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An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1519993


Se presenta el caso de un paciente varón de 55 años que ingresó por alteración del estado de conciencia por una hiponatremia severa secundaria a una meningitis tuberculosa. No hubo mejoría de la hiponatremia al tratamiento con solución salina hipertónica, por lo cual se planteó el diagnóstico de síndrome de secreción inapropiada de hormona antidiurética (SIADH) y se evidenció mejoría con la restricción hídrica. El interés del presente caso es reportar una complicación frecuente pero olvidada de la meningitis tuberculosa.

We present the case of a 55-year-old male patient who was admitted due to an altered state of consciousness due to severe hyponatremia secondary to tuberculous meningitis. There was no improvement in hyponatremia after treatment with hypertonic saline solution, therefore the diagnosis of syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) was proposed, and improvement was evidenced with fluid restriction. The interest of this case is to report a common but forgotten complication of tuberculous meningitis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218114


Background: The prevalence of hyperglycemia first detected during pregnancy is showing an escalating increase in recent years contributed by the increasing obesity prevalence, advanced maternal age at delivery, and the universal screening protocol during the first antenatal visit. There exists a very little data on the role of HbA1c in pregnancy and the results remain inconsistent. There is a need to define diagnostic criteria to predict the adverse perinatal outcomes in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Aims and Objectives: This study was aimed to assess the role of HbA1c as a prognostic indicator of third trimester mean blood glucose in GDM pregnancies and in predicting the birth of large for gestational age (LGA) babies. Materials and Methods: 200 pregnant women with GDM and 200 pregnant women without GDM and their neonates participated in this analytical cross-sectional study. Maternal age, height, weight, BMI, and neonatal birth weight were recorded. Third trimester maternal HbA1c level was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The association between HbA1c and LGA births was analyzed. Results: The mean HbA1c levels and percentage of LGA births were high in GDM group. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed association between high HbA1c values and LGA births in GDM. A Receiver operating characteristic curve was drawn to derive the optimal cut-off value, sensitivity, and specificity of HbA1c in predicting birth of LGA neonates in GDM. Conclusion: This study shows that high third trimester HbA1c levels in GDM increase the risk of LGA births. Further studies are needed to define standard cut-off values of glycated Hb in each trimester of pregnancy.

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(2)jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447203


Introducción. La resistencia antibiótica es una de las mayores amenazas para la salud global. Una de las estrategias para su control, es la vigilancia microbiológica. Objetivo. Describir la variación de la prevalencia de cepas multidrogoresistentes (MDR) de las bacterias más frecuentemente aisladas en muestras clínicas de pacientes atendidos en un hospital de tercer nivel de una ciudad de altura en el Perú, y determinar los factores asociados a su aislamiento. Además, evaluar la prevalencia de otros fenotipos de resistencia. Métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional transversal a partir de una cohorte histórica de aislamientos entre los años 2012 y 2019. Resultados. La prevalencia general de cepas MDR fue 74,1%, observándose una tendencia a la disminución de la prevalencia anual de cepas de MDR en cinco de las nueve bacterias analizadas. Los factores asociados a cepas MDR se correspondían con los descritos previamente: sexo masculino, edad mayor a 75 años y hospitalización en servicios de cuidados intensivos. Además, se observó un incremento en la prevalencia de otros fenotipos de resistencia. Conclusión. Se encontró una alta prevalencia de cepas MDR en todas las bacterias evaluadas, asociadas a factores previamente descritos.

Introduction. Antibiotic resistance is one of the greatest threats to global health. One of the strategies for its control is microbiological surveillance. Objective. To describe the variation of the prevalence of multidrug resistant strains (MDR) of the most frequently isolated bacteria in clinical samples of patients treated at a tertiary care hospital in a high-altitude city in Perú and the factors associated with its isolation. Also, to assess the prevalence of other resistance phenotypes. Results. The general prevalence of MDR strains was 74,1%, observing a downward trend in the annual prevalence of MDR strains in five of the nine bacteria included. The factors associated with MDR strains corresponded to those previously described: male sex, age over 75 years, and hospitalization in intensive care services. In addition, an increase in the annual prevalence of other resistance mechanisms was evidenced. Conclusions. A high prevalence of MDR strains was found in all the bacteria evaluated, associated with previously described factors.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515501


Presentamos el primer registro de tres mamíferos pequeños voladores para el Perú en base a especímenes colectados entre 2007 y 2014. Estos son: Eumops glaucinus, en la selva baja del centro del Perú; Molossus bondae en el bosque tropical del Pacífico, y Promops nasutus en bosques montanos del sureste. Los nuevos registros incrementan la diversidad de mamíferos del Perú a 579 especies.

