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Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022084, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565195


ABSTRACT Objective: To conduct a bibliographic review on tuberculosis (TB) disease in children and adolescents with rheumatic diseases, being managed with biologic therapy. Data source: An integrative review with a search in the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (PubMed) using the following descriptors and Boolean operators: (["tuberculosis"] AND (["children"] OR ["adolescent"]) AND ["rheumatic diseases"] AND (["tumor necrosis factor-alpha"] OR ["etanercept"] OR ["adalimumab"] OR ["infliximab"] OR ["biological drugs"] OR ["rituximab"] OR ["belimumab"] OR ["tocilizumab"] OR ["canakinumab"] OR ["golimumab"] OR ["secukinumab"] OR ["ustekinumab"] OR ["tofacitinib"] OR ["baricitinib"] OR ["anakinra"] OR ["rilonacept"] OR ["abatacept"]), between January 2010 and October 2021. Data synthesis: Thirty-seven articles were included, with the total number of 36,198 patients. There were 81 cases of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), 80 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), and four of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB). The main rheumatic disease was juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Among LTBI cases, most were diagnosed at screening and none progressed to TB disease during follow-up. Of the TB cases using biologics, most used tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors (anti-TNFα) drugs. There was only one death. Conclusions: The study revealed a low rate of active TB in pediatric patients using biologic therapy. Screening for LTBI before initiating biologics should be done in all patients, and treatment, in cases of positive screening, plays a critical role in preventing progression to TB disease.

RESUMO Objetivo: Fazer um levantamento bibliográfico referente à tuberculose (TB) em crianças e adolescentes com doenças reumáticas, em uso de imunobiológicos. Fonte de dados: Revisão integrativa com busca na base United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed) utilizando os descritores e operadores booleanos: (["tuberculosis"] AND (["children"] OR ["adolescent"]) AND ["rheumatic diseases"] AND (["tumor necrosis fator-alpha"] OR ["etanercept"] OR ["adalimumab"] OR ["infliximab"] OR ["biological drugs"] OR ["rituximab"] OR ["belimumab"] OR ["tocilizumab"] OR ["canakinumab"] OR ["golimumab"] OR ["secukinumab"] OR ["ustekinumab"] OR ["tofacitinib"] OR ["baricitinib"] OR ["anakinra"] OR ["rilonacept"] OR ["abatacept"]), entre janeiro de 2010 e outubro de 2021. Síntese de dados: Trinta e sete artigos foram incluídos, com o total de 36.198 pacientes. Houve 81 casos de tuberculose latente (ILTB), 80 casos de tuberculose pulmonar (TBP) e quatro casos de tuberculose extrapulmonar (TBEP). A principal doença reumática foi a artrite idiopática juvenil. Entre os casos de ILTB, a maioria foi diagnosticada no rastreio e nenhum evoluiu para a TB. Dos casos de TB em uso de imunobiológicos, a maioria utilizava fármacos antiTNFα. Houve somente um caso de óbito. Conclusões: O estudo demonstrou baixa taxa de TB nos pacientes pediátricos em uso de imunobiológicos. O rastreio para ILTB antes do início da terapia com agentes biológicos deve ser realizado em todos os pacientes, e o tratamento, nos casos de rastreio positivo, é importante para evitar a progressão para TB doença.

