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Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e056, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564205


Abstract This study evaluated the effect of fluoride varnishes containing micrometric or nanosized sodium trimetaphosphate (TMP) on dentin erosive wear in vitro. Bovine root dentin blocks were selected by surface hardness and randomly divided into five experimental groups/varnishes (n = 20/group): placebo, 5% sodium fluoride (NaF); 5% NaF+5% micrometric TMP; 5% NaF+2.5% nanosized TMP; and 5% NaF+5% nanosized TMP. Half of the surface of all blocks received a single application of the assigned varnish, with subsequent immersion in artificial saliva for 6 h. Varnishes were then removed and the blocks were immersed in citric acid (90 s, 4×/day, 5 days). After each erosive cycle, ten blocks of each group were immersed in a placebo dentifrice for 15 s (ERO), while the other ten blocks were subjected to abrasion by brushing (ERO+ABR). Dentin erosive wear was assessed by profilometry. Data were submitted to 2-way ANOVA and to the Holm-Sidak test (p<0.05). Dentin erosive wear was significantly higher for ERO+ABR than for ERO for all varnishes. TMP-containing varnishes promoted superior effects against dentin erosive wear compared with 5% NaF alone; and 5% nanosized TMP led to the lowest wear among all varnishes. In conclusion, the addition of TMP to conventional fluoride varnish (i.e., varnish containing only NaF) enhanced its protective effects against bovine root dentin erosion and erosion+abrasion. Additionally, the use of 5% nanosized TMP led to superior effects in comparison to 5% micrometric TMP, both for erosion and erosion+abrasion in vitro.

J. appl. oral sci ; 31: e20230155, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448555


Abstract Objective To evaluate the effects of fluoride (F) gels supplemented with micrometric or nano-sized sodium trimetaphosphate (TMPmicro and TMPnano, respectively) on the in vitro remineralization of caries-like lesions. Methodology Bovine enamel subsurface lesions (n=168) were selected according to their surface hardness (SH) and randomly divided into seven groups (n=24/group): Placebo (without F/TMP), 4,500 ppm F (4500F), 4500F + 2.5% TMPnano (2.5% Nano), 4500F + 5% TMPnano (5% Nano), 4500F + 5% TMPmicro (5% Micro), 9,000 ppm F (9000F), and 12,300 ppm F (Acid gel). The gels were applied in a thin layer for one minute. Half of the blocks were subjected to pH cycling for six days, whereas the remaining specimens were used for loosely- (calcium fluoride; CaF2) and firmly-bound (fluorapatite; FA) fluoride analysis. The percentage of surface hardness recovery (%SHR), area of subsurface lesion (ΔKHN), CaF2, FA, calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) on/in enamel were determined. Data (log10-transformed) were subjected to ANOVA and the Student-Newman-Keuls' test (p<0.05). Results We observed a dose-response relation between F concentrations in the gels without TMP for %SHR and ΔKHN. The 2.5% Nano and 5% Micro reached similar %SHR when compared with 9000F and Acid gels. For ΔKHN, Placebo and 5% Nano gels had the highest values, and 5% Micro, 2.5% Nano, 9000F, and Acid gels, the lowest. All groups had similar retained CaF2 values, except for Placebo and Acid gel. We verified observed an increase in Ca concentrations in nano-sized TMP groups. Regarding P, TMP groups showed similar formation and retention to 9000F and Acid. Conclusion Adding 2.5% nano-sized or 5% micrometric TMP to low-fluoride gels lead to enhanced in vitro remineralization of artificial caries lesions.

Rev. Finlay ; 11(3): 279-286, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347051


RESUMEN Fundamento la hipertensión arterial se presenta a nivel mundial como una de las principales causas de muerte y discapacidad. Es la falta de adherencia al tratamiento una de las grandes problemáticas de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de adherencia terapéutica en pacientes con hipertensión arterial del consultorio 22 perteneciente al Policlínico Comunitario Turcios Lima del municipio Pinar del Río. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal en pacientes con hipertensión arterial del consultorio 22, perteneciente al Policlínico Comunitario Turcios Lima entre diciembre de 2018 a junio de 2019. El universo estuvo constituido por 160 pacientes. Se aplicó la encuesta para la recogida de la información. Las variables analizadas fueron: edad, sexo, nivel de escolaridad, tratamiento indicado, nivel de adherencia al tratamiento y motivos de la no adherencia al tratamiento. Como instrumentos de medida se empleó el test de Morisky-Green-Levine. Se empleo la estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Para la obtención de frecuencias absolutas y relativas y en la estadística inferencial, la Prueba de Ji cuadrado (X2) para determinar homogeneidad respectivamente de las distribuciones muestrales. Resultados la adherencia al tratamiento fue de 47,50 %. La mayor adherencia se situó en el grupo etáreo de 65 años y más, del sexo femenino con un 31,3 % y el nivel preuniversitario en el 17,5 %. El 39,40 % de adherencia estuvo representada por el esquema terapéutico de monoterapia. El olvido y el sentirse mejor fueron los motivos más frecuentes de no adherencia en un 41,0 y 27,0 %, respectivamente. Conclusiones: el nivel de adherencia terapéutica en pacientes con hipertensión arterial del consultorio 22 es bajo, siendo el motivo más frecuente el olvido.

ABSTRACT Background: arterial hypertension is presented worldwide as one of the main causes of death and disability. Lack of adherence to treatment is one of this disease great problems. Objective: to determine the level of therapeutic adherence in patients with arterial hypertension in office 22 belonging to the Turcios Lima Comunitary Polyclinic of the Pinar del Río municipality. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in patients with arterial hypertension from office 22, belonging to the Turcios Lima Comunitary Polyclinic from December 2018 to June 2019. There was a universe of 160 patients. The survey was applied to collect the information. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, level of education, indicated treatment, level of adherence to treatment and reasons for non-adherence to treatment. The Morisky-Green-Levine test was used as measurement instruments. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used. To obtain absolute and relative frequencies and in inferential statistics, the Chi-square test (X2) to determine homogeneity respectively of the sample distributions. Results: adherence to treatment was 47.50 %. The highest adherence was found in the age group 65 years old and over, female with 31.3 % and the pre-university level with 17.5 %. The 39.40 % adherence was represented by the monotherapy therapeutic scheme. Forgetfulness and feeling better were the most frequent reasons for non-adherence in 41.0 % and 27.0 %, respectively. Conclusions: the level of therapeutic adherence in patients with hypertension in the office 22 is low, the most frequent reason being forgetfulness.

Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 5(3): 48-53, Dec. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1342952


Introdução: Cárie na Primeira Infância (CPI) é o termo utilizado para descrever a cárie dentária em crianças menores de 6 anos de idade. Objetivo: Relatar o tratamento reabilitador estético e funcional de uma criança com CPI. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo masculino, 5 anos de idade, compareceu à clínica de Odontopediatria da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba (FOA/UNESP), acompanhado pela mãe, que relatou como queixa principal dor e presença de cárie. Ao exame clínico intrabucal, constatou-se na arcada superior lesões de cárie em todos os dentes, exceto nos dentes 55, já restaurado, e dente 65, hígido. Na arcada inferior, lesões de cárie foram observadas nos dentes 74 e 84. Após diagnóstico clínico e radiográfico, optou-se por realizar a confecção de coroa de aço para os dentes 74 e 84, exodontia dos dentes 51, 52, 61 e 64, instalação de aparelho mantenedor de espaço funcional removível e restaurações dos demais dentes afetados com compósito resinoso. Conclusão: Foi possível recuperar as funções estéticas, fonéticas e mastigatórias do paciente, colaborando para a melhora da autoestima da criança, o que gerou satisfação dos familiares. A educação em saúde bucal realizada com a criança e os responsáveis foi essencial para o sucesso do tratamento e a manutenção da saúde bucal.

Introduction: Early Childhood Caries (ECC) is the term used to describe dental caries in children under 6 years of age. Objective: Report the aesthetic and functional rehabilitation treatment of a child with ECC. Case report: A 5-year-old male patient was attended at the to the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Araçatuba Dental School (FOA/UNESP), accompanied by his mother, who reported pain and dental caries as the main complaint. On intraoral clinical examination, caries lesions were found in all upper teeth, except for tooth 55, already restored, and tooth 65, healthy. In the lower arch, caries lesions were observed in teeth 74 and 84. After clinical and radiographic diagnosis, it was decided for the manufacture of steel crown for teeth 74 and 84, extraction of teeth 51, 52, 61 and 64, installation of removable functional space maintenance device and restorations of the other affected teeth with composite resin. Conclusion: In view of the treatment performed, it was possible to recover the aesthetic, phonetic and masticatory functions, contributing to the improvement of the child's self-esteem as well assatisfaction of family members. Oral health education carried out with the child and his parents was essential for the success of the treatment and the maintenance of oral health.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Dental Care for Children , Dental Caries/rehabilitation , Self Concept , Health Education, Dental , Dental Caries/psychology
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 9(1): 66-74, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-999003


Este estudio presenta un relato de caso clínico sobre la retención de molares primarios, el objetivo es describir los medios de diagnóstico, la etiología, las implicaciones clínicas y el tratamiento de esta condición. Factores etiológicos locales, ambientales o genéticos pueden llevar a la retención de molares primarios, interfiriendo en la secuencia normal de erupción de los premolares. Paciente de sexo femenino, 12 años de edad, compareció a la clínica de Odontopediatría de la Facultad de Odontología de Araçatuba (FOA/UNESP), Brasil, con queja de dolor y aumento volumétrico en la región vestibular del diente 63 y cuadro casode erupción dentaria incompatible con la edad cronológica de los dientes 54/55, 75, 84/85. Exámenes complementarios fueron realizados para el establecimiento del diagnóstico, el cual se definió como retención prolongada de molares primarios. La conducta terapéutica fue basada en la realización de exodoncia de los dientes con retención prolongada, seguida del control clínico y radiográfico, hasta la erupción de los sucesores. Se concluye que el diagnóstico y la intervención temprana para la retención prolongada son de fundamental importancia para evitar daños a la oclusión.

Objetivo: Apresentar um relato de caso clínico sobre a retenção de molares de dentes decíduos, como o objetivo de descrever os meios de diagnóstico, a etiologia, as implicações clínicas e o tratamento desta condição. Fatores etiológicos locais, ambientais ou genéticos podem levar à retenção de molares decíduos, interferindo na sequência normal de erupção dos pré-molares. Paciente do sexo feminino, 12 anos de idade, compareceu à clínica de Odontopediatria da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba (FOA/UNESP), Brasil queixando-se de dor e aumento volumétrico na região vestibular do dente 63 e quadro de erupção dentária incompatível com a idade cronológica dos dentes 54/55, 65, 74/75, 84/85. Exames complementares foram realizados para o estabelecimento do diagnóstico, o qual foi definiu-se como retenção prolongada de molares decíduos. A conduta terapêutica baseou-se na realização de exodontia dos dentes com retenção prolongada, seguida do controle clínico e radiográfico, até a erupção dos sucessores. Conclui-se que o diagnóstico e a intervenção precoces para a retenção prolongada são de fundamental importância para evitar danos à oclusão.

This study shows a clinical case report about the retention of primary molars, with the aim of describing diagnosis, etiology, clinical implications and treatment of this condition. Local, environmental or genetic etiologic factors may lead to retention of primary molars, interfering with the normal sequence of eruption of the premolars. A 12-year-old female patient attended the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the Faculty of Dentistry of Araçatuba (FOA / UNESP), complaining of pain and volumetric increase in the buccal region of the tooth 63 and a scenario of age-incompatible eruption chronological analysis of teeth 54/55, 64/65, 74/75, 84/85. Complementary examinations were performed to establish the diagnosis, which was defined as prolonged retention of deciduous molars. Therapeutic conduct was based on the extraction of teeth with prolonged retention, followed by clinical and radiographic control until the successors erupted. It is concluded that the early diagnosis and intervention for prolonged retention are of fundamental Latinoamericanaimportance to avoid occlusal complications.