We presented the first record of three species bats for Peru based on specimens collected between 2007 and 2014. These are Eumops glaucinus, captured in the rainforest from the center of Peru, Molossus bondae captured in the Pacifico rainforest, and Promops nasutus, captured in the montane forests from southeastern. The new records increase the mammal diversity of Peru to 579 species.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 21(4)ago. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441926


Introducción: La pandemia por COVID-19 ha puesto de manifiesto las grandes desigualdades en la población mundial. Objetivo: Describir la correlación entre la competitividad y la mortalidad por COVID-19 en el Perú, teniendo como elemento de estudio a los gobiernos subnacionales. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional basado en el análisis secundario de las muertes por COVID-19 en el 2020 y el índice de competitividad regional de los gobiernos subnacionales 2019. Se calcularon: tasas bruta y estandarizada, índice de efecto y de desigualdad de la pendiente, diferencia y razón de tasas brutas y estandarizadas, riesgo atribuible poblacional, gradiente social, así como brechas relativas y absolutas de mortalidad por COVID-19. Resultados: En el año 2020, la tasa estandarizada de mortalidad por COVID-19 (TEM-COVID-19) fue 267,61 muertes x 105 habitantes. El 21,53 por ciento de la varianza de la TEM-COVID-19 es explicada por el índice de competitividad regional del año 2019 (p= 0,019); el índice de desigualdad de la pendiente fue 29,68 y, por cada punto en el INCORE 2019, la TEM-COVID-19 aumentó 100,78 puntos (R2a= 0,181). En el quintil 1 de competitividad regional, esta fue 151,83, mientras que en el quintil 5 llegó a 449,15. La brecha de desigualdad absoluta entre ambos quintiles fue 297,32 y alcanzó 2,95 en la brecha de desigualdad relativa. La curva de concentración evidenció la desigualdad socio geográfica de las muertes por COVID-19 en el año 2020. Conclusiones: La mortalidad por COVID-19 se incrementó a medida que aumentaba la competitividad de los gobiernos subnacionales evidenciando la desigualdad socio-geográfica del impacto de la pandemia(AU)

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed high disparities in the world population. Objective: To describe the correlation between competitiveness and mortality from COVID-19 in Peru, with subnational governments as an element of study. Material and Methods: Observational study based on the secondary analysis of deaths from COVID-19 that occurred in 2020 and the regional competitiveness index of subnational governments in 2019. The crude and standardized rates, the effect index, the difference and ratio of crude and standardized rates, the population attributable risk, the inequality gradient, and the relative and absolute gaps in mortality from COVID-19 were calculated. Results: In 2020, the standardized mortality rate for COVID-19 (COVID-19-SMR) was 267,61 deaths per 105 inhabitants. Additionally, 21,53 percent of the variance from the COVID-19-SMR is explained by the regional competitiveness index 2019 (p= 0,019); the slope inequality index was 29,68 and, for each point in the INCORE 2019, the COVID-19-SMR increased 100,78 points (R2a= 0,181). In quintile 1 of regional competitiveness, it was 151,83, while in quintile 5 it reached 449,15. The absolute inequality gap between both quintiles was 297,32 and it reached 2,95 in the relative inequality gap. The concentration curve evidenced the socio-geographic inequality of deaths from COVID-19 in 2020. Conclusions: Mortality increased as subnational governments became more competitive, evidencing the socio-geographical inequality of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic(AU)

An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 83(3): 228-234, jul.-set. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403127


RESUMEN Se presenta el caso de 9 pacientes reportados en el contexto de la alerta sanitaria por el aumento de casos de infección por el virus de Monkeypox en el mundo en países no endémicos. Es importante conocer de forma práctica los criterios epidemiológicos y clínicos más importantes para el descarte de viruela símica en el actual contexto de trasmisión en el Perú. Se discute los criterios de los casos confirmados respecto a otras enfermedades que son parte del diagnóstico diferencial como varicela, síndrome mano pie boca, entre otros.

ABSTRACT The case of 9 patients reported in the context of the health alert due to the increase in cases of Monkeypox virus infection in the world in non-endemic countries is presented. It is important to know in a practical way the most important epidemiological and clinical criteria that make us think about ruling out Monkeypox in the current context of transmission in Peru. The characteristics of the confirmed cases are discussed versus those of other diseases that are part of the differential diagnosis such as chickenpox, hand-foot-mouth syndrome, etc.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398182


Introducción: La infección por el virus del dengue es una enfermedad endémica en ciertas regiones del Perú. La mayoría de estos casos se clasifican como dengue sin signos de alarma y la mortalidad reportada es menor de 1%. Sin embargo, existen ciertas condiciones asociadas a la enfermedad que podrían incrementar la mortalidad. Reporte de caso: Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 48 años procedente de área endémica de esta infección con cuadro clínico y hallazgos laboratoriales compatibles con enfermedad por dengue con signos de alarma. Durante la hospitalización, cursa con hemoptisis e insuficiencia respiratoria produciendo su posterior fallecimiento. Conclusión: Es importante reconocer la hemorragia alveolar difusa como parte del compromiso respiratorio por dengue y diferenciarlo de otras posibilidades infecciosas y no infecciosas para poder brindar el manejo adecuado de forma temprana.