J. bras. pneumol ; 49(6): e20230269, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528926


ABSTRACT Historically, all efforts against tuberculosis were focused on rapid diagnosis and effective treatment to break the chain of transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, in the last few years, more and more evidence has been found on the dramatic consequences of the condition defined as post-tuberculosis lung disease (PTLD). Approximately one third of patients surviving pulmonary tuberculosis face considerable ongoing morbidities, including respiratory impairment, psychosocial challenges, and reduced health-related quality of life after treatment completion. Given the important global and local burden of tuberculosis, as well as the estimated burden of PTLD, the development of a consensus document by a Brazilian scientific society-Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT)-was considered urgent for the prevention and management of this condition in order to allocate resources to and within tuberculosis services appropriately and serve as a guide for health care professionals. A team of eleven pulmonologists and one methodologist was created by the SBPT to review the current evidence on PTLD and develop recommendations adapted to the Brazilian context. The expert panel selected the topics on the basis of current evidence and international guidelines. During the first phase, three panel members drafted the recommendations, which were divided into three sections: definition and prevalence of PTLD, assessment of PTLD, and management of PTLD. In the second phase, all panel members reviewed, discussed, and revised the recommendations until a consensus was reached. The document was formally approved by the SBPT in a special session organized during the 2023 SBPT Annual Conference.

RESUMO Historicamente, todos os esforços contra a tuberculose concentraram-se no diagnóstico rápido e no tratamento efetivo para quebrar a cadeia de transmissão do Mycobacterium tuberculosis. No entanto, nos últimos anos, têm sido encontradas mais e mais evidências sobre as dramáticas consequências da condição definida como doença pulmonar pós-tuberculose (DPPT). Aproximadamente um terço dos pacientes que sobrevivem à tuberculose pulmonar enfrenta morbidades consideráveis e persistentes, incluindo comprometimento respiratório, desafios psicossociais e redução da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde após o término do tratamento. Diante da importante carga global e local da tuberculose, bem como da carga estimada da DPPT, considerou-se urgente o desenvolvimento de um documento de consenso por uma sociedade científica brasileira - a Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT) - para a prevenção e manejo dessa condição, a fim de alocar recursos de forma adequada para e nos serviços de tuberculose e servir de guia para os profissionais de saúde. Uma equipe de onze pneumologistas e um metodologista foi criada pela SBPT para revisar as evidências atuais sobre a DPPT e desenvolver recomendações adaptadas ao contexto brasileiro. O painel de especialistas selecionou os temas com base nas evidências atuais e diretrizes internacionais. Durante a primeira fase, três membros do painel redigiram as recomendações, que foram divididas em três seções: definição e prevalência de DPPT, avaliação da DPPT e manejo da DPPT. Na segunda fase, todos os membros do painel analisaram, discutiram e revisaram as recomendações até chegar a um consenso. O documento foi aprovado formalmente pela SBPT em sessão especial organizada durante o Congresso Anual da SBPT de 2023.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2022084, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449280


ABSTRACT Objective: To conduct a bibliographic review on tuberculosis (TB) disease in children and adolescents with rheumatic diseases, being managed with biologic therapy. Data source: An integrative review with a search in the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health (PubMed) using the following descriptors and Boolean operators: (["tuberculosis"] AND (["children"] OR ["adolescent"]) AND ["rheumatic diseases"] AND (["tumor necrosis factor-alpha"] OR ["etanercept"] OR ["adalimumab"] OR ["infliximab"] OR ["biological drugs"] OR ["rituximab"] OR ["belimumab"] OR ["tocilizumab"] OR ["canakinumab"] OR ["golimumab"] OR ["secukinumab"] OR ["ustekinumab"] OR ["tofacitinib"] OR ["baricitinib"] OR ["anakinra"] OR ["rilonacept"] OR ["abatacept"]), between January 2010 and October 2021. Data synthesis: Thirty-seven articles were included, with the total number of 36,198 patients. There were 81 cases of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), 80 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), and four of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB). The main rheumatic disease was juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Among LTBI cases, most were diagnosed at screening and none progressed to TB disease during follow-up. Of the TB cases using biologics, most used tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitors (anti-TNFα) drugs. There was only one death. Conclusions: The study revealed a low rate of active TB in pediatric patients using biologic therapy. Screening for LTBI before initiating biologics should be done in all patients, and treatment, in cases of positive screening, plays a critical role in preventing progression to TB disease.

