This randomized controlled study was conducted to compare the efficacy and safety of High frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) and Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) in preterm neonates with hyaline membrane disease requiring ventilation. The ventilation strategy in both the groups included achieving optimal lung recruitment and targeted blood gases. 49 patients received HFOV and 61 SIMV. The baseline characteristics were similar in both the groups. HFOV group demonstrated better early oxygenation, enabled reduction in oxygenation index (OI) within 24 h of ventilation (difference in mean OI at 1, 6, & 24 h of ventilation: P=0.004 in HFOV, and 0.271 in SIMV group). Duration of hospital stay was shorter in HFOV group (P=0.003). The complication rate and survival were similar in two groups.