioners the “FourAmbrosia Essences” and “Dictionary of Drug Identification” by Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir (1704-1788).Goal: The aim of this study is to investigate “Four Ambrosia Essences” and “Dictionary of Drug Identificationby Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir and to clarify the new idea of theory and treatment methods created by him.Materials and Method: “Source of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཆ་ུ རནུྱྒ ), “White Dew of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཟལི ་དཀར), “Drop of Spring”(བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ ཐགི ་པ), “Wedding of Spring” (བདདུ ་ར་ིྩ དགའ་སནོྟ ” by the Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir were the main materials in thisstudy. In addition, we used to take some sort of sources and manuscripts that related to our studies andcomparative historical method, analysis and synthesis method were used in the studies.Results: According to resources we found, Sumbe khamba Ishbaljor detailed a number of new theoreticaland practical concepts which were never or seldom mentioned in The Four Medical Tantras, in his bookRashaany Dusal (“Drop of Spring”). He expanded the list of common diseases from three wind (khii), bile(shar), phlegm (badgan) to 6 (wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid (shar us), nyan or khorkhoi (virus andbacteria) and prescribed treatments for each of them. In addition, he established a concept of 10 importantdiseases and gave them satiric names making them easy to read and understand as well as taught theways to treat them.Ishbaljir developed the traditional medicine and made a reform in it by the discovery of three more causesof diseases blood, bile us and bacteria in addition to the existing causes wind, bile and phlegm. His theorywas that disease causes are wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid, and bacteria or virus individually and\or combined. Wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid, and bacteria or virus called as diseases. Ishbaljir’sconcept of bacteria duplicates that of some Noble Prize laureates. At the beginning of the 20 century, anAustralian scholar Barry J. Marshall and J. Robin Warren won the Noble Prize for their discovery of the“Bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease” in 2005.Conclusions:1. Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir expanded the list of common diseases from 3 wind (khii), bile (shar), phlegm(badgan) to 6 (wind, bile, phlegm, blood, yellow fluid (shar us), nyan or khorkhoi (virus and bacteria)and prescribed treatments for each of them.2. Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljir established a concept of 10 important diseases and gave them satiric namesmaking them easy to read and understand as well as taught the ways to treat them.3. The Four Medical Tantras did not mention stomach bacteria. It is pity that Sumbe Khamba Ishbaljirfound out the stomach bacteria disease in the 18th century.