Humans , Child , Molar , Surgery, Oral , Denture Retention , Molar/diagnostic imaging
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 9(2): 160-170, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1010082


El quiste dentígero es definido como una lesión quística que involucra la corona de un diente incluido que está relacionada con la unión amelocementaria. Clínicamente se manifiesta por un aumento del volumen asintomático, siendo generalmente descubierto en un examen radiográfico de rutina o por la investigación de un diente no erupcionado. Radiográficamente presenta una lesión radiolúcida unilocular asociada a un diente incluido. Este estudio presenta un caso clínico de un paciente con quiste dentígero en la región posterior de la mandíbula, tratado quirúrgicamente por medio de enucleación y exodoncia de los dientes involucrados. Paciente de género masculino, de 9 años de edad, que compareció a la Clínica de casoOdontología de la Universidad de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP), Brasil, con queja de abultamiento inferior izquierdo de la cara y marcada asimetría facial, la radiografía panorámica y tomografía computarizada evidenciaron la presencia de un quiste dentígero extenso. Delante de este cuadro clínico y radiográfico, el plan de tratamiento establecido fue la enucleación del quiste para permitir la erupción de los dientes sucesores permanentes, seguido por la exodoncia de los elementos dentarios 74/75. El tratamiento quirúrgico se mostró rápido y resolutivo evidenciando que la elección del tratamiento debe ser cuidadosamente evaluado para cada caso.

O cisto dentígero é definido como uma lesão cística envolvendo a coroa de um dente incluso, estando este ligado a junção amelocementária. Clinicamente manifesta-se pelo aumento de volume assintomático, sendo geralmente descoberto pelo exame radiográfico de rotina ou pela investigação de dente não erupcionado. Radiograficamente, se apresenta como uma lesão radiolúcida unilocular em torno de um dente incluso. Este estudo apresenta um caso clínico de um paciente com cisto dentígero em região posterior de mandíbula, tratado cirurgicamente por meio de enucleação e exodontia de dentes envolvidos. Paciente do gênero masculino, 9 anos de idade, compareceu a Clínica de Odontopediatria da Universidade de Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP), Brasil, com queixa de abaulamento inferior esquerdo da face, com acentuada assimetria facial, cujo exame radiográfico panorâmico e tomografia computadorizada evidenciaram a presença de amplo cisto dentígero. Diante do quadro clínico e radiográfico, o plano de tratamento instituído foi a enucleação do cisto, para permitir a erupção dos sucessores permanentes, seguido da exodontia dos elementos dentários 74/75. O tratamento cirúrgico se mostrou rápido e resolutivo, evidenciando que a escolha do tratamento deve ser cuidadosamente ponderada para cada caso.

The dentigerous cyst is defined as a cystic lesion involving the crown of an included tooth, which is attached to the cement enamel junction. Clinically it is manifested by asymptomatic increase in volume, and is usually discovered by routine radiographic examination or by investigation of non-erupted tooth. Radiographically, it presents as a unilocular radiolucent lesion around an even tooth. This study presents a clinical case of a patient with a dentigerous cyst in the posterior region of the mandible, treated surgically by enucleation and exodontia of involved teeth. A 9-year-old male patient attended the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of the University of Ribeirão Preto (UNAERP), Brazil, complaining of lower left bulging of the face, with marked facial asymmetry, whose panoramic radiographic examination and computed tomography evidenced the presence of large dentigerous cyst. In view of the clinical and radiographic findings, the treatment plan was to enucleate the cyst to allow eruption of the permanent successors, followed by the exodontia of the dental elements 74/75. Surgical treatment was fast and resolute, showing that the choice of treatment should be carefully weighted for each case.

Humans , Child , Dentigerous Cyst , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Crown , Mandible
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 8(1): 75-82, 2018. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | COLNAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1005964


Ectodermal dyspasia (ED) is a hereditary disease that includes genetic and environmental changes. ED causes hypodontia, dystrophic nails, sparse hair and dental anomalies. Oral rehabilitation treatment for pediatric patients with ED is difficult because of continuous development and craniofacial growth. The aim of this study was to present a case report of oral rehabilitation in pediatric patients diagnosed with ED. A 5- year, 6-month-old girl reported to the clinic of Pediatric Dentistry in University Anhanguera UNIDERP-BR. Extraoral examination showed that the patient was an oral breather, and presented with decreased lower face height, protruding and everted lips, prominent forehead, "horse saddle" nose, lack of hair, eyelashes and eyebrows, thin and dry skin. Intraoral examination demonstrated absence of teeth: 51/52, 61/62/63, 71/72, 81/82 and tree conical teeth: 53, 73 and 83. The radiographic examination revealed agenesis of 9 primary teeth and of the buds of the following permanent teeth: 11/12/13, 21/22/23, 41/42, 31/32, we observed the presence of teeth buds of 33 and 43. Considering physical and radiographic characteristics hydrotic ectodermal was diagnosed. As clinical management, we opted for the installation of removable functional aesthetic maintainers, favoring the speech normality, swallowing, lip and lingual muscle tone and social development.