Background: Dengue virus infection is an endemic disease in some regions of Peru. Most of these cases are classified as dengue without warning signs and the reported mortality is less than 1%. However, there are certain conditions associated with the disease that could increase mortality. We Case report:present the case of a 48-year-old female patient from a dengue endemic area with clinical and laboratory compatible with dengue disease with warning signs. During hospitalization, she presents hemoptysis and respiratory insufficiency, leading to death. It is important to recognize diffuse alveolar Conclusion:hemorrhage as part of dengue respiratory manifestations and to differentiate it from other infectious and non-infectious possibilities in order to provide appropriate and early management.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 39(1): 104-110, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389935


RESUMEN En el Perú, la pandemia de la COVID-19 ha evidenciado la utilidad de tener un sistema de vigilancia laboratorial estructurado y en funcionamiento desde hace 22 años, basado en la vigilancia de influenza; inicialmente en modalidad de unidades centinela, y después fortaleciéndose e innovándose, con recursos propios y con apoyo externo, para generar información de calidad. Se han implementado avances biotecnológicos para la confirmación diagnóstica e incrementado las capacidades de la red nacional de laboratorios, manteniendo la eficiencia, considerando las diversas y complejas realidades de los niveles regionales, y superando dificultades de comunicación y articulación entre instituciones. Resulta necesario consolidar este sistema, con trabajo colaborativo y coordinado entre sus componentes, impulsando su eficacia y oportunidad y promoviendo la vigilancia genómica de nuevos virus y variantes, como actualmente ocurre con el SARS-CoV-2.

ABSTRACT In Peru, the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the usefulness of having a structured laboratory surveillance system that has been operational for 22 years, based on influenza surveillance; initially in the form of sentinel units, and later strengthened and innovated, with its own resources and with external support, to provide quality information. Biotechnological advances have been implemented for diagnostic confirmation and the capacity of the national laboratory network has been expanded, maintaining efficiency, considering the diverse and complex realities of each region, and overcoming difficulties regarding communication and articulation between institutions. It is necessary to consolidate this system, with collaborative and coordinated work between its components, boosting its effectiveness and timeliness and promoting genomic surveillance of new viruses and variants, as is currently the case with SARS-CoV-2.

Viruses , Epidemiologic Surveillance Services , Public Health Surveillance , SARS-CoV-2 , Influenza A virus , Influenza B virus , Health Surveillance , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques , Public Health Laboratory Services , National Health Systems , Epidemiological Monitoring , COVID-19 Testing
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 38(4): 595-600, oct.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365933


RESUMEN Se validó y evaluó un método de RT-PCR en tiempo real usando cebadores y sondas específicas para los genes RdRP de SARS-CoV-2 y GAPDH de humanos; este último fue usado como control endógeno. Se evaluó la especificidad y sensibilidad; además, se evaluó otros parámetros como la robustez, la repetibilidad, reproducibilidad, comparabilidad y el límite de detección. La sensibilidad, especificidad, los valores predictivos positivo y negativo, la robustez, comparabilidad y la repetibilidad-reproducibilidad de la prueba de RT-PCR en tiempo real dúplex fue de 100%, con un límite de detección de 100 copias/µL, de acuerdo con los criterios de aceptación establecidos para validación del protocolo. Esta prueba estandarizada es una buena alternativa para el diagnóstico de COVID-19; además, la prueba fue aplicada de manera exitosa en personas sospechosas de la enfermedad permitiendo controlar el número de falsos negativos.

ABSTRACT The present work validated and evaluated a duplex real-time RT-PCR using specific primers and probes for genes RdRp from SARS-CoV-2 and GAPDH from humans; the latter was used as an endogenous control in all reactions. We evaluated the specificity, the sensitivity, the robustness, the reproducibility, the repeatability, the comparability, and the limit of detection. The predictive positive and negative values (PPV and PNV, respectively) and all the parameters evaluated using our duplex real-time RT-PCR was 100%. The detection limit was 100 copies/µL according to the acceptance criteria established for the validation of this protocol. Our duplex real-time RT-PCR demonstrated to be a good alternative for the diagnosis of COVID-19; in addition, this PCR was used adequately in suspicion of COVID-19, allowing it to control the number of false-negatives.