RESUMO Objetivo: Fazer um levantamento bibliográfico referente à tuberculose (TB) em crianças e adolescentes com doenças reumáticas, em uso de imunobiológicos. Fonte de dados: Revisão integrativa com busca na base United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed) utilizando os descritores e operadores booleanos: (["tuberculosis"] AND (["children"] OR ["adolescent"]) AND ["rheumatic diseases"] AND (["tumor necrosis fator-alpha"] OR ["etanercept"] OR ["adalimumab"] OR ["infliximab"] OR ["biological drugs"] OR ["rituximab"] OR ["belimumab"] OR ["tocilizumab"] OR ["canakinumab"] OR ["golimumab"] OR ["secukinumab"] OR ["ustekinumab"] OR ["tofacitinib"] OR ["baricitinib"] OR ["anakinra"] OR ["rilonacept"] OR ["abatacept"]), entre janeiro de 2010 e outubro de 2021. Síntese de dados: Trinta e sete artigos foram incluídos, com o total de 36.198 pacientes. Houve 81 casos de tuberculose latente (ILTB), 80 casos de tuberculose pulmonar (TBP) e quatro casos de tuberculose extrapulmonar (TBEP). A principal doença reumática foi a artrite idiopática juvenil. Entre os casos de ILTB, a maioria foi diagnosticada no rastreio e nenhum evoluiu para a TB. Dos casos de TB em uso de imunobiológicos, a maioria utilizava fármacos antiTNFα. Houve somente um caso de óbito. Conclusões: O estudo demonstrou baixa taxa de TB nos pacientes pediátricos em uso de imunobiológicos. O rastreio para ILTB antes do início da terapia com agentes biológicos deve ser realizado em todos os pacientes, e o tratamento, nos casos de rastreio positivo, é importante para evitar a progressão para TB doença.

J. bras. pneumol ; 48(6): e20220240, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405441


ABSTRACT Objective: The present study aimed to describe the clinical forms and the time taken to diagnose new tuberculosis cases and to statistically analyze the isolated and combined forms of the disease in children and adolescents treated at a university hospital in Rio de Janeiro during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that used retrospective data on children (0-9 years old) and adolescents (10-18 years old) with pulmonary (PTB), extrapulmonary (EPTB), and combined tuberculosis (PTB + EPTB) followed up at the outpatient clinic from January 2019 to March 2021. Categorical data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and expressed as frequency and proportions. Categorical variables were compared using the Chi-square test, and numerical variables using Student's T-test. Results: A total of 51 cases were included, 63% (32/51) of which comprised patients in the year of the pandemic (group A), while 37% (19/51) were patients attended in previous years (group B). In group A, 19% (6/32) of the patients presented PTB, 59% (16/32) had EPTB, and 31% (10/32) had PTB+EPTB. In group B, 42% (8/19) of the patients presented PTB, 42% (8/19) had EPTB, and 16% (3/19) had PTB+EPTB. Conclusion: Our study revealed more tuberculosis cases in the first year of the pandemic than in the same period of the previous year, with greater variation of sites affected by the disease, including rarer and more severe forms.

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever as formas clínicas e o tempo de diagnóstico de novos casos de tuberculose e analisar estatisticamente as formas isoladas e combinadas da doença em crianças e adolescentes atendidos em um hospital universitário do Rio de Janeiro durante o primeiro ano da pandemia de COVID-19 no Brasil. Métodos: Este estudo transversal utilizou dados retrospectivos de crianças (0-9 anos) e adolescentes (10-18 anos) com tuberculose pulmonar (TBP), extrapulmonar (TBEP) e combinada (TBP + TBEP) acompanhados no ambulatório de janeiro de 2019 a março de 2021. Os dados categóricos foram analisados por estatística descritiva e expressos em frequência e proporções. As variáveis categóricas foram comparadas pelo teste Qui-quadrado e as variáveis numéricas pelo teste T de Student. Resultados: Foram incluídos 51 casos, sendo 63% (32/51) pacientes no ano da pandemia (grupo A) e 37% (19/51) pacientes atendidos em anos anteriores (grupo B). No grupo A, 19% (6/32) dos pacientes apresentavam TBP, 59% (16/32) TBEP e 31% (10/32) TBP+TBEP. No grupo B, 42% (8/19) dos pacientes apresentavam TBP, 42% (8/19) TBEP e 16% (3/19) TBP+TBEP. Conclusão: Nosso estudo evidenciou mais casos de tuberculose no primeiro ano da pandemia do que no mesmo período do ano anterior, com maior variação de locais acometidos pela doença, incluindo formas mais raras e mais graves.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360800