A displasia ectodérmica (DE) caracteriza-se por uma doença hereditária que consiste em alterações genéticas e ambientais, provocando hipodontia, unhas distróficas, cabelos escassos e anomalias dentárias. O tratamento reabilitador em pacientes pediátricos com DE se torna difícil devido ao contínuo desenvolvimento e crescimento crânio-facial dessas crianças. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de reabilitação oral em paciente pediátrico diagnosticado com DE. Paciente sexo feminino, com 5 anos e 6 meses de idade compareceu a clínica de Odontopediatria na UNIDERP. Ao exame físico, extra-oral, constatou-se que a paciente era respiradora bucal, e tinha como características a diminuição do terço inferior da face, lábios protusos e evertidos, fronte proeminente, nariz em "sela", escassez de pelos, cílios e sobrancelha, pele fina e seca. No exame intra-oral observou-se ausência dos elementos dentários, 51/52, 61/62/63, 71/72, 81/82, e os elementos 53, 73 e 83 apresentando aspecto conóide. Ao exame radiográfico constatou-se a agenesia de 9 dentes decíduos e dos germes dos seguintes dentes permanentes: 11/12/13, 21/22/23, 41/42, 31/32 e ainda observou-se a presença dos germes dos dentes 33 e 43. Baseado nas características físicas e radiográficas diagnosticou-se displasia ectodermica hidrótica. Como conduta clínica, optou-se pela instalação de mantenedores estéticos funcionais removíveis, favorecendo a normalidade da fala, deglutição, tonicidade muscular labial e lingual e do desenvolvimento social.

La displasia ectodérmica (DE) se caracteriza por ser una enfermedad hereditaria que consiste en alteraciones genéticas y ambientales, provocando hipodoncia, distrofia en uñas, cabello escaso y anomalías dentarias. El tratamiento de rehabilitación en pacientes pediátricos con DE es difícil debido al continuo crecimiento y desarrollo cráneo facial de estos niños. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo relatar un caso clínico de rehabilitación oral en paciente pediátrico diagnosticado con DE. Paciente de sexo femenino, con 5 años y 6 meses de edad que compareció a la clínica de odontopediatría en la UNIDERP. Al examen físico, extra oral, se constató que la paciente era respiradora bucal, y presentaba disminución del tercio inferior de la cara, labios protruidos y evertidos, frente prominente, nariz en "silla de montar", escasez de cabello, pestañas y cejas, piel fina y seca. En el examen intraoral se observó ausencia de los siguientes dientes: 51/52, 61/62/63, 71/72, 81/82, y aspecto conoide de los dientes 53, 73 y 83. Al examen radiográfico se constató agenesia de 9 dientes primarios y de los gérmenes de los siguientes dientes permanentes: 11/12/13, 21/22/23, 41/42, 31/32, se observó la presencia de los gérmenes de los dientes 33 y 43. Con base en las características físicas y radiográficas se diagnosticó displasia ectodérmica hidrótica. Como conducta clínica, se optó por la instalación de mantenedores estéticos funcionales removibles, con el fin de favorecer la fonación, deglución, tonicidad muscular labial y lingual y el desenvolvimiento social.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Ectodermal Dysplasia , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic , Tooth Abnormalities , Anodontia
Araçatuba; s.n; 2017. 104 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-911434


O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de vernizes fluoretados contendo nanopartículas de trimetafosfato de sódio (TMP) sobre a remineralização de lesões de cárie e erosão de esmalte dental in vitro. Assim como o padrão de liberação de F e TMP a partir destas formulações. Os vernizes testados foram: Placebo (sem flúor ou TMP, controle negativo), 2,5% NaF, 5% NaF (controle positivo), 5% NaF + 5% TMP microparticulado, 5% NaF + 2,5% TMP nanoparticulado, 5% NaF + 5% TMP nanoparticulado, além de uma formulação comercial (Duraphat), doravante denominados PLA, 2.5%F, 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro, 5%F+2,5%TMPnano, 5%F+5%TMPnano e Duraphat, respectivamente. Na 1ª fase, lesões de cárie artificiais foram induzidas em blocos de esmalte bovino (n=168), os quais foram selecionados por dureza de superfície (DS). Os blocos receberam uma aplicação dos vernizes supracitados, permanecendo em contato durante 6 h. Metade dos blocos (n=12/grupo) foi utilizada para determinação da concentração de CaF2 e FA formado após o tratamento com os vernizes. A outra metade foi submetida um modelo de ciclagem de pH (6 dias). Os blocos foram analisados quanto a porcentagem de recuperação de dureza de superfície (%RDS), dureza em secção longitudinal (ΔKHN), CaF2 e FA retidos após a ciclagem de pH. Os vernizes contendo TMP promoveram %RDS significativamente maior em comparação ao verniz contendo 5%F, sem diferenças significativas entre os vernizes com TMP. Um padrão semelhante foi observado para ΔKHN, embora os valores obtidos para 5%F+5%TMPnano tenham sido 25% menores que os obtidos para 5%F+5%TMPmicro. As maiores concentrações de CaF2 foram promovidas pelos vernizes 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro e Duraphat. A 2ª fase avaliou o efeito protetor dos vernizes PLA, 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro, 5%F+2,5%TMPnano e 5%F+5%TMPnano sobre a erosão de esmalte bovino. Os espécimes (n=8), selecionados por DS, receberam uma única aplicação dos vernizes, permanecendo em contato durante 6 h. Em seguida, os vernizes foram removidos e os blocos, submetidos a quatro desafios erosivos individuais (1 minuto, ácido cítrico, 0,75%, pH = 3,5, sob agitação), sendo analisados por DS após cada desafio. Em geral, observou-se a maior porcentagem de alteração de DS para PLA, seguido de 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro e ambos os vernizes contendo TMPnano, sem diferenças significativas entre 5%F+2,5%TMPnano e 5%F+5%TMPnano. Por fim, a 3ª fase avaliou o padrão de liberação de flúor e fosfato dos vernizes PLA, 2.5%F, 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro, 5%F+2,5%TMPnano, 5%F+5%TMPnano e Duraphat ao longo de 24 h, em um modelo de ciclagem de pH. Os vernizes foram aplicados em tiras de poliéster (n=8/grupo), as quais foram alternadamente imersas em soluções remineralizadora e desmineralizadora aos 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 540, 600, 720, 780, 960, 1200 e 1440 min após a primeira imersão. As soluções foram analisadas quanto às concentrações de flúor e fosfato. Os vernizes contendo TMP apresentaram um padrão crescente exponencial quanto a liberação cumulativa de flúor até 6 horas, atingindo um platô nos tempos seguintes. Em acréscimo, os vernizes liberaram maiores quantidades de flúor quando imersos em solução desmineralizadora. De forma geral, os vernizes contendo TMPnano liberaram quantidades significativamente maiores de flúor em comparação ao TMPmicro. Os resultados da 1ª fase permitem concluir que a adição de TMP a vernizes fluoretados aumenta significativamente seu potencial remineralizador em lesões de cárie artificiais, com um efeito adicional com o uso de TMPnano em relação ao TMPmicro, embora este acréscimo não seja estatisticamente significativo. Quanto ao efeito contra desafios erosivos (2ª fase), um padrão semelhante foi observado, tendo o maior efeito protetor sido observado para os vernizes contendo TMPnano, o qual foi significativamente maior que os demais grupos. O maior efeito dos vernizes suplementados com TMP parece estar relacionado à maior liberação de flúor destes (3ª fase), especialmente TMPmicro, associada à liberação constante de TMP a partir destas formulações(AU)