Validation Study , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 Testing , COVID-19
Rev. méd. hered ; 32(3)jul. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508749


Objetivo: Describir los resultados de la nefrectomía laparoscópica en pacientes con riñones excluidos benignos, malignos y de donantes. Material y métodos: Estudio de serie de casos, retrospectivo, realizado en el Hospital Cayetano Heredia entre agosto del 2013 y mayo del 2019. Se incluyeron pacientes con riñones no funcionantes de cualquier etiología y riñón contralateral funcionante. Se excluyendo pacientes con pionefrosis severa. Se registraron sus características clínicas, demográficas, índice de masa corporal, etiología del riñón no funcionante, tasa de conversión, lateralidad, tiempo operatorio, histopatología de los riñones intervenidos, complicaciones, necesidad de transfusión, estancia hospitalaria y evolución de los pacientes intervenidos. Resultados: Se evaluaron 70 pacientes; en 39 (55,8%) se realizó nefrectomía laparoscópica simple por patología benigna, en 23 (32,8%) nefrectomía radical laparoscópica por cáncer y en 8 (11,4%) nefrectomía laparoscópica donante vivo. En 7 pacientes se tuvo que convertir a cirugía abierta. La media del tiempo operatorio fue 188,94 ± 33,41 min. Los resultados histopatológicos fueron pielonefritis crónica y carcinoma renal. No hubo variaciones clínicamente significativas en los niveles de hemoglobina, hematocrito, urea, creatinina. Las complicaciones según clasificación de Clavien: Grado I: 21(30%), II: 9(12,8%) y V: 1(1,4%). La media del tiempo de hospitalización fue 4,66 ± 2,97 días, con buena evolución postoperatoria en el 85,7% de los pacientes. Conclusión: La nefrectomía laparoscópica para riñones excluidos de patología benigna como maligna y de donantes de riñón, es una técnica mínimamente invasiva, reproducible, segura, efectiva y una alternativa a la cirugía abierta.

SUMMARY Objective: To report the findings of laparoscopic nephrectomies in patients with malignant, benignant and donor conditions. Material and Methods : A retrospective case series carried-out at Cayetano Heredia Hospital between August 2013 and May 2019. Patients with non-functioning kidneys of any etiology and contra lateral kidney functioning were included. Patients with severe pionephrosis were excluded. Demographic, clinical, body mass index, etiology of the nonfunctioning kidney, conversion rate, laterality, operating time, histopathology of the resected kidneys, complications, need for blood transfusion, hospital stay and clinical evolution. Results: 70 patients were evaluated; in 39 (55.8%) a simple laparoscopy for benign entities was performed; in 23 (32.8%) a radical nephrectomy for cancer was performed and in 8 (11.4%) a laparoscopy was performed for living donors. In 7 patients the laparoscopic procedure converted into open surgery. Mean operating time was 188.94 ± 33.41 min. Main histopathological findings were chronic pyelonephritis and renal carcinoma. Complications by Clavien classification were: Grade I: 21(30%), II: 9(12.8%) and V: 1(1.4%). Mean hospital stay was 4.66 ± 2.97 days; 85.7% had good clinical evolution. Conclusion : Laparoscopic nephrectomy for benign and malignant conditions as well as for kidney donors is a minimally invasive technique which is reproducible, safe, effective and therefore represents an alternative to open surgery.

Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354896


Introducción:La automedicación no responsable conduce a una baja efectividad e inseguridad en los tratamientos, daños a la salud e insatisfacción del paciente. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados con la automedicación no responsable en la población peruana. Se realizó un estudio analítico Material y Métodos:transversal basado en el análisis secundario de la Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción de Usuarios en Salud 2016 realizada en Perú. Incluyó 3849 usuarios de establecimientos farmacéuticos. Se calcularon: chi-cuadrado con valor p, odds ratio crudo (ORc) y odds ratio ajustado (ORa) con su intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC 95%). El Resultados:riesgo de automedicación no responsable fue muy alto cuando el dispensador del medicamento no solicitó la receta del usuario (ORa = 29,057). Además, acudir al establecimiento farmacéutico para pedir consejo (ORa= 1,884), el consumo eventual del medicamento comprado (ORa= 1,925), menos de cinco minutos de demora en la compra del medicamento (ORa= 1,587) y ser hombre (ORa= 1,321) también fueron factoresderiesgo.Laproximidaddelestablecimientofarmacéuticoalos establecimientos de salud del primer y segundo nivel de atención también actuó como un factor de riesgo (ORa= 1,340 y 1,652, respectivamente). La falta de Conclusión:solicitud de prescripción en el establecimiento farmacéutico fue el principal factor de riesgo para la automedicación no responsable

Introduction:Non-responsible self-medication leads to low effectiveness and insecurity in treatments, damage of health and patient dissatisfaction.To Objective:identify factors associated with non-responsible self-medication in the Peruvian population.:Ananalyticalcross-sectionalstudywas MaterialandMethodsconducted based on the secondary analysis of the National Survey of Users Satisfaction in Health performed in Peru in 2016. It included 3849 users of pharmaceutical establishments. Chi-square statistic with p-value, crude odds ratio (cOR) and adjusted odds ratio (aOR) with its 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated. Results:When the dispenser of the medicine did not request the prescription from the user, the risk of non-responsible self-medication was very high (aOR=29.057). Additionally, going to the pharmaceutical establishment to ask for advice (aOR=1.884), eventual consumption of the purchased medicine (aOR=1.925), less than five minutes delay in purchasing medicine (aOR=1.587) and being male (aOR=1.321) were also risk factors. The proximity of the pharmaceutical store to health services from the first and second level of health care also acted as a risk factor (cOR=1.340 and 1.652, respectively). Conclusion:The lack of request for prescription in the pharmaceutical establishment was the main risk factor for non-responsible self-medication

