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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219891


Background:Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most frequent clinical bacterial infections in women,accounting for nearly 25%of all infections. Around 50–60% of women will develop UTIs in their lifetimes. Present study shows the efficacy of BBCR in cases of Lower Urinary tract infection in women. Objective: To ascertain the role of BBCR Management of lower urinary tract infections. Material and Methods: Purposive Sampling for research purpose will be done. Selection ofthe medicine will be according to concept of Method of Repertorisation given by Dr Boger. Selection ofthe potency and repetition was based on the laws of homoeopathic Posology described in Organon of medicine Result: This study showed a significant relief to women suffering from lower urinary tractinfections. Many patients who were facing difficulty or uneasiness in their day-to day schedule couldattend it with best ability. Conclusion: This study has concluded the great utility of BBCR repertory infinding similimum for cases of LUTI in women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219890


Background:Allergic rhinitis is the most common chronic disease in children. About onein five children has symptoms by the age of 2 or 3 years. Allergy symptoms can have a profound effect on achild’s health, behavior and ability to learn. Left untreated, allergic rhinitis also can lead to a host of otherserious conditions, including asthma, recurrent middle-ear infections, sinusitis, sleep disorders and chronic cough.This studyisa prospective, clinical,interventional study to e valuate the role of an Indian drug Justicia Adhatoda in management of Allergic Rhinitis among children. Material and Methods: Samples hadbeen selected by simple randomized method from Swami Vivekananda homoeopathic medical college andhospital as well as my private OPD at Vrushti Homoeopathic clinic, jail road, Bhavnagar. The cases werefollowed for a period of 6 months. Result: In this study itis observed that the age group of 7-9 yrs. has found more liable to get allergic rhinitis. Males are more prone to get allergies than females. Among othercausative factors dust is found the most important causative factor. As far as miasms are concerned more cases are found to have all the three miasm.(Psora-Sycotic-syphilis).Conclusion: Justicia Adhatoda,although being a rare remedy has found to improved almost 93% of cases by means of reducing intensity,duration and frequency of cases of allergic rhinitis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219889


Background:In summer due to heat there may occur shortage of water so people try to get water from anywhere, even purification system is weak due to water shortage causing chance of water getting infected from various bacilli causing water borne diseases like Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Typhoid etc. Some other factors like eating ice-creams, ice-gola, out-side unhygienic food, swimming in unclean swimming pool plays important role in development of acute diarrhoea. This study has been done in order to study role of Zingiber in reducing duration, intensity and frequency of summer diarrhoea. So that morbidity due to summer diarrhoea as well as general condition of the patients can be taken care of effectively, gently in a cost-effective manner. Material and Methods:This study is a prospective, clinical, interventional study .Sample of 30 cases had been selected by simple randomized method from Bhavnagar district from Swami Vivekananda homoeopathic medical college and hospital as well as my private OPD at Vrushti Homoeopathic clinic,Jail Road, Bhavnagar. Result:In this study age group of 0-3 and 3-6 are found more liable to get summer diarrhoea .As far as sex distribution is concern male: female is almost same. Cold food, cold drink, ice gola, out-side food, drinking impure water and swimming are found as major causative factors. As far as miasms are concern more cases (almost 60%) are found to have psora in background.Zingiber was used in various potencies in diarrhoea cases and assessment was done on the basis of improvement in terms of reducing intensity, duration and frequency of cases of acute summer diarrhoea. Purposive Sampling for research purpose has been done. Selection of the medicine is according to totality of symptoms. Selection of the potency and repetition was based on laws of Homeopathic Posology which is described in Organon of medicine. Cases were followed for 6 months. Conclusion:There is a better scope in Homoeopathic for the treatment of summer diarrhoea, since the treatment is based on holistic and individualistic approach. A homoeopathic remedy Zingiber not only annihilates the disease but also prevents the complications associated with it.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219888


Background: This study aim Effectiveness of bowel nosode Dysentery compound in 40 cases ofgeneralized anxiety disorder a minimum of 1year, of all the age groups and both gender were included inthe study. Material and Methods: Purposive sampling for research purpose has been done. Selection of medicine was according to concept of methods of Repertorisation. Selection of potency and Repetition wasbasedon law of study Homoeopathic posology which is described in Organon of Medicine. Result: The shows that mostly adults are more affected and acute cases are more present. As far as potencyis concerned mostly higher potency was used as nosodes are usually given in higher potency. Conclusion: Our study has concluded that the role of bowel nosode Dysentery compound is very efficacious.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206314


The aim of present work was to enhancing the solubility and dissolution rate of the aquaphobic drug Lafutidine by liquisolid technique. Lafutidine is a H2-receptor antagonist BCS class II drug. Lafutidine compatibility with excipients was evaluated by FT-IR and DSC spectrum. Preliminary trial taken to check the effect of carrier to coating material ratio (R) and non-volatile solvent (PEG- 600) on pre compression and post compression characteristic. Flowable liquid retention potential (Ø -value) and Liquid load factors (Lf) were calculated for required amount of excipients necessary to preparing Lafutidine liquisolid tablet. A 32 full factorial design was employed to check the effect of carrier to coating material ratio R (X1) and PEG- 600 (X2) on hardness (Y1), angle of repose (Y2), % of Cumulative drug release at 5 min Q5 (Y3), and disintegration time (Y4). Multiple linear regression analysis, ANOVA and graphical representation of the influence of factor by 3D plots were performing by using Design expert 7.0. In this study, the following constraints were arbitrarily used for the selection of an optimized batch: Hardness: 3 to 5.5, Angle of repose: 25 to 30, % of Cumulative Drug Release at 5 min (Q5) > 27.09 % and Disintegration time <1.3 min. The desirability value of various dependent variables calculated for determining the optimized batch of tablet and it was also found to be nearer to one. Performance of optimized batch had no shown any significant change at the end of stability study.