The present study evaluated the effect of fluoride varnishes containing nanosized sodium trimetaphosphate (TMP) on the remineralization of artificial caries lesions and erosion of dental enamel in vitro. As well as the pattern of F and TMP release from these formulations. The varnishes tested were: Placebo (without fluoride or TMP, negative control), 2.5% NaF, 5% NaF (positive control), 5% NaF + 5% TMP micrometric, 5% NaF + 2.5% nano-sized TMP, 5% NaF + 5% nano-sized TMP, besides a commercial formulation (Duraphat), hereafter referred to as PLA, 2.5%F, 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro, 5%F+2.5%TMPnano, 5%F+5%TMPnano and Duraphat, respectively. In the first phase, artificial caries lesions were induced on bovine enamel blocks (n=168), which were selected by surface hardness (SH). Blocks received a single application of the aforementioned varnishes, remaining in contact for 6 h. Half of the blocks (n=12/group) were used to determine the concentration of CaF2 and FA fluoride formed on the specimens after the treatment with the varnishes. The other half was subjected to a pH cycling model (6 days). The blocks were analyzed for the percentage of SH recovery (%SHR), cross-sectional hardness (ΔKHN), CaF2 and FA retained after pH cycling. The varnishes containing TMP promoted significantly higher %SHR compared to 5%F, without significant differences among the TMP-containing varnishes. A similar pattern was observed for ΔKHN, although the values obtained for 5%F+5%TMPnano were 25% lower than those obtained for 5%F+5%TMPmicro. The highest CaF2 concentrations were promoted by 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro and Duraphat varnishes. The second phase evaluated the protective effect of PLA, 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro, 5%F+2.5%TMPnano and 5%F+5%TMPnano varnishes on initial erosion of bovine enamel. Specimens (n=8), selected by SH, received a single application of the varnishes, remaining in contact for 6 h. Varnishes were then removed and the blocks, submitted to four individual erosive challenges (1 minute, citric acid, 0.75%, pH = 3.5, under stirring) and analyzed by SH after each challenge. Overall, the highest percentage of SH change was observed for PLA, followed by 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro and both varnishes containing TMPnano, with no significant differences between 5%F+2.5%TMPnano, 5%F+5%TMPnano. Finally, the third phase evaluated the pattern of fluoride and phosphate release from PLA, 2.5%F, 5%F, 5%F+5%TMPmicro, 5%F+2.5%TMPnano, 5%F+5%TMPnano and Duraphat varnishes over 24 h, in a pH cycling model. The varnishes were applied on polyester sheets (n=8/group), which were alternately immersed in remineralizing and demineralizing solutions at 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 540, 600, 720 , 780, 960, 1200 and 1440 min after the first immersion. The solutions were analyzed for fluoride and phosphate concentrations. The varnishes containing TMP promoted an increasing, exponential pattern for the cumulative fluoride release up to 6 hours, reaching a plateau afterwards. In addition, higher quantities of fluoride were released when varnishes were immersed in the demineralizing solution. In general, varnishes containing TMPnano released significantly higher amount of fluoride compared to TMPmicro. The results of the 1st phase allow to conclude that the addition of TMP to fluoride varnishes significantly increases its remineralizing potential in artificial caries lesions, with an additional effect with the use of TMPnano in relation to TMPmicro, this increment was not statistically significant. As for the effect against erosive challenges (2nd phase), a similar pattern was observed, with the highest protective effect observed for both varnishes containing TMPnano, which was significantly higher than the other groups. The higher effect of varnishes supplemented with TMP seems to be related to the higher fluoride release from these products (3rd phase), especially TMPmicro, associated to the constant release of TMP from these formulations(AU)

Dental Caries , Fluorides, Topical , Polyphosphates , Tooth Erosion , Dental Enamel , Nanoparticles
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 35(3): 379-794, jul.-sep. 2015. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-765467


Introducción. El impacto de la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares requiere medir la relación entre las condiciones socioeconómicas locales y estas causas de muerte. Objetivo. Determinar la desigualdad en la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares en los municipios del Eje Cafetero (2009-2011). Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio ecológico en el que se comparó la mortalidad por enfermedades cardiovasculares (hipertensivas, isquémicas, cerebrovasculares) en los municipios con base en su situación económica. Los datos de mortalidad y el índice de necesidades básicas insatisfechas se obtuvieron de las estadísticas vitales del Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE), en tanto que el producto interno bruto municipal per cápita se calculó para el estudio. Los índices de desigualdad empleados se calcularon por rangos y en modelos de regresión, así como con los índices de concentración, y de Theil, utilizando el programa Epidat 3.1. Resultados. El riesgo de morir por enfermedad isquémica e hipertensiva resultó mayor en los municipios con el mayor índice de necesidades básicas insatisfechas. La mortalidad por enfermedad hipertensiva también tendió a concentrarse en dichos municipios. Se encontraron más muertes por enfermedad hipertensiva en los municipios con menor producto interno bruto per cápita en 2009 y 2010, y por enfermedad isquémica, en 2010 y 2011. No obstante, este indicador no mide la brecha entre las comunidades pobres. Conclusiones. Se carece de indicadores de desigualdad desagregados a nivel de municipio. Los sugeridos con este propósito se calculan para el nivel nacional y departamental, lo que no favorece la caracterización de las desigualdades sociales en salud a nivel territorial.

