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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198654


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease and affects many organs of the body including oralmucosa. Exfoliative cytology can be used to detect the effects of diabetes on buccal mucosa cells.Aim: The present study will evaluate the qualitative changes (cytomorphology) of buccal mucosal cells in type 2diabetic patients and compare that with the non-diabetic individuals of South Gujarat region.Materials and Method: Present study was done on 50 type 2 diabetic patients (case) and 50 healthy individuals(control) selected as per exclusion and inclusion criteria. Procedure was explained to the participants andinformed written consent was taken. Buccal mucosa smears were taken and stained with Pap’s stain. 100 cellsof each Pap stained smear was examined under a research microscope for various cytomorphological changes.Smears were examined for cell morphology like binucleation, pyknosis, perinuclear halo, cytoplasmic granules,karyolysis, karyorrhexis, cytoplsmic vacuoles and micronuclei. All data were noted and subjected to statisticalanalysis.Results: Mean values of binucleated cells, pyknotic cells, perinuclear halo, cytoplasmic granules, karyolyticcells, karyorrhectic cells, cytoplasmic vacuoles and micronuclei were noted in controls and cases. Significantdifferences in between non-diabetic control and diabetic cases for mean values of binucleation (p<0.001),pyknosis (p<0.001), perinuclear halo (p<0.001), cytoplasmic granules (p<0.001), karyolysis (p=0.026) andkaryorrhexis (p<0.001) was observed. But no significant differences in the mean cells for cytoplasmic vacuoles(p=0.109) and micronuclei (p=0.176) were found between diabetics cases and non-diabetics control.Conclusion: The results of present study showed that buccal mucosa of diabetic case group is associated withsignificant differences in the mean values of qualitative changes like binucleation, pyknosis, perinuclear halo,cytoplasmic granules, karyolysis and karyorrhexis when compare to non-diabetic control group. Diabetesproduces significant qualitative (cytomorphologic) changes in the buccal mucosa cells that can be documentedby exfoliative cytology.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198547


Background: Tendoachilles tendon, the strongest and thickest tendon of the body, is formed by tendons of soleusand gastrocnemius begins near the middle of the back of leg and is inserted to the midpoint of the posteriorsurface of the calcaneum. Normal morphometric measurements of Achilles tendon serve as an important landmarkin its anthropometric evaluation and biomechanical attribute. The morphological changes in the tendon sizeprovide important health information for the management of various clinical conditions related to Achillestendons like simple tendinopathy or acute ruptures of it etc.Aim: The current study aimed at finding out the detailed morphometric measurements of the Achilles tendonwhich can be of substantial use to clinicians for determining any pathological conditions associated withtendoachilles.Materials and Methods: Total 108 lower limbs from 54 donated embalmed cadavers (31 males & 23 females) ofage between 55 to 85 years were procured for dissection. The study was carried out in the department of AnatomySMIMER Surat.Results: Present cadaveric study found that the length of tendoachilles was significantly high in male than infemale and no statistically significant difference in length of tendoachilles between right and left side werenoted. The width of the tendoachilles at origin between the right and left side tendons was statistically significant.Discussion: We found that the length of Tendoachilles was significantly high in male than in female and alsowidth of the tendoachilles at origin was more on right side. Being a frequent site for rupture, degenerative changeand inflammation, knowledge pertaining to normal morphometric measurements of Achilles tendon is imperativebefore determining any pathological variations associated with the tendon and