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340681


RESUMEN Introducción: La automedicación no responsable conduce a una baja efectividad e inseguridad en los tratamientos, daños a la salud e insatisfacción del paciente. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados con la automedicación no responsable en la población peruana. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal basado en el análisis secundario de la Encuesta Nacional de Satisfacción de Usuarios en Salud 2016 realizada en Perú. Incluyó 3849 usuarios de establecimientos farmacéuticos. Se calcularon: chi-cuadrado con valor p, odds ratio crudo (ORc) y odds ratio ajustado (ORa) con su intervalos de confianza del 95% (IC 95%). Resultados: El riesgo de automedicación no responsable fue muy alto cuando el dispensador del medicamento no solicitó la receta del usuario (ORa = 29,057). Además, acudir al establecimiento farmacéutico para pedir consejo (ORa= 1,884), el consumo eventual del medicamento comprado (ORa= 1,925), menos de cinco minutos de demora en la compra del medicamento (ORa= 1,587) y ser hombre (ORa= 1,321) también fueron factores de riesgo. La proximidad del establecimiento farmacéutico a los establecimientos de salud del primer y segundo nivel de atención también actuó como un factor de riesgo (ORa= 1,340 y 1,652, respectivamente). Conclusión: La falta de solicitud de prescripción en el establecimiento farmacéutico fue el principal factor de riesgo para la automedicación no responsable.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Non-responsible self-medication leads to low effectiveness and insecurity in treatments, damage of health and patient dissatisfaction. Objective: To identify factors associated with non-responsible self-medication in the Peruvian population. Material and Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted based on the secondary analysis of the National Survey of Users Satisfaction in Health performed in Peru in 2016. It included 3849 users of pharmaceutical establishments. Chi-square statistic with p-value, crude odds ratio (cOR) and adjusted odds ratio (aOR) with its 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were calculated. Results: When the dispenser of the medicine did not request the prescription from the user, the risk of non-responsible self-medication was very high (aOR=29.057). Additionally, going to the pharmaceutical establishment to ask for advice (aOR=1.884), eventual consumption of the purchased medicine (aOR=1.925), less than five minutes delay in purchasing medicine (aOR=1.587) and being male (aOR=1.321) were also risk factors. The proximity of the pharmaceutical store to health services from the first and second level of health care also acted as a risk factor (cOR=1.340 and 1.652, respectively). Conclusion: The lack of request for prescription in the pharmaceutical establishment was the main risk factor for non-responsible self-medication.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212490


Mills hemiplegic variant of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a gradually progressive, spastic ascending or descending hemiparesis or hemiplegia without any sensory involvement. Authors presented a 47 years old female with history of gradually progressive left sided wasting of muscles including the tongue, left hemiparesis along with dysarthria and fasciculation’s of tongue and left sided muscles with left sided cortico-spinal tract signs of 2 years duration. There were no sensory as well as bowel bladder involvement. Her cognition was intact. Relevant blood and CSF examinations were within normal limit. MRI Brain and whole spine were unremarkable. Nerve conduction study was essentially normal. Electromyography(EMG) showed chronic denervation potentials which is in accordance to Revised El Escorial criteria, 2015 for the diagnosis of this extremely uncommon entity- Mills hemiplegic variant of ALS. The major challenge in diagnosis of this disease entity is to exclude other diseases/disorders that may mimic its symptomatology.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 79(6): 433-437, dic. 2019. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056749


Se analizó; de forma retrospectiva la presencia de anticuerpos só;©ricos IgG e IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii en las embarazadas que concurrieron a siete hospitales del ó;rea Metropolitana de Buenos Aires durante 2006 y 2017. La prevalencia de infecció;n, medida como presencia de anticuerpos, en 2006 vs. 2017, fue: Hospital Alemán: 22 y 17% (p = 0.004), Hospital Fiorito: 44 y 33% (p < 0.001), Hospital Gandulfo: 30 y 34% (p 0.025), Hospital Grierson: 60 y 44% (p < 0.001), Hospital Rivadavia: 59 y 51% (p=0.003), Maternidad Sardá 47 y 39% (p < 0.001) y Hospital Thompson: 61 y 51% (p < 0.001). La comparació;n demostró; una disminució;n estadísticamente significativa de la seroprevalencia en seis hos pitales. Tambín disminuyeron significativamente la reactividad para IgM en 2017 respecto de 2006 y la seroprevalencia para T. gondii en el total de la població;n de embarazadas estudiadas, lo que significa un mayor nó;ºmero de mujeres susceptible de desarrollar infecció;n aguda durante el embarazo.