Introduction: The impact of mortality from cardiovascular diseases requires the measurement of the relationship between the local socioeconomic conditions and these death causes. Objective: To determine the inequality in mortality from cardiovascular diseases in the municipalities of the Colombian Coffee Growing Region (2009-2011). Materials and methods: We conducted an ecological study to compare the mortality from cardiovascular diseases (hypertensive, ischemic, cerebrovascular) in municipalities and their economic situation. Mortality rates and the index of unsatisfied basic needs were obtained from the Colombian Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE) vital statistics, while the municipal gross domestic product per capita was estimated for this study. The inequality indices were calculated using regression models, and concentration and Theil indices with Epidat 3.1. Results: The death risk resulting from ischemic or hypertensive diseases was greater in those municipalities with a higher index of unsatisfied basic needs. Mortality due to hypertensive disease tended to concentrate in municipalities with a higher level of unsatisfied basic needs. The municipalities with a lower gross domestic product showed a higher rate of deaths due to hypertensive disease in years 2009 and 2010, and due to ischemic disease in years 2010 and 2011. Nevertheless, this indicator does not measure the gap existing among poor communities. Conclusions: Disaggregated inequality indicators at municipal level are lacking. Suggested indicators are estimated only for country and provincial levels and they do not favor the characterization of health social inequalities at territorial level.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cardiovascular Diseases/mortality , Poverty , Socioeconomic Factors , Urban Population/statistics & numerical data , Risk , Cities/economics , Myocardial Ischemia/mortality , Colombia/epidemiology , Needs Assessment , Stroke/mortality , Agricultural Workers' Diseases/mortality , Gross Domestic Product , Social Determinants of Health , Hypertension/mortality
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 35(1): 24-33, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-745647


Introducción. La malaria o paludismo es la enfermedad parasitaria transmitida por mosquitos vectores más frecuente en las regiones tropicales. Debido a diversos factores, incluido el cambio climático, la enfermedad puede aparecer o reaparecer en diferentes lugares del mundo. Objetivo. Describir un brote autóctono de malaria urbana en la ciudad de Armenia, Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Después de la consulta en un hospital de segundo nivel del sur de Armenia de dos niños con síntomas de malaria, cuyo diagnóstico mediante gota gruesa confirmó la presencia de trofozoítos de Plasmodium vivax, se visitó el sector donde residían para la búsqueda activa de casos. Se describieron las condiciones ambientales y socioculturales del sector y se recolectaron e identificaron entomológicamente larvas, pupas y adultos de mosquitos. Igualmente, se implementaron medidas de control y se evaluó su efectividad. Resultados. La búsqueda activa en la comunidad permitió la identificación de 11 casos probables de malaria, de los cuales se confirmaron por microscopía tres casos de malaria por P. vivax en niños. El análisis entomológico de las larvas y pupas de mosquitos mostró la presencia de Anopheles spp ., Anopheles punctimacula y Anopheles argyritarsis. Conclusiones. Se reportó el primer brote autóctono de malaria por P.vivax en Armenia, asociado con un asentamiento subnormal en una comunidad indígena y se constató cómo en los márgenes del río Quindío se presentan las condiciones eco-epidemiológicas que permiten el ciclo de reproducción del mosquito vector de la malaria.

Introduction: Malaria is the most frequent mosquito-borne parasitic infection in the tropical regions of the world. Due to different factors, including climate change, this disease can emerge or reemerge in different areas in the planet. Objective: To describe an autochthonous outbreak of urban malaria in Armenia, Colombia. Materials and methods: After two children consulted a second level hospital located in the south of Armenia with malaria symptoms and their diagnosis was confirmed through the presence of Plasmodium vivax trophozoites detected by a positive thick blood smear, a visit was conducted to the residence of the children. An active search for cases was carried out, the environmental and sociocultural conditions were described and mosquito larvae and pupae were collected and identified. Control measures were implemented and their effectiveness was evaluated as well. Results: The active search in the community allowed the identification of 11 probable cases, three of which were P. vivax malaria cases in children confirmed by blood microscopy. The entomological analysis of mosquito larvae and pupae showed Anopheles spp., Anopheles punctimacula and Anopheles argyritarsis. Conclusion: This is the first report of an autochthonous malaria outbreak by P. vivax in the city of Armenia, associated with the subnormal settlement of an indigenous community. The banks of the Quindío river offer the eco-epidemiological conditions that allow the establishment of the reproductive cycle of the malaria mosquito vector.

