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Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 16(1): 177-187, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-715313


El siguiente estudio tuvo como objetivo aislar seis diferentes cepas bacterianas provenientes de las descargas de agua utilizadas en la tintura de hilo con colorante índigo, que tuviesen capacidad de degradación de compuestos orgánicos del tinte índigo y tres surfactantes de tipo no iónicos. Igualmente, se evaluaron diferentes medios de soporte para inmovilizar las cepas seleccionadas. Las cepas con mejor capacidad de decoloración se combinaron para conformar cuatro consorcios (I, II, III, y IV) con el fin de potenciar el proceso de decoloración, considerando que la sinergia y el complemento de actividades metabólicas de cultivos mixtos dentro de una comunidad microbiana incrementan la eficiencia de remoción de carga orgánica. Los porcentajes de remoción que se alcanzaron fueron 64, 73, 76 y 59 %, respectivamente. Los cultivos individuales no presentaron porcentajes de remoción superiores a los reportados por los consorcios, lo que permite pensar en su utilización para la remoción de tintes índigos en aguas residuales.

The aim of this study was isolate six different bacterial strains from water discharges used in dyeing yarn with indigo, capable of degradation of organic compounds with indigo dye and three type nonionic surfactants. Similarly, various supporting media were evaluated for immobilizing the selected strains. Strains with better capacity were combined to form four consortia (I, II, III, and IV) in order to enhance the bleaching process, whereas synergy and complement metabolic activities of mixed cultures within a community increase microbial removal efficiency of organic load. Removal percentages were achieved which were 64, 73, 76 and 59%, respectively. Individual cultures showed no higher than rates reported by consortia removal, which suggests in its use for the removal of indigo dyes in wastewater.

Bacteria , Baptisia tinctoria , Textiles , Mother Tincture
Colomb. med ; 44(1): 19-25, Jan.-Mar. 2013. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-691790


Objective:Determine the prevalence and compare somegenetic markers involved in addictive behavior in a groupof addicts to derivative of coca (cocaine/crack) or heroinand a control group of non-addicted people matched forgender, age and ethnicity.Methods:A 120 addicts and 120 non-addicts Colombianmale were surveyed and genotyped for 18 polymorphismof the OPRM1, DRD2, DRD4, SLC6A3, SLC6A4, ABCB1,DβH and CYP2B6 genes. For the identification of allelesmarkers were used mini-sequencing and fragment multi-plex PCR techniques; ethnicity of cases and controls wasanalyzed with 61 AIMs.Results:The age of onset use of heroin or coca derivati-ves (cocaine/crack) was 16,5±6 years and 99,2 percent of themconsume several illicit drugs. It showed that controlsand addicts belong to the same ethnic group. Significantdifferences between addicts and controls in relation toschooling, marital status, social security family historyof substance abuse (p<0,001), Int8-VNTR SLC6A3 gene(p=0,015) and SNP 3435C>T ABCB1 gene (p=0,001) werefound.Conclusion:The present results indicate that the VNTR-6R polymorphism of the gene SLC6A3 and the genoty-pe 3435CC in the ABCB1 gene, are both associated withaddictive behavior to heroin or cocaine.

Humans , Cocaine , Pregnancy-Specific beta 1-Glycoproteins , Heroin