ABSTRACT This prospective study describes the use of Gene-Xpert Ultra for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) in children and adolescents, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Eighteen patients were studied; the final diagnosis of EPTB was established in 13 (72%). Gene-Xpert Ultra results showed detection in 10/13 (77%) of EPTB cases (7 of these 10 with trace-positive results). Gene-Xpert Ultra proved to be a promising method for the diagnosis of childhood EPTB.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 87(6): 541-546, nov.-dez. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-623450


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a correlação entre a percepção da dispneia durante uma crise de asma leve a moderada, por meio da escala modificada de Borg, com a medida do pico de fluxo expiratório (PFE). MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de crianças e adolescentes que procuraram a emergência pediátrica devido a crise asmática, com dados coletados de julho de 2005 a junho de 2006. Foram registrados dados demográficos. Pacientes e seus responsáveis foram solicitados a graduar, individualmente, a dispneia do paciente por meio da escala modificada de Borg e, posteriormente, foi avaliada a medida do PFE. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 181 pacientes asmáticos, com idade média de 7,2 (±2,4) anos (4-12). A mãe procurou atendimento médico em 83,4% (151/181). Os sintomas incluíram tosse, em 68,5% (124/181), dispneia, em 47,0% (85/181), e sibilância, em 12,7% (23/181). Trinta e seis por cento (65/181) apresentavam crise leve, e 64,1% (116/181), moderada. Correlação negativa significativa foi evidenciada entre a percepção dos responsáveis e dos pacientes com dispneia e a medida do PFE dos pacientes (percentual previsto; r s = -0,240 e r s = -0,385, respectivamente). CONCLUSÃO: Pacientes e responsáveis demonstraram percepção limitada da gravidade da dispneia do paciente, evidenciando a necessidade de monitorar medidas objetivas, como a medida do PFE e o desenvolvimento de melhores meios de avaliação da dispneia.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between perception of dyspnea during a mild to moderate asthma attack using the Modified Borg Scale (MBS) and peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study conducted with children and adolescents who sought a pediatric emergency service due to an asthma attack. Data were collected from July 2005 to June 2006. Demographic data were recorded. Patients and those in charge of them were requested to grade, individually, the patient's dyspnea using the MBS; afterwards, the peak expiratory flow rate was measured. RESULTS: 181 asthmatic patients were evaluated, with a mean age of 7.2 (± 2.4) years (range, 4-12). The mother sought medical aid in 83.4% of the cases (151/181). Patient symptoms included coughing in 68.5% (124/181), dyspnea in 47.0% (85/181), and wheezing in 12.7% (23/181). Thirty-six percent (65/181) had a mild attack, and 64.1% (116/181) a moderate one. A significant negative correlation was found between the patients' and accompanying adults' perceptions of patient's dyspnea and the PEFR (% predicted; r s = -0.240 and r s = -0.385, respectively). CONCLUSION: Both the patients and those looking after them had a poor perception of the severity of the patient's dyspnea. This emphasizes the need to monitor objective measures such as the PEFR and to develop better ways of evaluating dyspnea.

Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Asthma/physiopathology , Dyspnea/physiopathology , Mothers/psychology , Patients/psychology , Peak Expiratory Flow Rate/physiology , Perception/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Severity of Illness Index