Adult , Aged , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Middle Aged , Disease Outbreaks , Malaria/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Indians, South American , Urban Health
Infectio ; 16(3): 140-147, jul.-set. 2012. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-675174


La tuberculosis (TB) representa una de las principales complicaciones clínicas en personas inmunocomprometidas por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Así, cuando las acciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas no son tempranas, el resultado puede llegar a ser letal. Metodología: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo de los casos de coinfección TB/VIH en el período comprendido entre los años 2000 y 2010 en el municipio de Armenia. Se revisaron las fichas de notificación de ambos eventos (Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia en Salud Pública), actas de visitas domiciliarias, tarjetas individuales de tratamiento y certificados de defunción. Resultados: Se incluyeron 113 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de coinfección TB/VIH, lo que representa una prevalencia global de 6,8% en 10 años en Armenia. La edad promedio de los pacientes fue 34,3 años (11 a 68 años), y los más comprometidos fueron los del grupo de 14 a 34 años de sexo masculino (91% en formas extrapulmonares y 75% en pulmonares). La TB extrapulmonar o la miliar predominaron con un 50,4% (n = 57), sobre la TB pulmonar. Las formas extrapulmonares más comunes fueron: ganglionar 50% (n = 32), meníngea 19,3% (n = 11), miliar 8,8% (n = 5), pleural 7% (n = 4), peritoneal 7% (n = 4) y vertebral (mal de Pott) 1,8% (n = 1). En 8 casos hubo presentación mixta (pulmonar y extrapulmonar). La letalidad fue del 100% en pacientes infectados por VIH y asociados con cepas resistentes. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio resaltan la importancia de implementar acciones colaborativas entre los programas de TB/VIH para mejorar el diagnóstico y reducir la mortalidad la diseminación de cepas resistentes.

Tuberculosis represents one of the top clinical complications in immunocompromised HIVinfected people. When diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are delayed, outcomes could be fatal due to imminent progress of this deadly combination. Methodology: We carried out a descriptive retrospective study from registered TB/HIV cases from 2000 to 2010 in the municipality of Armenia. Notification forms from both diseases TB and HIV (SIVIGILA), record of home visits, individual treatment cards and death certificates were used as data sources. Results: 113 patients were included with TB/HIV confirmed tests, which represents a global prevalence of 6.8% during 10 years in Armenia. The mean age among patients was 34.3 years (ranging from 11 to 68 years), and the group between 14 and 34 years and male (91% extrapulmonary and 75% pulmonary forms) was the most commonly involved. According to the disease presentation, extrapulmonary TB form (50.4%, n = 57) was more frequent than the pulmonary form. The frequency of extrapulmonary forms was: ganglionar, 50% (n = 32); meningeal, 19.3% (n = 11); miliar, 8.8% (n = 5); pleural, 7% (n = 4); peritoneal, 7% (n = 4), and Pott’s disease, 1.8% (n = 1). In eight cases both forms presented simultaneously (pulmonary and extrapulmonary). Lethality was 100% among VIH positive patients infected with resistant strains. Conclusions: Our results highlight the importance of implementing collaborative actions between TB and HIV programs to improve diagnosis and to reduce mortality and resistant strain dissemination.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Tuberculosis , HIV Infections , HIV , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary , Retrospective Studies , Mortality , Colombia , Coinfection , Public Health Surveillance
Infectio ; 16(3): 148-153, jul.-set. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-675164


Objetivo: Analizar los factores sociodemográficos y clínicos de los pacientes con diagnóstico de tuberculosis resistente en el municipio de Armenia durante el período 2006-2009. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo con base en la notificación de pacientes con tuberculosis resistentes durante el período de estudio. Los datos fueron tomados de los registros consignados en las fichas de notificación y las tarjetas individuales de tratamiento categoría IV. Resultados: Entre 2006 y 2009, 678 pacientes ingresaron en el programa de control de la tuberculosis. De ellos, 14 casos (2,0%) fueron resistentes al menos a un medicamento, y entre estos, 7 (50%) fueron multirresistentes. El 21% estuvo asociado a infección por virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana. La tasa de fallecimientos en pacientes con tuberculosis con farmacorresistencia múltiple fue del 71%. Se encontró amplificación de la resistencia en 2 casos, quienes presentaron deterioro en el estado de salud y deceso. Conclusión: La situación en Armenia de resistencia a antituberculosos es de proporción similar a la del resto del país. Se encontraron factores de riesgo conocidos en los casos de resistencia (coinfección con virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana, farmacodependencia, abandono social) en la mayoría de casos, pero también de resistencia primaria y sin factores de riesgo con farmacorresistencia múltiple y una alta mortalidad, lo que llama la atención para mejorar la vigilancia y el control de los casos en tratamiento en la ciudad.

Objective: To analyze the socio-demographic and clinical diagnosis of patients with resistant tuberculosis in the municipality of Armenia in the period 2006-2009. Methods: We performed a retrospective descriptive study based on the notification of patients with resistant tuberculosis during the study period, data were taken from registrations under notification forms and individual treatment cards category IV. Results: 678 patients were admitted to the program of tuberculosis control between 2006 and 2009, 14 cases (2,0%) were resistant to at least one drug and from these cases 7 were multidrug resistant (MDR). In 21% of cases there was co-infection with HIV. The death rate in patients with MDR-TB was 71%. Amplification in resistance was observed in two cases which lead to further deterioration in the health status and death. Conclusion: Armenia has levels of resistance to anti tuberculosis drugs similar to the reported in the rest of Colombia. We found factors already know to be associated with resistance (drug addiction, social abandon, HIV co infection) but there were also cases without these factors and with primary MDR and high mortality, therefore is urgent to improve the public health measures for cases under treatment in this city.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Tuberculosis , Clinical Diagnosis , Demography/classification , Drug Resistance, Multiple , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Risk Factors , HIV , Colombia , Substance-Related Disorders , Infections , Antitubercular Agents
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 31(4): 545-551, dic. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635475