We analyzed the presence of IgG and IgM anti- Toxoplasma gondii, as a measure of infection, in pregnant women attending seven hospitals in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires during 2006 and 2017. T. gondii seroprevalence in 2006 vs. 2017, was: Hospital Alemán: 22 and 17% (p = 0.004), Hospital Fiorito: 44 and 33% (p < 0.001), Hospital Gandulfo: 30 and 34% (p 0.025), Hospital Grierson 60 and 44% (p < 0.001), Hospital Rivadavia: 59 and 51% (p = 0.003), Hospital Sardá: 47 and 39% (p < 0. 001), and Hospital Thompson: 61 and 51% (p < 0.001). The comparison showed a significant decrease in seroprevalence in six hospitals. We also observed a significant decrease in the reactivity for IgM in 2017 compared to 2006 and in the seroprevalence for T. gondii in the overall population of pregnant women in the study. This means that a greater number of women are susceptible to develop acute infection during pregnancy.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/immunology , Toxoplasma/immunology , Antibodies, Protozoan/blood , Toxoplasmosis/immunology , Argentina/epidemiology , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Time Factors , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Immunoglobulin M/blood , Antibodies, Protozoan/immunology , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Toxoplasmosis/blood , Toxoplasmosis/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Age Distribution , Hospitals/statistics & numerical data
Rev. cienc. salud (Bogotá) ; 17(3): 132-140, dic. 2019. graf, ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1058226


Resumen Introducción: El mieloma múltiple es una enfermedad hematooncológica de origen clonal, caracterizada por la producción anormal de células plasmáticas que producen un reemplazo progresivo de otras líneas hematopoyéticas. El 95 % de los casos condiciona el aumento de la producción de inmunoglobu-linas defectuosas, predominantemente IgG e IgA, detectadas en suero con pico monoclonal, definido por un deterioro progresivo de la función renal aguda, anemia, citopenias, dolor óseo agudo o crónico, fracturas patológicas, trastornos endocrinos recientes y, como en el caso de estudio, asociado con cirrosis hepática. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 49 años, con cefalea, dolor abdominal, torácico, evacuaciones melénicas, disnea y signos de ascitis, con un tiempo de enfermedad de tres meses, con historia de dolor lumbosacro de tres años antes de su ingreso. Los exámenes auxiliares mostraron pancitopenia, perfil de coagulación alterado, función renal alterada, inversión de albúmina-globulina, hiperuricemia, ascitis, lesiones óseas líticas, hipergammapatía monoclonal de tipo IgA relacionado con hiperbetaglobulinemia. Los exámenes específicos dieron como diagnóstico mieloma múltiple IgA EC IIIB más cirrosis hepática. Se presenta este caso como inusual por elevación de proteínas en suero, tanto beta como gamma, producto de dos patologías concomitantes. Conclusión: paciente con dos enfermedades simultáneas, en ambos casos con elevación de globulinas, lo que podría confundir el diagnóstico; el estado de inmunosupresión mejora con la administración de inmunoglobulinas y de tratamiento para la enfermedad base.

Abstract Introduction: The multiple myeloma is a hemato-oncological disease of clonal origin, characterized by the abnormal production of plasma cells that produce a progressive replacement of the other hema-topoietic lines in the bone marrow. In 95 % of the cases, the condition showed an increase in the production of defective immunoglobulins, predominantly IgG and IgA detected in serum with monoclonal peak, characterized by progressive deterioration of acute renal function, anemia, cytopenias, acute or chronic bone pain, pathological fractures, and recent endocrine disorders. The present case associated with hepatic cirrhosis. Case presentation: A 49-year-old male patient with headache, abdominal pain, thoracic, manes, dyspnea and signs of ascites with a 3-month disease time, and lumbosacral pain history of 3 years before admission. Auxiliary examinations showed pancytopenia, altered coagulation profile, impaired renal function, albumin-globulin inversion, hyperuricemia, ascites, lytic bone lesions, and monoclonal hypergammapathy of IgA type associated with hyperbetaglobulinemia. The specific exams gave as diagnosis multiple IgA EC IIIB myeloma, plus liver cirrhosis, this case is presented as unusual by elevation of serum proteins in both beta and gamma product of two concomitant pathologies. Conclusion: A patient with two simultaneous diseases, both cases with globulin elevation that could confuse the diagnosis, whos state of immunosuppression improved with the administration of immunoglobulins and the treatment for the base disease.