Introducción. Los enterovirus están distribuidos por todo el mundo; sin embargo, existe escasa información sobre su circulación en Colombia. Objetivo. Estimar la prevalencia de circulación de enterovirus en niños menores de un año que asistieron a un centro de atención de primer nivel en Armenia, Colombia, en el 2009, e identificar los principales serotipos de enterovirus circulantes. Materiales y métodos. Se tomaron 320 muestras de heces de niños menores de un año de edad. La presencia de enterovirus se determinó mediante transcripción inversa y la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa anidada (RT-N-PCR), empleando iniciadores genéricos de enterovirus. Las muestras que resultaron positivas en la RT-N-PCR, se inocularon en cultivos celulares apropiados para enterovirus. Los aislamientos obtenidos se identificaron por neutralización con la mezcla de sueros de Lim-Benyesh-Melnick. Resultados. Se detectaron enterovirus en 43 de las 320 (13,3 %) muestras de heces mediante RTN-PCR (IC95%: 9,7 a 17,1). Se obtuvo aislamiento viral en 26 de las 43 (60,4 %) muestras de heces positivas por RT-N-PCR. De los 26 aislamientos obtenidos, en 15 se identificó Coxsackie virus B (ocho CVB1, dos CVB2 y cinco CVB5) y 11 echovirus (seis E6 y cinco E30). Conclusiones. La circulación de enterovirus en la población infantil estudiada fue de 13,3 % y los serotipos de enterovirus aislados corresponden con los serotipos de mayor prevalencia global. Los resultados obtenidos indican la factibilidad de emplear la RT-N-PCR como herramienta para vigilar la circulación de enterovirus en muestras de heces.

Introduction. Despite world wide circulation of enteroviruses, little information has accumulated on the circulation of enteroviruses in Colombia. Objective. The prevalence of enterovirus circulation was examined in children under 1 year to identify the most common enterovirus serotypes. Materials and methods. Fecal samples were collected from 320 children under 1 year of age who attended a first-level health center in the city of Armenia, Colombia, in 2009. Enterovirus detection was performed by reverse transcription reaction and nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-N-PCR) using generic enterovirus primers. Samples testing positive in the RT-N-PCR were inoculated into cell cultures susceptible to enterovirus. All isolates were typed by seroneutralization with Lim-Benyesh-Melnick antiserum pools. Results. Overall, enteroviral RNA was detected in 43 of 320 (13.3%; 95% CI: 9.7 to 17.1) fecal samples by RT-N-PCR. Viral isolation was possible in 26 of 43 (60.4%) of the positive samples. Of these, 15 were Coxsackievirus B (eight CVB1, two CVB2, five CVB5) and 11 Echovirus (six E6 and five E30). Conclusions. The enteroviral circulation in a population on newly bornes up to 1 year old was 13.3%;the most frequent enterovirus was the same as those serotypes most commonly isolated in other parts of the world. The use of RT-N-PCR was demonstrably feasible as a tool to monitor the presence of enterovirus in stool samples.

Humans , Infant , Enterovirus Infections/epidemiology , Colombia/epidemiology , Prevalence , Prospective Studies
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 36(3): 390-410, sep. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636361


Introducción: Esta investigación buscó dar cuenta de las características de la atención en salud a las víctimas de violencia sexual en la Red Suroccidental de Bogotá desde la perspectiva de los protagonistas, develando sus narrativas, la atención recibida y las recomendaciones para mejorar tales servicios. Métodos: Investigación social de segundo orden, con análisis narrativo y paradigmático de entrevistas en profundidad y equipos refl exivos. La muestra fue estructural y no probabilística, de 11 personas (4 pacientes, 4 terapeutas, 2 referentes de salud mental comunitaria y 1 familiar de la víctima) pertenecientes a los servicios de atención en salud de Fontibón, Bosa, Kennedy y Puente Aranda, en Bogotá. Resultados: Los lineamientos de política distrital en el tema y la calidad humana de los trabajadores de la salud involucrados son las principales fortalezas. Como aspectos negativos, la defi ciente cobertura de atención en salud mental, barreras de acceso, abandono del tratamiento, cobro por la prestación de servicios, poca intervención de redes sociales, defi ciente captación temprana del caso. Conclusiones: La riqueza conceptual sobre el tema exhibida por los entrevistados debería aprovecharse en planeación participativa de políticas y servicios sanitarios. Debe prevalecer el carácter urgente e integral de estas intervenciones sobre cualquier barrera administrativa entre la usuaria y el restablecimiento de sus derechos en salud.

Introduction: The purpose of this study is to describe the characteristics of health care offered to victims of sexual violence in the Southwestern of Bogotá, Colombia. The characterization is made from the perspective of those directly involved, based on their description of their individual experiences, the quality of the services received and their recommendations for the improvement of these services. Method: We employed narrative and paradigmatic analysis of interviews and group meetings. Sampling was structural and not probabilistic. It included 11 subjects (4 patients, 4therapists, 2 community mental health providers and 1 victim’s family member) from health care institutions in the district of Fontibón, Bosa, Kennedy and Puente Aranda, in Bogotá. Results: Our analysis suggests two positive aspects: the presence of a government-based citywide policy on this subject and the humane qualities of the healthcare workers involved. Negative aspects include the lack of mental health coverage, access barriers, discontinuity of treatment, lack of intervention by social networks and defi cient early detection of cases. Conclusions: The individuals exhibited a degree of conceptual richness in the topic of sexual violence that could be used in the process of planning policies and services in this area. Interventions in sexual violence should be considered urgent and administrative barriers between victims and interventions should be overcome.

Rev. salud pública ; 4(supl.2): 29-30, ene. 2002.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-334954


Un Sistema de Vigilancia para la Toxoplasmosis Congenita puede ser operado satisfactoriamente en las condiciones de los servicios de salud municipales. En el caso de la ciudad Armenia (Quindio) se ha estructurado e implementado un plan de control para esta entidad teniendo en cuenta las capacidades locales de recursos y su organización con un costo razonable de US$11,85 /gestante / año. Un programa de control nacional para la toxoplasmosis congénita que incluya un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica eficiene seria útil para describir más apropiadamente la situación de este evento, sus endencias, identificar mejor los factores y embarazadas con riesgo, brindarles tratamiento oportuno, previniendo asi los efectos de la inección en el feto; ademas aportaria información valiosa para la capacitación del personal de salud y potenciación de las investigaciones en el tema.

Toxoplasmosis, Congenital , Epidemiological Monitoring , Colombia