Resumo Introdução: O mieloma múltiplo é um doença hemato-oncológica de origem clonal, caracterizada pela produção anormal de células plasmáticas que produzem uma substituição progressiva de outras linhas hematopoiéticas. O 95 % dos casos, condiciona o aumento da produção de imunoglobulinas defeituosas, predominantemente IgG e IgA detectadas em soro com pico monoclonal, caracterizada por um deterioro progressivo da função renal aguda, anemia, citopenias, dor óssea aguda ou crónica, fraturas patológicas, transtornos endócrinos recentes e no presente caso associado à cirrose hepática. Apresentação do caso: Paciente masculino de 49 anos com cefaleia, dor abdominal, torácica, melena, dispneia e signos de ascite com um tempo de doença de 3 meses, com história de dor lombossacral 3 anos antes de seu ingresso, os exames auxiliares mostraram pancitopenia, perfil de coagulação alterada, função renal alterada, investimento de albumina-globulina, hiperuricemia, ascite, lesões ósseas líticas, hipergamapatia monoclonal de tipo IgA associado a hiperbetaglobulinemia. Os exames específicos deram como diagnóstico mieloma múltiplo IgA EC IIIB mais cirrose hepática, se apresenta este caso como inusitada por elevação de proteínas em soro tanto beta quanto gama produto de duas patologias concomitantes. Conclusões: Paciente com duas doenças simultâneas em ambos os casos com elevação de globulinas que poderiam confundir o diagnóstico e pelo estado de imunossupressão melhora com a administração de imunoglobulinas e tratamento para a doença base.

Humans , Male , Adult , Multiple Myeloma , Case Reports , Immunoglobulin A , Immunoglobulin G
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-207087


Background: The objective of our study is to check the incidence of various congenital fetal anomalies in antenatal period by ultrasonography in a subset of population.Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted in the department of Radiology, Bolan Medical Complex Hospital Quetta from November 2017 to October 2018. Total of 1323 second and third trimester pregnancies were analyzed for a period of one year. 34 fetal anomalies were detected making the prevalence of 2.5%. Information obtained from history, clinical examination and Ultrasound examination were recorded. The data was analyzed in SPSS 20.These patients were also interviewed for folic acid supplementation and consanguineous marriage.Results: 1323 patients were examined with congenital abnormalities detected in 34 fetuses. Among 34 fetuses, 20 were male and 14 were female fetuses. Out of 34, mother of 24 fetuses verified that they did not take folic acid supplementation. Consanguineous marriage recognized as the important risk factor as found in 22 congenital abnormal fetus.  CNS anomalies were the most commonly occurring anomalies with prevalence of (0.9%) followed by gastrointestinal tract anomalies (0.3%) and Urinary tract anomalies (0.3%).Conclusions: The fetus prognosis largely depends on early detection of its any congenital anomaly on antenatal ultrasound as they can result in abortions, still births and other fetal defects. So antenatal ultrasound is very important and safe method for early detection and management of fetal anomalies.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(3): 414-422, jul.-sep. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058748


RESUMEN Objetivos. Diseñar y evaluar una proteína multiepítope como candidato a vacuna contra la enfermedad de Carrión. Materiales y métodos. Mediante herramientas bioinformáticas se seleccionó epítopes de proteínas de membrana externa y se diseñó una proteína multiepítope. El gen de la proteína multiepítope fue subclonado en el plásmido de expresión pET28b y transformado en E. coli BL21 pLys. La proteína multiepítope fue expresada usando isopropil-β-D-1-tiogalactopiranósido y purificada usando resina. Esta proteína purificada fue utilizada para inmunizar ratones BALB/c y se obtuvo anticuerpos policlonales. Se realizaron ensayos de invasión in vitro usando una cepa de Bartonella bacilliformis (B. bacilliformis) a eritrocitos humanos. Resultados. La proteína multiepítope M1 presenta epítopes conservados entre aislamientos de B. bacilliformis, no tóxicos, no homólogos a proteínas humanas y superficiales. Los ratones inmunizados presentaron niveles de anticuerpos IgG capaces de reducir in vitro la tasa de invasión de B. bacilliformis a eritrocitos humanos. Conclusiones. La proteína multiepítope M1 podría servir como candidato a vacuna contra la enfermedad de Carrión; sin embargo, se requiere de más estudios para caracterizar el uso de este antígeno como vacuna.

ABSTRACT Objectives. To design and assess a multiepitopic protein as a candidate for a vaccine against Carrion disease. Materials and Methods. Using bioinformatics tools, epitopes of external membrane proteins were selected and a multiepitopic protein was designed. The multiepitopic protein gene was subcloned into the expression plasmid pET28b and transformed into E. coli BL21 pLys. The multiepitopic protein was expressed using isopropyl-β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside and purified using resin. This purified protein was used to immunize BALB/c mice obtaining polyclonal antibodies. In vitro invasion assays were conducted using a strain of Bartonella bacilliformis (B. bacilliformis) in human red blood cells. Results. The multiepitopic protein M1 presents preserved epitopes between isolates of B. bacilliformis with are non-toxic, and not homologous to human and surface proteins. Immunized mice presented IgG antibody levels capable of reducing in vitro the rate of invasion of B. bacilliformis into human red blood cells. Conclusions. Multiepitopic protein M1 may serve as a candidate for a Carrion disease vaccine; however, more studies are needed to characterize the use of this antigen as a vaccine.

Animals , Female , Bacterial Proteins/biosynthesis , Bartonella Infections/prevention & control , Bacterial Vaccines/biosynthesis , Drug Design , Computational Biology , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Epitopes
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-201597


Background: In Asia, Pakistan has the highest incidence of breast cancer with 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer at some stage of their life. Delays in presentation and diagnosis are major determinants of breast cancer survival, but these have not been comprehensively investigated in Pakistan.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done from June 2017 till October 2018 at Radiology department of Bolan medical complex hospital in Quetta, Pakistan. Patients with breast cancer above the age of 18 and below 70 years were interviewed who were diagnosed with breast cancer. The time interval between self-detection and deciding to seek care was defined as delayed if the woman presented to a health care professional three months or more after detecting an abnormalityResults: A total of 86 breast cancer patients fulfilling the criteria were included in the study. Of these, 34% presented to physician within 3 months of appearance of symptoms, 68% patients presented with a delayed of more than 3 months. Presentation delay was due to financial issues which were seen in 30 patients. 18 patients (20.9%) showed delayed to due difficulty in reaching hospitals, 16 patients (18%) stated delay due to prior use of alternative therapies. Embarrassment and spiritual belief constituted 4.6% cases. 51% and 36% presented with stage III and IV disease out of which majority belonged to poor socio-economic status.Conclusions: The findings suggest that majority of the patients with breast cancer presented late and this has significant effect on their disease prognosis. Most cases of breast cancer presented in advanced stage probably due to poor economic status, difficulty in reaching hospital, illiteracy and negligence by patient or family.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780747


@#Background: There is a meaningful necessity for a targeted therapy of essential tremor (ET), as medications have not been developed specifically for ET. For nearly a century, many drugs have been applied in the treatment of tremor but the drug treatment of ET remains still unknown. Some potential therapeutic factors such fingolimod (FTY720) can be effectively used to treat ET in animals. In the present research, the effect of FTY720, the immunomodulatory sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) analog, on degeneration of cerebellar and olivary neurons induced by harmaline in male rats was investigated. Methods: The animals were allotted into control dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), saline + harmaline [30 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, (i.p.)], harmaline + FTY720 (1 mg/kg, i.p, 1 h and 24 h before harmaline injection) groups (n = 10). The cerebellum and inferior olive nucleus (ION) were studied for neuronal degeneration using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and ultrastructural study by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Results: Harmaline caused neuronal cell loss, caspase-3 mediated apoptosis, astrocytosis and ultrastructural changes in cerebellar Purkinje cells and inferior olive neurons. FTY720 exhibited neuroprotective effects on cerebellar Purkinje cells and inferior olivary neurons. Conclusion: These results suggest that FTY720 has potential efficacy for prevention of ET neurodegeneration and astrocytosis induced by harmaline in male rats.

Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 35(4): 684-688, oct.-dic. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-985791


RESUMEN La hidatidosis es una infección zoonótica que puede invadir múltiples órganos en el ser humano. Sin embargo, el tejido subcutáneo es el órgano menos afectado por esta enfermedad, cuando esto ocurre se aprecia escasa sintomatología, lo que ocasiona periodos prolongados de enfermedad asociado a diagnóstico tardío y a una pobre respuesta a la terapia antiparasitaria. La sierra central del Perú es la zona con mayor prevalencia, presumiblemente por las inadecuadas medidas de saneamiento ambiental, la falta de educación y las casi inexistentes medidas de control de la enfermedad. Con el objetivo de discutir los problemas relacionados a la localización subcutánea y su probable fisiopatología, reportamos dos casos de hidatidosis subcutánea que se presentaron con lesiones tumorales de evolución prolongada y que no afectaron al hígado ni a los pulmones y que finalmente fueron tratados mediante extirpación quirúrgica debido a la falta de respuesta al tratamiento con albendazol.

ABSTRACT Hydatidosis is a zoonotic infection that can invade many organs in the human being. Nevertheless, the subcutaneous tissue is the less affected organ by this disease. When this disease appears, little symptomatology is observed, which causes prolonged periods of disease associated to delayed diagnosis and a poor answer to the antiparasitic therapy. The central mountain range of Peru is the geographical zone with the greatest prevalence, presumably due to the inadequate measures of environmental sanitation, the lack of education and the almost non-existent control measures of the disease. With the aim to discuss the problems related to the subcutaneous location and its probable physiopathology, this study reports two cases of subcutaneous hydatidosis that appeared with tumor lesions with a prolonged evolution and that did not affect the liver or the lungs and which were finally treated by means of surgical removal due to the lack of response to treatment with albendazol.

Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Subcutaneous Tissue/parasitology , Echinococcosis , Peru , Echinococcosis/diagnosis , Echinococcosis/drug therapy